
Chapter 1


"Alpha please, don't kick me out I have nowhere else to go," I plead, then I change tactics, "why are you kicking me out in the first place? I didn't do anything!"

   He sighs, "the Patrick's have sent in a report of their daughter being attacked by you in wolf form, so I have no choice but to kick you out. You have three hours to get off the pack territory or I'll send the pack warriors after you."

   My mouth drops open in shock, "but-but I explained it to you! She attacked me first, you saw her attack me," I accuse. "If anything I should be sending in a report about her," I growl.

   He drags a hand over his face, "the Patrick's are a very influential family in the werewolf community they've threatened to report me to the royals if I don't punish you."

   "So you're kicking me out to save your position?" I ask incredulously.

   Looking away he waves a hand at me, "leave," when I don't move he growls again, "leave!"

   I stumble angrily out and slam the door, rattling the picture frames on the walls. Why does this always happen to me? This is the second pack I've been kicked out of under false accusations, what the heck?

   Gathering what little I have, I say goodbye to my room and marginally comfortable bed. I didn't have the best accommodations but at least it was something. The only thing I didn't like about this pack was that everyone already had their friend groups, and no one wanted to let in one more person.

   I step out of the pack house and walk until I pass the pack boundary, and that's when it hits me..I have nowhere to go, no friends and no family, I trip over a root and fall on the ground. Tears come to my eyes partly from shock and part from the pain in my ankle.

   "Are you kidding me? I don't need this!" I yell into the empty space, but I'm alone in the woods...there's no one here.

   When night falls I shift into my wolf to keep warm, and cry out in pain when it jerks my ankle, there's no way I can walk on that.

   Suddenly there's thundering steps circling around me, and fear hits me in a blast, I didn't know I crossed into another packs territory. Lightning fast I mask my scent, it's sort of like putting a blanket over yourself but this is just over my scent, I've been able to do it ever since I was young.

   I'm smaller than the average wolf so if I'm lucky this pack might mistake me for a normal wolf or a large dog. If not I'm dead meat.

   The wolves are a foot or to away boxing me in. I cower, like a dog would if she saw ten wolves looking down at her.

   Three pin me down while the others stay alert and look around as if waiting for someone. I yowl when someone steps on my hurt paw and jerk out my good back paw in reaction to it. My claws hit flesh and blood taints the air.

   'What do I do Ali?' I ask my wolf.

   'Just wait all will be revealed in time,' she responds calmly.

   'Do you always have to be so cryptic?' I complain.

   She huffs, 'just relax you little baby you'll figure out in a minute.'

   And she was right.

   The air shifts as a man walks into the clearing, a smoking hot, gorgeous man. Black hair, blue/grey eyes, muscular, and to top it all off he's tall, probably 6'2" or 6'3". And his scent oh he smells so good a hint of strawberry vanilla mixed with a woodsy smell.

   Mate, I sigh, mate? Where did that thought come from?

   'Its obvious you idiot, you're half in love with him already,' Ali comments.

   'You're right, it's just hard to imagine someone like me being with someone like him.'

   'What do you mean?' She acts softly.

   'I'm an orphan, I got kicked out of my pack, and I'm practically a runt, and he sure doesn't look like any of those things,' I reply sadly.

   Ali gives me her version of a hug, sending me warm feelings through our mind link.

   I snap back to reality when I realize the man is only a foot or two away from me and I'm not being held down anymore. I try going to him but I fall down and whine pitifully at him. His face seems to soften as he comes closer to me and starts to pet my head.

   One of his pack members walk up behind him and starts to speak, "I  don't know if you should be doing that alpha it could be rabid."

   "It seems fine to me," he replies in a soft tone, still petting my head. "We'll take him with us."

   I growl lowly at him.

  And he looks confused for a moment before he realizes,"I'm sorry, we'll take her with us," he makes sure to emphasize the her.

   I nuzzle his hand.

   "Jordan," he calls out,"will you come and carry her to the pack house?"

   "Yes alpha," a boy about 16 years old comes next me and tries to pick me up but I growl at him. A couple minutes later, when three other pack members manage to get me into Jordan's arms we set off towards the pack house.

   At first it starts off as quiet whining coming occasionally out of my mouth, but then it turns into heart wrenching cries, where did the alpha go, he's supposed to be with me.

   The people around me cover their ears as it becomes apparent that I'm not going to be quiet. Finally the alpha comes back.

   "What is that terrible noise?" He growls.

   "It's the dog sir she won't stop crying," one of the pack members say.

   I instantly stop as his eyes settle on me, when he goes to turn away, and I start up again.

   He whips around and looks at me again,"hand her to me," he says gruffly. Jason steps forward and puts me in the man's arms, but accidentally brushes my injured paw as he releases me, I whimper.

   My mate looks down "it's ok girl, we'll fix you up," he says soothingly. I melt into his chest as we start walking again.

   I'm half asleep by the time we reach what I think is the pack house, looks more like a mansion to me. I drowsily look at my mate and realize how kind he is for carrying me all this way, I lick his cheek affectionately. And here gasps behind me.

   What is it? Does he not like to be touched? He looks down at me with an unreadable expression on his face, and then leans down and kisses me on the head. I purr happily which sounds more like a growl but I think he gets it.

   The next time I wake up I'm on a soft bed with a cast on my paw. Where am I? How did I get here? I start to panic until I remember what happened with my mate, then I relax.

   "Alpha, her tests came back shes a full-blooded werewolf," a voice outside the door says.

   "That's not possible, my mates voice growls, she doesn't have a scent, all werewolves have a scent."

   "It's come to my attention alpha, of there being some cases where a werewolf has certain abilities as they grow, she could be able to mask her scent."

   When it finally registers that they've found me out I start to panic, even if he does figure out I'm his mate he probably won't except me, and then I'll be treated horribly, I have to escape.

   I limp to the window thankful that the pain isn't as bad as before and shove at the window to open it. When it's about halfway open I hear the door open, and the voices come through.

   "You can only see her for a little while alpha she needs to rest, I don't think she's even woken up yet," that one voice replies,  probably the doctors.

   "That's fine," the alpha says.

   When they notice the empty bed the doctor is the one that panics, "I don't understand alpha she was right here…" he trails off.

   My mates eyes glance around the room until he sees me, I scrabble at the window more frantically but it won't budge. My mate walks up to me, and crouches down so he's my height. 

   "It's okay girl, I won't hurt you, I promise." I stare at him and try to decide if I trust him or not. Trust wins out,  and I lay my head in his lap. He strokes my head and down my spine and I relax more and more into him.

  "Look sweetie," he starts off, "my pack doctor says you're a full-blooded werewolf but I don't know if it's true, nod once if you are."

   I nod hesitatingly.

   "Will you please shift back?" He asks.

   I shake my head no, number one, I'll be naked, and number two, he'll figure out I'm his mate because I can't hide my scent in my human form.

   "Can you think about shifting back in the morning then?"

   'What do you think Ali?'

   'I think he's going to find out that you're his mate somehow it might as well be on your terms.'

   'Ok,' I nod to my mate.

   "Lets go to bed then, since you're so attached to me I'll let you sleep in my bed for just tonight ok?" He asks.

   I nod happily.

   He picks me up and carries me upstairs to his room. He sets me gently on his bed before stripping off his shirt and changing into some sweats. He lays down next to me with an arm around my stomach, this is the best day of my life.






Chapter 2


I wake up to a tingly sensation all around me, and then I realize I'm literally pinned beneath my mate, how did this happen? I try to crawl out from beneath him but it's a little hard with my cast on, and by little, I mean a lot. Also, he's really heavy.

   I whine at him but he doesn't wake up, I keep whining, but he doesn't budge. So I bite his ear, gently of course, but that sure wakes him up.

   "Ow," he glares at me, "what was that for?" 

   I bare my teeth at him and try to shove his body, not that it does much good, but I hope it gets my point across.

   He finally gets it and moves off of me. "I'm sorry I didn't realize I was crushing you."

   He looks and sounds sincere so I guess I'll forgive him. So I lick his cheek in acceptance.

   Strangely enough he gives me that weird look from the other night when I had also kissed his cheek. I wonder what that's about. He lays back on the bed and puts his head close to mine.

   "Last night you said you might change into a human in the morning, do you think you could do it now?"

   I nod, but then shake my head. Of course I couldn't shift right now, he's in the room and would see me naked. Jumping off the bed, I walk, limping to the door. Then I stare at him for a minute before pointing my snout at the door.

   Understanding lights up his eyes, "you'll change if I leave?"

   I nod.

   He jumps off the bed excitedly, "you can use my clothes until we get some for you, they're in the closet," he says pointing to a huge walk in closet.

   When he says that it makes me look for the backpack I brought from my old pack house, but it's nowhere in sight, I must have left it in the woods, great, just great. At least I get to wear my mates clothes, they probably smell just like him.

   That's when I realize I'm all alone, I didn't even hear the door open or close, perfect time for shifting.

   I yank off my cast with my teeth because it'll just break if I shift with it on, the doctor will have to get me a new one for my human form. And then I shift.

   I feel each and every one of my bones break and reforming into human bones, it doesn't actually hurt to shift, I've never learned why that is, unless, you have an injury.

   As my ankle breaks back into a human form my howl turns to a scream. And then I'm gasping in pain. Laying silently on the ground I try to catch my breath and relax. When I finally do, I hobble over to the closet.

   Oh my ...closet. I thought it was big from what I saw but this, this is like the size of my old room, it wasn't that big of a room, but as a closet it's humongous.

   Finding clothes was a little hard because of all the stuff in the closet but finally I find some thinks I think will work.

   I pull on the sweats being careful to jerk my ankle as little as possible, I roll up the bottoms a couple times before they're my length and then tie them at the waist, then I pull on the smallest hoodie I could find, it's still a little big but it works. And then I walk, actually, it could never be called walking what I'm doing, so, I hobble, slowly, down the stairs.

   Panic races through me when I get to the bottom of the stairs, I don't know if I should be doing this. I look at the front door, and then at a hallway where voices are coming from. I could just escape right here, they probably wouldn't come after me.

   'You can't do that Logan, if you leave your mate you'll never know what would've happened if you had given him a chance,' Ali says.

   'I hate to say this, but, you're right, I'll go see him,' I say back to her.

   That's when a man steps out from the shadows of the staircase, I startle and start to fall back but he catches me just before I hit the ground. It's not my mate.

   "Hi," I say quietly.

   "Hi," he says back, "you're the she wolf aren't you."

   I hesitate and then nod, I don't know this guy, obviously, but he seems to be very kind.

   "Do you know where the alpha is?" I ask.

   "He's waiting for you in the kitchen, I'll show you where it is."

   "Thank you, oh, thanks for catching me just barely."

   "No problem, it was my fault for scaring you anyway," he says.

   "It's fine," I smile at him, "lets go to the kitchen."

   He takes my arm to help me with walking, and suddenly I'm in a room filled with so many people I can't count them all.

  My jaw drops when I notice my mate...he doesn't have a shirt on. Last night it was too dark to see anything but now...his six pack is amazing, it's like his chest was carved out of rock, so defined that you think it's unreal, if I don't stop looking at it I'm going to start drooling.

   But then everyone notices me, and their conversations stop. My mate slowly walks up to me.

   "Who are you?" He asks quietly.

   "I'm Logan, the she wolf."

   "Mate," he whispers.

   "Mate," I whisper back.











Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.09.2019

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