
Introduction: Our Roles

We are constantly faced with duties and responsibilities within our personal and professional environments. For example, we are family people. We work with schools and clubs. Our communities require our skills. It is a ceaseless sea of demands and compromises.                

In essence, our roles are a part of being human. As a writer, I am acutely aware of the roles I engage in daily: I am a writer who writes novels, short stories, and poetry. I am also an essayist. As a future blogger, my roles will again be displayed and redefined. In writing, I cannot separate my roles in being a human from my interaction, interconnection, and interdependency on my fellow man. I believe we are fundamentally full of faults but have the nobility to rise above them and be more than the sum of either flaws or royalty through our engagement with one another. To obtain dreams is the property of all mankind and not a right of one race, group, religion, or nationality. Some will disagree, but I would defend their option to do so with much fervor, which is, again, my right.

It is also my obligation to recognize the power of poetry in transforming lives. This is because poetry can reach the deepest hurts of us all and provide healing in some ways. One organization which recognizes the transformative power of words is Split This Rock. It is an organization which understands poetry can transcend the individual and be meaningful in impacting change.

How can we write poetry and not realize the value of language in redirecting, correcting, and rejecting negativity in our collective history? To reject such a notion is


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Bildmaterialien: Lori Truzy
Lektorat: Erin Bernstein
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.06.2016
ISBN: 978-3-7396-5846-9

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I dedicate this book to writers, painters, and composers -- and all other creative people. I also dedicate this book to B.J. DeCoeur.

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