
The Duel

The surroundings are so mysteriously quiet. Aside from the sound of the horse’s steps on moist grass, I can hear the splash of water, which signifies a nearby body. The humble silence of the woods is similar to my state of mind. I am not thinking much. I am physically incapacitated. I just let the happen stances control my path; I am Lavi Squasher, an alchemist, magician, and traveler, now a Vegetable.

His name was Joe D’ Bean. He was a compatriot of mine way back during our childhood years. We went to the same school of magic and were taught of the same things: potions, spells, curses, and alchemy. I was always favored among my fellows. The masters think I have the gift of superficial knowledge and power. He does nothing but practice all day. When we grew unto men, we became sharper. We were given duels to test our knowledge and abilities. There was a time when I have to face Joe D’ Bean. I was 30 at that time and he was 20. There was a cunning look in his eyes and I understand he really is a well-driven young man.
“Alright lads! At the count of three, you may begin.” The old master Cranos shouted.
“1… 2… 3.”
I suddenly felt an electrifying energy cover my entire body. I lifted my right hand right front of my chest and quickly spoke my spell against his. I pushed the thin air fast and firm. In an instant, he fell to the ground. That was easy. I thought.
“Are you okay, boy?” I asked him.
He nodded.
“That was a good spell.” I told him. “And very quick.”
“But not as quick as you are.” He said.
I smiled at him.
On the other hand, there was a growing war between Anjolsians and Stanians at that time. Stanians were everywhere, murdering innocent humans. It was a war between vampire ideologies. The Stanians believed they should be at the top of the food chain so they go on killing men. The Anjolsians, however never liked murdering humans because they have been so used to dealing and living with them. The Anjolsians asked for help from magicians in order to stop the deadly undertakings of Stanians, in which we willfully accepted. The King and Queen of the Anjolsian community begged us to help get rid of the enemies. We made magical stakes that would instantly kill blood-sucking Stanians. At first, it was working well. But after sometime, the Stanians were able to resist the fatal effect. The Stanians became more unstoppable and a lot of humans migrate to avoid. The King and Queen asked us again, that time, it was to separate the vampire world from the human world. The master magicians stressed that it would take us sometime to successfully make it. It might take months before the separation is completed, the King and Queen pleaded and so we vowed to do all that again. When the war was going on, we were helping the Anjolsians do something to make Stanians stay away from humans. I was asked to do something for the crowns prince who also has his own mission far away.
There was a time when Master Cranos spearheaded us into making a powdered potion that when mixed in the air, would weaken Stanians. That will give us ample time to complete the separation of worlds before they blend, into humans again and make them harder to eliminate. We started out early in the morning. We gathered around in a huge bonfire and did our spells into making the ash of the burnt woods to a powdered potion. I felt uneasy at that time. As if something wretched is going to happen. I looked at the huge door of the wooden quarter where we’re in. Uh! I lifted up my right hand into the front of my chest and was about to murmur my spell when the door blasted open. It was too late! Stanians were all around us.
“How in the world…” old Cranos grilled nervously.
“Did we come right on time? Or we’re a little early?” said a sinister voice. It was Gen. David Stringer, head of the Stanian army.
“You are not welcome here, Stanians!” Lyrec Arrot cried.
“YES, THEY ARE!” It was Joe D’ Bean talking. We looked at him with questioning faces as he stepped into the middle. There was a devilish look in his eyes yet he looked extremely calm. He let out a naughty grin.
“I invited them.”
“You couldn’t be…” old Radis is bewildered.
“I invited them because they have a big part to play in this event.” Joe D’ Bean continued. “By this time, they might have taken over part of the Anjolsian kingdom.”
“Why are you doing these, Bean?” old Cranos stepped in.
“Because you are on the wrong side!” Joe D’ Bean said sharply. “Humans are very weak. Why are they dominating the world? Why is it that stronger and more powerful are hiding? We should dominate the planet.”
“So that is why they were able to resist against our stakes and the sun! You helped them,” yelled old Radis.
“Do not make evil decisions, Bean. You might end up miserable,” warned Master Cranos.
“Stop your chit-chats, Bean! And finish them off!” interfered Stringer.
Lyric Arrot cried. “Nobody can do that, we’re immortal.”
“Not with the terminating spell.” Joe D’ Bean uttered firmly.
The room was filled with hush. The terminating spell! The old master didn’t even know how to do it perfectly. It is the hardest of all, especially because you can’t practice it anywhere you want because it will finish everything in the vicinity.
“You can’t be doing that! That’s prohibited!” I cried.
“Not with me. I’ve been practicing that all my life. And just yesterday, I have covered this entire quarter with a Sequester Sheath that would isolate this area from the rest. I guess you’ve been doing that for many weeks now… separating this world from the world of humans! Oh, stupidity! And now, I’m gonna make it a rather bigger practice room.”
“Back off, vampires,” he shouted to the Stanians, “if you don’t want to end your lives here.” The vampires went out hurriedly.
“Make it faster, sorcerer! And destroy all they’re making against us!” Stringer added and he immediately went out from view.
Arrot suddenly lifted his hands into the air and murmured some spells.
No, that will not do.
“Too late Arrot, only my spell will work now.” Bean snapped.
The old masters got ready, trying to do something against this coming vile episode. There is only one thing to be used against death in a time like this. But at second thought it is better to die than to suffer it. I tried to weigh things out, what will happen if we all die? What will happen to the vampire and human world? Will mankind vanish and became a myth forever? Maybe if I will say the Curse Terminus, waiting for the time. I gazed at Lyrec Arrot and he was still murmuring spells. He’ll be fighting it!
The environment has gone yellow. It must be the Sequester Sheath already complete.
I concentrated. I was a human, and I’ll always be even with my strange skills. Who will protect the innocents? If they succeed, only the vile Joe D’ Bean will be left powerful among others!
Joe D’ Bean stood in his full height and closed his eyes. He’s starting!
I kept on thinking. The separation of worlds will be complete in a month or two. I have to decide…
Now! I screamed in my head.
The feeling was intense. I felt sharp blades run through my body. But I was able to manage the pain. I shifted away from where the energy comes from. I have to do the Resistance Spell quick and perfect!
There was a long and huge whoosh followed by an unpleasant sound. The kind of sound you here when your sense of heaping malfunctions. It is really a sound or I have just gone deaf? I tried to move my head but it won’t. Even my fingers are hard to control. I attempted to gain my physical strength through the aid of my elbows. I was able to lift my body enough to bring back the temporary absence of my sense of hearing and make my head shift to the other side. A bizarre sight greeted my eyes.
There lay on the ground fire bodies covered in dust. Neon-green dust, I spew out a neon-green substance which accumulated in my lips. Master Cranos, Radis, Lyrec arrot and two Anjolsians now lay dead in front of me. The air in the room is quiet repulsive, I craved for the open air but my body won’t cooperate. It was like all my nerves have been dislocated.
I laid there trying to gain all my strength back. After a few minutes, I felt some of my systems recuperate. With all my might, I persisted to stand up. When I finally on my feet, I was able to discern the damage the prior event brought to me.
My entire body can be likened to that of a dummy’s. In a while, I thought all my bones are gone. But here they are without nerve-connectors, I suppose, because I can’t control them. It looks like only the head is mine because it only organs are functioning controllably. I even have the thought that I’m in somebody else’s body. It’s like in a dream when you can’t control your movement. I tried to sway my hands through exerting the force in my shoulders. Luckily, they swayed. I tried to lift them up. They moved up but slow and irregular. My knees are bent, I attempted to straight them up but it kind of gave me an excruciating feeling. It’s better bent. I made an effort to walk. Uh! It’s very hard. It’s like learning something for the first time. My foot only moves one inch away from its original place. I aimed for the door. It’s about five meters away from where I stand. This is bad! When will I reach the door? I yearn for the outside. The open air seems so far away. Patience! Patience! I reminded myself.
My whole body moves abnormally. It’s like a dried up vegetable. It is so gross but it’s real.
After about an hour, I finally reached the door. Thanks God it’s open! Or else I would be stuck here forever. Of course, I don’t have the strength to open it. Not in this state.
At last! I reached the open air. I took a deep breath of the air I thought would be denied to me forever. I heard noise of opening gated and marching feet, and villainous laughter from far away.
I traversed down into the woods. I continued walking. My body may be very slow and vulnerable but I did not feel tired walking.
I traversed down into the woods. After few hours, I reached a brook and sat down. I cupped the water through my hands and drank. It tastes good. After a while of resting, I heard footsteps. I tried to hide but before I could stand, it has already reached me. The footsteps I heard were that of a horse with a boy of about 18 on top of it. Basing on the boy’s features, he surely is an Anjolsian. I was relieved.
“What are you doing here, old man?” It was the voice of the boy.
“Drinking!” I answered briefly.
“Where are you going?” he asked. “Don’t you know Stanians are wandering on these places?”
“I’m going away from the castle. Stanians are already there. They want to kill every non-Stanian they see.”
The boy did not seem surprised. “Then hop a board, old man! I’m going to take you away from here. I’m going home to see if my family is okay. I’m going to fetch them away from here.”
I looked at him and his horse gradually. “I really want to ride with you boy, but you see, I cannot lift my body.”
“Well now. I’m going to help you.” He said modestly.
So there I was, going far away from the castle and the chaos that took place in there hoping to see a bright future for the entirety.

The surroundings are so mysteriously quiet. Aside from the sound of the horse’s steps on moist grass, I can hear the splash of water, which signifies a nearby body. The humble silence of the woods is similar to my state of mind. I am not thinking much. I am physically incapacitated. I just let the happen stances control my path. I will let the boy decide where to drop me. Anyway, I have gone distance away from the castle.
We are approaching a small road and it alarmed me. I asked him. “Are we taking the road?”
“Yes,” he said, “I will reach home faster if we travel by road. I am going southway.”
“Then I’m better off here. I’m traveling north and your horse might not be enough to accommodate another man aside from your family.”
“Don’t you want me to take you to the road?” he asked.
“No, thanks.” I answered. “It’s safer to travel in the woods.”
“Well here you go.” He signaled the horse to stop and through his aid, I came down.
“Thank you, boy and have a safe travel.” I told him as he was about to go.”
“Goodbye, old man, and good luck.” And off he went.
I started off the new phase of travel myself. I was exceptionally slow but it didn’t stop me from fulfilling my mission. And that is to stop the Stanains from further sovereiqnty over the world.
It was getting dark and the night is getting colder. I decided to rest a bit and find some food. I settled myself down in plain, bushy area. I sprawled over the bushes and searched my pocket for some food. Fortunately, I found a carrot. In school, we have developed the habit of eating vegetables because our masters say that when we become immortal, we should maintain healthy bodies. I was halfway in eating the carrot when I noticed a flicker of something orange from a distant. It’s as if somebody’s putting a fire. I put the half eaten carrot back in my pocket and decided to go where the fire comes from. After hours of laborious walk, I reached the place. There was a man sitting in front of the fire. Although I was at the back of him and I can’t see his face. I cannot be mistaken. I know this man.
Joe D’ Bean.
I calmed myself.
“I’ve been waiting for you.” He softly spoke as he stood up and faced me, “So, how did you manage to stay alive?”
I did not answer.
“If I were you I should have chosen death than to become the vegetable you are now.” He continued annoyingly.
“I still have my mission, Bean.” I firmly said.
“What mission? Your missions against vampires? Funny!” he laughed. “You know what’s wrong with you, Squasher?” “You are very contented with your abilities. You feel the best among the others.”
“Whatever you say, Bean, I will continue my mission.”
He laughed tremendously. “Your idiotic mission against the Stanians?”
“No.” I readied myself. “My mission against YOU!” I cast my spell as quick as my body can.
He stepped back but it was too late. He was thrown into the bonfire. He struggled to get out but the fire consumed him. He rolled into the ground to stop it from burning more. When the fire was finally put out, he was rolling torpidly on the ground gasping for air. He looked terrible, he looked like a roasted vegetable.
“You told me I’m a vegetable, but you yourself is a roasted one.” I walked closer to him.
When I was nearer, he suddenly rose to his feet. I was shocked but he wasn’t planning to attack me. He stepped back and prepared to run. He was running away from me!
I just stared at him and watch him how he’ll do it. His knees are also bent and he cannot run. He can only walk. It gave me a better feeling but after a while, I realize my physical state. I cannot run too! So, with confidence. I tried to catch up with him. But I can’t. We have stoop bodies and our speed is equally the same, of about 5 mph.
After an hour, we moved 5 meters away from our original place. The place is dark but we continued our snail-like race. Race to the unknown. I can hear the chirp of cicadas but it didn’t make me sleepy, different from good common nights when I lie in my room listening to their noise. Waiting for sleep to come. But the episode is different now. Here I am, trying to overtake a dummy-like man through my dummy like strength.
We were restless all night and we hadn’t realize the sun has risen up from the east. We continued walking through the morning mist. I was still one meter behind him. I know he’s weak since he hasn’t got any time to rest after his mishap. I want to take advantage of this chance and cast him a spell but I don’t know if my strength will allow me too. My hands are wet and shaking from exhaustion and frost. But I continued following him because I might lose this chance when his strength and power equals mine.
We crossed a couple of streams and traversed plains and mountainous grounds. Another day has passed yet we didn’t stop. Day and night, we continued walking. I didn’t know if I ever felt hunger and thirst. I was insensitive to other stimulus. There is only one thing I know and that is to follow him wherever he goes.
Forty days has passed yet we continued our competitive trial of speed. We passed at one village. The village is empty but I can hear uproars of people somewhere. We kept on going until we reached where the rumbling sound came from and it was where my fear enveloped me completely.
The plan to follow the helpless Joe D’ Bean which I thought is a very clever idea turned out to be my greatest mistake. For the place where we are is actually a Stanian Village and which has been occupied by the Stanian army. I gazed back at Joe.
He stopped.
I stopped.
He turned back at me breathing hard. “I didn’t expect you’ll be that stupid!”
“Hey, magician! You call yourself powerful? Yet you come right into the lion’s den!” it was Gen. Stringer laughing. The whole crowd laughed with him, “And look at you,” he walk towards me, “you look like a rotten cabbage!” the whole crowd continued laughing. “A rotten cabbage…who floats while he walks!” And he kicked me hard.
I fell to the ground. It was noontime and the ground is very hot, I did not make an attempt to stand whatsoever.
“Stop it Strigger!” It was Joe D” Bean. “Leave him to me. Today, we’ll have our last duel.” He faced me. “Now, get up dog.”
Slowly, I got up and faced him.
He readied himself with his charm. I just stared at him as he did it. Wham! I was hurled up into the air and fell to the ground. I felt horrendous pain and my vision turned yellow. I’m fainting! I thought. This is the end. I looked steadily in the sky. Yellow sky.
Yellow sky? I tried to remember something. The Sequester Sheath! This is it!
I stood up confidently, I saw the Stanians staring at each other wondering at the yellowish environment. And I saw fear on Joe’s eyes for the first time probably thinking that I will use terminating spell.
“You know Joe.” I said calmly. “I am not the best on the class. It’s you!”
“It’s good of you to realize that by now as I end up all of you.” He said as he composed himself. The Stanians roared with shock and fear.
“You can’t do this to us, Sorcerer!” yelled Stringer.
“I can.” Joe answered back and prepared himself.
“You can’t do that Joe.” I interfered. “Your body can’t. You’ve used most of your energy with that spell.” I told him. “It’s MY turn!”
His eyes widened.
“The Curse Terminus will only work when the incantator has not used any spell before in a span of time but which in your case… your energy will not be sufficient to do it.” I told him earnestly.
He stared at me with terrified face.
“Yeah, I was the one invented it. That’s the reason why the masters treasure me so much.”
I stood in my full height facing the sky, although my legs hurt a lot.
And then I mentioned the Curse Terminus.

The Fruit Express

“How much is a dozen of strawberries?” I asked the fruit seller. I don’t want to buy but my mouth waters every time I glance at them.
He looked at me from head to toe and fixed his eyes on my baggage. “What do you have in there?” he asked irritably.
“Just few pieces of clothes.” I answered.
Then you have not much to bargain with my strawberries.” He said. “But if you like, you can have one piece of strawberry in exchange of your baggage.”
I gave a shrug of non-acceptance.
“Would two be enough?” he kept on.
“No Sir. It’s okay. I think I have to choose other fruits.”
“All the fruits here are expensive. What do you think of this place? The Fruit Express?” he pointed out.
“I know Sir, these are all expensive. That’s why I’m waiting for the Fruit Express.” I looked at the clock of the Apple Station. It’s five minutes past eleven. The Fruit Express will arrive in less than an hour.
“The Fruit Express, huh?” he muttered in disbelief. “Why? To try your luck? I tell you boy, although some gets out wealthy form that train, a lot goes home empty-handed. And I mean empty-handed…all that you have before entering that train can be lost in just a wink.” he explained making some gestures, including the ‘wink’. “And besides you can’t easily pass through the guards without bringing of great value, and in which a few pieces of clothes would be doubtful.” He smiled annoyingly.
I ignored him. I was saving up to my last penny just to be able to ride in the Fruit Express. They say it is a train laden with fruits of all kinds and if you only know how to play the game with the sellers, you will get out a wealthy man. It is more like a gamble inside, they say. I don’t really know I just hear stories about it. All I want is to try my luck and bring home lots of fruits. Ah! Fruits! The most celebrated possession in the world! The thing of greatest value. It makes you young, healthy, and wealthy. If only fruits are as easily-found as money, if only employers pay employees with fruits, not money, then people wont be longing for it too much. I always wish that every tree would bear fruits, but it can’t be, only special trees bear them.
Toot! Toot! I can see smoke from a distance. It is the Fruit Express! I felt nervous. I looked at myself to see if I’m ready.
“I’m ready!”
Toot! Toot! The train is getting nearer. A lot of people rose to their feet. They were sitting in the benches nearby for many hours waiting for the arrival of the Fruit Express. The place is getting noisy and people start to crowd. I stand firmly to avoid being thrown over by the starting commotion. At last the train to load passengers. This is it! I told my self. I walked firmly into the entrance door amidst the load of people. There were guards positioned in every door. The guards interrogate every wannabe passenger. Some successfully went into but there are also those who weren’t able to pass. There are also those who were driven away forcefully because they insist on going in.
At last it was my turn
“Name please.” The tallest of the guards asked.
“Nest…Lanzo Nest.” I answered briefly. He looked at me in the eyes. It was a solid eye to eye contact as if he wanted to assure that I’m a human being. I shifted my view away from his terrifying look.
“Where is your destination?” he continued.
“I don’t have any destination Sir. I go where the journey ends.”
“Is that a joke?” he asked dryly.
“No, Sir.”
“Then get out!” he yelled. The passengers behind were shouting at me to get out of the way. “We can’t accommodate any passenger who doesn’t have any destination. Get out boy! You’re wasting our time.”
“I…I…I’m sorry Sir. But you see, I’m new here. I don’t know of any place here. I would probably get out at the next stop.” I tried to convince him
His stares are now irritated. “Okay.” He paused and looked at my baggage. “What do you have?”
I opened my suitcase and five pieces of gold bars flashed in his very eyes. He didn’t look astounded. He looked calmer as ever.
“Gold. Yeah, gold. Enough to buy two dozens of apples. Get inside!” he announced flatly.
I entered the huge space. I looked at the far left corner of the train. I can see lots of fruit stands as far as my eyes could take. I decided to go in there but somebody blocked my way.
“Excuse me boy, but you cannot go in there yet! Please go to your room first.” It was a white, blond-haired man. He lead into the right side of the train. We passed unto many rooms. Some are big and some are small. We stopped into an orange-door room.
“This is your room. We hope you’d enjoy riding in the FRUIT EXPRESS!” he said unconvincingly.”
“Thank you.” I said.
He walked away torpidly.
I felt disappointed when I entered the room. It was very small. The big size of the whole train is opposite to the room assigned to me. It is painted in orange of about 2 meters in width and length. I don’t know if they gave me this room judging by my height which is only 5’3. I was expecting that the rooms would be large and grandiose like the whole express itself. But no matter what I say, the reality is that I’m going to stay this place. I placed my baggage in the bed, which constitutes fifty percent of the total furniture inside the room. The other one is a table.
I threw my self into the bed and stared at the ceiling. Orange ceiling. I don’t like this color. I remember oranges. Krr…krr... krr… The thought of oranges made my stomach churn. I closed my eyes to forget my hunger.

It’s getting noisy outside. I forcefully opened my eyes, because if I am to decide, I wouldn’t do so because I still want to sleep. I rose up from the bed and walked straight into the door. I opened it and looked outside. People are wandering around. Some have fruits with them. Kr…krr…krr…My stomach is rumbling again. I think I have to eat. I opened my luggage and took one piece of gold bar. This must be enough. I told my self.
I walked out from my room and headed into the fruit stands which caught my attention a while ago.
I cannot believe my own eyes as I watched hundreds of fruit stands with thousands of fruits being displayed. Apples, bananas, grapes, strawberries and many more. There are those which I haven’t seen yet.
“How many apples will you give me with this gold bar?” I frankly asked the fruit seller in front of me.
She keenly looked at the gold bar I was holding. “Four.” She answered.
“Then give me four.” I ordered. She immediately put four apples in the paper bag and handed it to me. I handed her the gold bar. Nice bargain! I thought.
I headed into my room. I passed by the kitchen and chefs were preparing food. Food for the passengers, I suppose.
“Hey, boy!” A big man approached me. I stood shocked as he put his left arm around me and said, “I see you have some gold bar with you a while ago. I’m willing to give a good bargain with that.” He looked at the paper bag I was carrying. “Oh! Where the world is your gold bar?” he didn’t give me a chance to speak. “Don’t tell me you bargained it with…” he searched my paper bag. “FOUR APPLES?”
“I...I...I'm sorry, Sir, but yes, I bargained it with four apples.” I interfered.
“You gotta be kidding, boy! You can have seven apples with that, and then exchange five of your apples with 15 oranges!” He's almost scolding me. “Well, well now, I have been late in approaching you.” He walked away.
I continued walking into my room while thinking about the incident. It happened so fast, I wasn't able to absorb it all. Was I really fooled? Does one gold bar equals seven apples? I kept on thinking as I came in front of my door and as I start to sleep. I forgot about the eating and all.
The next day, I woke up early. I don't really know if it's early because there is no window in my room and my watch is stuck at three. I just thought it is because I felt I only slept a little. I ate one apple because my stomach has finally consumed my entirety. After eating, I put on my jacket and went to wander around.
I started asking again at some fruit seller.
“I...I...I have one gold bar, and I want to buy some apples,” I began.
“Four.” She abruptly said.
“F...Four? That's too little.” I insisted. “Why not ten?”
“That's too much, boy. You gotta be joking! Seven. Yeah, seven. That's the last.”
“Fine.” I cried excitedly. Wow! The man's word was true! You can really have seven apples in exchange of one gold bar! I noticed something in her left. It was a yellow heart-shaped fruit.
“Hey! How much is that?” I pointed at it.
She looked at where I was pointing and she let out a grin. “That's not for sale. That's a mango fruit. It's only on display.”
I can't believe it. I always thought mangoes are mythical fruits. I always thought they do not exist. “Why! I always thought they do not exist. Where did you get it?”
“Well, now you do. And for your information, they are the hardest to find and I got this from an old man. I've bargained almost all my possession just to have that.”
“How much would you be willing to bargain it?”
She studied me carefully. “Even your soul wont be enough.” And she laughed heartily.
I left her who was still laughing and I went back in my room then feasted on my apples. I haven't eaten so many fruits before in entire life! I have been so full that I didn't notice I have slept for the rest of the day.

The next morning I went directly into the fruit stands and brought with me the remaining golds. I'm going to try more of my luck this time! I went into the female fruit seller that blocked my view. She is selling strawberries.
“How much...”
“Three dozens per gold bar. But, I can see that you have four. So...that would be...12 dozens of strawberries and specifically, 144 pieces of these...delicious strawberries!” she fully explained.
“Well, then...give me 12 dozens.” I don't know why I said that but that was what I really thought is right. I stared at the fruit seller put the fruits in the bag.
“Here, it is...thank you!” as she reached for my golds.
“Welcome.” I said then went away.
While on the way, my mind is still left at the fruit stand. Was I an idiot for that? Maybe the apples should have been better to bargain. I don't know.
Clang! Clang! Clang! There was much noise on the far side of the train. I followed it and the source of such noise surprised me a lot. For there were variety of table games and entertainment in the area. There were 'Melon Shooting', 'Grape Bowling', ' Hit the Fruit' and many other entertainment games of the like. The 'Grape Bowling' is very funny. You have to bring down small-sized bowling pin through a single grape fruit. But what really caught my attention was 'Bargain Your Strawberrain!”. There has been about 10 people around the playing site. One man is playing. There was a big screen in front of him showing 24 briefcases. He chose to open #24 and then the briefcase was zoomed. It opened and a note flashed in the screen '3 DOZENS'. I waited for the man's next action. He lifted the bag he was holding and I saw that there are a lot of strawberries there. He dropped exactly 3 dozens of strawberries in a hole under the monitor. It seemed like a piggy bank to me. I remember dropping coins in one. After he'd done it, the '3 DOZENS' note on the screen blinked at once and changed color. From dull white to pink. It closed again and we waited. The man playing is seriously staring at it. Finally, the briefcase #24 opened and a shiny note bears: “Congratulations! You just won 3 dozens of apples, 4 dozens of oranges and 5 dozens of strawberries. Keep playing!”
Wow! That was awesome! I want to try my luck in there. I have 12 dozens of strawberries and I'm willing to give it all for a better return. I was about to go into but somebody blocked my way. A woman, but way way taller and bigger than I am. She insisted on going in.
“Ladies first.” I whisper-muttered to her I don't really believe in that but I have to say it in order to save my pride. She would be able to get in first before me. She is way stronger than me.
She positioned herself in front of the monitor. The same game. She chose briefcase #12 and it flashed that she needed to deposit one dozen of strawberries which she did so. The same thing happened. The briefcase opened again and rewarded her four dozens of oranges. She looked tremendously happy. She continued playing. She chose another briefcase. That time, briefcase #13. It required her to deposit five dozens of strawberries. She was so excited as she put as she put her remaining five dozens into the opening. She looked obviously thrilled. I moved closer to see the results clearly and so that I'll be the next to play. Briefcase #13 opened again and the note bore: “Sorry! you just lost your four dozens of oranges. Just continue playing.” I was confused. Suddenly, two of the big men around the playing site moved to get the four dozens of oranges from the woman. She had nothing to do because the men were really gigantic. They put the oranges back in the hole. The men around us were actually gamekeepers. I stood shocked at what I just witnessed. The woman went away. I was about to move back but the remaining eight blockaded my way.
“We thought you're playing, Sir.” The voice seemed like a thunder. I looked at them wide-eyed although looking at them only made me more nervous. They were surrounding me like huge fences. “A...Actually, I'm playing!” I walked in front of the monitor. I will just do what they want me to, just this time! I did the same thing. I chose number 24. I was hoping it would be as lucky as as it was before. It required me six dozens. I stared at it nervously as the note appeared: “Sorry! You just lost your baggage. Just continue playing!” I stared at it with mouth half-open. What? My baggage? That's all I have aside from what I' wearing and the strawberries I'm carrying. Isn't it below the belt? I looked behind me. The big men were all looking at me. Two of them went away. They must be going to my room and get the baggage. How would they know my room? Ah! I don't know most of the things happening here. I looked at the monitor again and then to the men. Their stares went down into my remaining strawberries. Okay! I'm going to play one last time! One last time! I chose #1. I was doing my best to calm my self. My hands are shaking. And more unfortunately, the briefcase required me to put another 6 dozens of strawberries. Six dozens? That's all I have left! A lot of things are going on in my mind. Am I really this ill-fated? Will I go home empty-handed? I put the 6 dozens into the opening and waited closely at my fate. Finally, the briefcase opened again and the note shone bearing: “Sorry! You just lost the privilege to continue riding in the Fruit Express!” There was one second of silence and then the big men behind started laughing out loud. And all those in the neighboring booths were doing the same. I was ashamed and at the same time afraid. Afraid to go out of the train with nothing.
Somebody tapped my shoulder. “Hey, boy! I think you've overstayed.” It was one of those big men. He held my arm. I did not resist because it would be useless. I followed them. I don't want to get out yet but at the same time, I want to escape the whole place. The stares of the people made me feel like I don't belong. I don't know what the big men did but in a short while, the train stopped. The crowd continued to giggle. They took me into the guards. A familiar face approached us. It was the tallest of the guards. It was the one who interrogated me in the entrance. He was smiling. It's as if he's so happy to see me on that state.
“Glad to see you again, Nest. This time, I'm gladder to see you exit the train.” He laughed as he opens the door. The view outside terrified me. The train stopped in a cliff! How will I step out? Before I could think of a way, they pushed me out. I fell down. Terror has enveloped me. I was able to hold on the edge of the cliff. What are they trying to do? Are they trying to kill me? This is more like in the movies I saw!
“By the way, Nest! You told me you're getting out at the next stop. Well, this is the next stop!” and the guard slammed the door.
I couldn't say anything back. I was holding for my life. I tried to hold on but my weight won over my strength. This is the first time that I ever regret about not doing any exercise to control my weight and to strengthen my arms. I cannot hold longer and I rolled down into the steep slope. Down and down into the bushy area. I was still fortunate because it was a soft grassy cliff. I landed on some smooth plumpy grassland. I felt dizzy. For a moment, I thought the whole world's rotating. My whole body is shaking although not in pain.
I lied still for several minutes to bring back my original body condition and to ponder on my very unfortunate life. I can't believe this is happening to me! All this years, I saved all the money I got from work just to lose it a span of...more or less 48 hours! I stood up and looked around. I was surrounded with trees. It was a very cool place and I felt so relaxed. But what really caught my attention was that the trees bear fruits. Yellow heart-shaped fruits. I stared at them wide-eyed and open-mouthed. I can't believe my own eyes...and luck?
“Mangoes?” I asked my self.


Texte: Illustrations prepared by Lavish Sarael
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.12.2010

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To my dear self, for being always there for me.

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