
Chapter 1

“Please fasten your seatbelts, ladies and gentlemen, we’re beginning to land.” Doreen’s high pitched, peppy voice rang out over the speakers, pulling me out of my slumber and making me jump.

“Have a nice nap?” Zane asked from beside me and I gave him a nod.

“Yes…You’re quite a comfy pillow,” I replied as I re adjusted my seat belt.

“Well, I have to say that’s the first time I’ve been told that,” he said as he ran his fingers lightly through my light blonde hair to untangle it.

“Thanks,” I said as I bent over to give him a kiss on the cheek. Before my lips even touched his skin someone behind us broke into a coughing fit, I sighed and leaned back into my seat. “You okay mom?” I called back and I heard Sierra trying to hold back her laughter, unsuccessfully.

“Oh yes dear, I’m fine,” she replied, a smug tone to her voice.

“Sorry,” I whispered to Zane and he let out a quiet chuckle.

“It’s fine Summer, I’m just glad to have you alive and well,” he replied and I looked up at his brilliant blue eyes.

“Oh yeah? Well I’m just happy to have you, period,” I challenged and he flashed me one of his blindingly white smiles.

“But you always had me,” he said as leaned in and gave the tip of my nose a quick kiss.

“Aw aren’t you two just so adorable?” Stephanie called from across the aisle way, “Quick Lance, toss me that paper bag, I think I’m going to hurl!” Lance pretended to be deeply concerned as he tossed her the bag and she pretended to vomit into it.

“Oh stop!” Sierra said as she reached forward and ripped the bag out of Stephanie’s small hands. “They are cute and you know it!” she insisted as she gave me a wink.

“Oh yes, I agree,” my mom chimed in, “I think they’re quite

an adorable couple.” I blushed a deep pink as my friends all burst out into laughter and I pulled out a magazine to hide the embarrassment on my face. Really mom?

I thought sarcastically, Why don’t you just team up with Stephanie and you can both make fun of me together?

I slumped forward in my chair and Zane put a comforting hand on my shoulder.

“Don’t worry, she’s just kidding around,” he whispered as he pulled the magazine down so that I was looking into those beautiful blue eyes that I love so much.

“I know, I just forgot what it was like to live with my mom,” I whispered back and he let a soft chuckle escape his lips.

“Alright ladies and gentlemen, your flight has now landed. Welcome to Venice, Italy.” Doreen’s loud, high pitched voice rang out over the speakers and I let out a squeal of excitement.

“We’re actually here!” I whisper screamed to Zane and he gave me a big smile, one that showed off his adorable dimples.

“Excited?” he asked and I gave him an eager nod.

“You bet I am! This is actually the first time I’ve left the U.S.,” I said with a big smile as he got up and took our luggage from one of the male attendants.

“Well it’s bound to be an adventure,” Zane replied as he tossed one of my bags over his shoulder.

“Want me to help?” I asked and he shook his head.

“It’s okay, I’ve got it.” I smiled proudly as my mother gave me a wink and smile.

As we filed off of the plane I bit my tongue to keep from yelping out in excitement. Sierra linked her thin arm through mine and bent over to whisper, “I heard the scenery here is stunning.” I gave her an eager nod and we happily took to sprinting down the jet’s steps. Once we reached the bottom we both let out gasp of shock. “It’s gorgeous,” I heard Sierra whisper as I looked at our surroundings. The sun was just setting on the horizon, giving the water around us a glistening effect. Buildings lined up to the dozens; everywhere you looked there was a canal. The boats in them were stunning too, each holding their own unique design and carving. There were people all over, in the streets, in the canals, and on the balconies of their homes. Many of them cast smiles in my direction, some even waved.

“Like it?” Zane asked from behind me and I nodded my head vigorously.

“Alright, take a picture it’ll last longer,” Stephanie called from behind us as Lance hurried out behind her, both of their many luggage bags in his arms.

“So where do we go from here?” I asked, ignoring Stephanie’s rude comment and turning to face my mother.

“Well, we’ll need to take a taxi to the hotel we’re staying at,” Linda replied and Stephanie let out an exasperated sigh.

“Hotel? Taxi? How down grade can we go?” she sulked and Lance patted her shoulder lovingly.

“It’s okay, maybe it’ll be one of those 5 star hotels, the ones that have a penthouse for each person,” he said and Stephanie’s eyes lit up at the idea.

“Well let’s go,” she replied as she turned and began walking towards the street.

“Wait Steph, where are you going?” Zane asked and she turned back around, eyes blazing with annoyance.

“What have I told you about calling me ‘Steph’? And, what the hell are you a moron or what? I’m going to catch a taxi for us, keep up Zane!” she said as she scowled at him, Zane’s smile widened and Sierra let giggles escape her lips.

“Stephanie, we’re in Italy,” I said as I bit my lip to hold back my laughter.

“Wow, no freaking way!” she said sarcastically and my smile widened.

“Yes, freaking way, and since we’re in Italy, we take water taxies, they don’t use cars here.”

Stephanie’s jaw dropped, “Excuse me? I’m not climbing into some filthy boat just to get to the hotel, and no cars? What kind of place doesn’t have cars?!” she exclaimed and Lance grabbed her hands and steered her back, towards the rest of us.

“They use cars, just not a lot, the water canals are used a lot more, waiting for a land taxi would take hours,” Lance said as he waved his hand and a large, bright yellow boat steered itself in our direction.

“I can’t get on that” Stephanie stated as her eyes clouded with fear.

“Wait! You’re a guardian and you’re afraid of water?” I asked and she flashed her angry eyes up at me.

“The term ‘guardian’ doesn’t mean I’m a God! Yes! I’m afraid of water!” she snapped at me, she tried to make her voice sound annoyed but I could hear the distinct fear in her voice.

“It’ll be fine, I won’t let go of you till you’re on land
again,” Lance promised as he pulled her into his embrace.

“How many are boarding?” the driver called and my mom turned around and pointed her finger at each of us, her lips whispering as she counted.

“That’ll be six, one way!” she called back then motioned for us to follow her as she hopped down into the boat. Sierra, Zane and I all carefully jumped down into the large yellow boat and took a seat next to my mother, waiting for Lance and Stephanie to follow.

“I’m coming,” she announced as she stretched her foot tentatively over the boats ledge then pulled it back quickly. “Lance, you get in first, that way you can help me in.” Lance gave her a quick nod then jumped in and held out his arms.

“Just step in carefully, I’ll catch you if you fall,” he said as he gave her a reassuring smile, her face paled.

“Okay, I’m going to- AH!” the heel of her Jimmy Cho’s slipped on the slick siding of the boat and she toppled head first into the murky canal water. Everyone nearby gasped, some held back laughter, others showed looks of concern as Zane and Lance rushed over and reached down the side of the boat. Stephanie’s head broke the surface and she began shrieking and flailing her arms wildly.

“EW! Help me! Oh my god, oh my god, I’m going to die! Help me!” she screamed as she continued to wave her arms around herself.

“Grab my arms, it’s going to be okay,” Lance called down to her as he stretched his arms till they were within her reach. The murky green-brown water around her made slopping sounds as small waves slapped against the boat. She reached up her thin arms and grasped both of Lance’s hands. Zane reached over farther and wrapped his arms around her waist, hoisting her up and over the ledge.

Stephanie looked like she could breathe fire. Her normally perfectly styled hair was wet and clinging to her forehead, her mascara and eye liner were running down her face and her one of kind dress was soaked. “You know-” Zane began but she held up a manicured finger.

“Don’t talk to me.” She stomped over and sat down away from the rest of us, wringing her hair out and wiping blindly at the black circles under her eyes. I let out a sigh and grabbed my purse, swinging it over my shoulder as I walked over and sat down next to her.

“These should help with that,” I said as I put a makeup removing pad in her hand.

“Thanks,” she said as she began vigorously rubbing under her

“Want a sweatshirt, you look pretty cold?” she looked up at me with her sad, vulnerable ocean blue eyes.

“Just because I’m wet and cold doesn’t mean I’m going to start wearing your clothes, I think I’ve had enough humiliation for one day,” she said and her normal, superior smile returned.

“Feeling better?” Lance asked as he tentatively approached us.

“No, I just fell into sewage water, of course I’m not feeling better,” she snapped and Lance recoiled.

“I’m really sorry that-”

“Would you shut-up and come sit next to me?” she said and Lance smiled.

“I’d love to,” he replied and I got up to leave them with some alone time.

“How is she?” Zane asked as I plopped down next to him.

“Well, she’s…Stephanie,” I said and he laughed and gave my forehead a kiss.

“It was nice of you to go talk to her,” he whispered into my ear and I giggled nervously as my mother’s gaze zeroed in on us.

“Well, I figured if I’d fell into that water, I’d want someone to take out my anger on,” I said and Sierra giggled next to me.

“Well that, my friends, is what you call karma,” she said and the three of us burst into laughter.

“Do you like Italy?” Sierra asked after we’d gotten a hold on our laughter.

“Yes, it’s so beautiful here!” I exclaimed as I looked around at the scenery once more.

“I can think of prettier things,” Zane said and Sierra let out a snort.

“Nice one,” she said to Zane as she bent down and whispered in my ear, “He’s a keeper.”

“I know,” I whispered back, then leaned my head onto Zane’s shoulder, looking up into the bright blue eyes that I love so much.

“I never got to thank-you,” I said and he gave me a confused smile.

“Thank me for what?”

“For rescuing me, silly,” I said as I reached up and gave
his lips a short peck.

“Any time you need it, I’ll be there,” he said as he stroked my hair lovingly.

“I just might take you up on that offer,” I said and the driver blew the horn loudly.

“We’ve reached Destination 1; Passengers staying at the Flora Rome Marriott may step off carefully now.”

Chapter 2

Zane shot me a smile and I gave his hand a squeeze as we waited patiently to exit the boat. My mother gave the driver a wave and swung her legs over the edge and onto the platform, motioning for us to do the same. Zane jumped out first then locked his arms around my waist and lifted me up and out of the boat. I smiled gratefully as my feet touched the ground and Sierra hopped down next to me.
“Think she’s coming?” Sierra whispered in my ear as we both looked back at a statue looking Stephanie. Her thin arms clung to Lance as he stepped out first and gripped her stomach.
“It’s okay, on the count of three, okay?” he asked as he gave her a reassuring smile. “One, two…” he tightened his grip and lifted her up then set her gracefully back down.

“Is it over yet?” she asked, her eyelids still glued shut.

“Yep, you can open your eyes now,” Lance whispered as he planted a romantic kiss on her lips.

Stephanie smiled as she fluttered her eye lashes and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Wait, is this where we’re staying?” Sierra asked and for the first time, I turned around and took a look at my new home.

To say it was huge, would be an understatement, it made Kyle’s mansion look like a playhouse. The most incredible part of it was the immense detail and age the building itself held. I gasped and gave Zane’s arm a squeeze.

“Yes, this is where we’re staying, now follow me,” My mother said as she pushed the heavy wooden door open and walked over to a desk.

As I followed my mom in I surveyed the room around us, the walls were decorated heavily with traditional emblems and other artifacts. The floor was mainly wooden but had rugs covering most of it, and it was mostly empty except for a small woman sitting at the desk in front of us.

“Hello, we’re the Charard party; may we have our room key?” My mother asked as she dug into her purse then flashed the woman her ID card.

“Ah Charard, no chaive needed,” she said as she got up to greet us.

My mother’s face turned to confusion as she shook the woman’s hand. “Chaive, do you speak English?” my mother asked and a younger woman stepped out from around the corner.

“She speaks some, but not all. I can translate for you,” the woman replied as she shook my mother’s hand and shot us a smile. “I am Jasmine.”

My mother smiled and replied, “Well Jasmine, I’m Linda Charard, we need our room key please.”

Jasmine’s laugh sounded like wind chimes as she shook her head at my mother. “No, it seems you were booked as a private party, no room key, just a house-like one,” she said as she hand my mom a sturdy looking metal key.

“Wait, so we’re the only people staying here?” Stephanie asked and as Jasmine nodded she let out a shriek to match mine as we giggled happily.

“You fare il bagno?” The woman at the desk asked and Jasmine gave us an apologetic smile.

“No Aggie, you go water the plants,” Jasmine said and the woman nodded and walked out.

“My apologies’, that is Agnolla, the owner, she was asking if you wish to bathe,” Jasmine explained and Stephanie snorted.

“Show me the freaking way!” She yelled out as she picked her bag up off of Lance’s shoulder.

“This way, Miss,” Jasmine said as she walked off down a side hallway, Stephanie right on her heels.

“Want to go check out the rooms?” I whispered to Zane and he smiled.

“I think your mother might want to check them out with you,” he whispered back and I glanced over to see my mom’s heavy gaze on us. I sighed and gave his lips a quick kiss.

“Mom, I’m going to go check out the rooms, okay?” I said and Sierra leapt up from her perch on her luggage.

“I’ll go too,” she said as she swung her bags over her shoulder and walked over to my side.

“Have fun dear,” My mom called after us as we started up the long staircase.

I took the steps two at a time as I raced up the stairwell, the anticipation of seeing my room getting the best of me. I kept running until I reached the door that had SUMMER written across it. I looked over my shoulder and saw SIERRA printed across the door behind me and smiled as I turned the handle and pushed it open. Inside, the room was gorgeous. In the center, the biggest bed I’d ever saw sat royal blankets and all with pillows covering it in rich colors and a canopy draped elegantly over it. I ran over and looked out the window; the view was stunning display of the sunset.

“Gorgeous isn’t it?” Zane’s voice startled me and I jumped despite myself.

“You scared me!” I scolded him as I grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him close to me.

“You know what?” he whispered into my ear and I giggled.

“What?” I whispered back as I buried my face into his shoulder.

“I love you,” he whispered then gave my lips a kiss and I
smiled up at him.

“I love you too,” I replied and standing on the tips of my toes, I put my arms around his neck and pulled myself up, wrapping my legs around his waist. “I love you a lot

,” I whispered seductively and he smiled as I blew on his ear then kissed him softly. As I leaned my face closer to his I heard a distinct knock on the door.

“Hon, are you in there?” My mother’s voice called through the thick wooden door and my cheeks flushed bright red as Zane carefully helped me back to the ground and I pulled my dress back into place.

“Yeah I’m in here mom,” I called to her as I motioned for Zane to hide. He nodded and quickly stepped into my huge walk-in closet.

“Just wondering how you like your room, Sierra was quite impressed with hers,” Linda said as she walked in and set down a suitcase.

“Yeah it’s great,” I replied as I went over and sat down onto the oversized bed.

“So…when did you meet Mr. VanLouge, he’s quite a charmer,” she said and I let out an embarrassed sigh.

“Can we not talk about this…ever?” I asked and she chuckled and clucked her tongue at me.

“No, but we can talk later, after you’ve unpacked,” she said then turning towards the door added, “And I haven’t forgotten about tomorrow, dear.” She smiled and walked out, shutting the door behind her.

“Tomorrow, what’s tomorrow?” Zane asked I blushed as he sat down next to me.

“It’s my birthday, I’m turning 18,” I replied and his smile widened.

“18’s a pretty big number…We’ll have to do something extra special,” he replied and I giggled.

“I’d rather just spend some alone time with you,” I whispered and he hopped up off of the bed before I could kiss him.

“Nope, no alone time, at least not during the day, you’re turning 18, it’s got to be memorable,” he replied and I could practically see the gears turning in his head.

“Alrighty then, but if I get a wish, I’m wishing for me and you,” I said joyfully as I lightly pushed him towards the door.

“You’re kicking me out already?” he asked and I sighed.

“Yep, sorry, but if the birthday girl is expected to look nice, she needs her beauty sleep.” He gave me a full on dimples and all smile then turned and opened the door, giving me one last look before shutting it behind him. I sighed and flopped backwards, my head hitting the soft cushioned fabric of the pillows. “Night Venice,” I whispered to myself then closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Chapter 3

Thump! Thump, thump, thump! I turned my head and opened my eyes slightly. “Hello?” I asked in a tentative voice and someone from beside me laughed.

“Wake up, Summer.” I sat straight up in a flash, my guard back on.

“Viktor, show yourself!” I yelled at the darkness surrounding me and I felt shivers run up and down my spine.

“Summer, run!” Alonzo ran up to me and grabbed my arms, dragging me with him as he continued to run.

“Wait, what’s happening?” I asked him, my voice tight with fear, “why can’t I leave the dream, why can’t I change the setting!?” My voice was strained with panic as he pulled me off into a side alleyway.

“You can’t transport yourself out of all dreams Summer, just some, and right now, he’s trying to kill us.” My already pale face drained of its remaining color as I clung to them.

“Please, help me!” I begged him and he smiled.

“Don’t worry Summer, we’re leaving this together, just stay quiet and we’ll both be safe,” he whispered back then pulling me down with him, he crouched behind a nearby stairwell.

My heart thudded heavily in my chest as Viktor’s footsteps neared but I bit my tongue, and did as I was told. “Summer, Alonzo, I only wish to speak! Now come out!” he commanded and I felt my anger flare up.

“Why is he doing this?” I whispered to Alonzo and reached back and covered my mouth with his hand, something I despise greatly, but put up with. I saw Viktor’s legs creep into my view and I was positive he could hear my heart that was beating crazily in my chest. His shoes paused for a moment, making my hold my breath, then he took off running in the direction he’d came from. We waited at least 20 minutes before Alonzo removed his hand and help me up.

“Where is your necklace?” Alonzo asked as I brushed gravel off of myself.

“It’s in my luggage bag, why?” I asked and he chuckled.

“You must wear it Summer, without it, he may overpower you,” he insisted and I glanced back over at him.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t see you wearing a big pendant, and you’re perfectly fine.” Alonzo laughed quietly pulled up his shirt sleeve to expose a pocket watch clipped around his wrist like a bracelet. “So that’s like my necklace?” I asked and he smiled at me. His tanned hands felt for something on it, then pressed down and it popped open. Instead of the clockwork that I was expecting, a gorgeous gem was present, sparkling beautifully in the moonlight.

“Come with me, there is something I’d like to show you now that you aren’t running away,” he said as he grabbed my hand and started off. We walked for awhile until we came up to a beautiful lake, the moonlight bounced off of it, making it shimmer.

“It’s beautiful,” I whispered and he smiled.

“Yes, I thought so too,” he said and I noticed he had a sad air about him.

“Where is this?” I asked and he turned to face me.

“It’s in Italy, maybe you’ll visit it,” he said with a smile, but his voice was heavy with sadness.

“How do you know about this place?” I asked and then I bit my tongue, my words seemed to make his sadness worse.

“I used to live here; it’s a lovely little town, just east of Milan.”

I smiled and patted his shoulder, “Well, that means it’s nearby, of course I’ll visit, and it’s the least I can do for you saving me.” He turned away from me and my hand slipped off his shoulder.

“Maybe I shouldn’t go?” I asked and he shook his head quickly.

“No I want you to go, I’m fine, really,” he assured me and I felt he was convincing himself more than me.
“How did you know that I’d find that necklace?” I asked finally, breaking the silence and he turned to face me, confused.

“Well, it was stolen from that building just after the dream, I guess I just assumed it’d been you, then when I asked about it, you seemed to think nothing of it,” he explained and I giggled.

“I didn’t steal it from Italy! But I suppose I did end up ‘stealing’ it from the Landon’s, I was going to put it back but they weren’t very kind to me,” I said and he looked up at me with confusion.

“Weren’t very nice? They’re thief’s!” he said in an outraged tone.

“No, their Tanghar,” I said and he gasped.

“You were confronted with a family of Tanghar?” he asked and I couldn’t hold back my laughter.

“No, I dated the son of Viktor, the man who stalked us tonight, they had me right where they wanted me, even got me to agree to go to his house and ‘meet his parents’,” I finished and Alonzo’s jaw dropped.

“How did you make it out?” he asked intrigued.

“Well it’s rather a long story-”

“I think we have time,” Alonzo said with a smile and I giggled.

“Yes, I suppose we do.” As we sat down onto the grass I retold my adventure, reliving the terrible time in my head, at some points he would interject asking things like, ‘No way!’ or ‘That really happened?’ and they made me laugh because I realized his mood was nice and happy again.

“So will you be there if I go to visit?” I asked him after I was finished telling my story, his lips frowned at this.

“Yes, I suppose I will be,” he said and I smiled.

“Good, I’d love for you to meet my friends,” I said as I leaned back onto the grass, he stayed sitting upright, his shoulders rigid.

“Have you ever been in love?” I asked suddenly, the words slipping out before I could catch them.

“Yes, I do believe I have been in love before,” he said solemnly as he turned to face me once more, “I’m guessing you have also?”

I smiled and nodded, “Yes, I love him more than I’ve ever loved anyone, so much that I think I’m insane sometimes, without him, I don’t know what I would do,” I said and Alonzo nodded.

“Indeed, once we fall in love, we become attached,” he said and I looked up at him.

“Wait, do you mean the Livid Children ‘become attached’?” I asked and he laughed.

“No Summer, people in general, when you really love someone, and I mean really love, then you are both one, not two, therefore you become attached.”

“Oh,” I sighed and Alonzo leaned back and laid down next to me. “The stars are beautiful,” I whispered and he smiled.

“Do you make wishes?” he asked and I smiled.

“What would I wish for, I’m happy already?” I asked and then thoughts of wishes popped into my head. ‘For mother and father to not get divorced, for the Tanghar to be ended, for everyone I love to finally be happy again,’ I thought silently and then I turned my head to its side so that I was look directly at Alonzo. “Do you ever wish?” I asked and he chuckled.

“Sometimes,” was all he replied then I decided to change the subject.

“It’s my birthday tomorrow,” I said as my lips curled into a smile, “I’m turning 18!” Alonzo sat up, a smile across his lips.

“Happy early birthday Summer, you’re finally an adult,” he said and I frowned.

“No, I was considered an adult after I left school for Venice, now I’m old enough to make my own decisions.”

Alonzo glanced over at me, “Haven’t you already been doing that?”

“Well, I had been doing that, but now that my mom’s traveling with us…let’s just say if my birthday wasn’t tomorrow, I’d go crazy,” I said and then he pulled up his other sleeve, exposing a wrist watch.

“Well, congratulations Summer, it’s 2:00, so you’re officially 18!” he exclaimed and I squealed.

“Really, I’m actually 18,” I stated and then I jumped up danced around, a confused Alonzo watching me.

“Is that your birthday dance?” he asked once I was finished and I shook my head.

“No that’s my, I-survived-through-all-of-this-craziness-and-I-actually-turned-18, dance,” I said and he laughed. I sighed and laid back down, my dance having taken all of my energy, I felt exhausted. “We can still sleep here, right?” I asked and he nodded.

“Go ahead, I’ll keep an eye out for anyone who might disturb you,” he said and I smiled gratefully.

“Thanks, and don’t worry, even if I have to go there today, I’m going to visit here,” I whispered and I felt his hand pat my shoulder.

“Thank you Summer, you are an incredible girl.” To this, I smiled and then I closed my eyes.

My mind continued to have thoughts race through it, my body protesting, insisting that I should rest. The small lake next to me was making soft slapping noises against the mud next to us and this seemed to calm me, making my thoughts slip away slowly, one by one. Soon, my mind was blank and I was completely relaxed. ‘What the heck’ I thought silently and began to count sheep. My limbs relaxed and by the time I’d counted twenty, I was already drifting away, deep into a dreamless sleep.

“Wake up birthday girl!” Linda’s loud voice pulled me out of my slumber and I heard the annoying buzzing of party noise makers as my eyes adjusted to the light. Everyone was gathered around my bed and Sierra was holding out a lit birthday cake.

I looked up, confused at them, “This couldn’t have waited until I showered?” I asked and Zane shook his head.

“Nope, this is when you’ve officially turned 18, right to the minute,” he replied and I gave him a thankful smile.

“Thanks guys!” I exclaimed as I leaned forward and blew out the flickering candles.

“Well, you better get dressed; we have a full planned day ahead,” my mom said as she assured everyone out.

“Actually, I was wondering if we could do something else instead,” I said and everyone stopped.

“Sure, honey, what did you have in mind?” she asked and I smiled.

“There’s this little town just off of Milan, I’d really like to visit it,” I replied and Zane’s smile widened.

“Sure, if that’s what you want, then that’s what we’ll do,” he replied then shifting uncomfortably he added, “and you have a call waiting.”

“Call waiting?” I asked and Stephanie rolled her eyes.

“Both Zane and I have already cussed him out but he still wants to talk to you,” she replied and my heart clenched.

“Kyle,” I stated glumly and I turned to look at Jasmine. “I’d appreciate it if you hung up on him and told him I don’t wish to speak to him ever again, but you can add in a few swear words here and there if you wish,” I said sweetly and Jasmine smiled.

“Of course, happy birthday,” she said then shuffled out.

“Well, I suppose I’ll go shower then we can get going,” I said and Stephanie laughed.

“Nope, it’s your birthday so we let you sleep in, but there’s no time for a shower now. Pull your hair up and through some sweats on.” I gaped at them, then, seeing they weren’t changing their minds, grabbed my suitcase and began filing through the clothes.

“Fine, no shower, but I’m wearing a dress then,” I said with a smile and Sierra giggled. “What now?” I asked and Stephanie shook her head.

“You don’t really think I’d let you go out on your Birthday in sweats, right? Just follow me,” she said and I sighed. We walked down the hall until we came to a bright pink decorated door.

“You’ve already decorated it?” I asked and she laughed.

“Of course I did! The paint job was horrid,” she said as she opened the door and ushered me inside.

“So what are we doing in here?” I asked and she shot me a fake glare.

“I’m giving you one of your many birthday presents,” she said as she led me to a large door in the back of her room.

“What’s this lead to?” I asked and she clucked her tongue.

“My walk-in closet.” I gave her a confused smile as she turned the knob and gave me one last mile before opening it so that I could see inside.

“It’s the one at the back,” she said as I poked my head around the door. My eyes searched for the outfit and when they found it, I gasped.

“It’s gorgeous, Stephanie!” I exclaimed as I ran into her closet and grabbed the hanger down.

“I know,” she said with a proud smile then tapped the watch on her wrist. “Hurry up and put it on, we’re on a schedule.”

I smiled back at her and nodded, “Okay.” She shook her head with a smile, and then walked out, shutting the door behind herself. Smiling, I stripped off my pajamas and carefully pulled the dress on over my head. I turned to face myself in her mirror and my smile widened. The dress sparkled blindingly in the light, fitting my every curve perfectly, and complimenting my pale skin wonderfully. I slipped the diamond covered shoes onto my feet and felt a strong sense of happiness. Happy birthday to me

, I thought to myself just before the door got flung open again.

“Ready to go?” Stephanie asked and I smiled.

“Yes,” I replied and as I walked out I felt her gently put something on my head. I shot her a confused glance and went over to look in the mirror. My light blonde hair was pulled back with a sparkling, diamond headband.

“Wow, I don’t know what to say,” I said, breathless, and I reached up to touch the gems. Stephanie smiled, satisfied, and then pulled my emerald pendant out of her pocket.

“You can’t forget this,” she said she fastened the clasp around my neck. “Now, you’re complete,” she said and I laughed.

“Thanks Stephanie,” I said and she rolled her eyes.

“You act like I care…” she said with what sounded like forced sarcasim and I sighed, I suppose she’ll never admit we’re friends.

“Ready to do?” My mother’s peppy voice called through the door and the corners of my lips turned up in a smile.

“Yes,” I replied as she flung open the door and motioned for us to hurry along.

“Right this way Birthday girl,” Sierra said as she linked her arm through mine.

“You look gorgeous,” Zane whispered into my ear from behind me and I jumped out of surprise.

“Why thank-you,” I replied as I turned around and gave him a peck on the lips.

“You’ll have to wait until later for your birthday present,” Zane whispered and I giggled nervously.

“Okay,” I whispered back and Sierra rolled her eyes.

“No more whispering! This is a group activity, be team players you guys,” she said and we all laughed.

“Wait!” Stephanie exclaimed, suddenly coming to a halt. “Do we have to take a ‘taxi’?” she asked and Lance looked uncomfortable.

“Yes, that’s the only reasonable transportation,” Zane replied and Stephanie glared at him.

“Fine, but if I get so much as a drip of water on me, someone is going to die, got it?” she asked and everyone nodded. Stephanie’s stone features finally softened as Lance threw his arms around her slim shoulders, and she began walking again. Once we were outside the sun shone brightly in my eyes, and I was momentarily blinded. I clung closer to Zane as my vision returned slowly.

“It’s so bright out,” I heard Sierra whisper and I giggled.

“It sure is,” I said, finally able to see again.

“You’ll want to go down this street, then take a right,” Jasmines soft voice protruded from behind us, meekly. “If they ask if you, ‘destinazione?’ Answer, Milan, from there, you walk.” I expected Stephanie to protest, but she simple bit her lip and looked away.

“Well, let’s go,” I said with a smile and we took off walking down the dirt road.

Once we rounded the corner we saw a familiar looking canal with a bright yellow water taxi in it. My mother hopped down into the boat and walked over to where the captain was seated. After a few seconds of talking my mother pulled out some Euro’s and set them in the man’s hand, then motioned for us to climb aboard. Zane hopped in first then turned and helped both Sierra and I into the boat.

Landing gracefully, I planted a kiss on his cheek and smiled, “Why thank-you,” I whispered into his ear and he smiled in response. Lance was next to get in, his face was a bit paler than usual as he looked up at Stephanie’s terrified face.

“Okay, don’t worry I-”

“Stop right there, we aren’t repeating what you said last time!” she snapped then added, “Just catch me!” With that, she took a running start and leapt from the dock into the boat, missing Lance’s arms completely and landing near the waiting seats, her head hitting the cushioned surface.

“Are you okay?” Lance asked, rushing over to her side and she lifted her ocean blue eyes to meet his.

“Of course I am!” she shouted as she got up and brushed herself off. Lance’s eyebrows rose in question but his mouth stayed planted firmly in a concerned grimace.

Stephanie’s glare softened as Lance threw his arm around her shoulder and whispered something in her ear. Her bright red lips curved up in a smile as she giggled and nodded slightly. Linking his arm through hers, Lance pulled her off to the seats in the back of the boat. Zane wrapped his arms around my waist and gave me a kiss on the cheek, causing me to blush bright pink.

“Happy birthday, Summer,” he whispered and I shook my head in disbelief.

“How am I going to make a wish now?” I asked sarcastically and his smiled dropped.

“Is there something wrong? Do you not want to go?” he asked and I swallowed the laugh threatening to present itself.

“No, of course I want to! I just wish I could spend a little more alone

time with you,” I whispered back in the most seductive voice I could muster, wish wasn’t that good because he quickly laughed and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “I love you,” he whispered, still laughing at my pathetic attempt at seduction and I rolled my eyes.

“I love you too,” sitting down on his lap I wrapped my arms around his neck and laid my head down on his shoulder.

We stayed like this for awhile, just enjoying ones company but eventually my mother made herself present and I was forced to untangle my arms from around him. Sierra sat unmoving next to us, staring straight ahead at nothing, her eyes in a daze. “You okay?” I asked as I laid a soft, concerned hand down on her shoulder.

She flinched at the contact but then gave me an apologetic smile, “Yeah, I’m fine.” She gave me a less then encouraging nod before quickly changing the subject.

“So Lance, didn’t you say we’re going to visit a historical war site?” she asked and I rolled my eyes as I remembered how much she hates history.

Lance went on to babble about some of the historical sites we were going to visit and though I know it was rude, I tuned him out. I rested my head against Zane’s shoulder and I tried to remember my life before I’d met these four people, before I’d had my first dream, before my life wasn’t normal anymore. It seemed impossible but I’d only stopped being normal a mere 2 months ago. I sighed and reached up to give Zane a kiss then I laid back down. No, I’m not normal anymore,

I thought as the boat came to a halt, but if it means I’d lose my friends, I’m not sure I’d want to be.

Chapter 5

I felt a warm hand rest itself on my shoulder and I blinked a bit, trying make my fuzzy vision clear itself. “Did I fall asleep?” I asked, startled to find that I couldn’t remember any dream.

“No,” Zane whispered as her brushed my pale blonde hair out of my eyes, “you were in a daze.”

I let my hair fall forward into my face to hide my rosy cheeks, how long had I been day dreaming?

I didn’t have to hide for long because soon enough the boat pulled itself to a halt and everyone around me began exiting. Just like the last time, Zane gracefully lifted me up into his arms and lightly stepped off the ledge, landing softly on the pavement below. Looking up, I saw Stephanie nervously sticking a Bontoni designed green stiletto apprehensively over the ledge.

“If I die, it’s on your hands,” she said in a voice that she tried to portray as cold but came across as shaky and anxious. Without another moment to rest, Lance lifted her up by her thin waist and jumped down off the ledge then lifted up a hand to help Sierra climb down. My mother came last, her blonde hair spiraling out behind her as she leapt, her cat like green eyes observing the scene around us, instantly preparing for an attack.

“This is where you wanted to come?” she asked and I felt my heart sink as I looked around at the surrounding scenery. The land was barren and ruined, soot and ashes covering parts of the dirt and crumpled buildings lie in the gravel roads.

“Maybe you got the directions wrong…” Lance let his voice trail off as Stephanie walked over to stand next to a large sign. Some parts of the black ink scrawled across the front were faded out in places but a map of Italy stood clearly visible and sure enough a bold, singular black dot stood right outside of Milan.

“No, we’re here,” I replied as I walked over and ran my fingertips over the sign then pulled them back to stare at the soot present on my fingers.

“Kind of a downer birthday party place,” Stephanie said before Sierra quickly elbowed her in the ribcage. “What, it is!?” she exclaimed and I silenced them with look.

“Let’s head that way, I think there might be houses there,” I said and headed off, the rest of my friends trailing helplessly behind. Zane rested a hand on my shoulder and bent down to whisper in my ear but I never heard what he had to say because he lost his way of words when we rounded the corner and came up to the largest cemetery I’d ever seen. The tombstones seemed too gone on for miles and each one had delicate designs and Italian script printed across them.

There was nothing living in sight except for a young woman hunched over a tombstone. She had beautiful auburn curls that spilled over her shoulders and striking gray eyes that darted about frantically when she heard us approaching. “Who are you? What do you want?” she asked, her voice thick with a Italian accent as she stood up and brushed her dress of.

“You speak English?” Stephanie asked and the woman shot her a disbelieving look.

“Do I look stupid, no? Do you think you can outwit me with your phrases and slang?” Lance gave the back of Stephanie’s arm a pinch and she refrained from one of her usual snappy remarks but shot the woman a death glare.

“I ask what you want, now you answer,” she said, glancing at me with expecting eyes.

“I’m looking for Alonzo Monclatzo; he’s a friend of mine.”

At this, the woman stared at me hard with scrutinizing eyes, “I think you may have the wrong name,” she said with a start and I shook my head definitely.

“No, I’m quite sure that’s his name. Why, do you know him?” I asked and she nodded slowly.

“The Monclatzo’s were indeed a legendary family, rich beyond rich, and happy beyond content. They always had the best interest of everyone in mind, which was why they were well liked.”

“But where are they now?” Lance asked and the woman’s face became nervous.

“Well, they were murdered, and quite horrendously at that. Assassinated they were, by enemy planes. The Tanghar they called themselves, those evils, they dropped fully loaded explosives right on the castles, not even sparing the children. Anyone who survived the bombs were captured and tortured, which is what happened to most of the Monclatzo family.”

My body felt numb and I tried to make my mouth work properly as I asked my next question, “And what about Alonzo, what happened to him?”

“Well, no one really knows for sure. He could’ve been killed in the bombings, but no remains were found, and he might have also been captured and has surely died by now.”

“When did this all happen?” I asked and she smiled at me, her cold demeanor softening into a warmer one.

“Don’t you read your history books at all, my dear? It happened just nearly twelve years ago, which would’ve made sir Alonzo just nine years of age at the time, poor dear…”

“Summer are you okay, you look pale?” My mother’s voice droned in and out of my ears and I felt the world around start to spin. I was vaguely aware of Zane’s brilliant blue eyes shoot me a concerned glance before my knees went out. Tumbling to the ground, I felt strong arms grab me around the waist and then, I blacked out.


“Summer, Summer…” I jerked awake, gasping and panting for breath. I was laying outside on a makeshift bed, Zane and I were alone.

“What happened?” I asked and Zane gently pulled me close into his warm, comforting embrace.

“We were learning about the Monclatzo massacre and you suddenly just lost it,” he whispered and I felt my stomach drop. Yes, that’s what we were learning about, but why would she lie? After all, she was lying…right?

Zane gave my forehead a kiss and pulled my chin up so that I was staring into his eyes.

“We’ll find out what happened, I promise we will, but you need prepare yourself for it, Summer. You can’t be fainting or getting ill, you’re the more important thing here.”

I felt as if I wanted to scream. I hated being the weakest link, the person who everyone needs to look after. In a calm and reserved voice I asked, “Can I see that surprise now?” Zane’s worried look lightened for a bit and I saw his adorable dimples appear.

“Of course you can,” he said and the next thing he did took my breath away. He bent down, as in down on one knee, a black velvet ring box in his hand. I felt all the oxygen left in me, leave my body and at first I thought I was going to faint.

“Summer Janine Charad, since the first moment I met you, I fell in love. I fell so in love that even just the prospect of someone else having you makes me sick, that whenever I have you in my arms, I have to pinch myself to believe it’s real. That when my lips meet yours, I think that there’s nowhere else I’d rather be, and no one else I’d rather be with.” At this point, I had to start blinking rapidly to keep from crying, this isn’t happening

. Zane took a deep breath and opened the ring box up, exposing a gorgeous ring. For a moment, time seemed to stop, everything that had happened in the past year wasn’t present and the only two people alive were Zane and I.

“Will you marry me?”

I felt myself nodding before he even got the words out and once he looked up and saw me a huge grin broke across his face and he stood up and scooped me up into his arms. Spinning me around, he kissed me like never before and only stopped to slip the ring onto my finger. I smiled as I stared down at it, “I love you,” I whispered and Zane laughed and gave me a kiss. “I love you too.” This kissing didn’t stop there, it intensified, it grew with a passion and hunger that was insane but eventually he pulled away.

“Careful, we don’t want to have the honeymoon before

the wedding.” I giggled and felt my cheeks blush; I had been a bit pushy at the end there. Grabbing my hand, Zane and I walked over to where a small building was present and he knocked on the door.

“The rest of them are waiting inside,” he explained and the young woman, who Zane now explained was named Aida, came to greet us.

“I’m glad to see that you are okay,” she said with a tiny smile as she opened the door wider.

“You’re okay!” Sierra exclaimed as she rushed over and gave me a rib cracking hug.

“Yeah, I’m fine, really,” I said and my mother walked over and squeezed my shoulder.

“We were waiting out there with you, Aida thought the fresh air would help you, but Zane insisted we rest,” my mother’s calm, quiet voice was soothing as I tried to calm my racing heart that kept holding on to what had just happened.

“So now we need to talk,” my mother said more strongly, motioning for us to sit down. We both took a seat and my mother gave us all a strong, powerful look. “We will need to start training you all so that you can protect yourself. Stephanie and Zane, you can both help me since you have more experience. But Sierra, Summer, and Lance will need all the training they can get.” I tried to ignore the fact that my mother thought I was weak and gave Zane’s soft hand a squeeze.

“Okay Mom, when do we start?” I asked and my mom smiled.

“We can start tomorrow, but for now, we need to be on our way,” she replied as she readjusted the large burgundy watch on her wrist.

“You can stay here,” Aida offered but Stephanie shook her head quickly.

“No, but thanks anyways,” she received angry glares at this.

“What? If we don’t arrive back tonight Jasmine might worry!” she tried to make her expression innocent but it came off more as disgusted. “Let’s just leave, okay?” she asked and Lance let out a tired sigh.

“I’m pretty whipped too,” he replied and Sierra nodded in agreement.

“Wait what time is it?” I asked, didn’t we just get here?

I couldn’t remember but I didn’t think the sky had been that dark when I was outside; then again, I wasn’t really paying attention to my surroundings at the time.

“It’s 7:00 at night,” Stephanie answered as she checked her platinum silver wrist watch and leaned back against Lance.

“We really should head out-” My mother began but Aida cut her off.

“Oh no, no, no! You no go out there in the dark night, you get hurt! You stay here for tonight, then leave in morning,” her voice was demanding and as if to prove her point she latched the door and started shooing us back into the house. “You room in here,” she said as she lightly pushed me into the room and I was surprised to see Zane stumbling in behind me. My mother’s eyebrows shot up but Zane beat her to the chase.

“Um, shouldn’t we have separate rooms, I mean; I’m not sure Summer’s comfortable with this.” My mother’s eyebrows seemed to go up even more at this but I tried to ignore her and chimed in with Zane, though I had no real problem with him sharing a room with me.

“Yeah, that’s really not appropriate,” my mother said, cutting me off with her stern tone of voice.

“Oh, I’m sorry!” Aida said in a surprised voice, “I just thought that it’d be fine considering the circumstances.”

I wasn’t the only one with a confused look on my face at this point, “What?” I asked and Stephanie let out a frustrated sigh.

“Okay, what the hell are you talking about?” she demanded and Aida sighed, looking flustered.

“I’m sorry; I guess I just assumed…well, I thought you were with child.”

Chapter 6

“What?!” I wasn’t sure who the first person to cry out in shock was, but I did know that the room got chaotic at this point. Sierra’s face showed readable shock, my mother looked like she was going to kill someone, someone meaning Zane, Lance looked majorly uncomfortable, Stephanie was smiling as if she thought this situation was funny, and Zane looked like he wanted to run for the hills. I felt my face flush and before I could even muster a whimper my mother’s commanding voice broke through.

“What on Earth would give you the authority to assume that?” she asked, I could tell she was struggling to keep her voice even and calm.

Zane seemed to be able breathe now and he let out a shaky breath, “Why would you ask that?”

Aida blushed and shrugged her shoulders, “I guess I just assumed since you’re so young and, well, tying the knot as you American’s call it.”

Every eye in the room darted to my finger and I felt my face flush red. Zane sighed and out his face in his hands and I heard Sierra squeal.

“Oh my God! This is perfect! Why didn’t you tell me? Never mind that, I’m so happy for you!” Sierra was practically jumping up and down, then, seeing my mother’s expression, she quickly became silent.

“Take that off now, you’re being ridiculous,” she demanded in a cool, collected voice and I shot her an exasperated look.

“Excuse me? I’m being ‘ridiculous’? No, I’m making decisions for myself, and Zane is one of them,” I replied and my mother’s calm expression slipped, she was angry, angrier than I’d ever seen her.

“You may not have lived under my roof in a long time, but I am

your mother. When I tell you to do something, you do it, and no questions asked, no complaining, no talking back. Now take it off,” she yelled I caught out of the corner of my eyes Stephanie and Lance quietly slipping out of the room.

“What so now that you’re actually in my life again, you think you can play mother again? No, I don’t think so! You weren’t there for a good half of my life, you’re just another adult I know, and even though you gave birth to me, you are not

my mother and you cannot tell me what to do!” I shouted and Zane laid a hand on my shoulder.

“If I could,” he said quietly, “Mrs.Charard, I’m in love with your daughter, in fact, I’ve never even heard, yet alone felt, anything even close to what I feel for her. Now I can tell her goodbye, you can take her away, and I can lose everything I live for, but I’d still have to spend the rest of my life with her. I’m her guardian, Linda; I can’t just get out of her life. So, can’t we spend our eternity how we’d like to, or do we have to spend the rest of our lives wanting but never receiving?”

My mother rested in forehead in her hands and let out an audible sigh. “I can’t deal with this…Really, I just…wow,” she said in an exasperated tone. “I am

you’re mother, for one, and another thing, I have always been there, you just haven’t asked.” She locked eyes with me and I shook my head.

“No, mom

, you haven’t, but that’s not the point. I love Zane, whether you like him, whether you hate him and-”


“Oh, and that’s another thing…Wait what?” my voice trailed off into space and I let me jaw

“Okay. Fine, if this is something you really want, then fine. But just know if this ends badly, you’ll still be spending forever with each other,” she said as she picked up her bag and swung it over her shoulder, “Now we should all get some rest.”

Zane gave her a nod and I gave his hand a squeeze then winked up at him, “Told you she’d come around,” I whispered.

He grinned back and shook his head in amusement, “You call that ‘coming around’?”

“No, but it’s progress,” I replied as I reached up and pecked him on the cheek, “Night.”

“Night,” he whispered back then quietly walked down the hall and shut the door.

I stood in the hall for a few more moments and watched as everyone else dispersed into their rooms, then slowly retreated into my own. Once inside, I laid down onto my bed and heard the crackle of crumbling paper as my head hit my pillow. Curious, I sat up and reached into my pillow case, searching for the item that had made the noise.

My fingers soon curled themselves around what felt like papier-mâché. Pulling my hand out, I saw that I held what looked like a half crushed flower, made in all paper, folded with delicate precision. I almost smiled until I noticed the bit of writing at the tip of one of the petals; it seemed to be disappearing into the flower. My curiosity getting the best of me, I carefully unfolded the paper until it was a full sheet and I could read the script.

I don’t know what to say,
You’ve underestimated me
You’re a coward, a runaway.
And you think that I can’t see
But don’t forget who taught you what you know
Just remember, I’ll be watching, everywhere you go.

I gasped aloud and dropped the note onto my bed sheet. “There’s no way,” I whispered to myself as I stared at the creased paper. I sighed, trying to calm my breathing, and pulled my cell phone out of my pocket. Dialing the number, I tried to urge my head to relax as I tapped my foot nervously.

“Hello?” I bit my lip and tried to make my voice even.

“Hi, listen, Zane, do you think that it’s possible that someone from the Tanghar could be here, in Italy?” I asked in a wispy, breathy sounding voice.

“Well, they’re located everywhere, Summer. Just like murders, and all the other villains, there’s at least one everywhere you go. As for them harming us or even noting our presence, no one knows we’re here, if they did, we would’ve known by now.” I felt my stomach flip and vile rise in my throat. “Why, Summer? Is everything okay?”

“No, Zane, everything’s not okay,” I whispered through the phone and I felt fear beginning to rise in me. “I’m scared. I went to bed and found a note, and now I’m scared. Do you want to know the worst part? I can’t stop being scared because it’s not me I’m scared for. It’s you

. It’s you, and Sierra and Stephanie and Lance. It’s my mom and my dad, and it’s everyone else who’s ever meant something to me. And now, because of me, they’re all in danger.”

I heard Zane sigh through the phone, “Summer, whatever happens, no matter how dangerous or how treacherous it gets, I will always be there for you. I’ve already tried life without you, and it’s not worth living.”

“Don’t say that!” I insisted as I ran my fingers through my hair while keeping my phone balance on my shoulder.

“Why not, why can’t I say that? I certainly mean it! Summer, I proposed tonight, and you said yes, and that means that through thick and thin, we should want to be there for each other. Why won’t you let me do that? Why can’t I be here for you?”

“I won’t let you help because I don’t want you to get hurt!” I said in an exasperated tone, “I can’t lose you Zane, and though I want you to be here and help me through this, I won’t let myself put you in danger. I want to handle this on my own.”


the one who’s supposed to be protecting someone, not you. Summer, whether you like it or not, we’re all in this together, we decided that when we stepped on to that plane. You can either accept it or keep trying to deny it, but either way, it’s true and we’re not
going anywhere.”

“Zane,” I started after a moment of silence, “Can you come down here?” While waiting for him to respond, I carefully laid back down onto my bed, dropping the note onto the floor as I went.

“To your room?” he asked, a hint of nervousness in his voice, “Do you think your mom would-”

“I just don’t want to be alone,” I interrupted as I stared out the open window, admiring the star’s beauty from my window pane.

“I’m on my way,” he assured me, his voice full of protection and love and in less than a minute I heard his soft knock at my door. “I’m sorry,” he murmured with a frown as he pulled me close, “You really don’t deserve any of this.”

“I’m glad all of this has happened,” I whispered into his shirt as I felt his fingers begin to comb themselves through my hair, “because without all this pain, I would’ve never met you.” Zane smiled warmly at me for a moment then leaned down and gently brushed his lips against mine.

“I’m sorry I’ve brought you pain,” Zane whispered as he stared down at me, our bodies so close I was almost certain he could hear my racing heart beating.

“Don’t be,” I responded breathlessly as I stood on my toes to kiss his lips gently. At first, his shoulders were tense, tight with anxiety but they turned gentle as he wrapped me up in his arms and held me. I didn’t want the kiss to end, I wanted it to go on forever, for it to replace all of the bad, and for it to take away any pain or hurt. But Zane seemed too stressed to simply let go of our problems for the night and he reluctantly broke the kiss, pulling away and shattering my illusion like broken glass.

“It’s late,” he whispered as he glanced at the door apprehensively, and I could tell from his expression that he was worried we would get caught.

“Please don’t go,” I begged, “I meant what I said before, I don’t want to be alone, I’m not sure if I can handle it right now. I’m not flirting, or getting you to stay the night

, I just want the comfort of knowing that the man I love is sleeping right beside me.” Zane’s tense eyes instantly softened and he pulled me close once more and kissed my hair gently.

“I won’t ever leave you alone; you’ll never be alone, not as long as I have something to do with it.”

“So you’ll stay?” I prodded as I blinked innocently up at him.

“Yes,” he emitted, “I’ll stay.” A loving smile played on his lips as he sauntered over to my closet and produced an old wool blanket. Seeing me just standing there watching him, he shot me a mocking smile and shook his head, “Go on! It’s late, get sleeping,” he tisked as he stretched out on the floor next to my bed.

“I love you,” I whispered as I pulled the blankets around my up under my chin and smiled down at him.

“And I love you,” he declared with a flirtatious grin before laying his head down on his pillow. With a tiny sigh, I tried to clear my mind and drift into sleep, but something kept prodding at my mind. Snapping my eyes open, I leaned over the side of the bed and gazed down at Zane. “Yes?” he asked as he propped himself up on one elbow to listen in.

“Tonight, has been…indescribable. If I had to put it into words, I’d have to describe it has a phenomenon, a magnificent miracle, but even those wouldn’t describe it to its fullest. I am, no doubt, madly, crazily, and sometimes stupidly, in love with you, Zane VanLouge, and I realize that this ring only enforces that. But I want you to know, whether we get married tomorrow or ten years from now, I will never

stop loving you.” I reached down gracefully and gently grasped his hand with mine. His skin was warm against mine and his eyes sparkled with pride and absolute undying love as he bent forward and kissed the top of my hand.

“I don’t think I’ve ever loved you as much as I do right now,” Zane said as he gave my hand a squeeze and tapped the ring on my third finger, “and this isn’t a enforcement, or even a proclamation of my love. This is me asking, no begging, that in some crazy, insane, impossible way, you think that someday I will be worthy to marry you. Now that we’ve gotten all of that out of the way, it really is getting late,” he finished.

“Promise to hold me all through the night?” I mused and Zane shook his head though a grin was still on his lips.

“Promise,” he confirmed as he gave my hand a squeeze and just then, everything felt perfectly right

. It was then, in that very moment, that I realized, no matter what life throws at you, no matter how many things go wrong, if your love is true, none of it will matter. It was then that I truly realized what true love and finding your soul mate really meant, and I was positive that I had found mine. With thoughts of Zane and I floating through my mind, I began to drift in and out of a conscious state and soon I was falling, enclosed in inky black nothingness as I began to stumble into a new livid nightmare.

Chapter 7

I’d never liked the water. Not even when I was young. But right then, it worse than fear. It was pure terror. I’d never been this terrified, not even when I was waiting for death to take from Kyle’s basement. Water was everywhere and everything. It was filling my being, pouring into my lungs.

My heart burned for relief and my throat ached for air. Though I was surrounded in water, I was sure I felt wet tears of pain escape my eyes. I yearned to call out but I feared if I opened my mouth, I’d only be suffocated with water. I felt certain that this was the end, that I was going to die, until I felt a slight tugging on my wrist. I felt the pressure of flesh tighten its grip against my hands as I felt my body begin to float upward.

By now, the world around me seemed to be dimming; my brain suddenly giving up and shutting down. The surface seemed to be nearing, but it wasn’t close enough. I couldn’t identify who was pulling me, if it even was a person, but I wanted desperately for them to hurry. I wanted to tell them that I wouldn’t last much longer underwater, but I couldn’t move. My eyes fluttered as I made one last choking, gasping attempt to inhale but feeling more water pour into my chest, I gave in.

Just seconds later, I felt my head break the surface of the water. The pulling continued, though I was unaware of what was going on. Water was still around me, but it was seeming to lessen and soon I felt gravel scrape lightly against my scalp. I just laid there for a moment, resting my aching bones and trying to force my mind into functioning as I felt myself subconsciously hack and spit up water. Whoever saved me was shaking my shoulders, gently patting my back and helping me sit up as I gasped, then they began to stroke my cheekbones.

Suddenly, I felt hot breath on my skin and a pair of soft lips press themselves against mine. My eyes snapped open and I struggled to push my arms forward, knocking the person next to me backwards. Once the black dots cleared my vision, I found myself staring into the eyes of a young man. His iris’s were as dark as midnight and held a mysterious edge to them as he stared back at me. He had soft hair that resembled fine black silk that clung in wet, soft waves on his face. His pink lips were curved in a smile as he gently helped me sit up, though I flinched away from his touch. I tried to distance myself from this strange man, casually sliding to the side, but he wrapped his arms around me tightly and pulled me in close.

“I’m so happy you’re okay,” he whispered, his lips brushing my hair as he spoke. “Oh,
Carolina, my darling Cari, you had me so worried,” he purred as he pecked my cheek lightly. I wanted to move away, in fact, I twisted uncomfortably under his lips, but his grip was strong and unforgiving.

I managed to tilt my head away from his lips before I spoke, “I’m afraid you must be mistaken. My name is Summer, Sumer Charad, not Carolina. Though I’m grateful for you rescuing me, I also think it would be a good idea if you let go of me.”

“What?” the man whispered in a breathless voice as he studied me. His face had turned cold and he slowly began shaking his head, “Oh, no, my Cari, my sweet, sweet darling, you-”

“No!” I interrupted as I thrashed about in his arms, trying to squirm my way from underneath him. “My name is not Carolina and I said let me go!” My screams seemed to penetrate the man’s daze and I felt his arms release their gasp a bit.

He looked up at me with a broken expression, his face slick with tears and his eyes drowning in despair, “Carolina, my love, how have you forgotten me?” His voice was hoarse and taunt as he began to creep forward. His expression changed instantly, going from sad and dazed to angry and insane. His charcoal eyes seemed to spin as he proceeded to yell incantations in my direction. “Would I have ever forgotten you?! Would I’ve?! Come here, show me you remember, show my now!” He hissed and spat the words as he crawled crazily toward me.

“Stop!” I commanded but realizing that it was no good, he was still coming, I turned on my heel and began to sprint down the beach side toward the distant city lights. Though I could still barely make out his shouts from behind me, I continued to run until my lungs were heavy and heaving for oxygen and I’d reached pavement. I felt my heart continue to flutter as I picked up a steady walking pace and quickly ducked into the nearest building. For the inside, the facility looked incredibly sterile. Everything, including the walls, floor, carpet, ceiling, paintings, tables, and computers were white. Everything, that is, except for one single periwinkle blue WELCOME sign that was hanging from the back wall.

No one seemed to be around, so I took a tentative step forward. “Hello?” I called cautiously as I squinted to read the signs writing then felt myself chocking and gasping on the air in my throat. The sign read: “Welcome to the L.C.A for the Mentally Insane.” It was then that I began to panic. All around me I began to hear voices, some angry, most sad, but all seeming to be calling out one thing, “stop the insanity that enters through sleep.” I felt a chill fun down my spine and then, with a white flash of bright light, it all disappeared.

<3 or comment if you liked it. More to come soon, add me for updates.Chapter 8 Coming Soon! P.S. Look for The Dreamer: Book 1 at your local bookstore!


Texte: No part of this book is to be redistributed in any manner.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.08.2011

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To all of my loving fans, especially: thefallenangel cierralaynee presephonee ruthus7 They've made my stress bearable and I couldn't have done it without them :)(And there's tons more people I could add to that list so if I missed you, I'm sorry)

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