

A shot cut through the air loud and clear. Somewhere to her left, Mystica heard a scream. “No! She cried as she raced off in the direction of the noise. “It’s too late, you shouldn’t have came here vamp, you shouldn’t have started this!” the voice around her escalated and they began to encircle her. “No, I didn’t mean for this to happen!” she insisted but they continued to surround her, stepping closer until suddenly, her world went black.

Chapter 1

Mystica Evans was having another normal school, or so she thought. Her best friend, Tori, was rambling on about some new designer store opening and her other best friend, Mark, was nodding his eagerly and expressing in detail what clothing they’re going to sell, like they always did. Mystica slammed her locker with a sigh and turned to face her two friends.

“Jason and I are in a fight,” she said as she slumped against her locker.

“What’s it about this time?” Tori asked, twirling a strand of her black silky hair around her finger.

“He thinks I spend too much time with guys that aren’t him and thinks I’m flirting more with them than with him,” she replied and Mark let out a high pitched laugh.

“God, he can be so self-centered sometimes,” Mark said and Tori nodded in agreement.

“Most humans are,” she added as she looked around the crowded hallways.

Mystica gave a sigh like she always did whenever Tori mentioned them not being human. She preferred to live their lives normally, without calling attention to the fact that they weren’t, in fact, normal.

“Are we going to head out for hunting soon?” Tori asked as she rubbed her small stomach, “I’m starving!”

“Can’t we just stick to the packets for awhile longer?” Mark whined as he put his arm over Mystica’s shoulders. “You agree with me, right Misty?” She turned away from her friends and stared across the hall.

“Is he a new student?” she asked as she continued to stare at the most handsome boy she’d ever seen in her life. He had long dark hair and perfect, tan skin. His chest was a wall of muscle and his facial features were as flawless he reminded her of an angel.

“Who? Daniel Seneca? Yeah, he’s new I showed him around this morning,” Mark replied then raised his eye brows at Mystica. “You know he’s not a vampire right?” Mystica ignored him and continued to stare.

“Mark’s right,” Tori said in agreement, “If he’s not like us, there’s no reason to pursue him, it won’t last.” Mystica nodded her head as if she had been listening to what they said then forced herself to tear her eyes away from the handsome young man.

“I’ll catch up with you guys later, I’m going to start heading to class,” she replied as she scooped her bag off of the floor and swung it over her narrow shoulder, pushing Mark’s arm off in the process.

“Oh come on Mist, don’t be mad!” Tori said as Mystica turned her back and them and began to walk in the opposite direction.

“I’ll take care of it,” Mark whispered to Tori, and then took off jogging to catch up to Mystica.

“Mist! Mystica, wait up!” Mark called as the taller classmates towered over him and pushed him out of their way.

“Move it, peewee!” A huge jock yelled and shoved Mark into the side of a locker.

“That was nice; you’re a real pleasant person!” Mark called after him, shaking his head.

“Are you okay?” A freshman girl asked his eyes bright with concern.

“Oh yeah, just a little sore,” Mark replied as he bent down to pick up his scattered books.

“Good, it’d be terrible if you were hurt,” she said and she bent down to help him pick up his books, brushing her fingers slowly across his arm in the process.

Mark bit his tongue to keep from laughing, she must be new,

“Sorry, I’m taken.” He replied as he picked up his last book and took off in the direction he’d last seen Mystica disappear to.

“They just don’t get it,” Mystica muttered under her breath as she weaved in between the many students in the crowded hallway. “Ah!” she called out as she tripped over a passerby’s fallen books. The floor rushed up to her face fast, normally she would’ve just used her inhuman speed to catch herself, but humans were standing around her. Looks like I’m just going to have to take the face plant,

she thought glumly as her face fell closer to the ground. Just before her nose touched the ground a strong grasp made itself present on her forearms.

The noisy hallway was instantly silent as Mystica removed herself from their grasp and turned around to face her savior. Daniel was even more beautiful up close, his sculpted features drew her in and his cinnamon scented breath had her yearning to lean in closer. He’s a human, get over it Mist!

She told herself as she shot him a smile. “Thanks for catching me,” she said and he gave her a quick nod, his eyes searching her face questioningly. He might be cute, but he’s kind of weird,

Mystica thought to herself as she retrieved her bag from the ground and slumped it over her shoulder.

“Yeah, no problem,” Daniel replied as she turned to walk away.

“Hey baby!” A voice called from across the hallway. Mystica held back a sigh, Could you have any worse timing?

She thought bitterly as her boyfriend jogged over and threw his arm over her shoulder.

“Hey Jason,” she said halfheartedly and he pulled away to give her a shocked look.

“You’re not still mad about last night, are you?” Mystica gave him a shrug and gently untangled his arm from her waist. “Oh come on Mist!” Jason whined and Mystica looked up at him innocently with her mysterious gray eyes.

“Oh come on Jase, you know I was just about to go give that guy a lap dance,” she replied and Jason’s eyes flared up with anger.

“Really? And you tell me about it? You’re sick!” he replied and Mystica let out a snort.

“Oh my god, you actually think I’d do that? You’re the sick one!” she yelled back and several of the surrounding students snickered and whispered as Jason threw his hand into the air.

“Well how am I supposed to know when you’re joking and when you’re serious when you always use sarcasm?” he yelled at her and she let her jaw drop.

“Really? Are you honestly asking that? You were supposed to know I would do that because of a little thing called character!”

This time it was Jason’s time to laugh, “Come on Mist, give up the good girl act, you’ve got about as much character as Britney Spears.”

Mystica felt the tears beginning to come, and her throat began to close up. She sighed as she desperately tried to keep her fangs from coming out from all of the unexpressed emotions.

“Later,” she said as she hurried off down the hall in the opposite direction. Did anyone see them? She thought to herself. The thought of a human finding out that she was a vampire frightened her, she’d read and watched too many movies to hope that it’d go over well.As she took deep, calming breaths her fangs began to retreat into her mouth, and she let out a sigh of relief.

“You okay?” she looked up and saw Mark’s concerned brown eyes staring at her.

“Yeah, did you see all of that?” she asked as he bent down and sat next to her.

“Not all of it, but from what I saw, Jason could use someone tough to teach him how to treat a woman right.”

Mystica laughed, “Oh Mark, you don’t have to do that.”

“I wasn’t talking about me, I’d get my ass handed to me if I fought him,” he said and they both burst into laughter. “So the funniest thing happened to me today,” Mark said and Mystica nodded for him to continue. “This girl was helping me pick up my books, and she hit on me…me

.” He said and Mystica laughed and leaned her head back against Mark’s shoulder.

“She’s probably just new and thinks you’re cute, what did you say?” she asked and Mark let out a giggle.

“I told her I’m taken,” he said and Mystica stopped laughing and turned to face him.

“Wait, hold everything! You got back with Jonathan?” She asked and he shook his head back and forth.

“Oh no, I just lied,” he replied and she let a sigh of disappointment escape her lips.

“You know you can still hang out with him, even though we broke up, right?” Mark asked and Mystica nodded her head solemnly.

“He’s just not as fun without you,” she said and Mark laughed even louder, “Nobody is,” he joked and Mystica hit him lightly on the upper arm.

“You’re such a heartbreaker, Mark,” she said and he turned to face her.

“Please, I’ve only had a total of 2 boyfriends, that’s called pathetic not heartbreaking.” Mystica shook her head and wrapped her arms around Mark’s shoulders.

“I’m scared M, I’m scared someone’s going to find out,” she whispered and he pulled her onto his lap into his warm, friendly embrace.

“No one will, not if we’re careful. Now we should probably get to class,” he said as he helped her up. Out of the corner of Mystica’s eye, she saw something move. She jumped up at inhuman speeds and used her above average vision to search the premises.

“Did you see that?” she asked as she turned to face Mark again.

“Nope,” he said as he shook his head back and forth, “but keep pulling stunts like that, and you might as well get a t-shirt announcing you’re not normal.”

She sighed, “I know, and I’m sorry. I just could’ve sworn I saw something…Let’s just go to class, okay?” she asked and Mark gave her smile.

“Shall we?” he asked as he held his arm out to her.

“We shall,” she replied through giggles as Mark linked his arm through her and pulled her off down the hallway.

Chapter 2

After the final school bell rang, Mystica let out a sigh of relief, Another days ended without someone finding out, She thought to herself as Tori ran up to her. “Is Dakota home still?” she asked eagerly and Mystica let out a sigh.

“Would you get over my sister already? Yes she is home, unfortunately,” Mystica said as they climbed into her convertible.

“Why don’t you guys get along? She’s awesome!” Tori insisted as she slid on a pair of designer sunglasses.

“Awesome? I think Selfish, or Evil might be a better adjective,” she replied then felt a pang of guilt. Maybe it’s wrong to treat Dakota like this, maybe I should just try to get along,

she thought to herself as she started to pull out of the school parking lot.

“Wait!” Mark called as ran over and jumped into the back seat. “I can’t believe you guys almost left without me!” He said in mock anger as Mystica pulled out and began to drive to her house.

Once they pulled into the driveway Mystica’s foster mother, Anne Marie came running out to greet them. She was a younger woman, in her early 30’s, who gladly took Mystica in after her parents died in a ‘horrible accident’. In reality, they’d been murdered, murdered by monsters.

She added silently in her head, the wolves will pay one day.

“Girls, there you are, how was your day?” she asked and Mark coughed lightly under his breath. “Oh little Marcus, don’t think I forgot about you,” she said as she pulled him into her motherly embrace and messed up his perfectly styled hair. Mark pretended to gasp and they both burst into laughter. “Misty, you came home!” Grace, Anne Marie’s four year old daughter raced towards Mystica with her arms stretched as far as they would go.

“Hey Gracie!” she said as she picked up the young girl and spun her around.

“Hey Mist,” Dakota walked towards them and everyone stopped what they were doing, like they always do,

Mystica thought bitterly.

“Dakota!” Mark and Tori called in unison as they barreled over and gave her sister a group hug.

“Kota taught me how to catch birdies!” Grace cried in excitement and Mystica’s already scowling face, turned darker.

“Did she now?” Mystica said as she shot daggers in Dakota’s direction. Dakota, with her long legs, tan skin, and silky blonde hair was always a people person, getting everyone to like her before they even knew her, she also tended to do things on the risky side, including teaching a four year old vampire how to hunt birds, something usually taught once the children are older.

“That’s great!” Mark cried as her threw an arm around Dakotas slim shoulders.

“Isn’t it? I mean, she has to learn sometime, so why not now?” Dakota replied as she flashed her pearly, white teeth. “Hey sis, mind helping me with my luggage?” Dakota asked politely and Mystica gave a snort of laughter.

“Why because your inhuman strength can’t handle it?” she asked sarcastically, as she picked up a suitcase and followed her sister into the house.

“Nice to see you again,” Dakota said cheerfully as she steered Mystica in the direction of the guest bedroom.

“Can you just stop already?” Mystica demanded as she dropped the luggage onto the floor.

“Stop what, being friendly? You need to stop being selfish, Misty,” she said as she turned to face her sister.

“Selfish?” Mystica’s jaw dropped, “How am I the selfish one?”

“You not the only person who lost your parents, Mystica, we both did! People handle grief differently than others, stop blaming me for how I handled mine.”

Mystica shook her head at her sister, “You didn’t ‘handle your grief’ you hit rock bottom and now you’re to take me down with you well guess what Kota, I’m not going to let you!” she screamed furiously at her sister and Dakota’s angry glare turned into disbelief.

“Rock bottom?” Dakota left out a laugh, “I went way beyond rock bottom, and you want to know why? Because not only did I lose my parents, I lost my best friend, and my fiancée, that’s why Mist. Now, I know that means nothing to you because you lost your

parents and that’s all that matters.” Dakota finished with tears in her eyes as she picked up the luggage into her small arms and kicked her bedroom door open.

“Kota…I’m sorry okay…I forgot about Jeannine and Terrance…” Mystica said as she walked over and put a consoling arm around her weeping sister.

“I j-just m-miss him s-so m-much,” Dakota stuttered through her sobs.

“They’re going to pay someday for what they did Kota, you just wait and see,” Mystica said and Dakota looked up her sister with tear stained eyes.

“What are we going to do Mist? You know they’d just kill us too, they’re just too strong…too violent…” her voice trailed off as she was brought back to the night her parents were murdered, the night she lost Terrance.

“But we can be stronger!” Mystica insisted as she grabbed her sister’s shoulder eagerly, “we just need to recruit more people. Face it Kota, we can beat the wolves, we just haven’t tried yet.”

Dakota looked up at her younger sister with doubt, “I suppose if we had more people…”

“Do it for Terrance. Do it for Jeannine. Or do it for Mom and Dad. Don’t let their lives be lost for nothing!” Mystica cried out and Dakota stood up and gripped her sister’s shoulders fiercely.

“We’re going to avenge them, I won’t let them die for nothing, I just won’t!” Dakota said and rage pulsed through her body, making her eyes turn crimson and her canines extend slightly.

“Glad to have you back sis,” Mystica said as she pulled her sister into a hug.

“I’m glad to be back,” Dakota said as she took a deep breath and her features returned to normal.

“Kota! Misty! Look, look!” Grace called as she came running into the room, her tiny fangs extended out of excitement. In her small hand she held the carcass of a small pigeon and her faced smiled proudly. Tori and Mark soon followed behind her, Mark looking more pale than usual.

“You know Gracie,” he said as he bent down so he could be eye level with her. “The blood packets in the fridge taste exactly the same, and that way you don’t have to kill those poor animals.” Mark said as he cast a worried glance over at me.

“Relax Mark, she’s fine,” I assured him and he gave me a shrug as stood back up.

“I guess I really am the only one who hates my fangs getting all that fur in them,” he said and the group all burst into laughter.

“Hey, what time is it?” Tori asked suddenly and Mark checked his purple wrist watch. “It’s going on 4:30, why?” he asked and Tori’s jaw dropped. “Don’t tell me you guys forgot,” she said as she looked back and forth between Mystica and Mark, they both wore confused expressions. “The welcome back bonfire? I can’t believe you guys forgot!” She exclaimed and Dakota let out a giggle.

“You guys should go have fun, I’ll watch Gracie,” she said as she picked as held her on her slim hip.

Grace let out a giggle and said, “I have fun with Kota, Kota teach me tricks.” She stuck her tiny tongue out at Mark and he let out a fake gasp.

“Now Gracie Maria, you did not just stick your tongue out at me!” he exclaimed and Grace let giggles escape her mouth as she nodded her head at him.

“Shall we head out?” Mark asked as he turned back to Mystica and Tori, both girls gave him eager nods.

“Just let me go get my purse,” Mystica said as she ran over to her room in her in human speeds. She snatched up her purse and was about to run back out when she caught sight of the family photo sitting on her desk. “Don’t worry, they’re going to pay,” Mystica whispered to her parents, and then, she was off.


Mystica red convertible sped through the gravel and dirt, causing mud to fly up as it came to a quick stop. “We’re here!” she announced as she put the car in park and dropped the key into her purse.

“Ready to have some fun?” Tori whispered to her friends as she waggled her eyebrows at them. The three friends burst into happy laughter and link their arms together. Someone whistled across the beach as Tori, Mark, and Mystica entered. Mystica blushed, Mark hid his head, and Tori waved and blew kisses. They unlinked their arms and went off in their separate directions. Tori went over and began to talk to the boys who’d whistled, flipping her hair every so often in a flirtatious effort. Mark went over to the drink bar and lectured the bar tender about selling alcohol to minors and Mystica went over and sat on a log, talking about her parent’s death had put her in a bad mood.

“You okay?” A voice asked behind her and Mystica felt a shiver run up and down her back.

“Oh hi Daniel,” she said as she gave him a dorky wave. Did I really just wave at him?

She asked herself as she her cheeks turned rosy.

“You seemed pretty down,” Daniel said as he sat down on the log next to her.

“Oh, it’s nothing,” she replied and he gave her a smile.

“I’m sorry, I’m probably bothering you, and it’s just… I’m new here, you know? And it’s hard to make friends…Sometimes you don’t want to make friends,” he added and Mystica turned to face him, an amazed look on her face.

“Yeah, I totally get what you’re saying,” she said, and she did. When her parents were murdered, her grief consoler urged her to make new friends, ‘try new things’ but she didn’t want to, up until then, she’d never found anyone who’d agreed with her.
“So why did you move here?” she asked as she scooted closer to him.

“My dad travels a lot for…work,” he said and Mystica dropped the subject, taking his hesitation as a sign that he didn’t want to talk about it.

“What about your mom?” she asked and he shrugged his shoulders.

“I don’t even know her, and I don’t want to. She gave birth, and then ran. Left my dad and me all alone,” he let out a sigh as he took another sip of the cola in his hand.

“Oh…” Mystica said as she picked at the already chipped, black polish on her fingernails.

“What about you? What’s your story?” he asked and Mystica looked down at her feet.

“It’s pretty gruesome,” she said and Daniel shook his head.

“I’m not forcing you, but if you want to talk about it, I’m pretty sure I can handle it.” Mystica nodded and gave him a half smile, Of course you do, humans think they can handle everything.

She thought silently and was surprised to see Daniel frown at her.

“I’m sorry did I say something?” she asked and his smile returned, but not quite as bright as it was.

“Oh no, it’s nothing,” he said and Mystica gave him another smile.

“My parents were murdered, just about two years ago,” she began as she fidgeted nervously under his gaze.

“That’s terrible,” Daniel whispered under his breath.

“Yeah, it is,” Mystica whispered back and bit her lip; she could feel the tears starting to form. “The worst part is that no one even got punished, no one at all,” she said and she couldn’t hold them back any longer, the tears began to spill over her eyelids and run down her cheeks. Pull it together!

She silently urged herself as her fangs began to give her that unmistakable tugging feeling whenever they were about to extend.

“I’m so

sorry,” Daniel said and as she kept her face in her hands, mostly just hiding her fangs, he reached over and put a comforting arm over her back.

As soon as his flesh touched hers, it was like fireworks went off somewhere. They both jumped apart, it had felt wonderful, and yet they were both startled by it. What just happened?

Mystica thought to herself as she rubbed the spot on her back where it was still tingling from his touch. They both remained silent as they stared at each other in wonder.

Finally, Daniel broke the silence, “I’m sorry, I was being forward.” Mystica gave a curt nod and then reached for her purse. “Oh please don’t go,” he insisted but she shook her head.

“It’s not you, I have to go talk to my boyfriend but I’ll be back, promise,” she replied as she gave him a flirty wink. No, I’m not sure what just happened,

She thought to herself as her lips turned up in a smile, but whatever the hell it was, I liked it.

“Hey Babe!” Jason called over to her. Mystica resisted the urge to dump the beer cup in his hand over his head and walked confidently over to him. “Want a drink?” he asked and Mystica shook her head with a smile.

“We’re over Jason.”

“Excuse me?” he asked as he handed his beer to a friend and took a step closer to her.

“You heard me, we’re over.” He pushed himself closer to her; back her up against the brick wall. “Jason, please stop,” she said calming as pushed against her again. “Stop!” she said more forcefully, even resorting to using her inhuman strength to throw him off, but Jason too was using his inhuman strength and he overpowered her.

“She said stop!” Mark yelled as he pounded uselessly on Jason’s back. Mark’s continued to pound his fists against Jason’s back and Mystica spit in Jason face as he began to kiss her neck.

“Get the hell off of her!” Suddenly Jason was lifted up and thrown off of Mystica, causing her to fall to the ground. “Are you okay?” Daniel asked as he bent down next to her.

She looked up at him, mesmerized, “How did you do that?” she asked and he shifted uncomfortably.

“I do a lot of weight lifting, now back to my question,” he insisted and Mystica snuck a look at her friends behind him. Mark stood staring at Daniel, eyes wide, jaw dropped. Tori had stopped flirting with the boys and was now talking to someone on her cell phone.

“Yes I’m fine, I just hit my head against the wall when I fell, but I’ll be okay,” Mystica assured him as she began to get up then, seeing spots, sat back down again. Daniel reached forward and touched her shoulder gently, pulling her fallen strap up ever so slowly. Mystica let out a soft gasp and looked up hungrily into his beautiful golden brown eyes. “Thanks,” she whispered breathlessly as the tingling sensation returned.

“You just wait!” Jason called to them as he got up and spit dirt from his mouth. “He won’t be there forever!” he called and his friends grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him off in the opposite direction.

“If you’re sure you’re okay-”

“I’ll take it from here.” Dakota, her silky blonde hair swept up into a high pony and her tin, lean figure clothed in all leather strutted in. Almost every guy in the room’s jaw dropped, drooling over her as she bent down next to her sister. “Thank you for helping her,” she said in a restrained tone as she bent down and wrapped her slim but powerful arms around Mystica’s waist.

“You haven’t told me your name,” Daniel said as he helped Dakota support my weight.

“Mystica Evans, but most people call me Misty,” she replied and he smiled.

“Mystica…Such a beautiful name.”

“Yes, my mother gave it to her,” Dakota spat and Daniel recoiled.

“Kota lay off, okay. Thank-you Daniel,” Mystica replied and Dakota dug her nails into her forearms, pulling her to my feet.

“Let’s go,” she said as she gripped her wrist tightly and dragged her off in the direction of their car. Mark and Tori followed closely behind, giving each other worried and frightened glances. When they all reached the car Dakota opened the door and shoved Mystica inside then shut the door behind her, her grip on the handle so tight it bent the metal. Mystica looked through the windshield and shot an apologetic glance at Daniel and he gave her a smile that warmed her heart.

“What the hell is wrong with you!?” Dakota yelled as she pulled out of the parking lot and into the traffic.

“What’s wrong with me? You’re the one who was beyond rude to him!” Mystica yelled back as she absentmindedly rubbed the spot on her arm where his fingertips had touched.

“Misty…” Mark began then paused and looked at the others uncomfortably.

“What Mark?” Mystica asked and Tori let out a sigh.

“He’s a werewolf!” Tori exclaimed then seeing the glares from Dakota and Mark shrunk back down in her seat.

“What? There’s no way you know that…” Mystica replied but in her heart, she knew it was true. It explained the tingling sensation when their skin touched, how he seemed to know what she was thinking, and how he had enough strength to pull Jason off of her. She let out a sigh of defeat. “Don’t say it, I already know,” she muttered glumly and Dakota put a manicured hand on her shoulder.

“Why the sad face? We’ve found them Mist! We can get revenge!” she said joyfully and Tori even chimed in.

“Yeah, Misty, you could be our secret weapon!”
Mystica looked around at her excited friends and family and sighed.

“It doesn’t seem right to use someone like-”

“It’s not right to kill someone either, but they did it anyways. You said is yourself Mist, are you going to let mom and dad die for nothing just because you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings?” Dakotas’s cold, demanding voice cut into Mystica like knives. “Are you going to choose the wolves who murdered your own parents over your own kind?” she asked and Mystica’s red flashed crimson.

“I won’t!” she exclaimed and her fangs protruded from her mouth as she thought of the night her parents had been taken from her.

“That’s the Mystica I know,” Tori said as she patted her on the back.

“Don’t worry Mist,” Dakota said as she gave her sisters hand a squeeze, “They’re going to pay for what they did.”

Mystica gave Dakota a nod and tried to push her feelings of guilt away but no matter how hard she tried, she could stop picturing Daniels face, not out of hatred, but out of longing.

Chapter 3

Daniel trudge his feet back on the muddy forest floor
as he continued to scold himself. What the hell did you do?! You just gave your secret, for what? A girl you just met…A vampire girl!

He shook his head back and forth as the familiar clearing came into his view.

“Hey man you’re back!” Randy, the smallest of the pack, ran over and stopped next to Daniel. Poor kid, he is our age… guessing he just never hit that growth spurt,

Daniel thought to himself as he looked down at Randy.

“So what’s this about a…vampire girl?” Teddy, the packs leader, stepped forward and glared at Daniel.

“What?” Daniel asked, deciding to act confused instead of sorry.

“You think I’m going to say it again? It was bad enough saying that rancid word once!” Teddy said as he spat on the ground.“See? They disgust me just to say their name and I come to find out you’re thinking about one, what the Hell happened?!” He demanded as he took a step closer to Daniel.

“Nothing, it was nothing Ted!” Daniel shouted back as he held his ground, “Just some stupid vamp girl that’s going to my school.” Ted looked as if he were debating if this was true then, finally, he smiled.

“Well, I know a solution,” he said his smile turning from happy to sinister in a flash. “How about we just take care of her, you know, so you don’t have to suffer?” Most of the other wolves had gathered around by now and were nodding in excitement at this.

“What, no!” Daniel exclaimed as his normally tanned skin went pale. “We don’t need to kill her! She’s fine, in fact, we’ve never even talked!” Daniel insisted and Teddy’s questioning gaze fell upon him.

“Fine, if you say you don’t talk then I won’t worry about it, but if I find out you’re socializing with her…Giving away our secret, she’s through…and so are you,” he snarled and Daniels heart gave a shudder. “Understand?” Teddy asked as his evil smile returned.

“Yeah, it’s completely understood.” Randy raised his head meekly and gave a weak smile.

“So now that that’s through, who wants to play tree tag?” he asked and the rest of the wolves groaned but Daniel smiled anything to get away from Ted.

“Why do you want to get away?” Ted asked as his sinister smile threatened to make Daniel shudder.

“Well since when does a wolf’s pack not trust him?!” Daniel yelled at them, not needing to fake any anger, he’d been fuming ever since they mentioned killing Mystica.

“If I said I’m sorry would it make it better?” Teddy asked sarcastically, Daniels glare darkened. “No? Good, because I won’t. I’m the Alpha, it’s my job to protect the pack, if that means hurting your dignity, then so be it!” Teddy yelled at him then added, “now go entertainment Randy, consider it your punishment.”

Daniel looked back and saw Randy’s eager face waiting just out of earshot; all of the wolves surrounding the premises laughed and snickered as Daniel trudged over to his side.

“Ready?” Randy asked as his smile widened.

“Sure,” Daniel said and they took off running deeper into the woods.


“You okay?” Mark asked as Mystica flopped down onto her bed.

“Yeah…can I ask you something Mark?” she asked as she looked around her room, making sure no eavesdroppers were lingering.

“Anything you want,” Mark replied with a smile and Mystica sighed.

“Are we sure he’s bad, should I really take advantage of a guy just because of what he is?” she asked and Mark sighed.

“Mist, personally, yes it’s wrong to judge someone who you haven’t met, but Misty, you have to understand and listen when I tell you, he is dangerous and you have to know that,” he replied and Mystica turned to face him.

“Is it terrible that I might not care?”

“No it’s not terrible, just stupid,” Mark said with a laugh as he stood up and picked up the frame from her desk. “They sacrificed their lives for you, two lovely lives, wasted because they were protecting their two daughters from wolves.”

Mystica’s eyes welled up with tears as she took the frame from her friend. “Yes, I know that, and I’m beyond grateful, believe me Mark, I’m drowning in guilt here,” she said and he threw his hands up in defeat.

“What can I do, Mist, how can I help you get over him?”

“Help me meet with him; I just need to see him, to tell him in person, that there will never be anything between us,” she said tugged on his shirt collar, “please Mark?”

“If all you want to do is talk then I guess I can-”

“Oh my god, you’re the best friend ever Mark!” she screamed as she hugged him tightly and gave him a sloppy kiss on the cheek.

“When are you going to meet with him?” Mark asked once she’d finally release him from her tight grasp.

“I’m not sure, but I’ll tell you tomorrow, okay?” she said gleefully as she pulled him into another hug.

“Hey, cut it out, you’re wrinkling my dress shirt,” Mark protested as he straitened his shirt once more.

“Dress shirt? Is someone going on a date?” she asked as she straitened his tie from him.

“Relax, it’s just a friendly get together, okay?” he said as he blushed and hid his face.

“Okay, but if you want to call me after your ‘get together’ and let me know how it went, I’ll be waiting,” she replied as she gave him one more quick hug before he left the room. Thank the heavens for Mark,

she thought silently as she laid back down, her hand still clutching the photo of her parents.

“I miss you guys…you didn’t die for nothing I'm going to make sure of it,” she whispered but the more she thought of it, she wasn’t sure if it was true.


“You’re going to be avenged, it’s really going to happen,” Dakota whispered to herself as she stared at a picture of her and Terrance. In the picture her light blonde hair was a bit shorter and her smile was stretched wide. Terrance had his arm around her slim shoulders, pulling her close to him. His milky brown eyes sparkled and focused on the hand the she displayed in front of them, a ring on the third finger. She remembered that night perfectly, the night he’d proposed, the night she’d said yes…the night before her world stopped turning.

She blinked back tears as she flipped through the old pictures, all of them holding a happier her, her arms wrapped around Terrance, her smile brighter than she’d seen it in awhile. “But that’s going to change,” she whispered as she flipped to the next page. “Mystica’s going to help me, we’re going to make them pay,” she spoke softly to herself and for the first time in a long time, she felt relieved. Like a load had been taken off of her shoulders.

No longer did she have to feel guilty for have living through the attack and Terrance not, no more crying at night because she didn’t get to Jeannine faster, no more sobs over finding her parent’s dead bodies.
She sighed as she set the book back onto her desk and got up off of her bed.

“Kota, Kota!” Grace came running in, a small pigeon in her tiny hands. “Look what I caught!” she exclaimed and Dakota smiled as she picked her up. That’s the only good thing that came out of that night; I met Gracie and Anne Marie.

“Wow Gracie, did you really catch that all by yourself?” she asked as she tickled her stomach and was surprised to see her shake her head.

“Nope, Zeze helped me!” she said with a smile and Dakota’s jaw dropped.

“Zeze helped you?” she asked as she set her back down. There’s only one person that she’s ever called Zeze.

“Dakota?” a voice from outside called her name and she raced out to meet him.

“Blaze!” she called as she gave him a hug, “What are you doing here?”

Blaze’s green eyes sparkled and she felt a pang of sadness as she remembered who had just those same green eyes. “How are you doing?” she asked in a more timid voice and he chuckled.

“I’d imagine I’m doing better than you, I lost my sister that night, you lost your parents, your best friend, and your fiancée, I’m so sorry Kota,” he said as he gave her an extra squeeze.

“Oh Blaze, it’s so great to see you again, and you couldn’t have come at a better time, we’re going to avenge their death!” she said and he shook his head.

“How on Earth are you planning on doing that?” he asked and Dakota smiled.

“We’re going to ban together, in fact, we already have, oh it’s really going to happen Blaze, and they’re going to pay!”

Blaze smiled and lifted Dakota up and spun her around. “That’s great, Kota!” he said and as he set her down their eyes met and she felt something tingle in her gut, pushing it away, she stepped back and nodded.

“Yeah, we’ve already recruited more vamps and pretty soon, we’ll have those wolves running for the hills,” she said and Blaze continued to stare at her.

“Thanks Kota, this really is what Jeannine would want.” Hearing him speak his sister’s name was almost too much for her, her gut clenched with sadness and for a moment, she didn’t respond, for she was afraid that if she did, she would certainly cry.

After she’d gotten a hold of herself she replied, “It’s what they would all want, it’s what they deserve too,” she replied and a unwelcome tear slipped down her cheek.

“No more tears after this is through,” Blaze said as he pulled her close into his comforting embrace. “Those wolves are going to pay Kota, no more tears!” he insisted as he gently wiped the salty tears from her cheeks with his finger. Dakota looked up at him and was hit by guilt when she realized she was in his arms, just inches away from his face. You’re Terrance’s girl, whether he’s here or not!

She silently kicked herself as she got up and picked up Grace once more.

“Kota, Zeze is going to stay, we’ll have so much fun!” Grace said and Dakota glanced over as Anne Marie came outside.

“Ah there you are, I was going to tell you Miss Evans, but I couldn’t find you, Sir Richards will be staying with us,” as she finished she took Grace from Dakota and gave her a warm smile. Dakota’s mind kept telling her lips to smile but they wouldn’t respond, he’ll be here now, you’re going to betray Terrance,

voices in her mind kept whispering and she felt her throat close up.

“I’ll be in my room,” she choked out then hurried inside, running at inhuman speeds and slammed the door behind her. “I’m sorry baby,” she whispered to the picture, “I’m not going to love him, I won’t, I swear!” she insisted as the tears spilled down and landed on the picture making it look as if Terrance was crying, which made her sob even harder. “I’m going to honor you baby, and I’m not going to change my life, you’re the one I love, you’re the one I’ll always love,” she whispered and for a second, she wondered if that would always be true, but one more glance at the picture reassured her, she loved Terrance, and refused to even think of loving anyone else.

Chapter 4

“Ouch!” Daniel cursed as the rubber on his converse slid against the tree bark, causing him to fall from the tree. His back slapped onto the forest floor and stared up at the canopy above him.

“You okay?” Randy called as he ran over and waved his hands wildly above himself, “do I need to go get Ted?”

“No, I’m fine,” Daniel assured him; just the mention of Teddy’s name had his stomach doing flips. He desperately wanted to talk with Randy, to tell him about the connection between him and Mystica, but he knew he couldn’t. As alpha, Teddy heard everyone’s thoughts, conversations, and even their dreams; nothing was safe unless it was out of sight out of mind. Daniel was impatient but he knew he’d only have to wait one more day, then Ted would go off on his hunting trip and he’d be too far away to get any signal as to what he was thinking.

“That looked like a pretty nasty fall,” Randy said as the young men walked back to the campsite.

“No, just lost my footing, that’s all,” he replied and Randy smiled.

“So there’s this girl I saw,” Randy began and Daniel sighed.

“Another one?” he asked tiredly, Randy was always crushing on someone new.

“No, you don’t understand, this one was different, there was something special about her,” he insisted and Daniel snorted.

“Tell me about it,” he muttered as he forced himself to remove Mystica from his thoughts.

“She had long legs, a perfect smile…she had this gorgeous flowing blonde hair that almost sparkled it was so smooth, and these-”

“Stunning gray eyes?” Daniel asked and Randy smiled.

“So you saw her?” he asked and Daniel held back a laugh.

“Her name is Dakota Evans, and I’m quite sure she’s not interested,” Daniel replied and Randy sighed.

“So what does your girl look like?” Randy asked and Daniel sighed.

“She’s not my girl.”

“Oh, lighten up, what does the vamp look like?” Randy asked again and Daniel turned to face him.

“She looks exactly like Dakota, except her hair cuts off at her mid drift and she’s about a foot shorter. She has a cute little dimple on the left side when she smiles, and whenever something’s bothering her she bites her lip. She wears a peach scented perfume, her mother’s favorite, and sometimes when she’s sad she-”

“Are you sure she’s not your girl, because it sounds like you’ve put an awful lot of energy into reading her mind for someone you supposedly don’t care about.”
Daniels pulse quickened as he realized he’d just blown his cover. Panicked, he grabbed a nearby branch, broke it off, and began writing in the dirt in front of them. ‘Don’t tell. Ted will disown me’ he wrote and Randy gasped as he read it. He gave Daniel a quick nod then wiped away the traces of their message.

“Ready to head back?” Randy asked in a casual tone and Daniel smiled.

“Yeah, I think I am,” he said and as they walked back to the campsite, he thanked the heavens it’s been Randy who found out.


Tori rounded the corner quietly, hoping to sneak up and scare Mystica like she always did, but this time was different, something was wrong. She stayed close to the wall as she snuck around the house until she came to Mystica’s room, occupied by Mark and Mystica. What’s Mark doing over right now?

She thought silently as she crept over near the door frame.

“Help me meet with him; I just need to see him…” Tori stopped listening as her jaw dropped. Mark’s going to help her betray us!

She thought, her face panicked as she quickly retraced her steps.

“Oh God what am I going to do? I have to stop them, but if I do then-” she came up short when she ran straight into a wall of muscle. “Oops I’m sorry!” Tori blurted out then looking up, her gut flipped over. Oh my god, it’s Blaze! He’s back!

She silenced her thoughts as she started up at the young man whom she longed for ever since she turned seven years old and they’d first met.

“Oh no problem, its Tori right?” he asked and she nodded her head vigorously. “Okay cool, listen; you haven’t seen Dakota anywhere, have you?” he asked and her hopes plummeted.

“Yep, she’s in her room,” Tori replied in a solemn tone as she trudged past him.

Figures, of course he’d never fall for me. All guys prefer tall, blonde, and stick like!

Her thoughts began to get angrier and meaner as she thought more of how the Evan’s sisters always attracted attention. She, the one who wanted it, was always called ‘cheap’ or ‘easy’ when she flirted but no not when the Evan’s girls flirt. She rolled her eyes and stomped out of the room right before an idea hit her. Get back at them Tori!

The bad little devil inside herself began chanting and urging her on, Well, who am I to say no?

she thought to herself smugly as she strutted out of the house and hopped into her car.

“Destination?” her GPS asked as she started the car up.

“Lakhota Rivers Camping Site,” she said with a smile and as she pulled out of the Evan’s driveway, the devil inside gave a smile too, time for revenge.


Dakota wiped the salty tears away from her face and sat up straighter on her bed. “Ah, how weak I’ve become,” she muttered as she shoved the picture book back underneath her bed.

“Is it okay if I come in?” Blaze asked from her doorway, startling her and causing her to jump.

“Yeah, what do you need?” she asked and he smiled as her sat down next to her.

“You’ve been crying,” he stated and she resisted the urge to kick him, doesn’t he know I hate it when people see me weak?

She thought bitterly but starting into his warm, inviting jade green eyes, her feelings of anger slipped away.

“You forgot this one,” he said as he gently reached down and picked up a picture from the floor. It showed Dakota and Jeannine, their arms flung around each other, their smiles wider than ever. Dakota watched Blaze as a smile took to his face, “She was always so happy when you were together,” he whispered and Dakota’s throat clenched.

“She was happy with you too,” Dakota whispered and he turned to face her.

“Was she?” he asked and Dakota took a deep breath to calm her emotions and make her canines go back to their average size.

“Of course she was, she loved you!” Dakota insisted as Blaze shook his head.

“We fought constantly, don’t deny it Dakota, even you have to admit it,” he said and Dakota frowned.

“Terrance and I fought some too, same with my parents, and even Jeannine, but never, would I ever think that they didn’t love me. Jeannine loved you Blaze,” she finished with tears blurring her vision and her fangs protruding slightly from her perfectly glossed lips.

“Terrance loved you,” Blaze whispered and Dakota raised her eyes to meet his.

“And I loved Terrance,” she replied back, her voice hushed and shaky.

“And I love you,” Blaze whispered so softly the only superhuman hearing allowed Dakota to hear him. Blaze’s green eyes flicked up to meet hers and he slowly leaned in towards her. His face neared hers slowly, his lips just inches away until, something in Dakota snapped.

She pulled her feet up and kicked him in the gut, catching him off guard and giving her time to jump up.

“Don’t you ever try to question my love for him again, you hear me!?” she screamed at him as regained his bearings.

“Kota, I wasn’t questioning-”

“Stop it! Just shut-up!” she shrieked as she covered her ears, “Get out! I don’t want to ever see you again!” Blaze shook his head then met Dakota’s fierce glare.

“You can yell, scream, and shout all you want, Heck you can even keep kicking me, but we both know who you love now Kota, you might as well get used to it, he’s not coming back,” Blaze said and Dakota took off her heeled boot and threw it with all of her strength at him.

“Just leave!” she hissed as he quickly dodged the shoe, though it just narrowly missed him.

Blaze gave her one last look before disappearing out of her room. Once he was gone, she collapsed onto the floor and sobbed.

“I’m not ever going to betray you,” she whispered as she pulled out the photo of her and Terrance and clutched it tightly. “Not ever…” she muttered as she pulled out her necklace from under her t-shirt, the necklace she always wore, the one that held her engagement ring. The diamonds sparkled beautifully and her tears flowed harder as she was brought back to the night she’d received it.

“Will you give me the honor of being my lawful wedded wife?” Terrance asked, his soft golden brown locks falling into his face as looked down to open the box for her. The diamond was sparkling so gorgeously it took her already gone, breath away. “Wife?” she asked and she felt her limbs go numb but still she knew she had to answer. “Y-yes, yes,” she stuttered as she nodded her head repeatedly. “Yes?” Terrance asked in a stunned voice and she nodded her head more fiercely. “Yes!” she exclaimed and he picked her up and spun her around. “Dakota Evans, I hereby swear to you that I will always love you, no one else, until the my immortal life comes to an end,” he stated and she hit him lightly on the chest. “Immortal means we shall live forever,” she corrected and he pulled her closer to him. “I know my dear, but I must tell myself that for I cannot picture living my life without you,” he whispered into her ear and she giggled, though the thought upset her too.

“Thought we may not live forever, we do live longer than the humans, and I will cherish every extra moment I get with you,” she replied as he set he down and offered the ring to her. “It’s an heirloom, though my mother does not approve, she allowed me to propose with it,” he stated as she slid the heavy ring onto her finger. “It’s gorgeous,” she whispered and Terrance smiled. “Picture time?” he asked and she sighed. “I suppose this is what I get for falling for a photographer,” she said and he laughed. “Yes, lifetimes of memories, how unlucky are you?” he asked as he pulled her close and set the camera down in front of them. “Ready, 1, 2,-” the camera’s flash went off and Dakota held out her hand so that the ring was visible admiring it after the camera’s flash snapped. Snap! Another flash went off and Terrance smiled. “Sorry, but I wanted a natural pose too,” he said and Dakota shook her head. “I love Terrance Jones, and I always, until the day I am gone.” Terrance bent down and gave her lips a soft kiss and she sighed.

Dakota sniffled as she pulled herself out of her flashback. “You have to stop doing that,” Dakota whispered to herself, “it’s unhealthy.” She got up from the floor and brushed her dress off.

She slowly walked over to her vanity and sat down. Staring at her reflection, she saw a stranger, a small little girl who’d lost her parents, her best friend, and her first love. The young girl’s eyes were puffy and red from crying and her perfect lips were parted in a look of confusion. “Why did this happen to me?” she asked as she let another sob escape her lips. She took a deep sigh, retracting her fangs in the process and then stared confidently back at her reflection. “The time for crying is over, now, we get revenge,” she said and then she smiled. “Get ready wolves, you’re in for a whole lot of hell.”

Chapter 5

Tori pulled her black Cadillac into the dirt drive of the campsite. She stepped tentatively out of the car and brushed her jeans off as she surveyed the land around her. “What a dump,” she scoffed as she walked forward, searching for a sign of human activity.

“Hello?” she called nervously and she heard a grunting noise to her left. “I-I know y-you’re there!” she stuttered out and as she whipped her head back and forth, searching for the noise, she heard a second grunt, this one closer. There’s more than one of them,

she thought in a panic as she waved her hands over her head wildly.

“No, you don’t understand! I’m here to help, I have info!” she insisted but the grunts and growls continued to grow and soon, she was surrounded with wolves.

They were huge, even bigger than Mystica had described them. Their teeth were long and pointed, foam protruding from their mouths as they snarled at her. She was sure if her heart still had any life in it, it would be beating crazily at this point. Perspiration made her hands slick as she backed up towards her car, only to find more wolves behind her. They snarled and growled, giving her deliciously evil smiles that made the hairs on her neck stand on end. Though it only made her more scared, she couldn’t help but remember a talk her and Mystica had, had awhile back, just after her parent's had been killed.

“Do you think death hurts?” Mystica asked, her shoulders hunched over as she played with the locket around her neck. “No, death is supposed to be peaceful. No pain at all.”

She hoped that she’d been right, that death wouldn’t hurt. But now, confronted with it, she wasn’t sure if she was brave enough to find out. She held her trembling hands out in front of herself as she shook her head. “I mean no harm, I’m trying to help you!” she screamed and suddenly, the biggest wolf pounced.

His gigantic body soared through the air like it weighed nothing, his sharp claws extended towards her, claws that could cut through even the toughest of skins. Tori didn’t even have time to blink, the wolf was too fast, must be the Alpha

, she thought numbly as his sharp nails pierced her porcelain skin.

They dug deep down into her hard, solid, flesh, making her cry out in pain, and then, his body hit her. It was like being hit with a semi truck, the most forced she’d ever felt in her life. It threw her backwards and slammed her body into a nearby tree. Her head smacked against the hard bark and she felt her pain slip away as a floating sensation crept over her as the long branch protruded from the middle of her stomach.

She tried to raise her head to look up, but found she couldn’t move. What’s happening?

She thought to herself as black spots swam in her vision. The forest began to blur and spin around her and her, and her cold, unmoving form was slumped on the forest floor.

“Have a nice sleep little vamp,” A voice whispered and suddenly she slipped away. She let go of her consciousness and she felt a tugging sensation in the pit of her stomach. It began to grow stronger until finally, she gave in to it, and flying forward.

Blackness soared around her and suddenly it all stopped and she found herself in a forest…the forest she’d just been laying in. Her body was still lying by the tree in a grotesque position, wolves continued to circle her body too, sniffing it and howling in approval. None of them even looked her way, except one. He was a smaller wolf, by far the smallest of the pack, but there was something appealing about him, something genuine and sweet. He eyed the body with sadness and despair, then looking in her direction; it seemed that he was able to see her.

“Can you hear me?!” she asked him in a loud voice and he gave the slightest of nods, just barely moving his head. She gasped, “Please don’t tell!” she begged and the wolf shook his head, as if to assure her his lips were sealed. “Am I dead?” she asked and the wolf seemed unsure for a moment. But after some hesitation, he nodded slowly, and then Tori blacked out.


“Again this is an Amber Alert in the Bloomsburg area for a missing teenage girl. The girl’s parents, friends, and family all report that they haven’t had contact with her within the last 24 hours, these next 48 hours are crucial in all cases. Tori Mathew is a young girl with brown hair to her waist, she’s 5’3”, has a slim build, blue eyes, and is said to be wearing a purple tank top and jeans. If you have any information please call the number at the bottom of the screen.” Mystica stared blurry eyed at the television screen, resting her head on Mark’s shoulder as they stared up at the screen; it was displaying a smiling picture of all three of them from just last year.

“I can’t believe this is happening,” Mystica whispered and Mark leaned down and wiped the tears from her cheeks. “She’s going to be fine, Mist, everything’s going to be fine,” Mark continued to repeat his words, trying to assure himself more than anyone. Mr. and Mrs. Mathew’s were pacing the living room, both looking more panicked with every ticking second.

“Dakota and Blaze left hours ago, why aren’t they back with her yet?” Mrs. Mathew’s asked in a panicked voice. Mystica shrugged bitterly, I’m not sure, but if my only living relative doesn’t come back because you sent her out there, someone’s going to die.

“Excuse me, are you the Mathews?” A younger police officer asked as he fidgeted uncomfortably.

“Yes, we are, do you know where our daughter is? Have you found her? Is she alright?” The questions continued as everyone gathered around the young cop.

“No, we haven’t heard any word on the case, I’m just here to tell you, you may go home now. We needed you here for questioning, but that’s over now, we have all we need and if we hear anything new, we’ll contact you immediately.”

Anne Marie tisked at the officer as she pulled Grace closer to herself, “Just go home? How are we expected to, just go home? This is a missing teenage girl, how hard can it be?!” she exclaimed and the officer looked at her, clearly offended.

“Ma’am I’ve been training for years and-”

“Yes, you’ve been training,

but this isn’t training

anymore! This is the real world, you have a missing person’s investigation on your hands and until it’s solved, I won’t be going anywhere,” she said and Mystica had to squint to be sure, but she swore she saw the cops pupils dilate, like humans always did when compulsion was used on them.

“Yes of course, and there’s some pull out beds in the back rooms if you need them,” the cop said, his eyes still wide, and then he smiled and walked out.

Grace clapped her hands and smiled, “Good job mommy!” she exclaimed and Anne Marie blushed.

“You kids are not to use that, only in case on an emergency,” she said and Mark and Mystica nodded, as if they hadn’t already used compulsion dozens of times.

“Now, Mystica, you take grace and drive you and Mark back to our place. You kids can have a sleepover,” she said as she handed the small child over.

Mrs. Mathew’s eyebrows raised in a look of shock, “Sleepover? You’re letting a boy sleepover?” she asked in disgust and Anne Marie laughed.

“Oh relax, Sylvia, Mark is like a son to me, and we have an extra room. I’m sure they’ll be fine,” she said then cast a wink in Mark’s direction.

He nodded and smiled as he swung his messenger bag over his shoulder, “Let us know if you hear anything,” he said and Anne Marie nodded.

“I’ll call as soon as I do,” she assured him then, after giving Grace one last kiss, she waved them goodbye and walked out to the back rooms.

Mystica glanced up and Mark and he smiled encouragingly. “No worries, Mist, she’s going to be fine,” he said as he gave her shoulders a squeeze. At that point, she wanted to believe him more than ever, but for some reason all she could do was replay the horrible evening when she’s lost her parent’s, and hope that this story didn’t end the same.


The leaves beneath Dakota’s combat boots crunched loudly, giving away any chance of a sneak attack. She sighed and reached up to wipe the sweat from her face as they rested. “We’ve scouted out this whole forest, she’s not here!” Blaze said, breaking the awkward silence.

“No, I’m positive she’s here, we just haven’t found her yet!” Dakota yelled back as she took a deep breath and continued walking.

“Kota, all we’re doing is risking our lives,” he replied and she whipped around so that she was facing him.

“Is that really all

we’re doing? Could it be possible we’re actually saving someone’s life? I’m not going to lose someone again Blaze, I can’t handle it!” she yelled, throwing her hands at him. She’d meant to push Blaze backwards as she placed her hands on his chest, but for some reason, she found it impossible to move.

They were so close again, his hands covered hers and he moved them up until they were on his shoulders. Dakota was still, unmoving, and continued to stare at him. Slowly, hesitantly, he bent down towards her. His face neared hers and she remained still, until the very last second when he closed his eyes. She brought her knee up and kicked him strongly in the groin, sending him toppling backwards. “I told you to never test my love for him again, now, I’ll search for her myself,” she replied in a icy tone, but as she turned and began walking away, she felt more regret than anger.


Daniel continued to tromp through the edges of the forest. “Of course Ted would give me the outer layer patrol,” he muttered as he stomped through the mud and leaves.

“Danny! Danny!” Randy ran at inhuman speeds over to his side.

“What?” he asked as he surveyed the caked mud and cuts covering Randy’s pale skin.

“They killed her, they k-killed her,” he exclaimed and Daniel felt like his world was hit with a bomb.

“They killed Mystica?!” he exclaimed, his heart beat racing, his head hurting.

“Mystica? What, no! They killed her best friend, Tori!” he explained and Daniel gasped.

“Tori, why did they kill her?” he asked and Randy shrugged.

“She says that they thought she was trespassing,” Randy said after a pause and Daniels eyebrows rose.


said that did she?” he said with a chuckle, “well great, the only other wolf that’s nice has lost it.”

Tori crossed her transparent arms and glared at him, “Jerk.” Daniel didn’t so much as raise his head, proving her theory true, Randy was the only one who could see, and hear her.

Randy smiled apologetically, “I’m sorry he’s being rude.”

“Fine, let’s pretend that Tori really is here, prove it,” Daniel said with an unbelieving air.

“Tell him that his jacket is last season, and if he wants Mystica, he’ll have to lighten up,” Tori said and Randy laughed. “She says you jacket is last season and if you want Mystica you’re going to have to lighten up,” he repeated and Daniel’s jaw dropped as he was pulled into a flashback.

He walked into the classroom and took only empty seat, next to a brunette who gave him a disgusted look. He gave her a half smile, and then took his seat. “Oh my god,” she sighed and he shot her a confused look. “Is something wrong?” he asked in an annoyed voice and she laughed. “Duh, I’m sitting next to a fashion illiterate.” “Fashion illiterate?” he asked and she nodded. “Yes, that jacket is so last season, and if you want to have a girlfriend, you’ll have to buy some non black clothes, lighten up.”

Daniel gasped and looked around the forest surrounding him. “Tori?” he called in a surprised voice and she giggled.

“He looks like such a moron!” Tori said through giggles and Randy laughed with her.

“She says you look like a moron,” Randy said and Daniel scowled.

“Maybe she’s not fully dead, we just have to find her body,” Daniel said and Randy shook his head doubtfully.

“Who knows where Ted hid it,” Randy said sadly and Daniel chuckled.

“Ask him! He trusts you, just say you want to…give her one final mark, that’s it!” he exclaimed and Tori snorted.

“Wow, you guys are pigs!” she spat and Randy frowned. “I suppose I can tell him that,” he replied meekly. Twigs cracked nearby and everyone tensed.

“Hello?” Randy called tentatively and the figured stepped out from behind a tree. Dakota stood firmly in front of them, dressed in all leather, wore combat boots on her feet, and held a long silver pole in her hand.

“Get ready to pay,” she hissed and then, she pounced.

Chapter 6

Dakota’s lean, fit body soared through the air, her fangs extended fully, and her eyes blazing a crimson red. Her body made contact with Daniels muscle built chest, sending them both toppling to the ground. Dakota desperately tried to grip the silver spear tighter but her sweaty, shaking hands slipped on the cool metal, leaving her defenseless. Daniel looked down for a moment, contemplating whether or not to strike, then looked up into Dakota’s eyes and gasped.

“Mystica?” he asked in a hushed tone and Dakota glared at him.

“My name’s Dakota, not Mystica,” she replied as she struggled against his grasp on her forearms.

“No, just a second ago, you did that thing…You bit your cheek, Mystica always does that when she’s nervous, you looked just like her…” Daniels voice trailed off as he pictured her face and smiled.

“It’s a hereditary habit, we got it from our mother

,” Dakota hissed as she spat at his feet, “just talking to you disgusts me.” Mark raised his eyebrows in question and Daniel laughed.

“Please, do you want your friend or not?” he asked and then instantly regretted it. Dakota’s canines extended even longer and she speedily pushed him backwards, then managed to sit on him, pinning him down to the forest floor.

“I’ll give you two choices,” she whispered into his ear and he chuckled.

“Alrighty then, what are my choices?” he asked and Mark shifted uncomfortably but still didn’t move.

“One, you lead me to Tori no problem, and everyone plays nice, or two, I bite your throat and suck you dry,” she snarled animally at the end and Daniels heart gave a shudder.

“I’d love number one, really I would, but I don’t know where she is!” Daniel insisted and Dakota smiled.

“Well, I suppose if you don’t have the information…” her smile curled up and she bent down closer to him and ever so slowly, ran her lips over his throat. He shuddered from pleasure then mentally kicked himself, this isn’t Mystica seducing you, this is Dakota, her sister, trying to kill you!

“Wait!” Randy called frantically and Dakota’s eyes flicked up to meet his, her lips still brushing lightly against Daniels neck.

“What? Wait so you can kill more people? I don’t think so! No, I warned you that you were going to pay, and now, you will!” she shouted at him then with one more glare, she leaned forward and extended her canines longer.

Time seemed to move in slow motion, Dakota’s fangs approached Daniels skin, Daniel struggled under her grasp, Randy yelped and tried to run towards them, and Tori panicked. “NO!” She screeched and suddenly, she felt the tugging sensation and was popped back into a body. Dakota’s senses disappeared as Tori’s soul made itself present.

Dakota gasped and sputtered as she clutched at her throat and Daniel was finally able to push her off of himself. “You will not kill them!” Tori reprimanded her and Dakota’s eyes widened.

“Tori?” Dakota asked through coughing fits, her eyes wide and scared. Satisfied, Tori gave in to the slight tugging in her stomach and was again transported away.

Falling, darkness consumed her and she began to panic, “Wait, no! I want to go back to the forest!” she insisted but it had no effect, she continued to fall.

“Tori, where are you?” Randy asked as he looked around the forest with concerned eyes. “She’s gone…” he said with a frown and Dakota shook her head.

“No, that’s not possible! She was just here!” she insisted with tears forming in her eyes. “That’s not possible…all of this isn’t possible…” she continued to mutter to herself and Daniel caught Randy’s concerned glance.

“Go,” Daniel assured him and Randy nodded.

“No worries, Dakota, I’m going to go ask Ted where she is, and then, I’m going to find her!” Randy said then raced off through the trees and brush.

“You have to help me!” Dakota said as Daniel sat down next to her.
“Help you? With what?” he asked and she laughed.

“Well, I thought it was obvious! If Tori’s alive, so is Terrance, same with Jeanine, my mother, and my father!” she said with a smile and Daniel’s stomach did a flip.

“Dakota, you friends and family died, they aren’t alive, but Tori is,” he said gently and Dakota shook her head defiantly.

“No, they are, and you’re going to help me find them!” she insisted and Daniel laughed lightly.

“Whatever you say,” he muttered then offered his hand to her.

“We should probably get out of here,” he said as Dakota’s small hand clutched his.

“Yes, I have to go make sure my sister is okay,” Dakota said and Daniel’s smile brightened at the thought of seeing Mystica. “Well, I’d better go,” Dakota said and Daniel frowned.

“You don’t want me to go with you?” he asked and Dakota giggled.

“Of course not! I’ll be fine,” she said and Daniel nodded slowly.

“Okay…scream if you need help, okay?” he asked and Dakota rolled her eyes.

“Sure,” she said then waved, “Bye.” She turned her back on him and began walking back towards the road, her boots crunching heavily in the leaves, and her hopes soaring higher than they had in a very long time.


“Bye,” Dakota’s voice echoed in Blaze’s ears as he continued to stare at Daniel. That, evil damnation

! He thought angrily as he pictured Dakota’s vulnerable look once they’d convinced her that Terrance was still alive. They’re just setting her up for more heartache,

he thought to himself as he began to creep back, out of the forest. Once he was nearly out of the forest, he was finally able to relax again.

Sighing, he plucked his phone out of his pocket and saw he had nearly 5 messages from Anne Marie and Mystica. He quickly dialed her number and Anne Marie’s panicked voice answered on the first ring, “Hello, Blaze? Have you found her? Is she alright?” she asked and Blaze sighed.

“No, I’m sorry, but we haven’t found her…there’s no traces here,” he added and he heard Anne stifle a sob. “I’m sorry-” he began but Anne cut him off.

“No, there’s no need for apologizes…You’ve been very brave tonight and that’s all that I asked for…” he voice trailed off and Blaze assumed she was fighting back tears.

“Just stay safe, and bring Dakota home soon, everyone’s worried about her,” she whispered and Blaze felt his heart sink.

“Yeah, will do,” he assured her but as he spoke the words, he wasn’t sure if he could live up to them. You aren’t the only one worried about her

, Blaze thought nervously as he muttered a hasty goodbye then hung up the phone. “Time to start looking for Kota,” he spoke softly as he began tromping through the brush once more.


“Do you think she’ll be all right?” Mystica asked as she leaned her head against Marks shoulder. Mark looked down into her mysterious gray eyes and smiled.

“Come on, it’s Tori we’re talking about, of course she’ll be okay,” he said jokingly but as the words left his mouth, his gut flipped over considering the other possibilities.

“Mark?” Mystica asked and Mark took a calming breath before asking, “Yes?” Mystica leaned more of her weight onto his shoulder and began fiddling with the ring on her finger, trying to think of how to word her next sentence.

“Are we going to die?” Mystica asked calmly and Mark chuckled.

“Why on Earth would you think we’re going to die?” he asked and Mystica looked up at him with tear rimmed eyes.

“I don’t want to die, Mark!” she insisted and the tears began spilling over her eyelids, streaming down her face in wet rivets. Mark’s smile disappeared and he pulled her close to himself.

“You aren’t going to die,” he assured her and she sniffled a bit before nodding her head.

“Yes, I am. I’ve fallen in love with a werewolf, do you know what that means, Mark? I’ve fallen in love with a murderer!” she sobbed and Mark shook his head at her.

“Daniel isn’t a murderer, Mist! Look, vampires are murderers too, you can’t judge him on what his race does,” Mark replied and Mystica sobbed even harder.

“You don’t get it Mark! It was his pack! He was with them that night! I’ve known that all along, and yet I still love him, and I hate that I love him, I just hate it!” the tears were running steadily now and Mark’s jaw was on the floor.

“How do you know it was him?” he asked and Mystica shook her head sadly.

“It was the first day, when he caught me before I fell. I notice the necklace around his neck, it’s symbolic for his pack…the pack that killed my parents,” she finished and Mark pulled her back into his arms.

“Listen Mist, there’s no way in Hell I’m ever going to let someone hurt you, okay?” he asked and she nodded.

“Mark…I have to see him,” she whispered after a moment of silence and Mark nodded slowly, almost cautiously.

“I know, and tomorrow, we’ll call him, but right now, you need to get your rest,” he said and Mystica shook her head fiercely.

“No, Mark, I need

, to talk to him, now

,” she said it so fiercely that Mark almost shuddered.

“Mist, what do you want me to do?” he asked and Mystica smiled.

“I need you to cover for me,” she replied and Mark looked up at her in a concerned way.

“Are you okay Mist?” he asked and Mystica sighed.

“Just cover for me, okay? I need to talk to him, to get some reassurance,” she stated and Mark sighed in frustration.

“But the last time one of my friends went somewhere alone, they didn’t come back!” he insisted but Mystica brushed this off.

“I’ll be fine, but this is something I need to do be myself, Mark, you can’t go everywhere with me,” she replied as she reached for her purse.

“Fine, but be back before 2:00 A.M. or I’m going into panic mode okay?” he asked and Mystica rolled her eyes.

“Yes, no worries Mark, I’ll be back in no time,” and with that she strutted out the door and started off to go see the man of whom she’d betrayed her own race for.

Chapter 7

Tori blinked cautiously, sitting up and rubbing at her blurry eyes. Her head ached dully but it was nothing compared to the pain protruding from her chest. Clutching her ribcage, she tried to sit up but found chains wrapped around her waist and ankles. Her head gave a throb as she tried desperately to remember where she was and the previous events of the morning. Footsteps echoed slightly on the stone floor, alerting her someone was nearing and she quickly laid back down, shutting her eyes tightly once more.

“Oh shit, I thought someone moved her,” a voice murmured to her right.

“Nah, Ted wants to have a little fun before we take out the trash

,” another voice called and several others joined in with his laughter.

Tori felt nausea consume her being as she resisted the urge to hiss and thrash at them, it would do her no good. She desperately coaxed her fangs back to a normal length, though it took all of her will power to do so, as to not give away her appearance.

“We sure she’s dead?” a voice asked and Tori’s mind gave a start.

Now who is that…I know I know that voice!

She racked her brains as a couple of the other men laughed around her.

“I don’t, you want to check?” a guy asked and she heard the room go silent. How do you check if a vampire’s alive?

She thought frantically as the silence continued.

“N-no! I was just asking…..” the voice trailed off and it seemed to set off alarm bells in Tori’s mind. Randy! That’s who it is!

“Look you freaking moron, we stabbed her through the chest with a wooden branch, of course she’s dead!” the instigator yelled and Tori’s mind came up to a blank wall.

A wooden stake, huh?

She thought cockily, looks like you don’t have very good aim.

She felt a laugh creep up in her throat, but forced it back down with the thought of being caught and tortured some more. Apparently done with poking fun at Tori, the men began to shuffle out of the room until Randy was the only one left. He stood in the corner, his arms trembling as he hoped and prayed that the pack would go hunting soon.Tori lie still for a moment, contemplating whether she should open her eyes or continue to stay frozen.

“We’re alone,” Randy said finally once he was positive the pack was out of hearing distance.

“Thank God,” Tori said with a gasp as her eyes popped open and she began tugging at the metal chains around her waist.

“Can you get these off of me?!” Tori exclaimed as the metal dug tighter into her stone like flesh.

“No, only Ted has the key, but I can pull you out of them,” Randy said as he walked over and bent down next to her. Sliding Tori’s shoes off, Randy grinned up at her.

“This is going to hurt, isn’t it?” she asked as he hooked his arms around her waist. Randy didn’t answer but instead tightened his grip on her torso. Wincing from the applied pressure, Tori held her breath as Randy began to back up, her feet slipping smoothly through the metal shackles on her ankles. Randy paused to stretch his arms out before tightening his grip once more.

“Yes, this is going to hurt,” he said with a sigh and didn’t give Tori a chance to grasp what he’d said as he began pulling her forcefully backwards. Tori gasped and grunted as the unusually sharp metal cut into her normally impenetrable skin, making her flesh burn like fire wherever it’s icy chains touched her.
Finally, Randy managed to pull her up and out of the retched chains and set her down on the cold stone floor.

“Are you okay?” he asked as he wiped his hand across his sweating brows.

“Why did they cut me?” she asked as she rubbed her raw, torn, stomach, the flesh red and oozing where the chains had touched her. Randy raised his eyebrows at her and walked over slowing to her side.

“Those chains are the least of your worries,” he said with a sigh as he began to pull the bottom of her top up. Slapping his hands away, Tori spat at him.

“How dare you! You, you pig!” she searched for the right words as she covered her chest with her arms.
Randy rolled his eyes and let a laugh escape his lips.

“You think this is funny, pervert?” she asked as she stood her ground and glared at him, “just because you helped me out doesn’t mean I won’t kick your ass for that last little trick.” Randy’s grin faded as he shook his head back and forth.

“Would you calm down? I was only going to check your stab wound,” he insisted and Tori’s fluttering heart gave a jump.

“That’s right, they stabbed me…” she whispered absentmindedly as she pulled up her shirt and examined her torso wound. “How did I survive?” she asked in a hushed tone as she ran her fingers along the healing lines where the stake had pierced her ribcage just hours earlier.

“They must’ve had bad aim,” Randy said with a shrug as he picked up a pack from the stone floor and swung it over his shoulders.

“No, I’m positive it hit my heart. It must’ve! I was unconscious, and the only thing that can cause a thing like that to happen to a vampire is a stake to the heart,” Tori motioned to her already healing stomach as if this were proof.

Randy sighed and turned to face her, “Does it matter? I mean, you’re alive now and that’s all that counts.” Sighing, Tori gave a defeated nod and began to follow him out of the cave.

When they reached at the edge of the cave’s shade Tori felt an odd prickling sensation begin to take over her arms. It wasn’t uncomfortable, just odd, so she dismissed it with a shrug and continued to walk forward into the bright forest. Light trickled through the tree tops, sending down beams of bright, white light. They hit Tori’s skin with the intensity of a knife and Tori screamed. Gripping her burning arms, she dropped to the ground in pain. Randy frantically looked about their surroundings, hoping none of the wolves had hear her scream, before scooping Tori up into his arms and carrying her back into the shelter of the cave.

“What the hell just happened?!” Randy exclaimed as he bent down next to the sobbing Tori, “can’t you walk in the Sun?” Tori nodded weakly as she rubbed her still red arms.

“We’ve never had a problem with it before, we always just thought it was a myth, a stupid legend,” she replied as she leaned back against the cool walls of the cave to relieve her throbbing back.

“Well looks like it’s a problem now,” Randy said as he dug in his pack and retrieved a first aid kit. Opening it, he pulled out a burn ointment bottle and smeared the sticky contents over her aching arms and back.

“How am I going to escape?” Tori asked as once Randy was done applying the medicine.

“You’ll escape tonight, once the sun has set,” he said and Tori looked up at him with questioning eyes.

“Well what are we supposed to do until then?” she asked though she already knew the answer.

“Until then, we wait, and hope to God that we aren’t discovered…For both of our lives sake.” His last words made Tori shiver as she remembered the terrible ripping feeling of werewolf claws against her porcelain skin. Making a promise to herself, Tori stared up at the suddenly ominous looking Sun, I will not die tonight, and neither will Randy. No, tonight, if confronted, we will fight, and we won’t stop until we’ve won.


Slap! Mystica sighed as another tree branch whipped her sore forehead; her boots crunching in the dry leafs as she ducked under more branches. She wanted to turn back, to go home and curl up next to Anne Marie, to embrace the new relationship with her sister, to go shopping with Mark. More than anything, to go back to easy, somewhat normal life, but she knew there was one thing that she wouldn’t, couldn’t, change, Daniel. He was a part of her now, though a dangerous one at that, and it was he who kept her tromping through the depths of unknown, the thought of hearing his voice.

Perhaps he doesn’t even like you

, she thought to herself, but quickly pushed the thought from her mind, she couldn’t bear to think of that alternative. Pushing faster and farther through the woods, Mystica began to grow worried. Gripping the silver knife in her hand tighter, she paused to catch her breath. Opening her pack, she retrieved a packet of blood and ripped the top open with her extended fangs. As soon as the sweet iron tasting liquid hit her tongue, she was instantly rejuvenated. Taking one more sip before closing the pack up, she wiped her mouth clean and pulled the pony on her head tighter.


Daniel continued stare off into the woods at the place where he’d last seen Dakota, hoping that’d she’d make it out okay, but knowing she could take care of herself. Finally, after a mere few hours, he turned and began to walk back to the camp site when something caught his eye. A flash of hair, so blonde and fair that it was nearly white, swam into his field of vision. Thinking it was Dakota he kept walking then came to an abrupt halt, Dakota’s hair is longer than that, he stated silently. Turning slowly and walking silently, he snuck over closer to her. Mystica, he smiled as her name passed his mind, happy that with Ted gone he could finally give in to his obsession once more.

She pulled a pack of what looked like blood out of her backpack and took a long sip, Daniel wasn’t sure why, though he should be disgusted, he wasn’t, no, just simply fascinated.

“What does it taste like?” he asked before he could stop himself and suddenly wished he hadn’t spoken. Mystica whipped around and flashed her deadly gray eyes to meet his, at which they softened.

“You scared me,” she said quietly then, moving slowly, she lowered her guard and walked over to his side. Standing next to him, she was nearly a foot shorter and in comparison looked as fragile as a doll, but Daniel knew not to underestimate her, the Evan’s girls were about as innocent and helpless as a fierce jungle cat.

“You surprised me,” Mystica said again as she walked in slow careful circles, surrounding him like prey.

“No, you came looking for me,” he replied and Mystica stopped her pacing momentarily to stare at him, a smile playing on her lips.

“Where are the rest of the wolves?” she asked after pausing, and continued her long strides.

“Hunting, my guess is that they won’t be back for another two days or so,” Daniel responded and Mystica smiled.

“Look, I came here for one thing, and that’s to find my friend Tori,” Mystica replied and Daniel chuckled under his breath and took a step closer to her, grasping her arm so that she stopped pacing.

“Is that really all you came for?” he asked, his cinnamon sweet breath drowned her senses and made her knees wobble slightly.

“Yes, that’s all,” she whispered after some hesitation and Daniel nodded and dropped his arm.

“Well then, follow me; we can go scope out the campsite, see if we can find any clues.” Mystica nodded to show she understood and quickly followed behind him, all the while rethinking her last answer, and hoping she got another chance to answer differently.

Chapter 8

“So where is she again?” Blaze crossed his muscle enhanced arms as he stared intently at Mark.
Mark laughed nervously and gave a weak smile, “I already told you, Mystica just left for coffee, she’ll be back any minute.” Blaze resisted the urge to scream at Mark as he gave him a smile so fake that he, himself, didn’t believe it.

“Look, we both know I’m waiting till she gets back, so you might as well tell me the truth now and save us both a hassle,” Blaze sighed out of frustration as he slammed his fists down on the wooden table causing it to shake uncontrollably.

“I’ve told you the truth already,” Mark said stubbornly as he plopped back down on Mystica’s bed.

“Can’t I leave for my date already?” Mark asked in a whining tone once an unchanging ten minutes passed.

Blaze chuckled and shook his head, “I already told you, we’re both stuck here until she comes home, and since she’s getting coffee, that should be any minute, right?”

Mark sighed and nodded tiredly, “Right.” Anne Marie could be heard in the dining room, clanging pots around and fixing something for Grace, his spirits hopeful, Mark headed out of the bedroom and approached the young toddler.

“Hi Gracie!” he said with a start as he bent down and picked her up. “I have a surprise for you,” he whispered into her ear and Grace giggled with joy.

“A Surprise for me, what surprise?!” she giggled with excitement as she played with the ends of Mark’s hair.

“Well, it’s a big one, but in order for me to show you it, you have to convince the adults to let us go play,” Mark whispered and suddenly felt the presence of very strong hands on his shoulders.

“Using a toddler to get out the house, you’ve just hit an all time low,” Blaze said as he scoped Grace out of Mark’s arms and set her down into her playpen.

Grace glared up at them, sticking her lips out in a pout, “I want my surprise.” Blaze laughed and bent down so that they were both eye level.

“Well, I’ll take you out later and we’ll go hunting, okay Gracie?” he said and she nodded eagerly, causing Mark to flinch.

“You really shouldn’t,” Mark began but Blaze got up and silenced him with a glare. “I think I’m just going to go take a nap,” Mark said as he trudged out of the room, all of his hopes for making his date gone. Heading towards the guest room, he messaged Jonathan explaining why he was going to be late then sent a text to Mystica, encouraging her to hurry up with her business, and then once he was finally able to free his mind of the surrounding chaos, he slipped into a peaceful dream.


“We really shouldn’t-“

“I’m tired of talking,” Tori cut Randy off and leaned forward. Before he had a chance to react, she pressed her cold marble like lips against his moist warm ones. It felt as if two different world’s had just met, like two puzzle pieces fitting together. The passion drove on and soon Tori found herself pressing against Randy, he was kissing her neck and whispering her name seductively. “Tori…Tori…Tori!”

“Tori!” the voice called again, this time panicked rather than seductive. Gasping, Tori was pulled out of her subconscious dreams and back into reality. Randy was crouched in front of her, his face so close she could smell his cinnamon scented breath. Normally, Tori wouldn’t have cared about his closeness, but after the dream she’d just had, she shifted uncomfortably under his presence.

“What?” she asked after a moment of awkward silence. Randy held out his hand and with the other, motioned to the sky. The moon shone brightly, lighting up the sky ominously and casting horrid shadows all of the cave walls.

“It’s time to break you out of here,” he said with a smile and Tori tried to smile back but felt too tired to do anything but grimace.

“You okay, you look kind of pale?” Randy asked Tori rolled her eyes.

“I’m a vampire, we’re naturally pale,” she replied but even so, she felt her stomach flip and vile begin to rise in her throat.

“On second thought, I’m not feeling so hot.” Randy put a hand to Tori’s forehead and quickly drew it back.

“You’re burning up Tori; we’d better get you to a doctor.”

“But vampires don’t get sick!” she insisted but Randy ignored her as he scooped her up into his arms.

“Me carrying you won’t hurt anything, okay?” his question didn’t require an answer and Tori was glad it didn’t because by now her skin had began a burning sensation and she was sure she’d start shrieking if she opened her lips.

“I’m going to take you to the closest doctor, now I don’t want you to freak out, but that’s going to be a wolf.”

Tori then lost any sanity she still clung too, “No, no ,no!!! No! Make it stop! AH!” her voice shrieking high and loud and her nails dug into Randy’s shoulder but he refused to let her go, to leave her. “Please! Please, I’m begging you!” tears were streaking down her face now and Randy had to look away as to not be swayed, he wasn’t putting her down now and he wasn’t going to when they got to the doctor either. When they reached the medicine tent Tori had stopped flailing around and was now lying limp in his arms. Randy had known doctor Pontomoin for most of his life, and even knowing this, he was overly anxious to bring a vampire to him, mainly since he was a werewolf himself.

“Ah, she’s one of the cold blooded,” the doctor murmured as Randy carefully stepped into the office area. “Nonetheless, I will treat her as one of our own, for your sake, my child,” the way he said, the glimmer in his eyes, made Randy uneasy but he smiled anyway and forced his lips to respond.

“I’d like to continue holding her, if that’s alright,” Randy said and the doctor nodded, a knowing smile playing on his lips.

“Yes, of course, so what seems to be the problem?” he asked.

“Well…um…I think she came back to life,” Randy said and the doctor’s face turned confused.

“Is that a problem? Would you rather she’s dead?” he asked and Randy shook his head quickly.

“No, it’s just…well…How is that possible?” he asked and he felt Tori stir slightly in his arms.

“Well, if ancient history is correct, she isn’t the first to have this happen,” the doctor replied and Tori peeked through her half shut eyes at him.

“What do you mean I’m not the first? It’s impossible!” she stated in a raspy voice.

“No, it’s not. It’s a very rare occurrence, yes, but not impossible. It happens, you see, when a vampire is nearly killed. For example, a stake slivering the heart but not directly hitting it, this sets nature into chaos and the vampire becomes a whole new creation,” doctor Pontomoin smiled as if this were good news and Tori felt vile rise in her throat.

“What new creation? What am I?!” Tori demanded as she forced herself to open her eyes fully even though the sun was still threatening to blind her just outside the window.

“Well, there isn’t a specific name, it’s been changed frequently overtime but most have come to know you as a Liderc.”

“What’s a Liderc?” Randy asked as Tori tightened her grip on his shoulder.

“A species similar of that to a mythical vampire, but usually identified as a demon.”

“Okay, you can stop right there,” Tori interrupted as she tried to sit up in Randy’s arms, “this guy is a few crayons short of a box, read what I’m saying?”

Randy bit his tongue to keep from laughing and the doctor’s smile turned into a grimace.

“The burns on you, are those not from the sun? Have you not had any out of body experiences?” the doctor smiled knowingly as Tori went speechless.

After she regained her composure she responded, “Yeah, so? Just because the sun hurts me doesn’t mean I’m a demon.”

The doctor laughed and shook his head, “No, you in plural form are not, but generally Liderc are associated with death and therefore, demons. As for your experiences, the sun burns Liderc when they are not in their proper form, which is a spirit like form. Your out of body experience was the normal form that Liderc take on.”

Tori’s jaw dropped and she looked up at Randy nervously, “Can that be true?” she asked.
Randy shrugged uncomfortably then tightened his grip around her slim body, “I’m not sure but we’re going to find out.”

Chapter 9

“Are you sure she went this way?” Mystica finally asked after hours of tromping through boggy forest ground.

“Yes,” Daniel replied then came to a sudden halt and sighed, “No.”
Just as he spoke the words the clouds head broke and wet rain began to pour from the sky.

“Ew,” Mystica said as the wet tree leafs touched her head, “Do you have somewhere we can wait this out for awhile?”

Daniel shot her a smile and nodded, “The wolves are all out hunting right now, so we should be fine. Follow me.”

Grabbing his hand for guidance, Mystica followed closely behind him as he led her off in the opposite direction. By the time they reached the campsite the rain was pouring down twice as hard and thunder and lightning was already starting.

“Tents?” Mystica asked questioningly, “Won’t that be kind of dangerous in a storm like this?”

Daniel laughed quietly and snatched up a backpack that was lying by one of the tents, “Of course it would be. I just needed to pick this up. We can head back to my cabin now.”

“Okay,” Mystica said with a smile as they both fell into step next to each other in the direction of the nearby woods. The winding path in front of them occupied Mystica’s line of vision as they walked. Her blond locks brushed her cheeks as she continued to stare ahead. She desperately wanted to find look up at him, to find his gorgeous eyes boring into hers.

Ironically, Daniel yearned for the same things. He wanted to tuck her beautiful hair behind her small ears. He wanted to wrap his arms around her, to kiss her neck slowly…

“So have you always lived here?” Mystica asked after a moment of hesitation.

“What?” Daniel asked as he was snapped back into reality.

“The reservation, have you always lived here?” she repeated, her gray mysterious eyes sparkling up at him as she side stepped to avoid tripping on a fallen branch.

“Yeah, I’ve been living here for all of my life. Since before I can remember, I’ve been walking on these paths. My ancestors even lived here, but I only recently stopped attending the reservation’s private schools and started attending the Academy…”

“Oh,” Mystica replied after Daniel trailed off into silence, “so, how do you like Washington Prep? Is it everything you thought it would be?”

“It’s fine…I guess,” Daniel answered, his voice void of all emotion and his head down, pointed to his shoes that scuffed the ground quietly below him. “I just wish…”

“What? What do you wish?” Mystica asked as she slowed her pace and glanced up at Daniel.

“Forget I said anything, it’s stupid,” he replied as he looked away into the forest.

“It’s not stupid! Maybe if you just-”

‘We’re here,” Daniel cut in as they came to a halt in front of the rugged looking campsite.

The cabin looked like scrap wood, logs piled in random directions on top of each other and the campfire consisted of a pile of ash, soot, and leafs and the surrounding trees looked dead and bare.

“Well, this is…nice,” Mystica whispered hesitantly as she surveyed the naked, remote landscape.

“It’s not much, but to keep you safe, it’s all we’ve got,” Daniel replied with a smile as he sat down a rotting log. “That people didn’t judge, that’s what I wish,” he added after a moment of silence.

“Not everyone judges,” Mystica replied as she snuck a shy glance up at him only to find him staring right back.

“No, not everyone,” he whispered back, his voice sounding strained, as if he was holding back. “I’ll go fetch us some water,” Daniel said after quietly clearing his throat, “just make yourself at home.” Mystica nodded, feeling a bit disappointed, as she trudged over and ducked into the cabin. “I’ll be back by dawn!” Daniels voice echoed off the trees as he disappeared from her line of vision.

“Be careful,” she whispered more to herself than Daniel as she laid down of the half
broken bed pallet, her muscles aching as she tried to relax. Her tousled hair fell into her face as she pulled up what looked like an blanket but turned out to be an old worn away shirt. Shivering, Mystica slipped on the shirt and curled up into a ball. He’ll be fine,

she thought silently as she crossed her fingers for luck, please let him be fine.

As she began more silent prayers of hope, she began to drift away into a deep sleep. One where Daniel held her tight, where he kissed her gently and where no one care who they are nor did they care what they were.


As Dakota trudge through the boggy forest ground she found herself admiring the landscape around her. She admired the way the crystal raindrops stood out delicately on the rough tree bark. She liked the idea of something so fragile mixing with something so harsh, it reminded her of Terrance. It also reminded her of her once timid self before she’d met him, the love of her life, and he’d taught her how to be strong, to never show weakness. He’ll be back

, she thought with a hope filled smile as the mud beneath her began to dry out.

The watery muck seemed to disappear, replaced by grass and she soon found herself standing in a clearing. Grassy landscape was all she could see for miles and the sunset glowed ominously in the distance. In the far edges of her vision, she could detect movement. Instantly alert and interested, she crept forward softly, but in a speedy fashion as she was eager to find the source of the movement. Her other senses alerted her that whatever this was, whether it be an animal or something else, it was not human.

“So are you a grizzly or a doe?” Dakota teased as she neared the area. Her voice rang out through the silent field like chimes in the wind, “Are you strong and though or soft and weak?”

“I’d say sly and deadly.”

Dakota whipped her head around, searching for the source of the noise when breathing in ear made her call out. Her scream echoed across the terrain as she leapt backwards and yet again was stopped by the perpetrator, but this time, she’d revealed herself to Dakota. She looked to be in her early twenties and her beauty was so intense it rendered Dakota speechless. She had long cascading waves of black hair that framed her high cheek bones perfectly and ended at her lower back. Her stunning green eyes held the passion of a caged tiger and her heart shaped lips were parted in a superior, teasing smile.

“You scare quite easily, don’t you?” she mocked as she danced circles around Dakota like a calculating predator. Her movements her as graceful as a dove yet she managed to make them
looks as deadly as a lion.

“No!” Dakota reprimanded once she caught her breath, “I was expecting someone else, but I’m prepared to deal with anything and anyone,” she warned with a glare. The woman’s perfect brows raised themselves as she came to a stop then cocked her head to the side.

“Why so defensive? We’re one in the same Hun, you know,” she purred. Dakota reluctantly dropped her apprehension and allowed confusion and interest consume her as she blinked back at the girl.

“No, I don’t know. How is it that we’re the same? I don’t even know who you are, yet alone what are similarities are.” AS if expecting this, the girl’s smile grew and she winked at Dakota teasingly.

“No, I don’t suppose you do know me, but that’s irrelevant. What’s important is that I know you and as so my title, you can call my Scarlet. Scar for short.”

“Scarlet,” Dakota repeated with distaste.

“Yes, Kota, and now we have some very important matters to discuss.”

Dakota frowned indignantly and tisked, “Disregarding the question of how you name what my name is, what matters are these that we have to discuss?” Scarlet smiled with a seductive air as she bent down and snatched something out of her boot.

“We need to discuss this

.” In her hand she held a slightly crumpled photo of Dakota and her family. Their smiles were big and Terrance and Jeannine were show too, both of them had their arms thrown around Dakota. It was the day before they’d been killed, the day before everything had gone wrong.

“Where did you get that?!” Dakota demanded as she grabbed for it but Scarlet was too quick and easily jumped to the side.

“Never mind that, I’m here to talk business. As I’m aware, you’re looking for a way to take revenge against these wolves, correct?” Scarlet’s pursed lips pulled back to reveal blindingly white teeth as she spoke and her calculating green eyes searched for signs of weakness.

“Correct,” Dakota responded as she took a step closer, “but I doubt you can help with that nor would you want too. It’ll be dangerous work, most of us will more than likely not survive.”

“I have my own reasons for wanting this as do you,” Scarlet warned as she too inched in, “I’m perfectly aware of the risks, and as I have said before, I’m not here to whine or complain about them. I’m here to get revenge, and I’m recruiting you to help me do it.”

“You want me, Dakota, to help you, Scarlet, get revenge on the wolves?” she clarified in an astonished tone.

“Is there something wrong?” Scarlet asked with a bored tone as she blinked in a questioning sort of fashion.

“No, it seems that everything is actually…right

. In fact, you’re just the person I’ve been looking for,” Dakota chimed with a dangerous smile as she held out her hand.

Scarlet stared at her hand for a moment, a confused look playing on her lips, then slowly, a dangerous, mischievous look crept onto her face and she gasped Dakota’s hand. “Looks like we have a deal then,” Scarlet announced as shook her hand, her long red nails pressing against Dakota’s palm.

“Indeed we do,” Dakota replied as she took a step back toward the clearing, “I must go now, my family must be worried.”

Scarlet nodded and gave her a smile, “Don’t let me stop you,” she stated as she too retreated in the opposite direction, “I must go now too.”

“But when will I see you again, how will I contact you?” Dakota wondered aloud as she watched Scarlet’s black tendrils of hair begin to grow faint in the distance.

“No worries, I found you once, I’ll find you again,” her voice echoed off the tree’s and though Dakota’s wished she could’ve had a better reassurance the mysterious girl was soon gone, vanished like dust in the wind. Feeling more hopeful than she had in a long time she realized that she was wrong, her family and Terrance weren’t coming back, but she’d realized something even more important. Those wolves weren’t going to get away with what they did, they were going to learn how much of a bitch karma can really be, Dakota was going to make sure of it.


Cracking his knuckles softly, Blaze stared off into space, thoughts running through his mind. Anne Marie could be heard clanking dishes and pans in the kitchen and Grace sat quietly sucking her thumb. The television hummed quietly in the corner, a vague news channel caster speaking in a low monotone voice. It was all a bit too boring for Blaze. He was used to action or at least to talking, but since Tori was gone no one seemed to be able to keep up a conversation. He really hoped Dakota would be back soon, her thin, lean arms linked with Tori’s, but until then, he rose quietly. “Time to check up on him again,” Blaze murmured as he stood and stretched, then casually trudged over to Mystica’s room.

As expected, Mark still lay sprawled out on her mattress, a look of despair on his lips. “You know, if you tell me where she is this can all be over,” Blaze stated with a smile as he rested his shoulder on the wall of the doorway.

“What’s the use? I’ve already missed my date!” Mark’s furrowed brows turned down in a grimace as he spoke.

“Somehow, I think you’ll survive,” Blaze retorted as a firm knock echoed off of the door and down the hallway to his ears.

“Blaze, can you get that, dear?” Anne Marie called from the kitchen, probably assuming Blaze was still sitting looking distant near the door.

Blaze gave Mark a wink, “Don’t think we’re finished,” he assured him as he coolly stalked out into the living room and flung open the door. “Can I…” his voice trailed off as he took in the girl standing before him. Her legs were clad from thighs to ankles in slick, black, fitted leather. On her top she wore a ruby studded corset that hugged her every curve. She had flowing black silk for hair and emerald green eyes. She raised a red polished hand in a wave and winked seductively. “Help you?” Blaze finished awkwardly as he smiled back at her.

“I just have a package to deliver, sweetheart,” she purred as she gazed at him with eyes that held a sort of caged fiery passion.

“Well, you want to come in?” he asked, a tone of hope in his voice as she tossed her soft hair over her shoulder.

“I’m afraid I can’t, I must be somewhere but no worries, Stud, I’ll be back.” While reaching into her pants pocket, she produced a small wrapped box. “Now, no peeking. It’s for Dakota, just tell her it’s from Scar.” Blaze nodded as he received the package from her soft hands and grasped it in his rough ones.

“Scar?” he asked as he studied the mysterious girl.

“Yes, Scar. It’s short for Scarlet,” she replied and Blaze grinned.

“Scarlet, uh, would you maybe like to catch up some time, you know, get to know each other a little better?” Blaze’s hopeful eyes scanned Scarlet’s but she gave nothing away, playing up her poker-face perfectly.

“I’d love

to, in fact I’m looking forward to getting to know you

too. But for now,” her seductive emerald eyes sparkled as she leaned in closer, her breath smelling of fresh peppermints, “I must go.”

“Goodbye, Scar,” Blaze called after her as she abruptly turned and strutted off down the porch.
“Tata for now, Blaze, don’t forget about that package, Hun.” Her smooth, mysterious voice rung out through the streets and she was soon gone, vanished with the wind and only a small paper package to prove that she’d been there.

Chapter 10

Tori’s chocolate bangs brushed against her forehead as she leaned forward, her head in her hands. Why me? She felt like asking, she wanted to not only ask it but scream it. She wanted to allow the warm tears forming behind her eyes out, to snap her eyes shut and for it to all have been a dream when she opened them. She was still sitting on the uncomfortable cot in the doctors space, Randy stood off to the side, staring at his hands and not daring to look up. Had he really meant what he’d said? Why would he? She wanted to ask him about it but was waiting until the doctor left them alone.

“So, I’ve given you all the information I can. All of it is in those pamphlets, so read up!” He wore a huge smile on his lips, as if this was great news. Tori resisted the urge to hiss, something she enjoyed doing when she was mad, it made her feel like Dracula or some other legendary vampire. “Are we all good then?”

Randy nodded and glance toward the door, “Yes, we’ll read up and everything will be fine.” He didn’t even so much as glance towards Tori, he just shook the doctor’s hand then headed for the door.

Tori resisted an exasperated sigh as she dropped off of the cot and slowly trudged behind him. Her skin felt raw and burnt, which wasn’t too far off. The doctor had smeared burn ointment on her wounds but it had only worked so much, her skin was still red and patchy. Her normally silky long hair was charred at the tips and she had a feeling her eyes were redder than blood itself. As she walked, her feet groaned in agony from the pressure and she struggled to keep up with Randy who was walking at least ten feet and growing in front of her.

“Hey, wait up!” Tori called as she fell forward into the mud. It felt like fire against her sensitive skin and she bit her lip to keep from screaming. Soon after biting down, she tasted blood in her mouth from her cracked lip and she expected to feel her pointed fangs expanding from the familiar taster, only they didn’t. Beginning to feel panic rise in her throat she tore one of the pamphlets from her pocket and flipped through it quickly, her eyes scanning for anything like, ‘looses fangs’ ‘doesn’t suck blood’ ‘isn’t a vampire’ but none of the phrases were there. “Randy!” she screamed and he finally turned and jogged back to where she was.

“What, what’s wrong!” he asked with a half concerned half tired voice. He glanced down at Tori, then at the booklet in her hand. “Say something,” he prompted as he reached for her.

Tori shook her head, feeling tears in her eyes, “I’m not a vampire.”

Randy looked surprised then shook his head, “No, of course not, you’re a lideric now.”

Tori felt her heart give a distinct thud then she looked up at him, “You knew? You knew I wasn’t a vampire this whole time?”

Randy blinked as if confused, “I, I read one of the pamphlets, it was in there. It said that when you died, you lost being a vampire.”

Tori felt nauseated and sick. She’d been a vampire her entire life, all of her friends were vampires. How sick was it that out of everyone she knew, not one of them even knew about lideric, yet alone was one. How had she missed this blaring fact? She didn’t care that Randy kept staring at her like she was crazy. She didn’t care that the blood thirsty wolves could arrive home any minute. She didn’t care that all she had to do was read up

on the pamphlets. All she cared about was her old life, she wanted it back.

“Why do you even care?” Tori asked with revulsion in her voice as she shot a desperate glance up at Randy.

“What?” Randy asked, his eyes sparkling with confusion, “Look, Tori, why don’t we talk about this later after we’ve-”

“No! We’re talking now!” Tori insisted as she slowly stood and looked Randy directly in the eyes, “I want to know why you care so damn much and I want to know now!”

Randy looked absolutely and utterly confused, “What the hell do you mean why do I care?” he asked and Tori snorted.

“I mean, you’re a wolf, and I’m…I was a vampire. We don’t mix! We’re supposed to hate each other and most of us do! So why do you even care?!”

Randy drew back, hurt showing clear in his eyes as he stared at her. “I care because I’m different, I thought you were too.”

Tori laughed, “Please! You’re just like them, and so am I. We’re no different, we’re not better nor worse. We just need to end this now, stop pretending this is normal or this could work in the slightest.”

Randy shook his head and now it was his turn to laugh, “You really fooled me, Tori, I really believed you weren’t like them. I really believed I should help you. Why? Why did I risk my own life for you? Because that’s what good people do and I thought you’d see that… that you’d agree. But it was just you playing me, you deserve all of the pain you get from here.”

That last sentence made Tori’s heart shudder, you deserve all the pain you get from here

, his words kept running through her mind even after he turned and left her there. She was burnt, muddy, disheveled, and broken. Tear streaks stood out on her muddy face and she felt torn apart. She already regretted what she had said, but should she? She hadn’t really said anything that wasn’t true, that’s all she’d wanted, was to tell the truth. Sighing, she shoved the booklet back into her pocket and began trudging off in the direction that she assumed was home,
heartbroken, skin searing, mind reeling, and all so very alone.


Feeling groggy and disorientated, Mystica rubbed at her drooping eyes. She was lying down, a familiar old shirt of Daniel’s was wrapped around her shoulders and the pillow under her cheek smelt like Armani Code, the cologne he frequently wore. Mystica struggled to remember everything that had happened in the last 24 hours but it was blurry. As she sat up slowly, trying to recall some of the patches in her memory, she listened to the nature sounding from outside. It was no longer raining or storming, but quiet. The birds chirped quietly, twittering back and forth between each other and grasshoppers seemed to answer them. A chilly spring wind swept in through the partially shut window beside her and she shivered.

She’d conjured up most of her memory by now. She knew Tori had been missing and she was looking for her, she knew she’d ran into Daniel and hadn’t been able to resist letting him tag along but she couldn’t remember where Daniel had said he was going or when he said he would be back. Judging from a quick peak outside, it was nearly dusk, the sun setting meekly in the distant sky. The scenery was beautiful, it looked as if an artist had sprayed both red, pinks, oranges, and blues throughout the sky, mixing them into a gorgeous texture with white fluffy clouds to outline it.

It was then that Mystica heard distant twigs cracking and she whipped her head around. “Hello?” she called hesitantly as her eyes scanned the premises. There was no answer that she could hear except what she could’ve sworn was the glimpse of a giggle. Stepping forward, she called again in a threatening voice, “Who’s there?” Still, no one answered, there was just the slightest amount of tension in the air, as if the spy partially wanted and partially didn’t want to be caught.

“Hello,” a casual voice said from behind her, “don’t worry, I let myself in.” Flipping around to face them Mystica gasped. She’d been expecting Daniel or maybe one of the wolves but not Jason. He was dressed casual, jeans and a Hollister t-shirt and his blonde hair was swept back with slick gel. He stepped forward and Mystica took a step back. She hadn’t forgotten the last time she and Jason had talked, how he’d pushed her into the wall, and this time, there was no Daniel to save her.

The Rest of Chapter 10 is Comming Soon!:)

Add me to know when I update more :) Comment/Heart if you like it.


Texte: No part of this book is to be copied or redistributed in any manner.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.08.2011

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