
Chapter 1

Lacey Arson sat lazily in front of her computer screen. Nothing had changed in 10 minutes but she just continued to stare. She had logged on, hopes soaring, and looked for the e-mail that held her future. Unfortunately, she didn’t receive it. “This must be a mistake,” She muttered as she refreshed the page again. Yet still, no e-mail appeared. She let out an angry sigh of frustration and unplugged her computer, making the monitor go black.

“Still no luck?” Miranda asked. Miranda, Lacey’s younger adopted sister, was dressed in a Cynthia Rowley One-of-a-kind mini dress. Her dark black hair was curled and framed her flawless face perfectly. Her dark red lips were pouted in a look of dismay.

“Nope,” Lacey replied, standing up and brushing off her own dress.

A Betsy Johnson exclusive, She thought bitterly to herself, mother’s certainly outdone herself this time. Ever since she was a little girl her mother would always get her the very best of everything. At age fifteen, adoption was in, and that was when her mother arrived home late one night with Miranda. Miranda, having gone from very poor to outrageously rich, found the lifestyle refreshing, and adjusted rather quickly. But Lacey was never one to gloat; actually, she preferred wearing her sweat pants and stained t-shirt around the house.

“Ready for the showing?” Miranda asked who, as always, was overly optimistic about attending their mothers self-centered gloating. “As ready as I’ll ever be,” Lacey replied tiredly. Why should I get excited about my mother showing off our new house to our ‘family’? No wonder dad left. He couldn’t stand her either, Lacey though bitterly and for the hundredth time that day, wished her father was there to comfort her or to give her a reassuring hug.

She hadn’t seen her father since she was 11 years old, which was when he left them. “Girls! Come down!” Lenora Arson called from downstairs, in her demanding high-pitched voice. Miranda cast a small reassuring smile in Lacey’s direction, and then headed downstairs to meet their mother. Lacey sighed and casted a glance at the frame near her bed. I wish you were here dad, I really do. She sucked in air through her teeth to avoid sobbing and turned toward her doorway. Time to play rich girl, She thought bitterly and started off down the staircase to see her mother.

“There you are girls!” Lenora said in a rushed, angry tone. She grabbed Miranda and Lacey’s arms and pulled them towards the front door. “If we are to impress, we need to be here to greet.” She said then casting a glance in Lacey’s direction added, “All of us.” Lacey resisted giving a smart aleck reply and instead smiled at her mother.

“Of course mom,” she said resting up against the tan wall behind her.

“Any e-mails yet?” Lenora asked while she pulled her daughter so she was standing upright, “Don’t slouch dear, it adds pounds.” Lacey held back a laugh, as if a girl who weighed exactly 110 pounds had to be worried about that.

“Nope, none yet,” She replied getting sinking feeling deep in her gut. No e-mail, no acceptance. Her mother might be rich, but buying your way into Harvard was definitely harder than it looked.

“Well, I do believe I invited Robert,” Lenora said, referring to one of faculty members of the school, “perhaps we can ask him tonight.”

The doorbell let out a loud ring and Jackson, their family butler, hustled over to answer it. When he opened the door and breathtakingly handsome young man stepped through it. He was accompanied by an older gentleman who Lenora greeted with a hug. “Girls, I would like you to meet my new boyfriend Jeremiah, and his son Isaiah.”

“Hi!” Miranda replied in her overly perky tone, extending a perfectly manicured hand in Isaiah’s direction.

Isaiah shook her hand lightly but kept his down. He had Hershey brown hair that looked so soft it tempted the girls to run their hands through it. His beautiful golden eyes framed his flawlessly craved facial features and his soft pink lips held a secret smile. His tux fit him perfectly, accentuating his toned muscles. Both girls were left weak in the knees but not just because of his handsomeness.

“Boyfriend?” Miranda asked, her usually perky tone had dropped to a sad defeated tone.

“I wasn’t aware you started dating again,” Lacey said darkly silently cursing at her rotten fate.

“Well, we met last week and something just felt right,” She replied and Lacey held back a snort.

Like I haven’t heard that one before!

Lacey thought angrily. Ever since her dad left, her mother brought home a different man every week, claiming to be falling in love again. But it’d been awhile since she’d addressed someone as her actual boyfriend. Miranda shifted uncomfortably on her heels and pretended to pick a piece of lint off her dress as Lacey held back a smile.

“Something wrong, dear?” Lenora asked her voice tight with tension.

“Oh no, Mother,” Lacey said in a sugar-coated tone, “I think I’ll go greet the guests outside.” She called over her shoulder as she walked over to their patio.

When the cool august air hit her face she took a deep breath to calm herself. It’s certainly a shame that he had to have such a cute son, She thought silently as the cool wind blew her back away from her face.

“Laaacey!” Lenora called from the kitchen, dragging out the A in her name in the way she hated.

“What!?” She yelled back feeling annoyance creep up on her.

“I’d like it if you would please go talk to the Robert,” Lenora said.

“I still have a year before I graduated mom,” Lacey replied then braced herself for the lecture she knew was coming.

“A year? Do you have any idea how many people can get into Harvard in a year? If you think you’re going to sit around until last minute then…”Lenora’s voice began to fade out of Lacey’s mind as she noticed the set of golden eyes watching her. Isaiah met her eyes from inside their house and Lacey felt her insides melt into putty. “Lacey Marie are you even listening to me?” Lenora demanded waving a hand in front of her daughters face to get her attention.

“What? Oh yeah, talk to Robert, no last minute stuff, a lot can happen in a year. I get it,” Lacey said giving her mother a reassuring pat on the arm then started walking towards the house.

“He’s in the driveway, just got out of his car,” her mother called after her, but what her mother didn’t know was that she wasn’t headed to see Robert. She was headed to talk to Isaiah, the boy who had her mesmerized with one quick glance of his warm, golden eyes.

Chapter 2

As Lacey walked fearlessly over in the direction of Isaiah she felt someone put their hands over her eyes. “Guess Who?” They whispered into her ear. She smiled and let out a giggle.

“Jared, would you stop it already! I totally know it’s you!” She insisted as she tore his hands from her face. They both burst in fits laughter and Lacey again thanked God that she’d met Jared, he was her closest friend since they first met in 1st grade.

“That dress is absolutely stunning, it’s a Betsy isn’t it?” Jared said giving her a smile that made her laugh even harder.

“Yes, it is. Listen, it’s great to see you but I’ll be right back okay?” Jared put on a look of fake shock.

“Is little Miss I-Hate-Rich-People actually adjusting to her new life?” he asked giving her an accusing glance.

“I don’t know, but that question isn’t nearly as interesting as to how you know what designer I’m wearing,” Lacey replied shooting him a winning smile as she walked over to see Isaiah.

“Hey sis! Having fun yet?” Miranda asked, linking an arm through Lacey’s. Lacey gave her sister as smile, smelling the champagne on her breath.

“I think mom’s let you have one too many toasts,” Lacey replied unhooking her arm from Miranda’s. Miranda shot her a disappointed glance as she walked away, continuing toward Isaiah.

“How dare you!” Lacey heard her mother’s voice above the party talk. She followed it outside where she saw Jeremiah and her Mother yelling at each other. Her mother’s eyes were red and puffy and her mascara was smudged, leaving her looking very disheveled. Jeremiah’s eyes blazed with fiery anger and a vein bulged unattractively on his neck. They continued to scream at each other but Lacey couldn’t quite make out what they were saying. Finally, at what looked like the ending of their fight, Lenora pointed her long finger at the door and yelled something the Lacey guessed sounded a lot like, ‘get out of my house’. Jeremiah threw his hands up at the sky then shot a glare at Lenora who angrily screamed at him to leave again. Then the fighting started up once more.

“It’s pretty bad, huh?” muttered a voice from behind her.

“Not for my mother it isn’t,” she replied turning around to come face to face to the beauty she’d been looking for.

“I doubt it’s her fault thought, my father’s a hot head,” he said, his voice ringing like chimes. Lacey let out a snort then burst into a giggle fit. Isaiah looked at her, confused.

“Did I say something funny?” he asked cracking a smile with her.

“Well, it’s just. How can you not be a hot head while you’re dating her? She’s so controlling!” she said and they both burst into laughter.

“Well my dad tends to tell a lot of ‘white lies’ so that probably didn’t help either,” he replied and they laughed even harder.

“Well I guess we both have messed up parents,” Lacey replied after they shared a few more laughs.

“Yeah, I guess we do,” he answered give Lacey a smile that made her knees go weak.

Lenora and Jeremiah’s shouting suddenly came to a halt and the sound of footsteps brought Lacey’s rational thinking back. She turned around to head back inside just as Isaiah did. Their arms brushed up against each other and she let out a soft gasp. Just a small touch had sent shivers of pleasure down her spine. He reached out and brushed a strand of her fiery red hair away from her face, giving her a smile while doing so. A nearby bang cause them to jump away from each other.Moments later, Jeremiah rounded the corner and grasped Isaiah firmly by the shoulders.

“Come son, we are no longer welcome here,” he said, his voice strained and tight.

“But-” Isaiah began to protest but his father cut him off by pulling him away, towards their parked car. Lacey wanted nothing more than to run after them and beg him to stay but her feet remained firmly planted to the ground. Her mother came around the corner soon after, catching sight of Lacey and stomping over to her.

“You dare eavesdrop on your own mother?!” she shouted, her voice reeking of alcohol. Lacey took a step back and looked her mother up and down. Her normally smooth red hair was frazzled looking, her ironed dress shirt was wrinkled and un tucked and her green eyes were bloodshot as she glared at Lacey.

“That damn plant over there fell down!” Lenora shouted, pointing to the potted plant lying in the grass.

“Pick it up!” she ordered and Lacey let out a sigh. If only she could see herself now, I’m positive Ms Perfect wouldn’t be so happy if she knew how she acts when she’s drunk.

Lacey thought silently to herself as she picked the plant up and set it back near their shrubs.

“You listen to me Lacey!” she shouted pulling Lacey close to her face. Lacey coughed, the scent of alcohol being to over powering for her to handle.

“I’m listening Mom,” she said pulling at her mothers hand, desperate for a clean breath of air.

“Don’t you ever talk to them again, you hear me?” she said releasing Lacey and sending her tumbling. Lacey land butt-first in the grass and looked up at her drunken mother.

“Understand?!” her mother yelled and Lacey gave a quick nod.

“Good, now get inside!” she yelled as she marched through the open door.

Lacey picked herself up out of the grass and brushed her dress off. She caught sight of her reflection in one of the houses windows and gasped. The fall had left a huge grass stain at the bottom of her Betsy original dress. Great! Drunk or sober, Mom’s still gonna kill me now!

She thought as she desperately tried to rub the stain out of her dress. She sighed, the stain still present, and began walking towards the open doorway. Her phone let out a shrill ring from her jackets pocket and saw she had one missed call. She called her voicemail and waited.

“Hey Lace! Where are you? You’re missing out on the party!” Miranda’s voice rang out through the receiver.

Suddenly a man’s voice spoke from somewhere in the background, “Hey! Quit messing around and give me what I paid for!” he shouted and Miranda’s giddy giggling paused.

“Oh it’s in the drawer on the bottom,” she called, her voice muffled sounding. She thinks I can’t hear her,

Lacey thought silently as she pressed the phone closer to her ear.

“Sorry about that! These customers are always so pushy!” Miranda said and in the background the man muttered ‘thank-you’ and a door shut a little while later.

“We'll talk later sis, bye!” Miranda yelled and the reception cut off. That was an odd drunk dial,

Lacey thought to herself as she put her phone back into her pocket and made a mental note to check her sisters bottom drawer before going to bed. Then she pulled her jacket tighter around herself and started off into the house with only one thing on her mind, how she was going to contact Isaiah again.

Chapter 3

As Lacey hurried up the steps she went over the evenings events, replaying them in her head. When she reached her room she opened the door and plopped down into her chair.

“Hey Lace!” Miranda called from behind her, making her jump.

“Oh hey Miri,” Lacey said as she turned her chair around to face her sister.

“Did you like the party?” Miranda asked and Lacey gave her a small shrug.

“It was okay I guess, how about you?” Miranda shook her head causing her long dark locks to fall forward into her face.

“It sucked, totally boring,” she said and Lacey looked over at her questioningly.

“Did you hang out with anyone tonight?” she ventured, hoping to get more information as to who the man was in the background.

“Nope, I stayed a loner tonight,” Miranda replied as she looked up at Lacey with her dark, suspicious eyes. “Why, did it look like I was with someone?” she asked, a hint of fear in her voice.

“Oh no, just wondered in my little sister had met someone cute, that’s all.”

Miranda’s facial features relaxed and she went back to her overly happy tone, “Where’s mom?”

Lacey pulled her shoulders up in a shrug then let out a sigh, “Probably drunk dialing.” Miranda’s smile disappeared in an instant and her features became tense again.

“Oh?” she asked, her dark eyes looking over Lacey’s face, searching for any signs weakness.

“Yeah, mom got totally wasted today,” Lacey said as she turned her head away from her sisters questioning gaze and pretended to examine the grass stain on the front of her dress.

“Oh,” Miranda replied as she got up off of the bed and brushed herself off. “You should check your e-mail, I saw mom talking to Robert earlier.”

Lacey’s heart gave a shudder as she thought of what her drunken mother had said to the professor and scrambled over to start up her computer, “thanks sis!” she called to Miranda as she headed for the door.

“Yeah, no problem,” she replied as she slipped out of the doorway and shut the door behind her.

Lacey bit her lip out of nervousness as she logged on to her e-mail and saw a letter from the office of Harvard was sitting in her inbox. Open it!

She silently urged herself as she nervously moved her mouse over the message. She took a deep breath and double clicked on it, no backing out now,

she thought silently as she began to skim the long, typed letter. “We were very grateful for your submission…Thousands of submission each year…blah blah,” she muttered as she scrolled farther down the page.

“We’re happy to inform you that you will be part of Harvard’s 2011 Class! Ah!” She screamed as she hit print and jumped from her seat. “Miri! Miri, get in here!” she screamed across the hall as she picked up the paper and hugged it close to her body.

“What, what happened?” Miranda asked as she quickly ran into her sister’s room. “Are you dancing around the room with a paper?” Miranda asked as she looked at her sister with apprehensive eyes.

“Read it! Read it, Miri!” Lacey sang as she shoved the paper in front of Miranda’s face.

“You’re accepted?” she shouted and Lacey gave her an eager nod.

“I’m accepted!” Both girls let out shrill screams and danced around the room until they both collapsed onto the floor in fits of laughter.

“Lace, you’re going to be an Ivy League student, an actual Ivy League student.” Miranda squeezed her sister’s hand tighter and tried to force her feelings of guilt away from herself.

“This feels so surreal,” Lacey whispered as she got up off of the floor and brushed herself off.

“Miranda, come down here please!” Lenora’s loud, tired voice echoed off of the walls. “I’d better go, but just remember, I’m proud of you sis,” she said as she gave Lacey one more quick hug then bounded off down the stairs to meet their mother.

Lacey let out a sigh and plopped back down into her computer chair. My childhood dream just came true, so why aren’t I happy?

She thought to herself as she brought up her Facebook page. She moved her mouse over the search column and typed in: Isaiah Bachman. 50 different results popped up and she scrolled through them until she found one of Isaiah’s smiling face. She clicked on his profile then began to compose her message to him.

Dear Isaiah,

Maybe I’m being silly, maybe I misunderstood your actions, and maybe I’m way off base here, but I thought I saw a connection between us. I feel stupid saying I’m falling for someone that I just met today, but I’m not sure what else to call it. Perhaps you feel differently, and if so, that’s fine. But if you’d be so kind, I’d like to talk to you, just once more. Then, if your heart so desires, I’ll give up on this newly found attraction, however hard that may be.

Yours Truly,

Lacey Arson

Lacey clicked send and just seconds later her inbox lit up with one new message. Eagerly, she clicked on the message and read it.

Dear Lacey,

You aren’t wrong, there was definitely something there, something real. I’d love to meet with you again, but there’s an issue with that. I’m not sure about your mom, but my dad doesn’t want me socializing with anyone in your family. He’s still upset over the fight, and just left for the airport, he’s flying out for work. Meet me at Midnight in your driveway. We can talk then, can’t wait to see you again.



Lacey felt her heart clench out of pure joy and got up out of her chair and went and flopped down onto her bed. “Today rocks,” she whispered to herself as she checked her watch. “Only 2 more hours until I get to see him again,” she said with a sigh then added, “I love my life.”


Miranda ran down the stairs and nervously bit her lip. How did she find out?

She thought as her panicked brain came up with worse case scenarios. “Oh there you are dear,” her mother said and Miranda gave her a weak smile and hid her trembling hands behind her back.

“What do you need Mother?” she asked as pleasantly as she could, her mother tisked under her breath.

“I’ve been a bad mother tonight dear, I’ve broken my streak,” she said and Miranda held back her sigh of relief.

“Oh no mother, how bad did you get?” she asked and Lenora shook her head back and forth slowly.

“From what I remembered, I didn’t think I’d gotten that bad but I check the liquor cabinet and you wouldn’t believe it!” Lenora said as she threw her hands up in the air, unaware of her daughter’s nervous glances. “Seven whole bottles of my finest wine were gone, seven!” Lenora exclaimed as she paced the room. “How I’m not still drunk after all that alcohol, I’m not sure, but I will tell you- no promise you, it won’t happen again, okay? I’m not going to put you girls in that type of an environment again…” Her voice trailed off and she walked over to the sink and began scrubbing at the dishes.

“Those are clean mom,” Miranda said as she walked over and took the soapy sponge from Lenora’s hands, “and don’t you think you should tell Lacey this too?” she asked and Lenora took a deep breath and let out a chuckle.

“I’m a coward,” she said and Miranda shook her head furiously, “No you’re not mom, why would you say that?” Lenora laughed some more to herself and then her eyes stared off into the distance at an invisible object.

“I can’t face her…Not after letting her see me like that again…Not after I promised,” Lenora said, more to herself than to her daughter. “You know what honey? It’s late, you should probably head upstairs.”


“No, buts, go get some rest, you have school tomorrow,” Lenora said as she ushered Miranda over to the staircase.

“Okay, and mom?” she asked and Lenora’s brown eyes flicked up to meet hers.

“Yes dear?”

“I love you,” she said and she held back a sob, I’m so sorry I’ve been lying to you, she added silently as she hurried upstairs.

“I love you too honey,” Lenora called after her but she was already in her room, the door shut firmly behind her.

Chapter 4

“You came,” Isaiah said as Lacey stepped into his view.

“Yeah, so did you,” she replied and suddenly she couldn’t hold back the urge any longer. She rushed forward and flung her arms around him, pulling on the collar of his shirt until he bent his head to hers. “Kiss me,” she whispered their faces so close their noses brushed up against each other. Isaiah paused for a bit, and for a moment, she thought he was going to pull away, but then he leaned in closer and softly brushed his lips against hers. It was like nothing she’d every felt before, breathtaking, and yet all the while, she never wanted it to end. She tightened her grip around his neck and deepened their kiss. It was like something had set off a fuse inside of them, they were no longer two separate people, they’d already become one.

Neither of them wanted to pull away, to put an end to their raging passion for each other, but eventually Isaiah broke their kiss and pulled away to stare at her. “I feel foolish Lacey, I feel as if I’m a fool. How can I say I have fallen in love, when I’ve only met you tonight?” Lacey giggled and stood up on her toes so that she could peck him on the lips.

“Don’t you believe in love at first sight?” she whispered and he pulled her hands down from his neck and gave them a squeeze.

“Your mother...My father…They won’t approve of us seeing each other,” he said and Lacey shook head slowly.

“But that doesn’t matter, they don’t matter. I can’t not love you, Isaiah, it’s just how I feel,” she insisted as she tried to blink back the tears that were beginning to form. Isaiah saw, and pulled her into his warm, comfortable embrace.

“Don’t cry my darling, I haven’t said you must change your feelings, I’m only suggesting that perhaps we wait to tell our parents,” he said as he stroked his fingers through her bright red hair.

“Whatever your heart desires,” she whispered back as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

“I must go, my father will most likely call soon,” Isaiah said as he began to untangle himself from her. Lacey leaned closer to him and pecked him on the lips.

“I’ll miss you,” she whispered as he took her face in his hands.

“Lacey Arson, I vow that this is not the last time I’ll see you, whatever it takes, whenever you want, I’ll see you again.”

Lacey’s lips curled up in a smile, “Tomorrow, same time. Same place.” She whispered into his ear and he let out a chuckle.

“Of course my dear and I can’t wait till then,” he said as be bent down and gave her small hand a kiss. “I love you,” he whispered to her and she let out a small gasp.

“You do?” she asked and he gave her a happy nod.

A smile lit up her face and she whispered back, “I love you too.”

They both wore smiles of pure joy as Isaiah wrapped his arms around her once more and spun her around until they were both dizzy and laughing gleefully. “Until tomorrow,” he whispered into her earlobe then straitened his jacket and got into his car. Lacey waved bye to him and watched his car disappear until it was only a mere speck of color in her vision.


Miranda opened her door and flung herself onto her bed. What did I get myself into?

She thought glumly as she nervously played with the diamond bracelet on her wrist. “You got the money?” A voice asked from behind her.

She let out a small, “Eek!” of surprise and kicked her door shut. “Jason, what the hell are you doing in my room?” she asked and he let out a chuckle.

“Is that anyway to greet your boyfriend?” he said as he ran his fingers lightly down her arm, leaving a trail of goose bumps.

Miranda shivered, “Get the hell away from me, and you’re not my boyfriend!” she said as she shoved him backwards by punching him hard in the gut.

“What was that for, I was just having a little fun,” Jason muttered as got up off the floor and walked over by Miranda. “You got the money?” he asked again and Miranda nodded her head.

“It’s in my purse, I’ll deliver it in the morning,” she said and she took another step forward to put more distance between herself and Jason.

“No need, they sent me to retrieve it, they want it tonight.” Miranda let out a sigh and went over and picked up her purse. Searching through it, she eventually found her wallet, took out $500 and set it down in Jason’s grubby hand.

“Wow, you must’ve had a great night tonight,” Jason said as he shoved the cash into his jeans pocket.

“You have your money, now leave,” Miranda demanded and he held up his hands in surrender.

“I’m going, I’m going. Say, is that sister of your in the business?” he asked with a smile and Miranda’s face went pale.

“No, no she’s not,” Miranda replied with a slight tremble in her voice and Jason nodded his head slowly.

“Oh okay,” he said as he climbed over her windowsill and scampered down the tree by her bedroom window.

“Pig,” she muttered under her breath as she began to close her window up once again, and then paused. “Is that Lacey and…Isaiah?” she asked out of shock then snatched her phone up from her desk and snapped a picture of them kissing. “Well. Well. Well, looks like I’m not the only one who’s been lying,” Miranda said to herself as she snapped another photo them pulled her shade down, “But I know I’m not the one who’s going to get caught.” She added deviously as she plopped down onto her bed and clutched her phone tight.

Chapter 5

Lacey let out a spout of happy giggles as she snuck
back inside the house and tiptoed up the stairs. In her happiness she almost forgot about her sisters drunk dial, almost, but not quite. I can check that out tomorrow, when she’s volleyball practice.

She thought to herself, not wanting her sister’s phone call to ruin her good mood. First Harvard, then Isaiah, can life get any better?

She sighed as she threw herself onto her bed. Yes, if I didn’t have to lie about my happiness, then life would be perfect.

Lacey gripped her pillow tighter as she remembered what it felt like to have Isaiah’s soft lips press against hers. “Love at first sight must really, truly exist.” She whispered to herself as she got up and pulled her long, fiery red hair into a mess bun.

“Lacey, dear, are you in here?” Lenora called from behind her wooden door. Lacey walked over and opened the door, motioning for her mother to enter.

“What’s wrong mom?” Lacey asked as she held her breath, did she see Isaiah leave?

“I’d like to talk to you about what happened tonight.” Lacey’s heart gave a shudder, she knows.

“Look mom, I’m really-”

“Oh no Honey, there’s no more apologizing,” she said her voice still calm and controlled. “It’s time for me to step up and take responsibility for my actions. I haven’t been a good mother tonight, and though I wasn’t as bad as in the past, I still want you to hear this. I’m not going back to that…We’re not going back to that; I won’t do that to you again.” Lacey let out a sigh of relief.

“I know mom, and I know that tonight was rough, but we’re going to get through this, just like we’ll get through anything life throws at us,” she said as she gave her mother’s arm a reassuring squeeze.

“Oh honey, I love you,” she said and she pulled her daughter into a hug.

“I miss daddy,” she whispered and Lenora pulled out of the embrace, staring long and hard at her daughter’s innocent face.

“I miss him too honey, I miss him too,” she replied and as she got up and brushed herself off, she longed for the man who’d fathered her children, who’d stolen her heart at such a young age and held on to it until that cold December night, a night she would never forget. “You get some rest darling,” she said as she laid her hand on the cold doorknob.

“Okay…And mom?” Lacey asked tentatively and Lenora’s head turned back toward her daughter. “What is it honey?”

“Would you love me, even if I didn’t get into Harvard?” she asked and Lenora’s smile dropped.

“Of course I would dear, there’s nothing in this World that would make me not love you,” she replied and Lacey smile.

“Thanks and…I got accepted,” Lacey said and Lenora smile and patted her daughter proudly on the back.

“I knew you would,” she replied and then quietly shut the door behind herself. Lacey sighed guiltily and laid back down onto her bed. Well at least she’ll still love me

, she thought hopefully as she pulled her blanket up to her chin and began picturing how her date with Isaiah would go.


Miranda’s legs protested in agony as she quickly got up from her crouched position and silently ran back to her room, looks like sis might crack on her own anyways.

She smiled as she replayed Lacey’s words through her mind, ‘Would you still love me if I didn’t get into Harvard?’

To the blind eye, she seemed innocent, but really, she was just trying to figure out if mommy is going to hate her once she hears the news.

Miranda’s devilish smile widened and she plopped down in front of her computer and brought up Facebook. Now what would Lacey’s password be…Oh I know!

‘Cookie’ she typed in and the invalid sing popped up, Okay so she didn’t care about that dog as much as I thought…Oh!

The corners of her lips curled up as she typed in their father’s name, ‘Jackson Arson’. It cleared out fine and brought up Lacey’s homepage, making Miranda giggle, it’s almost too easy.

Once on, she searched Isaiah’s name and let out a sigh of pleasure when she saw his smiling face and clicked on SEND MESSAGE.

Dear Isaiah,

Our little meeting today won’t be happening again. I told my mother about us, and I’m sure she’ll inform your father. I’d like it if you didn’t continue to contact me after this; in fact, I’d rather you didn’t talk to me, ever again. It’s not me, it’s you, and if it consoles you, there wasn’t a real attraction there anyways.


She pushed the guilty thoughts out of her head as she clicked send then exited out of the browser. “Looks like sissy is in a bit of trouble,” she whispered silently to herself then she jumped into her bed and fell asleep with a look a fulfillment on her face.


Ring! Lacey’s alarm clocked danced on her bedside table as it vibrated. She reached up and slapped it with her hand then pushed back her covers and gave a tired yawn. “Okay, see you mom!” Miranda’s voice rang out from downstairs and she heard the door open and close as she left for practice. Now’s the time to check,

Lacey said as she scrambled off of her bed and into her sisters room. Now what drawer was it?

She cursed silently as she opened the first drawer the consisted of socks and underwear. Wait, the bottom, that’s where it’s at!

She quickly grasped the knobs of the bottom drawer, gave it a pull, and gasped. Its contents were cluttered with tons of different items some being her very own jewelry to her mother’s finest wine. Lacey’s lungs contracted as she lifted up the different items then gasped when the door handle began to jiggle. She quickly dropped the items back into the drawer, but wasn’t quick enough, the door swung open and Miranda stared angrily at her. “What are you going back!?” Lacey exclaimed as her nervous hand tried to shove the drawer shut.

“I forgot my bag, what were you doing snooping through my stuff?!” Miranda said as she kicked the drawer shut.

“Why do you have that stuff?” Lacey asked and Miranda sighed.

"Quiet the hell down!” she walked over and shut the door, then turned to face her sister.

“Mom’s wine, my jewelry, and what was in those bags?” Lacey asked as she looked at her sister with a questioning gaze.

“Check for yourself, you’ve already snooped through everything else,” Miranda replied and Lacey opened the drawer back up and peeked into the bags.

“Moms prescription, what are you doing Miri?” Lacey asked and Miranda smiled.

“I’m a dealer.”

Lacey gasped, “You’re a drug dealer?” she asked and Miranda laughed.

“I wouldn’t narrow it down to drugs, basically anything they want, I give them.”

Lacey shook her head, horrified, “You can’t do this,
I’ll go tell mom and then we can get you help.”

Miranda laughed even harder, “Oh you aren’t going to tell anyone anything, because if you do, I’ll tell everyone about you and Isaiah.”

Lacey gasped, “How do you know about that?” she asked and Miranda shook her head in mock pity.

“You were right outside my window; honestly, you might as well have sent me a letter.”

Lacey’s eyes welled up with tears as she choked out, “Why are you doing this to me?”

“Relax sis,” she said as she picked up her bag and swung it over her shoulder, “I haven’t done anything yet.” With that, she marched over and swung open the door, casting one more malicious glance over her shoulder before disappearing down the hall.

Chapter 6

“She really said that?” Jared asked for the hundredth time and Lacey nodded her head tiredly.

“Yes, she did, and I still can’t figure out why…What did I do to deserve this?” she whined as Jared flung his arm over her shoulders.

“Cheer up Lace; you have way more on Miranda, than she does on you. So what if you’re dating Isaiah, she’s a drug dealer!” Jared insisted and Lacey looked down at her feet.

“You don’t get it J, she will ruin me, my mom told me not to talk to them, well guess what, I’ve done more than talk!” she exclaimed and several people in the café turned and stared at them. “Look, I’m sorry J, it’s just…I can’t handle this!” she said as she put her head in her arms to hide her face.

“Hi I’m Janelle, may I take your order?” A perky waitress stood awkwardly in front of their table and Jared cast her an apologetic glance.

“We’ll take 2 cappuccino’s,” he replied and Janelle nodded then walked away. “Look, you’re into freaking Harvard, Lace! Cheer up! So what if she told you not to ‘talk’ to him? She’s done some pretty messed up things, she owes you,” he insisted and Lacey snorted.

“She’s my mother, Jared, she doesn’t owe me anything, she gave birth to me, and nothing she can do is bad enough to cancel that out.” Janelle hustled over and set the two drinks onto the table then hurried off. Lacey sighed and took a sip of hers, letting the warming liquid soothe her worries.

“Thanks for meeting with me to talk,” she said and Jared smiled.

“No problem Lace, so are you still going to meet Isaiah tonight?” he asked and Lacey shrugged.

“I can’t ditch him, but now that Miri knows, it seems too….dangerous,” she replied and he put a reassuring hand on her forearm.

“Look Lacey, you told me that you love this guy, love him. Love isn’t something to fool around with, karma is going to bite your sister in the ass, and you can stand by and watch it happen, or you can go and enjoy yourself anyways,” Jared said and Lacey laughed.

“I’m going to meet him then,” she said confidently and Jared smiled.

“That’s my girl,” he said as they got up and he threw a twenty on to the table.

“Now I need to get home, I have a little surprise for karma,” she replied and Jared smiled.

“Devious, vengeful, and smart-ass, it’s like looking in a mirror,” he said and she snorted.

“Don’t get used to it, it’s a temporary thing,” she said then she gave him a quick hug and peck on the cheek and ran off to get into her car.


Once Lacey pulled into her driveway, she hopped out of her car and raced upstairs, taking them three at a time. Once she was up, she ran towards Miranda’s door and flung it open. A quick check of her watch told her she had ten minutes before Miranda would be home. I’d better hurry; she thought to herself as she bent down and pulled open the bottom drawer of her sister’s dresser. She tried not to gape as she stared at the contents once more, “I still don’t believe this is happening,” she muttered under her breath as she opened her purse wider. “Well, here goes nothing,” she said quietly then picked up a bottle of her mother’s gourmet wine and shoved it into her purse.

She continued to stuff the contents of the drawer into her purse, only stopping once it was completely emptied. Once all of the items were securely placed into her bag, she allowed herself to breathe again, only to find herself gasping once more. The window from across the room gave a shudder and began to climb up higher and higher, a pair of rough hands peaked out from below the curtains. Resisting the urge to scream, Lacey bolted out of the room; her purse clutched tightly in her right hand as she sprinted down the hall and took the stairs two at a time.

Once she reached the landing she quickly made a break for the kitchen door and ran straight into her mother. “What’s wrong? Why are you running?” Lacey’s mother had a startled look on her face as she bent down to pick up the papers she’d dropped in the collision.

“Oops! Sorry!” Lacey slurred an apology at her mother as she too bent to help her mother collect the contents that she’d dropped. “What are these?” she asked slowly, examining the papers with a skillful eye. The papers had lots of statistics and digits on them and were filled top to bottom with writing.

“Nothing…well, they’re test reports. I was waiting to tell both you and Miranda together…”
“Tell us what?” Lacey asked with an air of concern, her eyes bright with worry as she laid a soft hand on her mother’s shoulder.

“I…I have cancer,” she replied in a broken voice, tears standing in her eyes. “These were the confirmation results. I had some tests done and I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, if…if there

“You…you have cancer?” The words tasted bitter in her mouth and she felt nauseous. Lenora was looking down at her lap, fixing an imaginary thread on her BCBG wrap dress.

She was avoiding meeting Lacey’s eyes, “It was found in my liver…”

Of course it was

, Lacey suddenly began to put the pieces together in her mind, she has cancer from all of the drinking.

She pushed the negative, haunting thoughts aside, away from her mind, as she reached a comforting hand towards her mother.

“What stage is it…mom

?” The word was forced from her lips. She never called her that, it was
always Lenora this, Lenora that

, never Mother and definitely not Mom.

Lenora smiled wryly at the term then spoke hesitantly, “It is at a stage 2. That means we’re half winning, half loosing.” Her smiled drooped a bit at the end but lit up once again in less than seconds. Stepping forward, Lenora reached a manicured hand toward Lacey, running her finger tips over the fabric of Lacey’s shirt collar. “That Vera Wang blouse goes just perfectly with your Armani high waist shorts, it’s a very pretty look on you.”

Lacey felt as if her mother had thrown a bucket of cold water over her head. She couldn’t have been more surprised if her mother had started to juggle and told her they were joining the circus. Had she just…complimented

her? Had she even really meant it or was it just an attempt to bond over the new found news? Forcing a smile onto her dry lips she pulled her mother into a tight, stiff, awkward excuse for a hug while mumbling, “Thanks…”

It was then that a curt knock on the door saved Lacey and her mother from the awkward silence following their embrace and Lacey sprang to answer it. Pulling it open she was greeted with a blindingly crest white smile framed with Gucci lip gloss, a tiny, slightly turned up nose directly above it and two golden honeycomb eyes laden with heavy coats of mascara and eyeliner.

“Hey, Lace!” Cameron, or rather Cammie, Brinfert, stood casually in front of her. Her thin limbs were barely covered with the sheer fabric of a Juicy Couture slip dress and her light blonde hair seemed to be longer than the dress itself. Cammie was the classic rich girl, she enjoyed long rides in her Ferrari, that is, when a boy from the country club was accompanying her, day long shopping trips and weekly spa visits. She non-stop complained to her daddy

about her $5,000

weekly allowance not being enough, and if rocks could go to school, they’d most likely beat her IQ scores.

“Hey,” Lacey replied dully. She’d never really liked Cammie, she was too spoiled to even be fun sometimes, but Miranda had immediately taken a liking to her and was constantly going on shopping sprees and mani/pedi days with her. “Miranda’s not here,” Lacey added, hoping Cammie would leave but her 9 inch heels stayed rooted firmly in place.

“I’m not here for Miri, she’s been rather weird lately, I’m here for you,” she said with a wink as she pulled a pink cased i-phone from her coach tote and began texting on it. “You wanna hit up the mall with me?” she asked in a mumbled tone, not bothering to look up from her moving thumbs.

To be completely honest, Lacey loathed the idea of spending a day shopping with Cammie, she couldn’t even standing the girl right now standing at the door yet alone in her natural habitat

. But something Cammie said had caught Lacey’s interest. She’s been weird lately

, could that possibly be about Miranda’s secret? Could clueless Cammie know something more about Miri’s freaky little obsession? Whether she liked Cammie or not, this was her shot.

She could close the door and forget about Miranda, but deep down, she knew she’d never really be able to do that. Blackmail or not, Miranda was her sister and she deserved help, she deserved more than the disgusting drug raids that were no doubt in her future if she didn’t do something. Lacey slapped on her best rich girl smile and snatched her Ralph Lauren purse off of the rack nearby. “I’m in,” she replied a little too cheerily. She was going to help Miri, and she was going to need Cammie’s help to do it.

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Texte: None of this book is to be redistributed in any manor.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.08.2011

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To all of my fans, this one is especially for you guys. I love you all and I hope you guys enjoy this.

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