
Chapter 16

As I made my way towards Stephanie’s, the hairs on the back
of my neck began to stand on end, and it had nothing to do with the lack of heat. A little ways down the hallway I recognized my old rooms familiar door and stopped wearily in front of it.

As I knocked on the solid, wood door, I held my breath, silently hoping that she wouldn’t answer. But as fate would have it she was there, and did answer. She swung the open the door and I saw by her frustrated expression that she wasn’t exactly happy to see me. “What do you want?” She asked.

“I wanted to talk,” I said and I barely got my last word out before she snidely replied, “Well I’m busy.” As the words left her mouth an incredibly handsome boy made his presence known by coughing.

“I was just leaving anyways,” he said getting up and walking over to us.“I’m Lance, and you must be Summer,” he said and I briefly wondered how he knew my name but then followed his gaze to the long, jagged scar that lie permanently across my chest. It was visible due to the tank top I was wearing and I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. “Well I must get going,” he said and with that he grabbed his backpack off of Stephanie’s bed then said, “Next week, same time, Okay Steph?” He said and after she gave him a nod he quickly walked out.

“Don’t like guys with broken noses?” I asked referring to the fact that she was dating Tyler yet had Lance in her room.

“As if it’s any of your business, but if it was I’d tell you he’s just a tutor,” she replied and I saw Stephanie’s frown begin to lessen, without an audience, Stephanie was somewhat nice.

“You said you want to talk,” She said walking over to admire herself in her mirror.

“Yeah, well you know Zane right?” I started but stopped quickly as she whirled around with an angry look on her face.

“If you think I’m going to sit here and listen to your stupid romance issues with your jerk of a boyfriend, then you’re crazy,” She said then walked over to sit in her chair, as if her last has taken all of her energy. I wasn’t surprised by her outburst, after rooming with her for a year I was used to them, so naturally I knew how to get her to be nice, or at least civil, again.

“Ok listen,” I said and then took a deep breath and began to do my best impersonation her that I could. “1.) I totally didn’t mean to offend you, 2.)There’s no way that he’s my boyfriend, and 3.)Why would I want relationship advice for me and Zane, when I’m mad at him?” As I finished I knew it’d worked because she began to giggle, something she rarely ever does.

“Well done,” She said and flashed me one of her
winning smiles before she continued, “so if it’s not about relationships with Zane, then what is it?”

“Well,” I started questioning whether I should confide fully in her of not, but my mind urges me one, so I continue. “Sometimes he’ll act like a different person, and one day he’ll understand and another, he won’t,” I said and was surprised to see her shifting uncomfortably, a sign she was either nervous or guilty which are also two things that rarely occur with her.

“What?” I asked and her eyes flashed up to meet my gaze.

“Oh well, it’s just,” She started.

“Yes?” I asked trying to get her to hurry up and spit it out.

“Zane’s a guy, guys act like that sometimes,” She replied but I know that not what was on her mind and I feel my temper begin to flare up.

“Really? You too? Why is everybody treating me like a moron and thinking I can’t see that their hiding stuff from me? Why can I tell no one the truth, because no one understands? Why?!” I yelled at her and I can tell that I’ve surprised her with my outburst.

“Look Summer, this is why nobody tells you anything, because you just blew up at me without even asking what I’m hiding. Maybe I would’ve told you. Ever think of that?” She asked and then smiled smugly at me.

“Ok, I’m sorry, maybe getting the crap kicked out of me, by you and your group, has been messing with my manners,” I replied and I felt my temper beginning to rise even higher.

“Ignoring that last comment, I’ll tell you all that I can, which isn’t a lot, but it’s more than Zane’s telling you,” She said and her words about Zane felt like she was firing a gun straight to my heart. Why should Stephanie a girl who hates my guts, tell me more than a guy who thinks I’m ‘special’? Though I doubt anything he said then is still what he thinks now.

“All I can tell you is that Zane knows more than he’s letting on,” She said and then watched me closely as if to see how this news would me react.

“How do you know?” I asked and though I sounded like an annoying child I didn’t care as long as I got the answers I’d been waiting for.

She sat up straighter in her chair and smoothed her dress before she answered, “I know because I also know the information he’s keeping from you, he told me. Not recently of course, but either way at one point he told me and I know. I’m sorry but that’s really all I can tell you.” She said and I can sense that she’s telling me the truth.

“Thank-you Stephanie” I said as I turned and headed for the door.

“Where are you going?” she asked as I pulled open her overly decorated door.

“I need to talk to someone else about something that’s somewhat normal, I can’t deal with all this other drama right now,” I said and with that I waved goodbye and walked out.

Chapter 17

As I made my way down the hallway I tried to clear my mind from all the questions that were already starting to form in my head. Just relax

, I told myself as I headed towards Ms. Kelly’s office door, She can’t possibly know you lied, Zane wouldn’t tell her. Of course he wouldn’t…Would he?

I wasn’t sure.

When I reached the door I knocked timidly and then waited until a flustered looking Mrs. Brown opened the door. Mrs. Brown, the over-worked secretary for Ms. Kelly, was a short, cute, younger woman, in her mid 30’s, with short cropped black hair, soft, soft brown eyes, and a pearly white smile. Everyone wondered why sweet Mrs. Brown had applied to be Ms. Kelly secretary, but whenever a student asked her about it she’d simply smile and reply, “Why, I can’t imagine living without you kids life,” in her soft, overly peppy voice that reminded me of a cheer squad anytime I heard it.

“Oh Summer, come in dear. I’m assuming you’ve come
to talk with Ms. Kelly?” She asked and as I nodded she quickly continued on. “Yes, of course you are. I’m afraid you’ll have to wait until after she’s finished with the mandatory punishment for today,” She said and then after motion for me to take a seat, began quickly straitening the papers on her crowded desktop.

As I took a seat in one of the waiting chairs my
curiosity got the best of me and I turned back towards Mrs. Brown. “Mandatory punishment?” I asked. She’d finished organizing her desk and had moved on to filling out paperwork before she answered.

“Oh yes dear, in fact she’s in there now with that awful trouble maker, Tyler Droda,” she said shaking her head in disgust.

“What’s Tyler down here for?” I asked pretending that I thought it was unusual for Tyler to get into trouble.

“Well, originally he was called down to receive punishment for the violence he exploited on you,” She said and I made a mental note to ask Stephanie how she and the rest of her group got out of their punishment. “But then,” she continued, “There was the issue of that fist fight, and now that Zane boy’s down here too,” She said and her last words made my heart squeeze. I wasn’t ready to see Zane yet but as Ms. Kelly’s door swung open I knew if didn’t matter what I wanted.

As the door swung open wider I saw Ms. Kelly step out and hand both Tyler and Zane a green slip of paper before ushering them out of her back office. Green…

I wracked my brains trying to think back to our old school handbook. What does green mean?

I thought to myself impatiently. Suspension? Expulsion?

At the moment I didn’t which I was hoping for more.

As the boys walked out Zane’s sparkling blue eyes met mine and it took all of my self control to pull my eyes away from his, but not before giving him one of my signature annoyed eye rolls. I heard him sigh and then the door click as it opened and closed behind them. Good, you deserve to go through a little sadness yourself,

I thought moodily to myself.

“Summer, can I help you?” Ms. Kelly asked then flashed me one of her huge smiles that none of the students neither believed nor liked. “Yes, I was wondering if I could get a schedule change?” I asked before I could convince myself not to and then I desperately prayed I wouldn’t break down into tears as I thought about why I wanted it. I want this to get away, away from him.

I thought to myself, I couldn’t bring myself to even think his name of I was sure I’d break down again.

“A schedule change? We don’t normally allow those after the first day of school. Why? Is there a conflict with your schedule?” She asked and my hopes began to plummet. What was I supposed to say, my boyfriend/ex/friend, or whatever he is, is being mean? That I don’t want to face him because I’m embarrassed and mad that he doesn’t believe my crazy stories?

“No, there’s not really a conflict but I’d really appreciated if I could change it, not to different classes, maybe just a different order?” I asked, trying to use my most innocent, sweet girl voice. “Normally the answer would automatically no,” She said in her normal no-feelings-spared, harsh tone, “but I realize that you’ve been through a lot and if this will help you out, I suppose I could bend the rules a bit,” She replied and even though she’d just agreed to what I’d asked I couldn’t help but feel sad, and I still didn’t get why she always felt dangerous and untrustworthy even when she’s smiling at me like she is now.

“I’ll have your new schedule sent to your room sometime tomorrow, since it’s the weekend you won’t have to worry about missing classes, you’ll start on Monday,” She said as she hustled me out of her door. As I left I headed for the door I waved at little Mrs. Brown as she began filing paperwork. She gave me a quick smile and then quickly got back to work. What a hard working little women,

I thought to myself as I abandoned the cool office air for the warm hallways, then quietly jogged till I reached my room.

As I flung the door open I noticed that Sierra was still gone and the Kyle had left. Good

, I thought to myself, I want to be alone anyways

, but as I flung myself down, onto my bed, I knew that was a lie. I wanted my friends to be there with me, I wanted Zane there, and I especially did not want to be alone. I curled up into a ball and pulled the covers up as far as they’d go. It was still early, 6:00 P.M., but I was so exhausted that I forgot about the time and gave in to the drowsiness that was taking me over.

Chapter 18

When I opened my eyes I was laying a green meadow. The ground beneath me was covered in beautiful flowers and bright green, grass. I laid there basking in the warm sun and almost drifted off until I heard soft footsteps in the plush grass surrounding me. I quickly sat upright and found myself staring at a beautiful little boy. He had dark hair, and beautiful, familiar looking brown eyes. He looked about 5 or 6 years old, and his face held a very white smile, teeth and all.

He raised his tiny hand and waved at me. I laughed joyfully and picked the little boy up and spun him around until we were both dizzy and doubled over in laughter. ‘Such a cute little boy,’ I thought to myself, ‘with his soft black, his perfect features, and his eyes, deep pools of chocolate.’

Now where had I seen those eyes before? Just then he laughed and his laugh, a sweet, innocent, little kid laugh, sounded very familiar also. Then suddenly it seemed as if the little boy was laughing at me, and not with me anymore. Her smiled, as if he was in on some private joke.

Then a thought occurred to me, “Where are we?” I asked and the little boy smiled a devious smile as if he’d been waiting for me to ask this. “The land on eternal youth,” He replied and then motioned for me to look down. “We become children again when we enter this realm,” He said and then, after he motioned again, I looked down and gasped. I was looking down at the tiny fragile little girl’s body of my younger self. I was wearing a frilly dress and my tiny feet were covered with white buckle shoes. I raised my hands and saw that they too were small and fragile looking. I looked even younger than the boy sitting next to me, which made another thought occur to me.

“So what do you really look like?” I asked and as soon as the words escaped my mouth, I knew I was going to regret asking. “Another good question,” The boy said in that terribly familiar voice and then his face began to contort and transform itself. I screamed not because of the gruesome sight but because as I got up to run away, I felt my own skin begin to bubble and transform. I saw the beautiful meadow slipping away and it was being replaced by a terrifyingly familiar all stone room, lit only by the torches the hung on the walls, and the candles that surrounded the slab of concrete in the center of the room.

My screams echoed off the walls as the little boy I’d just laughed with transformed into someone I’d hoped I’d never have to see again. Even though standing next to me was the man from my reoccurring nightmares he wasn’t the one who made me scream. I screamed when I caught sight of the person who was standing in the corner. Zane’s eyes sparkled under the light of torches and I could’ve admired his beauty all day if I hadn’t been terrified, he hadn’t been yelling.

“Get out!,” I screamed at him, wanting desperately for him to leave before he got hurt, but Zane continued yelling at the man, as if I wasn’t even there.
“I thought I told you to stay out of her dreams!” Zane shouted.

“Guardians are supposed to protect and educate, no chastise and endanger. I must say, you’ve done a rather poor job,” The man replied in his usual cold tone and as soon as he got the words left his mouth Zane tackled him to the ground and they began writhing and rolling around on the stone.

By now my age transformation was completely done and I was myself again. I wanted to run, yell scream, do something, but I was frozen in place. All I could manage to do was clamp my eyes shut and as I did so I began to feel the room around me, yet again, slip away. I didn’t want to open my eyes but I forced them open and when I did, I fell into black nothingness.

Chapter 19

My eyes flew open and I sucked in air. At some point during my nap Sierra must have come back because I could make out her soft snores from underneath me. By now my breath was coming in short, uneven gasps and my room seemed to be spinning. Once I had taken enough calming breaths, had plenty of oxygen flowing to my brain, and could see straight again I grabbed my phone and checked the time. It read 11:30 P.M.

I took another deep breath to try to steady my shaking hands and began my text message to Zane.

Look, we need to talk. ASAP. –S

I quickly hit send before I could change my mind and then set my phone back down near my pillow.

I need answers

, I thought to myself, I need the truth. Why am I having these dreams? If they are even considered dreams… What’s Zane hiding? Who is that creepy reappearing guy?

I let out a sigh of annoyance and blinked back tears of frustration as Sierra began to wake up.

“Summer? Was that you?” She asked then seeing the tears in my eyes, which I was trying(unsuccessfully)to hide. She quickly got up out of her bed and began climbing up onto my bunk. “What’s wrong? Did you get hurt again? Or was it just a bad dream?” She asked as she positioned herself at the foot of my bed.

“Well,” I began but was interrupted by my phone ringing. My heart leapt and Sierra, who must’ve seen my excited face, quietly mumbled something about having to take off her make-up, then got down and walked into the bathroom we shared to give me privacy.

“Hello?” I asked when I was finally able to speak.

“Summer, It’s Zane, I got your message,” He said and there was almost a hint of precaution in his voice as he continued, “but I can’t meet with you.”

I frowned when I heard that and couldn’t help but feel my anger from beginning to rise again. “No? Well I’m pretty sure you can talk,” I replied, and even I

shivered at the ice cold tone of my voice.

“Look, can you drop the attitude? It’s not like I don’t want to talk. I’m in detention and we aren’t even supposed to have phones in here but the teacher walked out so I figured I’d risk it.”

“Detention, huh? For what?” I asked and as soon as the words left my mouth I realized why he was there and felt like a complete, utter moron.

“I’m in here for punching a guy who threatened to hurt this really amazing girl. I never would’ve guessed that I’d be the one to hurt her,” he said his words felt like blows to my heart and normally I would’ve been flattered by him calling me amazing, but tonight it just annoyed me.

“Well the ‘amazing girl is looking for answers and, though she may be mistaken, she thinks she deserves something that starts with I’m and ends with Sorry,” I said and then remembering my dream I added, “You could start by explaining yourself.”

“Look, I want to talk Summer, really I do, but I can’t do
this right now, and I’d rather we talked about this face to face, anyways,” He said an I felt my rising anger begin to slip away piece by piece as it always did when I listened to his soothing voice.

“Meet me outside under the big oak at 6:00 A.M. That’s assuming you’re not in detention then?” I asked and I felt a pang of heart break as I remembered when we’d sat by the oak on our first date.

“Yeah, I’ll be there,” He said pulling me out of my flash back.

“See you then,” I said and was about to push End Call when
Zane said, “And Summer?”

“Yeah?” I asked.

“I’m sorry.”

I took a deep breath and replied in a calm, even voice,” We’ll talk later.” Then I hung up on the only guy I’ve ever loved and for the very first time in weeks, fell into a dreamless slumber.

Chapter 20

"Need to talk?” Sierra asked as I curled my hair and got ready for me and Zane’s meeting this morning. “Yeah, I do,” I said, turning to face her. “I’m sorry; I’m probably the worst roommate you’ve ever had. I’ve been super messy, I’m always running out, and I’ve managed to make you want to leave the dorm instead of hanging out with me. I’m really

sorry,” I said and as I finished my apology I noticed she was smiling.

“Look Summer, when I left yesterday morning, I got breakfast and then I went to the study session I go to every Saturday, I wasn’t leaving to get away from you. If anything I think I should be the one apologizing. Even a blind person could see you’ve been living Hell since the first day of school and I should’ve been nicer to you. I guess I just didn’t want any more complications in my life,” She finished and then we sat in silence for awhile until she added, “but then I realized the I’d sacrifice an easy life any day for friendship.”

I turned to face her and saw that she was smiling so I ran over and gave her a hug, which she squeezed back at. “Thanks, that really means a lot,” I said and then I broke the hug to go change into the skirt and tank top that I had set out on our bathroom counter.

I wasn’t really sure why I was getting so dressed up just for a talk, or why I’d gotten up at 5:00 so I could curl my hair before I had to meet with him. Sierra had only woken up around 5:30 when my nervous, shaking hands accidently dropped my make-up case. After seeing my flushed, nervous, face she promised that she’d stay up and keep me company until I had to leave.

As the time ticked away my palms began to sweat and my pulse stared to speed up. What am I going to say?

I thought nervously. I had no idea how to approach the subject of my dreams with him, but I knew that it had to be done.

When I checked the clock, for what seemed like the 25th time in the last ten minutes, and it read 5:53 A.M I decided it was time to start walking over. “Well I better get going,” I said as I grabbed my purse and headed for the door.

“I hope it goes well,” She said and I smiled silently to myself.

“Yeah, me too.” With that I forced myself to pull the door open and start off down the hallway. It was after curfew and I was supposed to be in bed sleeping now, so I had to be very quiet and be on the lookout for any patrolling night wardens.

Finally, after silently creeping down hallways and flights of stairs, I’d made my way to the old oak tree. It was hard to believe that just a week ago we’d had our first date under this same tree. It was so easy then

, I thought to myself, That was before I’d ever had any of these dreams, before I’d ever saw that man’s face.

I sighed and tried to clear my mind as I kicked off my sandals and sat down under the tree’s branches.

I checked my watch and it read 6:01 A.M. He still has time

, I thought silently to myself and then I realized what little sleep I’d gotten in the past week and I felt my eyelids begin to droop. Hurry up Zane,

I thought to myself and then I gave in to my exhaust and I fell asleep against the hard bark of the tree.

Chapter 21

30 minutes later I woke up from my pleasantly, dreamless sleep to find that someone was shaking me by my shoulders and asking if I was alright. They sounded alarmed and I wanted to answer them or at least open my eyes but I seemed incapable of doing either, at the moment. After a few more minutes of shaking and questions I was finally to pry open my eyes and found myself staring at Lance Millers, Stephanie’s tutor. Other than in Stephanie’s room, this was the first time I’d even seen Lance since he was a keep to himself sort of guy, so I was quite surprised that he cared enough to check if I was alright.

“Summer, are you okay?” He asked for what had to be the 30th time and finally I was able to make my lips work.

“Yeah, I’m okay,” I said sitting up and then realizing Zane wasn’t there I added, “Just disappointed.”

“About Zane?” He asked and must’ve notice my surprised expression because he then said, “I can explain.”

“Go ahead,” I said and then motioned for him to sit down with me under the oak, since my legs still felt like jelly.

“Though you might not know it, I’m Zane’s roommate,” He began, “so I obviously know he’s been in a bit of trouble lately.” He said casting me a glance before he continued.
“Zane told me he was supposed to meet you today, but see, he ran into a bit of a problem. “The Night wardens were literally guarding the outside of our door. “They said the he wasn’t leaving the room for any purposes until his punishment was done,” He said and then seeing how I was still confused he began to elaborate more.

“But see, me, being a tutor and all, they’ll let me out early just as long I tell them the right stuff. “I told them Stephanie had a project due today and this was the only time we could work on it, and they bought it,” He said, smiling proudly at his own cleverness. “He asked me to find you and give you this, since he couldn’t make it,” Lance said then produced a folded piece of paper out of the messenger bag slung over his shoulder, and held it out to me.

I took it and carefully unfolded it and held it to where it was only in my view, though Lance didn’t look as if he were trying to read it either way. I took a deep breath and began reading.

Dear Summer,

I regret missing our date. You must understand how sorry I am. Not just for missing our date, but for every time I’ve ever hurt you. I know how confused you must be and I promise I’ll explain everything. I get out of detention at 8:30 P.M. tonight, afterwards is the only time I’m able to go anywhere without being followed by wardens. I’ll meet you outside my dorm, it’d #43. You don’t have to come and I’ll understand if you don’t, but I’d like a chance to explain this, if you’ll let me. And please remember: I could never judge you, and I hope your opinion on that hasn’t been swayed by my ignorance.

Yours Truly,


I took a deep breath to steady myself so that I didn’t burst into tears. He really cares

, I thought to myself, tonight I’ll get the answers I’ve been waiting for

. But then reality sunk in and my smile faded. Has my opinion on him changed?

I wasn’t sure. As I muttered somewhat of a thank-you to Lance, I folded up the letter and started walking back to my dorm.

Chapter 22

On my way back to my dorm I ran into a few night wardens and was forced to quickly scamper off into janitor closets to avoid being caught and sitting through lectures. About 1 hall from my room I heard footsteps coming towards me. The loud clanking on the tiled told my it was a student girl, since none of the faculty nor wardens were allowed to break dress code, which doesn’t include high heels.

Though I was almost positive it was a student, I figured I’d better not risk it and quickly ducked behind a potted plant. As a pair of hot pink stiletto’s made their way around the corner I heard their owner let out a sigh of impatience.

“Would you get up from behind that plant? You look like a moron and I so don’t talk to morons,” She said and between the hot pink heels and the snarky comment I knew it had to be Stephanie who was standing in front of me.

I quickly got up and brushed myself off as she put on lip gloss to her already glossy lips. Once I was done straightening myself up she turned to face me and I could get a good look at her. I Think this is the worst I’ve ever seen her look,

I thought to myself and though her shoes were cute, and her designer only dress was adorable she still looked terrible. Her eyeliner was smudged, her mascara running, there were circles under her eyes and her nose was red and puffy.

“Are you okay?” I asked, not sure how to address the situation with her.

“Tyler and I broke up. In case anyone asks, I dumped him,” She said and then she laughed silently to herself as she absentmindedly rubbed what look like a bruise on her arm.

“What happened?” I asked motioning to the bruise, but she wasn’t looking at me and took it as a question about her break-up.

“I dated an abusive jerk,” She said matter-of-factly then seeing my face, explained. “Tyler was always a hands-on guy, and I knew that, but he was just so mad tonight and he pushed me into my dresser. “He tried to apologize but sometime between me punching him and me kicking him out, he understood that it was over.”

As she finished I looked at Stephanie, really looked at her. She was the girl all girls envied. With her slim build, long legs, naturally tan skin and blonde hair, girls just assumed she had the perfect life, or at least the perfect relationship. But come to think of it, in my 6 years of room and board here I’ve never seen her parents come to visit, not even on the family visiting days. Her brother, Tye, graduated 3 years ago, and even when he was here he refused to acknowledge her. As for her relationship, no one would ever guess that Tyler was abusive, or at least not to her. When I really thought about it, was it really a surprise that Stephanie has a cold, hard, demeanor?

She must’ve notice my staring because as usual, she felt obligated to defend her turf. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” She said snidely and then she smiled. “A love note from the boyfriend?” She asked motion to the letter sticking out of my pocket and then giving me a wink that made us both burst into laughter

“Yeah, but he’s not my boyfriend,” I said, pausing then added, “yet.” Stephanie smiled then checked the polished, designer, diamond watch on her wrist that probably cost more than my entire wardrobe.

“30 minutes till breakfast starts, we’d better head back or the warden’s will catch us,” She said and turned to start walking towards her dorm when she added, “I’m sorry about the whole S.S. crap and if you ever tell anyone this I’ll deny it but, I kind of regret not being a better roommate.” And with that she started off down the hall and within
seconds, disappeared into her dorm.

Chapter 23

I stood there for a moment trying to comprehend what had just happened. Stephanie never

apologizes. But hadn’t she done just that? I shook my head as if to clear my thoughts and started off down the hall. By the time I reached my room Sierra had already taken a shower and was waiting patiently for me to return. She’d pulled her short, choppy, blonde hair back in a small bun at the nape of her neck and was wearing a casual shirt and jeans, overall she looked very pretty and very eager to hear about my ‘date’.

I told her about Zane’s note and my meeting with Lance, carefully skimming over any parts that involved crazy dreams or Stephanie.

“Aw I’m sorry you to wait longer now,” She said and then grabbed my purse and threw it to me. “We’d better head down for breakfast, I’m starving,” She said and then, pulling me with her, she skipped off down to the breakfast hall.


The rest of the day flew by quickly and before I knew it I was sitting in my room and getting ready for my meeting, but the clock seemed to moving slower than ever. Around 7:00 a night warden knocked on our door and gave me my new schedule. I thanked them and tried to hide my disappointment as I silently assured myself that I did the right thing by changing my schedule. I opened the envelope and read.

Dear Summer,

I hope this suites your wishes, because I won’t be changing it again. You’ll start these classes Monday.

Best regards,

Ms. Kelly

1. Art
2. Self Defense
3. Dance
4. Lunch
5. ELA
6. Algebra
7. A.P. Chemistry
8. History

I folded up my new schedule and stifled a sigh. I definitely got what I asked for

, I thought to myself, now I have absolutely no classes with him. Why am I disappointed with that?

I didn’t know what the answer was to that last thought so I shrugged it off and turned towards Sierra, who was sitting below my bunk, looking bored. She’d offered to stay up till I got back but I didn’t know how late I’d be out and judging from the dark circles under her eyes, she could use the extra rest.

“No that’s okay, I’ll talk to you in the morning, alright?” I said in what I hoped was an assuring tone as I slipped on my heels and reached for my purse.

“Okay, hope you have fun,” She said and then dropped onto her pillow.

I quietly shut the door behind, so I wouldn’t disturb her and then started off towards the boy’s hall.
Girls technically aren’t allowed to be in the east wing, since that’s where the boy’s dorms are. But since that rule was made, few supervisors enforce it and even fewer students pay it any mind. I was in luck; Zane’s dorm was located on the outskirts of the wing, by the stairs. This way I had an even less chance of getting caught.

My phone buzzed in my pock and I quickly took it out and examined it.

Running Late. Be there soon, Don’t leave. -Z

His text calmed me somehow, almost as if he were actually there, whispering those words in my ear, with that voice that always makes me melt. I put my phone away, leaned against his door and allowed myself to imagine him next to me, lips brushing against mine…

I didn’t have to wait long; only about five minutes of day dreaming had passed before the sound of footsteps brought me back to reality. At first I tensed, thinking of the wardens and how sometime they made their rounds earlier than usual but then listened more carefully and found that even his footsteps were familiar.

When he finally rounded the corner I wanted nothing more than to run to him and feel his strong arms around me, but I stood my ground and silently kicked myself for even thinking that. Aren’t I supposed to be mad him? Just yesterday I was angry enough to get my entire schedule changed, and now I want to run into his arms again?

I silently scolded myself, but as I looked into his sparkling blue eyes I felt that, that really was what I wanted to do. To hurl myself at him and have his arms wrapped around me. I felt my anger slipping away, and though I tried to hang onto it, it was soon gone.

I forced an annoyed look onto my and glared at him as he
approached. I didn’t want him to know that I was secretly yearning to run over and his soft, lips. Apparently, I got the point across because his blinding white smile disappeared once he caught sight of my expression.

“I know I have a lot of explaining to do,” he said and as soon as I hear his voice my glare slipped away and I felt a very unwelcome smile appear on my face.

To make up for my smile slip I added an even icier edge to my voice when I replied, “You certainly do.”
Zane nodded then motioned towards his door. “Lance is tutoring today, this way we can talk alone,” he said and I felt my heart flutter. If just being in the east wing would get me detention, then going into a boy’s dorm room alone was definitely juvenile home worthy. I shrugged off my worries by reminding myself why he wanted us alone. So no one knows his secrets.

After reminding myself of this, I felt my anticipation lessen.

As he shut and bolted the door behind us I took the time to check out his dorm room setup. It was clear which side of the room belonged to who. Lance had his side decorated with photos of him and his family and friends. By his bed he had a few posters of bands like ACDC and Kiss and his desk was meticulously neat.

Zane’s side looked as if no one even roomed there. His desk was completely empty except for his gray laptop and a few stray pens. His walls were completely bare and his closet was empty except for the small suitcase lying at the bottom of it.

He must have noticed my scrutiny because he shifted uncomfortably and motioned to his bed for me to sit.

“Where do I start?” He said after we were both seated. I knew his question didn’t require a response, but I couldn’t resist.

“From the Beginning,” I said and he laughed silently under his breath as if I’d just humored him and then said, “This is going to take longer than I thought,” Then he let out a deep sigh, as if to ready himself, and began.

Chapter 24

“Every few centuries a baby is born with a gift, only they don’t realize they’re gifted until they start socializing with the others, people like them. “You, being one of the gifted, should understand what their gift is,” He said and then seeing my confused face he went on. “When most people dream it’s a figment of their imagination, but when these children dream, it’s reality. “They posses the ability to change all of Earth just when they close their eyes, though almost all of them have no idea how to use their gift like that. “But like always, people fear what they can’t understand, and a group, called The Tanghar, are set for using those gifted children for their own selfish reasons, some of them want to wipe out the gifted race completely. He paused for a moment and though he tried to hide it, I could tell he was nervous about continuing.

“When I was young I was told my parents told me I was born for one reason, and one reason only, and that was to serve faithfully as Princess Laurel McKons guardian. “Miss McKons is one of the most gifted children and therefore considered royalty among your race. “But when I turned 12, about to begin my training, my parents were killed and their dreams died with them. “I was then sent to an orphanage and by the time I started my training it was too late. “They told me I wasn’t qualified to guard royalty, but if my training continued, they’d allow me to guard one the normals.” He cleared his throat and searched my face to see if this term affected me. When I gave no sign of emotion he shifted uncomfortably in his seat and then continued.

“I trained for years and when I was on the brink of quitting, they finally passed me and I was an assigned guardian. “The girl they assigned me to was presumably average so they shipped me off to the board school at which she was attending, no extra training needed. “As always, they had me relatively close in age to her so as to not cause any awkwardness and for backup they sent me where another guardian was, since this was my first assignment. “

“But they underestimated this girl. Both me and my partner were shocked. “None of the normals were supposed to be able to make contact with the Tanghar at all, yet alone so early in the cycle. “We were stunned and after calling in to our main office we were told to deny her gifts, and persuade her to the same.”

“See, when a gifted child, or more frequently
called a lucid child, learns more about their gift, the more endangered they become. “That’s why we were given those instructions, to keep her safe. Only one of us wasn’t careful enough, and she found out more than she should have.” He said and only then did my brain start putting all the pieces together.

“I’m the girl from you story,” I said and then more of the pieces came together. “You knew…This whole time?” I said and felt my anger flaring up.

“Yes, but Summer-“ He started but I cut him off before he could finish.

“You yelled at me and told me I was being childish! “You said I was just a ‘restless sleeper’!” I yelled at him and I wasn’t surprised to see that he was staying relatively calm, like always, but it still annoyed me.

“Yes Summer, I did, but I did it to protect you,” He said staring at me with those bright blue eyes. I continued on as if he hadn’t said anything.

“You told me I could trust you, could tell you anything, yet that whole time you were lying!” I screamed and felt my rationality slipping away, but at this point I didn’t care.

“Summer, Please just-”

“That’s all you do! Lie!” I yelled at him and I furiously wiped at the unwelcome tears that were spilling down my cheeks.

I wanted to get up and run. But where would I run to? I was where I’d wanted to be for the past month and now I was wishing I’d stood him up. I could tell he wanted to comfort me and my steady glare kept him from coming any closer. “I’m sorry…I just thought that Stephanie and told you some of this, she told me you guys talked and I guess I just assumed…” His voice trailed off and his eyes lifted to meet mine.

And that was when I snapped. Any part of sanity that I had left at the moment slipped away and I took a step closer to him. “Stephanie!? So she’s the other one!” I screamed and though Zane was trying uselessly to calm me down, I was way beyond any point that I could ‘calm down’.

“I’m leaving!” I yelled. I pushed past him and headed towards the door but he caught my wrist before I made.

“Summer, Please… I’m sorry for lying but you have to understand-”

“I don’t have to understand anything I don’t want to,” I said furiously then added, “And I said I’m leaving.” With that I push him with my free hand and made contact with his chest, momentarily catching him off guard, he stumbled backwards. That was all I needed. While his grip was weak I slipped free. I quickly unlocked the door, then flung it open and sprinted down the hall as fast as I could with the 6 inch heels I was wearing.

Now that I was finally running, I didn’t know where to go but my feet seemed to have a mind of their own. They carried me back, out of the east wing and made me bolt out of the school and over to the outdoor garden area. Since it was late the pale yellow lights that surrounded the garden were glowing dimly. By now I stopped running and walked over to admire the flowers. It reminded me of the garden my mother and I use to have before we moved, and I was forced to go room and board at my new school.

She used to walk around with me in the early mornings, just as the sun was peeking up over the clouds, and she’d let me quiz her on all the different flower types. I felt a pang of homesickness as I recalled some of the long hours I’d spent at our old make-shift garden. This garden was absolutely stunning in comparison to me and my mothers and I felt myself calming down as I walked around the gorgeous plants.

The roses were a deep red, and by far the most popular flower type in this garden; next to it were Lilly’s in a pastel purple shade. I silently congratulated myself on having remembered almost all the plants names and facts as I scoped out the garden. Though there were hundreds of plants that made up the garden only one type stood out among them all. Zantedeschia. It had always been my favorite flower type because of its tie-die like colors, but my mother had always refused to plant it because of me being so young, and it’s poisonous reputation.

I walked over and sat on a stone near the patch of the colorful flowers. A thought appeared to me and I laughed silently. I know why this was always my favorite now

, I thought silently to myself, because it’s me, in flower form. Bright, colorful, and pretty from far away, but deadly if you get too close.

I was still seething from my talk with Zane but I couldn’t seem to stop laughing at the irony of my favorite flower. I knew it wasn’t really that funny but I kept laughing, I laughed till me sides hurt, till tears were running down my face, and till I was beginning to wonder if I was losing my sanity. When I was finally finished laughing I was out of breath and panting, my sides hurt, and I had no doubt that my eye make-up was probably running. But at the moment, I didn’t really care. I just wanted to sit there and admire my beautiful flowers. That’s when I heard the footsteps.
Part 3 Up Now!


Texte: No part of this book is to be stolen or reproduced in any manner.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.07.2011

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Dedicated to my family, friends, and fans who have encouraged me to follow my dreams. I could'nt have done this without you guys.

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