
Chapter 1

I walked around the coffee shop. What an exciting place to hang out,

I thought. Marty, Macey, and Kristen were already at our table waiting. I sit down with them and just as I do, the waitress starts humming loudly. All around the customers also hum. We all join in, and soon the coffee shop's filled with humming. I stopped humming, and look out the window. Three birds were perched on a tree, staring directly at me.
The birds swooped down from the tree and flew in through the door and into the coffee shop, landing on our table.
"Hi, I'm Bird," the fat brown bird said.
"I'm Bird 2," chirped the skinny gray one.
"And I'm Bird 3," chirped the fat orange one.
We all exchanged shocked glances. The customers and the waitress were starting to stare.
"Well," Bird snapped. "What's your name? Rude much?"
I blushed.
What the heck??


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.11.2011

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This is dedicated to Bookrix for giving me the idea.

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