
Emma poured herself a glass of water, Then she made a Cosmos for a customer.

Brett growled and grabbed a guy by the arm to keep him from touching Emma. "She's off limits" he snapped.

Emma looked Brett over then the guy. "i wouldn't mess with him...He's a little protective"

Brett blushed but tightened his grip on the guy. The guy cried out and was soon scrambling away as fast as he could.

Emma smiled. "thanks"

Brett nodded. "just doing my job" he rumbled as he stared down at her.

Emma slipped a couple of dollars into his hand then went back to the bar to make drinks for more people.

Brett hated when she gave him money. He knew she needed it , and he loved keeping her safe. She was His.

Emma made more concoctions and drinks laced with alcohol for people.

Brett Locked the last people out then sat down at the bar.

Emma gave him his regular, just a cold beer.

Brett handed her back the money she had given him.

Emma blushed.

Brett drank down his beer.

Emma cleaned off tables.

Brett walked her out to her car.

"thanks, see you tomorrow" Emma said before driving away.

Brett watched her go, before walking home.

Emma hugged her 4 yr old son when she got home, even though he was asleep already. She was only 20 but worked at the club because she couldn't work anywhere else.

Brett knew about her son, he had even gotten them dinner a couple of times.

Emma fell asleep.

Brett knocked on her door the next day at 4 pm.

Emma answered. "come in, hold on while I cook for Travis?" she hurried to finish making grilled cheese sandwiches that looked like dinosaurs.

Brett smiled and ruffled Travis' hair. "hey sport"

"Brett!" Travis hugged him around the leg. "momma is making grilled cheese sandwiches that look like dinosaurs!"

Brett picked him up. "i bet it'll be good"

Travis nodded excitedly.

"Travis, table...Time to eat" she placed the dinosaur shaped grilled cheeses on the table.

Brett let him go.

Travis sat down and started eating.

Brett wished they were his family. But he was a werewolf, and he knew the dangers...and that he could hurt them.

" can go fishing with Brett now" she kissed his forehead.

Brett led him to the park.

After a while, Emma came to get them

Brett was sitting with Travis on the riverbank.

Emma appeared."Ready to go?" she asked Brett.

Brett stood "yeah" he hugged Travis. "be good for jenny" (the baby sitter).

Travis smiled. "i will" he promised.

Emma and Brett went to work

Brett kept Emma safe.

They had only one fight. It was a couple, and when Emma tried to intervene the woman hit her.

Brett was fuming mad after he kicked them out.

"Settle down Brett...have a whiskey" she poured them both a shot of whiskey.

Brett scowled but drank it down.

Emma drank hers too.

Brett sighed. "quit your job"

"why?" Emma asked.

Brett stepped close to her. "move in with me...You and Travis...I can take care of you both...and you would get to see him more"

"we can't live off what you make here...besides next year Travis will be going to school" Emma said.

Brett grinned. "i'm rich, i work because i want to"

Emma blushed. "i cant do that to wouldnt feel right"

Brett frowned. "then do it for Travis"

Emma sighed. "we'll see"

Brett stroked her cheek. "think about it"

Emma thought about it for 2 days. Then the couple that had been fighting from before came back....only this time they brought guns.

Brett told them to leave...and they did. After they shot Emma.

Her patrons looked on in shock.

Brett growled and rushed to her side.

Emma gasped, trying to not scream from the pain.

Brett kissed her forehead and the EMT's take her to the ambulance. "i'll ride with you..."

The EMT stopped him. "are you her brother or husband?"

Brett nodded. "i'm her husband" his heart...he actually was.

Emma had blood all over her.

Brett held her hand. "you will not leave Travis and me!" he demanded.

Emma nodded, she was strong.

Brett was worried, he had Jenny (the babysitter) bring Travis to him. He held him while Emma was in surgery.

Emma came through the surgery okay, but she was damn lucky.

Brett went with Travis. "you will come home with me...okay?"

Travis nodded.

Brett hugged him close.

Emma dreamed of Brett and Travis.

Travis hoped his mom got better and would come home soon.

Brett took Travis to his home for the night.

Emma went through the night with a doctor by her side.

Brett came every day with Travis.

Emma was slowly getting better.

Brett told them that him and Emma were married to they would let him see her, Travis already called him Daddy.

Emma blushed. she caught him without Travis once. "Brett...they know we arent married...they let you back here because you bring my son..." she told him.

Brett Wanted to be her husband...He Wanted to be Travis' father. He scowled. "Travis has moved into my should too"

Emma nodded. "alright...i give in..." she smiled at him.

Brett smiled "good i can take care of you " he moved all her things to his home and gave Travis his own room.

Emma was sent home the next day.

Brett settled her into her own room.

"Thanks" emma smiled.

Brett nodded and went to play with Travis.

Emma showered then settled into bed.

Brett put Travis to bed then looked in on her. He kissed her forehead and stroked her cheek.

Emma smiled up at him. "hey"

Brett smiled. "how are you doing?"

"Better...Much better" she sat up. "Travis?"

Brett smiled. "asleep"

"Good..." Emma said.

Brett stood. "well...good night"

"night..." Emma lay back down.

Brett went to bed himself.

Emma slept till noon.

Brett was eating lunch with Travis.

Emma joined them.

Brett smiled. "hungry?"

Emma nodded.

Brett made her pancakes then ate a medium rare steak.

Emma ate a few pancakes.

Brett ate his steak.

She took Travis into the living room to play video games with him after he was done.

Brett left to go to the woods behind his large house.

Emma wore her pjs for the next week then started wearing jeans again and got ready to go to work.

Brett frowned. "where do you think you are going?!?!"

"back to work" she said.

Brett shook his head. " are not"

"why not?" emma demanded. "i like working there!"

Brett scowled "i don't like you working there"

Emma sighed. "fine...i'm going to bake a cake ..i need chocolate"

Brett nodded. "good idea...i'm sure travis would like some too"

Emma started making the cake with travis.

Brett left to go into the woods behind his house.

Emma baked the cake then ate some. she watched a movie with Travis before putting him down for a nap.

Brett came back in his T shirt and boxers. His jeans were shredded and he held them in front of him. he was covered in mud.

Emma gasped in shock. "Brett! where have you been?"

Brett blushed. "i'm fine...i was running in the woods and really muddy"

Emma frowned and took the jeans from him.

He blushed, his erection was pressed up against the front of his boxers.

Emma turned away and put his shirt and boxers in the washer. "go shower"

Brett walked up behind her, his penis brushed her hip.

Emma blushed. "Brett..."

Brett growled/groaned. "Emma...i've wanted you for a long time now...i still want you"

Emma shivered. "Brett...we can't ...not without closed doors between us and Travis"

Brett closed the laundry room door, and locked it. "get up on the washer" he ground out.

Emma nodded.

Brett kissed her.

Emma kissed back.

Brett tore her shirt open and cupped her breasts as he kissed her.

Emma kissed back, leaning into his touch.

Brett groaned and kissed down to her breasts.

Emma moaned.

Brett sucked her nipple and tugged her jeans off.

Emma moaned and moved to help him.

Brett groaned and pulled her underwear aside before he thrust into her.

Emma gasped and let out a shuddering moan.

Brett growled and kissed her , thrusting deep.

Emma kissed back, wrapping her arms around him so that she didn't fall off the washer.

The washer shook as he thrust hard and heavily into her. Brett nipped her neck, wanting to bite and mark her as his.

Emma gasped and moaned against his neck, tilting her head to the side , opening her neck up for his bite.

Brett rested his forehead against her shoulder and shuddered as he thrust into her.

Emma panted next to his ear.

Brett cursed and thrust deep before he came

Emma moaned and came with him, taking it all in.

Brett panted and nuzzled her neck.

Emma panted against his shoulder.

Travis called from somewhere in the house.

Brett jerked back, his eyes wide as he saw her torn shirt and bra.

Emma blushed. "Travis, i'll be there in a minute buddy" she pulled on a clean shirt the dryer. she threw away her torn bra and shirt then pulled up her pants . Once presentable she walked out.

Brett found clean jeans and tugged them on before walking out.

"What did you need buddy?" she asked him.

Travis smiled. "cake?"

Brett chuckled.

Emma laughed. "ok...we can eat cake now" she had been working on the cake all day, it was pretty with iced trucks and everything on it. It was made for Travis.

Brett grinned. "i get some too right?"

"mhm...Travis, what do you think?" Emma asked.

"He can have the corner piece, i don't like them" Travis said.

Brett chuckled and lifted Travis onto his lap at the table.

Travis gives him a fork then dig into a piece of cake she had dished up for him.

Brett licked his lips as he looked at her then started eating the cake.

Emma got herself a small piece.

Brett stole a bite off her plate and grinned.

Emma rolled her eyes, laughing quietly.

Brett set Travis in the chair beside his and stood.

Emma looked over at him and Travis looked up from his new seat.

Brett smiled and knelt in front of her. "Emma...marry me? i love you so much...i can't imagine living without you?"

Emma was ecstatic. "Yes! oh! my....i love you too!" she kissed him.

Brett hugged her close as they kissed.

Travis yelled excitedly.

Emma picked Travis up for a family hug.

Brett kissed the top of Travis' head.

Emma was very happy to be his wife. "Are we going to have an actual wedding?"

Brett grinned "you can have any type of wedding you want"

Emma blushed "are you sure? i don't want you to be unhappy...or use a ton of your money"

Brett kissed her. "im sure..."

Emma nodded.

Brett let her plan the wedding in the following months.

Emma made it small and beautiful.

Brett watched her walk down the aisle

Emma smiled, the picture of a beautiful bride on her wedding day.

Brett held her hands as they said their vows.

Emma smiled and kissed him when they let her.

Brett grinned after their kiss.

Emma and Brett walked away that evening a happy couple.

Brett nuzzled her neck once they were home.

Emma smiled. She had sent Travis to the babysitters so they could have a night to themselves and wouldn't have to worry about being quiet.

Brett growled.

Emma looked at him questioningly. "did you just growl at me?"

Brett blinked then looked upset. "im sorry"

"its Ok...i was just confused and wondering why"

Brett sighed. "im....a werewolf"

"Really?" she was amazed.

Brett nodded. "I am.."

"Cool" she said.

Brett's eyes widened in surprise. "you don't mind?"

She shook her head. "just don't eat me"

Brett blushed. "i won't...though..i do want to mark you as my mate"

Emma nodded. "before we do anything...can i get out of this dress...i love it but... I've been wearing it all day"

Brett's eyes lit up. "okay" together they started undoing the laces on the back of the dress.

Emma blushed. she had little on underneath her wedding dress.

Brett licked his lips when he saw her.

Brett kissed the skin as it was exposed.

Emma shivered.

Brett carried her up to his...their bed.

Emma smiled.

Brett groaned as he stripped then pressed his hot naked body against hers.

Emma moaned.

Brett kissed her neck and growled.

Emma smiled.

Brett nipped her neck as he slowly thrust into her.

Emma moaned.

Brett bit her neck and groaned as he thrust

Emma gasped.

Brett growled and thrust into her

Emma rocked with his thrust.

Brett licked her wound closed and kissed her breasts as he thrust.

Emma moaned and pressed against him.

Brett groaned and thrust harder.

Emma panted in his ear.

Brett grunted and arched his back, sending him deep into her before he came.

Emma moaned and her climax came fast with his.

Brett held her close as he panted afterword.

Emma panted with him. "wow...."

Brett chuckled and lay beside her.

Emma rolled onto her side, facing him. "you're good"

Brett kissed her. "tell me about Travis' father..."

"One night stand really" She said, lying back on the bed. "i grew up on the street cause my parents died when i was really young. I was a thief...I got caught one night by the local gang...the same guys that shot me..their old boss was his father. I was offered my body in exchange for my freedom...I was selfish and it cost me more than just my virginity."

Brett kissed her forehead. "you have me and Travis now"

Emma nodded.

Brett hugged her tight. "hes our son now"

Emma smiled.

Brett held her as they slept.

Emma slept really well.

Brett was a good father to Travis.

Emma was happy to have them.

Brett was a werewolf...Brett was a Family man. The family man is a werewolf.....


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.02.2013

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