
Book 4

Ashley huddled in her room, shivering. She was a play thing for men, still a virgin.
Greg hurried to track her down after he had talked with his brother.
Ashley brought a blanket around her shoulders trying to keep warm.
Greg travelled to one of the houses. He asked for a experienced virgin.
Ashley was the first they brought him. "100$ for 15 minutes with her"
Greg grinned "how much to buy her?"
"Not for sale unless you make me a lifetime offer" the woman said and began to take her away.
Greg scowled " your price"
"She is worth more than you can offer me a month she will be thirteen. And some man will have the joy of being her first" the woman replied.
Greg stepped closer, towering over her. "Give her to me for 5 mil and I wont kill you" he flashed his canines.
The woman handed the girl over.
Greg cradled her to his chest and dropped the 5 mil at the woman's feet, before he left.
Ashley snatched up her rhino. The only thing from her childhood when it had been normal.
Greg raced her to his home. Where he sat her at the table. "Hungry?"
Ashley nodded. She didn't speak at all.
Greg made her a sandwich. "I don't want you to be scared of me....ill keep you safe and well cared for.
Ashley ate the sandwich slowly. Not wanting to overload her normally empty stomach.
Greg sat beside her. "My sister in law....Maria...wants to meet you..she escaped from your mistress....but wasn't as lucky as you"
"Maria? " the girl asked. A smile lighting her face.
Greg nodded. "You know her?"
Ashley nodded.
Greg jumped up when Maria walked in. "She knows you?"
Maria looked from Greg to the little girl. "Ashley ...I didn't think you would still be there" Maria gave the girl a hug. "Greg...this was my partner. We did everything together. Ashley, meet Greg. He won't hurt you, ever. Promise.
Greg stared down at Ashley. " my Luna ...I would protect you with my life.
Ashley looked from Maria to Greg. Spontaneously she hugged him. "Thank you"
Greg shivered and kissed the top of her head. "Its my job"
Ashley looked up at him. "No its protect me because you want to "
Greg's jaw flexed, "you are probably tired...why don't you sleep? "
Ashley nodded. "Where is the bathroom? I want a shower " she asked.
" ill help you find clothes afterword " Maria said.
Greg pointed to the bedroom "its in the bedroom "
Maria and Ashley disappeared to get Ashley cleaned up.
Greg fixed himself a steak while he waited.
Maria came out an hour later. "She's sound asleep ...the poor girl in exhausted. She was asleep almost before she hit the pillow. "
Greg nodded, worried "how mañy years should I....I wait? "
"That depends on the two of you...I would say at least till she's 17. You two need to discuss that though"
Greg nodded "I know "
Maria nodded "cherish her. Its not every day you meet someone like Ashley. Someone so open to anyone "
Greg nodded "I know...I want her to trust me"
Maria nodded "let me know if you need anything"
Greg nodded "I will"
Ashley slept soundly.
Greg went in and showered. He changed then went to watch football.
Ashley got up the next morning and showered again. She was wearing one of his shirts because she had nothing else.
Greg looked up from where he was on the couch "hungry?
Ashley nodded "please"
Greg went and cooked Mac n cheese.
Ashley devoured it. "That was awesome "
Greg chuckled "thanks...we should go buy you clothes"
Ashley nodded.
Greg took her to the nearest walmart.
Ashley picked out lots of jeans and shirts.
Greg sat waiting. Greg saw her coming and smiled. " need any feminine products? "
"Got them" she blushed "thanks".
Greg nodded "alright lets go"
Ashley followed him to check out then home.
Greg smiled "go ahead and put this stuff up"
Ashley nodded and went to put everything away
Greg sat on the couch.
Ashley came out to join him. "Movie? " she didn't speak much, she still seemed a little wary of living with him just because it was such a big change. It would wear off soon.
Greg nodded and scooted on the couch to make room. "Disney? "
"The hunger games" she shrugged .
Greg popped it in and settled back.
Ashley settled in to watch.
Greg smiled and watched the movie.
Ashley watched, completely enthralled.
Greg glanced over at her when he thought she wasn't looking.
Ashley smiled back at him then focused on the movie.
Greg blushed and faced foward.
Ashley focused on the movie. But couldn't keep her eyes open the last 20 minutes of the movie.
Greg lifted her into his arms and carried her to bed.
Ashley mumbled about blue eyed men in her sleep.
Greg frowned and stroked her cheek.
Ashley lay her cheek in his hand, smiling.
Greg kissed her forehead. "I love you Luna"
Ashley sighed in her sleep.
Greg lay down beside her, tired.
Ashley snuggled into him.
Greg fell asleep with his Luna.
Ashley woke in the morning, half laying on top of him.
Greg shivered in his sleep.
Ashley slid off to lay beside him, only she misjudged and fell off the bed with a thump.
Greg jerked awake. "Luna?" He asked huskily.
"Down here" she giggled " I fell off the bed"
Greg ran a hand over his face. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah..I just haven't gotten up yet" she said.
Greg nodded "ill go make breakfast "
Ashley got up. "Okay, you're gonna have to teach me to cook, it looks fun"
Greg chuckled. "Okay Ash"
Ashley blushed. It was the mist she'd ever spoken to him.
Greg knelt infront of her. "Its okay Ash"
Ashley nodded. "Okay"
Greg kissed her forehead before heading toward the kitchen.
Ashley followed him.
Greg showed her how to make pancakes.
Ashley burnt the first couple then soon got the hang of it.
Greg smiled at her across the table as he piled his plate high.
Ashley smiled back.
Greg ate, he wondered how he would manage to be around her until she was old enough to mate with him.
Ashley ate her pancakes, she was always hungry.
Greg frowned as he ate, thinking.
Ashley smiled at him. "Do you have any pets?"
Greg chuckled "no"
"Not even a fish?" She asked.
Greg blushed "nope"
"I thought every kid at least had a fish" she murmured.
Greg winked "im not a kid"
"True " she nodded.
Greg rubbed his neck and stood.
Ashley looked at him.
Greg put the dishes in the sink. "Ashley know I wont force you...right?"
Ashley nodded.
Greg relaxed "good"
"Can we get a fish?" She asked.
Greg nodded. "Sure thing"
"I want a pretty beta fish" Ashley said, excited about the fish.
Greg smiled "alright"
Ashley smiled back.

Five years passed fast. Her seventeenth birthday was tomorrow.
Greg ran a hand over his face as he showered.
Ashley sat reading on her bed.
Greg groaned "I can't take it much longer " he mumbled.
Ashley jumped up to answer the door, but it was just Maria with some early birthday gifts.
Greg hopped out and dressed.
Ashley was visiting with Maria.
Greg came out. "Hey ladies"
"Hey Greg" Ashley and Maria said at the same time.
Greg sat beside Ashley. "What're you guys discussing? "
"Our plans for next Friday. She's taking me shopping ....but wont tell me where" Ashley smiled.
"Don't worry...nothing bad. Im just kidnapping her for a while" Maria said innocently.
Greg looked between the two. "Sure....I have to get her gift anyway "
Ashley nodded. "So...." she said, not knowing what to talk about.
"Well I'm gonna go. Have a good night" Maria hurried out the door to leave them alone.
Greg cleared his throat. " making dinner? "
"I can" she nodded.
Greg stood. "Okay...I have go" he jetted out the door.
Ashley nodded. She fixed chicken and rice.
Greg came back slightly relaxed. But his underlaying desire for her was still there.
She had waited for awhile, then ate and had gone to bed. Leaving dinner out for him with a note to warm it up.
Greg sighed and heated the food while he thought about her.
Ashley slept in her room.
Greg finished eating then stood outside of her room.
Ashley turned over in bed.
Greg groaned and turned
ey woke up from a dream. And walked out to get a drink.
Greg jumped back from the door and blushed.
"Did you need something? " she asked.
Greg groaned "yes.." he coughed. " i-i."
"O-okay " Ashley looked at him confused.
Greg looked away " I'll go to bed" he mumbled.
"Greg....if you ever need something ..don't hesitate to ask...the worst thing I can say is no" Ashley told him.
Greg nodded "Ashley ....can I kiss you? Just once?"
Ashley blushed and nodded.
Greg shuddered and moved closer before gently brushing his lips over hers.
Ashley kissed back.
Greg groaned but pulled back.
Ashley leaned against the wall.
Greg gulped " I need a shower "
Ashley nodded.
Greg rushed into his room and started a cold shower.
Ashley got her drink and went back to her room but couldn't sleep.
Greg had two cold showers that night.
Ashley spent her Time listening to music.
Greg finally fell asleep.
Ashley had breakfast made by the time he got up.
Greg came into the kitchen and sat down.
Ashley served hash browns and bacon.
Greg watched her as he ate.
Ashley smiled at him once. "Yes?"
Greg cleared his throat. "Uhh....nothing"
"Okay" Ashley jumped when the doorbell rang, signifying Maria's arrival. She ran to get it, telling goodbye to Greg over her shoulder.
Greg watched her go. Then wondered what to get her for her birthday.
Ashley and Maria spent all day out. They got back at 11 pm. Maria said good bye after they had hot coca.
Greg came in. " hey ...have fun?"
"Yeah, want some hot coca?" She asked.
Greg nodded "sure"
Ashley made him a cup.
Greg asked her to sit with him.
Ashley smiled at him and sat.
Greg took a swig of coca. " do you....find me...attractive? "
Ashley blushed and nodded. "I thought maybe I was a little weird at first....considering you are 7 yrs older than me, but now that I know how you feel, I don't feel so weird"
Greg cleared his throat and blushed "I ....yes...I find you attractive ....and I love you"
Ashley smiled "I love you too"
Greg cupped her cheek "can I kiss you again? "
Ashley nodded.
Greg kissed her.
Ashley kissed back.
Greg groaned and deepened the kiss.
Ashley kept kissing him.
Greg stood and hugged her. As he kissed her.
Ashley kept kissing him until she needed to breathe.
Greg kissed her neck.
Ashley shivered.
Greg kissed her ear and cupped her butt.
Ashley moaned.
Greg hardened against her belly.
Ashley shivered and backed away some. "Not yet..." she blushed.
Greg cupped her face "I understand ....its okay" he kissed her lightly.
Ashley nodded "im glad" she kissed back.
Greg hugged her.
Ashley hugged back.
Greg stepped back.
Ashley smiled at him."where do we go from here?"
Greg chuckled "bed"
"Together? " she wondered.
Greg smiled "if you want to"
Ashley shrugged "we can try"
Greg nodded "okay"
Ashley motioned for him to lead.
Greg went to his room he tugged his shirt off.
Ashley ran to hers really quick and got pj's.
Greg was in his boxers when she came back.
Ashley blushed and smiled. It had been awhile since she had seen someone as naked as he was now.
Greg slid under the covers" you okay?"
Ashley nodded "its just been awhile is all"
Greg nodded, his eyes sad.
Ashley crawled under the covers.
Greg relaxed.
Ashley cuddled up to him for warmth.
Greg pulled her against him.
Ashley snuggled in. " I love you....and we can try tonight if you want to"
Greg kissed her forehead. "We'll just sleep tonight "
Ashley smiled, and buried her head against his chest and slept.
Greg fell asleep.
Ashley woke in the morning with a purr.
Greg shifted closer to her. His hard hot manhood pressed against her.
Ashley shivered.
Greg groaned.
Ashley wasn't sure what to do since he was asleep.
Greg nuzzled her neck.
Ashley let out a moan.
Greg woke and stared at her.
Ashley looked back.
Greg kissed her.
Ashley kissed back, a little shocked.
Greg cupped her breast as he kissed her.
Ashley shivered and kissed him back.
Greg tugged her tank top up and cupped her bare breast.
Adult moaned, her body was very sensitive.
Greg kissed her nipple.
Ashley gasped and shivered.
Greg growled and sucked on her nipple while pinching the other one.
Ashley shivered and moaned.
Greg slid her shorts off as he sucked her nipple.
Ashley bit her lip and shivered. It had been such a long time for her, but still she wanted it bad. She wanted to be touched.
Greg looked up at her, he let her nipple pop free. "You alright?"
Ashley nodded. "Its so different good. Knowing that you wont force me and you wont hurt me if you are unhappy "
Greg kissed her "id never hurt you"
"I know that" she kissed him.
Greg groaned and kissed her.
Ashley kissed back.
Greg shuddered.
Ashley nodded.
Greg slid her underwear off.
Ashley shivered.
Greg kissed her belly.
Ashley moaned.
Greg kissed lower.
Ashley shuddered.
Greg licked her wetness.
Ashley shivered and rested a hand low on her stomach.
Greg darted his tongue in.
Ashley gasped and moaned.
Greg lapped it up.
Ashley moaned.
Greg kissed up to her breasts as he rubbed his erection through her wetness.
Ashley moaned beneath him.
Greg sucked on her nipple as he slowly pushed into her.
Ashley tensed and a tear slid down her cheek.
Greg cupped her face. "I know im big...but it only hurts at first....I promise "
Ashley nodded and bit her lip. But nodded for him to continue.
Greg kissed her and started thrusting slowly.
Ashley moaned.
Greg groaned against her mouth and thrust faster.
Ashley shivered and came.
Greg groaned and his canines dropped as he thrust into her.
Ashley moaned.
Greg grunted as he came and growled.
Ashley took in all his come.
Greg rested his head on her breasts as he panted.
Ashley panted with him. "You are huge" she muttered.
Greg blushed and kissed her "I know"
Ashley kissed back.
Greg grew hard in her again.
Ashley moaned and kissed him.
Greg thrust fully into her. Stretching her more.
Ashley gasped and bit his lip.
Greg growled and thrust deep.
Ashley moaned.
Greg continued thrusting as he kissed her.
Ashley kissed back, her nails scraping down his back.
Greg shivered. "I want to mark you as mine" he growled.
Ashley nodded.
Greg nipped her neck then bit her as he thrust deep.
Ashley gasped and shuddered beneath him.
Greg released her and licked her neck. "Mine" he growled.
Ashley nodded.
Greg thrust deep and came.
Ashley moaned "so much"
Greg eased out of her.
Ashley sighed " it feels good"
Greg grinned "im glad"
Ashley kissed him.
Greg groaned "aren't you sore?"
Ashley nodded. "But that wont stop me from kissing you"
Greg chuckled and went to kiss her but jumped back when someone knocked on the bedroom door.
Ashley yelped and hid under the covers.
Greg growled "who is it?"
"Mistress from the brothel "
Greg jumped off the bed and jerked the door open before he went for her throat.
Ashley screamed.
Greg. Bit her throat and ripped it out. He turned to Ashley "its okay" I killed her"
Ashley nodded.
Greg hugged her to him. "Your my one is taking you from me"
Ashley snuggled into him.
Mistress gurgled "I made good money off her...the men loved her...5 bil was not enough" she choked then ceased to live.
Ashley whimpered "I hate being weak..." she muttered.
Greg kissed her " are strong , you survived ..but...I want you to tell me Everything that happened to you there"
"They touched me in places no one but you should....they wanted to do more ...but she wouldn't let them. They would pin me down and hurt me" Ashley shivered "I always ended up bruised. "
Greg cupped her face. "Did they touch you here?" He pressed a finger to her anus.
Ashley nodded.
Greg kissed her "may I show you how good it can be?"
Ashley bit her lip, then nodded.
Greg kissed her and rubbed her anus.
Ashley twitched at first, until she got used to it.
Greg rubbed his erection against her clit while he slid his finger into her anus.
Ashley gasped and leaned into him.
Greg kissed her. "Its okay" he rubbed against her clit.
Ashley nodded and kissed back.
Greg turned her to face the mirror as he slid into her wetness from behind.
Ashley blushed and leaned into him. A moan escaped her lips.
Greg slid out then pressed his lubricated penis to her anus.
Ashley made a nervous sound.
Greg kissed her shoulder. "Watch us in the mirror " he thrust in deep.
Ashley watched. She rested her hands over his. It hurt at first but he proved that it could feel good.
Greg groaned and cupped her breasts as he thrust.
Ashley moaned.
Greg groaned and thrust up. "Stroke your clit" he panted against her ear.
Ashley did, losing herself with him.
Greg shuddered and came." Tell me another thing they did or made you do...I want to show you how good it can be"
"They made me taste them...." Ashley said. "They bit me and touched me harshly ".
Greg nipped her nipple and cupped her breast. "Do you want to taste me?"
Ashley blushed "it tastes nasty....sorry"
Greg kissed her "that's okay"
Ashley smiled.
Greg cupped her face. "One different from those yours"
Ashley kissed him with all her heart.
Greg blushed "ash...I meant ...on my erection "
Ashley blushed "im working up to it" she kissed him there.
Greg shivered "not so bad...huh?"
"Its not as bad as before" she admitted.
Greg kissed her.
Ashley kissed back.
Greg laid them on the bed.
Ashley shivered.
Greg hugged her to him. "Get some rest."
Ashley nodded, laying her head on his chest.
Greg settled down beside her.
Ashley snuggled closer and fell asleep.
Greg slept with her.

Ashley woke in the morning. She was still sore in places. But for her...being sore in those places just meant she would have to work harder to please. Although, now that she was with Greg she might get a day off.
Greg snored beside her.
Ashley went and showered.
Greg snuck in behind her and yawned.
"Morning " she said.
Greg kissed her shoulder.
Ashley smiled. And leaned back against him. "Im still sore ....I thought the shower would help"
Greg massaged her belly.
Ashley moaned "that feels good"
Greg kissed her. "Where are you sore? "
"Between my legs, my know places"
Greg kissed her neck. "I have some cream....if you want it"
"What kind of cream?" She asked.
Greg chuckled. "It relieves the pain"
"But its not sore on the outside" she said.
Greg grinned against her neck "I slip my cream covered fingers Inside you"
Ashley blushed. "If you think it will help, then okay"
Greg nodded "it will....finish your shower"
Rashly cleaned her body. It was the only thing she hadn't done. She got out, wrapping herself in a huge fluffy towel. She brushed and braided her hair to keep out of the way.
Greg sat on the bed with the bottle.
Ashley came and sat down by him.
Greg covered his fingers in cream.
"Where do you want to start?" She asked him.
Greg nudged her legs open. "I know it hurts here the most"
Ashley nodded and laid back, relaxing.
Greg slid hia cream covered fingers into her.
Ashley moaned "it may be sore ,but it doesn't stop it tron feeling good"
Greg grinned.
Ashley smiled back.
Greg turned his cream covered fingers inside her, coating her inside.
Ashley moaned as the drug started to work.
Greg kissed her belly.
Ashley smiled at him. "You were so right, thank you"
Greg grinned up at her from her belly. "No problem "
Ashley let him finish.
Greg rubbed some on her nipples and anus.
Ashley. Shivered "it tingles there "
Greg grinned "good"
Ashley leaned up and kissed him.
Greg leaned down and kissed her.
Ashley kissed him, she was beginning to feel better.
Greg kissed her belly "it will get better"
Ashley nodded.
Greg rolled onto his back.
Ashley curled up against him.
Greg yawned.
Ashley kissed his shoulder then closed her eyes.
Greg fell asleep.
Ashley fell asleep too.
Greg dreamed of her.
Ashley shivered beside him. The men from her childhood were haunting her dreams.
Greg rubbed against her.
Ashley twitched.
Greg groaned "ash"...
Ashley muttered something.
Greg thrust against her.
Ashley gasped, jerking awake .
Greg rocked against her in his sleep.
Ashley pushed him away and went to have a shower.
Greg woke up and looked around.
Ashley was taking a cold shower.
Greg came up to the curtain. " okay?"
"Bad dream" she replied.
Greg yanked the curtain open and stepped in and hugged her to him and shivered. "Cold..and tell me ash"
"I dreamt of them ...I just couldn't see a face" Ashley said.
Greg tensed "oh god....ash.."
Ashley nodded" I haven't had that nightmare in a long time ".
Greg kissed her "it'll be okay"
Ashley kissed back. "I know "
Greg turned off the shower off. "You need to eat"
"What are you going to fix me?" She asked.
Greg smiled "pancakes and eggs"
"Yum" she smiled.
Greg winked and started cooking.
Ashley got dressed.
Greg dished out the food onto 2 plates.
Ashley dug in.
Greg sat and started to eat.
Ashley mumbled thanks.
Greg ate.
Ashley wasn't sure what to say to him.
Greg looked up. "Sometimes silence is good"
Ashley nodded.
Greg continued to eat.
Ashley cleaned up her spot when she was done.
Greg watched her.
She headed into the living room and turned the Tv on.
Greg sighed and followed "ash?"
"Yes?" She asked.
Greg placed a hand on her belly. " be pregnant? "
"I don't know....when they first brought me to the mistress, they kept me in quarantine for a while. They did a couple of operations. " she showed him a thin scar on her belly, just below her naval.
Greg frowned and rubbed the scar.
"I have another on my back in the just about the same spot. "I don't know what they mean or what they did"
Greg nodded.
"Do you know what they mean?" She asked.
Greg lifted her shirt and ran his fingers over the words.
"Greg?" She asked.
Greg frowned. "They tied your tubes...but they're still there...we can have it reversed.
"Are you interested in kids?" She asked.
Greg nodded "I am"
Ashley nodded "okay...I guess I'm having surgery again"
Greg cupped her cheek. "You don't have to if you don't want to"
"I think I would kind of like being a mother" she said.
Greg smiled and kissed her.
Ashley kissed back. "You get it set up"
Greg nodded. "Okay"
Ashley lounged on the couch, resting her head on his shoulder.
Greg held her close.
She watched Tv for awhile.
Greg was asleep beside her.
Ashley cuddled up to him and watched Tv.
Greg woke up later and called a doctor.
Ashley was asleep on the love seat.
Greg scheduled an appointment.
Ashley smiled at him. "How'd it go?"
Greg grinned. "Good...we are scheduled for tomorrow "
Ashley nodded.
Greg walked over and kissed her neck.
Ashley moaned "don't leave a mark, they will wonder if you are hurting me"
Greg pulled back. "Oh....sorry"
"Don't worry about....Drs are going to ask...and I don't want to tell them about my night life"
Greg blushed.
Ashley kissed him. "Do you want to?"
Greg smiled " day won't kill me"
"Its gonna be more than one day...its a surgery. Ill be on bed rest for a couple of days and sore for weeks " Ashley told him.
Greg nodded.
"New movie? " she asked.
Greg frowned "can I have sex?"
"If you want to" she said.
Greg smiled "yes"
Ashley kissed him.
Greg kissed her shoulder and slid a hand under her shirt.
Ashley moaned.
Greg kissed her again.
Ashley kissed back.
Greg stripped and stood infront of her naked.
Ashley kissed him.
Greg slid her pants off as he kissed her.
Ashley moaned and kissed back.
Greg spread her legs open and meshed their hips together as he thrust deep.
Ashley moaned and pressed against him.
Greg gripped her hips as he thrust and groaned.
Ashley gasped, moaned and came.
Greg shuddered.
Ashley kissed him.
Greg groaned and came.
Ashley moaned.
Greg was still hard and rolled them so she was on top.
Ashley groaned and nipped his lip.
Greg shuddered and thrust up.
Ashley moaned "so good"
Greg lifted her shirt off.
Ashley kissed him.
Greg cupped her breasts.
Ashley moaned and rocked on him.
Greg groaned and gripped her hips.
Ashley moaned and leaned down to kiss her.
Greg smiled and thumbed her clit.
Ashley bucked against him.
Greg groaned and thrust up as he came.
Ashley cried out as she came.
Greg held her as he panted.
Ashley lay over him, then rolled off.
Greg lay there with his legs open.
Ashley laid next to him.
Greg kissed her shoulder.
Ashley smiled up at him.
Greg winked.
Ashley giggled.
Greg smiled and stroked her hip.
Ashley nuzzled his arm.
Greg shivered.
Ashley kissed his shoulder.
Greg groaned." Your turning me on again "
"Sorry" she blushed.
Greg slid her leg over his.
Ashley kissed him.
Greg rubbed against her thigh.
Ashley moaned.
Greg grew hard against her leg.
Ashley kissed him again.
Greg rubbed her mound.
Ashley moaned and rolled onto her back.
Greg thrust in.
Ashley nipped her neck.
Greg kissed her neck as he rocked his hips.
Ashley moaned.
Greg growled and thrust deep.
Ashley bit his shoulder.
Greg shuddered and nipped her nipple as he thrust into her.
Ashley moaned and came.
Greg rubbed her clit as he thrust.
Ashley moaned.
Greg thrust deep as he groaned against her breast and came.
Ashley moaned again.
Greg smiled "damn"
Ashley grinned " I agree"
Greg rolled from her and stood.
Ashley looked up at him.
Greg smiled "we lost track of time ...we need to get ready for your appointment "
Ashley blushed " I need a shower "
Greg grinned "okay"
Ashley quickly got in the shower.
Greg got dressed.
Ashley hopped out of the shower and dressed.
Greg was waiting at the door.
Ashley went out to the car with him.
Greg hopped in and buckled.
Ashley too.
Grey drove down road then walked with her into the clinic.
Ashley smiled.
Greg was nervous.
They did the surgery and put her in a room to rest.
Greg sat by her side.
"She is going to be sore for 4 weeks ...don't have sex for 3 weeks " the doctor told him.
Greg blushed and nodded.
"She'll be ready to go home day after tomorrow " he left.
Greg still stayed.
Ashley woke up a few hours later.
Greg grabbed her hand "you okay?"
Ashley nodded. "It hurts alittle ...but im sure the pain meds will kick in" she muttered.
Greg nodded "thirsty? ".
Ashley shook her head no.
Greg kissed her cheek.
She smiled "love you too"
Greg kissed her.
Ashley kissed back.
Greg eased back. "We have to wait 3 weeks "
Ashley nodded" that's a good thing"
Greg stroked her cheek.
Ashley smiled at him. "I like it when you do that"
Greg smiled "get used to it"
Ashley nodded.
Greg sat back "you can go home soon"
LAshley sighed "that would be great"
Greg grinned.
Ashley winced once more. "I lied....those pain meds aren't doing squat "
Greg got the Dr.
He gave her some meds and she fell asleep.
Greg watched over her.

A couple of days later they let her go home. "Stay off your feet as much as you will heal faster...Greg can get me if there are problems ...Greg can I talk to you in the hall? " they left the room. "Have you told her exactly what we are? You might want to if your going to attempt what I think you are"
Greg blushed "ill get to it"
"You need to tell her...she deserves to know. Having a child will put her in a lot of pain..." he said.
Greg frowned and nodded.
The Dr patted Greg's shoulder. "If she becomes pregnant, bring her here, don't let her have the baby at home. Good luck"
Greg nodded.
Ashley walked out to meet him.
Greg smiled at her "ready?"
Ashley nodded.
Greg helped her to the car.
Ashley settled in to ride home.
Greg helped her to bed once they got home.
Ashley lay down and snuggled in.
Greg fixed her some soup.
Ashley sipped some before falling asleep.
Greg slept next to the bed in a chair.
Ashley slept long hours, healing.
Greg stayed by her side.
Ashley woke with a rumbling tummy and a need for more pain killers.
Greg got her food and pills.
Ashley sat up with a wince and ate then took her meds.
Greg rubbed her back.
Ashley smiled at him. "Thanks for taking care of me"
Greg shrugged " I don't mind"
Ashley nodded and leaned against him.

3 weeks passed. Her scars faded and it didn't bother her anymore.
Greg was making her dinner.
Ashley walked in wearing sweats and a tank top. "Hey, smells good".
Greg turned and smiled.
Ashley smiled back.
Greg kissed her cheek and handed her a plate of spaghetti.
Ashley wolfed it down.
Greg chuckled "not so fast love"
"Starving " she replied, blushing.
Greg gave her his plate.
Ashley pushed it back to him. "Ill make me something else. You need to eat too. "
Greg nodded "okay"
Ashley fixed Mac n cheese to go with her plate of spaghetti.
Greg ate his plate, full.
Ashley ate her food then headed to the couch.
Greg followed.
"What do you want to do?" She asked.
Greg smiled "movie? "
""Sure. Which one?" She asked.
Greg kissed her neck. "Blood chocolate "
"Okay" Ashley popped it into the Dvd player.
Greg smiled and eased back on the couch.
Ashley settled next to him.
Greg kissed her neck.
Ashley smiled "I love you too"
Greg grinned.
Ashley kissed him.
Greg rubbed her thigh as the couple in the movie started to make love.
Ashley smiled at him.
Greg kissed her shoulder as the man in the movie thrust into his woman.
Ashley leaned against him. "You chose this movie for a reason ....Yes, im ready " she murmured and turned to nip his ear.
Greg groaned and kissed her.
Ashley kissed back.
Greg gently leaned her back.
Ashley smiled at him. "Right here on the couch? Getting more adventurous are we?"
Greg smirked and kissed her as he gently rubbed her nipple.
Ashley moaned.
Greg kissed her neck and tugged her tank top down.
Ashley let him.
Greg sucked her nipple into his mouth.
Ashley moaned, fisting her fingers into his hair.
Greg let her nipple pop free before he slid her sweats off.
Ashley smiled "I love you"
Greg thumbed her clit. "I love you too"
Ashley moaned "oh my..."
Greg leaned down and licked her clit while he slid his finger into her.
Ashley moaned and arched off the couch a little.
Greg sucked her clit and moved his fingers faster.
Ashley gasped "so good"
Greg moved up between her legs and slowly thrust into her.
Ashley groaned. It had been a few weeks.
Greg kissed her and seated fully in her.
Ashley moaned and kissed back.
Greg started moving back and forth.
Ashley moaned and rocked with him.
Greg groaned and kissed her breast.
Ashley gasped and came.
Greg groaned then came with her.
Ashley kissed him hard.
Greg slid out of her and lay next to her.
Ashley smiled and scooted over.
Greg kissed her.
Ashley kissed back. "Wow..."
Greg grinned "good huh?"
Ashley nodded. "You?"
Greg grinned "considering I haven't had sex in 3 weeks it was awesome! "
Ashley blushed "glad you enjoyed it as much as I did"
Greg hugged her close.
Ashley snuggled into him. "Now what?"
Greg kissed her forehead "sleep "
Ashley nodded and closed her eyes.
Greg fell asleep.
Ashley was asleep a few minutes later.
Greg snored.
Ashley rolled away.
Greg shifted in his sleep.
Ashley shivered and found a warm spot again in her sleep.
Greg pressed his hot body against hers.
Ash murmured something about him in her sleep.
Greg held her close while he slept.
Ashley slept peacefully from then on.
Greg kept sleeping.
Ashley woke to sunlight on her face.
Greg was wrapped around her.
Ashley pushed him away. " too hot"
Greg rolled off the couch and onto the floor with a "oomph "
"Oh my gosh! Im so sorry!" She gasped.
Greg smiled up at her. "Morning to you too"
"Morning" she said.
Greg yawned.
Ashley smiled at him. "Sorry, didn't mean to push you off"
Greg stood up and stretched. "That's alright "
Ashley nodded.
Greg kissed her forehead.
Ashley sat up after that.
Greg smiled down at her.
"When would we know?" She asked him.
Greg shrugged " a couple of hours"
Ashley blushed.
Greg winked.
Ashley got up and headed for a shower.
Greg followed.
Ashley smiled. "Hot or cold?"
Greg smiled "hot"
"Okay" she agreed.
Greg stepped under the spray.
Ashley followed him in. "Oh, too hot" she turned it down"
Greg kissed her shoulder.
Ashley smiled "I love you"
Greg smiled against her shoulder."love you too"
Ashley leaned back against him.
Greg washed her.
Ashley moaned.
Greg grinned.
Ashley kissed him.
Greg placed a hand on her belly
Ashley smiled.
Greg growled "our baby"
Ashley blushed and nodded.
Greg kissed her.
Ashley kissed back.
Greg groaned."im glad we can have a baby."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.01.2013

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