
Book 3
His Barren Bride
Robby has seen what happens when a vampire mates. Baby after baby. He doesn't want that he goes in search of a woman that no body will marry.
Maria sighed. She'd just come to this country, didn't speak much English and was trying to get her green card. Her Hispanic -middle eastern ancestry made it even harder.
Robby wandered into the town library.
Maria sat reading a book at a nearby table.
Robby paused while walking in when he saw her. His heart sped up.
Maria looked up as the door closed behind him. A scar marred her right cheek.
Robby. Walked up to her. "Your beautiful mi Luna"
Mary blushed "gracias"
Robby looked her over "can you have offspring? "
Maria glared. "No....why do you care?". She hadn't quite connected that Luna meant mate. She was a human.
Robby smiled "perfect....mi Luna you are perfect "
"What do you mean? I don't understand" her English wasn't great but it was there.
Robby knelt in front of her. "Your my Luna....or mate and....will you marry me?"
"" She replied.
Robby grinned happily. "Yes?!" He jumped up and kissed her.
Maria blushed.
Robby stepped back.
Maria stood. "But im not a legal citizen yet"
Robby grinned "if you marry one you are"
Maria smiled "that sounds great"
Robby nodded. Leaving out the fact he was a vampire.
Maria blushed "im Maria Hernandez "
Robby grinned. " Robby Luck"
Maria held out her hand in greeting.
Robby kissed her instead.
Maria blushed.
Robby winked.
"So now what?" Maria asked.
Robby held her hand "we get married"
"That much is obvious " she replied. "But after that?"
Robby grinned. "Have sex of course"
Maria rolled her eyes "is that all men think about?"
Robby shrugged. "Just the ones I know"
Maria laughed "alright Robby lead the way.."
Robby kept her hand in his as he led her to the court house.
Maria smiled, leaning against him.
Robby got a judge (vampire) and had him do their wedding.
Maria felt as if she were being watched by unfriendly eyes, but she was happy to be with Robby.
Robby kissed her as they finished their vows.
Maria kissed back.
Robby eased away not wanting to start anything in public.
Maria nodded.
Robby smiled "want to meet my parents? "
Maria nodded.
Robby led her down the street to his parents house.
"Will they like me?" She asked.
Robby grinned "of course"
Maria sighed in relief.
Robby knocked.
Maria stood slightly behind him.
Greg opened the door. "Hey bro....pretty she your dinner.?"
Robby glared at his brother "shes my wife".
Maria was a little taken aback by the dinner comment.
Robby ushered her in and glared at his brother "get mom and dad"
Maria stayed close to Robby.
Robby rubbed her back.
Maria leaned against Robby.
Robby looked up as his parents entered.
Maria put a smile on her face.
They smiled. The man had fangs. "Nice to meet you"
Maria nodded "nice to meet you"
Robby cleared his throat "dad...stop smiling "
His father frowned "you didn't tell her?"
"Tell me what?" Maria asked. " very confused"
Robby blushed "im ...a vampire "
"A vampire? They're real?" She asked "how?"
"Robby smiled showing his fangs. "I don't how we came to be"
Maria shivered. "Now I feel like dinner"
Robby closed his mouth. "Never"
"You cant promise that...someone could be hurt or get carried away...we are gonna have to be careful " Maria said thinking about it. "Does it hurt a human when" She wondered.
Robby looked at his parents.
His mother blushed "it does at first...then it's ...pleasurable "
"Is all your family vampire? " she asked.
Robby chuckled " sister is human and my father are vampires mom and brother are werewolves "
"Who is your sister?" She asked.
Robby smiled "Laya....why?"
"I worked for her " Maria said.
Robby blinked "whoa....small world"
"Yeah ..." Maria agreed.
Robby stepped close to her. "You trust me?"
Maria nodded "of course"
Robby led her to his home.
Maria smiled "its a nice apartment " she said the last word in Spanish.
Robby turned to her "its peaceful."
Maria nodded "very"
Robby slid a glance over her body.
Maria blushed. "I don't have any fancy clothes..." she knew the gaze he had looked at her with.
Robby grinned " I didn't pick you for good fashion sense "
Maria laughed "that might be a goof thing"
Robby moved closer "how bout nothing?"
Maria blushed.
Robby stepped behind her and pressed close as he kissed the back of her neck.
Maria shivered.
Robby slid his arms around her.
"Your arms are can you be so cold? Its summer".
Robby shrugged vampire thing"
Maria smiled "and I love you, my vampire "
Robby kissed her ear.
Maria shuddered. "Im getting warm inside"
Robby grinned and rubbed low on her belly.
Maria moaned.
Robby slid his hand lower as he kissed her neck.
Maria shivered " not not ready for that"
Robby sighed and stepped back. "When will you be ready?"
"I just need....a minute ...where is the bathroom?" She asked.
Robby pointed down the hall. "First door"
She headed to it, embarrassed.
Robby paced. He splashed cold water on his face from the sink.
Maria came back. "Im sorry Robby....I got nervous"
Robby. Sighed " sorry I thought you were experienced "
"I-i am....I just never quite got over what they did to me" she touched the scar on her cheek.
Robby tensed. "Oh so sorry..I" embarrassment shaded his face.
Maria hugged him " you didn't just as sorry as you are"
Robby kissed her "I can be gentle ...I promise "
Maria kissed back "okay"
Robby cupped her face and kissed her.
Maria wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed back.
Robby groaned and lifted her into his arms.
Maria smiled.
Robby set her on the bed and tugged his clothes off, hopping Onto the bed in his boxer briefs.
Maria blushed.
Robby bent over her and kissed her.
Maria kissed back.
Robby cupped her hips as he kissed her.
Maria wrapped her arms around him.
Robby groaned and rolled so she was on top.
Maria looked down at him. "Im not pretty under these clothes" she warned him.
Robby grinned "why do you say that?"
"Because its true" she whispered.
Robby frowned. And lifted her shirt off.
Maria had small still pink scars of torture, both sexual and not, everywhere.
Robby shook his head "Luna Are beautiful " he gently cupped her breasts.
Maria closed her eyes and sucked in a breath.
Robby rubbed them. "Maria look at me"
Maria looked down at him.
Robby smiled up at her "I love you "
'I love you too"
Robby leaned up and kissed her breast.
Maria shivered "it feels different than before"
Robby nuzzled her nipple"good"
Maria let out a moan.
Robby opened his mouth and sucked her nipple.
Maria gasped and looked down at him. "Whatever you did....felt really good"
Robby sucked her nipple again.
Maria moaned and leaned into him a bit.
Robby rubbed up against as he sucked on her nipple.
Maria leaned over him, pressing their foreheads together.
Robby slid her pants off as he sucked her nipple.
Maria moaned.
Robby cupped her bare butt.
Maria shivered and leaned into his hands.
Robby groaned as that made her rock back and forth over his boxer briefs covered erection.
Maria jumped " sorry" she whimpered.
Robby held her there " felt good...its okay"
Maria nodded and after a few moments relaxed again.
Robby rubbed her bare butt.
Maria froze, unable to move.. breathe, or make a sound.
Robby looked up at her. " its me Robby ...."
She nodded and relaxed a moment later.
Robby kissed her "relax"
"That's difficult ...but im trying" she replied.
Robby nodded and leaned up, kissing her.
Maria kissed back.
Robby slid his hands up and rubbed her chest.
Maria shivered.
Robby looked up at her "touch me"
Maria bit her lip and reached down to stroke him through his underwear. After a moment or two she pulled them off to stroke his bare flushed skin.
Robby shivered and bit his lip to keep quiet as he lay still under her.
She wrapped her fingers around him and kissed him as he touched her.
Robby groaned and stroked her cheek.
Maria moaned.
Robby groaned "Maria ....that feels good"
"Im happy to please you" was her automatic response.
Robby cupped her cheek "then let me touch you....there"
Maria nodded. Leaning her head into his hand.
Robby slid his hand down and stroked her clit.
Maria yipped and shivered "please be gentle master"
Robby froze. "Master? Who was your master Maria? "
Maria froze for a moment and then looked away. "Anyone who would pay my mistress"
Robby cupped her face "you were forced to service them all weren't you?"
Maria nodded, biting down on her bottom lip. It trembled and he knew she was close to breaking down.
Robby hugged her against his heart. "Let it out Luna "
Maria did. She cried until she didn't have energy left.
Robby kissed her forehead "forgive me for trying to rush you..."
She nodded "I will always forgive you"
Robby relaxed his erection still against her bare inner close.
Maria shifted to lay beside him, one leg still between his own. "I love you Robby ....but sleeping with you is going to be the hardest thing I have ever done"
Robby sighed " 'hard ' is right" he muttered.
"Im sorry....I can I can take care of that" Maria whispered.
Robby frowned "no....I will survive "
Maria nodded. "Im sorry I promise we will....I just need....I don't know what I need" she said. "Im sorry I keep disappointing you"
Robby stood. "You aren't disappointing me! Your making me frustrated ...Maria ...I can wait...but you keep acting like im going to punish you..." you don't have to take care of my desire unless you want to....understand? I am Not your your husband...and I love you"
Maria cowered on the bed until he finished. "Im sorry! I've been out of that life for only a month. Im still getting used to it. Im gonna say the wrong thing everytime sorry" she hadn't meant for it to go this far, she just wasn't very good at dealing with men and love...
Robby sighed and sank onto the bed beside her and gently pulled her to him. "Im sorry I scared you ..but Maria are beautiful ...and I can wait." He kissed her forehead.
Maria snuggled into him. "Try again later?" She asked yawning.
Robby nodded and stared up at the ceiling.
"Are you sure your okay?" She asked, concerned about his silence.
Robby smiled "im get some sleep "
Maria closed her eyes, she fell asleep soon after and woke in the morning.
She woke and stretched.
Robby was making breakfast for her in his boxer briefs.
Maria put on a t shirt of his cause it was all that was clean.
Robby turned and smiled "morning"
"Morning" she said.
Robby stirred the eggs.
"We have all what are we going to do?" She asked.
Robby glanced up. "This whole week was supposed to be our honeymoon "
"So....what's on the agenda! What are you going to surprise me with?"
Robby smiled "im going to bathe you"
"Bathe me?" Maria looked confused.
Robby smiled " I get you in the shower....soap a wash cloth....then wash you" his eyes heated.
"Gonna burn breakfast? " she pointed to the eggs.
Robby quickly put the eggs on a plate.
Maria sat down.
Robby sat with a cup of red liquid in his hand.
Maria drank water.
Robby watched her eat.
"What's in the cup?" She asked.
Robby blushed "i get the blood from the hospital "
"Oh" Maria blushed.
Robby nodded. Embarrassed.
"Its okay....its natural for you" Maria said.
Robby sighed "ive never fed from a human or had sex"
"Really?" Maria said.
Robby blushed and nodded.
Maria shrugged "that's okay"
Robby sighed "I guess...its just nerve racking. Knowing you have more experience than me"
Maria shook her head. " it isn't a good thing....remember what happened yesterday "
Robby nodded, sad.
Maria sighed "im sorry. Its difficult, but im trying"
Robby nodded and stood. "Want to shower? "
"Funny thing...I need a shower " she chuckled.
Robby grinned "sweet!"
Maria laughed. "Wow...somebody is a little eager"
Robby blushed.
Maria kissed him lightly. Not as scared as last night.
Robby groaned and kissed back.
Maria smiled and followed him to the bathroom..
Robby slid his boxer briefs off.
Maria pulled his shirt off.
Robby grew hard and blushed. As he turned the water on.
Maria blushed too and waited for him.
Robby stepped into the shower "come on love "
Maria got up and stepped in. "Oh...too hot " she turned the water cooler.
Robby's erection brushed her butt, his face red.
Maria shivered.
Robby groaned. "Sorry it has a mind of it's own."
"That's okay..,i think" she said.
Robby shifted away and washed her back.
Maria sighed. It felt really good to have someone to do this for her.
Robby kissed her neck as he washed her belly.
Maria shivered "I would let you bite me yah more bagged could get it fresh or drain some for later" she offered.
Robby cupped her hips "no....not yet" he whispered against her ear.
Maria nodded and moaned.
Robby shivered and pressed against her butt as he splayed his hands on her belly.
Maria shivered and leaned against him.
Robby groaned and his erection pulsed against her butt.
Maria shivered. "I can feel you"
Robby slid his hands up to her breasts.
Maria moaned.
Robby kissed her neck as he rubbed against her butt.
Maria smiled "I love you"
Robby groaned. "I love you"
Maria nodded.
Robby slowly slid his hand down to cup her mound.
Maria shivered and bit her lip. But let him continue.
Robby rubbed her clit and kissed her neck.
Maria moaned and shivered, coming on his fingers.
Robby turned her to face him and he kissed her.
Maria kissed back letting him press her against the wall of his shower.
Robby lifted her and kissed her, pressing against her.
Maria shuddered, wrapping herself around him so she wouldnt fall.
Robby kissed the top of her breasts as he whispered her name and bumped his erection against her.
Maria moaned "Robby...please"
Robby groaned and gripped her hips as he thrust into her.
Maria yelped and leaned her head against his.
Robby shivered "i-i gotta move"
"I know" she murmured.
Robby groaned and thrust back and forth in her.
Maria shivered and held onto him.
Robby sucked on her nipple as he started thrusting faster.
Maria moaned and came.
Robby shuddered and yelled " Luna! " as he came.
Maria moaned.
Robby let her slide back down to the floor, he was panting.
Maria leaned against him.
Robby turned the water off.
"Wow..."she murmured.
Robby blushed.
Maria smiled at him.
Robby got out and handed her a towel.
Maria followed, wrapping herself in the towel.
Robby grinned.
Maria kissed his cheek.
Robby put his arm around her.
Maria smiled "so now what?"
Robby kissed her shoulder " I want to learn more about sex"
Maria nodded.
Robby ushered her to bed.
Maria teased him all the way there.
Robby groaned and brushed her breast.
Maria moaned "why don't you want kids?" She suddenly asked him.
Robby hesitated. "Male vampires make a baby every time they have sex with a fertile female...I am one of a set of sister has triplets. I didn't want to worry about having sex with my wife ....if you want a child we can adopt" he smiled.
"It doesn't matter to as long as we both are happy. I was just curious" she kissed him.
Robby hugged her close.
Maria kissed him, laying back on the bed.
Robby followed excited.
Maria moaned.
Robby tugged the towel down and licked his lips.
Maria smiled.
Robby bent his head and sucked her nipple.
Maria moaned "maybe ....I should...get....a hormone therapy ...I could produce milk for you" she offered.
Robby frowned "what?"
"Never mind...stupid idea" Maria kissed him.
Robby pulled back. "I don't understand...milk? From where?"
"Me, silly. Women's breasts produce milk after birth for the baby. Or you can have hormone treatments "
Robby smiled "interesting"
Maria nodded.
Robby groaned "your wet"
Maria nodded.
Robby shivered.
Maria kissed him.
Robby shivered "get on top?"
"If you want me to" she agreed.
Robby blushed and nodded.
Maria switched places with him.
Robby laid back and looked up at her.
Maria lowered herself onto him.
Robby arched up into her. "Your so wet and tight!"
Maria moaned "so good"
Robby groaned.
Maria bent and kissed him.
Robby sucked her tongue and thrust up.
Maria licked his lip.
Robby jerked up in her.
Maria moaned.
Robby gripped her hips and came.
Maria gasped and came with him.
Robby hugged her against him.
Maria lay on him. "I love you"
Robby kissed her breast. "I love you" was his muffled reply.
Maria moaned "what is your fantasy? "
Robby blushed.
Maria looked at him. "You have one...I know you do....tell me"
Robby looked up at her. "Y-you don't mind?"
"No" she said. "I want to...for you"
Robby was hard again. "I....ive never...ive always wanted a blow job"
Maria looked at him. "Easy....not what I expected. " she kissed him. "Lay down...."
Robby shifted and lay back.
Maria kissed down his chest, over his abdomen and to his penis. While she stroked him. She put the tip in her mouth. She sucked him in.
Robby gasped and gripped the sheets.
Maria kept going, rubbing his balls as she sucked.
Robby panted and arched.
Maria sucked hard.
Robby arched up and yelled as he came.
Maria swallowed it down.
Robby panted "wow"
Maria nodded.
Robby lifted her up onto his stomach.
Maria smiled.
Robby kissed her neck.
Maria giggled.
Robby grinned.
Maria kissed him.
Robby nipped her lip.
Maria moaned.
Robby smiled. "Your turn...."
Maria blushed. "I honestly don't have one"
Robby kissed her
Maria kissed back.
Robby rubbed up against her.
Maria moaned.
Robby groaned.
Maria kissed him "now what? My love"
Robby cupped her breasts "lunch"
"What kind of lunch?" She breathed.
Robby chuckled. "Food for you and bagged blood for me"
"Okay" she nodded.
Robby stood and walked naked into the kitchen.
Maria smiled.
Robby got out a bag of blood and heated it up.
Maria pulled out taters and put them in the oven to bake.
Robby put the blood in a glass.
She ate the taters and a ham sandwich for lunch.
Robby drank his glass of blood.
Maria sighed.
Robby looked up.
Maria smiled "lunch was good"
Robby grinned "glad you enjoyed it"
Maria smiled "what now?"
Robby winked.
Maria blushed.
Robby stood, naked and aroused.
Maria stood, waiting for him to tell her what he wanted to do.
Robby grinned, fangs flashing "get on the table."
Maria got on the table.
Robby slid his hands up her legs.
Maria shivered and bit her lip to keep from moaning.
Robby kissed her thigh, his fangs brushing her skin.
Maria moaned "oh Robby"
Robby groaned and kissed up her leg.
Maria moaned again.
Robby spread her legs open.
Maria took a breath and smiled.
Robby kissed her inner thigh, then licked her clit.
Maria moaned "so good"
Robby grazed her clit with his fangs.
Maria jumped and gasped at how good it felt.
Robby blushed "im sorry...I didn't mean to hurt you"
She blushed "it didn't hurt"
Robby did it again.
Maria jumped again.
Robby sucked her lightly bleeding clit.
Maria moaned "Robby....amazing"
Robby groaned "I need...I need"
Maria nodded.
Robby clamored up onto her and thrust in as he bit into her neck.
Maria gasped at the new sensation.
Robby thrust again as he sucked on her neck.
Maria lay limp under him, smiling.
Robby groaned and came releasing her neck.
Her heartbeat was weak and she was bruised. especially where he had bitten her.
Robby jumped back in shock. "Oh God ....Maria?!?...please so sorry"
"Robby ?" She whispered. "I hurt" she was conscious.
Robby kissed her "it'll be okay" he licked her wound closed.
Maria nodded "don't leave me"
Robby hugged her to him. "Im not leaving"
Maria tucked her head into him and closed her eyes.
Robby watched her sleep, worried.
Maria slept till the next day.
Robby stayed by her side.

She woke refreshed the next morning. She was almost healed, and her heart was strong.
Robby exhaled "thank god your okay"
Maria nodded "im cold too"
Robby turned up the heat and put a extra blanket on her.
"Thanks " Maria said, snuggling in.
Robby sat next to her.
"Sorry, I scared took a lot of blood " she said.
Robby blushed "I I had no training"
"I know and its okay, I don't mind. But if you want more you have to learn how to control it "
Robby nodded gravely.
Maria kissed him lightly.
Robby moved back. "No...i-i might hurt you"
"Robby....okay..." she backed off.
Robby looked her over. His eyes sad.
Maria lay with him.
Robby sucked back a sob.
"Robby shh....." Maria cupped his cheek.
Robby looked up at her, his eyes watery. "I almost killed you"
Maria nodded. "I know and I don't care"
Robby cupped her face "I love you Maria "
"Love you too " she replied.
Robby grinned "everyone is married but my brother Greg"
Maria nodded." He could help one of the girls get away from my mistress "
Robby nodded "he could...yes...its perfect"
"He would have to look for a young one" Maria sat up.
Robby nodded.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.01.2013

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