
Book 2

Kyle stared at the woman with black hair as she talked with two men.
Laya spoke clearly about the cake she was baking for them.
Kyle saw the resemblance between the three.
"Mom and dad will love it" she said.
Kyle looked her over. "Yes...she will be mine" he muttered.
Laya hugged her brothers as they left her to her own devices.
Kyle crept closer through the trees.
Laya finished her hot chocolate.
Kyle walked up behind her and covered her mouth.
Laya growled and flipped him over her shoulder
Kyle snarled and held on. His vampire strength coming to play.
Laya rose her fingers and poked him in the eye.
Kyle snarled and bit into her neck, knocking her out.
Laya. Didn't know what to do when she woke.
Kyle was sitting next to her on his bed.
Laya tried to get away.
Kyle chuckled "that's a titanium door...your not leaving"
She glared at him.
Kyle winked "have sex with me...and ill let you go"
"Never!" She cried.
Kyle glared "just because im a vampire? "
"No...because you're stupid and you kidnapped me" Laya growled
Kyle chuckled "those aren't good reasons "
"They are good reasons for me" she growled.
Kyle grinned "for a human ...your very fiesty "
"My parents are a vampire and a werewolf. I grew up with two is a is a werewolf ..I had to be fiesty " Laya explained.
Kyle circled her."I thought it odd....those two men talking with you"
Laya nodded her eyes narrowed at him.
Kyle darted in and kissed her shoulder. Before darting away.
Laya smacked his face.
Kyle snarled and barreled her to the floor.
Laya fought against him as hard as she could.
Kyle ground his hips against her.
"Do not touch me" she growled.
Kyle licked his lips as his fangs elongated.
Laya moved underneath him, trying to wiggle out.
Kyle groaned "don't move!"
Laya glared.
Kyle closed his eyes relaxing.
"Get off me vampire " she growled.
Kyle moved away from her.
Laya sat up.
Kyle paced around the room.
Laya didn't look at him.
Kyle muttered to himself.
Laya sighed, she couldn't figure a way out of this at the moment.
Kyle clenched his fists.
Laya lay back on the floor.
Kyle paced.
Laya looked at him. "Why are you still here?"
Kyle rolled his eyes "this is my room."
"Oh right" Laya grumbled.
Kyle smirked.
Laya rolled over onto her stomach, bored.
Kyle yanked the door open. "Get out....go"
She looked up at him, took her chance and ran
Kyle watched her go.
Laya ran as fast as she could from there.
Kyle held back on the urge to chase after her.
Laya slowed to a halt.
Kyle watched her.
She sat down against a tree, attempting to get her barrings and use her phone.
Kyle slammed the door closed.
Laya shuddered.
Her brothers arrived and shoved in the door and grabbed him.
Laya stood behind them, letting them deal with it.
Kyle struggled against them.
"Why did you take our sister ?"
Laya watched the boys interrogate him.
Kyle looked at her."the way she smelled "
Laya shivered
Kyle's eyes darkened "bluebells and honey "
"I hate flowers" Laya grumbled.
kyle grinned flashing his fangs.
Laya growled lightly at him
Her brothers tightened their hold on him.
Kyle frowned.
She stepped forward, a very mean looking knife in her hand. "What did you want with me?"
Kyle looked at both her brothers and blushed. "I mate with you"
"What should we do with him?" Laya asked.
Her brothers grinned "you should be glad a guy wants you for a mate"
Kyle grinned.
"Not when he kidnaps me!" She reminded them.
The brothers glared at him. "she has a point"
Kyle sighed "cant I have a second chance? ....I did let her go"
"Only cause I wouldn't give you what you wanted." Laya said.
Kyle blushed dark red.
Her brothers growled "you pressured her!"
Kyle shook his head "no...I asked"
"Bull crap. You tried to..." she couldn't finish her sentence.
Kyle grinned "tried what?"
Her brothers looked at her.
"You held me down" Laya said looking small and fragile. "You tried to trick me into it"
Kyle looked sad "I did..."
Laya shivered "im that"
Kyle frowned "I know you aren't"
Laya nodded.
Her brothers waited.
Kyle watched her.
Laya motioned for them to let him go. "Whatever sorry ..leave me alone " she walked out.
Kyle sighed and watched her go.
Laya sat down right outside against the wall. She was so confused.
Kyle sat down on his bed.
Laya sighed "you're stupid Laya...and you know it" she muttered to herself.
Kyle cradled his head in his hands.
Laya sat there for a long time after her brothers left. She wondered if kyle would come out and try to make things up by taking her on a real date.
Kyle stood in the doorway.
Laya sat against the wall dozing.
Kyle stroked her cheek.
Laya jumped awake "sorry" she mumbled.
Kyle backed away. " sorry"
"What are we sorry for?" She asked confused. Making them both smile.
Kyle smiled. "Doing this wrong...."
" oh....I thought I spilled coffee on least...that's what I was dreaming about" she blushed.
Kyle lifted a eyebrow in question "I could make you dream of much better things"
Laya looked at him "is that another offer to take me to bed vampire?"
Kyle grinned " sort of...its a lifetime offer Laya "
"Lifetime offer? You may be immortal ...but im not"
Kyle grinned "exactly ...I want to make you immortal .....and marry you"
"You can do that?" Laya sat cross legged on the ground in front of him.
Kyle nodded "I can"
"How?" She patted the ground beside her.
Kyle blushed and rubbed his neck.
Laya patiently waited
Kyle sighed. " go on a date with me?"
Laya smiled "I thought you would never ask"
Kyle's jaw dropped. Open "oh..."
Laya blushed. "Im not unreasonable kyle"
Kyle looked down into her eyes. "Go hunting with me?"
"Uhh sure....I prefer to hunt with a bow" she said
Kyle grinned. "Okay ..just don't shoot me"
"Okay" she smiled.
Kyle stood and held a hand out to her.
Laya took it, coming to her feet.
Kyle kissed her hand before letting go.
Laya blushed.
Kyle winked "see you at 6?"
Laya nodded.
Kyle sped to his titanium room.
Laya headed home to change.
Kyle dressed his best.
Laya put on her hunting gear and orange vest that made sure she wasnt food for a vampire or werewolf.
Kyle came and knocked on her door.
Laya answered.
Kyle grinned "ready?"
Laya nodded.
Kyle offered his hand.
Laya took it.
Kyle guided her into the forest
Laya crept along like a trained hunter.
Kyle grinned and looked around "I smell a dear"
Laya nodded.
Kyle sped off and tackled the deer down.
Laya shot another one.
Kyle started drinking
Laya shivered.
Kyle stood up and wiped his mouth.
Laya turned her back to him and crept off into the woods.
Kyle frowned and grabbed her arm. "Hey I wouldn't have fed in front of you if I knew it would gross you out"
"Its not that...its just that I remember you almost feeding off both scares and interests me"
Kyle blushed. And let her go "oh..."
"I have a vampire brother...little grosses me out" Laya reminded him.
Kyle cupped her jaw.
Laya blushed "your hands are cold"
Kyle stepped stepped closer. "Not for long"
"Vampires are always cold to do you warm yourselves? " she asked curious.
Kyle kissed her gently.
Laya kissed back.
Kyle groaned and enfolded her in his embrace as he kissed her.
Laya kissed him again. It felt great to kiss him on her own free will.
Kyle rubbed his hands against her lower back.
Laya moaned.
Kyle jumped back his eyes dark.
Laya blushed.
Kyle licked his lips.
Laya smiled.
Kyle kissed her forehead.
Laya smiled, she felt loved.
Kyle stroked her cheek.
Laya kissed him once more, gently.
Kyle's fangs dropped and he groaned.
Laya smiled at him and hugged him. "Thanks....this was great "
Kyle nuzzled her neck "no problem "
Laya shivered at his cold touch.
Kyle kissed her throbbing neck pulse.
Laya shuddered and leaned toward him "is it possible for me to feed you....but stay human?"
He nodded. His fangs brushing her skin.
Laya shivered and sank to the ground.
Kyle caught her and knelt beside her "you okay?"
"Yeah...just fine" Laya murmured.
Kyle kissed her "good"
Laya nodded and kissed him back.
Kyle kissed her neck.
Laya moaned.
Kyle pressed hid fangs to her.
Laya shuddered and took his hand in hers.
Kyle rubbed his thumb against her hand as he bit her and sucked.
Laya gasped and sighed. It hurt but soon was very pleasurable.
Kyle sucked and each pull tightened her nipples and wetted her mound.
Laya moaned "kyle.....don't change me" she mumbled.
Kyle released her and looked down at her and groaned. He toucha finger to her visible hard nipple.
Laya gasped and moaned. She was so sensitive.
Kyle jumped and jerked his hand away. "Sorry"
"No don't stop....." she begged.
Kyle licked his lips and touched the hardened nipple again.
Laya moaned.
Kyle groaned and cupped her whole breast.
Laya pressed her body into his touch.
Kyle shuddered and lifted her orange shirt. Cupping her bare breast.
Laya shivered "so cold"
Kyle removed his hand from her " sorry"
Laya looked at him. "What's going on with me?"
Kyle blushed "I think men call it desire..I dont know what women call it though...."
"Same thing" she mumbled.
Kyle groaned and gave in and sucked her nipple into his mouth.
Laya moaned loud and held him there.
Kyle sucked her nipple deep into his mouth.
Laya ran her fingers through his hair.
Kyle stood abruptly. His pants tented. "We gotta stop..."
Laya nodded.
Kyle smiled.
Laya sat up and pulled her shirt down to cover her breasts.
Kyle ran a hand over his face.
"You should take me home" she said.
Kyle nodded "good idea"
Laya git up and let him take her home.
Kyle kissed her "night."
Laya nodded and went upstairs to bed.
Kyle went off to his. Bed and think of her.

Laya woke in the morning curled around her pillow
kyle rubbed his eyes as he stared at his door.
Laya showered and dressed.
Kyle hurried to her place.
Laya finished chores just as he got there.
Kyle knocked on the door. Nervous.
One of her brothers answered.
Kyle felt his face flame. "Is l-laya home?"
Laya came from a back room. "Hey, kyle "
Kyle relaxed "Laya"
"I was just headed outside ...come with me?" She asked.
Kyle smiled and nodded.
Laya headed around back to clean stalls.
Kyle followed.
Laya sat down on top of some hay bales. "What are you doing here?....I really wasn't sure if you were coming back after last night....."
Kyle grinned "I thought it was just the beginning"
"I was hoping it was.." Laya blushed.
Kyle cupped her cheek.
Laya smiled.
Kyle moved between her legs and kissed her.
Laya kissed back.
Kyle cupped her hips and kissed her.
Damien walked in to the barn and froze in shock then snarled. "Laya.....?"
"Daddy?" Laya immediately seperated herself from kyle.
Kyle shuffled his feet and blushed.
Damien snarled. 'Laya....tell me he didn't have his hands on you intimately and ill let him go"
"He didn't put his hands anywhere they shouldn't be...kyle just go..." Laya begged.
Kyle frowned "I didn't do anything wrong..I wont run like a coward laya"
Damien smiled "I like him..."
"Are you playing with me?" Laya glared at her father.
Damien glared at her. "Go see your mother"
Laya grumbled and stalked off to the house.
Damien looked at kyle. "You gonna marry her?"
Kyle nodded.
Laya slumped into a chair in the kitchen "hes unfair"
Faith chuckled.
Damien nodded "come eat with us"
"Quit laughing at me" muttered Laya.
Damien came in and kissed her forehead.
Kyle sat down beside her.
Laya grumbled at her father.
Damien smiled at kyle. "This young man has agreed to marry you"
" probably forced him into it" Laya said.
Kyle frowned at her. "You think I wouldn't want to marry you unless forced?"
"No....I think my father is unfair." Laya replied.
Kyle glared at her before storming out at high speed.
For once Laya cussed and headed out to the barn. She was frustrated and mad and she'd taken it out on the wrong person. "I don't blame you....if you don't come sorry" she yelled hoping he would hear her.
Kyle heard but was nursing a bruised pride.
Laya lay down in the hay. She slept out there the night turned frosty.
When she woke in the morning even her socks were frosty.
Kyle came back with a black mare in tow.
Laya was shivering and curled up where she was.
Kyle tied the horse and rushed to her. "Forgive me..." he lifted her into his arms and rushed her into the house and up to bed.
"Where were you?" Her teeth chattered as she stripped and put pj's on and climbed into bed.
"From the mountains..." he got on the bed and tugged her close.
Laya snuggled into him. Putting plenty of blankets between them so she would stay warm.
Kyle rubbed her back with a heating pad.
Laya sighed deeply. Her eyes closing. "This feels great" she muttered sleepily.
Kyle kissed her forehead.
A few moments later she was asleep. Her shivering stopped after five minutes. Slowly she warmed up. The rest helped her.
Kyle just held her

Laya slept till the next morning.
Kyle kissed her bared shoulder
"Happy I wore a Cami?" She murmured, waking up.
Kyle grinned "very"
Laya smiled "my dad is going to have a cow when he finds us"
Kyle shrugged "im marrying you anyway "
"True" Laya agreed.
Kyle kissed down to her breast.
Laya moaned "I love you"
Kyle grinned "I love you too"
Laya nodded "you are amazing"
Kyle shoved her Cami down and sucked her nipple into his mouth.
Laya moaned quietly.
Kyle kissed her pressing her breasts against his chest.
Laya shivered and kissed him.
Kyle rubbed against her as they kissed.
Laya moaned holding him close
Kyle hesitantly cupped her mound.
Lay flinched, moving away from his cold touch.
Kyle removed his hand "sorry"
"Its okay....its just new....and cold"
Kyle kissed her and rolled away.
Laya frowned "where are you going?"
Kyle patted her cheek. "Ill be back"
Laya nodded.
Kyle got into a hot shower.
Laya lay in bed waiting for him.
Kyle rushed back naked.
Laya blushed.
Kyle knelt beside her. "Touch me.....I wont stay warm long"
Laya blushed and slowly wrapped her hand around his erection.
Kyle groaned and wrapped his hand around hers. "You don't beat around the Bush you?"
"I thought that was what you wanted....was I wrong?" She blushed a light pink.
Kyle blushed "yes I want this...." he slid her pants down.
Laya blushed as he got a good look at her hairless mound.
Kyle licked his lips and kissed her mound.
Laya blushed " isn't it dirty down there?"
Kyle licked her "tastes good"
Laya sucked in a breath. "It feels good"
Kyle delved deeper into her creamy flesh.
Laya made noises of pleasure.
Kyle eased town beside her after she came.
Laya panted slightly. "Wow....I didn't was That amazing"
Kyle smiled "im sure its wonderful ..."
"Is there ....a share that with you?"
Kyle blushed "there are many ways...."
"How?" She asked.
Kyle took her hand and placed it on him.
Laya wrapped her fingers around him.
Kyle shuddered "move your hand up and down"
Laya did gently, afraid it would break.
Kyle shivered "harder...."
Laya moved her hand faster, and tightened her hold.
Kyle groaned and arched up.
Laya smiled.
Kyle started to pant his precome trickled out.
Laya looked at him. "Should I lick it?"
Kyle shuddered "if you want to"
Laya licked the head of him.
Kyle groaned. "Oh god...."
Laya smiled and licked him again. Until he came.
Kyle jerked up as he came....right as her father walked in.
His come was all over her blushing face. "Daddy..."she breathed. Her voice tinged with fear.
Kyle gulped "I am marrying her" he stuttered.
Laya attempted to wipe some off her face. But she needed a shower.
Kyle shifted on the bed, tugging her closer to him as he covered them with a sheet. "Can we....make ourselves presentable? "
"I need a shower." Laya whispered to kyle.
Kyle nodded and stood once her dad left. "Lets clean sorry
"Its okay" she said hurrying to the shower.
Kyle followed and stepped in behind her.
Laya passed him a washcloth and her brother's body wash.
Kyle kissed her shoulder as he cleaned himself.
Laya smiled and washed her body and hair.
Kyle watched.
Laya washed her face, letting the water run over her.
Kyle hugged her from behind.
Laya smiled "we don't have enough time for you to do that again "
Kyle sighed and kissed her shoulder again before getting out.
She climbed out too and they dressed.
Kyle sighed "ready to face the fire?"
"Not really..." Laya admitted. "But then again....we haven't done anything. Wrong"
Kyle kissed her. "Your his daughter all he saw was you naked with me"
"I hope that's all he saw....what he heard...I have no idea"
Kyle blushed "I am marrying you....and your still a virgin"
"I know....."Laya kissed him.
Kyle smiled and led her downstairs where her parents were waiting.
Laya he'd his hand.
Her father glared "we heard it all..."
"Im sorry daddy.." Laya said.
Kyle blushed "s-she's still a virgin..." he stuttered.
"Please don't be too mad daddy" Laya murmured.
Kyle nodded.
Damien sighed "set the wedding date"
"Halloween " Laya declared.
Kyle smiled. "Seems reasonable "
"Its only 3 weeks away "Laya told him.
Kyle kissed her. "Not soon enough"
Laya nodded "alright...lets go to the barn."
Kyle grinned. "I get to marry you" and hugged her.

They enjoyed three weeks of engaged bliss.
The wedding went nicely.
Kyle pressed closed and kissed her. "My wife...."
Laya smiled and kissed started toward his home.
"Where are we going for our honeymoon? "
Kyle kissed her neck. "My hideway"
"Where is that?" She asked.
Kyle grinned "built into the side of the mountain.
Laya smiled.
Kyle lifted her into his arms and sped to his cave.
Laya giggled.
Kyle set her down and closed the cave door before he kissed her and led her to the bed with black satin sheets.
"You have to help me out of this dress ".
Kyle grinned "happy to"
Once she was out of the dress she stepped back to show him blue lingerie.
kyle licked his lips.
Laya crawled up the bed and waited for him.
Kyle stripped and hurried up next to her.
Laya smiled and kissed him.
Kyle groaned and cupped her bare mound.
Laya moaned "you're eager"
Lyle nodded and kissed her throat.
"Thirsty?" She turned her head, giving him access.
Kyle bit into her and groaned.
Laya sucked In A sharp breath, then moaned.
Kyle rubbed her mound as he drank.
Laya moaned.
Kyle released her neck and slid her fancy underwear off.
Laya panted lightly.
kyle kissed her as he slid a finger into her.
Laya moaned and her hips arched off the bed loving his touch.
Kyle moved his finger in and out of her.
Laya moaned and soon came.
Kyle licked his finger clean and suckled her breast through the bra.
Laya smiled and held him there. "So good"
Kyle shifted closer.
Laya moaned.
Kyle pressed his cold erection against her.
Laya shivered.
Kyle kissed her breast again..
Laya kissed his head and held him to her breast.
Kyle thrust into her and groaned against her breast.
Laya lifted her hips off the bed and yelped. "It hurts....." she whimpered. As a tear trickled down her face.
Kyle kissed her tears away. "It wont last long...the pain"
Laya nodded "okay"
Kyle started thrusting.
Laya winced but was soon moaning with pleasure.
Kyle groaned and thrust faster.
Laya moaned and wrapped her arms around him.
Kyle groaned and nipped her aroused breast.
Laya moaned and arched against him.
Kyle gasped and drove deep as he came.
Laya came with a gasp and shuddered.
Kyle shuddered and panted, kissing her, he rolled off her.
Laya kissed back.she sat up once he was off her and looked down at her thighs. "I bled"
Kyle's nostrils flared and his eyes darkened.
"Sorry about your bed...they were nice sheets " Laya said.
Kyle chuckled, his fangs showed "their black"
"I guess I understand why a vampire has black sheets.." Laya blushed.
Kyle blushed and shifted on the bed embarrassed.
"Its alright honey....I like them....your a vampire you cant help it"
Kyle frowned "besides are the only other person on this bed....I never....fed here....."
"Really?" She was intrigued. "So now what?" She was trying to lighten the mood, feeling as though she had crossed a line.
Kyle laid down beside hher. "You are gonna get some sleep"
"I am?" She didn't feel tired other than her thighs being sore.
Kyle sighed. "You don't have to if you don't want to...."
"I don't feel tired...." she muttered but was asleep in minutes.
Kyle watched her.
Laya slept peacefully.
Kyle felt sad that she was stuck with him.
Laya nuzzled his chest in her sleep.
Kyle shivered as he grew hard.
Laya settled back to sleep.
Kyle groaned.
She jerked awake.
Kyle rolled on top of her and kissed her.
Laya was shocked but kissed back.
Kyle groaned and parted her legs then thrust in.
Laya moaned and wrapped her arms around him.
Kyle kissed her as he thrust.
"What.....brought.....this....about?" She asked between thrusts.
Kyle shuddered "you" he groaned .
She let out a moan "I gonna" she cried out as she came.
Kyle shuddered and came.
Laya panted beneath him.
Kyle growled and kissed her, accidentally scraping his fang against her lip. Causing it to bleed. He sucked the blood from her lip.
Laya blushed. "Are you hungry honey?"
Kyle groaned and kissed her. Thrusting into her again.
Laya moaned "oh kyle"
Kyle kissed her.
Laya breathed into his mouth. Her breath hitched with each thrust.
Kyle shuddered.
Laya groaned.
Kyle bit into her and drank as he came.
Laya moaned her fingers digging into his back, she came with him.
Kyle groaned and rolled onto his back.
Laya hissed lightly as she touched her neck. She got up and his cum trickled out as she went to the bathroom "ow..." she murmured.
Kyle was at her side immediately "was I too rough?"
"You drug a tooth across my neck and left a biggie" Laya shrugged "I like to feed you" she hugged him "I love you"
Kyle held her tight "I love you too"
Laya smiled.
Kyle rubbed her belly.
Laya grinned happily.
Kyle bent down and kissed her belly.
"Im not pregnant I?"
Kyle frowned "your father and brother are both vampires ....I thought you would know"
"How soon before the baby comes? " she asked.
kyle hugged her "3 weeks"
"Am I gonna get fat?" Laya glared up at him.
Kyle grinned.
"Kyle so help me ..if I get fat you will be grovelling until I die" Laya poked him.
Kyle kissed her "I love you"
"I love you more" she replied..
Kyle carried her to bed.
Laya kissed him.
Kyle stroked her jaw.
Laya shivered.
Kyle rested back on the pillows.
Laya leaned against him
Kyle sighed.
Laya yawned.
Kyle nipped her neck.
She bared it to him.
Kyle held her close.
"Not thirsty?" She asked.
Kyle shook his head.
Laya nodded and tucked her head under his.
Kyle held her close and rubbed her back.
Laya shivered "oh cold..." and snuggled under the blankets.
Kyle blushed "sorry"
"Its cant help it" she said.
Kyle sighed. "I wish I could..."
"I know..." Laya murmured and kissed the hallow of his neck between his collar bones.
Kyle shivered.
Laya smiled "its not everyday I can make you shiver"
Kyle tugged her close and kissed her.
Laya kissed back.
Kyle deepened the kiss.
Laya smiled against his lips.
Kyle cupped her swelling breast
Laya moaned.
Kyle muffled her moan with his mouth.
Laya smiled.
Kyle eased back.
Laya licked his chin.
Kyle groaned.
Laya giggled.
Kyle grinned.
Laya kissed him and snuggled close.
Kyle held her as her belly grew.
Laya shivered "that feels weird "
Kyle glanced down and smiled "our child"
Laya nodded.
Kyle kissed her belly.
Laya smiled.
Kyle sighed. "Happily ever after actually happened."
Laya nodded. "Yes it did..."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.01.2013

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