
Loving From a Distance

Corbin was trained by his father, he was raised by his mother. she was barren after him. as a child she had called him the son of the shadows. and now. his father has died and left him the whole camp as his. hes only 23 , and is feverishly in love with baldrics youngest daughter. but ..she is getting married to another man, who she is terrified of.

Alysandra, affectionately known as Aly by her friends and family, was not ready for this wedding. She was scared of the man she was marrying and could not fathom why her father chose him.

Corbin watched from the shadows of his tent flaps as she wandered the camp center.

Aly carried the clean and dried laundry of her family.

Corbin smiled, she was so lovely. "Aly..."

She stopped to say hello to her father and then proceeded on toward her home.

Corbin frowned as he watched her go.

She was cut off my her soon-to-be husband and handed another bag of laundry to do. She let out a visible sigh and put their things away before going to his.

Corbin pulled his lip back and grew angry. he stormed out and across the camp to her side.

Aly dipped her head in greeting to him.
"Something I can do for you, sir?"

Corbin nodded. "hand that load of laundry back to this ..." he glared over at her husband to be . "man...until he has married you..He can do His own laundry!"

Aly was shocked.
"Is there a problem, Corbin?" Baldric asked him.

Corbin nodded. "this man is ordering a woman who is Not his wife, to do his dirty clothes!"

"She will be my wife soon enough." Tate said.

Corbin stormed forward, almost nose to nose with him. "I have final say in this camp. Not YOU...and if you cant treat her will Not marry her!"

Tate glared back and ripped the bag from her arms, the force bringing her to the ground. Baldric stood shocked for a moment and Aly looked like she was about to cry.

Corbin bent and helped her up.

Aly jerked her hand from him as soon as she was on her feet. She headed for her tent, her father watching worriedly after her.
"Be careful Corbin... I'm afraid Tate has done more than just court my daughter.. I'm afraid he's hurt her, threatened her." Baldric said, "And I know he's threatened me."

Corbin felt his heart clench. "your safe in my camp baldric...and your daughter will come to no harm..i can assure me tonight in my tent with your daughter"

Baldric nodded.
"I'm simply wanted a good man for her and instead... I practically handed her over to a monster."

Protecting her

Corbin touched his father's friends; shoulders. "baldric..that is why i want you to bring her to my tent tonight with you.."

Baldric looked at him a little confusedly, wondering what he could possibly have in mind. That night, after dinner, he and Aly showed up outside Corbin's tent.

Corbin had them sit . "now... Aly..we've known each other a long time...i can see you don't want to marry this man.."

Aly looked down at the floor, embarrassed.
"I will marry him because my father already betrothed us. I would not dishonor my family by going against his wishes."

Corbin smiled. "you aren't going to marry will be honoring you're marrying someone better"

She looked up.
"Someone better?"

Corbin nodded. "of course.."

"Father?" she looked at Baldric.
"If Corbin can find you someone better, I would choose him over Tate any day. You would be honoring my by not marrying him." her father said, "I'm sorry, I should never have accepted his offer to marry you in the first place."

Corbin nodded. "now that you have said like to know who it is?"

Aly nodded.

Corbin cleared his throat and looked her in the eyes. "me.."

Aly sat in shocked silence for a moment.
"I would be honored to have you for a son." Baldric said and Aly nodded her agreement, still shocked.

Corbin smiled. "r-really?"

Baldric nodded.
"Really. Aly, what do you say?"
"I... I'm honored as well... I would never have thought I would become the wife to our leader." she blushed, there was more to it, Corbin could tell, but she wasn't going to say so in front of her father.

Corbin smiled. "yes..but i am sorry to say..that for the safety of you both...your father as my witness..i will marry you you have any protest?"

Aly didn't know what to say so she just nodded.
"Fine with us." her father interpreted.

Corbin nodded, and held his hand out to Aly.

Aly was still for a few moments and then she lay her hand in his.

Corbin pulled her gently to his side. "Aly...i promise to cherish you, protect you, and father your children...til death do we part"

Aly repeated the same phrase, substituting her name for his.

Corbin smiled, and kissed her cheek.

Aly smiled back, but he could see that she was still shocked over everything that had happened.

Corbin squeezed her hand gently. "i will let you both, go to bed now...tomorrow i will help you move you things into my tent Aly"

Aly nodded and left with her father.

Corbin stared at his shaking hands. he had wanted to kiss her on her lips, plump soft lips... he shook his head. she was innocent, she didn't need him lusting after her like a rusty seventeen year old.

Aly walked behind her father, shocked at what had just played out.

The next day, Tate appeared while neither her father or Corbin were around.
"I heard you.. You married him last night. You filthy piece of scum, you're worth nothing. If you're not already barren, I will make you so." and he attacked her. He beat her hard, leaving her bruised, bleeding on the inside and broken.

Corbin found her, and cradled her close to him as he ordered men to find, capture , and kill Tate. he picked her up and carried his new bride to his tent.

Aly whimpered.

Corbin set her on his big bed, and fixed her up in wrapping, trying not to get distracted by her body as he bandaged her.

Baldric ran in."Oh gosh... How is she?" he demanded.

Corbin sighed, "her wounds,,,have possibly made her barren"

"Corbin... I'm so sorry...." Baldric sighed, "This is all my fault."

Corbin shook his head. "don;t blame yourself... Tate was found...and put to death...she doesn't know..i have her drugged, so she can sleep it off"

Baldric nodded."Thank you.. Corbin, thank you for everything."

Corbin nodded, as he turned to look at her as she slept.

Aly sighed peacefully in her sleep.

Corbin walked over and held her hand.

Aly didn't budge.

Corbin sighed. "don't leave me alone Aly, I just got started loving you..."

Aly slept it off, waking the next afternoon, just after lunch.

Corbin was asleep beside her on the huge bed.

Aly freaked for a moment before she realized it was him.
"Corbin..." She sighed in relief.

Corbin sat up and stared around, before looking at her and untensing. he smiled. "you had us all worried Aly.."

"I'm sorry." Aly replied, "I didn't mean too... I don't even remember hardly what happened."

Corbin shivered, his voice hardened. "He..hurt you.." he touched her cheek gently.

Aly flinched, for the first time, noticing the pain she felt throughout her body.

Corbin pulled back. "sorry, you must be hurting..."

"A little." she admitted, "I didn't notice it until you made me think about it though." She smiled innocently at him.

Corbin faintly smiled. "hungry lov- Aly?"

Aly nodded."If you have water I would love that first...." she blushed.

Corbin rolled away and got her a cup of water.

Aly accepted it graciously.
"Thank you, Corbin."

Corbin smiled, before he stood, and took his tunic off, and replaced it with a new, cleaner one, before sinking onto the bed beside her.

Aly smiled up at him."Is this the inside of your tent?"

Corbin smiled. "it is indeed.."

"It's very lovely and you have a nice bed... Bigger than mine and more comfy." She smiled, trying to make small talk with the man that was now her husband.

Corbin chuckled. "i cleaned it while you slept here the first night..and i recently got the bed too" he turned and looked at her.

"How long have I been asleep?" she asked.

Corbin shrugged. "in and out for three missed Tate's funeral..."

"Oh..." she murmured.

Corbin's expression turned dark, as he had mentioned him, and he remained quiet now.

"Corbin... Am.. Am I still sick?" she murmured, "I can only assume that I was, otherwise, I don't think I would have slept so long."

Corbin sighed, and tensed. "we think...he...made you..barren..." he said hoarsely.

Aly sat in silence for a few moments."I don't care, Corbin... I don't." she murmured, "Do you?"

Corbin shrugged. "just that he hurt you that bad...that..i wasn't there..." he frowned.

Aly lay her hand on his knee."Don't. I don't care, you're here now."

Corbin jumped, and shivered, at her touch. Corbin smiled wistfully. "true.."

"Please don't think this is your fault... I blame no one." she enunciated every word of the last sentence.

Corbin smiled over at her. "be careful of what you are doing Aly..i am a man,.and Very alive..."

Aly jerked her hand back, embarrassed."Sorry."

Corbin relaxed. "don't don't know..."

Aly chuckled slightly.

Corbin smiled, "want some flat bread?"

Aly nodded."I am hungry."

Corbin turned and grabbed some from the table and broke some off and held it up to her lips.

Aly took it in her hand and nibbled at it slowly so she didn't make herself sick by trying to eat too much too quickly.

Corbin smiled, "eat only what you think you can..okay"

She nodded.

Corbin watched her eat.

"Please don't make me feel bad for eating when you're not." she blushed.

Showing Her Love

Corbin smiled, "i ate not so long ago... don't worry...i want you to eat"

Aly blushed and continued to eat.

Corbin smiled over at her.

Aly ate as much as she could and went back to sleep.

Corbin sat and watched her sleep

Aly's sleep was more peaceful and restful this time than it had been most other times.

Corbin looked her over as she slept.

Aly's dreams were peaceful, allowing her the rest she needed.

Corbin was fascinated by the swell of her breasts, to the dip between her legs.

Aly slept on.

Corbin winced as he grew hard. and gulped.

Aly rolled over, away from him, in her sleep.

Corbin tried to control his breathing.

Aly slept until the next day.

Corbin was gone when she woke. he was working, trying to train new soldiers.

Aly got up, changed clothes and left the tent to find her father and him.

Corbin frowned. "you aren't fighting right..your sword is too low, he took his tunic off, and grabbed a sword. "hold it higher or i will nick you" he started swinging his sword, using battle techniques.

Aly watched Corbin train soldiers. Then she picked up a sword and joined the back of the group, practicing alongside them.

Corbin fumbled when he saw her and got nicked by a sword. and chuckled as he went to his canteen to clean the wound, trying to clear his head.

Aly came over to help, tearing a small strip of cloth from the bottom of her dress.
"Distractions." she mumbled.

Corbin jumped when she appeared by him. "oh! a-Aly" he blushed, and looked away.

"Sorry, just wanted to take care of you." she replied.

Corbin smiled. "sorry...i was lost in thoughts..i didn't hear or see you there.. um...well..i have some alcohol and bandages in our tent if you'll fix me up there?"

She nodded.

Corbin winced as he walked, but he felt quite alive walking next to his wife, he sank down onto the edge of their bed as he re-lifted his tunic off, the cut, short, but deep.

Aly gently took alcohol and cleaned the wound before bandaging in.

Corbin winced, and groaned. "ouch..."

"Sorry." Ally blushed.

Corbin smiled. "your quite pretty when you blush..."

Aly blushed a little more.

Corbin stroked her cheek. "don't be embarrassed."

Aly smiled and nodded.

Corbin smiled. "i don't think I've told you..but...I-i love you"

"I... I love you too." she replied.

Corbin smiled. "Aly..i want to kiss you..."

Aly blushed and nodded.

Corbin tugged her closer, till she stood between his legs, and he tugged her onto her knees, and he bent his head and brushed his lips gently over hers.

"Corbin... Please.... That-That scared me." She murmured, "Tate used to do that to me when my father wasn't around."

Corbin let her go and stood. "it wont happen again..." he turned to get his tunic and slipped it over his head before walking out.

Aly caught his arm."I didn't mean the kiss, just... Don't grab me like that, not so quickly... I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to offend you." she blushed.

Corbin sighed. "im nothing like Tate.."

"I know. I'm sorry.." her lower lip trembled.

Corbin sighed, and gently hugged her to his heart.

Aly was finding it hard not to cry. She hadn't meant to offend him, all she wanted was his love. She couldn't figure out how she kept pushing him away.

Corbin kissed the top of her head. "i love you Aly...and i hate it when i scare you.."

She nodded and wound her arms around his waist, hugging him.

Corbin chuckled softly. "its sad it takes you to cry, for us to hold each other..."

She pulled away, blushing."I-I just.. Wanted to say I was sorry." she stood a foot from him now, feeling like she had overstepped her boundaries a little.

Corbin frowned. "why are you so far away?"

"I.. I'm not sure what the boundaries are..." she blushed, "I don't want to make a fool of myself doing something you don't like or approve of, especially in public." she replied.

Corbin smiled. "Aly..we're in our tent..and your my wife..they expect affection..okay?"

She nodded."I'm just... I'm scared, Corbin... I've never been with a man before and whatever Tate wanted, he took, without concern for what I wanted... I'm not saying you will be like that, it's just still so fresh in my mind that it still scares me." she explained, "I don't know how to explain it all to you, but I'm trying."

Corbin held out his hand. "come here Aly" he whispered

She took his hand, walking into his arms.

Corbin tightened his arms around her and kissed her forehead. "just be yourself..around everyone... don't be afraid of crossing boundaries between us"

She nodded, laying her head against his chest. He was a good two heads taller than her.

Corbin smiled. he liked holding her.

Aly smiled, she actually liked it too.

Corbin kissed her cheek, closer to her mouth.

Aly smiled. His kisses were tender and she liked them.

Tingling Touch

Corbin moved slightly over,and kissed her on the lips.

Aly was hesitant at first, but she tentatively kissed him back.

Corbin gently kissed her again.

Aly kissed him back, a little more sure of herself this time.

Corbin's arms tightened, as he shivered, and kissed her more deeply

Aly continued to kiss him, feeling his love for her through it. Heat blossomed within her.

Corbin groaned. gently tugging on her lip.

Aly opened her mouth to him a few moments later.

Corbin gently probed her mouth with his tongue

Aly was hesitant but she slowly opened up to him.

Corbin eased back and gently just brushed his lips over hers

Aly pressed forward a little bit, wanting to feel his kisses again.

Corbin's muscles shifted and flexed under her hands, as he kissed her again, deeper, his desire evident.

Aly pressed right up against him, caught up in the kiss.

Corbin shivered, and hugged her closer, angling their heads, so he could kiss her deeper.

Aly moaned, enjoying the kiss.

Corbin slowly slid his hands lower on her back, as his manhood hardened,

Aly tensed for a second, but she continued to kiss him passionately.

Corbin tried to rein in his desire, but her kisses....he kissed her again.

Aly kissed back.

Corbin groaned, and slid his hands slowly down over her butt.

Aly jumped."Corbin... I..." she blushed.

Corbin loosened his grip on her butt, his cheeks flushed, his erection throbbing.

Aly blushed as red as him."I'm sorry.. I.. I've never... Um..." she wasn't sure how to explain herself.

Corbin tilted her head up to look her in the eyes. "I've been waiting for you...I'll be gentle Aly"

She nodded."I'm scared." she mumbled.

Corbin kissed her, "don't be.."

Aly nodded, kissing him back.

Corbin's arms pulled her against him.

Aly went, shivering slightly.

Corbin rubbed her back, as he kissed her.

Aly kissed him, slowly melting into him.

Corbin shivered, when she pressed up against his erection, and groaned against her mouth.

Aly kept kissing him.

Corbin shivered. "Aly...if you want i can stop..."

She shook her head no and kissed him again.
"I want to try." she whispered.

Corbin nodded, and kissed her, love and gentleness intent.

Aly let herself get wrapped up in his love.

Corbin started to push at her lips with his tongue.

Aly opened her mouth slightly to let him in.

Corbin thrust his tongue in gently. slowly sliding his hand under her breast.

Aly let out a tiny gasp when she felt his hand against her breast, but she kept kissing him.

Corbin slid his hand up, cupping her breast as he kissed her.

Aly found herself enjoying his touch, despite Tate's forceful groping which she had endured before.

Corbin ran his thumb over her breast. as he kissed her.

Aly moaned, wishing he would touch her more.

Corbin groaned and kissed her and slid his arms around her waist, slowly walking them to the bed.

Aly stood with the back of her knees against it. Her legs started to tremble with the feelings he was giving her, eventually she collapsed onto it, blushing.

Corbin followed, his knee between hers as he leaned over her, to kiss her.

Aly gasped, enjoying all the sensations.

Corbin thrust his tongue into her mouth, his hands resting on her hips.

Aly kissed him back.

Corbin pulled back and slid his tunic off , over his head. and came back, and kissed her, his hands gently shaped her breasts.

Aly gasped and moaned, splaying her hands over his chest.

Corbin groaned against her mouth

Aly kissed him again.

Corbin tugged on the strings of her bodice, as he placed sweet kisses on her lips.

Aly yipped slightly as her skin was exposed.

Corbin slowed, and kissed her his thumb drawing lazy circles on collar bone.

Aly shivered and kissed back.

Corbin kissed her tugging on the bodice more.

Aly didn't stop him as he exposed her upper body.

Corbin drew in a silent breath when he revealed her breasts. he touched a thumb to a rosy tipped breast.

Aly tensed slightly. There was a slight bruise to her breasts, but other than that, they looked a normal, rosy-pink color.

Corbin pressed a gentle kiss to the bruise.

Aly looked down at him."I'm sorry... I'm damaged."

Corbin shook his head as he kissed her. "no..your not...just slightly bruised...your still you"

Aly shivered."That isn't the only bruised part of me... I hid the bruises well from my father, but he abused me... Tate was an abusive almost-husband."

Corbin kissed her, his thumb flicked over her nipple. "he wont..ever again...okay?"

She nodded."I know... I just didn't want you to think it was my father." she moaned as he teased her body.

Corbin smiled,. "he practically raised me...i cant see him hurting woman especially you..." he kissed down her throat, and he ran his thumb around her nipple again

Aly moaned.

Corbin smiled as his breath fanned her breasts.

Aly moaned again.

Corbin kissed her nipple, begging himself to go slow.

Aly held him there, enjoying it.

Corbin's skin shivered under her hands, as he ran his tongue over her nipple.

Aly shivered and moaned.

Corbin let his desire take over and sucked her nipple into his mouth.

Aly gasped."Corbin.. I... It feels good."

Corbin groaned and sucked.

Aly felt her desire spike.

Corbin sucked her nipple, flicking his tongue over it.

Aly moaned, a little louder.

Corbin slid his hand down sliding her skirt up some, ass he sucked her nipple.

Aly moaned, letting him.

Corbin untied the side ties on her dress. as he slid them down her legs, and off. as he still kissed her breast. flicking the nipple.

Aly gasped, feeling the cool air brush her skin.

Corbin stilled his hands. his mouth stopped sucking her nipple, switching to the other one.

Aly moaned, enjoying it.

Corbin finished slipping the rest of her skirts off, leaving her bare, his hands grasped her bare hips as he gently teased her nipple.

Aly gasped and shivered, both cold and hot at the same time.

Corbin pressed the full length of him against her. his chest to her breasts, his stomach to hers, and his thighs pressed to hers, as he kissed her mouth.

Aly gasped when she felt his press to her, but she kept kissing him.

Corbin stroked her hips, as he kissed her.

Aly moaned, enjoying his soft, sweet caress.

Corbin shivered, the only thing keeping him from thrusting into her, were his tights,

Aly impulsively slid her hands around his waist, resting them on his butt.

Corbin groaned, as she pressed him, against her mound, his shivered and kissed her

Aly kissed him back, beginning to slide his pants down.

Corbin groaned and grasped her hips, as his muscles flexed. and he kissed her

Aly kissed him and completely slid his pants off.

Corbin grunted when his erection lifted once free, and pressed against her mound. he groaned against her lips.

Aly yipped and shifted."It-it's so hot." she murmured.

Corbin blushed, and his flesh shivered under her hands. "because of you.." he whispered as he kissed her neck. He slid his hands under her, cupping her butt.

Aly shivered."Perhaps..... We should... Lie down..." she suggested.

Corbin chuckled against her lips. "we're already on the i affect you that much?"

She nodded.

Corbin kissed her, as he lifted her by her butt slightly so the hot length of him was pressed against her mound

Aly pulled away."Will it hurt?"

Corbin's vision cleared and he stared down at her. "wh- ...oh..umm... I've never...lain with a virgin..."

"I am a... Virgin." she mumbled.

Corbin smiled. "then after this i will have had lain with" he kissed her., "i don't think the pain will last long...okay Aly?"

Aly nodded.

Corbin kissed her between the breasts

Aly moaned.

Corbin rubbed the blunt head of him against her, groaning at her wetness.

Aly pulled away slightly."I'm scared."

Corbin sighed, "of course you are...i'm sorry...i'll go slower..."

Aly looked up at him."Corbin.. I.. I'm sorry... I'm acting childish."

Corbin kissed her. and hugged her to him. "i love you aly...we have the rest of today and all night"

Amy nodded."I just... I hate disappointing you."

Corbin smiled. "Aly..are you in my arms?" he whispered. as he kissed down her neck.

She nodded, shivering slightly.

Corbin reached the base of her breast and licked her. "are you naked with me?" he mumbled.

"Yes." she gasped.

Corbin smiled and licked her nipple. "am i your husband?" he whispered.

"Yes, of course." she moaned.

Corbin rose up over her and thrust into her. "'ll pass soon" He whispered.

Aly closed her eyes tight, waiting for the pain to ease.

Corbin kissed her, holding still in her.

Aly finally let go a pent up breath and nodded."It's OK, Corbin."

Corbin shivered, and pulled out of her slowly and thrust back in.

Aly was still a little tense for a little bit, but soon she started to enjoy it with him.

Corbin kissed down her neck, as he still slowly thrust into her.

Aly let out a quiet moan.

Corbin kissed lightly on her nipples as he started to thrust faster.

Aly moaned.

Corbin groaned as he sucked on her nipple. his thrusts were deep and fast.

Aly moaned and came.

Corbin licked his way to her neck and groaned as he thrust deep, and came, filling her with his hot seed.


Aly trembled around him.

Corbin kissed her, "did i hurt you?" he asked, worried.

"A little." she admitted, "But it stopped hurting half-way through."

Corbin kissed her cheeks, forehead and her lips. "i'm sorry.."

"I know." she murmured, "I love you."

Corbin smiled, as he rose up over her, taking his weight, "i love you too Aly"

Aly rose up on her elbows and kissed him again.

Corbin smiled against her lips.

Aly leaned back."What happens now?"

Corbin shrugged. "we rest...i could could kick me out...we could make love again....or just wait for you to end up pregnant with our child..."

Aly smiled."Which would you prefer is what I was asking."

Corbin looked down at her, and his lips parted. "i would like to make love to you again...but..your probably sore.."

Aly kissed him."I'll survive." she had a smile on her face.

Corbin rolled onto his side. and kissed her cheek.

"We're going to do it like this?" she asked, slightly confused on how this would work.

Corbin chuckled, and rolled her on top of him.

Aly gasped."You, my good sir, are asking a lot of your woman." she leaned down, "But... She's up to it."

Corbin's arms tightened around her, as he leaned up to kiss her.

Aly kissed him back, positioning herself.

Corbin shivered and kissed her, resting his hands on her waist.

Aly positioned herself and then slid down onto him, going slowly down.

Corbin groaned. "Aly..." as he arched his back.

Aly moaned, her hips plastering to his once she was all the way down.

Corbin shivered, as he felt her tighten around him.

Aly sat there for a few moments before she moved on him.

Corbin grew slightly, groaning.

Aly gasped, pressing her hands over his male nipples, lifting herself faster.

Corbin groaned, arching up, sending him deeper into her.

Aly trembled as she slid back down.

Corbin lean ed up, and kissed her.

Aly panted slightly, pleasured.

Corbin started thrusting up into her, fast and wild.

Aly gasped and groaned, shocked, sore and pleasured all at the same time.

Corbin grunted, and came, lots dripped out when he pulled out, but he was still shaking and looked tired.

Aly collapsed, shaking, exhausted, sore.

Corbin stroked her back.

She continued to tremble for a few minutes before her body finally started settling down.

Corbin kissed her shoulder, "get some sleep love.."

Aly nodded and closed her eyes.


Corbin yawned.

Aly sighed, settling into a light, comfortable sleep.

Corbin kept her close, his arm around her, as he slowly fell asleep.

Aly slept till dawn.

Corbin smiled. as he watched her wake.

Aly rolled over, rubbing her eyes slightly."Morning."

Corbin smiled, "good morning beautiful..."

"I have to be honest... I hate mornings..." she mumbled.

Corbin smiled. "are you hungry?"

"A little." she agreed.

Corbin kissed her, and stood, walking to the table and getting her some strawberries.

This was the last thing Aly recorded in her diary.

History archives that have been found say that their camp was attacked probably after Corbin went to get the strawberries. He never came back since he ended up fighting...Some soldier murdered Aly while she had been waiting for Corbin. Corbin won the battle but was so distraught that he was the only one left alive in the camp and he killed himself. Some stories say a passing gypsy found the diary and passed it down to her children and so forth.

Most think that the diary rests with Aly where Corbin buried her, and to this day you may her the scratching of a quill as she wrote the love story of her and Corbin.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.01.2013

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