
Watching Her

Brad watched Beth through his window.

Beth sat under a tree and pushed her hair behind her ear. She skimmed through the book she loved oh so much.

Brad sighed and brought his wheelchair closer to the window.

Beth looked over to her neighbor's house, hoping to get a glimpse of him.

Brad rolled away from the window.

Beth sighed. Who was her neighbor anyway? Why wouldn't he show himself to her? Did he not know the reason she stood outside was for him to show himself to her as she did to him?.

Brad rolled his chair into the kitchen to get drink.

Beth tried her best to peek through his kitchen window.

Brad drank down the glass of water the good side of his face was turned to her through the kitchen window.

Beth saw him and was shocked at the sight. He was so handsome.

Brad set the glass in the sink and turned the wheel chair and rolled into the living room and looked out the window looking for her.

Beth snuck back under the tree.

Brad relaxed as he watched her. She was so beautiful. He touched the scarred side of his face. The whole right side of his body was scarred, he also had nothing below his knee.

Beth wrote something in her notebook, ripped it out, and showed it to brad. It read," When can I see you?"

Brad gasped and shoved away from the window and turned away so she couldn't see his face or leg.

Beth looked at the window and saw that he was gone. She sighed.

Brad rolled into the bathroom and lifted himself into the shower and sat on the built in chair before turning on the shower.

Beth headed inside her house and sat on her bed, sadly.

Brad gently washed his amputated leg.

Beth decided that she would have to see him soon. She couldn't wait long.

Meeting, Face to Face

Brad waited till 5 am to roll outside and to his mail box.

Beth hadn't slept at all and she looked outside to see Brad. She gasped, but it wasn't because he was in a wheelchair or because half of his face was burnt. She truly believed he was handsome. Quickly, she headed downstairs in her nightgown and ran over to him. "'re my neighbor," she said to him.

Brad jerked away from her and started rolling his chair away. "Just please....don't look" he had left the mail behind.

"No! No! You're not ugly! You're far from it!" Beth called, running after him.

Brad was up the ramp and struggling to open the door. " sorry for watching was rude...I keep to myself because people....gasp...gawk...and just ....say things...I saved a baby....and this is what I get..."

Beth put a hand on his shoulder and shook her head. "What you did was honorable. I respect that and I hoped for you to notice me."

Brad looked at her hand then her face. "I noticed you....thank you..."

"It doesn't matter what you look like because true beauty is on the inside," claimed Beth.

Brad smiled " would you like some coffee?"

Beth nodded and smiled. "That would be great. Thanks."

Brad rolled into his house and into the kitchen he pushed the coffee pots start button. "Please...have a seat"

Beth sat down and smiled at him. "Thanks again..."

Brad wheeled himself around in the kitchen. "no problem...I'm nervous anyway"

Beth smiled. "you don't need to feel nervous"

Brad smirked "I watched you for 3 months..."

Beth blushed. "I never thought anybody would be interested in me."

Brad shoved a hand through his hair. "Beth...your hot...guys should be lining up"

Beth blushed a deeper red. "But you are too. I mean, so what if you are like that? You were a handsome man and you still are! You saved a life! A life that wouldn't have seen the rest of its life! You're a hero and heroes get the girls!"

Brad blushed and squirmed in his wheelchair.

Beth walked over to him and looked down at him. "Don't worry about your appearance..."

Brad cleared his throat. "I...I haven't been touched in years..."

Beth pulled back. "Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't know you were uncomfortable. Forgive me."

Brad hesitantly touched her hand. " felt good"

Beth held his hand in hers and furrowed her eyebrows. "Are you sure you're okay with this?"

Brad looked up. "Okay with what?"

"Me touching you," replied Beth.

Brad smiled "yes ...touch me" he whispered.

Beth nodded and asked," Where?"

Brad's cheeks reddened "my face..."

Beth touched his face. "Can I touch the scar?"

Brad swallowed "yes..." he whispered huskily

Beth placed her hand gently on his scar.

Brad shivered and stayed still for her

Beth kneeled down to face him and then lightly ran her fingers over his face.

Brad shivered and relaxed, a sigh escaped his lips

Beth looked him in the eyes.

Brad smiled and touched her cheek.

Beth closed her eyes.

Brad smiled against her hand. "your skin is so soft..."

Beth smiled back. "Your skin too."

Brad blushed and swallowed. "stay ...and have breakfast with me"

Beth nodded and smiled softly. "I'd love to."

New and Nervous

Brad cleared his throat and turned his chair toward the cabinets. he opened one at his level and pulled out a pan and got eggs out of the fridge.

Beth went over and stopped him. "I got it..."

Brad's jaw clenched. "i cook for myself....i am not a invalid"

Beth shook her head. "No...I didn't mean it that way. I feel bad making you cook because I thought a woman should always be the one cooking."

Brad looked up at her, in the eye. "alright..always thought my w...umm a woman would cook for me so..sure go ahead..ill set the table"

"'re married?" asked Beth with sad eyes. "Then, I...maybe I should go..."

Brad wheeled over and stopped her from leaving. "im not married...i...i was thinking of my wife..but i thought that was to forward of me"

Beth shook her head. "No it's okay. You don't have to lie...I'll just go."

Brad frowned and tugged her down into his lap. he hesitated but leaned down and kissed her

Beth was surprised at first, but kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Brad groaned and his arms tightened around her as he kissed her back with abandon.

Beth pushed her hands into his hair.

Brad groaned against her mouth again as he brushed his lips softly over hers

Beth pulled back and looked him in the eyes.

Brad smiled sheepishly. "im not married...or dating anyone" he stroked her cheek.

"You are now..." whispered Beth.

Brad smiled. "you mean that?"

Beth nodded. "I would never lie to you."

Brad buried his head against her chest and hugged her tightly to him

Beth just held him in her arms, resting her head on his.

Brad jumped when the fire alarm went off. "the eggs...!"

Beth stood up and turned off the stove. She then started opening up the windows.

Brad waved a hand in front of his face and smiled.

Beth sighed. "I am so sorry."

Brad shrugged "id lost my appetite anyway...come here..." he patted his lap

Brad wheeled them into the living room "go ahead and sit on the couch" he wheeled over to the dvd rack and got phantom of the opera. and put it in the dvd player. then wheeled back to her and lifted himself out of his wheelchair and onto the couch.

Beth looked up at him. "Can I cuddle with you?"

Brad nodded and hugged her close.

Beth wrapped her arms around him and rest her head on his chest.

Brad smiled and relaxed with her as the movie started

Beth smiled and looked up at him. "I don't even know your name."

Brad blushed "brad...brad Morrison...and your still in your night gown" he smiled down at her

"Beth Montgomery," she said. She then looked down and covered herself.

Brad grabbed a blanket off the back of the couch and laid it over her.

Beth smiled and wrapped it around her. "Thanks."

Brad laid back beside her as the movie started.

Her Touch

Beth sighed happily.

Brad rubbed her side as they watched the movie.

Beth smiled. "This is the best day of my life."

Brad looked down at her. "so far it is"

Beth turned to him and kissed him.

Brad groaned and turned slightly so they were up against each other as he kissed her back

Beth wrapped her arms around his neck.

Brad slid a hand down her back and to her butt, grasping her in his hands he rocked his hard on against her

Beth moaned and then ground against him.

Brad groaned and gripped her hips. "wait...wait..." he moved his head back.

(No its because I called the girl hot too. I clarified that I was straight )
"What's wrong?" asked Beth.

Brad blushed and ran a hand through his hair. "we're missing the best part..." he jerked a hand toward the tv, where phantom of the opera was playing.

Beth turned toward the tv.

brad swallowed and shifted his sweats so there wasn't a bulge.

Beth giggled.

Brad jumped and blushed.

Beth looked at him. "What's wrong?"

Brad cleared his throat. "its nothing..." he pulled the blanket over his lap, and watched the phantom give the girl a rose.

Beth nodded and looked down at her hands.

Brad took her hand in his and lifted it to his lips.

Beth blushed and looked away shyly.

Brad smiled and hugged her to him.

Beth wrapped her arms around him.

Brad kissed her neck. "you smell good"

Beth blushed. "Thanks."

Brad grinned. "as much as i love sitting here with you ..i have to go to work.."

Beth pouted. "Do you really have to?"

Brad nodded. "come over for dinner tonight...make me something" he winked before he lifted himself into his wheel chair and rolled into his room.

Beth smiled and waved before leaving.

Sabotaged by Sarah

Brad dressed and wheeled down the ramp and to his car. he got in and lifted the wheel chair in beside him before driving to work

Beth sighed when she headed into her home.

Brad went to work in a 18 story building. he worked as a secretary. he was gone then came home. he saw a car in his driveway but thought nothing of it. he wheeled into his house and stripped off his shirt on the way to his room.

Sarah waited on his couch, wearing a skimpy dress.

Brad froze, then got angry. "get out...."

Sarah walked over to him and placed her hand on his chest. "How could you? That girl? Honestly, Brad? I thought you loved me."

Brad shoved her hand away. "get out! its over between us..remember? plus i like this girl...she accepts me too" he lifted himself from his chair and onto the couch.

Sarah pulled off her dress and pulled off his shirt.

"Hey, Brad. There's another car in your..." She stopped herself and saw Sarah on Brad. She cried and left.

Brad shoved Sarah off him and stood, but fell because of his leg, he pulled himself up into the wheelchair and followed Beth. "Beth!!! wait!"

Beth slammed the door to her house.

Brad sighed as he stared at the steps on her porch. "Beth! its not what it looked like! she's my ex...and she left me..i don't know why she came back...but i want you"

Beth cried, her back against the door and her face in her hands.

Brad threw rocks at the door. "i can't come up there because of the steps..buts she's gone..don't let her ruin this!"

Beth yelled," I don't believe you! You're the worst!"

Brad winced "im not...why would i do that? people barely even look at me...."

Beth sniffled. "You lied to me! You just say that to get people's sympathy and then, you bed the women! I'm just a game to you!"

Brad growled. "no you aren't!...if you noticed you were the only person near my house in a year....she left me the minute she saw my face"

Beth opened the door and stared at him with hard eyes. "I can't believe you. You're a cheater, a liar. I can't believe I ever loved you."

Brad frowned. "Beth...i do love you...stop...did you notice i was no where near my chair and my shirt was across the room? or that she was pushing me down in the couch? i was in pain...she was kneeling On my amputated leg!"

Beth wiped away her tears. "You'd like that pain, wouldn't you? You're a sucker for pain in bed, huh?"

Brad glared at her. "if you actually believe that ..then maybe you shouldn't be dating me" he turned and wheeled over to his house.

"Maybe I shouldn't," Beth said, hatefully before heading out of her house and walking toward the town.

Sarah grinned when Brad came in.

Brad yelled at her to leave and slammed the door after she left before gripped his hair and pulling, frustrated.

Beth needed relief bad. She picked the first single guy and brought him back to her house.

Brad looked up and saw, he felt his heart wrench. he opened the door and wheeled out. "So that's it....go get a guy who isn't wheelchair bound...or has a scarred face! " he yelled from the porch.

Beth glared at him. "Oh, like you didn't choose a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes and a very curvy body!" she yelled before dragging the man inside.

Brad grabbed his special crutches and wobbled on them to her home. he banged on her door.

The man kissed her on the neck as she yelled against the wall," What?!"

Brad banged on the door. "open up! so help me god...i wont let him touch you!"

"Why should you care?!" yelled Beth, moaning as well when the man nipped her throat lightly.

Brad banged on the door, pissed off. "because i love you!" he yelled .

Beth moaned again. "No way! You cheated on me and made me feel pain! Now, it's your turn to feel pain!"

Brad fell down to the porch floor and leaned against the door. "since i already told you she was on me and i couldn't do anything...this is You cheating on me! with that bozo!"

"You said we shouldn't be dating! I'm not cheating!" Beth argued.

Brad sighed. "fine....if you sleep with least use a don't know what he has...oh and im staying right here outside the door the Whole time!"

Beth pushed the man away. "I can't do it! I just can't!"

Brad struggled off the porch floor and slipped the crutches on his arms and knocked. "let me in Beth"

Beth let the man out and let Brad in.

Brad sighed and ran a hand over his face after he sat and took the crutches off. "i did not touch her, except to remove her"

Beth covered her face with her hands. "Oh god...what is wrong with me?"

Brad frowned. "you were upset...but ...i don't understand why you didn't trust me?"

Beth shook her head. "I...I don't know. I just got scared that I'd lose you and I got mad, thinking that maybe you really weren't single and you just tried to bed me. I...I just got nervous."

Brad sighed. "im not like took me months to even watch first i only got glimpses...but i love you...and i would never get back together with my ex...."

Beth sat next to him and pulled at her hair. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

Brad hugged her to him. "you got me to use my crutches...and i went up needed to prove to you that you're mine" he kissed her

Love Always Wins

Beth pulled back. "Oh god. I'm a terrible person. I should be dead."

Brad frowned " shouldn't ...I forgive you"

Beth looked at him. "Why would you forgive me? I almost broke your heart..."

Brad smiled "but you didn't ....isn't that what counts?"

Beth snuggled into his side and buried her face in his chest. "I'm still very sorry."

Brad hugged her close. "Did you make dinner? "

Beth shook her head. "I forgot because I wanted to see you. Then, I saw the car, got worried, and then, I saw Sarah and...yeah..."

Brad sighed "lets call for pizza then snuggle on the couch?"

Beth nodded. "I'm still sorry. No matter what, I still won't stop saying sorry because I hurt you."

Brad nodded "okay ...but go ahead and order 2 cheese pizzas "

Beth picked up the phone and ordered. She then cuddled back into Brad.

Brad laid back along the couch and held her close

Beth wrapped her arms around him. "I love you."

Brad smiled "I love you too...." he kissed her

Beth kissed him back and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Brad rubbed her back as they kissed

Beth moaned and ran her hands up and down his chest.

Brad shivered and grew hard against her leg

Beth moaned and pulled off his shirt.

Brad groaned and stroked her lower bare back

Beth sucked on his neck.

Brad groaned "Beth...."

Beth looked up at him. "Was she...was she your first?"

Brad shook his head. "We didn't get that far...I....wasn't that attracted to her"

Beth smiled. "Would you...with me?"

Brad smiled "yes..."

Beth smiled and pulled off her clothes. She went to kiss him, but the doorbell rang.

Brad blushed "dinner " he sat up

Beth pulled on her clothes and got up. She paid the man and took the pizzas.

Brad took a box from her and started eating

Beth giggled and ate as well.

Brad ate more than half the pizza in the box

Beth only ate two pieces.

Brad set the box aside

Beth smiled at him.

Brad patted the couch spot beside him

Beth sat next to him and hummed.

Brad kissed her shoulder. "you smell" he chuckled at his joke

Beth giggled. "Do I really?"

Brad grinned " let me kiss you" he pulled her closer

Beth pulled back. "But that's a turn off..."

Brad shook his head. "i love pizza...And i love you"

Beth giggled uncontrollably.

Brad tugged her close and kissed her

Beth wrapped her arms around his neck.

Brad lifted her onto his lap, careful to watch his amputated leg.

Beth pulled back. "I'm rather heavy. Don't put me on your lap..."

Brad smiled and kissed her

Beth got off his lap.

Brad frowned. "where are you going?"

"I'm heavy," Beth said, looking away.

Brad lifted her onto his lap. "you feel good on my...just watch where you drape your legs " he smiled.

Beth shook her head. "I can't because I guarantee you that you will get hurt because of how heavy I am."

Brad rubbed against her and kissed her. "focus on my kisses ..."

"But Brad, I'm fat," Beth said.

Brad grinned. "more of you to love"

Beth got up."You're just trying to make me feel better."

Brad sighed and let her go. "i love you Beth..."

Beth looked away. "I'm ugly, stupid, and annoying."

Brad took her hand in his. and kissed it. " are very beautiful... that's why i watched you"

"Just because I'm beautiful? Are looks all that matter to you?" Beth asked.

Brad glared "no, and you know that, what's wrong Beth?"

"Because I'm jealous of Sarah," muttered Beth.

Brad sighed. "she is a bitch...don't worry about her"

"But she's pretty and skinny and every guy probably wants her," Beth said with a sigh.

Brad frowned. "except for me...i was never attracted to her"

Beth frowned. "You were with her, weren't you? You wanted her, I know it." She had tears in her eyes.

Brad pulled her close. "believe me...i don't want her...i want you..i'll even marry you..i want you to have My children"

Beth looked at him. "Are you sure?"

Brad smiled. "yes...marry me Beth?"

Beth nodded.

Brad pulled her down onto the couch beside him and kissed her.

Beth kissed him back.

Brad smiled. "we can go buy the ring tomorrow"

Beth smiled back. "Okay."

Brad yawned. "i should go home..." he stood and fumbled with the crutches.

Beth shook her head. "I'll come with you."

Tender Touch

Brad smiled "okay" he finally got the crutches to slide onto his arms.

Beth followed after him and took one of his hands.

Brad smiled down at her, "i like being able to look down at you for a change..."

Beth shrugged. "It doesn't matter anyway because you're really handsome."

Brad blushed and kissed her,

Beth giggled and led him out.

Brad smiled and let her help him down the steps and over to his house.

Beth hummed as they made their way to his house.

Brad made it up the ramp and inside.

Beth followed him.

Brad held the door open for her to come in. he sat down in his wheel chair and put the crutches beside the couch as he wheeled around.

Beth looked at him.

Brad patted his lap. "sit "

Beth sat down carefully.

Brad hugged her close and kissed her neck. "im going to wheel us to my room"

Beth nodded. "All right."

Brad wheeled them to his room. "on the bed, ma'am"

Beth giggled and got onto the bed.

Brad took his shirt off, and got on the bed, he struggled out of his jeans, then got under the covers.

Beth wrapped her arms around him.

Brad smiled. "lovely"

Beth blushed. "Thanks."

Brad kissed her forehead.

Beth looked up at him. "Brad...?"

Brad looked down at her in his arms. "yes?"

"Why do you think I'm pretty when I'm far from it?" Beth asked.

Brad rolled so he was resting on her. he rubbed his hard on against her thigh. "because in My are"

Beth closed her eyes in pleasure. "I don't see you think that..."

Brad grinned and kissed her.

Beth kissed him back.

Brad kissed down her neck.

Beth moaned.

Brad slid her top up and kissed her belly.

Beth looked at him.

Brad smiled and kissed up under her shirt to her chest

Beth breathed heavily. "S...suck on it."

Brad smiled against her breast and did start to suck on the nipple.

Beth moaned loudly.

Brad rubbed against her, between her legs. as he sucked on her.

Beth moaned and held his head to her breast.

Brad groaned and kissed her breast one more time before he kissed down her belly.

Beth giggled and moaned at the same time.

Brad slid her jeans and underwear off her hips and pushed them off the bed. "since i am missing a leg..i need your help...straddle my face"

Beth nodded and did as he told her.

Brad gripped her hips as he licked her honeypot.

Beth moaned and tried not to writhe too much.

Brad gripped her hips tight so she couldn't move as he lapped at her.

Beth looked up at the ceiling and gripped the bed sheets.

Brad lapped at her nub and slid a finger into her wetness.

Beth convulsed violently. "Brad...I-I'm close!" she shivered.

Brad flicked her nub with his thumb and darted his tongue into her honey filled hole.

Beth soon came in his mouth and thrashed around as she did so. Her eyes were squeezed tight.

Brad smiled and rolled so his head rested on her belly and she was on her back.

Beth panted heavily. "Oh gosh, Brad..."

Brad grinned. "good huh?"

Beth nodded. "Have you ever done it to anyone else before?"

Brad shook his head. "no...just read about it"

"Thank god because it you had, I'd be super jealous right now," Beth said.

Brad smiled. "im all yours"

"And I'm all yours," Beth said with a smile. "To think I almost gave my virginity to that guy from before."

Brad glared and kissed her belly. "he was a bastard"

"Oh, come on, you were jealous. Admit it," Beth said with a giggle.

Brad nodded. "i was....i...i was jealous..."

Beth smiled and stroked his burnt cheek lightly. "Don't worry because I will always love you and I would never cheat on you."

Brad kissed her hand and yawned.

Beth smiled. "Go to sleep. Tonight was rather tiring."

Brad fell asleep on her belly.

Beth soon fell asleep as well.

Brad dreamed about them.

Morning Love

Beth woke up and smiled when she saw Brad.

Brad had rolled over onto his back sometime in the middle of the night and was snoring slightly.

Beth giggled a bit and got out of bed to make breakfast.

Brad shifted on the bed, the blanket fell off him, and she could see his amputated leg.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.01.2013

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