
Title: The 7th Trumpet

Chapter one: Finding Destiny

“2009, what a great place to start,” I said throwing my scrapbook on my bed, “let me think me and…” I started mumbling off to myself, which I did quite often when I was trying to think.

I jumped up to look at myself in the mirror to see if I looked half as good as I did my 9th grade year. “Yikes!” I said to myself pushing my long, chocolate brown hair back behind my ear.

My bright pink lips didn’t seem to get any smaller in size since last year and seemed to have popped out even more. “Jeeesh,” I mumbled under my breath puckering up my lips just to see how bad they look.

The bright brown freckled dots also seemed to spread out more around my cheekbones now that I was older. “Bailey, you need to stay out of the sun.” I said pulling and tugging on my cheeks that were turning red because they were getting irritated. I paused for a moment than, stepped back and looked at myself.

“Ok! Ok! Bailey stop,” I said to myself as I rolled my eyes in an annoyed way, “enough with this, time to move.”

I jumped up and messed with my hair a bit, then went downstairs to the kitchen.

“Mom! Mom,” I said with a loud sigh, “where are you ever when I need you?”

I walked by the refrigerator to grab a water bottle. I was getting ready to go to volleyball practice.

“Mom!” I paused, looked around than yelled again with a confused look.

“Mother, I have to go to practice, Come On!” I walked around the house and went room to room, yelling her name. I looked everywhere but she seemed to have disappeared.

Then I began to wonder, “they never leave without telling me,” I thought to myself.

See, I live in a house with 2 younger sisters and one bossy older brother. We never leave without some form of communication that’s our rule. I had remembered that my dad dropped his phone in a bucket of water when he was molding c-meant so he wouldn’t have it on him. My mom, on the other hand, would have hers because she always does even when she goes to the bathroom because it’s clipped to her pants. I picked up the phone and dialed her number but every time I tried it was her answering machine.

“Ok, let’s try again.” I said to myself aggravated at the situation. I dialed many times till I gave up. Every time there was nothing.

“Oh God please help me, I can’t believe this I am going to be so late.”

I wasn’t too worried; I just assumed maybe she ran to a store. Hopefully, she would not forget that I had 10min to get to practice. I waited and waited. Ohh the things I had contemplated in my head to say to her when she got home. I pondered and pondered. An hour had passed of waiting around and dialing her number till I started to get a little worried. Nobody had called. My sisters had not yet come home, since there after school activity would have been over by now. It’s not a surprise my dad or brother were not home because normally they would be at work. But, I didn’t see my mom since that morning when she dropped me off at school.

“What is going on.” I said to myself as I walked over to the big white sofa that was sitting under the window. I pulled the big silky white curtains back as I stared down the driveway to where the car would normally be parked.

The long stony driveway never seemed to be so empty in my entire life. It almost felt like that feeling I would get when my cousins, Aunts and Uncles would leave from our family get together and would drive four hours away back home. I kept trying to call on the phone even though I knew they would not pick up. At this point, I was calling my older brother and dad who were at work. Although I knew that they would not pick up I would just leave long messages that they could at least hear. I decided to call my friend Kayla, Maybe just tell her that I was frustrated with my family or my mother who had left me no note or nothing as to where she was going. I needed somebody to vent to. I picked up the black cordless phone lying on the table next to the couch and dialed her number.

It started to ring. “Hhhh,” I let out a sigh of relief and to my surprise it started to beep.

“The number you dialed has been disconnected.” The women said on the line, in a deep voice.

“No stinken way!” I said as I yelled at the phone. I decided to call the neighbor. Even though the only one lived three miles away, my friends and I enjoyed prank calling and toilet papering the nice old lady every now and then.

I picked up the phone and put it to my ear and realized that the phone line was dead. “Gah!” I said with another loud sigh and slammed the phone on the counter top. I kept slamming it on the counter till it stopped working all together. “I hate this phone!” I pulled it off the cord and threw it across the room. As I watched it slam on the wall and brake into two pieces.

Another hour had passed and still no sign of anybody coming or even thinking about calling. It was Fall, and it was starting to get dark early. I kept looking out the window to see if anyone was coming down my driveway.

I thought to myself for a moment “What if this.....? What if that…?” I couldn’t help myself but wonder if they died in a tragic car crash, or was robbed, or was killed by murders. The list went on and on till I finally stopped myself.

“Bailey,” I said shaking my head back and forth, “it will be ok."

I pause for a moment, took a deep breath and found myself wispering a soft, three-word prayer under my breath. "God help me." Just then my phone upstairs started to ring. I slapped myself in the forehead. "Duhhhh!" I said to myself realizing there was a phone upstairs, I could have used that. I sprang upstairs as fast as I could. My feet started trembling as though I was running from an explosion.

“Hello!” I said out of breath and panting from my sprint. My heart started racing and my hands were shaking.

“Bailey?” Kyle my older brother had such a deep voice. I assumed it was him, judging by the voice I heard on the other line.

“Kyle!” I said as a smirk of hope filled my face. I listen again hoping it was him.

“This is David.” He said his deep voice was recognizable anywhere. The thought that came to my head was my brother’s best friend. He’s a senior and two years older than me. He has a body to play sports but many people assume he is too lazy to be in them. It would be very shocking to look at him and think “He doesn’t play sports?” Just cause he looks so big. On top of all that, our team scores were down that year and everybody didn’t like him because he didn’t play. He would tutor kids that nobody wanted to hang out with. He seemed too nice. David’s extremely choppy,light blonde, hair hangs over his strikingly light blue eyes and sways across his face. He has ruff skin around his cheeks and chin bone because he leaves a little whiskers growing.

“Sorry,” I said rolling my eyes as I faked a laugh, “What do you need?”

“What’s the matter?” David said.

“Oh nothing just hurry up so I can call my mom on this phone. She has been gone for a couple hours and has not even bothered to call me. She’s kind of scaring me.”

“What, that’s so weird so have my parents, I’m actually at your house right now. I figured if anything would happen they would want me to come here. This may sound alittle strange but I cant call on any other person's number except yours."

“If your phone doesn’t work then what are you calling me on?”

“My cell phone and I promise i'm telling you the truth.” David said as he laughed a little under his breath.

“Ok whatever just come in.” I said hanging up the phone and thinking he just wanted an excuse to eat my food.

David was eighteen, the only child and always got what he wanted. The doorbell rang and I ignored it remembering that I already told him he could come in. I picked up the phone again to call my mom but there was no dial tone and by this time it was getting to be very late. I unplugged the phone and plugged it in again. “What the heck!” I said frustrated because there was still no dial tone.

Again the doorbell rang; I jumped up and ran to the steps “Come in!” I yelled getting upset at him for not walking in.

“It’s locked” David’s voice came through the door.

“grrrrrrrr!” I grunted my way slowly down the long, spiral steps leading to the middle, of the line, that separated my kitchen and my family room.

“This makes me so mad.” I mumbled under my breath. I dragged my feet to the brown, wooden door beside my big window that I had been looking out of that past couple hrs. I unlocked the door but was too lazy to open it.

David walked in and plopped his coat on the back of the couch beside the door, in the family room.

“Hey Bails, Where is everyone?” He said as he looked around for a second then walked over and sat on the couch.

“I don’t know they have been gone for awhile like I said. I also can’t call them because the dumb phones aren't working.” I said leaning on the marble counter top, that was in my kitchen, as I gave a sigh then plopped my head in my hands.

“Did you try on both?” He said giving me a confused look.

“No,” I said as I rolled my eyes, I paused for a second, “yes of course I did David”.

I jumped up and walked around my counter to the big white refrigerator to get something to eat. The freezer, I thought to myself, icecream can cheer me up. I slowly opened it as my eyes were heavy from wanting to cry. But as I widened my eyes I couldn’t help but notice that there was a brown crinkled note stuck to the drawer of the meat container.

“What in the world.” I reached in and grabbed it. It looked like it had been rolled up like a scroll and burned with a candle on the outside. It almost looked like the treasure maps I would make as a child. I began to read it. It read.

A fairy tale story has a Fairy Tale ending in a Story book,

A kingdom is waiting far beyond the forest if you just take a look,

Miss Bailey, your thrown sits high with golden scepters roar,

And for the boy an army, a castle with jewels and gems galore.

At dawn tomorrow starts a brand new day so make sure you are ready.

Pack your bags, shoes and food so that you may go steady.

Your family’s are safe, sound and sweet in this kingdom narrow, but hurry now for they may go into the Harlem arrows.

“David,” I said backing away from the refrigerator.

“What.” He said thinking I was going to ask him a question. He got up and walked over beside me and stood there looking into the fridge.

“What.” He said again shrugging his arms.

“That note was hanging on the drawer and was not there the last time I went into the fridge. No one has been home all day at least I thought,” I said making a confused face, “mom and dad would never play a joke on me that’s this cruel.”

David grabbed the crinkled brown note from my hand. He stepped back and began to read it.

“Bahahahahaha!” He threw his head back and started to laugh viciously.

“What?” David kept laughing as he walked away.

“You’re so dumb,” he said, “but that was pretty good rhyming for the five seconds you had, walking down those steps.” He laughed and went back and sat on the couch.

“What are you talking about David I didn’t write anything will you stop trying to scare me I know you wrote it I can tell by your hand writing. It’s not funny!” I said as I walked away. David and Kyle always enjoyed praking me but I enojoyed getting them back.

I thought to myself. “Wait a minute, how could he have got it in the refrigerator all the doors were locked.” I started walking up the steps.

“Bails!” David started chasing after me as I screamed and laughed while attempting to out run him.

“Will you stop it’s not funny.” I said as I turned around to find his face right next to mine. “Woe, personal bubble.” I pushed his chess, to back him up.

David looked at me as though I just mumbled that whole sentence. He squinted up his eyes and looked at the ground for a second then peered at me with frustrated face.

“You’re crazy.” David said as he turned and walked away.

“ggggggggrrr” I stomped my feet up the steps swaying my hands back and forth as I slapped my hand on the wall on the way up the steps. “I hate annoying boys!” I said shouting at him turning in my room and slamming the door, “and boy you are one of them!”

I shut myself in my room leaned my back against the door and slid down it till I hit the bottom and sat there with utter annoyance. I could hear David’s loud footsteps coming up the stairs.

“Bailey, Bailey seriously!” He put his head up to the door then started singing. “ b b b b b Bailey ohh Bailey open up the door.” David sung trying to be funny and cheer me up.

“David, if only you knew what I thought of you right now you wouldn’t be singing a happy tune.”

David paused for a second, “so I am guessing you’re not thinking very happy thoughts.”

“No, not at the moment!” I shouted, as a tear came down my face I just couldn’t hold it in anymore. I began to sob. I didn’t care that David was sitting right behind my door or I didn’t even care if he was laughing I was just overcome with emotions. It was now 7:00 o’clock and by this time my dad, mom, brother and sisters should have been home. I was confused about the note I didn’t know if they were pranking me or if they were serious.

David knocked on the door a couple seconds later. I heard him sigh. “Bailey, I’m sorry. Can I come in for a sec.”

With no response I opened the door slowly.

"Its going to be ok." David knew I was crying because i was afraid and put his arms around me. As I layed my head on his chest I reconized for the first time that David actually had a little compassion in him. It wasn't the normal David that I saw everyday with my brother. He pulled through in a time of fear.

Just then we heard a “thump, thump gggggrraahh” coming from down stairs.

BAM! That had been sound of our our electricity blowing out. My face went from pure comfort to extreme confusion and fear, Just in an instance. I pulled my head up and looked at David who seemed to have the same reation. He took his arms off from around me and turned around, walked out the door and peered down our old wooden steps. He used his phone for light trying to see down.

“Bailey.” He whispered as he motioned me to come stand next to him. I slowly tiptoed toward his frightened face that he tried to cover up with a fake smile.

“I’m really scared right now what if it’s some mass murderer on there way to kill us after he killed our families." I wispered as David gave a quiet laugh.

“I dont know.” He said shaking his head back and fourth. I could tell he was wondering why I would even suggest that. He started to walk to the opening at the top of the steps.

“What are you doing; I’m not going down there.” I said the strongest I could still whispering.“I refuse.”

“I'm not making you go but you’ll just have to stay up here all by yourself.”

I sucked in lots of air than sighed. “Fine as long as you jump out and kill them before they get to me.” He laughed under his breath and smirked a smile. I started laughing too.

"I'll try my best." He gave a crooked smile again and rolled his eyes. He put out his arm so I could grab hold. I held his arm tight like I always held my teddy bear and wouldn’t let it go. It was my comfort cling which I always held on to when I was scared as a child.

We started our way down the steps. With every step my heart clunk. I wanted to curl up in a corner and put a blanket over my head so no one could see me.

“Bailey.” David wispered breaking the silence that surrounded us.

“What!” I turned around really fast to see what he was looking at as he gave me a sudden burst of fear. We were almost at the bottom of the steps.

“Maybe there playing a prank on us?” David said as we stopped for a moment to think.

“Oh no,” I said shaking my head from side to side. “That’s impossible I know my parents and they would never do that. We get in trouble for even thinking about jumping out and scaring each other. No never.”

I proclaimed as I second guessed my decision in my head.

“Ok well I’m going to grab my keys and we are going to run to the car and maybe get the police involved. I’m going to check around for a while to see if anyone’s in the house. Alright Bails.”

He handed me the blue polka dotted umbrella that had been sitting by the bottom of the steps.

“Anything that comes when I’m not here and that’s not me you fling this umbrella at-ok.”

I agreed with him. I saw David pick up the big black pitchfork we used to stir the fire place wood with and walked of into the distance.

I crouch down and sat on the steps rocking back and forth. Every little breeze that went by, my heart pounded and leaped at alarm. Every minute seemed like thousands of seconds.

“No one,” I heard in the distance, “absolutely no one.” David walked into the kitchen that opened up to the living room. He shrugged his arms in dismay. “Maybe were hearing things. Lets atleast go somewhere else."

David put down the pitchfork. He motioned for me to come with him as he walked towards the front door. He picked up his hoodie that he had worn as a coat. He grabbed his keys out of his pocket.

“You ready” He said as he began to open the door.

I gave a sigh shaking a little with fear just to get up from where I was sitting. I slowly got up and walked towards the door. David looked left and right than walked out and peered over the white porch siding that was around it. He looked back at me who was still standing inside the door.

“Come on. ” I walked out bit by bit and looked around than went down the marble steps that were headed onto the driveway, as I continued to say nothing.

We walked out to his blue rusty truck that was sitting in the driveway not far from the house, that he never kept locked. I went to the passenger side and opened the door and scooted in, as I crunch some papers that were lying on the floor. David jumped in on the other side and we both shut the doors.

He put his hand on my seat and turned around to see if anyone was in the truck.

It smelled like French fries and cheap cologne in the huddled truck. David turned around and put the keys in the ignition. As he turned the keys the car made a noise like it was dying.

“OH no seriously. Gosh Darnet!” David said slamming his hands on the steering wheel.”

“What’s wrong?” I asked as another burst anxiety started up in me.

“The truck, there is no way its going to start. It says the gas level is low.” Does your dad have any gas in your garage?”

“No he was going to go get some this weekend.”

David sighed in distress. “Are you sure there is none?”

“No, at least none that I know of.”

“Alright... then tomorrow we get our bags and we walk to your neighbor’s house. Then we can use their phone to call the police to report missing person. Ok?”

“Why don’t we go now?”

“Now, well first of all its dark and if there is someone out there I don’t want to get caught, and second its late and again dark so we wont be able to see if we get lost. So going now is not a good idea."

I didn't answer him again. I could tell he was getting really upset.

"Ok, heres the deal I’m going to sleep in your room on your floor tonight if you don’t mind. We will pile a bunch of stuff by the door and rope the door shut. I don’t want to get murdered well your sleeping cozy in your room.” He laughed for a couple of seconds which broke the awkwardness of the moment. Then I couldn't help but laughed with him.

David took his keys out of the ignition then opened his door heading on his way inside. I quickly followed. It was so late, I tried to keep my eyes open because they were getting so droopy, they felt like cotton balls. As we walked in David turned around and locked the door behind us. We both looked around while we started walking to the fridge. I reached in and grabbed a piece of lunch meat and slopped it on two pieces of bread that had been lying on the counter from a couple hours ago. David started looking for something to eat. He grabbed a bunch of food and put it in some brown paper bags. I could tell that he was preparing incase we have an emergency.

I grabbed a coke out of the fridge.

"Want one?" I said as I held it up next to David's face.

"No thanks." He held up a water bottle then smiled with his eyes. He had placed food in three brown bags which he was holding."Ready to go?"

"Yepp." I started walking towards the steps. Although I was surrounded by confusion and much concerns I coudn't of felt more safe in my entire life. I dont know maybe it was the funny looks he gave me or maybe he was catching my attention.

If you would like to read more, email me or simply comment on my page.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.02.2011

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To my childhood freind Emily, may we always have the best adventure.

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