

I live in a small town called Forks, Washington. I live in a three story glass house out in the woods of Forks. I live with my three brothers, little sister and of course my parents. I’ve lived in Forks my hole life and, if you think you live in a small town, you haven’t even seen a small town. Forks population is in the three thousands. It’s that small. And everything, like schools or stores or anything, is just off the highway.
While I’m inside the house up in my room, my brothers are down stairs, and my little sister is in my room, reading some of my books. I’m not the oldest, but she’s the youngest. There’s Zak who is twenty-one, then Steve who’s eighteen, then there’s me I’m seventeen, my other brother nick who’s fifteen, and then there’s my little sister, Halley, who’s eleven. All of us have blond hair, and blue eye’s. But I have black hair. I never liked my hair blond. There’s really not that much to say about me. I’m a seventeen year old girl who can sing play the guitar, piano, or the drums. I’m this girl that really doesn’t care what people think about me. I have about seven friends, all which I really like. Have been friends since the fifth grade. Nothing really has changed with us at all. They were going to come later on anyway’s. Since it’s the weekend.
Halley was reading one of my vampire books, that I have had for awhile now. She was sitting on my couch, and I was laying down on my back on my bed. I had my ipod on, with the ear buds in my ear’s and the music was cranked up high so I wouldn’t hear anyone that was trying to get my attention. I was listening to a song called “I’m so sick” by Flyleaf. It’s actually one of my favorites. I’m a rocker, if anyone wants to know. All of my friends are the same way as I am. So is my brother Nick. I was staring at the ceiling, when my brother Zak came into the door, and sat on my bed, to get my attention. I had to get the ear buds out of my ears and put the song on pause.
“You doing okay?”he asked. Oh did I mention that, my boyfriend just broke up with me. Yeah, he’s an ass, I thought to myself.
“Yeah, I’m fine.”I answered.
“You sure?”
“Yeah. I’m sure.” I looked at Zak and he just kept on looking at me. “So what’s up?”I asked.
“Nothing much. Just trying to help Leslie around the house.”he said. Leslie is my brothers wife. They’re expecting a baby soon and it’s kind of frustrating for him and Leslie needs help all of the time, but she’s almost to her due date, but I haven’t helped lately because I just don’t want to help her. Leslie and I never got along great. She never liked me and I never liked her.
“That’s nice.”I said.
“Could you at least try to like her?”he asked.
“Ha, no.”I said. I put my ear buds back in my ears and pressed play. I didn’t want to talk to anyone. Well the only person that I’m actually talking to is Halley. Well not really, since she’s just reading a book on my couch and I’m laying down on my bed. After awhile, Zak left and I was just staring at the ceiling. There wasn’t really much to do here in Forks. It’s just plain cold all of the time. Well sometimes, the sun would come out but that is only for a little bit and that really sucks. Well at lease I get to wear long sleeves and my long jacket to school all the time. Even if I was to go to the beach, it’s still cold. Well the only beach I go to is the First Beach, which is in La Push. Which is a small reservation.

I finally got up from my bed, and just stood there, looking out of the glass walls. There really wasn’t much. Everything was green. All you can see is the green trees everywhere. Tall green trees. After awhile, I sat down on the couch with my sister, grabbed my guitar and started playing one of my songs that I wrote a couple of days ago. It was a slow song, but it was about heart break. My ex-boyfriend, John, he left me for another girl, and got that girl pregnant. That’s when I got really pissed at him. He said he was going to marry her, and all that. When he had told me that, I accidently hit him in th jaw. Well to me, he really deserved that.
I had to stop playing because I heard some yelling down stairs. I got up and went down the stairs.
“What’s the matter with you Steve.”Zak said.
“You need to fucken control your wife!!” Steve yelled.
“Why do I need to do that.”
“You know why you need to do that!!! She was fucken hitting Taylor. She’s fucken lucky she’s pregnant, or she would have fucken beat the shit out of her!!” Steve yelled
“Wow, what the fuck.”I said. I looked at Steve and then at Taylor. She was sitting on the floor with blood on the corner of her mouth. I looked Back at Zak, and just shook my head.
“She is so fucken lucky. If she wasn’t pregnant right now, you know I would beat the crap out of her.”I said to his face. I looked at Leslie, and just stared at her.
“And you know I would.”I said to her face. I walk towards Taylor and helped her up. While I walked back up stairs, I stopped right there.
“Get the fuck out of here.” I said over my shoulder. I walked back up stairs, to my room. I closed the door and locked it. Halley wasn’t in here anymore, well she had went down stairs with me, to see what was going on. When I sat down on my couch, I turned on my tv, and put on the music channel. Then my phone started going off. I looked at it and it was a text message. It was from Damon.
Hey, cum 2 my house nd hang out with me

Damon and I have been friends for awhile longer then the rest of my friends. So after I thought about it, I answered back.

Sure let me take a shower and everything be there in a hour

ok hey bring ur sis my sis wants her ovr



See u in a hour

After I texted back, I went back down stairs. Everything was back to normal. I went to the kitchen and Halley and my mom were in the kitchen.
“Hey mom?”I asked.
“Yeah.”she said.
“Can I take Halley with me?”
“Where are you going?”

“To Damon’s.”
“Okay, if she wants.” I looked at Halley and she just stared back at me.
“Is Kelly there?”she asked.
“Yeah.”I said while nodding my head.
“Okay well get ready.” I went back up stairs, to my room and into the bathroom that was in my room. I took a quick shower, then changed into some skinny jeans, a long sleeve shirt that are black, grabbed some socks and put them on. I went back into the bathroom and blow dried my hair, and straighten it. When I was done with that, I put on my make up, went into my closet grabbed my black trench coat, my black boots, and put them on. I grabbed my key’s, my purse, and went back down stairs, found Halley ready. We said bye to everyone, and I told my mom that I was going to go somewhere to eat with Damon and them. We got into my car, which was a black 2009 camaro. Halley sat in the front with me.
“Put your seat-belt on.”I told her. I always tell her or anybody else that are in my car to put there seat-belts on. That’s one rule to my car if your in it. It’s always quite in the car no matter what. Except I always have the music on.
“Lacey can I ask you something?”Halley asked. I looked at her, then nodded my head.
“Do you like Damon more then a friend?”
“No.”I said. I actually had to think about that. I don’t even know if I even have feelings for Damon. I meen, we’ve been friends since the first grade. I don’t even know why I’m thinking about this. “I don’t know.”I said out loud.
When we got to Damon’s house, I knocked on the door, and Kelly answered the door.
“Hey Kelly.”I said.
“Hi.”she said. “Hi, Halley.”
“Hi, Kelly.” Halley said.
“Come in.” Kelly said. “Damon’s up in his room.” she told me.
“Okay.”I said. I left Halley with Kelly and they went to the living room. Damon lived by him self, with Kelly. He’s been on his own for awhile actually. There mom actually abandon them.
I went up the stairs to Damon’s room. He was sitting at him desk on the computer with the music on. I sat on the bed, and took off my coat, and shoe’s. I crawled all the way to the pillows and just laid there. Damon, lowered the music and turned around, and looked at me.
“You look like shit.”he said to me.
“I feel like shit.”I said and laughed. I closed my eye’s, and just sighed.
“You okay?”
“Yeah I’m fine.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah I’m sure.” I said. “I’m just tired. You texted me in time anyways.”
“Why, what was happening?”
“Leslie, was beating Taylor up, and thank god she is pregnant. Or I would have beet the crap out of her.” I answered.
“Wait, she hit Taylor?”he asked.

“Yup. . . you know how much strength it takes to hold back from that, for me.”I said. I started crying. It wasn’t the Leslie and Taylor thing, it was about my ex and I. So when I started crying, Damon put his arms around me and tried to calm me down. That’s what friends are for right? I asked my self. But then I started thinking about what Halley was saying in the car, but I didn’t want to get into another relationship again. But then again, Damon’s always there for me, and he know me better then any other guy would. But then again, he’s just my friend. I actually fell asleep like that for awhile.
Then when I woke up, I smelled food coming from down stairs. I sat up and put my boots back on. I went down stairs, and Damon and the girls were sitting in the dining room table, in the kitchen, and there was pizza on the table. I sat down right next to Damon and grabbed my self some pizza, and started eating. The girls where laughing at what they were seeing on tv. After awhile of eating at the table, my phone starts going off and it’s my mom.
“Hello.”I said.
“Lacey, get to the house now!”she yelled at me.
“Why?”I asked.
“Did you really think, you could hide things from me. Get to the house now!!”she yelled at me again.
“Wait what are you talking about.”I asked.
“I found weed in your room.”
“You found what in my room?”I asked.
“Wait why were you in my room in the first place?”
“Get to the house now.”she said. I hung up on her.
“What the fuck.”I said out loud.
“What’s the matter Lacey?” Damon asked.
“My mom said she found weed in my room.”I whispered to him.
“Dude that’s not you.”
“I know. Shit, she’s trying to set me up.”
“Leslie.” I got up went back up stairs to Damon’s room, grabbed my coat put it on, then gabbed my keys, and got into the car with Halley already in the car. Damon was getting into his car with Lily. When I got to the house I stormed in through the front door, went up to Leslie’s face, and punched her.
“You know I don’t even give a shit if your pregnant. You fucken frame me again for something that I didn’t do, I will make your face even worse then it is right now. I looked at my mom.
“Take a test on me, I’m clean. Plus, what the fuck where you doing in my room anyways. You know it’s off limits mom.” I went up to my room and started packing some of my stuff. I was going to stay at Damon’s for awhile. I also grabbed my stuff for school. Nick and Halley came up and just looked at me.
“I’m sorry.”I said to them. “You know how much I hate what’s going on right now.”
“Yeah we know.”Nick said.
“I’ll be staying at Damon’s for awhile okay.”I said. I zipped up my bags and stormed down stairs, to my car, opened the trunk and put everything in there. I went back up stairs, to my room, grabbed my laptop, ipod, and some of my books. I went back down stairs, and just looked at Zak.

“You know how much I hate her, and the guy’s to.”I said. “I’m not coming back, until your both out of here.” I said to Zak and Leslie. I walked out the door, went to my car, slammed the door and drove off. I drove all the way back to Damon’s house, and waited for him to get back to the house. When he was in the drive way, I was crying with my head on the steering wheel. I lost everything, my boyfriend, my brother and my mom. I just can’t deal with this anymore. While I was crying, there was a tap on my window of the door. I jumped up scared and it was only Damon. I turned off my car, got out, and went inside the house. I went to the living room, and sat down on the couch. Damon, sat on the same couch as I was. I was so tired that I just laid down and put my head on his lap. I actually fell asleep like that. But it’s weird cuz I heard him say that he loves me. But then again you just start to hear stuff when your falling asleep or when you are asleep. It was weird because I actually was dreaming about Damon. If he was going to let me stay in his house, I was going to have to not have feelings for him. But it’s hard to stay away from someone who you really love or like. I don’t know anymore. I don’t even know what to do anymore.
When I woke up, it was Five thirty in the morning. It was also Monday, and I had woke up in the guest bedroom, and all of my stuff was already in the room for me. I didn’t want to get up, but I had to get ready for school. So once I got out of bed, I went into the bathroom that was in the room, took a shower, got changed into some black pants, a white long sleeve turtle neck shirt, with my black high heels. When I did my make up and hair, I grabbed my coat, and my stuff for school. I walked down stairs, to the kitchen and found Damon cooking breakfast. It was already six thirty. Kelly was even up at this time and ready for school. The bus picked her up and dropped her off. So when I finished eating, I put my coat on, Kelly was getting into the bus, and Damon and I were already grabbing our stuff, heading to our cars, and just took off to school.
When I got there, I parked far away from Steve’s car, from John’s car and from his now girlfriend, well fiancee. Right when I got out of my car, I headed towards my friends. They were all talking and when they saw me they said hi and all that.
“Where were you yesterday?”Alianna asked. Alianna is this girl that really doesn’t give a shit about anything but she’s a great girl to hang out and she’s always there for you even if your going to get into fight’s or if you just want her to pull you out of one. But she has this long black hair, well actually it was blond and brown sort of. But her mom finally let her do that to her hair. She is about five feet six inches. Just a little bit taller then me. She has a mixture of yellow and green in her eye’s. Standing to her right was her brother Ian. There actually twins. Standing right next to him was Vikki, Mat, and on Alianna’s other side, Steven and Paul were right there.
“Sorry. I went to Damon’s “ I said.
“Why did you go to Damon’s?”Ian asked.
“I didn’t want to stay there at my house.” I said.
“Why?” Paul asked.
“I don’t know.”I said. All day at school I didn’t really pay attention to school.
I was in my own world. So I got out early and just went to Damon’s house and just staid in the room that was just down the hall from Damon’s. When I was on the bed I just fell right to sleep. That’s actually all I’ve been doing. When I finally woke up, it was around six in the evening.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.06.2012

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