

This is a story of a boy that became a member of the Cheshire Club.

It all began awhile ago, the boy grew up in a loving family. He got the best parents any kid could want, but suddenly his parents started to forget about him. He tried everything to get them to notice him. One day on a dark foggy night he heard a voice. He looked around and noticed someone smiling in the darkness. "Who are you?", the boy asked. In response the smiling character said, "I'm your friend, I came to your troubles. I'm here to make you smile and be happy." He looked at him and started smiling and giggling that someone had noticed him. They played games and told stories. One day his friend didn't show up when his parents kept ignoring him. He was saddened and hoped his friend would show, but didn't. So the boy ran to the kitchen, grabbed a knife and started cutting his cheeks in hope it looked like a smile. His parents came home with groceries and noticed blood and the knife in their son's hand. They rushed him to the hospital but the boy was gripping on the handle of the knife repeating, "I'm always gonna smile, you should too." Blood was running from his cheeks and dripping from the knife as the boy started to put pressure on the tip of his hand making it go through. The parents were terrified of what was happening. While at the hospital and the doctor ran tests, the boy was diagnosed with schizophrenia and was going insane. The doctor recommended putting him in the asylum until he is cured. 


Years went by and the boy was now a teenager, he was released as his parents came to pick him up he noticed a little boy with them. He figured he had a little brother. They filled out paper work and piled in the car. On the way home the little boy looked at his brother in fear watching him scratch at his skin ferociously as the oldest was screaming, "they're after me! All the bugs and spiders! They're crawling on me and biting me! Help me!" His parents started to freak out and think that he wasn't cured. They started to turn the car around until the noticed their younger son next to him comforting him. They yelled,get away from him he's crazy!" The little boy started to cry but was still holding his older brother still trying to comfort him as blood from his brothers arms ran. His older brother repeated over and over, "I'm always gonna smile, you should too." They got home and his little brother rushed inside with his older brother hand in his. They got to the bathroom and started to clean up his brothers arms. Smiling and feeling better about himself helping made his older brother smile, just then the young brother noticed scars on his cheeks and asked, "what happened?" The oldest ignored the question and asked if there was a park nearby.

Joining the Club

They went to the park which was close to the woods that people went hiking in but never returned. The young brother was sitting on a swing as the oldest was laying in the grass looking up in the sky watching the clouds go by and feeling the fresh late summer breeze. He fell asleep and was in a different world. He saw his friend and others behind him with all the same smile as his own. Hours went by and his brother woke him up said, " we need to get home you're bleeding" they went home and his brother cleaned him up. He went to go get a needle and thread to sew up his brothers cheeks. Once he was finished the oldest heard his friend say, "he's terrified of you. Make him smile, make him see that smiling is better." The oldest went to the kitchen grabbed the same knife as he did when he was little and came back. His brother looked at him in fear, tearing up, he was afraid his brother was going to do something terrible. The oldest brother ran towards him and cut his cheeks slicing them open to make it look like he was smiling. He soon heard his friend's voice saying, "he's not smiling enough. Kill him." Just as he heard he sliced his brother's throat watching the blood gush. He got off his brother's corpse and ran out of the house.

Boy's Body

As he was running out of the house laughing his parents wondered what had happened. They went upstairs and seen that the light to the bathroom was on. When they opened the door terror instantly struck their faces as they seen their youngest boy lie on the floor in a puddle of his blood. the father called the police right when he seen the body of his youngest son. The mother more terrified than ever cried and held her son's cold lifeless body. Their doorbell rang and the father rushed down to open and let the police in. He guided them up the stairs to the bathroom where their son lied. The police and cime investigaters were also terrified at the horrendous scene. Everyone was talking and asking questions. The police have reports about their oldest boy who was in the asylum.

They then sent out a search party for the boy who murdered his younger brother. seventy-two hours went by and the police have declared the boy dead. He wasn't dead but he was in the woods with all the other cheshires. He was never seen or heard from again.


Legend states that whomever looks into a forest on a dark foggy night will see him and the others smiling at you. If you look away and look back into the forest they will be gone. Just like the Cheshire cat. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.02.2017

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This book is dedicated to the writer and original author of "Cheshire"

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