

Manny Witherson, a sexy sixteen year old boy had lost his parents when he was just eleven years old. Once the detectives found him in the car unconscious they took him to the hospital where he awakened five years later.

When he had woken, the detective asked him if he remembered what happened in order for the car to flip. Manny couldn't remember a thing.

After five hours of confusion, Doctor Levvet has come in and told the detective Manny had lost his memory for the next twenty years or so, even maybe forever. While in the room, Manny has been looking out the window seeing a busy city. He has never seen a city this busy, well considering he came from a small town all the way near the borders of Iowa, Missouri, and Illinois.

Still staring out the window, Manny had not noticed the doctor and the detective coming in and started talking to him, Manny couldn't hear them, he was too busy gazing out the window at the people hurrying to their cars from traffic and how many police chases there have been.

Doctor Levvet tapped Manny on the shoulder, Manny turned and asked, " W- where am I?" Doctor Levvet answered, “You’re in Norville Missouri. Do you not like it here?" Manny just kept looking at him curiosly and asked, "What is it like here? Are the people nice?" Dr. Levvet looked at him joyfully and patted him on the back, Manny didn't know what was going on until he realized that Dr. Levvet was telling him through  that  joyful face that some people are very rude and don't like people very much. He got up and walked down the hall as he passed other rooms that were either vacant or occupied by other patients. As he kept walking nurses greeted him with joyful smiles and warm hugs, Manny couldn't believe how nice these people were, and then he heard someone scream. He wanted to know where it came from but didn’t know which way. He stopped one of the rushing nurses to ask what was happening but she couldn't tell she had just gotten the call to come to the room. Manny was sort of upset because he couldn't know. Dr. Levvet has finally found him, "Come, come Manny" he said, "You shouldn't be out here during this hour" before Manny could reply Dr. Levvet told one of the nurses to take him to his room.

Norville Missouri

After five more days of being in the hospital and getting treated, Manny has finally been able to get out and explore the unusual city. He started heading north toward the Monsono Center for the homeless. Once he got there, people took his name, age, and gave him a place to stay. Since he had no money or job, the Monsono Center paid him to stay. Now with three hundred sixty- five dollars every week he was able to save up and get his own place.

Two months have passed and Manny has two thousand nine hundred twenty dollars and was on his way to get a job and his own apartment. After viewing five to six different apartments it was time to look for a job. Manny had trouble finding jobs were hiring during the school year, even some of the managers asked him if he was still in school and asked why he wanted this job, he couldn't remember what the last grade he had completed since the car accident.

After eleven interviews at restaurants, stores, even an animal shelter, Manny has not gotten hired at any of them and was very upset. As he started to look once again the next day, Manny had a very peculiar dream, a dream about a guy who was very good looking, had held Manny in his arms and kissed his forehead saying, "It’s going to be okay. I'm here for you." As the guy in his dream had spoken to him Manny woke up sweating and crying for he didn't know who the guy was or how he knew what he looked like, Manny turned on the light and looked at the clock it was only 3:30 in the morning, but Manny couldn't fall back to sleep. He didn't know if the guy would come back or not. He was afraid, but then he wasn't.

Meeting Marmby Berns

Manny was woken up by the call from Marmby's Memories and asked if he would be able to start work today. Manny was so excited and started to get dressed and grab some breakfast and left the building. Marmby was waiting for him to get there, he wanted to show him how things worked and how to use some of the equipment.

At last Manny was there, super excited that he now has a job. Marmby looked up and asked, "Are you Manny Witherson?" All Manny could do was shake his head and smile. Marmby came from behind the counter and shook Manny's hand.

He couldn't believe that his other employee quit after working for him for five years, Marmby was so upset that he couldn't even have his shop open for two months. Manny looked at him curiously and finally asked, "Are you okay sir? You don't look happy at all." "I'm alright my dear boy" Marmby has said, "I'm alright. By the way I am Berns, Marmby Berns."

Marmby, a man in his early sixty's has lost his wife and twin boys ten years earlier and hasn't been well ever since. His wife Lancy Merdoc Berns was the best wife he could hope for and his twins Bentley and Mardi Berns were just the dearest boys he could have had, but losing them to a furious fire that spread to their country home from the prairie had burned his family and the house. The only thing left was the family photo album. Manny was so upset that Marmby couldn't keep his shop open for two months of his last employee leaving. He was also upset about Marmby losing his family to that dreadful fire.

After working two months for Mr. Berns Manny felt like he was a son to him, wanting to have people come in and get pictures taken, to make memories of their own. Mr. Berns had so many vistors come to his shop and make their memories happen. All thanks one person, Manny Witherson. He was excite to see people come in and make memories. He also saw the spirit come back into Mr. Berns life.

Since the fire and his family has been gone, he hasn't really associated with people, well considering his shop had been closed quite some time.  He didn't reaize he so many visitors when he closed his shop after the tragedy. Grandparents and parents brought cameras and children to his shop to get pictures developed or pictures taken, that when Manny showed up and got more people to come. Mr. Berns was very grateful to have Manny.

Mystery Guy Revealed

That night as Manny went home and ate dinner he went to bed and the guy has came back. Manny still didn't know who he was but the guy said once again, " It's okay, I'm here for you." Manny didn't wake up like the last time. Instead he asked, "Who are you?" the guy didn't reply and before Manny could ask again he vanished.

Manny didn't want to wake up but he did anyway because of his alarm clock. He looked at it and it was already six thirty. When he started to get out of bed and go do his stuff he kept wondering who the guy was. He mad himself breakfast and before he could eat there was a knock at his door. 

Manny really didn't want to stop eating. He ignored it but there was another knock, he tried to ignore it again. Whoever was at the door kept knocking and knocking until Manny finally gave and slowly trudged to the door. Once he opened the door he was suprised to see the guy from his dreams. He was so shocked he slammed the door shut, the mystery guy knocked once more and Manny answered asking, "Who are you? What do you want?" The man replied is a nice soothing voice, "I'm Jonny Witherson young man. I was wanting to know where I could find Manny Witherson. He is my nephew."

Astounded by what the strange man has said, Manny quickly grabbed his hand and invited him in. "I'm Manny Witherson Sir. I saw you in my dreams so many times. I didn't know who you were and I kept asking who are you but you never responded. Here you are now in my house actually talking to me." Before Jonny could reply Manny quickly said, "Oh how rude of me Uncle, shall I get you some coffee or water?" Jonny laughed and smiled saying, "Oh dear nephew, may I have both?" Manny got up and went to the kitchen to bring him water and coffee, but instead of bringing him those two things he also brought in a plate of food as well. Jonny smiled and thanked him. "So tell me Uncle, how did you ever find me?"

Smiling Uncle Jonny replied, "I've gotton a letter from your father two days before the accident. It said, 'Dear brother, Ahnia and I are going to bring Manny to you for the weekend. We have to go on a business trip to Africa and study the land. Manny knows that he needs to go to school if we don't get back in time. Also he is very energetic and will do anything to get you to play with him. We are willing to skype you and Manny if you don't mind and show him what we find in the dessert. He loves seeing weird creatures and bones. He isn't allowed to watch scary movies before going to bed. The last time he did that he got scared and screamed to where one of the neighbors came banging on our door. Anywho Manny will eat certain foods don't let him know that we put peas in his tuna casserol he won't eat it. Also try to make sure he gets his vitamins he doesn't like to take them. See you soon, Hex Witherson.' Once I found out about the accident I didn't know where you were. I was checking hospitals, homeless shelters, orphanages, and other local places looking for you. Now here I am looking at my beautiful nephew all grown up and looking healthy."

Uncle Jonny

Looking down blushing and rubbing the back of his head, Manny got to thinking, "Is my uncle hitting on me?" Uncle Jonny looked at him and asked, "Manny dear boy, are you alright?" Manny looked up and smiled, "Yes uncle I am swell. It's just so nice to actually meet you. You were always in my dreams." Jonny just looked at him and smiled. "Well you sure do have a nice place and yes. After I found out that your father and mother died and you went to the hospital I had to go see you. by the time I got there you were gone." Manny looked at him, "I'm sorry uncle. I didn't realize you were real. I thought you were just a dream. Every time you came into my dream..." "It's going to be okay. I'm here for you." Jonny interruped. "Yes. You said that and I didn't know what you meant," Manny replied.

Time flew as they kept talking. Jonny looked at his watch, "It's really late. I should get going." Manny looked at the time and decided that ghe should get to bed. He does have to be at Marmby's Memories in the morning. As they hugged his uncle started for the door, "Dear uncle of mine, it's been a long day foir you since you had to search pretty much the entire city for me. Why don't you stay in the guest room tonight?" Jonny looked at him and smiled, "My dear nephew that would be swell. It would be nice to just crash instead of driving all the way back to the hotel but my things are there." Manny frowned because he didn't want his uncle to leave but if this is what his uncle wanted he can't stop him. "Okay uncle. Will I see you tomorrow after work?" Jonny looked at him and wrapped him in a warm hug, "of course you will" gave Manny a kiss on the lips and headed out.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.08.2014

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This book is dedicated to those who took time to read my book. Thank you.

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