

Texte: I just got 40% dumber just by watching you talk.Do you know how much worse it would be if i actually listened?!!? Karma will slap you in the face before i do..or at least you hope... you told me to shut up i told you to back up.. Roses are red violets are blue no shut up and get out before i smack you! i looked at a like the well to bad i don't it hit me in the head with a stick! i had to do a math problem.. i had a calculater.. i got the problem wrong.. the teacher asked how i got it wrong.. i said i had a calculater i didn't say i knew how to use it... you told me to shut up i told you to back up...
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.05.2011

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i dedicate this book to all my friends because them i got the happiness to make up this crap. ps the pics might be bad because i had to do them on paint...

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