
It was springtime. Why was that so important? The smell of spring in the air was so strong it choked me. I needed to remember, and I needed to remember fast. Something was getting closer. The barriers were breaking down. Whispers. Those who go by the name Wild would know. Shadows clung to my ankles, they were gaining power. Whispers. I had to run. Trapped in darkness, the moon was gone. No, the shadows were all around me. How? They can only take the Changelings. This is impossible. But not in the springtime. I don’t think I thought that myself, the shadows were in my head. Whispers. I needed to run. How did they fight this for so long? I can’t feel my body. I can’t even open my mouth to scream. Whispers…
I sat in the window looking up at the moon, I shivered. It was almost full, tomorrow it would be. I pulled back my sleeve and traced the half-moon marked on my wrist. The dark blue mark looked like a tattoo, but it wasn’t. The Chosen would come for me tomorrow; my life was destined for danger. For the rest of my time I’ll be running with the Chosen, the Wild. Known by many names and only spoken by in whispers.
I can’t say I’m surprised. Out of my three sisters I was the most… different. I loved the night. I fit the description. I had true black hair that fell in waves down to my hips, my skin was clear but as pale as moonlight no matter what the season, I was tall and slim but with strength that would surprise anyone who was unlucky enough to aggravate my quick temper. The thing that most people notice is my eyes, a pure purple that changes in shade.

The last day
When I woke up I got dressed and left to walk in the woods. The air was cold and mist clung to my coat as I weaved in and out of trees. I kept moving until I was deeper into the woods and I sat myself down on a long fallen tree in a small clearing. A space I chose every time I ventured this far into the woods.
I had been sitting for a while before I heard someone moving around. I could tell that they were close. I could hear their heartbeat (something new that started last full moon). Standing up slowly, I backed away from the noise and then broke into a run when I heard them enter the clearing.
I heard someone in the woods. I knew it was one on the Chosen. My lips curled back slightly and I was about to chase when I noticed something about the scent. She was an unchanged chosen. I straightened up, there would be no pride in bringing her back now, I’ll wait until after she changes and then I’ll kill her.
This whole clearing was bathed in her scent. Sweet and slightly honey like, it twisted of in clear tails I could almost see, but there was another. It wasn’t as sweet as hers, it was deeper. Someone else was hunting her. Anger burned through me. This was my prize, I need to get rid of the other hunter.
I got out of the woods quickly and ran back into the house closing the door behind me. “Where’ve you been Alaya?” My eldest sister Rachel was leaning against the banister. “I’m sure our parents will be happy about you sneaking out into the woods every morning. Who’re you meeting then? Or are you off chasing one of your fairy tales, like the Chosen.” She laughed at the idea. I thought about pulling up my sleeve and showing her the half-moon. I’d love to see that smirk wiped off her face. “What’s it matter to you, Rachel?” I stepped closer to her, despite the fact she’s over a year older than me, I was much taller than her. She and Ella had a much shorter and slightly stockier shape. “Y’know, we could’ve got on if you weren’t such a bitch” I sighed dramatically, watching her turn back down the corridor.
After she disappeared out of sight, I went to look for my younger sister. I headed to Rosie’s room first. She was only twelve years old and seemed to be totally ignored by my parents. She fitted in much better than me with the rest of the family; she had the same blue eyes and blonde hair as my sisters, although it was slightly darker, and my mother although she was starting to grow taller and slimmer like me. The thought made me smile, Rosie would be more beautiful than Rachel in less than a year. “Alaya?” she poked her head round the door and pulled me in. We both sat down slowly. “Can you keep a secret?” I asked her and didn’t wait for an answer before pulling up the sleeve on my left arm. She touched the half-moon on my wrist as if that might make it disappear. “They’re real.” That was all she said. No questions. No babbling. She just took it all in. Sometimes it was hard to forget she was young, she acted more mature than my other sisters all together. “Tonight’s a full moon.” I told her. She knew what that meant and hugged me once before I left. And that was our goodbye.
I went back to my own room after that. It felt different to me now. When I was younger I saw it as a place to go and hide or somewhere safe. Now it felt like a trap. I wanted to be outside. I forced myself to sit on the bed and wait. I picked up a photo of my family and looked at it properly for the first time. In a sea of blonde hair and blue eyes I stood out a mile with my black hair, violet eyes and a pale but clear face. I noticed Rachel scowling in the back. She hated me, even though she was the favourite of our parents. She always behaved perfectly in public, she knew how to act with their ‘upper class’ friends. Rachel could sing, and my second youngest sister, Ella, could dance. But I think my father was slightly disappointed in their looks. They were average, and it would take longer to get them married. And according to my father, the only thing a daughter can bring to the family is a husband. That’s part of the reason I was happy to be Chosen.
I looked out the window and how late it was surprised me. The full moon was starting to rise. It took me three minutes to be out of the house and deep in the woods. Not long after that I was surrounded in shadows. They didn’t frighten me though, I could smell their sweet scent and being this close to them reminded me of family. “Alaya, do you accept the change to join us or do you wish to remain a Changeling?” I shuddered slightly, those who stay a Changeling but never change get lost in shadow. “I accept the change.” As soon as I agreed, a blast of air surged through the woods. It spiralled around me and I felt it start to change me. I seem to gain much more space in my head, I felt my hearing gain even more accuracy and the night seemed so much lighter. And then the wind dropped. I forced myself to stay quiet when there was a piercing pain in my mouth. “She is Chosen.” The voice that had spoken before was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

I waited till they had gone before searching properly. When I stepped on the ground where she had stood I could feel her magic. It was so strong yet wild still, it would be a grand prize to kill her and keep her sole. I thought about it dreamily, I’d keep it in a big decorated glass keeper and make it dance forever. I wander what she looks like. I hadn’t yet seen her properly, only caught glimpses and long black hair darting though the trees. It was darker than I’d seen before, even on any of the other Chosen. True black, only reflecting moonlight. Back in the time when the Chosen and the Hunters lived as one she herself would’ve been a prize. I stopped myself in mid thought. I couldn’t think like that. I was just remembering silly stories about times when we only hunted the Shadow walkers, but now we hunt everyone I would remember that. Thinking of the Shadow walker, I remembered the deep scent of one that was hunting my prize. I followed what was left of it swiftly.

I woke up to the smell of burning wood. I could feel the heat from the fire warming my side. “Awaken, Alaya Faith. You slept for a day and half a night. Most sleep for three to six, and even I slept for over two nights.” I sat up groggily and looked at the woman who’d just spoken. She had light blue eyes and pale skin (not as pale as mine, just the sort of pale you’d get if you only went outside at night) that reflected the glow from the fire. Her hair was black, but in the light moonlight I could see that it was actually slightly brown. “Are you the Protector of the chosen?” I asked, trying to remember all the things I’ve read about them, I searched for a name but my mind was still cloudy. I thought of some of the things I hoped were false, but judging by the ache in my mouth, not all of it was. She smiled and nodded slightly. “So you know I should already be gone.” By the time I’d sat up, she had disappeared.
I looked up at the sky. The moon was waning now, but not quite down to half yet. The night seemed almost as bright as the day, the moon and stars lit up where I was.
A girl who looked about sixteen came and sat next to me. Her dark brown eyes reflected the stars brightly, a small friendly smile was on her lips as she shook my hand. “I’m Annabel.” She said as she shook her short brown hair out her eyes. “I was told to show you around.” She pulled me up and led me through a small cluster of trees into an opening. In the middle there was a big campfire built, a girl smiled at me as we walked by, but most were busy putting out some sort of equipment. “I’ll show you the sleeping areas.” Just past the clearing were five different small cabins. “I’m in the second one, since it’s my first year.” “Shouldn’t you be in the first on then?” I asked whilst trying to look at them more closely. She shook her head. “No, you stay in the same one for all five years here. Otherwise every year we’d have to move everyone along one,” she shrugged, “And there’s no point going to all that trouble.” She led me in to the second one and inside. It was bigger than it looked. There were five separate bedroom areas and one space for everyone. The walls were all a plain white apart from where people had put up pictures or signs on doors. “There’s always twenty-five people here at one time, you’re the last one for this year,” she took me to a door at the far end, “This is your room, I’ll leave you for a while to settle in, find me in ten so I can take you to the trials for the hunt.” I was about to ask her about what she meant about the hunt trials, but she’d already left.
I turned to look at my room. A set of draws that doubled as a desk, a plain white bed and a window looking out over the woods. Nothing special, and even though it didn’t feel permanent, it was okay. I opened my draws to find a light purple top and swapped it for my own. Glancing in the mirror above the draws I smiled at the way it matched my eyes nicely. After that I sat down on my bed and tried to take everything in.
A knock on the door made me jump. “Alaya! Quick we better get there.” I recognised Annabel’s voice and went to the door quickly. I was surprised that she was wearing a small black mask that went just around her eyes, “Put this on, everyone needs one for the trials.” She handed me an identical one. After that she practically dragged me by my arm back to the main big clearing.
All of the girls were gathered round a tall woman who was talking in the middle. “That’s Hope,” Annabel nudged me, “She’s in charge of all us chosen until we’re trained.” Hope’s dark green eyes found mine for a moment, noticing I was the newest there, and then I listened to her explain the trial. “For the first years, which haven’t had a trial before, I’ll explain more about it. Five people will be involved in the hunt, all five of the fifth years have to fight in the trial, to determine their order, after that anyone can challenge one of the five to take their place, obviously, if you challenge the leader then they will still be in the hunt, but no longer in charge.” She smiled at everyone for a moment. “We already have out order.” She asked them to come forward. “Move it.” A girl behind me hissed as she pushed me into Annabel to walk forward. I stared at her watching her push past everyone to get into the centre. She reminded me slightly of Rachel, my oldest sister who used to push everyone around because she thought she was so much better, until I got my own back. “Who’s she?” I whispered quietly to Annabel. “Sapphire. I’ve only been here a few weeks, but I already know what a bitch she can be.” Her voice turned sour as she said her name. Hopes voice caught my attention again. “Who wants to be the first to challenge?”

Almost midnight. I took in a deep breath to take in the scents around me. That was weird. Shadows. The scent was strong and thick in the air. It reminded me of my earliest memory. In the middle of the day but surrounded in shadow. My mother, who’d been struggling with it for so long, was taken over by shadow, only leaving me behind. She had been marked to be one the Chosen when she was fourteen, but when she was given the choice to join them she refused. She hated the idea of being one of them, she was too… cruel in my opinion. Like all Changelings that refuse, she found her way to us. So powerful, she lasted almost five years before the shadows took her. As soon as she was seventeen, she was married off to my father. Neither of them had much choice, the council have always made sure that if there is an unchanged strong enough to hold on to their form long enough, they marry one of the hunters in the hope of more powerful children. Maybe not the most traditional on families, but it was thanks to her I managed to complete my training earlier.
The darkness thickening around me snapped me back into the present. It pulled together into someone I’d only ever seen once before. “Hello Mother” my voice was cold and she narrowed her eyes at it. After a few seconds the shadows pulled together enough to make her look almost solid. “What do you want?” “Tut, tut. You make it sound like I never visit.” She spoke quietly, but in the silent woods it seemed like a shout. You wouldn’t think she was related to me at all, by the cold way she regarded me you’d think I was a rodent in her path. “You visited once, and that was to tell me it was time to leave for my ten souls.” My hand went idly to my bag which held ten glass containers. Eight full. “I’m almost done now, I just need two more.” I stepped away from her slightly, but she followed. A small spiteful laugh escaped from her lips. “I don’t think even you will be able to survive tonight.” I was about to ask what she meant, but I followed her eyes to the moon. By the looks of it, tonight would be the Chosen’s Hunt. “Tonight all trained Chosen, and five from each training camp, are traveling in groups. There are three groups loose within three miles of this spot.” She laughed again, slightly more quietly this time. “So you’ve come to watch me killed? I’m afraid I’ll have to disappoint you.” I spoke too loudly in the silent woods. She looked me in the eyes and shook her head. Whether answering the question or disagreeing with my statement, I didn’t know. She dispersed back into shadows, dragged back and claimed by the Shadow walkers, and I was left alone. Alone…
I ran. On my own on the night of the hunt, I’d have to be incredibly lucky to survive tonight. Stop. I sniffed the air for a second. Hit by the familiar smell on sweet honey. Without thinking I followed it. The scent filled my nostrils and beckoned me to follow. I was too close when I noticed to four other scents. I could hear five different heartbeats only a few metres away from me. They came closer. And closer. And closer. Until I could see them. My eye went straight to her. I was overrun with excited at my prize. Although, like the others, she was wearing a small mask I was taken aback by her beauty. I stopped myself from thinking like that. The enemy. I had to remember she was the enemy. One of them broke the line and ran at me. In a couple of seconds I’d taken her weapon and she was dead. The strong smell of blood filled the air, red against the darkness of the night. I stepped further back into the shadows, I knew they wouldn’t be able to see my face against the darkness. Only she was in the moonlight. “No. You killed her!” one of the Chosen to the right of my prize shouted irrationally. I remembered this would be the first Hunt of the year. Probably none of them had even seen a Hunter before, I had an advantage. “I can’t…” She shook her head violently and ran. Two others followed her. Only my prize was left. “Thanks. Leave the girl who’s not even trained before, that’s smart. Stupid bunch of…” her voice trailed off and she looked at me. I noticed the colour of her eyes. A bright purple shining with anger. She lowered into a fighting stance. Black hair fell in slight waves until it reached her hips. Her eyes were wide, sizing me up. Held in her hand was a sword made of firestone, the most common choice of weapon for one of the Chosen. “After you die, who shall I hunt next?” I asked her smiling slightly, if I made her angry it would be easy to collect her soul. I remembered the girl lying on the ground between us and knelt down. “Your sister, Rosie, has four years until she might be chosen. But I’m not sure if she will.” I looked at her to see if it was working. Her eyes were now such a dark shade of purple they were almost black. I smiled, holding a glass container over the dead girl’s mouth and watching the orange soul be crammed into it. “You will not go near her.” Even in anger she sounded beautiful. “I’ll kill you, if it’s the last thing I do.” She spoke evenly, power sizzled off every word. She could kill me. I could feel the power radiating off her now, I just had to hope she didn’t know. “You’re very protective over your sister. Maybe it’d be more fun if I find her first. What do you think?” I asked and laughed. “By the way, what is your name?” “Alaya.” She said and then the air around her started to pulse with energy. “Hello, Alaya, I’m Ash Jones and-” I was about to carry on when shadow wrapped around me. My vision went dark and I felt like I was moving. Bang. I was dropped at another part of the woods, far away from my prize. “You idiot!” My mother’s voice almost screamed as I got up. “Why did you try and anger her like that? On the night of the Hunt, the one day of the year you can’t use your second form. I had to help you!” When I got to my feet she was already gone. I’m surprised she still manages to stay on this side of the barriers, she even manages a full form for a few minutes at a time.
I looked at the new soul I’d collected. Defiantly passable. I had nine out of just under fifty that were usable. All I needed was Alaya to complete my collection.
I was alone. The Hunter, Ash, was gone. The firestone sword had gone too. That weird surge of shadow had taken them both. I didn’t see his face, but I memorised his scent. I would find him. Crack. I heard a noise from behind one of the trees. But I could smell the same scent that I had with the other Chosen. Maybe it was the others come back to help. “Don’t worry, she’s one of us.” One of them stepped out from cover and called to others. Two more came out behind her. She looked at Sapphire dead on the floor. “Where’s the Hunter that did this?” she asked whilst checking Sapphires pulse. “I’m not sure.” I shook my head. She looked more closely at me. I saw her give one of the other a knowing look. “Are you about sixteen?” I nodded and she carried on. “We’ll take you back to our camp. There’s only about nineteen of us, but it’s safer than just us four. The Hunts about over.” She stepped into the moonlight a bit more. I saw her light blonde hair was actually almost as white as moonlight and she had light grey eyes, a contrast to the dark hair colours of most Chosen but she still blended into the night. “I’m Safrina, this is Kayla and Jade.” She gestured to the other two. “I’m Alaya.” I told them, and followed them out the woods. I’m not sure how long we walked for, but it was over three hours. The soles of my feet ached and I was replaying the night in my head over and over. I needed to know who he was, Ash Jones.
Suddenly the woods opened up into a small clearing. About five makeshift cabins were just hidden at the other side of the clearing and I could see one more that looked more like a commune shelter. “We don’t stay in one place for long. We’ve got about a week left here.” The one called Jade said to me. I could see then why she was called that, it the open moonlight her eyes shone a bright shade of colour that could only be described as Jade. I looked at the people in the clearing, I would say there was about seventeen all together. A woman who looked about twenty walked up and smiled at the three of us. “It seems we have a well needed fighter to help us through the spring.” Her dark brown hair seemed to shudder as she said the spring. I didn’t get what was so bad about it, but I kept my mouth shut. “Iris has already said she will stay.” I raised my eyebrow at her assumption and for a second wandered who Iris was, my eyes paused at the makeshift cabin with a red sheet hanging from the doorframe instead of a door. “Jade, you’re best at introductions. Tell her about us and then send her to Iris if she agrees.” Safrina told Jade and shooed the others away.
Jade sat down on a stool that was actually a chopped up tree and pointed to one for me. “What do you know about the Chosen and the Hunters, Alaya?” she asked as soon as I was seated. “I know they’re nocturnal and that they’re actually the same species, just male and female. Years ago they lived together and people didn’t have to be marked a Chosen or a hunter. And…” I tried to struggle for what I could remember, “They both have a common enemy in the Shadow Walkers.” She smiled at me and carried on. “So you know a basic background. What do you know about the different names for the Chosen?” she asked me. I was confused, I knew there were different names but it didn’t seem too important. “The most common name is the Chosen. But also there is the Wild, the Huntresses, the Wise and the Shadow Touched.” I knew there was a few more, but they were similar and since they all meant the same it wasn’t important. “You are kind of right.” She frowned, thinking of a way to explain, “Everyone like us is the Chosen, that’s the universal name. We fight together, we are defiantly sisters. But some of us fall into different categories.” She paused to check I was following. “Forget about the Huntresses, people just guessed that since the males were Hunters, that’s what we were. The Wise are those with a certain gift for knowledge, but they don’t go out purposely to fight the Hunters, they only do if they are needed in a big fight or war. Otherwise they are just defensive.” She stopped again as Kayla handed us both a drink of some kind of fruit juice. We drank in silence for a minute.
“Where were we? Oh yes, the Shadow Touched.” She started again placing her cup down. “The Shadow Touched is a name for any Chosen who has been taken into the world of the Shadow Walkers and escaped. Ever since the barriers closed the Shadows have been trapped, so we don’t have any Shadow Touched anymore. On to the best part?” she asked it like a question waiting for me to guess. “The Wild?” I guessed at the last name I remembered. She nodded her head and smiled gesturing around. “We were the first type of Chosen. Hunters would be more proud of killing us that anyone else. Specially Ashwood Jones. But I think it’s about time for dinner. We’ll carry on tomorrow.”

I was grateful when the moon came up this night. I was awake a few hours before and couldn’t make my mind stop working. The night of the Hunt was over, which meant I could choose my second form again. I don’t usually like to just for the sake of it, but my body had different ideas. Closing my eyes I let it happen, I wouldn’t be totally myself but having the extra senses comforted me. As I let the wolf form take over the last thing I thought of was those eyes. Dark purple in anger, I would expect her soul to be no other colour.
After that I just ran, happy to be on four legs. Until heard voices. “Hush now.” I couldn’t see who it belonged to, the figure has wrapped in a cloak but his face was in shadow. “You know it’s nothing personal, but without their protector no more Chosen can change.” The voice laughed and it made my skin crawl. His face turned slightly this way, I was about to see who it was. A Shadow Walker. Even as a wolf I knew what was going on, this spring they’d managed to escape. I mentally shook myself, of course they did, we were so busy fighting the Chosen we drew back some of our power from the barriers. “How many Changelings do you need to find?” the Shadow Walker was facing her again. She didn’t answer so it put a hand on her face. I shuddered. It would be pulling everything straight from her mind, it was too powerful, even for the Protector. “Only one? That’s a shame. Ah well, I wonder how long it’ll take for the shadows to overtake her. She doesn’t have a choice.” The shadow dropped its hand, and the Protector flopped back onto the floor. She was dead, I could smell it.
So much panicking. I’m not sure what’s going on. All the wild are running around desperately grabbing weapons. “Alaya!” Jade shouted to me and ran over. “Go to Iris’s tent and she’ll tell you. I’m busy helping.” I went over to the makeshift tent/cabin or whatever it was. Pushing the red sheet aside I walked into the dark room. In the middle there was only on big candle, Iris was sitting behind it. “Alaya, please sit. We don’t have much time until we have to find her.” I sat and stayed silent, waiting for an explanation. Her eyes, a heavy bright blue, were set upon the flame as she whispered under her breath. “You’re one of us Alaya. You soul is the same changing purple as your eyes. Jade can see it.” She waited for my question like she knew I was about to ask it. “How?” She was already going to answer, but there was something unnerving about the quiet in here. “Soul seeing is her gift, like reading the future is mine.” This time I didn’t bother questioning her. “But I didn’t foresee this. The barriers have been breaking down and shadows escaped. The Protector is dead.” The last words were barely a whisper, but they seemed to make the whole room shiver. “There’s one Changeling left, as second to the Protector, I need to see if I can help her. Otherwise she’ll fall under the Shadows.” she bit her lip which made her look even younger. She must’ve been at least fifty, I could see it in her eyes, but like all Chosen she looked about twenty-five. “And since the barriers are down, we don’t have much time.” She handed me a belt that had a place for one of the firestone weapons.
Following Iris through the woods was weird. She was so quiet, like a ghosts through the woods. It didn’t take too long to get to the edge of the woods. I saw a house. It was small, probably an only child, I thought to myself. We didn’t speak until we saw someone stepping out of the house. We sniffed the air at the same time. It was her. “Sophia.” Iris whispered. The girl turned at the sound of her name and came over. I saw the half-moon outline on her wrist and subconsciously touched mine. “You need to come with us.” Iris told her. The girl nodded.
I had to go back to the hunters and tell them. They paired everyone up after that. No-one was allowed alone, even Hunters on their tasks. I told my father I could handle myself. He said I could, but my older brother couldn’t. So I’m stuck with him. “Ash, why can’t you just get your tenth soul and then hunt her? You gave me the soul of the last Chosen you killed. You’re as bad as the rest of our pack with this soul obsession. The way I see it, is as soon as I’ve got my ten I won’t bother.” My brother, Caleb, asked me. He didn’t seem to like hunting the Chosen at all. If it were up to him, we’d all live together again. He needed to stop living in the past. I stepped in front of him. “Then you shouldn’t be in our pack. You should be with the rest of the Hunters and only hunt the average Chosen.” I towered over him making him shrink back. “Souls are the core of power. The brighter and more colourful it is, the more powerful. That’s why we mainly choose the hunt the Wild. They are the strongest.” I really couldn’t stand him sometimes. Caleb was half human like most Hunters, in our group at the moment, only me and one other are half Changeling. That’s why I’m stronger than him. He was born a year before me, but I think of him as a much younger brother he’s a bit vulnerable. To be truthful, I think Caleb’s too much like his mother. I looked at his eyes, dark green. He was so human I realised then why my father made me look after him, with the Shadows walking in the woods the Chosen would probably let Hunters join them, and if Caleb knew that he’d go.
I caught a scent. I stopped and took in a deep breath of air. Flowers. I knew that smell. “Iris is near. We better go the long…” I sniffed the air again. Sweet nectar and honey. Alaya. I remembered the name and instinct screamed at me to hunt. I shook my head and spoke through clenched teeth, “Let’s go.” I didn’t want to leave. I wanted to wait. But with her and Iris, I had no chance.
We got Sophia back to the others. They’d calmed down a lot now, but they all looked upset. Jade went through the welcome with her, and I went back to talk to Iris. “What do we do now?” I asked. I meant about Sophia as well as everything else. For a while she was silent. “I’ve seen what has to be done.” She looked at me, her eyes had gone weird and overly bright, the pupils were white not black “You have to stop the war. The Hunter, Ash, he is very important in this, although I don’t know how. You’ll need to travel to the barrier with Sophia, even when the shadows take her. Then bring back their souls.” She closed her eyes, when she opened them they were normal. I repeated it again in my head then frowned. “Their souls? Not her.” I couldn’t think who else there was. Iris shrugged and explained she didn’t know. “I remember what I say when it happens, just not why I say it.”

At dinner I sat next to Sophia, it was weird, she felt different than the others. She’d been a Changeling for longer than she should, the Shadows were already starting to cling to her. Every now and again she’d shiver even though we were right by the fire. “I have good news” Safrina stood up, I watched Sophia look surprised when she saw Safrina’s almost-white hair in contrast to the usual dark colours. “Already two packs of hunters have called a truce. They have finally decided that the only things worth fighting are Shadows.” I caught her quickly glance at Sophia. “Their camp is set three minutes that way.” She pointed with her right hand.
After dinner Iris handed me and Safrina a bag each. “I’ll say goodbye now as tomorrow I’m a bit busy. You better be quick, otherwise you’ll have to carry her most of the way.” I was about to ask how we’d know where to go, but answered before I did. “Follow the trail of shadows. And if you see any Hunters on the way give them one chance to join us.” She turned to leave and then stopped, “Oh, and remember its springtime.” She nodded slightly to us before going back to her room.
I looked at Sophia then. On the outside she was normal. Long dark hair down just past her shoulders. Her skin had not yet gone the sharp pale that came with only being awake at night. But I could see the shadows in her eyes. If I looked past the brown and amber colours, they were there. I stopped myself from thinking about it and we both retired to the cabins for the day. Before I managed to sleep I thought about the war. Maybe if the Hunters that’d joined us could fight with us, the rest would follow. They’d see that together we could win.

I was still annoyed. Not only did I not get to hunt Alaya, but I was stuck going the long way round with my annoying older brother. “Why do we have to go to the barrier again?” Caleb asked the fifth question tonight, and we’d only been up for two hours. “To see if the damage can be reversed. Not a chance if you ask me.” I answered. He pulled a bottle from his bag and took a sip. Looked like we were taking a break. I leant against a tree idly. Looking around I thought how easy it would be for a normal human to get lost in these woods. Everything was the same, it was frustrating. All I could do was stare at trees for hours on end. I focused to use my power in my eyes to see all the trails that’d been through here. There were some light coloured tracks of woodland animals, even some slightly faded tracks from the Chosen, and guessing by the deeper colours of them, they were probably from the Wild. “We should keep moving, we’re too close to their camp.” I told Caleb. He straightened up but took his time about putting his food and drink away. I focused of the black trail of deep shadows. That was where we’re going.
Caleb had gone silent, I could tell he was thinking about something important. Probably his other family. Caleb’s mum never knew about the Hunters or the Chosen. About a year before I was born, my father was sent to a village to collect supplies and find out what’d happened to the last Hunter they’d sent. That was when we first realised the Barriers were breaking down, but we ignored it and hoped the Chosen would sort it out. In that time my father caught the eye of one of the women from the village. Nine months later she had Caleb. He couldn’t be left there, we had to take him.
I focused back in the present. Caleb was lightly in front of me and he stopped. “I have a brother.” He said, “even though he’s fully human I still have a connection with him, just like ours.” I just stood there for a moment working it all out. Some Hunters that are related have a sort of connection, sometimes they can tell what they’re thinking about. As me and Caleb grew up together the connection has become more obvious. We can tell when one of us is within a mile radius and if we want we can use it when hunting to communicate silently. “How long have you known?” I asked. Since we’ve had a connection for years surely theirs would be the same, but if that’s true then how come it’s the first times he’s said anything. “Only a couple of months. It’s weak, probably because he’s human.” He paused and frowned. “He doesn’t sense me, but every now and again I can go into his mind completely. He’s fifteen now.”
Me and Sophia left fairly early that night. The sky was still quite light and it made being in the woods remind me of when I was younger. I closed my eyes. I could feel the cold breeze pick up sharply, it didn’t feel right. The cold pieced through me and I looked behind me, it had felt like a warning. Someone was watching us. Waiting.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.07.2011

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