
Chapter one

Francesca Jones smiled down at her baby sister Juliet, as she slept sweetly in her cot.
It has only been one month since her parents had been killed, and now it was all up to Francesca to look after her one year old vampire sister.
Her parents had been drained of blood by the vampire that had turned Juliet to a creature of the night, and Juliet had just gotten home in time to stake the blood-sucking monster.
Francesca hadn’t even known that vampires were real before then, but she had watched enough horror films to know that staking a vampire with a piece of wood would kill them. So that is what she did, to be able to protect her family.
What she didn’t know was that she would have to look after a baby vampire, as in feed Juliet her blood whenever she got hungry.
Francesca couldn’t even were short sleeved tops anymore, been as she had fang marks going all the way up her arm from where Juliet had drank from her.
The only other person who knew was her college friend Emma, who sometimes looked after Juliet while Francesca went to her lessons.
Francesca sat down on her small bed, and looked at her watch.
It was nearly six o’clock in the afternoon, so it would only be a few more hours before Juliet would wake up from what Francesca called a “death sleep.”
As she looked around her room, or what used to be her parents room, she realized that she still hadn’t put any of her things into this room. All her stuff was still in her old room that she slept in before her parents had died. Sleeping in her parents room made her feel more closer to her, and she couldn’t sleep in her old room because that was where her parents had died, and it made her feel a little paranoid.
She decided that the next time that Emma came round, she would ask for her help to move her stuff into her new room, there was much more space to put her things there than there was in her old room.
When her stomach started to clench painfully in hunger, Francesca forced herself to go into the kitchen to get her something to eat and drink.
She didn’t like to be without Juliet especially when she was in a death sleep because even though she was a vampire, she also looked vulnerable with her little blonde curls.
Before Juliet had been turned into a vampire baby many people had said that she and Francesca could have been mother and daughter.
They both had the same golden blonde curl, and bright blue eyes. Before Juliet had turned into a vampire, Francesca and her had both had slightly tanned skin, but now Juliet’s skin was as pale as ice now.
Francesca sat down at the small wooden table with a bowl of cereal, and a glass of freshly squeezed cranberry juice.
Just as she was finishing of eating, she heard a loud knock on the front door.
Rising from her seat, Francesca put her bowl in the sink, and headed to the front door.
She looked through the small peep whole to confirm that it was Emma at the other side of the cheap wooden door.
Francesca quickly opened the door, and stepped out the way for her friend to come in.
“You look merry today” Francesca observed, taking in Emma’s bright smile.
“That’s because I have great news for you” Emma told her, flicking a piece if light red hair behind her bare shoulder.
“So what is it then? Francesca asked when they got into the kitchen “have you put me up for one of those blind dates that I always refuse to go on.”
“There isn’t anything wrong with blind dates” Emma defended “anyway it isn’t that. You will have to look in yesterday’s new paper for the fantastic new.”
Francesca rolled her eyes “first of all I haven’t been out for days, second I can’t go out in daylight with Juliet, for all we know she might fry in the sun!”
Emma grinned “that’s why I have this.” She said, handing Francesca the newspaper.
Taking the newspaper, Francesca asked “what page?”
They flipped thought to the write page, and Emma pointed to the article.
As soon as she read it, Francesca’s throat closed up.
The advertisement read:

Vampire needed to help with a one year old vampire child. Working for free if available, to help a college student care for her baby vampire sister. Sex or age doesn’t matter, as long as vampire. Phone the number below for more details!

“What have you done?” Francesca hissed, giving her friend the evil eyes.
Emma frowned “I have helped you out, as soon as you have someone helping you out while Juliet is awake, you will be able to go to lessons again.”
Francesca shook her head fiercely, unable to comprehend what she had just heard.
“Anyone can see the ad” she breathed “including the vampire hunters that would want to try to slay poor innocent Juliet. They would stab a stake into her precious little heart without a second thought!”
Emma seemed to finally understand what she had done, and hit her head against the kitchen counter.
“Oh my god!” she nearly screamed “I have just about created your sisters death bed.”
Tears fell from Francesca’s eyes, the one thing that she feared the most was about to happen, she was about to loose every piece of family that she had left.
“It might not happen though” she whispered “the people who have read it might not be hunters. They might actually be vampires, which might even be willing to help us with the not enough blood problems.”
From what they found on the internet, of Francesca kept on giving blood to Juliet like she was doing, there was a chance that she might be in the hospital by the end of the month from blood lose. She could already feel herself slowly getting weaker.
“That could happen” Emma said, trying to calm Francesca down “we have only had three calls as well, and Juliet doesn’t have to be there when we meet them, one of us could stay her while the other meets them. It doesn’t sound to bad right.”
At that moment, nothing could stop the volcano in Francesca’s mind, burning every nice thought that was left in her tornado of thoughts.
Francesca looked into her friends eyes, and she said the words that she thought that she would never have to say ever again “we will just have to wait and see.”

Chapter 2

Sebastian Richardson watched his old friend William Jenkins storm through the room, an angry look on his pale face.
“What’s wrong now?” Sebastian asked in a bored tone.
He couldn’t remember how many times William had come into his office to report a problem about things that were irrelevant to his job.
What had the latest war have to do with a blood bank for vampires?
It wasn’t like William’s job was hard; all he had to do was make sure that the vampires we given the right amount of blood.
William smacked down a news paper with a loud bang onto the desk.
“Some one is either playing an awful joke” he told Sebastian “or we have a seriously big problem on our hands.”
Sebastian frowned “what are you rambling on about?”
“Someone has put an ad in the paper searching for a vampire” William said “apparently they need help looking after a baby vampire while the sister goes to college.”
To be honest, Sebastian wasn’t even interested, his kind knew since they were born that of they tried to expose there species they would be staked, so it was probably a human completing some sort of dare.
“It has nothing to do with us” he said “anyway, why would a vampire put something like that in a human newspaper? It isn’t like we haven’t got out own newspapers or anything.”
“Maybe it wasn’t a vampire who put the ad in the newspaper” William suggested “maybe it was a human with a vampire sister, which could be possible.”
It was true, many vampires were getting bored and turning rogue, Most of them turning humans into vampire for the sake of it.
“But it isn’t any of our business” Sebastian protested “we haven’t even got anyway of knowing for sure that it is a prank or not. And we have no reason to know as well. No one will believe it, so it probably won’t even affect us on any way.”
“Actually it already has affected us” William admitted, and gave a weak smile. “There was a number at the bottom of the advertisement, and I thought “what they heck, give them a call” so I called them up, and we now have an appointment with whoever “they” are in two days time.”
Sebastian froze into place, why did he have to choose the stupid people as friends.
“My god William, haven’t you ever heard of vampire slayers?” he asked “there is a possible chance that it could be them.”
“I didn’t think that they were around any longer” William said, and shrugged his shoulders “we are stronger than them anyway.”
Sometimes Sebastian wished that William would think longer before he spoke. But he knew that it was never going to happen any time soon.
Sebastian shook his head “well there is only one way to find out.”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.06.2011

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