
Chapter 1

Well daddy left for work. Everytime he leaves i have to do so many chores. I rember one time when i didnt do the last chore he got so angry he made repaint his car and it was a blazing 100 degrees outside. i was burnig like toast whn you leave it the toaster too long, i at least turned three shades darker. But anyways, so here i am now finshing the last chore. I hear a hard slam i turn around its him my dad. I say "Daddy do you know tommorrows going to be my birthday? I'll be nine years old." He replies " i thout you were twelve years old? dont lie to me girl!!!Does it look like i care when your silly birthday is?! I dont care your just my little maid who cleans up after me!" " But daddy when mommy was here she celebrated wth me" " Im not mommy now am i? He grunts and walks off. I cant cry because if i do he'll just turn around and whip me on my back untill i bleed to death. I think "Why did mama ever leave me? What did i do so wrong that made her leave?"

Chapter 2
Another day comes my way i wake up to get the usaul beating of the morning and my chores to do throughout the day. As soon as my dad leaves and I see his car pull out of the drive way i pull out my suit case from under my bed and make a run for it out of the door. i look up to see the suns beauty, havent been outside for months now. I snap myself out of it and focus back on my plan i have food and a twenty dollar bil im ready to go but then all of a sudden I see someones familar car come ino view.............................................

so what do you thinks gonna happen next? anyone? ill guest youll have to wait until i upload!!! wahahaha!!!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.07.2011

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