
Chapter 1


Tails had heard Sonic screaming for him to come back, but he couldn’t come back. He was sure that Sonic would kill him in his new monster form. With a panicking knock on Knuckles’ door, he looked back to see if Sonic was behind him or not. Thankfully, he couldn’t hear Sonic screaming anymore. It would’ve been too painful to watch his best friend transform slowly into a ferocious beast at night.
“Yes? Oh, hey Tails,” said Knuckles. “What’s up?”
“I’ll tell you soon,” said Tails. “Can I come in?”
“Alright, come in.”
Tails rushed into Knuckles’ room and couldn’t help, but sit down into one of the chairs in his room.
“Water, please Knuckles,” panted Tails.
“Oh, of course,” said Knuckles.
Knuckles went to get some water from the small fridge in the cabinet under the Television. Tails still has his eyes open in shock. He couldn’t say what he was about to see back in his laboratory. He felt so heartbroken that it had to be his best friend to transform like that. Sonic had cared for him all his life and now he was probably going on a rampage through Station Square right now and killing innocent people.
“Tails, what the heck happened?” asked Knuckles. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“Oh, Knuckles,” cried Tails and broke up into tears. “It was so horrible I don’t even know how to explain it.”
“Here, drink this,” said Knuckles handing Tails the water. “Come on now, Tails, you can tell me anything. Where’s Sonic? We need to tell him about this too!”
“Sonic’s gone,” said Tails sadly.
“GONE?!” yelled Knuckles. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN GONE?!”
So Tails told Knuckles everything that he told Sonic in his own laboratory a few minutes ago. Knuckles listened to every word Tails had to say with concern. He even told Knuckles how he was about to see Sonic transform into a werewolf.
“So what you’re saying is,” said Knuckles, “Sonic is now a rampaging, scary, furry monster at night all because of that bite from that giant wolf?”
“Werewolf,” Tails corrected him.
“Poor, Sonic,” said Knuckles sadly. “Should we tell Amy about this?”
“No, it’ll only make her sad,” said Tails. “Sonic should tell her himself when it’s back to daytime.”
“But, what if Sonic gets to her?” asked Knuckles.
“Then, we’ll have to protect her,” said Tails. “But right now, I’m going to look for Sonic and try to stop him.”
“I’m coming with you,” said Knuckles.
“Thanks Knuckles,” replied Tails. “You and Sonic are always there for me when I need help. Sonic has helped all these years and now, it’s my turn to help him. I owe him that much.”
“Well said Tails,” said Knuckles. “You pretty much just said it all for me.”
“Ready to find him?” Tails asked.
“Ready,” replied Knuckles. “Let’s go save our friend from this monster, even if it’s the last thing we do!”
So Tails and Knuckles left to go find the Werehog.

Chapter 2


Sonic was now in the shadows looking for people to kill and growling silently. The Werehog looked up. The full moon was yellow and bright. Sonic licked his sharp teeth. Once he killed, it would be all over the news and then the citizens of Station Square would be worried. The beast gave a loud howl to the moon.
“What was that?” asked a random citizen.
“Probably just animals in the forest,” said another.
Then, Sonic decided to jump out and bit a citizen in the neck, killing the person instantly.
“WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!” screamed a citizen.
The Werehog growled and started to go after another citizen.
The citizens were screaming and running away from the huge animal.

“Sonic must be down there then,” said Tails. “Do you have an idea how we’re going to stop him though, Knuckles?”
“Hmm… Good point, that’s something I never thought about,” said Knuckles, thinking.
“Don’t worry, Knuckles, I’ll probably have a plan by the time we find Sonic,” smiled Tails. “I know, we can’t kill him, I’d feel like I did something bad.”
“Tails, we’re not going to kill him,” said Knuckles, “why would we? He’s our friend.”
“I’ll think of something, but in the meantime, LET’S GO SAVE OUR FRIEND!”

Amy waited in Sonic’s bedroom a long time, wondering when he was going to come back and start making out with her again. She had heard screaming coming from somewhere in Tails’ bedroom, but didn’t decide to check it out.
“Well,” she thought, “it’s the only way I’m going to find out if Sonic’s alright.”
So Amy went out of Sonic’s room and started walking down the aisle to Tails’ room.
“Sonic,” called Amy, “I heard yelling coming from Tails’ room. Are you alright?”
Amy got to Tails’ room and knocked.
She pushed the door open and Tails’ room looked like a mess. There were claw marks on the wall, the window was broken as if somebody tried to jump through it, and there were torn clothes on the ground.
“These are Sonic’s clothes,” Amy said to herself. She was scared, yet there was nobody in here. So why was she shivering?
“Sonic!” yelled Amy. “SONIKKU!!”
Sonic wouldn’t come. He was probably gone with Tails somewhere. And why was there that big Sonic-like shape on Tails’ window?
There was only thing left to do. She was going to go out and find Sonic. It was the only way to find out what happened.
Amy went back to Sonic’s room, where she moved ever since they were in a relationship and put on her coat because there would be cold heavy rain tonight. And she set out of the hotel and started searching.

Chapter 3


“SOMEBODY HELP ME!!” a citizen yelled. But there was no help, for the Werehog was catching up to the citizen. When he got close enough, Sonic picked up the person, and roared into his face. The beast then howled at the moon. Just as Sonic was about to bite the person’s head off, somebody kicked him that made him let go of the citizen. It was a yellow fox.
“SONIC, DON’T DO THIS PLEASE!!” yelled Tails.
Sonic grabbed Tails by the neck and then Knuckles punched him in the shin making the beast let go of Tails.
“LEAVE HIM ALONE SONIC!!” bellowed Knuckles. “FIGHT ME!!”
Sonic aimed at Knuckles and scratched him with his claws, making Knuckles bleed in the face.
“Sonic, I don’t want to do this,” said Tails getting back up, “But if you don’t let us help you, we will.”
Sonic growled at Tails and he was about to launch at him, but then there was a gunshot and it hit Sonic in the arm. It wasn’t Tails or Knuckles that shot him, but a black hedgehog. Shadow!
“SHADOW NO!!” cried Tails. “PLEASE DON’T DO IT!!”
“SHUT UP YOU BIG BABY, OR I’LL SHOOT YOU TOO!!” roared Shadow in Tails’ face. “THAT’S AS FAR AS YOU GO MURDERER!!” he now yelled at Sonic.
Sonic got angry and started to growl and head towards Shadow, who was smirking as if he did want Sonic to go over there and beat him up. Tails knew what Shadow was about to do and he couldn’t let it happen to Sonic.
“Smile you son of a bi…” said Shadow, but Tails yelled over and kicked the gun out of Shadow’s hands and also punched Shadow in the stomach.
“Ow!! ARE YOU CRAZY?! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING!!?” yelled Shadow at Tails.
“I SAID LEAVE HIM ALONE!!” roared Tails. Then, he and Shadow fought, while Knuckles was fighting the Werehog.

Amy kept walking through the city, looking at all the destruction that the monster had caused. Before she left the hotel, Amy had seen the news saying that a huge animal was rampaging and killing citizens throughout Station Square.
“I just hope Sonic’s okay,” Amy thought, worriedly.
When she turned down to an alley, Amy heard fighting noises and yelling. It sounded like Tail’s and Shadow’s voices.
“THAT’S IT!!” roared Shadow. “I’VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS. DEATH TO ALL WHO OPPOSE ME!!” He paused. Then he shouted, “CHAOS BLAST!!”
It sent Tails flying through the air and he landed right in front of Amy.
“Tails,” said Amy relieved. “Are you okay?”
“Amy!” yelled Tails. “What are you doing here? I thought you were going to stay at the hotel watch the news.”
“Forget about the darn news!” shouted Amy. “Where’s Sonic? I have to know where he is!”
“He’s…” Tails began, but he stopped. He couldn’t tell Amy the truth, it would hurt her so much for her to know that it was Sonic that was killing these innocent citizens. “Well he’s alright. He’s just knocked unconscious,” Tails lied.
“Oh, thank God!” Amy exclaimed.

Shadow now went over to the beast and stabbed it in the back.
“AOWWWWWWWWWW!!!” Sonic howled in pain with that deep growling voice. He picked up Shadow and threw him into a building as hard as he could. Shadow was now knocked out, bloody, but well.
It was dawn and now Sonic was turning back to himself. The Werehog growled in pain as he was turning back to a regular blue hedgehog. His snout was getting smaller and so were his hands and his whole body. The fur was leaving Sonic and so were his strong muscles. He no longer had claws and sharp teeth anymore.
“Thank goodness, it’s good to have you back Sonic,” said Knuckles.
“Ugh…” grunted Sonic in pain. He looked at himself and saw that he was in torn clothes. “Knuckles… I-I-Is that you?”
“It’s me buddy,” said Knuckles smiling.
“Is, it over?” asked Sonic.
“It’s over, for now,” said Knuckles.
Sonic fainted sleepily and Knuckles tried to pull him up, but was too heavy because of all the strength Sonic had.

Chapter 4


Sonic was asleep, dreaming of him and Amy. He dreamed that he was no longer the Werehog; he was cured, and was living a happy life with Amy. He was married, watching their own kids playing on the floor. Then, suddenly out of nowhere, Shadow appeared and started shooting around the place. It reminded Sonic of the pain he felt in his arms right now.
“There you are faker,” laughed Shadow. He killed the kids and he also killed Amy.
“No, Shadow, why?” asked Sonic.
“It’s alright Sonic, just calm down…”
“No! I can’t!”
“Sonic, I’m right here!”
Sonic woke up with a jerk. He couldn’t believe it. It was all a dream. He looked around. It was daylight outside and Amy was sitting beside him. He felt relieved.
“Amy…” said Sonic relieved. He hugged her.
“Oh, Sonic, thank God!” Amy hugged him back. “I thought you were dead! I thought that werewolf got you.”
Sonic wanted to tell Amy that it was him that was the Werehog, it was him that killed those innocent citizens, but he didn’t want her to know what he had become, for fear of a long time apart with each other. Sonic looked over at Amy’s lap. There was a wet handkerchief on her lap. She was healing Sonic’s wounds.
“Where are Tails and Knuckles?” asked Sonic. “Are they okay?”
“They’re fine,” said Amy. “I’m just glad that you’re okay.” She smiled and then started rubbing Sonic’s wounds with the wet handkerchief. “Rest now, my tormented love,” she whispered to him.
“Amy, I love you,” whispered Sonic back. “And you know that I would never ever hurt you without meaning to, do you?
“I love you too, Sonic,” replied Amy. “And I know you would never do anything to harm me.”
This was it. Sonic was going to tell her what Tails and him had talked about the night before. He was starting to shake and sweat all over.
“Just do it,” said a voice in his brain. “Just tell her the truth and everything will be alright.”
“Are you kidding?!” argued another voice in his brain. “She’ll go bananas if he tells her that!”
Sonic didn’t know what to do. He decided on the truth, and hoped that Amy would understand everything.
“Amy… I was the one that…”
“Yes?” said Amy.
“That… k-ki…
There was a knock on the door and Sonic rushed to go and get it. He would tell Amy later on their date that they had talked about yesterday in science class. He opened the door and it was Tails.
“Hey buddy,” said Tails happily. “Feeling better?”
“I-I guess,” stuttered Sonic. “Don’t we have school today?”
“Nah,” said Tails, “the police closed the school down after those werewolf attacks happened last night. Anyway, I came in here to ask you to come out into the hall for a private word.”
“Now, wait a minute Tails!!” yelled Amy.
“What?” asked Tails. “I just want a private word with my buddy.”
“Oh, no, not without me you’re not,” said Amy. “I think I deserve to know what the heck’s been going on around here too!!”
“It’s ok, Amy,” said Sonic. “As soon as I find the right words, I will tell you what we talked about last night and what we are going to talk about right now. Okay?”
“Fine,” said Amy, “but only because I love you.” She sighed then kissed Sonic, and said, “Talk to you later then.”
“Bye Ames,” said Sonic.
So he followed Tails out of the hall and stopped at the entrance of the hotel that so much resembled the Titanic’s grand staircase room.
“So Sonic,” began Tails, “I have some bad news. First of all, you killed like 3 or 4 citizens and now there’s a $100,000 price on the Werehog’s head right now. Second, the one who shot you in the arm a few times, was Shadow. So he’s pretty desperate.”
“Thanks, Tails,” said Sonic sarcastically. “That makes me feel much better.”
“Sonic, this is serious!” said Tails urgently. “You’ve got to be careful from now on!”
“I know, I know, I’m sorry,” said Sonic. “So Shadow was the one that made my arms feel like this? Son of a giant talking egg!”
“Ha, good one Sonic,” Tails laughed. “But seriously, you do have to keep your head down for a while because the police might get suspicious.”
“Alright,” said Sonic, “thanks for the tip Tails.”
“Well, that’s what friends are for, right?” asked Tails.
“Yea-no,” joked Sonic.
Tails stared at him wide-eyed and then yelled, “WHAT?! WHY YOU LITTLE…”
“I’m just joking,” laughed Sonic.
Sonic was just about to walk away with Tails, but then he saw that Shadow walked in and his eyes turned red. Shadow turned to look at him.
“What are you staring at, ugly?!” insulted Shadow.
“That’s it!!” yelled Sonic and he started for Shadow again. He punched Shadow in the face again and they both started to fight each other.
“I’M SO SICK AND TIRED OF YOU INTERFERING WITH EVERYTHING THAT ME AND MY FRIENDS DO!!” growled Sonic in the Werehog’s voice and he punched Shadow in the stomach.
“Sonic, take it easy, remember?!” asked Tails.
“GET OFF OF ME YOU PIECE OF DIRT!!” Sonic yelled at Tails and he was about to punch Tails too.
“SONIC NO!!” screamed Amy coming down. Immediately, Sonic’s eyes turned back to green. He realized that his fist was up in Tails’ face and he put it down.
“Tails, Amy… I… I’m sorry,” said Sonic looking at everyone staring at him. “I… I-I need to use the restroom.”
And Sonic ran back to his room, thinking that Tails was right. He would have to be careful from now on.

Chapter 5


Sonic was now back in his own room and he locked the door. He was thinking that he would have to be careful from now on.
“Come on, Sonic,” he said in his head. “Keep it together. You can control this.”
“Oh, but you can’t,” said the Werehog’s voice in his head.
“Who the heck are you?!” yelled Sonic.
“Who am I?!” laughed the growling voice. “I’m you!”
“NO!!” screamed Sonic. “GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!” Sonic got so mad, that he actually punched a hole into the wall.
“Why me?!” Sonic yelled looking up at the ceiling. “Why did it have to be me to get that cursed bite!? WHAT DID I EVER DO TO DESERVE THIS!!?”
“Sonic? Are you in here?!” It was Amy, knocking on the door.
“GO AWAY!!” yelled Sonic.
“Sonic, please let me in!” cried Amy. “I care about you, and you can tell me anything that’s been going wrong. I love you.”
Sonic stopped getting angry at once. That was true, Amy did love him. And he loved Amy. He now felt so bad for yelling at her.
“Amy, I’m sorry,” said Sonic, calming down and he meant it.
“It’s alright Sonic,” said Amy in a compassionate voice.
“I’ll let you in,” said Sonic, moving to the door. He unlocked the door and Amy came in looking concerned.
“Sonic what happened? It’s like what you did at school, except… well… you know…” said Amy.
“Amy, it’s getting worse!” panicked Sonic. “Next, I might hurt you, and I can’t let the love of my life get hurt. I’m sorry Ames, but I think I have to cancel the date.”
“Why? Sonic, why would you hurt me?!” asked Amy.
“Because…” Sonic paused, taking deep breaths. “It’s kind of complicated. But, I will tell you as soon as I can.”
“Sonic,” said Amy. “This is our special day. We have the whole day off of school, so we can do whatever we want to do. Can you please take me out on that date today? For me?” She gave Sonic those big goo-goo eyes that he always couldn’t help, but smile at.
“Alright Amy,” said Sonic. “But, I’m only doing this for you. We have to come back here before moonrise. Deal?”
“Alright, deal,” said Amy happily.
They both headed out of the room and left the hotel.

Chapter 6


Tails and Knuckles grabbed Shadow by the arms and started to drag him across the hall.
“YOU KNOW WHAT!!” Knuckles yelled at Shadow. “I’M SO SICK AND TIRED OF YOUR CRAP SHADOW!!”
Shadow, pretended to give up, but in his mind, he was laughing.
“Hahaha, yes!” he laughed to himself. “Soon, I will get the chaos emerald that Tails has, and destroy Sonic with it. Soon, that blue hedgehog will die!!”
Soon, the three of them reached Tails’ room and Tails and Knuckles started interrogating Shadow.
“Alright!” yelled Tails at Shadow. “I want to know, what you want from Sonic! Why are you trying to fight him!?”
Shadow spit at Tails’ feat and said, “Go to hell!!”
Knuckles saw what happened and he picked Shadow up by the neck.
“KNUCKLES, NO!!” yelled Tails. “I don’t think we want to waste time punching a little girl.” Knuckles roared with laughter at this joke.
“WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME!?” roared Shadow.
“You heard me,” replied Tails. “A… little… girl!”
Shadow got very angry at this and punched Tails and Knuckles. With a thump, they both fell to the ground and grunted.
“So…” said Shadow. “You really want to know, why I’m trying to beat Sonic? I want revenge for what he did to me on the ARK.” Shadow then took the chaos emerald from Tails’ pocket, yelled, “CHAOS CONTROL!!” and disappeared.
“Where the heck did he go?!” asked Knuckles, getting back off the ground.
“Shadow must’ve used the Chaos Control,” said Tails and then he realized something. “OH NO!!”
“What is it, Tails,” asked Knuckles.

Chapter 7


“Hey, Amy,” said Sonic, while they were both walking in the park.
“Yes Sonic?” asked Amy.
“I’m sorry, for saying that I was going to cancel this date. I’m so stupid! I should’ve never said that.”
“It’s ok Sonikku,” said Amy and she grabbed Sonic’s hand. Sonic always loved it when Amy did that, it made him feel like he is never alone. “Want to go sit on a bench and make out?” she continued in a sexy voice.
“Definitely,” said Sonic in a manly voice. “I love the way you say that. But, won’t people see?”
“I don’t care. As long as we love each other,” whispered Amy.
They sat down on a nearby bench. Sonic kissed Amy and she kissed him. Then they started making out for a long time.
“Oh, Sonic,” said Amy. “I love it when you kiss me like that.” She continued to make out with him.
“This is my favorite sport now,” said Sonic. Amy laughed at his joke.
After about five minutes, Sonic got a vibrating message on his phone. He ignored it and continued making out with Amy.

“WHY DID HE JUST IGNORE MY TEXT!!?” Tails outraged.
“Dude, it’s his date,” said Knuckles. “What did you expect?”
“Tails, there’s a million people in this city,” said Knuckles. “It’s going to be hard, even for a guy like Shadow, to find 2 hedgehogs.”
“I guess you’re right Knuckles,” said Tails. “I’m sorry.”
“Just relax,” said Knuckles. A guy like Sonic, he can beat up Shadow with one fist tied behind his back, but he can’t beat me with one hand tied behind his back.” Knuckles chuckled at his own joke.

Chapter 8


Still making out on the bench, Sonic was stroking Amy’s soft hair, while Amy was touching Sonic’s chest. Finally, after nearly half an hour, they stopped.
“That was quite a gift,” said Sonic. “For both of us.” He winked at her.
“Definitely,” said Amy.
“Do you want to see that movie we were planning on going to see today?” asked Sonic. “You know, that new scary movie?”
“Oh, absolutely!” said Amy excitedly hugging Sonic. “Oh, thank you Sonic!” She kissed him on the cheek.
“Anything for you Ames,” said Sonic. “If you get scared during it, you can always close your eyes and hold on to me.”
They started walking to the movies and held hands on their way there. While they were talking as usual, Sonic heard a noise behind a bush.
“Hmm?” Sonic turned around to look, but there was nothing there.
“Sonic, is something wrong?” asked Amy.
“No, I must’ve been hearing things,” said Sonic. “Come on, let’s go.”
Little did Sonic know that the figure behind the bush, was Shadow.

They were at the movie theaters, 2 hours before the movie started, so Sonic and Amy had time to look around or play some arcade games before it started.
“Oh, look!” Amy yelled. “Air hockey. Wanna play me a few rounds?”
“Alright, sounds good to me,” said Sonic, smiling. “Be prepared to get beaten by me though because I’m a master at this game.” He ran off towards the air hockey game.
“Oh no you don’t,” laughed Amy. She ran over to take her side of the air hockey table and the game began.
Sonic thought that Amy was pretty good, in fact, he lost by just one point. He suspected he wouldn’t have lost if Amy didn’t keep whipping her hair sexily.
“So, Sexy Sonic,” said Amy. “Ready for some movie time?”
“Definitely,” said Sonic. Sexy Sonic? That described his personality perfectly.
Sonic and Amy started heading towards the theaters, bought their popcorn and drinks, got their tickets, and headed towards their own theater.
“Hope the movie’s good,” Amy said.
“Me too,” Sonic replied.
During the movie, Amy hung onto Sonic during every scary part and Sonic felt he was accomplishing this date and his relationship with Amy. He smiled to himself and said, “Sonic, you definitely have a way with ladies. You are definitely a ladies’ man.” The movie continued into another killing sequence.

“Sonic thanks, it was great,” said Amy, “but I might have nightmares for a few weeks.” She laughed.
“Well, even if you do, you know I’ll always be by your side when you’re asleep,” said Sonic smiling.
“Yeah, I know,” said Amy. “Weren’t you going to tell me something that you were about to tell me in the hotel room?”
“Oh yeah,” said Sonic. “Well… um…” He was too nervous, he couldn’t say it. “I’m the one… who…” He looked around Amy. Standing right behind her, was Shadow and Rouge.
“Hello,” said Shadow. He smirked and he had a gun in his hand. Amy looked around and was shocked.
“AMY WE HAVE TO RUN NOW!!” yelled Sonic and he grabbed her and ran.

Chapter 9


Sonic and Amy kept running until they couldn’t run anymore. A few minutes later, Shadow and Rouge were nowhere in sight.
“I think we’ve lost them,” said Amy.
“I think not,” said Rouge and she was hanging from the ceiling.
“So, any last words, faker?” Shadow asked Sonic coming out from behind the shadows.
“Yeah, I have some last words,” said Sonic. “WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!” He pointed to the ceiling and Shadow and Rouge looked around. While they weren’t looking, Amy smashed them with her hammer.
“Nice, you got some skills,” said Sonic.
“Thanks,” said Amy smiling.
They saw that Shadow and Rouge were about to get back up.
“Come on, before they see us,” said Sonic.
Sonic and Amy ran out of the theater, got into the car, and started to drive.
“Where are we going?” asked Amy. “The hotel?”
“They’ll know we’re there,” said Sonic. “We’re going to go to someplace safe. The forest.” He smiled and so did Amy.
“Is the forest really as beautiful as you say it is?” asked Amy, curiously.
“It’s probably the most beautiful place in the world, Ames,” said Sonic, “although, not as beautiful as you.”
Amy blushed and Sonic drove on and on into the forest.

“Shadow,” said Rouge when they both woke up. “Did you get the tracking device on Sonic’s leg?”
“Yes, I did,” said Shadow. “They can’t hide from us. Soon, they’ll both be dead and we’ll find them.” He laughed and so did Rouge. They both got into Shadow’s car and started to find Sonic and Amy.

Sonic and Amy were holding hands, while Sonic’s other hand was holding on to the wheel. He started to sweat, but why? It wasn’t hot inside the car, he wasn’t nervous from Amy holding his hand. So what was it? He looked into his rearview mirrors. Sonic saw that the sun was about to set.
“Sonic?” asked Amy. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine Amy,” lied Sonic. In real life, he was almost about to turn into the Werehog again.. “I’m just worried about you. I mean, what if Shadow and Rouge find us?”
“I’m sure they won’t find us,” said Amy. “AND COULD YOU PLEASE SLOW DOWN, IT’S TOO BUMPY HERE!!” she yelled when there was a lot of boulders.
“Sorry,” said Sonic, but then what he saw surprised him. There was a giant log in front of the car and it was blocking the road. “Whoa!” he yelled slamming the brake, trying to slow down the car. It stopped to a halt just right in front of the log. “Don’t worry, Amy, I’ll take care of this.”
“Sonic,” said Amy, “don’t you think this is a little big for you?”
“I’ll manage,” Sonic said embarrassed and he got out of the car.
“GOT YOU!!” a voice yelled and out jumped out from behind a tree, was Shadow, Rouge, and a couple of their gang members. The gang members were covered in coats. They all got around Sonic, and tied him up in ropes, hanging him on a limb of the log.
“All done boss,” said one of Shadow’s gang members.
“Well done Fifi,” said Shadow. “So Sonic, how does it feel?”
“SONIC!!” screamed Amy, but the gang member called Fifi, locked her in Sonic’s car, with Sonic’s car keys he stole from his pants. “LET ME GO!!”
“SHUT UP!!” yelled Rouge.
“Look who’s talking,” said the Werehog’s voice in his mind. “Soon the moon will be up and I’ll be free again!” the voice laughed and Sonic tried to get free.
“It’s no use Sonic,” said Shadow, smirking. “It’s tied in too many knots. BRANDON!!” he yelled over at the other coated figure. “GET OVER HERE AND PUNCH THIS SON OF A GUN FOR ME!!”
The 2nd figure called Brandon, went over to Sonic, and punched him hard in the stomach with a lot of force.
“Ok that’s painful,” Sonic said to himself. Then Sonic looked up into the sky. The sun was gone and the moon was rising over the horizon. He now felt some pain inside him.
“That hurts doesn’t it?” said Shadow. He smiled. “Good!” He punched Sonic on the face and Sonic’s mouth started bleeding.
“Oh yeah, so you can escape again,” mocked Shadow. “Fat chance, Sonic, I’m always so sick and tired of you beating me at everything!!”
“LISTEN TO ME SHADOW!!!” outraged Sonic. “YOU’RE MAKING A BIG MISTAKE!! SOMETHING BAD IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN HERE!!” Sonic now felt his bones crunching into different shapes and felt some fur, sprouting on his arms.
“What’s wrong with you?” Shadow mocked. “Can’t take any… HOLY CRAP!! YOU’RE TRANSFORMING!!”
“Sonic!?” yelled Amy from inside the car. “What’s happening to him!?
Sonic’s snout was growing, his voice was changing, his teeth and nails were growing.
“AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!” Sonic shrieked. His clothes were tearing and his eyes turned red. The beast was unleashed again. The Werehog got out of the ropes, threw the log at Shadow’s gang, and ran away into the forest.
Shadow eyes were wide open in shock.
“I’ve got you now Sonic,” thought Shadow. “Now I know all of your secrets.” He laughed.
“What the heck are you laughing about?!” yelled Rouge. “In case you haven’t noticed, we almost got killed by a werewolf!!”
“Because, now we know who it is,” said Shadow. “And I know just the guy to help us.”

Chapter 10


“Where are we going?” Rouge asked Shadow back in their car.
Shadow didn’t say anything. He just kept driving and driving. Even Fifi and Brandon didn’t dare ask him where they were going. They were too scared of Shadow to begin with.
After 30 minutes, they were at their destination.
“Is that, Dr. Eggman’s base?” asked Rouge. “I thought he moved.”
“He was, but he changed his mind,” said Shadow. He knocked on the door, but there was no answer.
“Doctor!?” Shadow called. “DOCTOR!! WHERE THE DEVIL ARE YOU!?” Shadow knocked on the door again and this time there was an answer.
“Yes,” said the voice. “Who is it?” The man’s eyes looked out of his door. “Shadow? Rouge? Is that you?”
“It’s us Doctor,” said Rouge. “May we come in.”
“Of course,” said the voice and they all walked in to be greeted by a very fat egg shaped man.
“It’s been a long time, Shadow and Rouge,” said Ivo Robotnik. “Not that I’m not glad to see you, but what are you doing here?”
“We need your help,” said Shadow.
“With what?” Dr. Eggman asked.
“With a Werewolf problem,” said Rouge.
“I have just the thing,” said the Doctor and he beckoned them to follow him. Eggman opened a door and the three of them were in a very large library, the size of city hall.
“Everything, you need to know, is in this book,” said Robotnik, pulling down a huge book called, “The Book of Monsters.”
“So what page is the Werewolf on?” asked Shadow.
Eggman turned to the table of contents and began searching for the Werewolf. There were zombies, Werecats, Vampires, but so far, no werewolves. Finally, after 20 minutes, Eggman found it.
“Here it is Shadow and Rouge,” said the Doctor. “Look at this, there’s a little poem here, from the Wolfman.”
Shadow and Rouge went over to where Eggman was, saw the page based on werewolves.
“So, that’s a Werewolf,” said Shadow pointing at a picture of a huge animal killing a person fatally. “Where’s the poem?” Eggman pointed to a small scripture and the three of them read:

Even a man who is pure at heart
And says his prayers by night,
May become a wolf when the wolfsbane blooms
And the autumn moon is bright.

“Do you want to know who the werewolf is?” asked Shadow. Eggman nodded. “It’s Sonic. We both saw it.” Rouge nodded by him.
“It’s true,” she said.
“Now I really do want to kill him,” said Eggman. He laughed.
“So, how do you kill a werewolf?” asked Shadow and Rouge.
“The only way to kill a werewolf,” said Eggman, “is with a silver bullet. I’ll help you Shadow, but only because the beast is Sonic. I can’t wait. Hohohoho!! I’ll give you a communication device so both of you can contact me. When you find Sonic, bring him to me, immediately!” He pulled out two walkie talkies and gave them to Shadow and Rouge.
“Yes, Doctor, of course,” said Rouge. “Come on Shadow, we got a Werehog to find.”
“But…” Eggman stopped them both before they were about to leave. “Beware the beast within.” He smiled and he locked the front door behind Shadow and Rouge.
“What are you waiting for Rouge?” asked Shadow. “Let’s go! I’m ready to hunt!” He smirked and said to himself, “You can’t get away from me this time Sonic. This time, you’re mine.” With an evil smile, Shadow got into the car with Rouge, Fifi, and Brandon in it, and drove away.





Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.06.2012

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