

Valerie pov
I woke up to go to school.I went to take a shower.After I was done with my shower,I went in my closet since I was full of bruises I got out a blue full sleeved shirt,black skinny jeans,a black jacket, my charm bracelet,black and blue hightops,and my black and purple backpack.I put them on and pulled my hoodie over my head and it covered my face.When I went downstairs,I saw Veronica wearing black skinny jeans,green and black sandals,a green full sleeved shirt,a black jacket with her hoodie on her head,the same charm bracelet I had,and her black and green backpack.We went out the door and walked to school.Once we got to school our friends were waiting by our lockers."Hey.'said Kayla.She had brown hair,brown eyes,a skinny body,blue flats,and she was wearing a red tank top,blue shorts,and her blue backpack."Hey."we said."Did your dad hit you again?"asked Kylie. The rest of the guys gasped."What!"yelled Dylan,he was a baseball player and our brother like friend.He was wearing a white shirt with black jeans with his Jordan's.He had blonde hair and brown eyes."Kylie!!"said Veronica."Oops sorry guys."said Kylie apologetically."What does she mean by your dad hitting you?"asked Cody another one of Dylan's baseball players."Uh um"I stammered."I think you guys should show and tell them."said Marie."Well."said Veronica."Come with me"I said.We went to the creek in the Forest next to the school."Lets do it."said Veronica.We took of our jackets.When the boys saw our faces they gasped.Dylan looked like he was going to beat the shit out of my dad."Why did you hide this from us?"asked Gabe one of the baseball players."We hid this from you guys for 2 reasons 1. You know our little brother Zack if we told you guys and our dad found out he will kill Zack.2.okay we only have one reason and we are sorry we hid this from you guys."Veronica and I said in unison."It is okay but how did the girls find out?"questioned Mark."They found out when we fell and our hoodies fell from our head."I said."Please don't try hiding things from us." the boys said and then hugged us."Okay."we said.
Dylan pov
When I saw what happened to the girls all I wanted to do was get their fake dad and beat him up until he is dead.But the thing was I didn't want to upset the girls.They have been through a lot in their lives and don't even know who they really are and were their parents are.All I wish is for them to receive their letter and get out of her.Once I had those thoughts I still was mad but when I looked at Valerie scared my eyes softened.I love her so much that not even the guys know even Veronica who knew my love for Valerie.Veronica already agreed for me to go out with Valerie but all I need is her parents decision.God wish me luck.

Next Day

Valerie pov
I woke up to go to school.I went to take a shower.After I was done with my shower,I went in my closet since I was full of bruises I got out a blue full sleeved shirt,black skinny jeans,a black jacket, my charm bracelet,black and blue hightops,and my black and purple backpack.I put them on and pulled my hoodie over my head and it covered my face.When I went downstairs,I saw Veronica wearing black skinny jeans,green and black sandals,a green full sleeved shirt,a black jacket with her hoodie on her head,the same charm bracelet I had,and her black and green backpack.We went out the door and walked to school.Once we got to school our friends were waiting by our lockers."Hey.'said Kayla.She had dirty blonde hair,blue eyes,a skinny body,blue flats,and she was wearing a red tank top,blue shorts,and her blue backpack."Hey."we said."Did your dad hit you again?"asked Kylie. The rest of the guys gasped."What!"yelled Dylan,he was a baseball player and our brother like friend.He was wearing a white shirt with black jeans with his Jordan's.He had blonde hair and brown eyes."Kylie!!"said Veronica."Oops sorry guys."said Kylie apologetically."What does she mean by your dad hitting you?"asked Cody another one of Dylan's baseball players."Uh um"I stammered."I think you guys should show and tell them."said Marie."Well."said Veronica."Come with me"I said.We went to the creek in the Forest next to the school."Lets do it."said Veronica.We took of our jackets.When the boys saw our faces they gasped.Dylan looked like he was going to beat the shit out of my dad."Why did you hide this from us?"asked Gabe one of the baseball players."We hid this from you guys for 2 reasons 1. You know our little brother Zack if we told you guys and our dad found out he will kill Zack.2.okay we only have one reason and we are sorry we hid this from you guys."Veronica and I said in unison."It is okay but how did the girls find out?"questioned Mark."They found out when we fell and our hoodies fell from our head."I said."Please don't try hiding things from us." the boys said and then hugged us."Okay."we said.
Dylan pov
When I saw what happened to the girls all I wanted to do was get their fake dad and beat him up until he is dead.But the thing was I didn't want to upset the girls.They have been through a lot in their lives and don't even know who they really are and were their parents are.All I wish is for them to receive their letter and get out of her.Once I had those thoughts I still was mad but when I looked at Valerie scared my eyes softened.I love her so much that not even the guys know even Veronica who knew my love for Valerie.Veronica already agreed for me to go out with Valerie but all I need is her parents decision.God wish me luck.

Taking Things To Far

Veronica pov
When we went home we went in our dad's study and found a envelope on his desk with our names on it."Why does it say our names on it?"I asked ."I don't know."Valerie said curiously."Why are you here?"our dad asked."We were going to ask you what you wanted for dinner."Valerie said."Oh okay lets see."our dad said thinking.I then took the envelope and stuffed it into my jacket pocket and replacing it with one of my dad's other mail."Make me peperoni pizza,salad with orange chicken on the side,make some of your special homemade lemonade,and some chocolate cake."said our dad mostly ordered."Well we are going to clean up and make the dinner."said Valerie.We went in our rooms.I took out the envelope and put it under a floor board and took a shower and put on the same cloths and so did Valerie."Once we got dinner ready we took it in our dad's study and saw him talking to someone on the phone.I knocked on the door."Come on in."said our dad."We got the dinner ready."Valerie said."Then why did you bring it upstairs?"said our father completely annoyed."We brought it upstairs so you don't need to come down the stairs and go up after you are done."I said."Are you saying I am old"yelled our father furiously.""we stammered.He then lunged at us and beat us badly.We went in my room and decided to stay at Dylan's house because that is where all of our friends live."Are you ready?"I asked Valerie and Zack."Yep." she said. We then went in the garage and took our dad's keys to his red Honda.We then put our luggage in the car and drove of to Dylan's house.When we got there they were on the grass laying down talking.We got out of the car and When They saw how we looked they went running up to us and asked questions."What happened?"asked Dylan mad."Our dad beat us up."I said."I am going to beat the shit out of him."said Gabe mad."Can we stay with you guys?"I asked."Sure."said Dylan."Thank you Dylan."we said hugging him."So this is Zack."said Taylor."Yup"me and Valerie said ."He is so cute!"said Nina."I know and when he is asleep you can't just help it and sleep with him."I said,"It is true."said Valerie.

Finding Things Out

Valerie pov
We went to sleep after we ate.It is 12 o'clock.I woke up and went in my closet and took out a blue off the shoulder dress,black tank top,strapless bra,black underwear,black leggings,and black high heeled leather boots.After that I went to my dresser and got out my charm bracelet.I then went downstairs to see everyone in the living room eating."Hi."I said."Hey."they said.There was a long silence."Hey do you want to go to the mall with us?"Nicole asked."Yeah."I said back.When Veronica came down she wore a white tank top with a black vest on top,black skinny jeans,black leather high heeled boots ,charm bracelet,and her hair was a french braid."Hey."said Veronica."Hey." we said."So you know the letter that was on dad's desk for us." Veronica said."Yea." We then saw the guys glance at each other worried.We looked away when Veronica spoke.."Well do you wanna open it."said Veronica."We don't have the letter."I replied."Oh do we."said Veronica and then she got the letter out of her pocket and waved it in my face."How did you get that?" I asked."When dad wasn't looking I took the letter and replaced it with one of dad's other letters."She replied."Oh!"I said.We then opened the letter and inside was a 2 page letter well it really was 1 letter and the other with information. It read Dear Veronica and Valerie,Hi it is your mom and dad. We are sorry for leaving you with that abusive bastard. We left you for reasons when you two and your friends come over at the house in Washington.Your friends will lead you hear. Trust them signed by Mom and Dad. The other one read the address.The guys were all scared because they know what we were going to do to get revenge."You guys knew were our parents where and didn't tell us!"we yelled."We wanted to but your parents told us that they will tell you." they said nervous."Okay but when do we leave?" we asked."You guys really want to leave." they asked surprised."Of course do you want to live here when our dad is looking for us?" Veronica said."Okay lets go pack."said Dylan.We all went to our rooms and packed.Veronica and me packed Zack's stuff.We then got into Gabe's,Dylan's,and Brandon's cars and left to go to Oregon.Brandon,Dylan,and Gabe drove until it was midnight and went to Best Western and booked the rooms.We then woke up and went to the cars and drove but instead Veronica drove Brandon's car,I drove Dylan's car,and Kia drove Gabe's car. We had to stop for rest and eat.We then got back in the cars and drove until we were tired.It took us 4 days to get to Oregon. We then got to 6 houses that have a forest right next to it.We then went to the biggest one of them all and saw people waiting for us."They're here but were are Valerie,Zack,and Veronica?"asked a boy older than us by 2 years."They're right here."said Janell pointing to us."Hi." we said."You guys are so grown up."said a woman."Yep."said a few people.Then I saw a boy looking at Veronica.Veronica then looked to see the boy looking at her."We can't see your faces can you please take of your hoodies?."said a boy."Uh."I stuttered."Okay."said Veronica and then we took off our hoodies and heard many people gasp."Who would do such a thing to someone like that?"said the people in the room."Someone who is a mental dick head."growled Dylan."Whoa mind the language because their are kids in here!"Veronica yelled.
Tyler (aka the guy who was staring at Veronica) pov
When I saw Veronica she was the most beautiful girl I have ever met who am I kidding the hottest girl.Mate my inner wolf growled.Yes I have finally found her I thought happily.But when I saw what happened to her I was about to kill the person who did this to her I thought and so did my inner wolf growled.She had black hair,amber eyes,a curvy figure,but her face was covered to others and myself.Her sister Valerie had the same look as Veronica.I wonder why? Nate aka inner wolf asked questioningly.She had dark black hair with brown highlights that were barely noticeable,a red shirt,hair in a skinny jeans,a jacket on,black flats,and a charm bracelet on her left wrist.Her sister had on a jacket,a black shirt,blue skinny jeans,red flats,the same charm bracelet as Veronica on her left wrist,her hair in a ponytail,and her hair was black with brown highlights that were barely noticeable.I can't wait for her to know who she is and be mine.But when she pulled down her hoodie I gasped who could do such a thing but at the same time I wanted beat the shit out of the person who did this to her until he or she is sorry for what they did and wished they didn't or have laid a hand on them and are dead.

Learning Who They Are And Who We Are

Jackie and Frank pov
When we saw what he did to them we were shocked at what he did all those years.We found out today that Mike abused them from Dylan. All I wanted to do was go to Mike and tear him to shreds.But we wouldn't do that because Veronica and Valerie and the other guys were coming.There soon was an awkward silence but their Aunt Brittney broke it."Are you girls and boy(Zack) okay." "Yes we are okay.Thanks for asking." replied Valerie."Are you kidding me!You guys aren't okay look at you! I am going to kill that prick!"growled Frank(their dad). They flinched back scared but the most scared were Valerie,Zack,and Veronica."We have something to tell you." I said."Come sit down." their Uncle George said."Okay."they said and sat down."You guys are werewolves along with the rest of us."when Frank said that Veronica's and Valerie's eyes were wide."I am a werewolf. Awesome!" yelled Zack."Okay we believe you."said the twins."You guys are gonna believe us like that without thinking we are delusional." questioned their older brother Taylor. "Yeah.Why would you lie?said Veronica."Okay."said Taylor."I have 2 questions.First why did you leave us with mike?Second how did you know we were abused."asked Valerie."Okay we left you with Mike was that you to have a normal life before you turned sixteen and we didn't want hunters to find you and Dylan and the guys told us what he did."replied Frank."Okay."said Veronica.
Veronica pov
After he told us the answers our dad said"Valerie(to me)and Veronica(to Valerie)let your mom and aunt Tina show you to your rooms and you Zack come with me."Uh you got us wrong."replied my sister."What."said our dad."She is Valerie(pointing to Valerie)."I said."And she is Veronica(pointing to me)."said Valerie."Oh sorry girls."dad said."It's okay."we replied in unison.


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Bildmaterialien: google
Lektorat: you
Übersetzung: none
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.12.2012

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