
chapter 1

Sonia and Sienna prov
"I am so exhausted" said Sonia. "I can't wait to meet and beat up Mike and Matt." said Sienna. " Oh you are not the only one who is going to do it." said Sonia.


Sonia and Sienna came up to this huge house or should I say mansion.
Mike and Matt were leaning on a Porsche with some other boys startled. When Sonia and Sienna out of their Lamborghini with the movers on the side they both ran up and hugged Mike and Matt,but they didn't do a thing. Matt said" who are you?" Sonia and Sienna both looked at each other and bust up laughing and said"Mike, Matt it is us Sonia and Sienna. I can't believe that you didn't recognize us." Matt and Mike both looked at each other and then hugged Sonia and Sienna." Matt,Mike you guys are suffocating us" said Sonia and Sienna while being crushed by two boulder like humans.

chapter 2

Matt and Mike prov
When they say two girls in a Lamborghini and saw the girls hugged them and said they are Sonia and Sienna they looks shocked. Matt finally spoke up and introduced the guys" this is Jayden,Javier,Hank,Nick,
Eitan,Tyler,Zack,and Cody."
Sonia and Sienna said hi to them and they all melted and said"Dang your sisters are hot!!!!" Sonia and Sienna both rolled their eyes. Matt said" Dudes shut up you can't talk about them like that!!!!!!!!!!" Mike said " here are the rules you can't touch,use get into bed and have it,and you can't say anything about them,got it!!!" "Yes Mike" said the guys "Good"said Mike and Matt. Then they gave a tour of the house."Really you needed a huge mansion and it has to be far from New York?" said Sonia "Yes!"said Mike "Why???"Sienna whined. "To be far away from mom and dad."And why is that" said Sienna. "To have privacy"said Mike."You did have privacy there too" said Sonia. "We are going to get you guys you now that" said Sonia."Oh like we are scared"said the two brothers. "Oh really"said Sonia."okay we are afraid"said the boys."Good"said the girls.


Sonia pov
When I saw my three rooms i was shocked cause the first one was hot pink with at least more than 50 walkin closets,the second one was brown with the same amount of walkin closets ,and the third one had a pool inside it and the same number of walkin closets.The boys and Sienna were in my room and then we decided to go see Sienna's rooms.

chapter 4

Sienna pov
When I saw my rooms I had the the same expression as Sonia. They all had more than 50 walkin closets,the first one was lavender colored,the second one was white,the third one had bed was in the middle of a pool with a cat walk like place to get to the door
attached with the bed.Then I realized something that I needed to take a shower and so did Sonia."Sonia don't we need to take a shower" I said."Oh yeah"said Sonia."Okay"said Tyler. They sat on the bed and I said "Please get out."Then Sonia went to go take a shower.
After 30 min.s I got out a red sari and the drape was see through so you could see my stomach.Then I put on red eyeshadow and lipstick with a light golden blush on. Before I went out I put on golden high heels.I left my hair open. And saw Sonia wearing a blue sari.

chapter 5

Sonia pov
After seeing Sienna's rooms I went to take a shower.After taking a 30min. shower I got out a blue sari and the drape was see through so you could see my stomach.Then I put on silver high heels and put one blue eyeshadow,light golden blush,and pink lipstick.I left my hair open.Then I saw Sienna with a red sari on.

chapter 6

Sonia and Sienna pov
We saw what we were wearing and we looked good. Then we went down stairs and saw the guys watching TV . We cleared our throat and the boys turned to us and started to drool except Mike and Matt since they are our brothers and they had mad looks on their faces because our drapes were see through and they could see our stomachs."Stop drooling guys"said Sonia."Before Mike and Matt kill you"said Sienna. The boys stopped staring at us and said wanna hang out with us."Sure"we both said.They all started to ask about us. Like our favorite color,food,movie,etc.Our answers are green,Indian food,Jack and Jill.etc.

chapter 7

When I saw Matt and Mike's sister I gotta say they were hot and when they came down stairs I started to drool on what they wearing but I wasn't looking at Sienna but on Sonia and she looked hot. While we asked questions I had my eyes on Sonia and the guys noticed and said"What are we going to have for dinner?" "We will cook pizza for you guys"said Sonia and I melted again. "What kinda toppings would you like" said Sienna. We all yelled"peperoni!!" "Okay"said Sonia. They then wet to the kitchen to cook. Matt said"Looks like Jayden has a crush and has found his mate.""Shut up" I said. Then after 5 min. we all smelled something good. "Ah the smell is good" said Cameron. Then the girls yelled the pizza was ready. And we all ran and took 5 slices of pizza. Then the girls came in and found out there were no more seats and Sonia sat on my lap while Sienna on Javier's.I wrapped my are around Sonia's waist and said"Why are you sitting on my lap?" I am not complaining while she is on my lap. then she said"Do you want me to get of your lap?" said Sonia. I said"No" "Okay"said Sonia.

chapter 8

Javier's pov

Dang I found my mate and she Matt's and Mike's sister Sienna. While the guys teased Jayden I started to day dream about Sienna. The guys soon realized what I was doing and started to tease me but they didn't stop so I used my beta voice and said"Shut up." Let me tell you who is alpha and that person was Jayden while I was his beta because he is my cousin. When the girls yelled the pizza was ready we all ran in the kitchen and got 5 slices of pizza. When the girls came in and found out there were no more seats Sonia sat on Jayden's lap while Sienna on mine and I didn't complain one bit. When we were done Sienna and Sonia took our plates to wash them. Me and Jayden were pouting because our mates left us to clean.

chapter 9

Sienna and Sonia pov
In the kitchen cooking
When we left Sienna said"You found your mate and have a crush on him." "Shut up and so have you and have crush on him." I said in my alpha voice. Let me tell you me and Sienna both are alphas of our pack. ' Okay you got me." said Sienna. When the pizza was done and the boys came in and took 5 slices of pizza. How can they eat that much thought Sienna. When we got in the living room we saw there were no more seats and sat on our mates' laps.

chapter 10

Matt and Mike pov
I am glad that our sisters found their mate. But I am worried because Jayden is a player and so is Javier. When it was 12 o'clock Chris said shouldn't we be sleeping?" and the guys said" Yeah we should." Then we saw that Sonia and Sienna were asleep and Javier and Jayden went upstairs to put them in bed.

chapter 11

Jayden pov
When I went to put Sonia in bed and set her down and went to got to bed her hand was holding my arm tight and I said"Please let go" she wouldn't move. I tried to take her hand off my arm she still didn't let go and finally whispered to stay with her so I took of my pants and shirt. And laid down with her and p held her close to my chest and slept there peacefully.

chapter 12

Javier pov
When I went to put Sienna in her bed she whispered"Please stay" I took off my pants and shirt and I got in with her and held her close to me and finally fell asleep having her in my dreams.

chapter 13

Sonia and Sienna pov
I woke up to Jayden holding me tight against him. I could see his 8 pack. He was the perfect mate for me so I just stayed close to him and fell asleep again
I woke up to Javier saying please don';t hurt her and if you do I will kill you so I tried to wake him up but he just held me tighter against him so I just did what I could do to wake him up and what I did was kiss him and he replied back and woke up and turned and I was on top of him. Then I said" Please turn side ways" and he did and we fell asleep again.

chapter 14

Sonia pov
I woke up against Jayden and woke him up so I could I get ready and he said "no" so I said "If you don't let me get ready I will never ever kiss you again" so he let go and went to his room to probably sleep. When I got out of the shower I put on a creme colored frock suit that had a little bit of purple in the shirt and a purple legging underneath. I put on purple eyeshadow,purple high heels,pink blush,and pink lipstick and Sienna had the same suit and makeup as me on.

chapter 15

Sienna pov
When i got up and took a shower I had the same thing on as Sonia. And if you are wondering were Javier is he went in his room.

chapter 16

Jayden pov
When Sonia said she will never ever kiss me it frightened ma and my wolf so let her go and went in my room to sleep and saw Javier walk out of Sienna's room. "Hey"said Javier. "Hey" I said and walked into my room.

chapter 17

Javier pov
When I let go of Sienna and went into my room to sleep I was completely sad that she ket go of me. When I saw Jayden get out of Sonia's room we both said our heys and walked into our rooms. When laid down I fell asleep and dream-t about Sienna and me.

chapter 18

Sonia pov

When I saw Sienna we both looked good and walked downs stairs to get breakfast ready.When we got into the kitchen we got out bacon,eggs,bread,and thee ingredients to make an omelet.
We decided to split half of the work between us. When we were done we set the table and but the breakfast on the table it smelled good.

chapter 19

Sienna pov
When we finished breakfast it smelled so good. "Lets call the boys" said Sonia but before she could finish she saw the boys running to breakfast and they sat down and started to eat like pigs. After we were done me and Sonia went to wash the plates. After 5 min. both of us were done and went into the living room and sat on our mates laps.They were watching The Three Stooges.

chapter 20

Jayden pov
This is the best breakfast I've ever had in my life. Whe Sonia came ion with her twin sister Sienna and she sat on my lap I was so happy and so was Javier.

chapter 21

Sonia and Sienna pov
When we were in the living room mike said"You have school on Monday at the same school as us and the same grade." "Ugh" said Sonia and Sienna. " Since it is Saturday let us go to the pool."said Gaven. "What I have a question can my friends live here and they are all werewolves and can they live here." " I don't know" said Matt. "please" said Sonia and Sienna. "Fine" said Matt and Mike. "But don't we have to ask their parents first" said Mike. "We will ask them" said Sienna. The Sonia pulled out her phone and called each of the parents and they said"Yes." Sonia and Sienna were so happy they used their wizard powers to go to their houses and help them pack and come here. Oh I forgot to tell you that Sienna and Sonia are the most powerful supernatural creatures in history. When they came with their friends. The guys started to drool except Jayden and Javier. "This is Veronica,Marissa,Cassie,
,Nikki,and Nicole"said Sienna."This is Gaven,Matt,Mike,Tyler
Cruise,Kyle,Zack,and Cody"said Sienna again. After Sienna introduced them to each other her eyes were wide open and she said"You guys are mates in the same order I introduced." Then the guys "Wooed!" "What!!" Said the girls and Sonia.When the girls saw their rooms they hugged the girls and kissed their mates.
After they showed their rooms they went to the living room down stairs.

chapter 22

Jayden pov
Jayden pulled Sonia in his room and pushed her up against the wall and started to kiss her neck and making the kisses go to her jaw and he captured her lips in a kiss and then in one move was on the bed ontop of her and after at least half an hour stopped and fell asleep.

chapter 23

Sonia pov
When I woke up it was 3 three o'clock so I moved out of Jaydens' arms around my waist and went in my room to take a shower and get dressed. What I wore was a purple with gold and silver salwaar suit. W\when I got out of my room I went down stairs to make chicken with waffles. When the table was done and put the food down the guys and girls came down and sat down to eat. When I was eating Chris asked" How can you cook so good?!" The guys and girls agreed. "You need to learn" I said. "The girls know how to cook too" I said.

chapter 24

Matt pov
When I found my mate was Sonia and Selena's one of their best friends Marissa I was happy and shocked. When we were going to sleep the guys were saying including me to sleep with us but they said no. When it was time to sleep me and the guys made a plan to go in their room and take them while they are sleeping. Once we did our plan the girls woke up and were mad so they did not talk to us for a week.

chapter 25

Sonia pov
When we decided not to talk to them they made us break the promise and talk to them by tickling us. So we just gave up. Today was Monday and we had to get ready. So after taking a 10 min shower I put on a blue dress up to my knees and light brown boots. For make up all I put on was lip gloss and blue eyeshadow, Sienna was wearing a purple dress with purple eyeshadow and pink lip gloss with black boots.The girls each wore boots and dresses as us. When we got to Pacifica the boys were drooling and the girls were glaring the boys you know my brothers and his friends were growling at the boys. After school the boys went to football practice so me and the girls started to sign up for soccer and we made it. After practice and introducing we all made the soccer team girls or best friends. We tried out because this was our Senior year and we only had 2 months of school. Yay! Today was our first game here and we were going up against London school and we won.

chapter 26

Jayden pov
When it was our game we were behind 12 points so the girls waved over to us and whispered in our ears that if we win they would let us have sex for as long as we want so we agreed and we won and went home to go have fun after we were done we claimed and mated them finally.
(A/N I am going to skip to the graduation)

chapter 27

Sonia and Sienna pov
We were talking how we were going to college and meet when we had tie and spend our vacation together. After graduation we were tired and soent the last night saying how we were going to miss each other neither one of us were happy that we were getting separated. I got accepted to Harveard with Sienna. After finishing college we finally went to see they guys again but e=we had to go to my cousin's wedding. When we arrived there we saw the guys and ran up to the and hugged them tight and talked about how our life was.

chapter 28

Jayden and Javier pov
We were so happy to see our mates that we didn't let go of our arms around their waists. We could not keep smiling and staring at our mates. Oh I forgot to tell you that Javier and Jayden are famous football players and Sienna and Sonia are C.I.D officers(Crime Investigators Department officers).

chapter 29

All the characters pov
When we got home and were going to bed the guys picked up the girls bridal style. When we got in the rooms the boys started to have sex so it went like that for 20 mins.
When the girls woke up they found out hey were pregnant and told the guys and they jumped up and down. Then they got on one knee and proposed and we finally got married.

chapter 30

All characters pov
3 years later
We were finally were each had a family the boys taught the little ones how to play football.


Texte: normal
Bildmaterialien: google
Lektorat: readers
Übersetzung: bookrix
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.10.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

to my family who raised me and let me be who i am

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