
Rene and Mechel came into the world with little or no expectations and so they lived their lives content with their father, without any hopes of ever having a mother. They had plenty of love and acceptance from those around them Almost twins, eleven months apart, their dad dressed them alike, and they did everything together. Yet they were so different. As different as night and day. Rene and Mechell sort of took care of each other.

Mechel lived in a five bedroom house that she shared with her husband, Mark Bridge. It was her house, with her appliances, in her yard, with her flowers. When Mechell decided to cook, it was in her kitchen, with her utensils, and when she went to bed at night it was under her pink and yellow flowered bedspread, with her matching ruffled curtains.

She had married Mark because it seemed as if he had always been there for that purpose and it was just the right thing to do. All through school they did everything together. They even went to the prom together. She and Mark were more like the best of friends, never lovers. Her dad was dripping with approval, knowing that Mark was a hard working man and would take care of his little girl for him. When Mark decided to go into the military to supplement the income, Mechell was all for it.

“Of course I‘ll miss you..” Mechell said. The way the economy is we can use all the help we can get. I work like a dog and your income is just not enough. I was hoping you would have a better job by now….” Mark nodded his head and left the room.

Her sister, Rene lived just around the corner in a two-bedroom apartment with her fiancée, Jeff Newsome. He was a car dealer with great possibilities of an advancement in the near future. They would get married real soon. Mark was ready to do it now, today, Johnny on the spot, but Rene wanted everything to be just right. A big wedding and honeymoon. Her plans were to travel after they were married. The honeymoon would be in Jamaica where she had always wanted to visit. Mechell just thought that Rene was a great dreamer and planner and she always pacified her.

Life was basically normal for them up into the summer of 2001. Rene’s black hair was pulled back in a ponytail with a flamboyant flowered, hairclip where it lay swirled about her neck. Her dingy, worn, slippers, were misplaced on each side of the chair where she sat with her legs twisted around the legs of the chair. Rene looked at her fingernails and pouted as she placed the split manicured nail, on her index finger, back in it’s place. She continued to peck at the computer’s keyboard until the website came up. Houses for Sale.

“I’ll never find a house.” Rene sipped the mint tea from her cup. She stretched her arms over her head and then started searching through all the houses that popped up on the website. Fat Cat, moved
leisurely and lazily around her legs, one at a time, caressing them under the computer desk. Rene had rescued the cat from the sewer out back of her apartment. She was scrawny and emaciated, but Rene lovingly nursed her until she was more than healthy. She reached down now and tickled her yellow-orange fur. Fat Cat stretched and yawned before closing her eyes.

Mechell had been at Rene’s apartment most of the morning and now they were going out with some of their co-workers for brunch. She brushed her short frizzy hair with a soft bristled brush, on second thought, she picked up her baseball cap and slapped it on with the rim to the back. Mechell had chewed her nails down to the nubs, as if she were actually getting some kind of nutrients from eating them. Her cuticles were painfully sore. She never polished them because she figured she would only go to work and wash the heck out of her hands. She looked into the mirror and smeared lipstick impatiently across her lips and then turned to Rene. She would not insist that Rene turn that computer off and come on. Her sister would only move that much slower, and so Mechell faked interest. It wasn’t that she didn’t care, but Rene was just too picky for her.

“You find anything yet honey, you’ve been looking for months now, why don’t you just--- pick one.” Mechell said.

“You can’t just pick one.” Rene frowned. “It’s so many and they all cost so darn much.” she drawled.

“And look at this one. Who would even consider buy’n such a desolate looking house for so much money?”

“Looks like that one has a lot of yard space.” Mechell pointed out.

“Which one?”

“God, Rene, the one with the bay window and brick and flowers in the yard.”

“Mmh.” Rene contemplated what it would be like to live in a brick house with flowers. It could survive a hurricane, but of course they didn’t live in hurricane area. The biggest disaster they would have would be a chemical leak or an explosion from one of the nuclear plants.

“We gotta go, the girls are expecting us.” Mechell finally ordered Rene up from the computer. Rene’ slowly turned.

“Do we have to rush? I gotta go put on my shoes and fix my hair. Oh yeah, Jeff brought me some new earrings, I think I‘ll wear them today.”

“Come on----Rene.” Mechell pulled her to her reluctant feet and directed her toward the bedroom door.

While Rene was getting ready Mechell sat down at the computer. She typed in “baby apparel.” Mechell wanted more than two children. Preferably all boys. Mark came from a large family and was content with no children. Determined, with time, Mechell would change his mind.

Sometimes on weekends Howard cooked breakfast for his girls. They still loved his home made pancakes with faces made out of raisins, and fried apples so sugary syrupy that they burnt around the edges.

The girls knew where their dad kept pictures of their mother in his tool box out back in the shed. They sometimes went there pretending to look for anything other than pictures.

The wind had blown the black covering on top of the old shed. Weeds had grown close to the structure. It used to be a place for grandma’s canning goods. It now was now a tool shed and a place for storage. Everything was stored in there, an old mattress lay in one corner, a shelf to one side filled with some dusty old books and a rusty old lawnmower.

“Dad needs something on his wall.” Rene said.

“Yeah, maybe this.” Mechel picked up a picture of a house in the country with trees and a cow standing by a body of blue water. It made her think of a childhood with a mother and father complete, living in a house in the country surrounded by water.

Joan Olson had left her girls when they were two and three years old. They only remembered seeing her during birthday parties and some special occasions such as graduations and Mechell‘s wedding. Howard Olson never complain. Not once did he murmur a negative thing about their mother. He just got on with raising his daughters. Everybody thought that he would get married again but Howard could never find that right woman. Rene considered her mother a real bitch because what woman would take her grandma ma’s bo from her. Her grandma ma just happened to be her dads step -grandmother. Mechell went to the bottom of the pile and pulled out a photo of their mother. She studied the picture while Rene dusted the painting.

“I found a picture.” She held it up to the light.

“Your eyes are like hers.” Mechell said. Rene snatched the photo from Mechell.

“No…. they look more like your’s.” Rene said.

“My eye’s are shaped just like daddy’s and blue like his?” Mechell cried.

“Your hair is dark like hers.” Mechell said.

Rene hesitated, “You have teeth like hers. Long and kind’a canine look‘n.” And so Mechell threw the picture back into the box. “She’s really kind’a pretty.” She said.

“I guess.” Rene sniffled.

Mechell massaged the back of her own neck with her fingers.

“Lets remind daddy to make breakfast in the morning.” She said.

“Pancakes and the whole works.” Rene chimed in. “Hash browns and biscuits too. “ And so they spent the night again with their dad.

In the beginning Adam and Eve had children and were family. Must have been the most important priority of all things created. Rene and Mechell planned a dinner outing once a week with their guys.

Rene and Jeff liked Italian food. Mark was a steak and potato man. Mechell didn’t care as long as it was food and so this night they agreed on Japanese’s at Hibachis. Hibachis was fun. The food was cooked in plain sight with the chef entertaining the customers while they watched.

The young brown skinned boy wore an apron down to his knees and a large white chefs hat was placed to the side of his head. The group of four waited patiently while he tossed and sautéed the evenings dinner. He stopped for a moment with a shrimp on his fork and motioned to Mechell to open her mouth. Wide. It was suppose to go inside, but it plopped on the corner of her shoulder. Mechell giggled while Mark and Jeff chanted more, more. Rene’ gave the chef a “don’t you dare” look. And so the chef went back to doing what he was doing. Rene laid her head on Jeff‘s shoulder and gave a melancholy sigh.

“Mechell and I was look’n at houses again today.” She said.

“Oh yeah. You find anything yet?” Jeff stuffed a cabbage roll into his mouth. He didn’t care what house Rene picked out as long as she was happy.

“Naah…” She said.

“I saw one I liked.” Mechell piped in. “ You know Rene, the one with the big yard and the bay window. Remember?”

“But I liked the one way on top of the mountain.” the charms on Rene‘s bracelet dangled when she picked up her glass of wine and took a sip. The chef filled her plate and the others with the first coarse, they still had sushi, noodles and egg rolls to go.
“It was too far out.” Mechell mumbled dropping noodles into her mouth, onto her shirt and the table. Rene’ frowned and gingerly took a bite of sushi.

Mechell and Mark’s house had a lot of potential with a lot of property to build on to. Mark had led her to believe that some day they have children and horses to raise. And now he was giving her an ultimatum. Babies or horses, which one would it be? And so, nothing more was said concerning horses….or children.

Rene didn’t want children, or anything like them. Just her cat who received more attention than most cats. All she wanted to do in the future was to go home and snuggle up with Jeff and the cat before the next work day.

“You still on that stupid computer?” Mechel yelped.

“Yeaaaah.” Rene said. I’m look’n for a wedding gown?”

“Why don’t cha’ just wear the one our mother left in the closet?”

“Hell no. I don’t even want her at my wedding.”

“Stop being so mean.”

“She’s the mean one.” Rene’ mumbled. Mechell was starting to feel a knot in the back of
her neck. God, she didn’t want Rene’ to get into one of her funky moods.

“Hey, on our next day off together lets go look at a house. Maybe the one in Boone County.” Rene said.

“The one on top of the mount’n side.” Rene sighed.

Rene and Jeff snuggled up close that night on the couch sipping wine coolers.

“Mechell and I talked about keeping the bitch away from the wedding.”

“Damn, Rene.” Do you have to use that word?” Jeff feigned surprise.

“Shut up.” She gave him a punch in the belly. He playfully pinned both her arms down while she struggled to free herself. And when she surrendered, he let her up but not before a passionate kiss was planted on her lips.

“We also talked about going to look at a house before Mark leaves.” She whispered in his ear..

“What house?” He asked in a husky voice.

“The one on top of that mountain, in Boone County.” She pulled her arm from under him and reached upward.

“Way up there.” he smiled down at her. So you and your sister are going on a trip huh?”

“If you want to look at it like that.” She said. “Anyhow we got to find a house before the wedding.” She brushed her fingers through his hair. Mark caressed her shoulder and arm. She smelled like fresh summer rain to him. “Lets go to bed now.” Rene said. “Ok.” Jeff smiled.

Saturday was poker night. Some nights it was just the four of them and they played for fun. Mechell tried to keep up with the boys beer drinking and pretzel eating, while Rene downed her wine coolers.

“Mechell get your ass up off the floor.” Rene said dealing the cards that were in her hand. “Mark, will you po--leeese take your wife to bed.”

“I’m out.” Mark said turning his hand over.

“Me too.” Jeff threw his hand down. Rene got up to help him drag Mechell to the bedroom. When she came back Jeff was empting beer cans and tossing them into the trash.

“She’s get’n too heavy. Mark can’t even lift her anymore. All I can say is she better stop get’n plastered and eat‘n so much. Rene said. Jeff patted her playfully on the top of her head.

“Stop.” Rene whined. She noticed Jeff’s thinning hair line. Maybe they should look at that house in the mountains real soon. She didn’t care about no biological clock or anything like that but she didn’t want to marry a bald man.

“Mechell and I are driving up to the mountains to look at that house this week-end.”

“Ok.” Jeff said now preoccupied with some papers he was reading.

“Mark is leaving next weekend, you know.”

“No, I didn‘t.”

“She wants to spend that weekend with him so I’m going to work a couple of her days for her.”

“Mmm.” Jeff moved to the lamp where he could see better. Rene started to leave the room. “By the way, I found us a house.” He said. Rene stopped.

“Where?” She asked. It’s right down the block from us.”

“Oh yeah?” Maybe we can look at it together.” “When I get back from the mountains.” She said.

Howard put hot syrup on his faceless pancakes. He only did that little thing for his girls, they loved it.

“Anybody want syrup?” he held the bottle of maple syrup up.
Mechel took the bottle from him and soaked her pancakes with the sweet stuff. She licked the syrup from the back of her hand before putting the bottle down.
“So you girls are going house hunting?
“mmhuh.” they both nodded.
“In boone County.” Rene said, picking at her pancakes.
“Why so far?”
“I don’ know.” she said. I just like the mountains out there.”
“Find out if they are incorporated before you make any moves. I know how you and Jeff like to carry water from a well.” He smiled. And don’t forget how you like pancakes and fried apples. Might not be too convenient way up on top of a mountain. All I’m trying to say is take your time before making any deals.”
“Ok, daddy, we will.”

Some trees must be full of wisdom because they have been on this earth for such a long time. Rene and Mechell started at the bottom of the hillside and drove around the winding road leading to the top. The orange, brown and golden trees were waving in the wind as if to say hello to them. Suddenly there were big drops of rain that turned into a serious raging storm. The only sound was the sound of loud claps of thunder proceeding threatening flashes of light that lit up the dark sky.

“Let’s sing a song.” Rene shivered and wrapped herself into a ball with her arms wrapped around her body.

“For what.” Mechell snapped while she tried to concentrate on staying on the road.

“Cause we always sing when we go on an adventure.” She whined.

“We would have to pick a rainy day to look at a house.” Mechell muttered. I’m going to pull over and look at the directions. She frowned and started the car up again swinging back onto the dirt road. She didn’t know who’s idea this was but she couldn’t figure out why she would let Rene talk her into this.

Thirty minutes later Rene and Mechell had no idea which way they were going or where they were.

“Did we make a wrong turn somewhere?” Rene asked.

“Probably.” The sun’s going down and I can’t see too well.” She Mechell snapped again.

“You want me to drive some?” Rene whimpered.

“Hell, no.” Mechell said. And Rene was glad.

After going around in circles “for only God knows how long, they got stuck in the mud.

“Shut up Mechel.”

“You shut up.” Mechel returned. She turned the engine on again.

“We’re stuck. Ok, lets stay calm.”

“Stay calm? We’re stuck out here in no-mans-land in a storm.” Rene pouted.
Mechell pulled out her cell phone. No reception. She flipped the cell phone closed and opened the car door to get out.

“Where you go’n?” Rene pulled her collar up around her neck.
“We can’t just sit here. Come on----get out. It’s not gonna stop raining any time soon.” Mechel said.

Rain came down in torrents soaking Rene and Mechell as they walked upward towards a light. Rene tried to cover her head with her purse.

“Come on, don’t fa----ll.” Mechell said. Rene grabbed for a bush but it slid through her slippery, wet, hands. When Mechell reached for her they both fell down. They staggered up and continued until they reached a shack sitting in an alcove of trees on the mountain side. Cold, wet, and lost, the only thing on their minds were to get out of the storm. Mechell knocked at the door, and then they both began to bang hard with their fists. The curious old woman opened the door.

She was dressed in a knee-high, cotton dress with one large pocket on one side, a lopsided sweater with crocheted flowerers on the front. Strands of salt and pepper hair showed from around a red and blue bandana. Her smile showed no teeth missing on one side.

“Come on in out of the rain.” the woman spoke as if she were expecting them. Rene hesitated but followed Mechell into the dim lit room. There were candles burning on a wooden table.

“What are you doing out on a night like this?” The woman asked.

“Our car got stuck in mud.” Mechell said. Rene stood close by her sister.

“Well, I would say that you can use the phone but it’s not working. Would you like to get out of those wet clothes?”

“Well…..” they both dithered, dripping water onto the floor. My names Leoma Woods” She said. “It’s ok. I won’t bite.”

“Bite, hee, hee.” Rene laughed nervously holding onto her sisters shirt. The woman went

into a back room and came back with some towels and a couple of garments.

“You can leave your shoes at the doorway and go into the bedroom to change.” Rene and Mechell followed the old woman where she left them at the door. They slipped out of their soggy shoes. Mechell sat on the edge of the cot.

“She seems nice.” Mechell said.“ Rene dried her hair with one of the towels.
They both took off the wet clothes and slipped into the sack -cloth dresses that were way to big for them.

“In the morning we will just have to get the car out of the mud.” Mechell whispered.

“God, Jeff and Mark will be worried.” Rene said.

“Yeah. Maybe they’ll come look’n for us. You…” The old woman tapped on the door.

“I fixed you girls a cup of sassafras tea when you’re dressed. Warm your bones.”

“Sassafras tea, what’s that?” Rene whispered.

“I don’t know.” Mechell whispered back.

The flowered wall paper in the kitchen was faded yellow and peeling. Flickering candle light made monstrous looking figures on the wall. The old lady poured hot tea into the tea cups.

“These cups were a wedding gift from my mama.” She picked up a cup and pointed out the intricate design around the rim.

“Where’s your husband?” Rene asked while she pretended to sip the hot tea. When
Mechell started to take a sip, Rene nudged her leg. She spurted the tea back into the cup.

“Are you alright honey?”

“Yes mam.” She said. “Just went down the wrong windpipe. She coughed.”

“What you girls doing out here on a night like this anyhow?”

“We were looking for a house for sale and got lost.” Rene piped up. “it’s a really nice house with trees all around it.” The old lady smiled and nodded her head.

“How do you get of this mountain?” Mechell asked.

“Once a month Jack Humble comes by with his four wheel drive and takes me to the grocery store or where ever I need to go.”

“So you live by yourself. You don’t have any children?”

“One daughter.” The old woman’s eyes were distant.

“What’s your daughter’s name?”

“Charlotte. She’s a lawyer in California.” Rene picked up her cup and took a long sip. Mechell looked at her as if she’d lost her ever loving mind.
“Do you ever see your daughter?”

“Sometimes. Not too often anymore. She’s busy with work.” The silence was broken when the phone rang. The woman went into the adjoining room to answer it.

“We can call home now.” Mechell whispered.

“Yeah, but lets stay and talk with the nice lady awhile longer. She seems lonely.” Mechell looked at Rene and shook her head.

“There are some people in this world that I just don’t understand Rene, and you’re one of them.” Rene walked around the room looking at the what-knots and photo’s on the shelf. She picked up a picture of a small girl and the maybe the old woman. Mechell sat at the table holding her head in both hands.

“The old lady looks happy on this picture.” Rene said. Mechell laid her head on her arm now and rubbed around the nap of her neck with her fingers. And then the woman came back.

“You girls can use the phone when you like, but I do wish you would stay awhile longer. I’m making apple turnovers today.”

“Ok.” Rene said plopping back down into the chair. I was just look’n at your pictures. Is that your little girl?” She pointed. The woman got up and shuffled to the shelf.

“Yes, this is Charlotte.” She smiled. “Such a prissy thing back then.” the old woman put the picture back in it’s place on the shelf.

“I’m go’n to call my husband now if you don’t mind.” Mechell said.

“Sure.” The old woman replied. Mechell walked into the room where the phone was and Rene followed. After talking to Mark, Mechell told Rene they would pull the car out of the mud with bricks or whatever they could find. After telling the old woman they put on their shoes and went to work. The car slid out of the mud with two old boards placed under the tires. Rene put gas to the car while Mechell pushed.

“Let’s go tell the old woman we‘re leaving.” Mechell said wiping her hands on her pants.

“What about the apple turnovers?” Rene asked. Like I said before Rene, there are some people in this world that I just don’t understand, and you’re one of them.”

The delicate scent of food and warmth suffused the air at the shack. It was welcoming, just like the dream of a mama’s homemade cooking filled with love would have been like.

“We got the car out.” Mechell said.

“Oh, please stay a while longer. I would like to share all this food with someone. Homemade soup, corn fritters, and apple turnovers?”
Rene looked at Mechell. “Why not? Why are we in such a hurry, we have a while before the sun goes down.”

“Well…” Mechell said.

“Good,” Rene said took off her shoes. “Can I help with dinner?”

“Sure you can. Come on in the kitchen dear.” The old woman took Rene by the hand.

“Charlotte use to help me make the fritters.“

“You com’n?“ Rene looked back at Mechell. “In a minute.” Mechell said. “I feel a little queasy right now.”

“You go lay down sweetheart. Rene and I will wake you up when dinner is ready. You just rest some now.”

When Mechell woke up she went into the kitchen where Rene and the old lady were

talking about everything from cheerleading to first dates.

“You just gotta take a while to get to know each other before all that other stuff.” The old woman was saying.

“We put your plate in the oven to keep it warm. Let me get it.” She said when Mechell came into the room. She placed the plate in front of her sister only to watch her jump and run with her hands covering her mouth to the bathroom. When she came out she was a little ashen.

“I’m better now.” I’ve been getting nauseous lately but that‘s the first time I threw up.” She said taking a bite of tomato.

“How come you don’t move off this mountain.” She asked the old woman.

“Well, when I got out of jail I didn’t have any place else to go.” Rene’s mouth dropped and Mechell stopped chewing.

“Jail?” Rene echoed.

“Yes.” the woman answered. I was there for three years.”

“three years?” Rene echoed again.

“What did you go to jail for?” Rene asked

“They said I murdered my husband.”

“Oh my. Did you?” Mechell asked.

“Well, no, of course not. But no one would believe me.” the old woman looked down. It only matters now that my daughter believes me.”

“Doses she?”

“I don’t think so.” She never talks to me any more.

“What happened?” Mechell asked.

“He liked to hit me, and got some kind’a enjoyment out of throwing me around like a rag doll. Charlotte was just a small child. I wanted away from him before he would maybe hit her too. One day he fell into a empty well and died.”

“Why did everyone think you did it?” Rene asked.

“I was the one who covered the hole up with straw and weeds and stuff not thinking he would forget it was there. It was for chicken thieves. One day he came after me. I turned to run across the field. He was at my heels and my heart was beating fast. I jumped. He stepped into the hole and when I looked back he was gone.” The room was quiet.

“Wont you have some more fritters?” The old woman finally asked.

“No thank you.” Mechell said. We have to be going before it gets too late.”

“Ok girls, I packed you some sandwiches, soup and fritters to go.” The lines in her face were more evident than before, and the sadness in her eyes was unmistable.

“Thank you for all the help and for the food.”

“And the sassafras tea.” Rene said. “I hope that your daughter will one day see what a special person you are.” She said. Rene hugged the old woman and it felt like a mothers hug would feel. Tears pooled in Mechells eyes. They had melancholy warm hearts and were on their way home.

The leaves on the trees were glistening and the winds were still. A strong breeze every now and then caused a rustling bewilderment. Rene started to sing the song, “I think that I shall never see a poem….a poem as….” “As lovely as a tree.” Mechell finished.

“I think that Jeff and I will move the wedding date up.” She mused. And I don’t think that I want to live on top of a mountain.”

“Yeah.” Mechell said. “Although we met the nicest lady there.”

“You think she’ll ever make amends with her daughter?”

“I hope so.” Mechell said. The girls were home before they could say jack sprat.

Jack stayed home from work to greet the girls. He was anxious to see his wife to be.

“That realestate agent called for you. I told her where you were stuck on a mountain.”

“I’ll give her a call back this evening.” Rene smiled. “But first we’re go’n to look at that house you saw down the block.”

When Mechell got home she threw her bags in the closet and waited for Mark to call. It was late that night when he came home and the silence between them was not golden.
Rene came into the room where they sat watching cartoons. When she sat down Mark got up.

“What’s his problem?”

“I don’t know.” Mechell said.

“Well, I wanted to tell you something that will make you flip.”


“I talked to the agent and told her how we got lost on top of the mountain look’n for that house. She told me that there is a shack in an alcove but it had been empy for years now.”

“Oh, yeah.” Mechell said.

“But wait a minute. Leoma Woods lived there and did go to jail but she never got out. She died of pneumonia while she was in there.”

“What?” Mechell’s eyes widened in disbelief. “But we were there and had dinner with her….”

“I know.” Mechell said.

“Let’s keep this to ourselves.” Rene said. “Even the boys will think we’re crazy.”

“Yeah.” Mechell agreed.

The summer of Rene and Jeff’s wedding was a summer of changes. Mark and Mechell separated and so she never told him that she was pregnant. She was in her second trimester.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.08.2009

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