
Where Oh Where Did You Go?


Julian glanced out the cellar window at the sky, thanking the Gods that the moon wasn’t full. Laying on the hard dusty ground he began to think of better times before he was captured by..growling inwardly ‘Humans. Nasty, dirty humans. Yes, he had been a human before but he’s come to the fact that all humans are self-righteous bastards. Sighing at the pain erupting within him from the beatings by the guards. They asked him where she was, my mate. Well, at least hypothetically she was my mate. Of course I didn’t tell them a thing, and why should I? For my life..perhaps, but not if it meant endangering her. Gods, I missed her and her sassiness. I seriously hope she doesn’t try and find me or their’s going to be hell to pay.


Cara had once again come to a dead end as she glanced at the empty warehouse angrily.
“Waste of our time!” she growled and kicked an empty box away. Ember came up in her black skinny jeans, with knee high black leather boots and to complete the outfit a black tank with a leather jacket , Ember’s hair was pulled up high in a pony tail with not a single drop of make up on her and yet she still manage’s to look like the goddamn Goddess of witch's.

Placing her hand on my shoulder in a way to soothe me, “Cara, please don’t get angry we know this is tough for you..losing your mate like this but don’t take it out on us” Ember said softly to me. Glancing down at my black skirt, with a indigo tank with a simple spring jacket over it.

Nodding to myself “Yeah, I know and I do apologize Ember, I’m just so worried about him”

Alaric enters the warehouse in his er, emo-ness. Black shirt, black jeans, black trench coat. you get my drift? He looks around at the boxes' i had kicked in anger and sniffed the air for any scent before shaking his head. “No, this is the wrong place...hmm” walking to the other door. He touches the pane of it softly as if probing for something. “Wait a second, their is dried blood on here, correct me if I’m wrong but I think this is their old place”

Great, I thought. We had missed them, why was I such an idiot? Sighing, I slumped to the ground. I sure hoped Bliss and Kaline are having as much fun as we are, thinking sarcastically. 
Ember glanced at me and slowly sat beside me, giving me a much needed hug.

Looking at Alaric trying to search for anymore clues, though I doubted we’d find anymore. “Look, I think i’m just going to head home, Im exhausted from all of this and tomorrow’s saturday anyways, “ I told them as I stood up and helped Ember up as well.

“Alright bye Cara, please be careful...we really don’t need another one of us disappearing” Alaric said in a snotty tone. Rolling my eyes at his ‘melodramatic-ness’ I hugged them both and started on my way home as it starts to pour softly on me. Great, to make things worse I’m going to have frizzy hair tonight.

Just wait there's more coming! c:


Texte: No one is allowed to use anything of this book without permission from the author of this book, no electronics, photocopying, nothing is used to copy from this book.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.02.2012

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To Paige, For her always being there for me<3

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