
Friends & Enemies

I was running, as fast as I could go. Something...was chasing me, wanting me.... but why? I continued to run, all rationality lost among my panting. My body wasn't used to this kind of thing I thought, as I glanced behind me. Hoping that...thing, was long gone. I stopped running, seeing nothing behind me.
Silence throughout the graveyard, Tombstones surrounded me. I turned around just as the monster's claws sliced through me.

I woke up screaming, breathing hard and sweaty, what joy.
"Knock, Knock" My Mom trying to make sure I was awake for school, her sad attempt made me scream and I fell off the bed.
"Cara? Are you alright?" Asked Cinder Blood, aka Cara Blood's mother, Aka, My Mom.
She was alright as far as mom's go, Cinder barely looked 40, with her blood-red hair, and bright knowledge filled eyes that wasn't quite blue nor grey.
Me? Well, people always tell me I don't look like her at all,
With my dark black hair that's almost blue, my pale but not too pale skin,
and my electric blue eyes, of course I also tower over my mom at 5'8.
See my dilemma?

"Yes, I WAS perfectly fine until you woke me up!" I grumbled and muttered silently.
I heard her chuckle through the door,
"Sweetheart, that's my job, Making sure you get a good education is what I'm here for" Cinder called back as she made her way downstairs.

Sighing loudly, and stubbornly, which is the only trait I have from my mom.
Walking to the bathroom like an undead zombie, or is that the living dead? Still, that is pretty cool. Glancing in the mirror, I look like a ghost. Turning on the shower, I let the warmth from the water calm my nerves. After all, it was just a dream, right?
Shaking off that thought I get dressed in record time, grabbing my book bag and a pop tart. As well as giving my mom a kiss bye, just as a horn screams from the front.

Smiling inwardly, did I mention that I had 3 bestie's?
2 of them had been with me since kindergarten, Ember Brier and Kaline Axel, while the other one...was completely annoying 'course we loved him just the same.
He was Ash Cloven, he had shaggy blond hair that just made you wanna fix it for him, and ice blue eyes that seemed like he could, read your mind and he was really tanned, lots of yummy right there.
Ash was also 6'0 tallest of us all, while Kaline was the shortest though, she would never admit it.

All the girls craved to be Ember with her long caramel  brown hair, dark smoky eyes, and coffee colored skin, plus her long legs, coming to a total of 5'9.
While Kaline was 5'6 she was petite and cute, with her short blond bob, and bright green eyes and her sharp looks gave her the appeal of a forest fairy.

"Whoa! who IS that?" Gasped Ash at me, while I blushed.
Glancing down I realized I had on a short jean skirt that gave my legs the appeal of never ending, and my dark blue halter made my hair look bluer, almost magical and my skin looked a good way.

Ember widened her grey eyes at me,
"Whoa, Cara! we always knew you had a naughty side to you" Giggling as she said this.

Kaline smiled, showing straight white teeth, something people would kill for,
"Cara, I LOVE your hair like that, it's like it's flowing around you! Hey! Ash, close your mouth, your letting in flies" At that Ember flew into a fit of laughter as did everyone else, I even giggled, climbing into the backseat with Ash, as he put his arm around me and gave me a 100-kilowatt smile. Blushing bright tomato red, all the way to Reswood school.

As soon as I entered the doorway, Kids from all directions moved in packs around me. Kind of like wolves, at that thought I smiled.
After all, it takes one to know one, hehe, Cara, you are a funny one.
Someone poked me from my tumbling thoughts.
"Mhmm?" I mumbled,
Ember points at Ash and wiggles her eyebrows, giggling as she does this.
Rolling my eyes at her, I shake my head, shrugging Ember turns her attention to her boyfriend (Of course a girl like her would so have a boyfriend)
Alaric Steffer, hottest goth in the school, with his natural black hair and creamy pale skin, and brown eyes so dark they were black, and an expression screaming sorrow. Except when he was around her, like magnets pulling at each other.

Kaline currently is dating Bliss, they where probably the hottest couple right now, considering they're both bisexual and girls.
Then again, they where both Fairy. Kaline a forest fairy and Bliss a water Fairy.
Bliss is perky and petite, perfect for Kaline, with her shoulder length hair that sometimes went from dark blue to light blue (depending on her mood)
Plus her dark blue eyes seemed to always be shinning.

Alaric is a vampire, but there are different kinds, Some are natural meaning they can have little vampy offspring, or they can mix (unless the female is not natural born, resulting in no kids) and have vampy/human kids, like half & half. Though there very rare. Then there is the kind that's cursed, not made nor born. Alaric was cursed, best not to ask or else he'll go silent.

Ember is a witch, their different kinds as well, Light and dark.
Her source of power?
Her specialty is fire, when she's pissed her eyes will reflect a fire, and she can do different kind of things with fire. On her sixteenth birthday she has to choose between light and dark.
Ember is only 15, 2 more months until her birthday November 13.

Now it's my turn, I would have thought you figured it out by now, but I guess I have to tell you. I'm a werewolf, and it's not like red riding hood or anything. I like to think that my group of friends are my pack, I'm still waiting for my mate. Ash would never do and don't get me wrong, he' great but not really suitable for me. Every guy at school tries to ask me to the upcoming dance and I always turn them down. One other thing, my fur is black with a tinge of blue in it and my blue eyes turn even icier.
I hunt animals, I will NEVER hunt humans, its not my thing.

Ash, is human he hates it but he can see the future, not the best thing but still. It helps us find the nastie's in our old town, Crestworth. Nothing ever good happens to us, but it feels good helping the townspeople...of course they don't know it's us. Nor do they know what we are, we like to keep secrets. Stepping into my period 1 class, American history. What joy. Sighing as I take my seat in the back, wishing this day was already over.

When the teacher walked in, he hadn't walked in alone. Standing beside him was the hottest guy Cara had ever seen, her world stopped moving when she saw him, making her breath literally stop-heart pounding wildly agains't her ribcage, she felt drawn to this new kid and it frightened her. He was at least 6'0 tall, tanned skin , and eyes so green they literally shone when they spotted her in the back. He smiled, showing off straight white teeth. He seemed like the bad boy type.
She started feeling antsy in her skin, almost like she wanted out of her own skin.

"Hello, my name is Julian Dutch..Im, uh, new here" Julian frowned. Well, all the girls moans in the classroom indicated that, while the guys merely studied him. He didn't even have to smile to make them get onto their knees..It made me hate him.
"Yes, I have your name written down, you may take a seat beside Miss. Blood." Mr. White said, Stupid history teacher. Didn't he sense my dislike for this kid?!

Julian slowly started to walk toward me, giving me a piercing look. I gave him the middle finger with a smirk on my face and turned to face the board, Ignoring him until the bell rang.
I just want to get the heck out of here already! sighing, I made my way toward Ember's locker.

"Hey pretty lady" Giggled Ember, causing me to smile. The thing about Ember is, no matter how angry I am, She manages to make me laugh. I'm grateful for it.
"This new kid is seriously pissing me off, there's something about him..I don't know what but Im going to find out what" I growled impatiently.

"Cara calm yourself, I heard he's a hottie." She smiled at me, a knowing look in her eyes..annoying me.

"Ember, I am very calm..and what's with that look in your eyes?" I question with a raised brow.

"Don't worry sweets, you'll find out yourself" She softly sang as she skipped away.

Shaking my head, I quickly make it to second period, and than finally lunch. My stomach growling softly, making me moan. Standing at my locker I look for my lunch.

"Do you ever think of anything BUT your stomach?" A soft voice whispers, making me giggle.

"You know what they say, food is the only way to a wolfs heart, Ash" turning around and smiling at him.

"Haha, very funny Cara." Smirks Ash. Rolling my eyes at him, I turn to walk away but quickly Ash grabs my arm, stopping me.
"Wait, Cara.. I was wondering something .. you know that dance coming up?"

Oh Goddess, please don't be asking me.."Yeah" I smile, while inwardly grimacing.
"What about it?"

"I was wondering ... if you wanted to go with me?" He smiled hopefully.
"Like a date"

Oh boy, I knew it. "Look, You're great Ash, it's just.. Im, uh..." Trying to make up an excuse on the spot

A masculine voice interrupts, "She's going with me" I turn to the source of the voice and almost frown. Oh why does Julian have to be here?

Ash sighs and nods"I see, well talk ton you later Cara" Glaring at Julian as he passes by.

I watch him disappear through the throng of kids, turning to Julian "Look, i don't want you to get the wro-" Julian interrupts me by slowly placing his hand over my mouth, making me hate it but enjoy the warm touch of his hand.

"Shh Cara, you're so beautiful" He whispers close to my ear, making me blush..No one's ever called me beautiful. Hmm, he must want something from me. I push his hand away and growl. "Don't think anything's going to go anywhere buddy, I don't who you think you are..So just stay away" I mutter and push past him and out the door, ignoring the fact it's only lunch time.

Half way home I noticed someone behind me, so I quickly turned around to discover it's just Kaline
"Cara, Ash had told me about what had happened...little cold of you, dont'cha think?" Frowning as she says this.
"This isn't like you at all, the Cara I KNOW would jump for joy if Ash had asked her out"

Sighing, "I know's just this new kid has got me out of whack.." Shaking my head to clear it as I say this.

Rolling her eyes, "You didn't notice it ?" placing her hand on her hip.

"Notice what?" Trying to go back and see what I had missed. Thinking of nothing odd except the new kid just bothering me in general.

"Cara! You are so clueless sometimes!" Giggles Kaline,
"I mean, it was right in your face the whole time!"

"Kaline, what the hell are you talking about?!" I say, confused.

Kaline smirks at my confusion, "You'll see.." Winking at me and swiftly walking away, her high heels clacking away.

What the hell is going on? I thought to myself, I mean ever since the new kid.... everyones been acting strange around me. Sighing with frustration and exhaustion, I slowly make my way to my front door. Closing it behind me, I listen for any sounds. Hearing nothing I happily make my way to my bedroom, shutting the door and collapsing upon my bed.

"Finally, some peace..." I softly murmur as I fall asleep.

Im 6 years old, running through flowers and the sun beats down on me.
Giggling, I run after carefree and happy,"Brenneka, wait for me!"

"Come!" I hear her shout, a million soft sighs echo.

I can't find her, I run and run screaming and crying.."Brenneka?!"
Suddenly it gets dark and cold, there's no joy or love.. Just coldness.
Shivering, I see something..but what could it be? I move toward it.."Hello? Brenneka is that you? come on..I'm scared" Sniffling,
Until I see a very beautiful woman, with long golden waves and bright green eyes. Wearing a silver dress, that seemed to float around her.

"Who are you?" My 6 year old self asks curiously.

The strange woman smiles at me, "Hello Child, we only have a short time together, so i'll make this quick"

I tilt my head but slowly step closer and pay close attention to what she says. "Your mother can't be trusted, neither can the one you call friend..but not to worry, the one you've been waiting for is here"

"Why can't I trust my mummy? and who?" Shocked and confused.

"She'll betray you, child, dark times lay ahead for you.." Shaking her golden hair out as she frowns,
"He'll protect you, he'll be your mate and find you a proper's part of the prophecy"

The strange woman starts to fade, I try to clutch to her, for more answers, "Wait! Please don't go!"
Suddenly the beast is infront of me, growling and looking wretched. I scream and tripping over a rock as I turn around to run, I stand up and run..trying to find a hiding place but he's gaining on me, I start panting as my body can't run any more. I turn around to face the beast just as he grabs me around the wais-

Startling in my sleep, I groan as I yawn and stretch. What an odd dream, shaking my head of those nasty thoughts..Hmm, not trusting my mom? and what friend? Ugh, I'm sick of these puzzles. Looking at the clock and realizing it's's already dark, the moon will be up soon. Best start getting ready, I walk toward the bathroom passing by my moms room, something catches my eye.

I back up a step and enter her room, a single box lay on the ground-pictures surrounding it. I kneel beside the box, glancing at the unfamiliar pictures. Why would my mom keep photos of her and some man? I pick up another photo, staring at my mom atleast 20 years old, with once again, a man i've never seen in my life and a little girl..who isn't me?! what IS this?

Growling, I turn it over and read the date '1996, September 12.' frowning, I read the rest 'Cinder, Liam, & Brenneka'
Flashbacks of me chasing her,just who is she...?

Me, You & A Traitor.

My mom won't be back until 4 in the morning..Stupid business trip. I wanna know who these people are, more specifically who I am.
Running back to my room, I quickly take off my clothes and pull on a soft black sundress. Feeling the change slowly begin, I walk out the back door..making sure it was just me. Sighing with relief I cross over my backyard and into the forest just behind my house. Moaning as I feel the change starts, as soon as I'm deep enough in the forest, I strip naked.

Moaning again with anticipation, I drop to my hands and knees..growling softly as I change into the beast I am. Shaking out the rest of the change I start gliding through the forest, howling at the moon..I start running and enjoying the feeling. I was free but I smelled something, sniffing the air. I growled, another wolf in my territory ?! I followed the scent, my instincts kicking in. Running and running, the wind howling, the trees rustling with anticipation. He's close, and..I'm enticed by his scent, musk..very exotic.

I see him. I slowly come up behind him, growling to let him know im there. The other wolf was magnificent, even more so than me..with pure white fur and deep green that showed intellect and power. I knew looking into those eyes, he was my mate. Finally. Still, I growled at him to get him off my property.

He wouldn't budge, making me angry. I barked at him, and he fell to the ground turned onto his back giving me his belly and neck. He was giving up, I sat down. He grinned and flipped onto his belly slowly crawling to me, I snort. Looking at him, I run as fast as i can dodging trees, roots, whatever I can. Looking behind me, he's following. I enjoy a good chase, so I run even more until dawn.

Waking up i noticed i'm butt naked by a stream with bruises all over me. Shaking my head I stand up and stretch my soreness out. Groaning I make my way into the house before my mom notices I'm gone.
Two-hours later I stand in the mirror checking to make sure everything is just perfect. Tight skinny jeans, and a floral tank, with my hair braided to the side. Barely any make up, I usually never wear make up because I simply don't need it. Girls are jealous because of it and guys want me even more.

I do, however, apply lipgloss..for uh, someone. Grabbing my book bag and waving my mom goodbye as I head out the door. I pause and turn toward her.

Mom looks up at me and smiles, "Something wrong, Hun?"

Frowning, i pull out the crinkled picture "Who are they?"

My mom looks at me as she takes the photo from my hands, "Oh dear.."
"I knew you'd find out sooner or later,'re adopted..I mean it shouldn't come to a surprise to you. We look nothing alike"

Sighing, I nodded.."Why did you wait until I was 15 to tell me this ?!" angry.

"Look you're going to be late for school, this was my family before yours. We were attacked by robbers, they killed my husband and took my dear daughter" My mom sighed heavily, sorrow etched on her face.
Staring at my mom, I realized what she was saying was complete bullshit.
Hugging her and quickly leaving the house with nothing but hate, I mean why would my mom lie to my face like that?
Shaking my head of those ugly thoughts and seeing Embers car with everybody in tow, I joined them.

Kaline look at my outfit and giggled"Look who decided to finally wear that shirt, and those jean!" I blushed bright red as everyone appraised my outfit. Ash winked at me. Rolling my eyes at him.
"So..I think my mom just lied to me about something involving my adoption" carefully placing the words, waiting for everyones expressions.

Ash dropped his mouth, "Whoa, ...whoa..YOU'RE ADOPTED?"

Kaline shrugged,"You never did look like your mother"

Ember stayed silent for a minute before speaking "What's the plan?"

I stifled a giggle at Ash's shock, "There's another thing..last night in the woods there was another wolf and I think he's my mate" Oh goddess, how those words scare me!

Ash keeps quiet this time, emotionless. Ember smiles happily "Finally, you figured it out!" Kaline rolled her eyes at both of them and turned to me "It sure took you long enough" and went back to painting her nails blue.

Ember sighed and finally parked infront of our school, But something struck me as odd.." two know who he is?!"
Kaline looked up, and Ember froze "Whoa, wait don't?!"

"No and frankly, i'd like to" looking at both of them.

Kaline "Maybe we shouldn't..tell you"

Ember frowned "It's for him to tell you Cara, not us"

Growling at both of them, I opened my door and ran into the school. How hard is it to tell me a stinkin' name? I mean come on! Ugh, concentrate Cara. Standing at my locker I grab my books but just as I was turning around I automatically sensed HIM. The one. My mate.
"What do you want, Julian?" Wondering why he was here. My eyes check him out while a seductive smile crosses my face.

Passing Strange

Looking over him, I realized he had power a lot of it too. It made me want him even more, this.... need, No scratch that, the craving to own him fully.
"Cara, glad you knew it was me" wrapping his arms around my waist and looking down at me with those bright green eyes.
leaning down toward my ear, "Last night was quite the run, I wanna make you mine"

Leaning back with my eyes half-way closed and power, intense need passed between us. My heart started beating really fast with just the thought of him holding me. This was uncontrollable passion.
Smirking at him, I say in the softest voice "Come and get me, Wolf boy" Before closing my locker and walking away, Knowing full well he was staring at my ass.

All through history, he had eyes on me watching all my moves. I wanted nothing more than to feel his arms around me, the heat of his body radiating from mine. Someone was shaking me awake.

"Uggh, what?" I muttered, looking up to see Bliss and Kaline.

Bliss giggled "Caraaa!"

Kaline pulled Bliss close and when they looked at each other.. it was beautiful. It annoyed me. Why can't I have that?

"Cara, everyone could feel some kick-ass heat going on between you and that Julian kid" Kaline murmured softly.

Grabbing my things off my desk, realizing I might as well skip second period, "Look, he's a werewolf guys, my MATE."
Sighing, I rub my eyes "That's some serious supernatural shit, He has alpha in him..but no pack"

Bliss frowned, "Cara, if you do mate with're gonna want to start a pack.."

Ember and Alaric stumble in, giggling and kissing. "Oh geez here comes the love birds, can we please keep it pg-13?" rolling my eyes, as I mutter this,

Bliss and Kaline burst out laughing, while Alaric and Ember just smile knowingly.
Getting up, "Anyways see you later guys"

Alaric frowns, deeply concerned "Listen Cara, be careful ... we care about you"
Bliss nods while humming and Kaline just sighs happily at Bliss.

Looking at them I can't help but smile, knowing they'll always have my wolfy back..hehe. Walking out of the classroom and straight to the forest behind our school...Damn, we have A LOT of forest in this stupid town. Creeping through branches and over roots, enjoying the fresh air.

"Nice, isn't it?" Sighed a happy voice behind me, high..probably in a tree.

Not turning around to hide a smile, "Well, it would've been if you hadn't been here"
Oh goddess. I hear a thump, and Julian's behind me, rubbing his hands over my arms though my sweater.

"You're so beautiful Cara, let me mate with you" He softly whispers in my ear, making me bite my lips from saying yes.

"Ever hear of chastity? I sure have, i'll introduce you to a guy I know." I say sarcastically, turning around to face him.

Looking at him as he laughs, "You sure are cocky, Cara, I like it.. but I mean let me make you my mate... " His intense eyes looking down at me, and I can't help myself but pull him down and kiss him with everything I've been feeling for him, the passion, the craving, all of it. Moaning softly as I feel his cold hands slide under my shirt on my back. I push him away playfully, giggling and smirk at him , like a dog and his toy.

"Listen, You wanna make me your mate, catch me" whispering to him before strutting away with power.
That night I researched Julian as best as i could, there were some news articles about a wolf attack on the parents, which only interested me even more, by 6:30 it was dark time. I could feel the moon rising at it's highest peak. I was ready.
Julian closed his back door and walked to the forest, ready for her. Tonight Julian was going to make Cara his mate, but he sensed someone was behind him. "Who's there?" Turning around as he called out. Looking around and seeing no one, he resumed. Just as he walked a couple of steps, a twig snapped and something sharp bit his neck, teeth? a needle? The world around him was getting dizzy, a soft voice whispered in his ear just as he passed out "Sleep tight, Scum"
Something wasn't right, Cara thought. She sniffed the air but felt no Julian, which was very unusual. Even if he had been here, the scent was stone cold. There was no way for me to track him. I ran wolf speed to Julian's house, the lights were off and no one was inside, Howling at the moon in frustration. I started to head back home.

Next morning I snuck back inside my house and got ready for school. Not caring what I wore, I put my hair up in a rubber band..I had a feeling my appearance wouldn't matter today. I decided to walk to school, to clear my head. Enjoying the fresh hair, letting me think on a clear head and nothing to disturb my thinking process.

Once i did get to school, I told Ember and Alaric what had happened.

"He was , just..gone?" Thought Ember, thinking.
"Maybe he ran away?"

I thought about it and shook my head"No, i doubt it"
"Julian doesn't seem like the typical 16-year old runaway"

Alaric looked grave, "He was gone? I think..No it couldn't possible be.."
Muttering to himself.

I look questionably at Ember, maybe Alaric's finally gone crazy.

Ember rubs his shoulder, concerned "What's wrong, babe?"

Alaric sighed and rubbed his face "Listen Cara, long time ago an organization called Slayer Inc. was created to wipe out people like us..Special people, with abilities. Back than they thought we were an abomination..Im guessing they still do."
Looking at me he continued, "You must be careful, Cara, or before long they'll track you to us"

After school, since it's a friday night I decided to grab my blanket and sit on the roof. Glancing out at the view, Where the hell are you Julian? I murmur to myself. I can't do this by myself, these guy's are seriously bad and I fear for you Julian. Please come back home.

Wait for book 2 :)


Texte: No one is allowed to use anything of this book without permission from the author of this book, no electronics, photocopying, nothing is used to copy from this book.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.02.2012

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