

You were the one the I always wanted to meet,

You were the one the made me smile when we first meet,

You were the one the made me so up set on what you did,

You were the one the made that smile go away quick,

You were the one the that made me feel scared in side being
near you and even to go outside,

You were the one that caused me to feel so much pain inside,

You were the one that pushed me a side,

You were the one that took that first drink,

You were the one that didn't have a memory of regret,

You were the one that told me that you loved me,

Now i'm the one to ask why.


With your hair so wet and your body so shinny,

When you put soap in your hair the suds drive me crazy,

When you have soap in your eye's and you wipe it off you make my eye's water and burn,

When it gets steamy it makes me excited and hot,

When you wash you self with the soap my eye's are glued watching you,

When you shut the water off and open the shower curtain I stare at you body walking out to dry,


When I sit on this all that I see is you beside me smiling,

Things we share are between you and I and nothing more,

Your love is strong for me that I can see,

My love is strong for you that my heart beats faster with excitement,

When I see the rain falling from the sky,

My blood boils with happiness inside,

My love is going to burst with excitement,

You are the one I've been waiting for to be with for a long time,

I was blind but now I see what's in our hearts to believe,

I have you and no one else will,

I love you and always will.

Blinding sights

Your the one I like to mostly see when going to work,

Your the one that makes my blood pressure go up,

Your the one that makes me breathless and blush,

Your the one I think of in my mind most of the time,

You give me the love and attention that I've been waiting for a long time,

You make me confused on some of the things you do and say,

When I see you looking and staring at me from a distance,

I feel like running to you with open arms,

Your in my dreams and thoughts when I have nothing to do,

Every day that goes by I wonder if your feeling the same way that I do,

I sometimes wonder what you are thinking about at that time of day,

Love comes and goes in blinding sights for me,

Maybe I will some day see the light within your eye's and feel your love one day.


I sit on the couch staring at you on what you're doing,

Watching you run across the floor back and forth,

Staring at the same spot for a long periods of time,

Begging to spend time with you for an hour each day,

You sit in a cardboard box to make poeple laugh,

You're there running across the floor when I get your cat food ready,

You make me happy every day when I'm mad, sad, or upset,

You make me laugh when you do something weird,

At night you're never seem to be seen because your black,

When I take your picture your eye's are as yellow as the moon,

When you cuddle up to me your purr makes me happy to know that you love me,

You know when I'm mad, angry or upset so you run away and hide sometimes,

There wouldn't be another friend like you,

When I'm sad in need for a friend your around to make me happy,

Where ever you are at the time I seem to fine you more easily,

You're my special friend and I would hate to lose you for anything in this world,

Sometimes you sleep in silly ways on the arm of the couch,

You look so sweet as a mouse,

Even though you don't like to be picked up your still a sweet kinda bear to me,

Your my special kind of kitty,

Minnight you are my best friend and I love you as much as I love

my mom!

Because Of You

Because of you, you make me happy during the day and at night,

Because of you, you make me laugh when I am down,

Because of you, you changed my life and I know I have changed yours,

Because of you, I treat you like my best friend,

Because of you, there is no one that I would rather be with then you on a bad day,

Because of you, you treat me with stuffed aniamals and presents of love,

Because of you, your showed me love that no one has ever taught me before,

Because of you, you hugged me when I was crying and upset,

Because of you, you were with me when I was very sad when I didn't want to be bothered,

Because of you, your in my heart and soul forever and the best friend that I could ever have in

my life,

Because of you, I wouldn't be here, you gave me something to live for and to go on with my life,

Because of you, your in my heart and life forever John,

I love you and always will.


You were supposed to be my friend but you Knocked me down,

You were supposed to be my friend but you laughed me down,

You were supposed to be my friend but you hurt me bad,

You were supposed to be my friend but you talked behind my back,

You were supposed to be my friend but you never helped me back up,

You were supposed to be my friend but you never called me back,

You were supposed to be my friend but you stole from me all together,

You were supposed to be my friend and friends don't do that.


I sit here alone staring out the window,

I sit and watch everyone go by as life passes me by,

I sit here in this chair wondering why,

I sit here and think and see poeple blare and having fun,

I sit here and I just stare,

I sit and cry not wanting the pain I feel inside,

I sit alone still staring and wonder why I feel so alone.

Winter Storm

I stand outside on my porch and listen,

My ears hear the wind blowing and whistling,

My eye's see the snow falling in to flakes,

My skin feeling the wintery coldness on my cheeks on my face,

My mind is relaxed an calm to think to my self,

My fingers are numb to the touch from that icey patch of dust,

My breath showing like the fog,

My lungs feeling the cold bitter air with every breath I take.

I glance at the trees just one last time to see so much beauty in its time.


Can We Fix It?

The world that once cared,

The world that was beautiful without paved roads and cities,

The world once had a heart for others, 

Now what had us trapped,

The lies people say,

The fights people start,

The drugs people came up with to make themselves happy,

The world was happy once do you think it could be happy again,

The damage we have done,

The scars we have dug, 

The cuts into the crust,

We have done the damage and we can not fix it,

The people that had hartridge,

The people that just wanted revenge,

They have done their damage,

And that laid in the pit they have dug,

The feeling the people had made the world as you see it today,

People just want more and more,

Money is not love,

The world had love back then what happen to it,

Did the world turn mad on us,

No the world did not turn made on us,

The people in the world turned mad on us,

I still ask why if we are in school to learn about the past and learn to fix it,

Then why are we not fixing it right now

We have the knowledge we always had.



By Julie and typed by Samantha


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.02.2013

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