

Can she get her life back or will she be kept in the darkness forever?


BY: Snowbear, W, Dietzen.

BLURB: Emily Redd is a monster hunter. One day she's taken by 'The Bite', a group of monsters that, together, want to take down the Ruler of the secret world. Will she get her life back? Or will she succumb to the darkness forever?

Chapter 1. KIDNAPPED? ME!?

My eyes focused on the quiet school playground. 2:30pm I only had a little time before children would start showing up. Frustrated, I clenched my jaw running my hand threw my short black hair. Tracking a vampire should be easier than a Skinwalker, but with the way today's going it'll be almost impossible.

I Crouched low, peeking over the tall preschool building. The sky dyed blue and the wind blew gently from behind me as some leaves scraped along the sidewalk. I held my breath, concentrating on the peaceful scene, keeping still.

"Come on, come on..." I chanted.

I cringed when the smell of death burned my nose, drawing my attention.

"There he is~" I Purred before swiftly turning around and jumping off the tall building. Wind whistled past me, playing with my hair. Landing I rolled once, then getting up I took off.

Running past the local laundromat the summer heat reflected off the large glass windows and I could practically hear the sizzle of the glass. I followed the smell of death that invaded my nose, heading towards my target.

Pretty soon a Figure, no, a Shadow slipped passed a crowd of passing teenagers. I paused in my pursuit watching it moving into in an alleyway. Frowning walked after it. I always hated hunting in isolated places.

Getting closer I heard a sound that turned my stomach, making me sick. The Disgusting unnatural sound of snapping bones and flesh, followed by a cruel laugh. A chill ran up my spine and I noticed the teens from before had heard as they had ran away, leaving the streets empty.

Cautious, I peeped into the alleyway, seeing how dark it was compared to the rest of the sunny neighborhood.Without looking I pulled a stake out from one of my tan boots, gripping it close to my side, ready to attack.

Okay, okay I know what your thinking "A stake? that can’t help" or "sure it could help but only if you stab them in the heart!".Wrong-o! Okay, now here's the real facts.A stake can only PARALYZE a vampire, not kill it. Plus you can stab it anywhere with this thing. Then, when it's been staked I can either take it home an interrogate it or kill it on spot by either cutting its head off or setting it on fire.

I smiled remembering the lessons form the late night classes with my homeroom teacher. He was great, and with some other kids and me, we learned how to fight back and protect this world.

Lost in thought I put my hand in front of my face keeping the sun out of my eyes, before walking into the tight ally. Looking around Being 90 degrees outside I was thankful that the alleyway had been shaded by the tallish buildings and was cool to the touch; that’s when I spotted a window.

I was surprised the large building had a window even my small stature could reach.

A scream slices threw the quite atmosphere. Freezing my breath caught in my throat. Looking back at the street i saw no one. God damn it! Why was this creature being so sloppy, did it want to track attention?

Calming myself I backed away before running full speed ahead aiming for the window, praying it's not protected by chicken wire.

* * * *

Crashing through a cheap motel window was not how I wanted to spend my
B-day, but hey somebody’s got to be chopping head's.

I quickly look at the situation hitting the cream-colored carpeted floor.

It was dark small and open, too were you could see the living room and the kitchen at the same time, two rooms in the back. A box T.V. to my right A short coffee table was tipped over laying side ways in front of the T.V.
And a ripped up couch the color of puke was in the middle of the room, (like I said Cheap). It was even hotter inside than outside!

There were six people present.
A man probably around 40 ( grey hair suit, to me that speaks 40!) was on the ground with both elbows bent backwards and one leg ripped off (dead).

There was a woman in a tan chocolate dress with black high heels, she was bent backwards Gasping and clawing at an arm around her neck, staring at me, Shock and relief flashed upon her face.
She looked Indian and had black curls that made her green eyes stand out (witch).

The man holding her (obviously having no trouble at all) had dirty blond hair with dark blue tips, and a soft jaw.
his eyes showed the shock the woman was feeling, smiling revealing two, 1” fangs.
The air was full of awkwardness, like stepping into a closet at a party just to get away from the noise, but finding two teen's kissing, and you turn away thinking they needed some privacy, but I stayed alert.

It turned my head slightly to the left, seeing a boy probably, no older than me (vampire), move forward ready to attack.
And Like your neighborhood beach boy, His sand-blond hair wasn’t that interesting.

I took my stake and aimed it at him, He seemed to stop for a millisecond, I saw his shoulders and leg muscle’s coiled like a snake and he pounced, landing on top of me.

The last two dude's were chill'n, smile's on there face's dude on the right (shape shifter).left (werewolf).
Smile's on there face's, either amused I was going to lose or their 'friend' was as stupid as a pigeon when I rammed the stake through his side taking some meat as it left the body.

'Sandy' shrieked, and looked at me, glaring so hard it was like he was trying to borrowing whole's in and through to the back of my skull.
And time stopped...

One second I was attacking my enemy the next I was on my back with a head ach that could make a crocodile cry.
There was a loud ringing in my ears. And all I could hear was my breathing, My vision was blurred.

Suddenly soft lips playfully kissed then licked my neck, it send ice cube’s down my spine and I was going to puke. Cold breath tickled my neck, I shuttered.
"I just wanna tasted" he whispered. Please don't-
Then strong hard wet teeth ripped in to my jugular I gasped. Pain jolted my body like being electrocuted by a jelly fish I couldn't move.

My ears were still ringing but I could hear the rough nuzzling of This Parasite FEEDING OFF OF ME!!! My stomach churned and the blood in my cheeks left my face, goose bumps covered my legs and I felt my self go limp.
YUCK I wanted to puke.

The thing drinking me stiffened, and reluctantly let me go.
I curled into a ball lying on my side.
I was dizzy as hell and the room wouldn't stop spinning.
'Please don't let me throw up in front of the bad guys!'_
Too late!

My lunch and breakfast ended up on my shoes and my jeans. 'Sandy I’m so going to kill you!!!!'

I looked up then to see all the big bad and nastiest were staring at me with disgust, now I couldn’t say I wasn’t embarrassed.
I Then looked down, looking for where my stake went.

"Get up". I look up to see the shape-shifter and his eye's catch mine, I wasn't scared, because a shifters eyes aren’t endless mirror's like a vampire.
His green eyes stared back, startled, but then he laughs a laugh that made me want to bolt. He pointed at me. “boy’s I think this little birdie would like to have some fun-"
I was up and running slipping one of my silver daggers Out from my pant leg.
But before I could do anything he yelled "grab her!" and then he turned though luxurious eyes away from mine. Sandy made another grab for me, I held my Shiv tighter when he was about to claw me I stabbed my weapon deep into his shoulder blade hearing the muscles ripped sic kingly, he screamed like a girl.

Before I saw what my hands were doing they took one of my 'mini-stakes' and stabbed him in the heart and he died, (Okay I know he didn't actually die he just went still yah know 'like' a dead body but not, sheesh don’t get all critical).I ripped out my other dagger and stabbed his stomach, wanting to do as much damage as possible.

All of a sudden something plowed it to my side pinning me to the side of the couch, the stake was no longer in my grasp. The shifter with the green eyes held both my arm's at my sides. I struggled franticly hitting every one of his presser points AND MORE. but it was like hitting concrete. "You just don't know when to give up do you?" he growled.

Finally he grunted (I finally hit a good pressure point) and I got my arm free from his hold. I hit him in the face and he flinched. That's all I needed. I twisted my leg around his and pushed him back Next thing I knew, I was on top of him. "You’re going to 'die' now" I said in my sugar sweet voice. And like any trapped thing he lashed out sitting up and bringing me with him, my legs were now wrapped around his waist so I wouldn’t fall down. He looked at me with ice cooled eye's that sent daggers through my heart .

"No, I'm afraid I’m not going to, not right now any way” then a force so strong it felt like running in to a tree. Slammed in to me
Then everything spun and went black.

* * *

Back, and forth, back, and forth. I groaned, coming back to reality. My legs and back felt sore. Its cold and I can't, MOVE!
My eyes flip open, wide. I'm tied to a chair.
Panic struck me and my body starts to struggle against the rope that was tying my wrist down, but my mind wasn't scared yet more organized that ever trying to figure out the situation and my body calmed down just as quickly as it started.
Giving up on my possible escape I study my surroundings. So far the air tasted like damp old wood. I breathed and my thought burned, like swallowing a cotton ball and it just won’t go down. Some voices outside the room brought my attention to the thick metal door...

"You think she'll be awake by now? We did hit her a little hard, I’m surprised we didn't give her a coition." said a voice that reminded me of a young 15 year old.
great they've got kids on this monster of a boat...Wait! Maybe it’s not even a kid, maybe just some wolf in sheep’s clothing! Fine I’ve made up my mind as soon as I get free I’ll take no prisoner!

While I was thinking of some plain another voice replied "ha, we have nothing to worry about, a hunter like her will have the natural instinct in fighting to stay awake" the voice which I’ve guessed to be an older male pauses. *laughs* "I wouldn't be surprised if she was listening to us talk right now..."

The voice trails off as the big door swings open.
I look up to see my kidnappers.

The older voice was defiantly the shifter but I didn't recognize the 15 or so year old, but he looked nice! NO! Emily doesn’t get detracted! I took a deep breath and watched the scan in front of me.

The shifter walked up to me and in one quick movement I was laying backwards on the ground still tied to the stupid chair with out my weapons.
I was in shock just now realizing what just happened.
<>HE SLAPPED ME! DID HE JUST SLAPE ME!!! NO OF CORSE NOT IF HE SLAPPED ME I WOULD'VE KNOCK HIM DOWN A SLIT HIS THRUOT! Although I hate to admit it he really truthfully slapped me!

I ground " coward..." sadly it was too late to take back those words (I was pissed okay?) But I got kick from the side by the big man. I spat up blood and happily kept my mouth shut this time. :D

The shifter suddenly filled my view his breath smelled like rotting flesh and I wanted more than anything to turn away but I held my ground staring him down like what the dominant pack leader dose to lesser animals. His eyes wavered and he looked away.
Sure I probably pissed him off even more and would definitely regret it I just one thing to say about the subject <> I win!!!!

He growled loudly and I saw some movement, again I could not defend myself as I watched his fist like a speeding bullet fly towards me-
The sound of flesh hitting flesh could be heard echoing off the cement walls, but I didn't feel any pain, it wasn’t me that got hit.

I looked up to see that young looking boy In front of me blocking the shifters other arm with his, he spoke "Now, now Ron we don’t need to rough up the girl we just need to take her to her cell is all" he smiled putting down his arm letting Ron to move freely.

"Okay," was all Ron said
I stuck my tough out and laughed. I looked at the boy and asked “so kid what’s your name?”

He tuned to me and I finally looked at him he had thick black hair, soft chocolate eyes, thin eye brows And, he didn’t look like a super model
in-fact he was more human than any of the regular freaks I deal with, then he spoke, I realized he had a bit of a German accent, “my names Swithin”.
Something stabbed at My thigh, I looked down to see a needle was piercing from the soft skin, I looked up at him one more time and once again those gray dots filled my vision.

* * *

I was cold, hearing the rattle of chains from behind me I realized my hands were bound. I was laying on a old mattress the creaked when I sat up, my shoes were gone and I was wearing a t-shirt with jogging pants “great they stripped me and now I’m wearing this crap. Grrrr… what if they looked at me, perverts!!!!!!!! Well at least they stuck me in more bearable room to wait for my emendate doom in”.
The room I’m also sways but its fitted with velvet, full of old furniture made for the queen of England sadly I couldn’t even explore the place since I’m chained to this old bed that sooooo dose not match this room! The room is light by candles and the little light leaking form the bard windows indicated it was now night what time of night I really don’t know.
Wait! What about the girl with the green eyes, the witch is she okay???? Man I’m a sorry excuse of a hunter if I can’t even remember one hostage!

that’s when the cherry wood door from the far right of the room opened, and in came Swithin.

My heart beat against my chest as if trying to get to him but that is one thing ill never trust to any one. I avoided his eyes. “oh! So your mad at me from earlier aren’t you??” I clench my teeth avoiding showing my anger of him talking to me like a little kid, man I wanted to punch him, did it already mention is was mad? Then I asked.

“so now what you toke my clothes like a pervert and you have me on a boat in the middle of who knows were, so were are you going to take me???” he cleared his thought and I finally met his eyes.

“just so you know im not a pervert and I didn’t look at you, in fact I plan to take you to my beloved king john for further discussion on what to do with you”.

I froze my eyes wide as my heart sank and icicles trickled down my spine, not john please not thee john, but I could not deny it, for it was thee john the one that was feared by every hunter. Know one knew what he really was and so many hunters have been killed by his hand, if he saw me he would spare me no mercy and I would most likely be torched the killed, no I will not die a meaningless death.

“Hello??? Earth to human?”. I was snapped back to reality with Swithin right in front of my face, I flinched and instinctively my hand tried to punch only to be reminded I was still chained to a bed and I was pushed by cruel gravity and hit the back riling of the bed. Swithin burst out laughing and reach to help me up “man humans are so entertaining” he chocked back chuckles and composed him self. That’s when I asked.

“So you know what I am and I still don’t know what you are…” I sat crouching on the bed while he admired a bouquet of flowers. He again laughed but not as ample.
“So? I like guessing games! Pulse you’re the prisoner and why would I tell you? you could kill me!” he smiled. And sat down at on of the velvet covered chairs but slipped off and landed on his butt. I bit down on my tough and this time I tried not to laugh.

He quickly got up and picked up the chair smashing it against on of the far walls, he was stronger that I thought and the playfulness in the air evaporated turning every thing serious. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end and I kept a close eye on Swithin, he spoke “why make such accursed furniture damn Islamic textiles! I don’t care if it for decorative use.” he heaved a great sigh and sat on a wooden stool instead, “sorry to of upset you but please go to bed you’ll need plenty of rest for tomorrow. I rolled over on my side and all the candles blew out I was in complete and utter darkness, just hearing the wooden floor creak the and the waves hit the side of the boat repeatedly, Swithin didn’t breath so I guess he didn’t need to… I couldn’t sleep and a couple hours later Swithin started singing to him self his viscose was soft and silky…

“Please help me reach the sky,
Mommy I’m lost again,
for you left me there,
alone to play pretended

lost in emptiness
I'm the boy of a ghost.
how am I to reach it mom?
When your the one I miss the most.

Dancing slowly in an empty room
Can the lonely take the place of you
I sing myself a quiet lullaby
Then you go and let the lonely in
To take my heart again

Mom were am I?
Im scared please help me!
Please come home
And hold me till were both free,

lost in emptiness
I'm the boy of a ghost.
how am I to reach it mom?
When your the one I miss the most.

Dancing slowly in an empty room
Can the lonely take the place of you
I sing myself a quiet lullaby
Then you go and let the lonely in
To take my heart again

glass scatters across the floor
And once again you close the door
But that night you did not return
and I was left alone with burns...

Were are you mom?
How come I have no one?
Why did you let them in?
I feel so alone, I promise to protect Rin…

Then you go and let the lonely in
To take my heart again... “

I stayed up all night listening to those words what happened and who’s Rin?

End of chapter 1.

Witches Chapter 2

Rachel Adams.

Chapter 2. Taken hostage?!? All I did was go shopping!!! You know, I didn’t ask for this.

Birds chirped from outside making a song out of a new day, *tweet, tweet* ah I could lay hear forever! THE SHEET ON MY BED WERE SUN KISSED AND so cozy I stretch enjoying this moment in time… I feel something lay on my chest “RACHEL TIME FOR SCHOOL!!!!” I leap out of bed and the cat on my chest goes flying! “MEOW!!!!’ he yells.

“Freckly don’t scare me like that!!!!” I yell looking down at my grey puff ball of a cat.
He get up from under the through blankets and stands at my feet.

“sorry Rachel but I don’t want you to miss another day at school you already need to turn it that history report…and no I wont talk to Mr. nelson about it.” he looks up at me seriously I groan inwardly sure get a cat they help you live a calmer life stupid commercial ad. I pick him up and set him on my shoulders.

“you know one thing I don’t get is the fact you can’t REMEMBER THE WEEKS FROM THE WEEKENDS!!!!” Freckles looks at me and plops on my shoulder some how staying on and says.

“OMG I’m sooo sorry Rachel I forgot again you could of slept in this morning!!!! but since your awake why don’t you get me some breakfast.” ugh I don’t care if this cat can talk it will still act like a cat. I take him off my shoulder and set here on the ground.

“sorry I’ll have to go out and get you something why don’t you wait here?” before the little feline could say anything Rachel was dressed and out in a flash. He mumbles.

“some times her power is just annoying but at least ill be feed faster than a normal cat in this situation” he purrs taking a cat nap on the couch dreaming fishy dreams. WAIT- maybe should fallow her the stores not that far and I could pick out a flavor since she always gets it wrong, yes I’ll follow her “ the small but very agile cat made it way out one of the living room windows and on its way to the 7-eleven.

* * * *
Cat food, cat food, cat food, cat food there, now which flavor…I scan the choices and settle he’ll like chicken, maybe I’ll pick up some spices for that stew were having tonight. *click click* I drop the cat food and to my side a gun is pointed at my face, but not just any gun a black magic sealing gun, it can put down or stun even the toughest of witches. But why is it pointed at me?

“:freeze! Put your hands on the ground, you’re here by arrested for working against King john, any thing you say or do will be used against you in the court of law…” I was already on the ground and keeping quiet my head swam, how did they find out about this??? Did they already take Rin??? I hope she’s Okay and what about freckle I know he’s a cat but these guys aren’t stupid. Ahhh!!!! I look up at the guy binding my wrist with sweet grass and lighting it on fire the flame didn’t reach my skin but the smell from the herb made me dizzy and now I was down.
* * * *
Meow meow meow meow, meow, meow meow meow , meow. Meow meow almost there!!!!! walking to the front of the building Freckles stops and peer’s through the glass door. Ah! There she is…AHHHH some ones tackled her!!! Zombies! What if he’s eating her brain! OH NO! who’s going to feed me, quick I gotta get in side and save her!!!! Well this will lower my magic for the day but this is an emergency! BAM! Freckle was inside the building and all ready running towards the big man yelling “zombie don’t eat my master!!!!”.

The air thickens and there gone…

Wait! What just happened? Freckles meowed landing face first on the floor face first.


Texte: i do not own the photo on the cover i just found it on google.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.02.2011

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I dedicate this book to my mom's Robin and Bithia and Lilly my sister. Oh! and my friend Shae with out her i would of never even started writing :)

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