
Scare night
By Jake
I was walking home from the library October on a and trying to find a shortcut to get home instead of getting locked out I thought about going through the river but I was to far from the river so I decided to go through the graveyard the wind was blowing the leaves were falling sounds like a perfect night doesn't it well it's not because it's raining and if you were outside with out a coat you wouldn't be to happy it felt like someone was dropping a giant bucket of water over my head one after the other.
I couldn't find a better way home except through a grave yard. Well that is unless I wanted to go through a very very deep river while the grave yard goes straight to my house. My mom probably had already gone to bed since she is sick but I know were the key is to my house I have it in my pocket as a matter of fact. So I entered the grave yard and closed the doors they are kind of weird because at the top were they split is a scull and when you open the doors the scull splits in half. Now when I walked in the atmosphere changed it stopped raining and there was a thick fog I looked toward the door and I was pushed onto my back and pulled by my foot with invisible hands toward a old stump then my foot was dropped and it felt as though a ghost was sitting on my chest then I heard a girls voice talking to me.
“ Why have you come?” it said as a ghostly figure appeared
I could hardly breath but I ans answered
“ I came through to get home”
“ You will not return home you are trapped” said the voice
“ What do you mean who are you whats happening here” I asked now terrified
“ I am the spirit Crystal you can't leave anyone who comes through this graveyard doesn't leave the master spirit will not allow it he is very powerful no one leaves and if I may who are you?” said Crystal getting off my chest.
“ I am Cody” I said getting up.
“ well Cody how old are you?” Crystal asked
“16” I answered
“ you will not last very long here then the master spirit will make you work and work you will soon parish without food or water” she said disappearing.
“ Wait what will he make me do don't go please!” I yelled after her but she was gone
I thought about going home but like Crystal said there was no way out I had tried but I always ended up back were I started soon I started to get hungry and remembered a few snacks in my backpack I took cookies lemon drops and brownie's out and chose the cookies and started to eat I also took my over large water bottle and drank a quarter of it and then started to walk in a straight line behind the old rotting stump there were many old trees here. Soon I saw the weirdest thing a large ghost was standing in front of a huge grave while another ghost was talking to him
“ Sir, I swear I don't know this person you speak of”
It was Crystal! She was trying to defend me that other ghost must be Killer I ran behind a tree
“ Well I believe you but please welcome are guest who happens to be behind that old rotting tree” said Killer
He had spotted me but Crystal was still trying to distract him.
“ What guest? Who are you talking about?”
“ you useless thing you you know who I am talking about! If you are a true ghost you can see 5 feet behind you don't you know how to see if you won't get him than my soldiers will” said Killer
“ I don't know who you are talking about so Go check you self no one is there Go On” Crystal insisted.
I got the hint and started to run as fast as I could I ran to a near by grave while Killer went to the tree while he was behind the tree I ran to the huge grave and saw that it had two doors I ran the one on the right and locked it only to find myself in a empty room that has only a few words on a wall and a bin below the words I tried to read the words but it was to dark so I took out a flash light ( I had brought it just in case) and aimed it at the wall it said
The treasure of the sun in your hands
the treasure of the sun in you hands? That is like a riddle I thought about it and then my stomach growled I took out my lemon drops then I knew what to do the riddle said the treasure of the sun in your hands the lemon drops are yellow and can fit in your hands I dropped them in the bin and a door opened and revealed a dark dark room were all there is are lonely spirits wondering in front of the door a weird thing happened I was drawn to the door and I stepped in. the whole world changed I was in a different world and it was a silent world I tried to go back but I couldn't the exit had sealed it self I started to wonder around but this place was like a maze I don't get it but every way I went it looked the same as the last it was very confusing and weird I started going right then left and found myself at a door I thought it was the same door that I came in but then I turned around and saw that if I had just gone forward from the door I came in I would have gotten here sooner. I went to push the door open and saw another empty room with a blue crystal ball in the middle I noticed that it looked like a thing that I saw in a movie it was a power source I thought of going to get it but then I realized it was easy to easy. I sat down and thought about it maybe I could run and jump to it or I could spray the room with my spray paint that I found in my older brothers room I thought that the spray paint was the best idea because if I sprayed it anything that was protecting the crystal ball I got in my bag found the spray and started to spray red lasers appeared I wonder I thought what would happen if I touched one the same thing happened at the door I was drawn to the lasers I was so close to touching one when I realized that all the ghosts in this graveyard were counting on me I couldn't let them down the feeling left me and I felt powerful and then knew what to do I took the can of spray paint and put it under the nearest laser and the laser pointed a different way this was what I was going to do I went through making lazers move so I could go through when I finally got through to the crystal ball I noticed that inside it was like a screan showing me were Killer was. Killer tortuering Crystal he was so mad that since he is a ghost and supposed to be see through he was instead white and was like yelling and poking a laser through her
“ You traitor! Why would you do such a thing?!” yelled Killer
“ I swear I didn't know this kid please stop” Crystal wailed
I had to do something I looked around to find something to shut the lasers off I thought about the movie I saw the people would take the treasure off the stool and then a rock would roll toward them maybe if I did pick up the treasure a rock would come and make an opening so I could get out of this place I thought I picked up the treasure and instead of a rock rolling at me the treasure glowed I looked inside and Killer stopped hurting Crystal
“ No! No! the little brat took the treasure”
“ That isn't possible how could he do it” Crystal said smiling
“ you idiot do you not see that I am fading if the treasure is taken out of the grave I am done for!”
“ Then prepare to disappear!” I yelled at Killer {I had finally found the way out a door was on the end of the chamber and it lead to the front of the grave I should have gone through this door before duh I am so stupid}
“ You fool Crystal why did you do this to me you will suffer the wrath of Killer!”
“ No she won't as long as I have this!” I yelled running to Killer about to drop the orb on the ground
“ No don't break it you will completely destroy me! Oops I shouldn't have told you that” whined Killer
“ Thanks for telling me now goodbye Killer thanks for nothing you evil heartless thing” I yelled
“CRASH!” the orb had broke and the light filled the whole graveyard
“ Killer is gone the enchantment is lifted and you are our savor Cody” said Crystal little tears in her eyes as thousands of ghosts were appearing out of the sky
“ I guess I should go home now” I said sadly
“ Please don't leave” the ghosts wailed
“ I have to my mom is waiting” I said
“ you can leave the graveyard but you will never leave our hearts” said Crystal
I went to the gate with Crystal
“ Goodbye friend” said Crystal
“ I promise that I will visit you again” I said
I opened my arms and went to her she ran and embraced me it felt like I was taking a cold shower but it was worth it.
I was home and knock on the door
“Where have you been? do you know what time it is?” my mom said close to crying
“ I was so worried never do that again” she ran and hugged me
“ I am okay mom it's been a long night”
A little while later I was in bed thinking running, solving puzzles, going through lasers, fighting a ghost, saving ghost, making a lifetime friend, I was glad that it was finally all over.

The End


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.12.2010

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