
chapter 1

I'm sitting in my room reading by the dim light when I hear a crash. Looking up from my book I hear yelling and silently slide off my bed and creep around the corner to peer through the railing on the staircase. I see dad shielding mom with his body from a man with a gun aimed at dad. The man is tall,well over 6", a square jaw with stubble, and is built. He smirks, "suit yourself",he says his voice rough. Then he pulls the trigger. I see dad crumple and don't wait to see mom. I don't want to. Who would?
I run to my window and all I can think is 'get out,get out, get out'. Opening up the window it gives off a loud screech and I freeze. "Whose there?" I here his yell then the dull thump as he thuds up the stairs towards me. I heft the window all the way up then perch on the ledge. Looking at the ground I realize two things: 1, it's a 20 foot drop and 2, I'm afraid of heights. My door bursts open and full of fear I jump. The wind rushed past me and as I landed I heard a sickening snap and white hot pain shoots up from my ankle and up my leg. Gasping, I use the side of the wall to stand up and have to bite my lip to keep from crying out. I taste blood. Hearing a faint cheering I start to walk to it, each step bringing a gasp of pain.
I was getting pretty close to the crowd and was thinking of how I should have been shot at by now when a bullet grazed my ear. Twisting around I see the man,except now he has a deep gash above his left eyebrow and realize he must have fallen down the stairs and blacked out. He looked ready to faint but he still had enough strength to come after me. Forgetting the pain in my ankle I run towards the crowd and hear him fallow me in chase. I push through the crowd as they yelled encore!, and ended up at a door with a sleepy looking security guard standing in front of the door. I can here his yelling over the crowd and know that he must be close. Looking around I see a stick and throw it at the guard. It hits him in the head and he falls to the ground. I glance back at the crowd and see him stumble out of the mass of girls and he looks up to see me. He charges at me like a bull and I quickly limp to the door, pull it open and close it just as he touches the handle. I lock it then fall to the floor panting as it all hits me at once. The broken ankle, the exhaustion, and the fear of knowing that a killer is most likely out to get me. I black out.

chapter 2

When I wake up I hear faint voices then they become louder. I open my eyes and the first thing I notice is that I'm on a couch, then that five cute boys were standing over me with concerned expressions. "Hey she's awake," a blond with an Irish accent said while he elbowed the one to his left. "Really, I didn't notice" a Brit with curly brown hair said sarcastically. I blink a couple of times then try to sit up. Immediately an unbearable pain shoots up from my ankle and slam back down squeezing my eyes shut. "Are you ok?" Said a guy with spiked black hair. I point to my ankle and say"I think it's broken." They all look at my ankle and the Irish boy turns ghost white and says "I'm gonna throw up." I start, "turn around, I don't want any of that on me!" Putting my arms up to make a crossysignythingy. This makes the really cute one laugh then he glances at my leg and stops abruptly. " I think we had better get you to the hospital before that thing gets any worse." I don't look down but continue to look at him and say " yeah I think we should, but I don't have any money to pay for a hospital bill, so if one of you could snap it back into place tha'd be just great." I say.
He winces and says "how about we just take you to the hospital and we'll pay for the bill." I look at him and think to myself 'why would a stranger be so nice to someone who basically broke into his room, and possibly put him in danger of being killed. "Why would you do that for me?" I ask. Irish boy tells me "we'll your hurt and we can't just dump you somewhere, and while we're driving you to the hospital you can tell us why you broke into our dressing room and scared us half to death." I think about this then say " ok, but only if you tell me your names 'cause then it won't be so much like we're total strangers." " Thats reasonable," says curly head, " I'm Harry, the one to my left is Zayn, on my right is Niall, next to him is Liam, and next to him is Louis." Then they all take some weird position and shout " and were One Direction! ". Harry looks at me waiting then realizes " you don't know who we are, do you?" " Nope", I answer back, popping the 'p'. He raises his eyebrows and says " where have you been living, under a rock." My eyes widen and I blush furiously. "Harry!, how could you say such a thing!" He looks down " sorry"
" that's fine" I say, "can you just get me to a hospital, my ankle really hurts." " we probably should, I'll go get Paul", says Liam. The other three fallow him out which leaves me with just Niall. " can you walk on that", he asks. I shake my head no. " well then ill just have to carry you." He says looking not at all upset about that and I know why. I have big breasts and a curvy body with strait black hair that comes down around my thighs and brown doe eyes. I gasp when he picks me up because he's much stronger than I thought and the shirt he's wearing hugs his muscles. I blush but still lean into him as he carries me aut to the car. When we get there Zayn looks at us and I think I saw jealousy but it vanishes quickly. He puts me in the car carefully but I still yell when my foot touches the seat. " sorry!" He says quickly.
"S'okay", I say wincing. " so, are you going to tell us what happened?", Liam asks impatiently. I take a deep breath then start to tell how I ended up in their dressing room. "The place where I used to live wasn't in a vary good neighborhood, and it wasn't unusual to hear gunshots. Then last night when I was reading I heard a crash, and when I went to look I saw a man with a gun pointed at my dad and dad was blocking mom." My voice broke on the last word and I felt tears running down my cheeks. "I saw him shoot dad and I ran because I knew that mom was next and then he would come after me. I ran to my window and jumped. That's how I broke my ankle. I heard the crowd so I started to walk to it. I was almost there when a bullet grazed my ear. When I turned around I saw him and ran into the crowd and when I came out of it I was in front of the door to your dressing room so I knocked the guy out and ran inside. I had just locked the door when he reached it. I guess after that I passed out." was all out bawling by now and Zayn pulled me in for a hug. I just buried my head into his chest, sobbed, and eventually fell asleep.

chapter 3

I woke to Liam gently shaking my shoulder. "Hey we're at the hospital, do you want to walk or do you want me to carry you in?", he asked. "Mmmm, carry..... to tired", I mumbled. He smiled, clearly pleased by my answer. He picked me up and carried me into the waiting room. I saw the receptionist was fairly young, maybe 20, and when she saw who was carrying me she gave a start then stuttered, "h-how c-can I h-help you?" Liam said that my ankle was broken and how fast we could make this go. She smiled cruelly and said " If you do me a favor I could have her out of here in 40 minutes. And to answer your question that favor would be a, kiss." Liams' face darkened but said "40 minutes" she nodded. He nodded his head yes then put me down next to Louis and followed her to the supply closet. I looked sadly at the closet and put my head on Louis's shoulder and waited five minutes before he came out looking upset.
The girl kept her word and had me x-rayed, the bone snapped back into place, in the purple cast and out the door on On crutches in less than 30 minutes. "So, we've been thinking it over and decided since you don't have a place to live anymore want you should come and live with us", said Harry. I looked at them then said "Are you serious, you want me to come live with you." They fidgeted awkwardly in their seats and Zayn said " if you don't want to you'd don't have to." I shook my head, smiling " No I want to I just can't believe that you want me to." Liam grinned and told me " Of course we do, your awesome." And it's done, I'm moving in with five hot guys all who like me. Sweet.

chapter 4

I guess I was still tired because after I got settled (my feet on Liam, my middle on Zayn, and my head on Nialls chest) I fell asleep while Louis Lucked out and got voted to drive the two hours to the house. My house. They told Paul that since we had a car we would just drive to the house on our own. About a half hour from the house we hit a bump and I woke up with a yelp. Opening my eyes I realized that I was snuggled against Nialls chest and jolted back. I looked around and saw that they were all looking at me (Louis had stopped the car). "What?"I asked. Liam struggled to suppress a smile but failed and said " you talk in your sleep." My eyes widened and I blushed furiously 'what had I said now?"I wondered. "You really think we're all sexy?" Zayn asked. I gasped and tried to give an excuse but started to stutter so much that I just blushed and hid my face in Nialls arm.
They all laughed really loud and I yelled "oh shut up, I'm going back to sleep. " " might want some tape" Louis muttered and Harry burst out laughing but I pretended not to hear him. Instead of going to sleep I thought about all the guys and what was good.
Zayns eyes were a soft dark drown and he had sharp face features. Liams face was kind and his eyes held warmth. I knew whoever his girlfriend is he'll protect her. Louis was funny and his style was awesome. Harry's curls made me want to play with his hair all day and I felt comfortable around him. And Niall. It just felt right to be around him and his eyes were amazing.
I sighed and heard Liam chuckle. 'This is going to be hard to chose. Mabey I should find out if any off them have girlfriends. That would probably help Osh. (I know bad nickname, but I was three and what three year old can say 'Oceania'). I felt someone shake my shoulder and say " hey we're here, wake up." Probably Harry. I mumbled some thing that probably came out as " sleep... Foo...hungry... Want some cookies." What I meant to say was " I'm trying to sleep, but I need food cause in hungry. I want some cookies." " we can do this the easy way or the hard way, your choice." Niall said. "Bring it." I said my voice muffled by Nialls shirt. " okay, you asked for it." Niall said and suddenly I smelled a god awful smell an jerked up. " get me out of here!" I shouted, my arms out to Zayn. He laughed and pulled me out while Liam got my crutches.
Once I had my crutches I asked "what was that?" Louis giggled and said "Niall farted." I looked up asif talking to God and said " hat did I get myself into?" And we started up the steps.

chapter 5


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.11.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To my sister, for introducing me to one direction in the first place.

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