
Horror story

The Attic

Sarah made her way up to the attic, her flashlight beam flickering as she climbed the rickety stairs. The attic was cramped and cramped, filled with old boxes and discarded furniture. But it was also the place where the ghost had been spotted the most.

Sarah shone her flashlight around the attic, her heart racing. She could feel the presence of the ghost, she was sure of it. She walked over to a dusty old trunk and opened it, hoping to find some clues about the ghost.





The Haunted House



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.01.2023

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

As she walked through the house, Sarah couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. She tried to brush it off as her imagination getting the better of her, but the feeling persisted. She could feel eyes on her, even though she was alone in the house.

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