

Hey guys...this is actually my first time writng please comment below and tell me what you think about my book. If you like it you can tell me to write more and if not, please don't send negative comments. Just don't read my book if you don't like it. This is not a personal experience for those who will be wondering, It's just and idea.







1.My first love

It was a quiet night for a Friday night. Tasha was keenly looking at the road while driving. She barely said anything but answer my questions. Tasha has been my best friend since I joined high school. We are in our senior year at Peak Ville Academy. It is one of the most popular schools in New York. Most of the people in New York would say it is a school for the rich and spoilt kids but I don’t agree with them. Well…honestly, I would to some point but only because of some students like Mona, the queen bee of the school. Speaking of Mona, she is the main reason we are even in the car now.


She was hosting a party at her house and both of us were invited. Sort of the whole of the senior class is invited.

“Jeez Tasha, ssup with the silence today... I see someone’s in a bad mood today” I teased as a smile formed at the corners of her mouth.

“ Cut it off Alex, I just argued with my mom earlier…” She said.

“ Moms and thinking that they always know everything” I said and put some music on as we both started singing to the lyrics as we went down the clear path.

It was 5.30 and the party was to start shortly.


It took us 20 minutes to get there and Tasha packed the car then we joined the rest of the students for the party. Loud music was banging from inside the house as we entered the compound. Lots of students were already there.


The party went on the night as we danced and drunk as much as we could. Some people were heading upstairs to do God knows what. Some were kissing all over the place … ewww, gross. I say that because I think mouths and tongues are to be used for eating not to be put in other people’s mouths. I’ve actually never dated ever since I was a kid and I’m almost eighteen now. I’ve never had any interests in dating whatsoever or maybe I’m just waiting for Mr. Right.


I got so drunk that Tasha and I had to leave. I could barely walk to the car so Natasha had to drag me but I was too heavy some guy came and helped her carry me to the car. I’ve never seen him in school or anywhere nearby or maybe I was hallucinating. I decided to go with the last option.


I couldn’t still myself in the car (that was one of the reasons we did not use my car to come to the party: I drink way too much) so the guy insisted on going with us to make sure I got home safe so he and I got into the back seat with him. I fell asleep as soon as Tasha started driving. I didn’t even notice them carry me to my house and to my room. Luckily it was a Friday and my parent’s were out of town but they had left my little brother because they would have skinned me alive if they found out I got home drunk.

2.My first love

I woke up the next morning feeling sick. I didn’t notice that Tasha stayed for the whole night until when I got downstairs and found her seated on the couch. I headed to my dad’s study and found some painkillers on his desk and took some. I then went back to join her as we talked about the previous night.

“ Hey Alex, Jake said you should be more careful next time” She started.

“ Who the heck is Jake and why does he give a damn about my safety.” I asked clueless of what she was talking about.

“ He is the guy who helped me get you home yesterday when you were totally drunk and couldn’t even wobble to the car.” She said.

“ Ohhh… do I know him? Coz I don’t know of any guy called Jake in school.” I asked.

“ Nah…he said the just moved in to town recently.” She answered.

“ Oh. Ok, did he leave after?”

“ No. He stayed with you in your room all night and just left this morning when I got up.” She said as my eyes widened.

“Whoa…slow down. You mean I actually slept with a guy on the same bed and you let it happed. So much for being my best friend.” I said now annoyed with her.

“I tried to tell him but he insisted and you were also clinging to him so I just let him.” She replied.


WTF??? I was clinging to him? Now that’s insane. Even if I were drunk why on earth would I do that?


“Do you know where he stays? I wanna confront him.” I said.

“ No he just left and I didn’t bother following him because I knew you would wake up any time soon.” Tasha replied.

“ Ok then let’s go out for some coffee. I’m really hungry.”

“Ok you’re driving and we’re taking my car coz I need to go home afterwards.” She said throwing me her car keys.

I caught them and we went out and I drove to the coffee shop where we always meet up with Tasha. Since were regular customers we didn’t need to order so we just went ahead and sat down. We got our usual but again decided to take it from the car while driving Tasha home. Her home wasn’t that far from my house so I could just walk back since we had to leave her car back at her house.


We were talking and laughing as we got out of the coffee shop. I then bumped into some guy and he made all me coffee pour into my new designer shoes. I would have let him be but since I had just wore those shoes for the first time since I bought them last weekend I was so furious.


“WTF is wrong with you? Can’t you see where you are going?” I said furiously.

“I’m really sorry Alex, let me wipe it off for you?” He said bending down to my shoes as I hastily moved backwards.

“ Don’t you dare touch me and how on earth did you know my name?” I asked.

“ I’m Jake, I’m sure you don’t know me but I’m the one who took…” I rudely interrupted before he could even finish his statement. Tasha on the other hand was just watching.

“ So you’re the ‘tell her to be careful next time’ guy and you’re the same one who spilled all my coffee on me.”

“No… I was just…I didn’t see you come.” He said

“You know I was gonna find you and thank you for last night but I don’t think that’s ever gonna happen.” I said and pushed my way out to the car. Tasha stayed there talking to him before joining me.


3.My first love

I’m actually not aggressive but when it comes to my shoes, which I’m over-possessed with, you’ll have to face the other side of me. I really regretted treating him that way but on looking back, he was already gone and Tasha was already heading to the car. I drove her home then walked back to my house. Mike had gone to his friend’s house and my parents came back the next day.


On Monday morning, I went to pick Tasha and we drove to school.

"I’m gonna go find Jake after school and apologize to him. You should come with me.” I said as we walked to our classes.

“Yeah right, you really acted so mean the other day.” She said imitating what I had said on Saturday.

“Shut up Tasha… He destroyed my newest shoes. What was I supposed to do?” I said sarcastically I only had two classes with Tasha (English and Math) so we mostly hang out during breaks and lunch.


I had only four classes on that day because I had a free period. At lunch Tasha and I went to the school cafeteria to get our food. I was so hungry so I just opened my juice as soon as I took it. We then went to find a place to sit and I noticed that one of my shoelaces was open. Tasha walked ahead of me as I stayed back to tie my laces. When I was done and was walking over to meet her, I bumped into someone and all my lunch spilled on me. On looking up, I found out the person was…Jake. I was now double - furious.


“Seriously…were you born to spill each food my mine on me?” I shouted at him and the whole school was looking at us.

“I’m really sorry Alex, I didn’t mean to. I was just texting some…” He started but as usual I didn’t let him finish.

“You know I was gonna apologize for when you spilled my coffee on me but I don’t think that’s ever gonna happen.” I said.

“I’m so sorry… It was totally my fault.” He said while bending and wiping off my shoes.

“ Don’t you dare touch me…Get out of my way idiot.” I said and ran to the bathroom.


“ Cool down Alex,” I recognized Tasha’s voice behind me in the sink while I was wiping dirt off my skirt.

“ I mean what kind of a guy does that. One time he helps you then the next he’s all over spilling everything on you anytime you meet.” I said scrubbing of a stubborn stain on my sweater but decided to take it off.

“It was an accident Alex, he didn’t mean it.” She said.

“There’s no way that was an accident. I mean I could see it all over his face.” I said not knowing what else to back up my point. Even I knew that wasn’t true but she bought it anyway.

“Ok then. Come on let’s go. We can share my food.” She offered.

“ No thanks… I’m not really hungry anyway.” I said as we walked back into the cafeteria.

We had English as our last lesson so we walked together to our lockers and then to class.


4.My first love

After school we both headed to the packing lot to drive home. We had an English homework so we were heading to Tasha’s house to do it together. There was an unfamiliar car near mine that I’ve never seen anywhere in the school before. I almost knew everyone’s car but that one was completely new to me.

“ Hey Tasha, do you know who’s car is that? It's pretty sick.” I asked her.

“No I’ve never seen it either. We should probably stick around and see whose it is.”

“ Let’s just go home. We’ll find out sooner or later. I’m tired and I wanna finish Miss Marie’s assignment early.” I suggested.


I got in the driver’s seat while Tasha was still loading her stuff in the car.

“ Hey, how’re you?” I heard her talk to someone.

I didn’t bother to look at whom she was talking to but I recognized a male voice. I was using the car’s mirror to check my make up when I heard the guy mention my name that’s when I decided to turn and look back. Crap… it was Jake.

“ Is Alex with you?” He asked.

“ Yeah. This is her car.” Tasha replied.

“ Oh really? Nice car. Please give this to her because I know she wouldn’t even wanna see me.” I saw him give Tasha a note.

“ No. You should find a way to apologize to her and give her the note yourself.”

“ But even you know…” He started but I didn’t hear the rest because my phone rang but by the time I was picked it up, it was a missed call.

“… but you know a first hand delivery is better.” I heard Tasha say.

“Ok then at least tell her I’m really sorry and…” I immediately hooted and shouted,

“ Hurry up Tasha. How long does it take to load your stuff?”

“ Just a minute.” She said and I heard her say to Jake, “ Go talk to her now… go ahead.” She insisted.

I saw him walk by and thought maybe I should shut my window but that’ would be rude.

“ Hey Alex.” He started.

I rolled my eyes and replied “ What do you want?”

“ I just wanted to say I’m really sorry and didn’t mean to do it.”

“ Yeah right… I’m getting late and you’re wasting my time. Just leave me alone.” I said but inwardly felt like forgiving him.


“ Please…I’m not leaving until you forgive me or at least take this.” He said as he handed me the note he had earlier given Tasha.

“ Ok then now go…you’re really making me run late.” I said as I took it just to make him leave.

“ Thanks for hearing me out… bye.” He said.

“ Whatever.” I said as he left and I noticed that the ‘unfamiliar car’ was his.

We were heading out when Tasha said,

“ Aren’t you going to read it.”

“Read what?” I said totally forgetting about the note.

“ Duh, the note.” She replied

“ Hell no. I just took it to make him go away.” I said.

“I’m going read it if you won’t.” She said

“ You’ll do no such thing.” I said as I shoved the piece of paper in my jacket.

“ Come on let me read it to you.” She pleaded.

“ Hell…” I said but she wouldn’t let me finish.

“ Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease…” She pleaded while blinking rapidly.

“Okay okay … Take it before you start making faces.” I gave in knowing how she is when she wants something.

“ Thanks bestie…” She quickly jumped for immediately I took it out of my pocket.

I just rolled my eyes and continued driving.

“What does it say?” I asked when she was done.

She just looked at me smiling and said

“Here,” I took it and put it back into my pocket.

We got to Tasha’s house and I packed the car outside the gate as we got in. I took out the note while upstairs in her room when she had gone to get us some drinks. It said


Hey Alex,

I was told that you are a really nice person but I don’t know why you hate me so much. I’m really sorry for Saturday and your lunch earlier today. I would have offered you mine but you walked away before I could If only you could find it in your heart to forgive me. I promise I’m going to be careful next time. You can choose not to talk to me but at least please forgive me. I would have just sent you a text but I don’t have your phone number. I’m really sorry and I mean it. I hope we can be friends someday.



He had also written his phone number in the letter. I just smiled and put it back into my pocket. I didn’t notice Tasha at the door until she giggled.

“ What’s so funny?” I asked her as she got into the room.

“ Nothing just that you were smiling while reading his note.” She said

“ Yeah right… as if I buy that.” I can tell when Tasha is lying because she leaves a trace of a smile on her lips while talking.

“ Okay… I was laughing at your skirt. The stain sort of looks like a bunny.” She said now laughing

“And how is that supposed to be funny?” I asked her.

“ Remember when you dressed like a bunny for Halloween then you…” She started.

“ Don’t even remind me of that” I said while joining her in her laughter. I didn’t want her to say because it’s so embarrassing and funny too.


I went back home after finishing the assignment and my mom was already home.


5.My first love

“Sweety what happened to your skirt?” She asked.

“Nothing mum just some guy hit my tray and spilled my food on it. It’s no big deal.” I answered. Seriously…I don’t even know why I just say that. Of course it is a big deal, the same guy also spilled my coffee on me.

“ So you didn’t eat anything. I’ll fix you something then.” I said

“ No thanks mum, I ate something at Tasha’s I’ll just wait for dinner.” I said. I kissed her on the cheek and shuffled my little brother’s hair as I ran upstairs. He’s only 8 years so he comes from school really early.


“ Alex, what’s that note you dropped on the steps?” My mom asked.

“ It a letter from her boyfriend.” Mike teased.

“ Shut up Mike” I said and answered my mom, “ It’s just a note Tasha had left in my locker.”


I got to my room and jumped onto the bed so tired. I took out the note and read it again. I felt I should just lay off the boundary and forgive him. I typed the number into my phone and texted him;

‘I forgive you… I hope you know who it is’ and pressed send.


I then took off my clothes and went to have a shower. When I came back, there was a text from Jake ‘Thanks so much…See you tomorrow.’


See you tomorrow? Seriously, I’m not even longing to see him. I just forgave him not said it was a beginning of friendship. I decided not to text him back and went back downstairs. I snatched the remote from Mike and put my favorite program.


“ Hey, can’t you see I was watching,” He complained.

“Go play your videogames in your room.” I said

“ Why can’t you go watch the T.V in your room then?” He asked

“Because it doesn’t have this program.” I answered.

“ Go talk to your boyfriend in you room then.” He mocked.

“Shut up Mike or I’ll smack you now. You know I don’t have a boyfriend” I said.

“ What about the guy who brought you home the other day and slept in your room. Or you think I didn’t notice?” He said laughing.

“ Come here,” I said while pulling him to my lap and smacked his butt playfully as he laughed. “ Next time I’ll do it real hard” I said while continuing.

“Okay…I’ll not say that again.” He said and I let him go.

“Good…now go to your room I wanna watch this.” I said.

“ But seriously, who was he?” he asked.

“ He’s just a friend. I felt sick that night so he and Tasha brought me home.” Whoa…did I just say ‘just a friend’? I don’t know what came over me.

“Ok then.” He said and ran to his room.


It was dinner time just when my dad came back home. We sat at the dinner table and ate while chatting. Mike told us of how he finally got a good grade in his math test. After dinner all of us went to bed. When I just finished putting on my Pjs, I heard a knock on my door. When I opened it was Mike.

“ What do you want?” I asked.

“Come go read me a story.” He said.

“Go tell mom. I’m tired and I wanna watch a movie.”

“Please Alex… I watched a scary movie and I’m scared. Can I stay here then?” He asked.

He never sleeps alone when he’s scared so I just let him stay.

“ Why didn’t you wanna go sleep with mom and dad then?” I asked him as he got on my bed.

“I miss you. You barely stay home coz you’re always with Tasha every time. I wanna spend more time with you.” He said sadly.

“ Awwww… I’m sorry mike. I didn’t know that’s what you wanted. I thought you were always tired of me.” I replied.

“No. Why would I? You’re always nice to me and you’ve never shouted at me or call me a bad name except when you’re teasing me.” He said.

I’ve never noticed all that until now.

“ Ok then don’t worry. You can sleep here if you want to. And I’m sorry for making you fell that way.” I said as I hug him.

“Thanks sis, you’re the best.” He said.

Ohh… That was the sweetest thing I’ve ever been told.

“ Did you brush your teeth” I asked as I walked to my bathroom.

“Yes” he shouted back.

When I came back he had put a kids movie that I also used to love when I was a kid.

“I used to like that movie when I was almost your age. Are you gonna watch it?” I asked.

“Can I?” he asked back.

“ Sure…” I said as I got beside him.

He crawled to my side and put his head on my chest.

“What are you doing? I asked.

“Nothing” he chuckled.

“We watched half the movie and he started feeling heavy.

“Mike move to the other side. You’re hurting me.” I said but he didn’t move. I almost shook him when I saw that he was already sleeping.

I covered him and put off the lights and TV then also slept.


6.My first love

“Oh there he is…” I heard my mom’s voice.

“Hey mom…” I said

“Hey… I went to Mike’s room to wake him up but he wasn’t there and I was coming to ask you.”

“ He asked if he could sleep here because he was scared so I let him.” I said as my mom woke him up.

“ Come on…you need to get ready for school.” He said to Mike who is always stubborn in waking up. “ And you too” She also told me.


I had texted Tasha as soon as I woke up so we both got ready at the same time. I didn’t take the car so I texted Tasha to meet me at the coffee shop so we could walk to school. We only take the car when we’re late or just lazy to walk to school.


We got to school early enough so we had time to hang out before classes.

“So did you finally forgive him?” She asked.

“Yeah…I felt pity on him.” I said.

“And BTW why did you wake me up so early today?”

“I slept with Mike so when mom came to wake him I also woke up and just decided to get ready too.”

“Oh… What’s up with him?”

“Nothing, he just said he misses his sister coz I’m always either at school or with you or doing something else.”

“ Hahaha… brother love.”

She mocked as we headed to class since it was already time. We had spent a lot of time at the coffee shop.


My last lesson was Science so I was the first one in class because I finished my food earlier and Tasha was nowhere to be seen. The class was full but there was no one sitting next to me because I like doing most of my projects alone. Not because I have no friends in the class but because my former partner transferred and I was okay with doing my projects alone. Suddenly, heard a familiar voice next to me,


“Hi Alex,” When I turned my head it was…Jake

“Seriously, you again?” I moaned.

“ I thought you already forgave me.” He said.

“Yeah but doesn’t mean you have to talk to me like we’re friends…I only forgave you. You can find yourself another spot to sit.” I said as I turned to my book.

“ But there are no other spots available.” He said.

I wanted to reply but Mr. Gerald interrupted.

“Did all of you read the pages I gave you last week as homework?” He asked and almost everyone nodded because as usual there are the naughty guys who never do homework.

“Ok good, today I’ll assign each pair a project that is due next class.” He said and continued.   “Alex you now have a partner because we have a new student in the class.” He said specifically to me.

“ But Mr. Gerald...” I tried to protest but he won’t let me finish.

“ No buts Alex…you’re the best student in my class and I wouldn’t want Jake to fall into bad company.” He said.

Yeah right, now I’m stuck with him for the rest of my high school life.

“ Whatever…” I murmured.

“See…you can’t avoid me now.” Jake whispered to my ear.

“Great…so now I’m stuck with you for the rest of my senior year.” I said rolling my eyes.

“The teams are to do research and write a report on the homework.” He said.

We didn’t do anything for the rest of the period so Jake kept on bothering me.

At the end of class, I went back to my locker but Tasha wasn’t there yet because if she was, she would wait for me or leave a note. So I dropped a note saying I was going to Jake’s house to do a project.

I wouldn’t be going if not Jake’s nagging. Just when we got into his car, Tasha came running towards us.

“Hey guys, wait for me.” She shouted.

She came to the window and asked Jake if he could drop her off.

“Since when did you have partner in Science class” She specifically asked me.

“Cut it off Tasha. It’s because someone decided to add himself to my class and specifically chose to sit near me.” I said rolling my eyes at Jake.

“ I only knew you in the whole class.” He defended himself.

“Yeah whatever…” I said. “BTW Tasha, where were you at lunch time?” I asked trying to change the topic.

“ I was redoing a test.” She answered.

“What test?” I asked knowing how smart she is.

“ Don’t you remember the Math test I did when I was sick? Apparently I got a bad grade so the teacher made me re-do it.” She asked.

“Oh okay…I barely ate today.” I said. I am so used to having Tasha at lunch. She is even the one who makes me eat especially since I never like eating.

We got to her house and she got off and left.

“Can we stop for a drink on the way, I’m really thirsty” I said.

“ We can grab something at my place, it’s only one block away.” He said.

“I didn’t know you lived around here” I said surprised.

“It’s because you’ve never been friendly towards me.” He replied.

I turned and looked at him as he drove. I’ve never observed him real close. He’s really cute…I mean I’ve never seen such beauty. He has black hair that rises at the tip of his face and cute eyebrows and lips…OMG he’s so damn cute. Wait, what am I even saying? I stopped myself when I came to my senses and quickly looked at the road. He then smiled and looked at my side. I could feel his stare at me for a while then he looked away.


7.My first love

We got to his house and his house was almost the same size as mine except that it was much bigger. There was a small girl about Mike’s age with long blonde hair sleeping on the couch. Jake carried her to a room upstairs and came back to take me to his room. It was much bigger than mine and had two desks in it.

“Feel at home…” he said.

“ I’m thirsty, do you have any soda?” I asked.

“Yeah…I’ll get you some.” He said and went outside the room.

I went around surveying his room until I didn’t notice him come back. I only knew he was standing there when I tripped on a ball and almost fell.

“Watch out.” He said as I felt strong gentle arms catch me.

“Thanks,” I said as I got to my feet and freed myself from his embrace.

“There’s your soda.” He said as he pointed to the table.

“Mhh…coke. My favorite.” I said as I opened the can.

He moved to his desk, sat down and opened his Mac.

“I would have helped you with your research but I left my phone and ipad at home.” I said as I sat on his bed.

I stared at him again watching his cute features again.

“Like what you see?” he asked as he got up.

“What, I wasn’t even looking at you.” I said looking away and I noticed his stare again. He got up and went to the other desk and gave it to me.

“Here. Use this.” He said. “ Aren’t you gonna use the desk?” he added as he went to sit down.

“No. I’m much more comfortable here” I answered. Actually I wanted to observe his handsome face more.

“Where were you before you moved here? And why did you move in the middle of the semester?” I asked.

“ I’m from L.A.” he said and then continued, “My dad was transferred here so we all moved with him.”

“Was that your sister down there?” I asked.

“ No. That’s my cousin Shana. Her parents died so we stay with her.”

“ We?” I asked.

“Yeah. I lived with my parents but they are at work now.” He explained.

“Oh. So you are an only child?” I asked.

“Yeah… What about you?” He asked back.

“I have a little brother, Mike. He’s 8.” I said

“Ok… Shana’s also 8.” He said.

“ Do you have any music? I can’t read without music.” I said as I took out my earplugs.

“ Yeah…It’s in there but I don’t know if you’ll like them.” He said

“I’ll just bare with it as long as it’s music.” I said as I put on my earplugs.


I did some research for a while then when we were all done, he came to the bed so we could write the report.

“Ok so what should be title of our report.” I asked pulling his computer to my side. He moved closer so that I could  hear and he was by my side and we were both facing his laptop.


We typed as we chatted and laughed. I didn’t even know I would ever have a conversation with him let alone sit on the same bed with him.

I felt is hand on my face as he tucked my hair behind my hair. I was surprised by his touch and looked at his eyes as he looked back at me. He was so close that I couldn’t resist looking at his handsome face. He started leaning in and soon his lips pressed against me. At first I was surprised by his move but soon I got lost in the moment that I gave in. He bit my lower lip asking for access into my mouth and I was reluctant at first but I gave in. His lips were so soft and the kiss felt so nice than any other…as if I’ve ever kissed any one before. His tongue evaded my mouth as hands roamed about my hair as he slowly tugged my lower lips again and again. His hand was soon on my waist within no time and as soon as I got back to my senses I pulled out and gasped for air.

I didn’t know what to do so I just looked at him with my what-did-you-just-do eyes.

“I’m so sorry…” he said as he let go of my waist and I jumped out of bed.

“ I gotta go.” I said as I walked to my stuff.

“Please stay… Let’s just finish the report.” He said.

“HELL NO.” I shouted. “ So you can kiss me again or who knows what you wanted to do to me?” I shouted.

“Well at least just let me drive you home. You can’t find your way back.” He said. He was right,   his is place was further to mine so I couldn’t walk back home.

“Ok then I’ll stay…but only for the report. And don’t you even dare come closer to me.” I warned as I got back to the bed. I tried as much as I could to avoid his eyes or even looking at him.

He took me home when we were finished with the project. He dropped me outside my house and shouted

“I’m sorry Alex.” He said.

I didn’t even look backwards as I got into the house.


I turned on my phone and found missed calls from my mom and messages saying that she and my mom are going to be away for a while so I should take care of Mike. She had assigned someone to stay with us for that time and look after Mike when he comes from school because Mike only stays for halfday of school.


I went to Mike’s room and found him curled up in his bed.

“Hey, what’s wrong champ?” I asked he’s never like this.

“Finally you’re home. I thought you went with mom and dad too.” He said.

“I’m so sorry my phone was out of power so I didn’t see mom’s texts.” I told him.

“ Where have you been?” he asked. “ I saw Tasha at the coffee shop and you were not with her.”

He continued.

“I was with doing a science project with a friend.” I told him. “And what were you doing at the coffee shop alone?” I asked

“ I was with the nanny.” He said.

“What nanny?” I asked.

“She’s in the kitchen, didn’t you see her when you were coming?”

“ Ok then. I’ll go take a shower then I’ll be back ok?” I said.

“Ok then.” He said.


I took a shower then texted Tasha on what happened between Jake and I. She kept on teasing me until I decide to go downstairs to check on the ‘nanny’. After dinner Mike and I stayed and watched a movie till he fell asleep and I had to carry him to his room. He is so heavy when asleep. I went back to my room and Jake had sent me a text saying that he was sorry about earlier. I didn’t wanna reply so I just watched a movie till I fell asleep.


8.My first love


The next morning I woke up when the Nanny, Susan, was preparing Mike for school. I wasn’t feeling well so I was gonna stay home on that day.

“Hey, ain’t you going to school today?” Mike asked when he saw me.

“No. I’m not feeling that well so I’ll just stay home.” I replied.

“Should I call your parents?” Susan asked.

“Don’t bother, I’ll just tell them myself.” I said. “ Do you need any help?” I asked noticing that she was making breakfast at the same time.

“No, I’m fine besides you’re sick.” She said.

“Ok then, I’ll be upstairs if you need me and Mike have fun at school?” I told them as I went back to bed.

‘Hi Tasha. Not feeling well so I’m staying home today. Please bring me any assignments.’ I texted Tasha and she replied almost immediately.

‘What’s up? Did Jake’s kiss come with a bacteria or what? Hahaha. ’ She teased back.

‘Fuck you Tasha.’ I replied.

‘Ok. Anyway, get well soon. I’ll come to see you after school.’ She said.

‘Ok…see you soon.’


Just when I was done, Mike came in,

“Bye Alex, I’m leaving now,” he said.

“Ok, say hi to Shana,” I said. Jake had told me that she went to the same school and was in the same grade with him so I figured out they knew each other.

“How did you know her?” he asked.

“OH. I forgot to tell you. I am in the same school with her cousin Jake. He is the one I was doing the project with. Now go to school or you’ll be late.” I said as I hugged him.

“I think you have a fever, you’re really hot. You should call mom and dad,” he said.

“You don’t worry, I’ll be fine, ok? Go to school now.” I told him.


I also texted Jake and told him to send me any assignments in Science class. Which was obviously a bad idea coz he would have to come to my house. I called my mom and told her that I stayed home because I wasn’t feeling well. She was all mothered up at first then I told her it was just a fever and a mere stomachache.


I then fell asleep and woke up when Mike was already back from school. I had not eaten anything since morning but I wasn’t hungry anyway. I went downstairs to grab something to eat so Susan fixed me a sandwich but I didn’t even finish it. I didn’t feel like eating anything so I just went back to my room and watched a movie with Mike.


School was already over so Tasha was to come any time soon. She came straight to my room and she helped me study what I had missed in school. After a while she went back to her house to have a shower and change. Susan then came to my room.

“There is a guy called Jake waiting for you downstairs.” She said.

“What does he want?” I asked disgusted just by that name.

“I don’t know. Just go and see him.” She said.

“Okay.” I said and she left.

I waited for a while then got out of bed. I felt a sharp pain cross my stomach and I groaned in pain and held my stomach tightly. Mike hurried to me

“What’s wrong Alex,” he asked worried.

“Nothing. I’ll be fine. Can you help me downstairs?” I said as he helped me get up.

He’s short but still helped me gain my balance. I wasn’t really okay but I just said that for him not to worry. My stomach really hurt a lot as we got down the stairs. Once we were down, I noticed Jake coming towards us to help Mike. I couldn’t stand the pain any longer so I let out a scream and fell down.

“Alex, please get up.” Mike said while crying and that was the only thing I heard then I collapsed.


9.My first love

When I woke up I found myself in a hospital bed and Jake, Tasha, Susan and Mike were there. Mike was crying and Tasha was trying to comfort him. He broke out of her embrace once he saw me awake and came to me.

“Alex,” he said as he came to hug me.

“What happened?” I asked as I tried to sit down. The sharp pain again cut across my stomach and this time it was much painful.

“Ouch…” I cried touching my stomach. A nurse came in and told all of them to go out.

“Hi. I’m nurse Angie,” she said. “We contacted your parents and they are on their way here.”

“What? You called them without asking me?” I asked knowing how busy they were.

“We had to considering how serious your case is.” She said.

“What do you mean by serious?” I asked.

“You have appendicitis and you might need an operation. You are even lucky that you were brought here earlier,” she said

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“ Had you delayed for another two hours, you would have died.” She said.


I was shocked by the news that I didn’t know how to reply to that. Tears fell down my cheeks at the thought that I was almost dying and more so that I was gonna have an operation.

“Hey there,” I heard Jake’s voice next to me.

“What are you doing here?” I asked. Trying to wipe off my tears.

“Your folks are here, they’re talking to the doctor now. I just wanted to check on you before I leave.” He said.

“Okay, you can leave now,” I said.

“ Not until you tell me why you were crying when I got here.” He said as he sat beside me.

“ I’m sick…the nurse says I would have died if I had delayed for two more hours.” I said and started crying.

“So it was better I brought you here earlier.” He said.

“ Wait, so you’re the one who brought me here.” I said.

“Yeah, you collapsed when I came to your house and Tasha wasn’t there so I just carried you to my car and drove you here.” He said.

“ Then I owe you my life.” I said.

“Hey there,” I heard my mom at the door.

“ Mom…” I said.

“Am I interrupting something?” She asked.

“ No mom, meet Jake. Jake, my mom,” I introduced them.

“Hi Miss…” he started, “I don’t know Alex’s last name so I don’t know your name.”

“It’s ok, I’m Mrs. Jones.” She said.

“I’m Jake Miller, nice to meet you Mrs. Jones.”

“He is the one who brought me here.” I said.

“Oh. Thank you so much Jake, I owe you for saving my daughter” She said.

“No ma’am, anyone else could have done that.”

“How did you find her in the first place?” she asked.

“She is my science partner in school so I had come to give her an assignment when she collapsed,” he said.

“Thank you so much for bringing her. Mind my asking but are you John Miller’s son?” She asked him.

“Yeah. How do you know him?” he asked back.

“He’s partners with her dad.” She said.

“Speaking of dad, where’s he?” I asked.

“He’s signing you operation form.” She said.

“So it’s true I’m having an operation,” I said.

“I’m really sorry baby, why didn’t you tell us earlier you were having pains?” She asked.

“I didn’t wanna bother you guys coz you were sort of busy and I though it was just a stomachache.” I said.

“No baby. Being sick is not disturbing. Like in this case what if Jake was not there, and you stayed for long, you would have died.”

“I’m sorry mom.” I said

“I guess I should go now.” Jake said.

“No. You a can stay here and look after her.” My mom said.

“Why not Tasha?” I asked.

“She went back with Mike so I have to go and check on him. You must have scared him when you collapsed. He hasn’t stopped crying.” She said.

“Okay then, bye. See you later.” I said as she bent down and kissed my forehead.

Just then, my dad came in.

“Hi dad,” I said.

“Hi baby. Are you okay? How’re you feeling, ” he asked.

“Yeah. I’m fine. Just some little pain.” I said.

He hadn’t noticed Jake till my mom introduced him.

“I’m so sorry sweetie but I can’t stay. I have to go back where I was with your mother and finish some things.” He said.

“It’s okay dad, at least you’re here now.” I said.

I’ve never understood what my dad works on and I’ve never bothered asking.

“No baby, it’s not okay that I’m travelling and my baby is on a hospital bed.” He said lifting my hand into his own.

“But mom’s gonna be here so there’s no problem.” I said.


10.My first love


“Okay, enough of the chit chatting, let’s go and see Mike. I’ll be back after I take your father back to the airport.” My mom said.

“ Okay.” I said and they left so that it was only Jake and I.

“So your dad is the new ‘partner’ my dad has been talking about.” I started.

“I suppose so.” He said. “Why are you going to have an operation?”

“The nurse says I have appendicitis so my apparently my appendix has to be cut.” I told him.

“Ohh… I also had the same problem once when but I was a freshman.” He said.

“How was it?” I asked, “ Can you please help me up? I’m tired of lying on my back.” I added.

He held my hand and lifted me into a sitting position. “Thanks.” I said.

“ The pain was awful at first but I didn’t feel anything during and after the operation.”

“I had been feeling this pain earlier even when I was at your house but I never thought it was something serious so I brushed it off.” I said.

“I didn’t notice anything,” He asked.

“It’s because I didn’t show even when you were driving me home. That’s why I didn’t look back when you dropped me. I was almost crying and didn’t want you to see me.” I said.

“ I thought it was because I kissed you,” he said.

“No, I actually liked it.” I did not just say that aloud. What has come over me?

“What? And the way you looked surprised after,” he said looking at me surprisingly. I was even embarrassed to look at him so I just faced the wall and smiled.

“It’s because I’ve never kissed anyone before.” I said. My face was turning pale due to me blushing but I didn’t want him to notice so I turned to the wall. He has this effect on me that even I cannot explain.

“Why not? Forgive me for saying this but you’re so pretty and sexy. Any guy would die to have you.” He said.

“I guess I’m the one not interested.” I said.

“Why are you not interested in guys?” he asked. I didn’t expect such a question from him but I answered him any way. I don’t know I’m being so open to him now.

“I don’t know, I guess I’m waiting for the right guy,” I said.

“ May I?” he said asking if he could hold my hand and I nodded. He moved beside me on the bed and leaned over to me and soon his lips were pressing against mine again. I didn’t push him because I didn’t have the energy to do so and for some reason, I was longing for this. He again asked for access to my mouth and I gave him. His tongue evaded my mouth as mine evade his. I was the first one to pull out and asked,

“Why did you do that?” I asked confused with myself.

“There’s something about your lips that every time I look at them I just can’t control it. I’m really sorry.” He said moving back to the chair beside my bed.

“Ouch…” I cried as the pain crossed my stomach again as I tried to lie down.

“What’s wrong?” he asked as he moved back to the bed.

“I was trying to lie down, I’m really tired. I wanna sleep.” I said as he helped me lie down.

“Are you just gonna stay there?” I asked noticing that he went back to sit down.

“I guess it will be fun watching you sleep and besides your parents left me to look after you.” He said.

“Suit yourself.” I said and went to sleep.

11. My first love


I was in a certain room full of doctors with their faces covered in masks. There were also a lot of machines in the room. I then realized that I was in the operation room and got so scared.

“I’m I gonna die?” I asked out loud.

“It’s just an operation and we have the most skilled surgeons of all time.” On e of the doctors cared to answer while others just minded their businesses.

“ Just tell me. Am I gonna die,” I said tears running down my cheeks. I was so scared.

“Just hold on, everything will be okay,” Another doctor replied since the other one had left.

I kept on asking the same question again and again. I never knew death could be so near.

“This won’t hurt,” A nurse said as she injected me with some medicine. I think it was a sleeping pill because everything was a blur from the. Now I really thought I was going to die so I started crying.

“Please don’t let me die,” I said to the nurse holding my hand.

“Everything will just be…” I didn’t hear anything else as I fell into a deep sleep.


I woke up the next day (or atleast I thought so) and the pain was gone but I couldn’t feel my stomach. I moved my hand to it and it was there but I couldn’t feel it on me. When I opened my eyes, my mom was there with Mike and Tasha.


“Hey sweetie how was the operation?” My mom asked.

“You mean I really had it?” I asked surprised.

“Yeah. You had it last week but you were sleeping so you didn’t even notice them transfer you to another room.” She said. I looked around and noticed that I was in a different room.

“I barely noticed anything. All I can remember is I fell asleep and some doctors moving around me in a room then someone injected me and now when I woke up.” I said. I could barely move so my mom helped me sit up.


They made jokes and made me laugh at all times. They stayed only for a while but it had started to grow dark outside. Some food was brought to me and when I opened it, it was only some soup and I was only supposed to eat that for three weeks since my stomach couldn’t take any solid food yet. After some hours, a nurse came and said that visiting hours are over and that they should leave. My mom tried to plead to be let to stay but they couldn’t allow that. She gave me a sleeping pill but I didn’t take it. I hid it in my mouth and took it out when she left.


The door opened and someone entered so I pretended to be asleep.

“I know you’re not asleep,” I heard the person say. I turned around and it was, Jake.

“How did you know that?” I asked.

“I just know you didn’t take your pills.” He said.

“How do you know that,” I asked again.

“Have you forgotten I was in the same position once?” he asked sitting next to me. Yeah right, how could I forget that?

“But I’m not like you.” I said.

“Don’t pretend to be a good girl, I know how bad those pills are.” He said as we both chuckled in agreement.

“So how did it go?” he asked.

“Just like you said, I barely noticed anything.” I said.

He moved his hand on my stomach and I felt it tickle a bit but still couldn’t feel my stomach in its place.

“How does that feel?” he asked.

“Good. It tickles but I can barely feel my stomach.”

“ My mom did that to me when I was from the operation too.”

“ Is she at home now?”

“No. She died two weeks after I was discharged.”

“OMG…I’m really sorry.”

“No. You don’t have to be.” He said and I noticed a tear at the corner of his eye. I wiped it off and looked at his beautiful face. It doesn’t feel right for such beauty to be spoilt with tears.

“I think I do…It’s what friends are for.” I said.

“Friends?” he asked surprised.

“Yeah…I figured the least I could do after you saved my life is be your friend.”

“I was wondering why you even let me stay considering how much you hated me,”

“ I never hate anyone, just that you really provoked me.” I said.

“Oh really…” he said and I yawned. “ You should probably sleep now.” He said.

“Yeah… I should.” I said and pulled the cover to my chest.

“Sleep well,” he said.

“Thanks.” I then fell asleep almost suddenly.




12.My first love



She fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes. She looks so peaceful in her sleep, just like a baby. I moved forward and touched her face but she didn’t notice. She has been so beautiful ever since the first day I saw her at the party. She has the perfect figure any girl would want and any guy would like. I can remember how it felt he night I slept next to her after the party. She said that I was her first kiss, but she was so good when we kissed the first and second time. I kept on thinking about all those as I watched her sleep. She turned and faced me so now I could see all her face. She is so beautiful, I wish I could be able to lie next to her again. She was breathing so softly and looked like she had no care in the world. Her lips…no I’m not going to look at them lest they make me do something I don’t intend. Oh Gosh! I need those lips so badly but I’m not sure she would let me kiss her again.


(Sorry Jake's part is really short, I'll probably have more in other chapters)



" Heey," I tapped him on the shoulder. He had slept for long ever since I woke up. Damn, he's so cute. If I had met him before, I sure would have dated him. But I just don't know if he feels the same way for me though he kissed me twice already.

"Oh, hey you." he said disrupting my from my view and thoughts.

"Hi there sleepy head," I teased.

" can sit?" He asked surpried because I just sat down on my own."

"Yeah....I can barely feel anything." I said.

"Oh come here..." He said and pulled me into a hug.

"Ohk...No offence but you should really go take a shower." I said as I broke contact.

" I don't stink that much," He complained.

" Says who?" I asked.

" Just go.... My mom will be coming soon anyway. What day is it?"

"Saturday, I think." He answered.... "  Oh crap." He said.

"What?" I aksed but he didn't answer.

"I'll be back later." He took his jackect and left.


WTF was that all about, that was just too wierd. I've never benn really close to him so maybe he's this wierd.

"Aleex!" Mike shouted and jumped on me.

"Heey Mike. You'll hurt her." My mom said behind him.

"No mom it's fine... i can barely feel anything." I said.

"The doctor said that you can go home today." Mike said happily. "You can see my new phone mom got me." He added.

"Mom! You got him a phone?" I asked surprised. I never owned a phone while hiis age.

"I have to because I'm not always home and he needs to get in touch with you when he needs anything." Mom said.


I speant the whole day with them but my mom had to sign some documents and finalize the payments before I could be discharged. Jake came and we played with Mike for a while before I was allowed to go home. I wasn't allowed to go to school until the next week. My mom packet all my stuff from my hospital room and Jake helped me to the car. Mike had already gone home with Tasha earlier. It was already 8.00 at night when we left the hospital.

I arrived home when Mike was already asleep. Tasha was watching a movie in the living room.

" Hey best...." She said as she ran tome.

" I missed home." I said hugging her.

" Well home missed u too." She said back.

"BTW, I need to tell you something. Let's go to your room." she said.


I went up the stairs slowly since I still couldn't walk well. I peeped into Mike's room and he was fast sleep I bet he didn't notice me. Once I got to my room I jumped on my bed which I had missed for God knows how long.

"Damn... I missed my room sooooo much," I said as I curled up on my bed."

Tasha joined me and she said,

"I can't believe I have to do this but I'm sorry if it's too early." She said.

"Wait, what. You're starting to sound wierd." I asked.

" Uhm... Jake is my boyfriend now." she answered.

"WTF??? Are you F****ing serious Tasha." I asked surprised.

"Hell no. I'm just kidding. How can I love your crush," she said.

" First of all he's not my crush and second, well, I've got no second so just suck it up. He's not my crush."

"Ok if you say so. But seriously, I'm leaving."

"What do you mean you're leaving?"

 " My dad got a transfe to Georgia so we're moving there tomorrow."

I was spechless so I just looked at her in shock.

" I would have told you but earlier but I wasn't supposed to tell you till you got out of hospital."

" No. it's ok. I understand, but why are you moving tomorrow. Can't your parents let you stay for a while?"

"I have to report to my new school on Monday."


We talked for a while and she left at almost midnight. The next morning I woke she was long gone.


13. My first love.

 It has been a week since Tasha left and I've been a bit lonely because Mike was always in school. Jake came to visit me once in a while and bringing me all my assignments. I sometimes let him stay afterwards to keep me  company. It's on Saturday and I'll be starting school on Monday. I haven't missed that much since Jake helped me a lot and I owe him for that. It was and Mike was still sleeping because I let him stay awake all night while watching a movie with me. We watch in my room because I'm just too lazy to sit on the couch for long. I went downstairs because I didn't wanna wake Mike up since he was on my bed. Just as I got downstairs, Jake was at the door.

"Oh hey," I said while opening it for him.

"Hey, how're you?"

"Good, you?"

"Come in." I said and he got in.

"Are you alone? I can barely hear any noise." he said.

"Yeah, mom left early in the morning. She'sll probably be back in the evening and Mike is still sleeping." I said.

"Oh okay. So you're basically alone." he said while sitting down.

" You can say that. Do you want anything to drink?" I offered before sitting down.

"Nah. I'm fine." he said.

"Okay, let's watch a movie." I said.

"Fine, you love horror movies?" he asked.

"Yeah but I'm one good screamer so u better be ready for that and I get scared a lot." I said but not really true. Sometimes a girl's just gotta be a girl. I love scary movies though sometimes I have nightmares because of them like there was this time I found myself under the bed once when I was fifteen.

"I thought you love scary movies" he said as he laughed.

"What? I'm a girl and they sometimes gave me nightmares." I said.

"Ok chicken." he teased and I threw a ball at him.

 We have been so playful with each other since Tasha till he's sort of becoming my 'Best friend' but can never replace Tasha. Speaking of Tasha, we talk every day over the phone. She either calls me or I call her, whoever go first. I put the movie on and sat next to Jake so I could have the tv right infront of me. The movie was so scary that I found my self curling up on Jake which he didn't mind at all (he seemed to enjoy it.) I screamnt really loud too till Mike woke up. He wanted to go to Jake's house and play with Shana so i let him. He rode his bike since Jake's house wasn't that far from my house.

The movie was about ghosts in a haunted house and so I moved closer to Jake since I was afraid tha one of the ghosts would grab me and cut me into pieces. I was so close to him that myhead was on his chest and I could feel his heart beat, anytime I got scraed and felt like screaming I would clench really hard to his shirt and hide my face in his chest and he would tighten his grip around my waist.

"You look so cute when you're scared," I heard him say.

I looked up and noticed that he had been staring at me all this time. I was blushing really hard I bet I looked like a tomato then. I couldn't say anything so I tried to get up and look for an excuse to get away from him and the next thing I know is that his lips were on mine. I was still in shock for a while and he bit my lower lips and I granted him acces not knowing why everytime I kiss him I do that. His kiss felt different this time. It was more sweet and passionate that I didn't wanna break it so I let him continue. He pushed me on the couch and was now lying on me still kissing me. His hand started roaming on my body and down to my thighs, I cursed myself for having shorts on. The kiss felt so good but I had to break it because I didn't want him to go too far. He had already started sliding his way into my shirt.

"Uhhhm... I'm gonna get something from the kitchen do you want a soda or something?" I said as I pushed him off.

" Yeah. Can you get me a soda?" he said.

I actuallly just needed to get away from him. I went into the kitchen and stayed for like five minutes beofre coming back. I gave him his soda and sat on the couch next to his. I didn't wanna be near him again. We watched other movies quietly till late in the afternoon when my mom came back. Jake and I then went to his house so I could bring Mike back. i took my car because I didn't wanna walk there.




14.My first love

 It was Sunday afternoon and I was going back to school tomorrow. Mom then came into my room while I was plying Just Dance 4 with Mike.

"Alex, you father just called and he needs me to go there now." she said.

"MOM! What am just starting school again tomorrow," I said surprised.

"I'm sorry baby, but I have to go, he said it's an emergency." she said.

"So what about Mike?" I asked.

"That's why you have to pack your stuff. You'll be staying at Jake's place. I'll be gone for two weeks at least." she said.

" What?" Mike and I both said.

"Sweethearts, I wish I wouldn't have to go but I have to, now start packing I don't have much time." she said and left the room.

I finished packing what I neede since I could still stop by to pick some other things later then went to help Mike. Mom then dropped us at Jake's house and then left. Great now I have to stay under the same roof with him for two weeks. Him coming to see me my house sometimes is something else but having to look at him every hour of the day is really different. Worst of all, Jake made sure he and I ended up in the same room. He talked Mike out of sharing the guest room with me.


The two weeks passed and he did nothing out of the ordinary to me which I thank God for.

'One more day.Yeeey' I said to myself but part of me didn't want to leave. I sort felt comfortable near him. Surprisingly? My mom and dad came back on that day and with good news. His contract had been approved and therefore they would be hosting a party the next day to celebrate his success. We left Jake's house and went back home. It was a Friday night, that's when there's my favourite T.V show. We had dinner like we usually do when we're all home.


The next day was the party day so we had a lot to do. We did all the preparations that needed to be done and then BIngo! It was time. A lot of people from dad's workplace came. I don't think I've ever asked him what he works on and if I did I probably forgot. Everyone who came was like, 'Oh Alex, I had about your operation. Thank Go you're okay now.' We chatted and all that till It became late so Jake and I took Mike to his room and put him to sleep then went to my room to watvh a movie since the 'grown ups' party was a little boring.


The next morning I woke and felt strong familiar arms around me when I turned it was Jake. This was the second time I slept with him unknowingly in my bed. I've actually never got a better chance to look at him sleeping. Damn! This guy is cute. I shuffled up his black hair which were really soft. His breathing stopped for a while but soon went back to the slow sleepy breaths. He has thick black eyebrows and black eyelashes, slightly pink lips and Aslightly thin nose. I could say he's cute over and over again because he really is cute. I don't know what got over me but I caught myself brushing my hand through his hair over and over again. I didn't notice I was doing so till he opened his eyes and smiled,

"Like what you see?" he asked.

" Uh oh. I didn't even notice I was doung that, sorry," I said and got my hands off his hair as quick as I could.

"No don't stop. I should have just continued pretending I was asleep, that felt really good." he said.

"WTF?? You were awake all this time?" I said feeling embarassed that he knew I was staring at him. I think I was even blushing really hard right now. I bit my lower lip and then looked away.

"You know you're such a good kisser and you're sort of tempting me with that," he said.

"What?" I asked and without answering, His lips were already on mine.

This time I pushed him off before he could go any further because I was afraid my mom or dad or even Mike would catch us. Not that it was a bad thing just that I would be really embarassed.

"What is it, you've never refused my kisses before." he said.

"Nothing..." I said. "I just..." I couldn't finish it because his lips were again on mine.

I couldn't do anything because he seems unstopable no matter what I will do so I gave in. We kissed for long because this time I let him break it which he didn't seem to soon so I did.

"Well that was good," he said.

I didn't reply so I just got of bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I got up I found Mike instead of Jake.

"Hey where's Jake?" I asked.

"He went downstairs." he said while toying around with my phone.

"Ok when did you come in?" I barely heard any noise.

"Just now, Hey, can you take me to the movies today?" he asked.

"What? So you can pour all the popcorn at me again?" I said jockingly.

"Come on Alex, pleeeese?" he pleaded.

"Ok fine," I said.



15.My first love

It was during spring break which I had long waited for. Jake has been a pain in the ass a lot of times but I just had to put up with that. Finally I get to be free from school for a week. I was really happy while going home when school was over because my parents had said that they had a surprise for me. We had made a bet on who can take the highest number if ice cubes in half an hour so Jake and I competed on who will reach my house first. BTW, his parents were already back in town. I am really a first driver but he beat me to it. Damn it! We got into the house and my mom was with Mike in the living room.

"It 's even good that both of you are here." she said. That was weird she has never said anything like that.

"What do you mean? Is there anything wrong? Are you leaving again?" I asked.

"No no no nothing like that but you are the one leaving," she said. That sounded strange.

"Are you kicking me out of the house," I asked and realised that it was an insane question.

"What? No. I mean you and Jake will be going to the lake house for the break." she said.

"What?" both Jake and I said. I didn not expect that from him but he seemed as shocked as me.

"I figured you guys should get to know each other more and this would be the perfect oportunity." she went on.

"Ok then. When are we leaving?" I asked because I don't really like nagging.

"You can leave tomorrow morning." she said.

"Ok. Come on Jake." I said and dragged him to the kitchen for our bet.


I didn't have to wake up that early since it wasn't that far or that near from town. Jake came over to my house just as I finished preparing since we were taking his car.

"Can't I come too." Mike complained.

"Sorry honey, not this time." mom said.

"Why not?" he asked.

" It's okay Mike. I'll take you some other day so dont worry. Now I have to go or Jake and I will get there late." I told him.

"Ok bye Alex." he said.

I hugged him and we left. We made a stops on the way because I was really hungry since I had not taken any breakfast. The lake house wasn't that much out of order since mom sends someone to clean it up once in  while. I didn't notice that he had bought a tan of drinks till when we were unloading.

"What the Heck Jake?" I asked pointing to the drinks. " You know how I behave when I'm drunk. Why did you buy them?"

"Can't we have some fun of our own?" he asked and he tickled me.

"You're such an a**hole. You know that?" I said.

"I know and I like it." he said.


It was 9 or and we were still watching and drinking. I was really drunk but I still kept going.

"I'm gonna get more popcorn" I said.

"Ok but I bet you won't even manage to reach the first step on the stairs." he mocked.

"Heey...(hic)...don't underestimate...(hic)" I staggered my way past the bed but I couldn't manage so I almost fell but Jake caught me just in time.

"I'll go get it. Stay here and don't move." he said.

 I couldn't just stay still so I got up and accidentlaty hit a bottle then it fell down and broke.

" Uh oh ...(hic hic)." I said.

"Damn girl. I told you to stay still." he scolded.

"Oops...(hic)....sorry." he said.

There was a broom by the door so he just pushed the broken glasses away and came back to sit down. I took a handful of popcorn and poured it in his face and started laughing.

"You're one naughty b***h" he said.

"No...(hic)..."I'm no bi**h...(hic)...and I'm(hic)...not naughty." I said.

"I love it when you can't talk like that. You look cute with your (hic hic)'s " he mocked.

"Shut up (hic)" I said and moved closer to him.

He pulled me to his side and started kissing me.

"How is that supposed to help?" I pulled away and noticed that my hiccups were gone.

"See?" he said and his lips were once again on me. This time I had a really short skirt on so his hands roamed into my skirt. He then lifted me up and carried me to bed such that he was now lying on top of me. He started taking of his shirt and then pulled of my skirt revealing my pants and continued kissing me.

The next morning I woke up cuddled up in his arms and noticed that I was naked. I can't believe I let him do that and he's not even my boyfriend. I know I was drunk but I was fully aware of what was going on and didn't wanna stop him. I slid out of bed and put on my sweatshirt and sweatpants then went for a walk. I couldn't face Jake after last night.


I woke up and she was not in bed so I went to check the bathroom but she was also not there. Is she mad at me? Or de she just go somewhere and will be back. I took my phone and tried to call her but there was no reception. Damn! Now I just have to sit here. I knew I should have asked her first but she never tried to stop me so I thought she was okay with it. OMG! She's making me worry my a** off. I went and made some breakfast hoping that she would show up but she still didn't. I decided to go for a walk maybe I'd find her on the way. I didn't bother putting on any sweatpants so I just put on a shirt since I already had some shorts on.

I was walking around asking people if they had seen her anywhere when I noticed someone sitting on a bench all alone. She had a hoody on so I couldn't see her face so I walked up to her and there she was!

"Hey, what are you doing sitting here all by yourself?" He asked.

"I just needed some alone time." I said.

"Jeez, you got me worried," He said and pulled me off the seat. "Let's go back now." he added.


16.My first love.

 It has been months since the incident at the lakehouse with Jake happened. I was always talking to Tasha everyday and made sure to tell her about it. She freaked out at first but soon got over it. BTW, I'm not pregnant. Prom was coming up soon and I didn't have a date. A lot of guys had asked me from school but I turned them down. I was the first on in science class that day so I quietly went and sat on my spot. Jake later came and joined me and so did other students. I can barely hold a stare on Jake while talking to him so I end up looking at something else when he's talking to me. He doesn't seems affected with what happened and acts like nothing ever happened. Maybe I'm not good enough or I'mjust not his type. I think I'm starting to fall for him but at the same time maybe he doesn't have the same feelings for me.

"Hey Alex," I was disrupted from my thoughts by Jake.

"Yep?" I said and looked at him. It felt kinda weird since I haven't done that in a while.

"Can you come with me after school to my house, I need to show you something," he said.

"What? To do what?" I asked.

"Just come with me, please?" he pleaded.

"Ohk." I said.


When classes were over I went him to his car and luckily, I walked to school that day so I didn't have to worry about my car. We got to his house and he blindfolded me. He took me upstairs and into a room then took off the blindfold. There was this really beautiful blue dress lying on his bed.

"Will you be my date for the prom?" he asked. For starters, I've never seen or heard of anyone asking for a prom date in that manner so there was no way I could tun him down.

"Whoaa...Yes." I said and looked at him. I knew what he was gonna do so I quickly asked,"Is this mine?"

"Yes, who else can it be for?" he said.

"OMG! It's so beautiful." I said.


It was now the night of the prom and Jake was already downstairs, I quickly finished doing my make up and went downstairs. He also had a blue suit to match mine and a bow tie. He had a box in his hand and he took out a pair or earrings and a necklace and put them on me. I must say, he has a nice sense of fashion.

" You guys look cute together," mom said while taking us pictures.

" Come on Jake, let's go." I said.


We got to the hall and everyone there was already dancing so we joined then later went to get drinks. It was time to call prom king and queen and we were all anxious to know who it is including me. I never signed upfor the position since I didn't really care about it.

"Our prom king class of 2015 is Jake Miller," I was wondering who the prom queen would be if Jake was the king.

" Miss Jones please come up on the stage..." I heard the speakers say.

'What? Me?' I screamt in my head. Got to the stage and we were both given our crowns. It was now time to kiss Jake and I was really afraid to do it infront of everyone but I had to so I did.

"I love you." Jake whispered in my ear.

I stood there perplexed by what i just heard.

"What did you say Mr. Miller" the MC  asked him.

Jake moved to the microphone and started saying,

" All my life I've always wanted to meet someone special, someone that will make my heart feel at peace. And now I think I've found that special someone," he said looking into my eyes. " With you, I have felt greater happiness than before. I remember the first time we met how you hated me so much that you didn't wanna talk to me I should have let you be but there was something pulling me towards you and I guess I've come to know what it was.I would die for anything just to see your beautiful smile everyday. I'm really glad that you came my way and I would never want to spend any other day away from you. I love you Alex." He said and kissed me passionately infront of everyone. The crowd went wild with chering and clapping.


We got out of the stage and then went to take pictures then went into the car. I pulled Jake to a stop before I got in and looked into his eyes and said, " I love you too Jake." He then pushed his lips against mine and this time I was willing to let him kiss me for as long as he wants. After all he was the only guy my heart has ever longed for. He was MY FIRST LOVE!





Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.03.2016

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To all the young teens out there looking for love. Also to all who love romance stories,this may not be a perfect one but I tried. It's my first book. Just know that there is someone special waiting for you and don't lose hope. Love y'all.

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