
A Conversation with the Divine

In this chapter, we delve into a profound conversation with the Creator, the Almighty, seeking to understand how humanity is interconnected. We grapple with the pain of innocent lives lost, which grieves the Creator. We contemplate whether pressing issues like global warming and the potential threat of alien attacks can be catalysts for uniting us, allowing us to set aside our differences for the greater good.


In Conversation with God


It was a perfect day 19 October 2023 filled with work and brainstorming at work. For professionals and civilians, we love most when it comes to critical thinking, brainstorming, and challenges at the workplace, if I can figure out the shortcomings and meet the deadline I feel the day is made.

 Return home after work chill, play with my pet, and call up near and dear ones. Have dinner with family and listen to the news. That is when the mind and heart are saddened and shocked hearing all that goes on in the world.


 Since December 2019, it has been a constant painful news. The well-curated COVID-19 took the world by turbulence, then the Ukraine War and thousands killed on Mother Earth burning in the fire of high-tech missiles it is a shame and sorrow that Ukraine and Russia caught up in a long battle. God knows who is right and who is wrong.  How good are the decision-making abilities of Ukraine's President Zelinski going on taking aid and fighting? However, I like his ability to stay inside the country and boost the morale of his people.

Although I have many questions in my mind, as to why it's been dragging for so long. However, I am just a civilian, not a statesman with limited knowledge and no time to go on to the depths. So least I do is just feel sorry and pray for peace.

Those who are just civilians will understand we have our battles to fight to carry on the different family obligations food, medical work workplace rush and so much more. So on the occasional instance, it is just watching the TV and you wonder so much going on.

But on October 7th, 2023 the entire world watched the news, and videos of the barbaric acts of the Hamas who massacred the Israelis the women, children old, young & even senior civilians were dragged and killed without mercy, raped and around 200 abducted. It gives me Goosebumps.


Why, why on earth, would you do such a treacherous barbaric act even if you are a sworn enemy to inflict pain, shame and fear in an undignified way is not chivalry, it is terrorism, has no language just acts and most often, it consumes the one that breeds and nurtures.


So hyperactive and agonized at what is happening the next few days I start talking to friends and family near and far, sharing news clips. Sometimes you are caught in the conversation between right and wrong and history. It is a crossroads road what you see and hear may be far from what is the cause very confusing. It goes on till late at night and then I fall asleep.

 One such bedtime conversation   I had with my kids and the next day morning saw a very compelling message from one of them asking me, why don't I stand up for the thousands of children even babies getting killed? It broke my heart; first, I need in-depth knowledge about the reason behind the age-old conflict. I need to educate myself every life is precious on both sides of the war. If we want real peace, a deep understanding is needed.


Yes, I heard about antisemitism meaning hatred against the Jews. The Jewish holocaust during the World War, the Nazis murdered 6 million European Jews; this was termed as the holocaust and a genocide.  The tyranny of Ottoman Turks led people of different races to flee. All of which had contributed to the making of Israel and Palestine. 


In a conflict like this, it is difficult to determine who is right. No one is 100 % right or wrong. In such a problem, everyone is defensive. I know this. This is not the battle of Mahabharata where one side stood for righteousness Dharma and the other side for A dharma. That was a clean choice of whom to support. However, here the wrong becomes right and the right wrong, in the end, both end up killing civilians.  It is a difficult choice.


The message made me feel the agony of my child looking up to me. I read it again & silently thinking kids are kids, this problem is not for me to handle, I can only pray for everyone involved and caught up in the fight.


The morning of 20 October 2023 the 6th Day of Navratri was beautiful, the temperature was just perfect, the beginning of autumn the crisp and sweet breeze gently touching the skin making it bright. The Santana dharma with strong roots in mythology and a belief in celebrating. The interpretation of the Navratri celebration depicts the victory of goodness over evil. The evils, which are within us. The nine evils within us are lust temptation, jealousy, greed, obsession, anger, hatred, pride, ignorance 


On the 6th day of Navratri, during my morning worship, I placed fresh flowers on the feet of Ma Durga, the Deity I worship my eyesight fell on her beautifully painted eyes, the idol depicts the deity the Goddess Durga. I feel I heard a whisper in my mind let's have a conversation. I look up and catch the sight of the Devi. I whisper back in my mind   "Yes we can,".


The Goddess Ma whispered in


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Bhavna Bose
Bildmaterialien: Google
Cover: Bhavna Bose
Lektorat: Bhavna Bose
Korrektorat: Bhavna Bose
Satz: Bhavna Bose
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.10.2023
ISBN: 978-3-7554-5874-6

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Dedicated to the people of Israel and Palestine...

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