





EBMC in its pursuit to search for the secrets of success even in recession markets and has encouraged research development and continuous learning.


Every entrepreneur dreams to succeed yet some does while many don't.


The circumstances and environment political and social remains the same, then what is or are the factors to create the success and failures. what are the factors which helps many companies to survive through recessions while many companies close down or incur great loss.


It’s not the advertisements, publicity or the sales that you make that makes a company rise or fall.


It is more than that it is each human being working in the organisation and what mental well being they bring to work or what garbage they spill at work including the owners and top employees that creates a success or the failure.


Bhavna and Sadia an Indian and Pakistani at work in EBMC has struck the chord which they want to share with the rest of the world. A huge appreciation goes to the Founder Director of EBMC, Mr. R.K Gupta for constant positive views and encouragement to the employees and also senior executives Mr. D S Kumar, Mr.Udhap Basak, Raju Mughl. Mostafa kamal for believing nothing is impossible.


The information are studied, composed, researched and interviewed  all the  matters collected to make into a complete hand book and a self guide for anyone who wish to succeed in spite of recession

The secrets of success are reinvented in this book the secret of success to overcome recession.


I Dedicate this book to EBMC.








Mrs Bhavna Gupta



Emirates Business and Management Consultant

Nasser Al lootha Building, First floor,

Airport Road, Near Cargo village,

Dubai, United Arab Emirates.








Chapter 1. THE INSPIRATION                           


Chapter 2. BELIEF SYSTEM                               








Chapter 6. YOUR SUB CONCIOUS MIND               


Chapter 7. BUILDING YOUR CHARACTER             


Chapter 8. CHAKRA CLEASING & YOGA          

















2007 ,2008, 2009  the year of great recessions in all parts of the globe. USA, Europe, UK , Dubai also faced the heat. Companies closing down left, right and centre. people fleeing the country in fear of legal procedure, every day we get to hear that so many cars found abandoned in the air port . Dubai which was booming with construction a year back has literally seen the construction work halting mid way , projects and construction sites deserted. Companies reducing the staff strength to the minimum and on occasional days you read of suicide on the news paper


EBMC  was no exception, the business centres housing around 56 offices with full occupancy had been less than 25% occupied, even that with clients who are finding it difficult to pay. But overheads remains the same, then how will the company survive, how will the many families who depend on EBMC for bread and butter and most employees with young children carry the show.


It was a mass depression, but no matter what human beings always live in hope, that things will be better and things are getting better. The rays of hope compelled me to ask several questions to myself, if things are so bad does it mean that all industries are struggling?


No, definitely not because so many of my fellow friends in the medical industry mentioned that the number of patients have increased and truly so.


On my visit to a hospital I did see that there are a stream of patients that has not been there than before. I laughed to myself so the recession a is a good time for the medical industry, hypertension, diabetics, coronary disease were on sharp increase due to financial circumstances.


What about the education even if money is a scarcity we cannot afford to keep the children at home and make them loose a year so education goes on.


This analysis got a ray of hope. nothing is impossible so recession which is a man made financial calamity can be fought back and success is inevitable in spite of any odds.


Although restaurants were not doing well but the fast food centres like MacDonald's were doing extremely well, people would find it reasonable to have a MacDonald's.


So my research went on, I  surfed on the internet to find out more and to my amazement found a number of companies like, red Box, Star Bucks, Apple, face Book, Ford Motors, Mexican Grill, Wal-Mart which  have started during recession and are  now  500 fortune companies.


So what is it , what is the secret  or what are the secrets  that are creating this vast difference,  unable to get the answer I switched to my inner conscious , it was a struggle to get the answer, very often I felt that something stuck to my throat I knew that there is an answer..


One  morning as I open my computer the first mail I received from Jerry and Marylou Savvy an invitation for a Money Workshop. I read further into the mail, it gave the bullet points of how are  our belief  of the money can change  our lives!!


  • Experience a new sense of freedom and joy in your relationship with money.
  • Discover wholesome ways to earn, save, spend, invest and contribute.
  • Appreciate the power and presence of your existing resources.
  • Come to know your own sufficiency and natural prosperity.
  • Attract Money Effortlessly
  • Discover the 360 degree perspective of money and life
  • Generate wealth by using the Powerful Money Matrix System
  • Create multiple income streams
  • Handle your Money with confidence and clarity
  • Become Debt Free
  • Get back your Stuck Money, Land or Property
  • Say Goodbye to Money Stress, Insecurity and Fears
  • Take control of your Karma and Destiny with respect to Money
  • Develop a happy relationship with money
  • Awaken the deepest spiritual powers for lifelong stability and bliss
  • Leverage Your Money and Time to lead a fulfilling  life
  • Attract wonderful opportunities, perfect customers, great job ..
  • Move from Money Scarcity to Abundance
  • Risk Management of Money made simple
  • Learn the fine art of making money the smart way
  • Jump-start to wealth creation, get financially free


I thought to myself how utterly badly timed when people are stuck in recession they want to  conduct a money workshop.


But something in me seduced me to attend it, there was an early bird discount for registration and I opted for it.


For the next few days I was so excited to join the work shop.


The workshop overwhelmed me ,also  I got a complete guide hand book which I read over and over again and shared with many friends and associate.


Attending that workshop was like I was transported to another part of my life, as I studied and explored more into the content , it lead me to a path of  exploration. How do I explain this to you?


For example it spoke widely on  belief system, but it is not just a 2 letter word. we are wired  with our belief system  so it is not easy to remove it within a day , even if you do feel so after a session it will only last you for a while, so you have to understand   what is belief system, how it works and how can you reprogram it.


It is while understanding the belief system   came across the subconscious mind . Your subconscious mind is like a huge memory bank. Its capacity is virtually unlimited. It permanently stores all memories of everything that  we have gone through. It makes us think and act  in a manner consistent with what we have done and said in the past. So  to change the belief system we have to explore  our subconscious mind, so there again I sank deeper into the subconscious mind.


The subconscious mind very interestingly stores data not only from our fatal stage but also from our past lives. the  past life was an interesting phase of knowing  ourselves beyond the realm of ourselves , that lead me to the study of Karma!!


I was like pulled in with these studies, with each study I felt  that this will be the end of gaining knowledge but it lead me to another one then another, very much from pillar to post . only difference   I gained more and more knowledge understood life more closely.


So to explain Karma  which means your action. Each of your  action there will always be a reaction. How you act produces results and consequences equivalent to the action. Your thoughts and actions are powerful. They carry energy. They are like an echo. We have all taken a different path in life but somehow we are all linked. Whatever you do will always come back to you.


Karma is the invisible power that teaches you. Your life today is just a reflection of your past. You created your destiny. If we create our own destiny and it is in our hand , the biggest question which came to my mind how can I use it to my advantage?


The answer was not so easy to get , what makes you act , think and talk in a certain way has great deal of positive implications  


Each day I was amazed it was like an exploration of another universe to me , one thing leading to another. Each one of these making a huge sense I do not know how to label these studies as an art or science 


 From subconscious mind , to karma I  journeyed to the quantum universe. Honestly none of these were taught in school or college or even the hundreds of  corporate seminars I attended. I only wished I knew all these much before then it would have been a different state of mind for me. 


I went on to study the universal   laws which are very much the  foundations of many things be it success, be it co creation because business is nothing but a co creation .


If you ask what is  co creation,  I will explain, God has created nature but when a farmer is cultivating crops he is co creating. the universe is a big corporate of the Almighty  where everything is provided for the  well being of the people, but when entrepreneurs create business be it service or  manufacturing ,education, hospitality or health care industry or any other services or industries for that matter is also a co creation for the well being of the people at large.

Studying the Laws of Universe  lead me to study the spiritual laws o f success. definitely Nature is a success venture of God,  so what are His success formula?


This should be the need of it. If I know the Success formula of the Almighty if I have those secrets in my hand, what else on earth do I need.?

So At last I have it all!!! I rejoiced  with the thought I celebrated myself with the huge knowledge I gathered and I had set the day to put it all in action and with the entire EBMC organisation.


 We do so many training for corporate training like customer service skills; enhance your marketing skills etc. But at the end of the day we need to start training our core selves. Our inner selves needs to be trained, we need to be a human with a great mind. so when I say a great mind it must have great characteristic. It is very simple when we hear but to get it in theory is very difficult, 

the simple idea of a well rounded personality which I derived is that   as a human we must treat others  the way we want others to treat us. In business, for a greater customer satisfaction and success we must put ourselves in our client's shoe.


Be truthful to yourself , friend s, family and your work place,  Be accountable to yourself, do not  desire for success  by unfair means like any kind of stealing, falsification and cheating. Be honest learn to forgive people, have gratitude  for everything  that you have in your life.  Wow !! after all the  knowledge of subconscious mind, universal laws I stood on platform for character development.


what really seems easy can be tough say for example forgiveness, well even if you forgive someone who has hurt you cannot erase the feeling  of the hurt it caused.... so this lead to a whole new revelation of  how to cleanse your body and mind and how to have a healthy body with nutritious food and Yoga.


The road to success begins with an individual well being and leads to a collective success.


In the next few chapters I have gone in length to include a lot of materials, researched and read regarding each of the journey of knowledge in order to arrive at a success formula.


I am also grateful to a lot of  motivational and inspirational authors like Deepak Chopra, Ilya Alexi, Robin Sharma , Marie Kondo and Elizabeth Gilbert.



 Most notably there are people who have been unfortunate with life and have still made it , they are the ones who  have inspired me  to take a new look into myself. We continuously grumble,  make a mole into a mountain for small obstacles yet there are people in this world who are born handicap and yet determined to win.


I have been  inspired by the people like Nick Vujicic, Nando Parrado, Jessica Cox, Sean Swarner, Radolph Frederick Pausch, Ben Underwood, Liz Murray, Patrick Henry, Albert Einstein, Mahathma Gandhi, Steve Jobs, Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln.




The story of Nick Vujicic is the most emotional story I have ever heard. Nick was born without any limbs. No arms and no legs. Nick experienced an emotional unstable childhood but eventually accepted the fact that he was never going to walk or catch a ball in his life. Nick can do unbelievable things despite his handicap. I have seen videos of Nick surfing, playing golf and driving a car. Nick is a living evidence that we can be whoever we want to be. Nick could have surrendered and live a horrible life. However, Nick chose to accept his situation and make the best of it. Today, Nick is a motivational speaker and travels the world to inspire people to live a happy life. In case you haven’t seen Nick, I want you to watch a video on YouTube of him and let him speak for himself. Remember. Life is what you make of it. Nick doesn’t have any legs or arms but still lives a happy, positive and fulfilling life. What is your excuse to be negative and hate your life? It is about having a supportive and positive mindset. Next time you feel sad about your situation I want you to ask yourself: “Do I have both arms? Yes. Do I have both legs? Yes. Get over it. Move on!




Nando Parrado was born in Montevideo, Uruguay, to a middle-class family. He has an older sister, Graciela, and a younger sister, Susana. He studied at the Stella Maris School, where from an early age he demonstrated special skills for sports and excelled in rugby.

In 1972, he and his teammates were travelling to Chile to participate in an international rugby exhibition. Their flight never arrived at its destination; it tragically crashed at 18,000 feet in the Cordillera de los Andes.

In the two-and-a-half months that followed, Nando’s life was changed completely. His mother and younger sister, Susana, were killed in the accident. Nando made a superhuman effort, survived for 72 days, and found his way out of the Andes, after an 11-day snowy trek through the mountains with his friend Roberto Canessa.

Soon after the rescue of the survivors because of the epic passage of Nando and Roberto, the survivors worked with Piers Paul Read to write the bestseller, Alive. Twenty years later, he served as the technical advisor in the production of the film, Alive, where he was played by Ethan Hawke.

Today, he is the President of Seler Parrado S.A., the founder of two media production companies, and an active sportsman. He is married to Veronique, and has two daughters, Veronica and Cecil.




Being born without arms has not proven a disability for this inspirational woman who has adapted to life using her feet.

Jessica Cox, 32, was born without arms and while she wore prosthetic limbs as a child, she eventually abandoned them in favour of using her feet to perform everyday tasks.

'There's nothing that can substitute the tactile ability of flesh and bone - and my feet have that ability,' she said.


The woman born without arms became a martial arts expert, learned to fly, drive, and even play PIANO with her feet 

  • Jessica Cox ditched her prosthetic limbs and learnt to do things with feet
  • She was sporty growing up and loved gymnastics, dancing and surfing
  • First woman without arms to learn to fly and get a Tae Kwon Do black belt
  • Now tours the world with husband trying to inspire others with disabilities


Sean Swarner was the recipient of the Don't Ever Give Up Award presented by the Jimmy V Foundation and ESPN in 2007. He is a two-time cancer survivor who was first diagnosed at age 13 with Hodgkin's Disease and later with Askin's sarcoma. He was given just two weeks to live in 1990 and is believed to be the only person in the world to ever have been diagnosed with both these deadly cancers. Sean told ESPN Radio's Bob Valvano, brother of Jimmy, that he would have been more likely to win the lottery four or five times than to have survived both these cancers.

However, he did survive, although he has only one fully functioning lung due to the removal of a golf ball-sized tumour found with the Askin's diagnoses. He graduated from Willard High School in Willard, Ohio, in 1993, and Westminster College in 1997.

Sean was recently featured on ESPN (July 27, 2007) with a 10 minute segment on his life story and struggle. He established his own foundation (The Cancer Climber Association) which promotes cancer awareness and helps raise money for cancer research. He also authored his book Keep Climbing, which recounts his story and journey from the depths of his near death experience to the peaks he climbed to reach the top of the world 17 years later.




Randolph Frederick "RandyPausch was an American professor of computer science,human–computer interaction, and design at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Pausch learned that he had pancreatic cancer in September 2006, and in August 2007 he was given a terminal diagnosis: "3 to 6 months of good health left". He gave an upbeat lecture titled "The Last Lecture: Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams" on September 18, 2007, at Carnegie Mellon, which became a popular YouTube video and led to other media appearances. He then co-authored a book called The Last Lecture on the same theme, which became a New York Times best-seller.

Pausch died of complications from pancreatic cancer on July 25, 2008.




Diagnosed with retinal cancer at the age of two, American Ben Underwood had his eyes removed at the age of three.

He taught himself echolocation at


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.12.2015
ISBN: 978-3-7396-2831-8

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Book is Dedicated to EBMC Emirates Business and Management Consultant Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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