
How to change a light bulb
By Crystal Smith
Step: 1
Buy the right light bulb

Step: 2
If light socket is on the ceiling grab a stool or a steady chair to stand on so that you can reach the light socket comfortably. If not then don’t.

Step: 3
Always remember to check to see if the burnt out bulb is hot in order to avoid skin burns. Once checked, proceed to turn the bulb to the left (lefty loosey) goes the saying. Once bulb is off place in a safe place.

Step: 4
Take the new bulb and place it into the socket gently, once it is in place turn the bulb to the right ( righty tighty) until it fits firmly.

Step: 5
Turn on the Switch.

And there you have it let there be light!!

SmithGroup© 2010


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.11.2010

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