
Chapter 1: First Day In Science Class
I walked into scienece class on the first day of school I was kind of late so I hurried in and sat down in the only seat that was avalible which was at a tabel full of guys. On of which I knew his name was Paul he had sat beside me in Life Skills last year I thought. I said "Hey" to Paul and he said "Hey" back. The table was filled with two other guys I kinda knew one of them his name was Callen he knew me too because last year I had been flexed to his math class and I liked his friend and then my friend named Peyton found out and he told the whole class but whatever anyway...I knew him a little...right after I thought all that he said "Hey I know you" I giggled and said "yeah and i know you too." He smiled and said "soooo sup?"
"nothing much you?"
after that conversation I look at the other guy sitting at the table I thought I knew him from somewhere he was short and had glasses and spikey hair his name was Jordan.
Then I looked around the room my eyes met with Callens gaze his eyes locked on me they werent moving...His green eyes staired back at me the way the light reflected of them was amasing like green crystals. He smiled but still his eyes locked on mine I smiled back I could tell Paul or Jordan was looking at us with their mouth open....I kinda giggled at that. "Hey whats so funny?" said callen his eyes still not looking away from me smiling and giggling i shook my head "nothing." Callen smiled and he opened his mouth to say something- Then stupid Mr. Shores told everyone to do the warmup.. Callens eyes looked sad as i looked back his way almost like that sad puppy look I felt really bad and I have no idea why it wasn't my faught that at that very moment mr. Shores decided to talk I felt like punching that teacher in the balls! I felt like Callen desprately wanted to say something but he couldnt every time he open his mouth he paused and then closed it. he looked at me once more and said "can I have a pecice of paper he looked so serious when he asked it but then i smiled and started to giggle and he smiles and giggle alittle...then i pulled out some paper and gave it to him. After the warm up we got a hand out about 'Scince Saftey' when callen opened up his binde i notice he had a stack of notbook paper in his binder i opened mouth to say something but then smiled and quickly shut my mouth.for the rest of class we played when we were taking notes we kept playfully bumping each others elbows. And Jordan kept mouthing "AWWW you two ar so cute why dont yall just kiss already and me and Callen both laughed.

Chapter 2: The second Day: The second Day I walkeed into calss and went to the saet I had sat in and had so much fun in and sat down. Then my friend Kenzie decided she wanted to sit beside me....dont get me wrong I love her to death but i mean really!?! then Callen walked in the door his eyesquickly met mine he smiled and i smiled back then his eyes caught kenzie and he looked sad really sad!! Right then I felt a dagger go right in me. I quickly gave him a look that said 'hold on ill get her to move' and i did she was a little mad but hey weve had way bigger fights and there was something about Callen that made me long for him to be next to me. He sat down and imedately looked over at me and said "why did you get her to move I would have sa somewhere else its no big deal." He smiled. I blushed and said "i dont know" He looked at me with those big green eyes and said "Ok well im kind glad you got her to move.....I really like sitting by you." My eyes met his gaze as he spoke those words he smiled so sweet and tender and I could just feel my feel start to turn red as his smile made me blush i had butterflies in my stomah!:) We watched a video on lab saftey and it showed this girl with really long hair and how she had to put it up during experiment in the lab and then Callen looked over at me and goes "You have really pretty hair." I giggled and said "thanks." He said "It looks different than everyother girls." he smiled "you know in a good way....ohhh and your welcome." smiled again. He gazed at me still and then said "you have really pretty eyes too" I couldnt help but blush he noticed me turning pink and smiled. He said "That came out of no where. Sorry." I looked at him and said "WHAT/! why are you sorry? DONT BE." He smiled and said "ok" i smiled back then the video was over. Mr. Shores told us to get ou t some paper for notes. I went to grab my pencil but it wasnt there i looked on the floor i looked everywhere i couldnt find it i thought Jordan might have it but he didnt...then Callen started looking with me then we both spotted it at the smae time and reached for it our hands meeting in the middle i looked at my hand that was under Callens and Callen looked at his hand. then Callen moved his hand off mine and i picked up my pencil. The rest of calss we were supposed to be taking notes but neither of us did because we were too busy thinking about what just happened and every now and then paused thing and glanced at oneanother.

Chapter 3: The Next Day
The Next day I walked in to find Jordan and Callen talking when their gaze caught mine they both gave me REALLY big smiles...I giggled. I sat down in my normal seat and thought about what might happen with me and Callen today. Well aparently they were talking about making me laugh and that they needed to make me laugh alot today cause one after the other they kept throwing jokes and it was cracking me up! But aparentley Mr.Shores didn't think it was too funny so he moved Callen across the room and he wasnt sitting by hisself I felt so bad cause it was all my fault then every once in a while id catch Callens gaze and id mouth " IM SO SORRYY!!" He smiled and started making funny face behing Mr. Shores which made me giggle alot Mr. Shores would trun around and look and Callen would be siting there 'takingg notes'. When it was time too go Callen was the first out of the room and i was one of the last i still really felt guilty for getting him moved i thought he was mad at me. But when i walked out the door i caught his gaze and he said can i walk with you to your next class? I smiled and said "sure" he smiled and said "YAY!!!" which made me giggle. He said " You laugh ALOT" I said "i know i dont know why i do that people say its extremly annoying sometimes." He said "I like it when you laugh" he smiled and looked at me and i blushed when we got to my locker he made sure noone bumped into me since i have a bottom locker and all. then he walked me to gym. he looked kinda sad whenever i had to go. i smiled and sai"bye" he smiled and said "bye" back. Then I said "umm can you walk me to the bus later?" He stoped for a second then turned to look at me he said "Of course i will." then he smiled and walked away. That afternoon when I went to my locker Callen was satnding there waiting for me....He smiled really big as soon as he laid eyes on me. We walked and talked the whole way to the bus I had so much fun!!

Chapter 4: Couple Days Later
A Couple days later I walked into science class and sat down I was earlier than normal so Callen wasn't there yet.....So I just sat there and talked to Jordan until Callen came in. When I saw Callen as he was walking in he smiled at me....He sat down beside me and said "my oh my isn't someone lookin beautiful today!!!" I could feel my face start to turn red as I blushed. He reached over and grabbed my hand that was laying in my lap and gently folded his fingers in between mine. I smiled! He broke the silence by saying "OHHH I HAVE SOMETHING FOR YOU!!!" He looked so excited.....he opened up his binder and pulled out this bag and he told me not to look so i turned the other way. It turned out to be a braclete then I remember saying something about wishing I had a braclete like that one day when we were walking together in the halway. He looked at me and smiled really big "Do you liked it?" he asked....."YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!" "LOVE IT" hes eyes lit up!

Chapter 5: The Rumor
It seemed to be a normal day when i walked into science class but i was so wrong!!!!! That was the day that Callen stoped talking to me....there was this rumor going around that I had been making fun of this girl named Kallee. This being one of Callens best friends she told him to stop talking to me and so....he did. That day i sat down in the normal spot and started talking to Jordan and Paul when Callen came over and said "Hey" to everyone but me!:( I imedatley was sad and he could tell.....I had no idea of what was going on!! But that day he sat at a different table than me and every time i caught his gaze it was unbeliveable mean and harsh! I could feel that tears as they stung my eyes it was all i could do not to cry....he had never EVER looked at me like that before and i had no idea what i could have done. Then about 20 min. before the end of class i lost it and started crying it was silent no one noticed except for my friend Emily that waas sitting besaide me she asked what was wrong and I just shook my head. After i finally stoped crying aaafter what seemed like forever!!! I whiped the tears away and proped my chin so that it was sitting on my hand. right then i felt a tingley feeling-you know that feeling that you get when you know that someone is staring at you and you just HAVE to look-.....I looked up to see Callen staring at me his eyes no longer mean but saddened. At the end of class i was really slow so i was the last one out and when i walked out of the door there was Callen he was looking down at his shoes. Then he looked up his eyes still sad and said "im sooooo SORRY!!!!!!!!" I didnt mean to make you cry then he raped his arms around me and gave me a big bear hug....I smiled and said "It's ok......and I know but why were you looking at me so mean?" He looked down as if he didnt want to tell me but he looked back up at me and said "walk with me and i'll tell you" so i walked with him and he said that "Kalee said that I had been making fun of her and that he shouldnt talk to me and if he did shed be real mad" after he said that he stoped and looked at me and said "but now i know that i could care less if shes mad or not you mean more-" he paused "I mean ummmmmm......I dont wanna make you cry ever again!-" he paused again "EVER!!!"

Chapter 6 The Fight:
The next day Callen and me walked over to kallee-well i didnt exactley wnt to but Callen took made hand and said "PLEASE COME WITH MEEE!!!!" so i did.... Afn he told Kallee that he didnt care that shed be mad at hi but that he wasnt gonna stop talking to me just because stuck up girl that was supposed to be his friend said so. Which i just stood there in shock and didnt say a word....but some how i was made her target and she turned to me and said "your kind dosent hang out with people like me and Callen- she paused "well Callen is one of you now any way so-" Callen cut her off right there and said "I dont need to be popular to be happy!!! As far as im concerened id be more happy if i wasnt popular!!!" Right then Shawn walked up he was like one of Kallee's best friends.....He steped in front of Kalle and told Callen to back off and Callen said "she dont need to running her mouth to my girrl-" he paused and looked at me i kind of smiled knowing what he was gonna say and he smiled back before continuing "to my girlfriend!" Kallee steped out from behind Shawn and said "so thats why your standing up for her!" she laughed. "NO im standing up for her because i loooo-" he paused again and looked at me then finished "I love her! THATS WHY!!!" kallee laughed again. Butterflies filled my stomah because of the words that flowed out of his mouth....He gripped my hand tighter as if he thought i was going to leave. Callen told kalle to "shut up!" and then thats when shawn punched Callen in the face. I wnet off leting go of Callens hand I stepped up to shawns face and said "thats IT!!!!!!! IVE HAD IT" i threw my fist as hard as i could and knocked him right in the jaw and appeently it was pretty hard hit cus he umped back so i followed it with a few other hits then turned around to see Callen staring at me in shock. I bent over to where he was on the floor and gentley touched his cheeek "are you ok????" i asked "Yeah im fine babe" he answered i smiled and said "good" I stood up and held out my hand so i could help him up. "thanks" he said "haha for what?" i asked "for that" he said "oh" i said. He said "yeah ummmm......are you ok baby" he asked I looked at him with this look like hwta do mean. "yeah im fine why wouldnt i be?" i answered. He looked at me and said "your bleeding in like 3 different places" "oh" isaid. He laughed and said " we need to get u cleaned up baby" i smiled and said "we need to get you cleaned up to hunn" he smiled. We walked over to the bathrooms and got some papertowels and wet them and cleaned up each others faces it was kinda fun not the stinging just being together.

Chapter 7 The day After the Fight:
I walked into science class my face all scaby from yesterdays fight i was one of the first people in the class room followed by Jordan, Shawn,and then finally callen he only had one scab where he had gotten hit yesterday wich was ubove his left eyebrow. By the time he walked in i was already working on the warm up and i was so busy with that i didnt even notice him staanding by the chair waiting for me to put my foot down out of the chair finally he just moved it,sat down and put it where it was laying a cross his leg i looked up and said "sorry. I was trying to save your seat for you" He smiled and said it was ok and when i tried to put my leg down he said "you can keep your leg there i dont mind" he smiled and put my leg back on his leg and started doing the warm up. It was the usual mr. shores blabbered on while Callen and me talked and giggled and got in trouble. But the only thing that was different was that Callen held my hand like the whole class and when we were taking notes and he couldnt hed just put his hand on my leg. After class Callen and me met up and were walking to encores as usual when my friend Noah Brantley came up and said "Hey, Chase if you want to you can come over to my house and ill teach u how to skate." i said "alright you got it ill be over tommorrow" Noah walked away and Callen looked at me and said Skate as in skateboard?" "yeah why?" i asked "well i could teach you too cus Noah lives on the same street as me." said Callen "SWEET!!!!" I said We laughed.


Chapter 8 Skateboarding lessons:
The next day i met Noah real early in the morning and i told him how Callen said they could both teach me and Noah said he probably wouldnt be up this early so i said ok and we sat outside on the curb of Noahs house and we talked for like an hour or so before Noah looked at his watch and said "I think Callen should be up by now if not we'll just have to get him up." i aughed and said "ok" As we walked down the road Noah was telling me some iportant things about skateboarding but i was like way to excited about seeing Callen i hardly heard a word he said...Then just like that we were at Callens house and Noah knocked and Callens mom vame to the door and said "Hello Noah, and who do we have here?" she asked " her names Chase" Noah answered "well hello Chase" she said smiling. "Hi" i said "Were here to see Callen we were gonna go hang out and teach her how to skateboard" he said pointing at me. "He should be upstaires in his room i dont know if hes awake yet." she said "that sok we'll go wake him up if hes not" said Noah as he started walking up the stairs " common chase! hurry up!" said Noah so i started like sorta running so i could keep up with Noah. When we got to the top of the stairs Noah said "this way" and walked to the left and went to the last door at the end of the halway. He stoped and knocked. There was a pause then "go away mom!" Then Noah said its not your mom its your girlfriend and Binkey. There was a pause then "Baby you can come in but GO AWAY Noah!" i giggled and opened the door and Noah came in right after me and and said "too bad man im commin in" "whatever" said callen. He sat up from bed he was only wearing boxers and a V-neck tee shirt. You could tell hed been in bed all morning. He stood up and walked over to the closet and got out a pair of jeans and slid them on. then he stood there for a minute rubbing his eyes then said "alright im ready to go." He walked over to me and took my hand.... Noah was the first one out Callen was walking really slow. "goodmorning baby" said Callen with a kiss "Hay" i said smiling. When we got to the top of the staires Noah was standing there "finally" he said then we all walked down the staires to see Callens mom in the kitchen Callen walked in the Kithchen and said "mom this is my girlfriend Chase. Chase this is my mom" "iknow i met her when we first got here" i said "oh" said Callen He turned around and strted to lead me out of the room when his mom said "would you like some breakfast before you leave hunny?" "NO MOM!" said Callen "ok hunny but be careful dont be too rough" said his mom "i know mom ill be carful" said Callen "alright bye i love you sweetie" said his mom "love you too mom" said Callen. When we were out the door i looked at Callen and said " your moms really nice!" He smiled and said "thanks." "im so glad i get to spend the whole day with u today no teachers and everything!" said Callen i laughed "me too babe"

Chapter 9 Waking up Callen and my first lesson:
Callen was not all the way awake so me and Noah took the liberty of waking him up all the way by dumping cold watre on him. It woke him up all the way and he wasnt too happy thenn we started running around Noahs front yard with Callen sopping wet chasing us trying to catch us so he coould hug us so he could get us wet. Finally I couldnt runn anymore and Callen tacled me and got me like soaking wet. It was like super fun but while we were laying on the ground i was like dying laughing and then Callen leaned over and started kissing me which didint really work out cus i couldnt stop laughing!!! Then Callen started laughing then we both couldnt stop laughing!!! Then Noah came over to where we were laying on the ground laughing and he ruined everything!!! "Get a room you two!!!" said Noah....Thats when me and Callen just relized he was standing there and Callen told him to "shut up!" then Noah said "Dude do u want skating lessons or not?" I looked at Callen he looked annoyed i looked up at NOah and said "fine" then I heard Callen say "Joy KILLER!!" to Noah He just laughed and told him too "be quite and ya'll will have plenty of time to flirt with each other later." Callen ran up behind me and rapped his arms around my waste and picked me up and said "I love you baby!!" I looked at he and smiled "I love you too hunn" i said "YAY!!!!!" said callen I laughed. then h put me down and took my hand "we better go with mr. grumpy pants before he gets his panties in a wad and wont help me teach u how to sakte" i laughed and he started running and i ran behind him. So once we got over there Noah told me basics on what i needed to know to be safe but i didnt really here what he was saying because i ws too busy lookin at callen and playiing around with him while Noah wasnt looking. Then the final thing we did was me just riding it which was fun cus like every time i rode without falling Callen was really happy but after i was done Noah went to his house and we sat on the curb by his house cus he said he was gonna call patrick, Theodora, Peyton to come down there so they could hang out with us. while me and Callen were sittin' out there he said "I was worried that you were gonna fall and get hurt" I smiled and said "How cute you were worried" he smiled and hugged me an said "i sure was" Then Patrick and Theodora came wwalking up the road and Callen stood up and reached out and hand to help me up he said "hay" to them and I did too. Then Callen started braging on me that i could skateboard now to Patrick and me and Theodora just laughed then we sat back down on the curb and talked while Patrick and Callen were talking then finally they came over to where we were. Callen sat down on the other side of me and Patrick sat down on the other side of Theodora. We talked for a little bit before i spotted Peyton coming up the rode so I yelled "PEYTON!!!" He looked over and saw me and he sat down and we started talking again and Callen started braging on me yat again! Then Pat told him to "shut it" then pat said "its great that she can skateboard now and were glad your exciteed about it and we are too just dude please shut up!" Callen looked over at Pat and said "fine JOY KILLEER!" I giggled and then Callen looked at me and smiled "What do you thin is so funny huh?" I laughed so more before answering "nothing."

Chapter 10 Monday Back at school:
After I left on Saturday I didn't see Callen at all until school on Monday and I was so happy to see him!! I walked in on Monday and ent to my locker then went to AA. Then I went to my 1st Core. Then I went to 2nd Core and I saw Callen for the first time that day and I gave him a hug and he said "Just one more Core." I smiled and then he walked to his class. My 2nd core was so slow I guess cause I just couldnt wait to see Callen!!! But, I got through...I was so HAPPY when Math class passed because it was time to go to read and Callen sits right in front of me in reading!!! So I went to and did the warm up and class passed so freaking fast cause we were talking from across the room and then we sat beside each other at lunch and talked the whole time which made so of Callen's friends mad at me because he usually always sat with them but he handled that.

Chapter 11 The Dance:
So the next day I was sitting in AA listening to the boring announcements, But then they said something that caught my attention. It was a reminder about the upcoming winter dance. My eyes immedately met Emily's (shes one of my best friends whos in my AA)She was smiling so big. She came and sat beside me after announcements were over and said "i bet you Callen's gonna ask you to go to the dance with him!!" i looked at her and said "I dont know he might but i doubt id go." Her eyes got big and she got really loud and said "WHAT???!!! WHY???!!!" I told her "Im just not into that kind of stuff. and besides i dont even own a dress!" She looked at me an said "DUDE!! listen to me itd crush Callen if he asked you and you said no!!" Dont you dare do that to him!!" i looked down at my shoes relizing she was right, and the last thing i wanted to do was hurt Callen's feelings like that. I looked back up at Emily and said "well what am i supposed to do about a dress??" She laughed and said we'll figure out something."

Then it was time for 1st core. 1st and 2nd core passed in a blurr and 3rd core was just so fast. It wasnt till 4th core that things started slowing down to there normal pace. I was glad partly because i couldnt take the whole dazed thing again and partly because id get to spend time with Callen.

I walked into 4th core still trying to figure out what i had missed in all my other classes. I finally made it to my seat and sat down. I started on the warm up. It was really easy so i finished before it was time for class to start so i just sat and waited for Callen. Then i went of into lala land at some point and i didnt notice Callen come in the door of the classroom. Next thing i knew he was sitting right beside me -like always- but he was wearing a HUGE grin on his face i smiled and said "My my someones looking happy today!" He laughed and said "i sure am!!" I giggled "So whats got you smiley anyway?" i asked with an eyebrow raised. He blushed and said "well i heard in the announcement this morning that the winter dance is coming up soon and i was wondering if youd go with me?" I smiled and said "of course i will." He smiled and said "YAY!!!" and kissed my cheek. for the rest of class we just held hands and talked and giggled as we always do.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.09.2010

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