
poems galore

Do you know what my problem is?

It’s that when I love someone, I love him with all my heart and I find it hard to let go.

Falling in love is harder than you know.

He became my everything, my shoulder to cry on

When I cry for help, he is the first to respond.


He was the first and last thing I’d see

I never knew he’d mean so much to me.

Now he belongs to someone else

And my heart is slowly breaking.

This is actually a sad love song in the making.


I loved him

And I never even knew.

Now all I have

Is the memory of those eyes so blue.











That’s how I feel without you by my side

When you’re not here, all I want to do is hide.

You’re my shield, my heart, my knight in shining armor.


They tell me that it’s all a mistake

Honestly, you are the only one that can make

My heart skip a beat


Just give me a chance

Let me show you all there is to life.

Stay with me, if only for tonight.









I don’t expect you to love me forever

I know that’s too much to ask

But this moment isn’t our last.


So take your sweet time

I’ve got till the end of my life

I will wait for you because it’s not too much of a trouble.


It’s ok if you need a little time

I will wait because

All I want is to make you mine.


I think it was all in my head,

The feeling of falling

Head over heels in love


But some things can’t be

Imagined. Some things

Aren’t dreams.


I don’t know what

I want, but I do know

What I need.

And honestly, what I need is you.

Because you’re the boy

Of my wildest dreams




I don’t know what this is…

I’ve never felt like this before

My palms are sweaty,

My knees are buckling,

My heart is racing,

I’m having trouble breathing.

I don’t know how to say

How much I love you.

So I guess I’ll just say it…

You make me feel like I’ve been snorting lines

You make my heart skip a beat

It’s like I’ve found the other half of me.

It’s when I’m with you that I feel complete.

It’s when you hold me in your arms

And when you tell me you love me

And whisper sweet nothings in my ear

Before I fall asleep

That made me realize

That my heart is yours to keep.

Once upon a time

There was a girl

Who fell in love.

For the first time.

She wasn’t ready for

The emotions that came

From withdrawal.

Robbie is my prince charming

My knight in shining armor.

He is the only thing that

Keeps me from falling

Over the edge of the

Cliff I’m standing at the edge of.


Do you ever get the feeling that you’re being watched?

That you are as unimportant as that fly buzzing around?

And for some reason or other, he picked you.

You, the girl who never said anything other than “ok.”

You, who always blended into the background,.

You who always let everyone have their way,

Even if it came at your expense.

You who have been invisible for years

You who have always been hiding in the sidelines

Letting someone else, someone who is easily noticed,

Someone who shines brighter than you could ever hope to

Letting her take the lead. Letting her get her way.

Letting people see her instead of seeing the amazing girl you really are…






I thought you said you loved me

Obviously I was wrong.

If it weren’t for you,

I wouldn’t be writing this song.

It’s not a love song,

But it’s not a hate song.

It’s just...

I’ve loved you oh so much

And for oh so long,

And I don’t know what to do.

I just can’t stop loving you.

It’s like you’re my brand of heroine,

My kryptonite,

And I just can’t help wanting to be with you.

Yeah, at first, I was afraid,

But as time went on,

And as I got to know you,

I realized how much I love you.

Thank you for taking the only source of sunlight.

Thanks for walking out on me when I needed you most.

You were the first guy in a long time

Who made me realize


I knew from the beginning

That we were meant to be.

When I met you

I found the other half of me.


The half that makes me happy

And makes me cry

And smile

And love being alive.


It’s when I’m with you that

I breathe

And see

And hear

And love…


It’s when I’m with you that I know what love feels like.







People say that the best kinds of relationships are the ones that last. I don’t think so. I think the best relationships are the ones that take your heart beat fast. the ones that make you cry. the ones that make you realize that there is actually something out there that you cant control. those are  the best relationships. those are the ones worth chasing after.  (yes i know this isnt the traditional poem, but oh well.











 just listen to the sound of my heart beating

just feel the rhythm of my chest moving

just feel the pulseof my blood rushing

just feel the touch of my hands

exploring every single inch

of your absolutely exquisite body

just pay attention to

my lips on your mouth

demanding all your


dont worry about my cries

as we soar into heaven.


 im slowly dying

spiraling out of control

drowning in this never ending darkness

until im finally dead.


you left me with a broken heart

to pick up the millions of pieces.

and with each broken shard, 

a new memeory surfaces.


like the first time you hugged me

the first time i felt your lips on mine

the first time you told me you loved me

the first time i realized i loved him

or when i stopped caring what everybody thought.

the time you  held my hand 

and took my breath away

held me in yourarms

you were my world, my oxygen.

but thenyou broke my heart,for my own good,

because you"loved" me 

but now im not so sure.


why arent i good enough?

 these days im having trouble 



im still here

why i wake up 

every morning

why am i 

doing this?

this isnt what i deserve you.


worth it. or are you?

do you haveany value to me?


dont even know anymore. who are you?

who am i? am i


am i bad?are you good?

are you bad?i dont think  your answers

 will be


most days

 most days i can

pull off being or

seeming okay

like thats possible.

like im over you.


i tironic that for

the longest time,


i was pretending 

and even believing 

that you were the basis  of my


isnt it ironic how

one day, when the time is right,

ill break your heart


the way you broke mine. 

im sorry if it isnt


with you. breaking mine wasnt okay 

with me.....





still broken 

stll searching

still fighting

still changing

still burning

still dying

still hiding

 still breaking

still crying 

still choking 


is it wrong?

is it wrong 

for me to still love you

after verything youve put me through?


after ive lost my mind,

searching for stupid answer

that i know youll never give me?


after breaking my own heart,

trying to heal yours,

even though i knew it was


a pointless task

that would only bring me pain?


stupid me.

stupid masochistic me.

stupid unsuspecting me.

stupid optimistic me.



because i love you.

because i think youre worth it.

 why is that so wrong?



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.05.2015

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