
Day One; June 1st 2011.

Alot can happen over a summer and what happened to my life well lets just say it...change a whole lot.
You'd think a girl that grew up being an alright person kind of bossy had one or two friends wasn't that pretty wouldn't
have alot of friends, that was my life untill last summer. Summer 2010.

So it all started over msn talking to a girl named Amie. It was a girl all my friends hated for absalutly no
reason so I decided to talk to her see what was going on what happened and why the hell were all my friends so mad
at her she was a pretty 12 year old we were all 11 and in grade 6. Me and my " Girls" loved to start drama about
anything and with anyone. Anyways..Amie was pretty and from what I saw she was nice. So we started talking over

AliceeBieber(L) says: Hey. I wont talk to you if you dont wanna talk to me because my friends but uh.. why do you
all hate eachother? :$
AmieMahone says: Honestly, I dont know. I didnt do anything, they started rumors saying I ' stuff my bra ' oh there
funny and of course keanna would know that right?
AliceeBieber(L) says: LMFAO. Yeah.. truesay :$ I dont get this whoole thing.. tbh.

I was talking to her and it actually became a friendship we started playing games best one was truth or dare!

AliceeBieber(L) says: I dare you to go SCREAM in Marie's ear! hahah!
AmieMahone says: LOL okay brb.
AmieMahone says: did it she woke up . she hates me.

She was actually very fun talking to and eventually we got talking about how next year we would be bestfriends. So a
couple weeks later is summer blazing hot and im just sitting there doing nothing with my friends and a bunch of guys
walk by us great! The guy I was obssesed with walks by and holds my " Bestfriends" hand! lol. After a few more weeks
those two broke up and she thought I made them break up haha! Yeah alright Keanna. So they all decided they didnt
wanna be my friend again but after three or four days I was back to hanging out with them.
So its a month away untill summer and once again were all just sitting here. So me and Keanna start a
conversation " What the hell! Its so hot. I could be tanning right now like really?" " Yeah, I know I hate school!" " Oh
hey Alice look at Amie! How does Nicole even like her? Or Dawn. EW! Shes gross" " Keanna. I dont get why you hate
her so much? I actually really like her you know if you just talk to her shes actually pretty cool. haha." " Dont ever
say that again" " Oh .. Cause you control what I can and cant say right. Alrighty then" Everyone and everything went
quiet. The bell rang and oh great tonights baseball. whoo! My parents are on this team thats like professional so they
like me too come watch sometimes and keep score. So I go, they win yay for them! We go home and Im sweating so
much two hours of sitting watching baseball yah thats always fun! So I get in a shower and go eat because I
skipped dinner so I could go on facebook. Im smart! Then I got sit in my room or basement whatever you wanna call it
and watch tv and all thats on is some stupid show about girls dancing around and having the best time of their lives.
Ugh. So I watch it once im done its already like about 11 and I have to wake up at 6:45 so I can get ready. Time to go
too bed! Night.
Day Two; June 2nd 2011
6:45 *brrring* Ugh.. Im still so tired now I have to get up get ready then go to school and have another
boring hot day? I hate my life. " Alice! You up?" " Yes Mom." I love my mom she always there for me and does
whatever I ask her to do " I need five bucks going out for lunch today. Thanks! Love you!" " Alright it'll be on the
counter love you too." My mom would usually never be up at this time but since we just added a new family member
to our household I guess now she has to since my dads at work by 7! I have one sister and two brothers Paige,Tyler
and Ryker. So im putting my make up on the daily; Coverup and Mascara what a girl needs! Then I go into the
washroom brush my teeth straighten my hair and that takes about an hour and a half! Its 8:15 I spray so much
purfume my mom can smell it from upstairs! " Why do you use so much?" " Cause. I have to! Im leaving now bye! Love
You!" " Bye , Love you did you get your money?" "Crap! Nope forgot K thanks bye!" "Bye!" I left walk decently fast and
Im already basically at the lights almost at the school I look down at my phone and it says 8:17 "Frig." My friends keep
telling me to be at the school at 8:30 so we can all hangout before school so today im making an effort to do it.I walk
all the way up one street turn left and walk a little bit more up than I see Amie walking by herself I want to go walk
with her but if I show up at the school with her my friends will crap their pants so I speed walk and walk right past her
she doesnt say a word. I keep walking look down at my phone 8:27 im basically at the school but I start running I hope
she doesnt think im running from her! Embarrasing! Finally arrived and its only 8:29! My friends are huddling in a little
circle all five of us. I go up to them " Hey cuties!" " Hey thur." We start talking about the stupidest things ever " I want
dinosaurs to come back!" All of the sudden I look up and see Amie walking threw the gates into the school yard. I stop
and look at her she looks backs waves but in a rude way and I slowly look down siersouly? I try being nice to her.
Maybe my friends were right. I never thought Amie was like that. *briiiiinnnng* "Is it really already 9? wow." Me and
two of my other friends were in Ms.Ingrams class but the other two Ms.Nazimis.Its sucked being separated but we
dealt with it and lived! Our day started off for reading for an hour! We did some Langauge then the bell rang once
again lunch time! But I only had a granola bar and a Kiwi koolaid because we were all going out second break so lunch
was finally over and outside time came we went outside and all layed down in the grass in the sun thank godness it
was just mowed or it would of been gross! Amie , Dawn and Nicole all ran by us chasing eachother like four year olds
and I randomly said " pfft. you guys are cool" Keanna and Madyson jumped up and said " Oh! Look at that your being
mean. But Amie's so nice and such a cool girl we told ya Alice! We told ya" Yeah I guess she wasnt you know..The girl
I thought she was" The bell rang after twenty minutes god I hate math and the rest of the day went on. We went out
for second break and of course whos there? Amie! Buying slushies and pizza she called my name but I just went on
walking no wanting anything to start. After school I quickly went home wanting to walk with her but she was way
behind and I didnt just want to randomly stop. So I kept going and as soon as I got home I went on msn please Amie
be on please! She wasnt on five minutes later AmieMahone has just signed in poped up and I got so excited

Skyeebieber(L) says: Heey! Why'd you give me a dirty look today & waved plus called my name? :$
AmieMahone says: That wasnt for you it was for your friends :s staring at me. and to introduce you to bailey cause
if your hanging out with us next year I want you knowing bailey!
SkyeeBieber(L) says: oh yeah well g2g eat(: byee!
AmieMahone says: bye.

Dinner was tacos mmmm! Randomly at dinner my dad was like " Skye why do you hangout with those girls?
There not nice or anything there not right for you." I responded as " Dad not know siersouly stop." Everyone shut up
my parents could tell something was going on they wanted to know after supper my mom came to my room "Skye is
anything going you know I should know about?" "No bye now!" "Alright but just know you can always talk to me" "K bye
mom!" " Bye" It was so akward I want to hangout with Amie know but Keanna and Madyson and all of them are always
hanging out everywhere! So as for me and her for now we just kind of talk on msn. I was thinking for a long time its
now 10:28 I started thinking at about 6:40 but I have alot on my mind. I dont really like how my friends are being to
Amie but they are my friends the girls I hangout with everyday. I dont know what to do! At these times I wish super
man would just swoop down and take me away! Im going to bed now all these thoughts are making me crazy. G'night.
Day Three; June 3rd 2011

Once again waking up at 6 friggen 45. Its thursday ugh! Not even the weekend. The weekend I swear im waking up at
5 at night! So all do all my make up my hair the normal stuff and its 7:26 when Keanna texts me saying " Skye, Im
sorry we dont wanna be your friend anymore. Its not you.. We have to many people in our group. Sorry. From: All of
us" Really? Its times like these I wish me and Amie were friends right now. At this moment I do not wanna be
waiting untill next year to be hanging out with her. As I start walking to school I see her hair tied back jean shorts a
spaggetii strap and flip flops. I run up to her
" Hey!"
" Wont your owners freak out on you if you walk with me?"
" Owners? HA. There not even my friends anymore!"
" Why.."
" They were pretty mad when I said I liked you"
" Wow really? How low can they go! Well I guess you can hangout with me and Dawn and Nicole for today but I dont
think they will want this a routine."
" Alright thanks!"
" No problem so do they talk about me 24/7?"
" meh. sorta haha!"
" Of course.."
that went on and on all day she kept asking questions about 'my owners' is that really how it looked to people if so
thats horrible! Today was probrobly one of the best days of my life highlight was when Dawn jumped on my back and
was like " BRACE YOURSELF!!" Or when me and Nicole were tanning and tickiling eachothers arms. There great friends
but the bell rang it was 3:30 schools over done. I asked Shacelle if she wanted to walk with me she said sorry that
she was going to Nicoles. When they all said Bye then walked away I felt like I was going to cry because I realized
that was the end and I wasnt allowed to hangout with them anymore untill next year! It was way more fun than
hangingout with the what everyone calls them " snobs!" I looked over at them once today just for about a second and
I realized I was glad to be gone from them! My dad was right there not nice and not good people. I realized at that
time I needed to get home and ask Amie if we can just start hanging out everyday now. Dawn was only on so I got
Nicoles number and talked to them, Amie said No im sorry my friends and a little bit me like our group we dont wanna
change it.. at least not right now. I started crying a little bit but said Alright shruged even though noone could see me
and hungup the phone. I went on facebook and the only girl that was on was a girl named Marissa she had been
wanting to hangout with our group but since we were snobs we were all like ew no! So I asked her if she wanted to
start hanging out with me everyday. I didnt like her all that much but she was pretty nice and well my only friend
that I have right now My mom calls me " skye dinner" " not hungry" " We have baseball again!" " Im gunna skip it dont
feel well sorry love you." " Oh..Okay." I felt bad I knew my mom wanted me there. I got up got dressed and left with
them my stomach started growling " mom. Can we get mc.donalds? Im so hungry now! Im stupid I should of ate" " On
are way back sweetie!" " Fine." So I kept score. When we got back from baseball and eating it was 9:30 I was so tired
and sad and angry I fell on my bed and just went to bed saying " worst day ever' It truley was. Goodnight.

Day Four; June 4th

It was another stupid day and my I was scared. Ive never hungout with Marissa what if I dont like her? Oh boy. But unless I sat by myself al beak every break I had no one else to hangout with great I could already feel today was gunna be a horrible day. I had no choice though. So I do all my stuff I do in the morning but I was so tired that I was going so slow. It was 8:20 CRAP. Im gunna be late. My mom calls down and says "Skye!You're gunna be late!" The phone rings. "Skye its for you" are you kidding I need to leave? WOW. " Its a girl named nicole!" I RAN up stairs grabbed the phone " Hey." " Hey Skye, Its Nicole wanna walk to school together? I wanna talk" " Yeah sure. Leave now? Cause im ready and have to go" " Kaay Bye!" I run out the door forgetting to say bye so I call my mom from my cellphone "Hello...?" " Hey mom is skye sorry I forgot to say bye I love you" " Haha. Bye Skye love you too" My moms siersouly the best mom in the world. I see Nicole I have such a big urge to go RUNNING to her I wanna beg to hangout with her but I know ill look like a idoit if I do. AHHH! Hey! Nicole starts talking about how shes sorry and wants to hangout with me I said yes and how I really wanna hangout with her too im so happy those words came out of her mouth but than something happend that made me wanna cry something she said "Sorry but uh i mean after school Amie and Dawn dont want you with us sorry" I try to say ' its alright ' but it comes out k..k..kay. I say in my head that I HATE Amie and Dawn but if I really did why did I wanna hangout with them so bad? Nicole yells "RAP I see Amie sorry Alice Gotta go bye. Ill call you later" Oh great ive been basically ditched from walking to school together. Todays already started off as BAD. So I walk up to Marissa she says hey and starts blabing on about random stuff I could care less about. Than before I know it Nicole calls my name I said be right back and run over to them I say "yes?" Nicole repsonds as " Oh sorry I didnt mean to talk that loud sorry." Really? She wasnt even talking to me she was just talking about me wow I feel stupid! So the bells rings 9 o'clock already Marissas in my class we have a bunch of partner work to do in the morning and she begs to be with me " um yeah sure whatever." So we worked together for everything ate together she took all my food and she wanted to play tag all day that was my day I got home and watched SpongeBob. "Left over tacos for dinner Skye!" "SIREOUSLY? IVE HAD A BAD ENOUGH DAY ALREADY CANT WE JUST ORDER PIZZA" So we did but it tasted horrible I got in a shower and it felt like when I was in there that everything just washed off of me! It felt so nice. I forgot about friendship I forgot about me and Amie untill Nicole called my house " Hey wanna hangout?" "You know what I like you but No, im not gunna be some girl you cant be seen with Sorry Nicole Bye." I regret saying that. I wanna be her friend but what I said I said I left my house walked to some ghetto little park and just sat down and thought I cried for about five minutes thinking about everything whew. what a bad day two in a row ugh. Its 10:40 now because Ive just been writing and thinking in my bed you know ive been thinking alot lately about everything in this world I have so many questions I have right now but theres no time for that right now im so tired goodnight.
Day Five ; June 5th

OMG! Its 7:47 I woke up so late! I need the bathroom tyler no joke! I have to straighten my hair and do my make within like ten minutes ugh another bad day? Hope not! The phone rang. If its for me im gunna freak! "Skye! Nicoles on the phone" AGAIN? I told her to go away! Im not gunna be some girl she like hides? "Im getting ready!" " Just awnser it!" " K Fine."
' Hello? ' ' Hey , So I talked to Dawn were not gunna hangout with Amie today so wanna hangout with us?''um yeah sure.. but are you sure?' ' haha! Yes! Leave at 8ok?''kay bye.' I get ready so fast its already 7:50 yay! I used up all my time are you kidding? I hate my life Half of my hair is straight the other half no quite sure and my make up just plain fail. But im not gunna let this little problem ruin my whole day im hanging out with Dawn and Nicole today im happy I dont really care! So its now 8 o'clock luckily I look alright. So I finnally leave I see Nicole I run up to her. She hugs me and I kinda hug back im not sure what to do at this point were not really friends but .. im just not sure. Im gunna try my best to make her want to hangout with me. Its wierd because me and Nicole were BESTFRIENDS in grade three but it seems like shes so different now probrobly because shes grown up! We keep writting and Dawn texts me saying Icu! Im behind u come here! So we stop oh god how is this one gunna react she said hey and whats up but then kind of looked away the rest of the time. It was first break before I knew it Dawn kinda snook off and went to Amie Nicole was pretty pissed off but we were both like whateves. and moved on we had the best break ive ever had just me and her! We ran a little bit and lied in the sun Nicole made a comment saying; " i like you. Im gunna keep you! " What the hell does that mean tho.? Like oh im gunna keep hanging out with you? Why the eff is it such a big deal if they hangout with me theres like three weeks left then there gunna start hangingout with me? Like what the hell man! Nicole kept talking about this band called Escape The Fate although they seemed pretty cool a tad bit scary and she also talked about Falling In Reverse? Ronnie Radke seems pretty hot I saw a picture of him hes cute. But he's Nicoles legit there dating! Ronnies thirteen and already has a HUGE band that most people know of. Nicoles one lucky girl and even though Ronnie may have a tough guy rep. hes sweet. Hes so nice to Nicole he calls her the nicest stuff ever! Im happy I met him crap! I just called him hot and cute. Dont tell Nicole that...EVER! So first break past and then French and Math EW. but second break came and me Nicole and Ronnie all went out for lunch Ronnie kept pretending like he was gunna run out and get hit by a car unless Nicole held his hand they are by far the cutest couple ever! After lunch we went outside and just kind of hungout and Ronnie sang for me and Nicole it was amazing! I got home and babysat untill 12 it was a nightmare! The kids ran around all night and the six year old was crying all night missing her mommy. What a fun night but today was the best day ever I cant wait to call Nicole to ask her to keep hanging out with me tomorrow. But im so tired from everything today so im going to bed. Night!
Day 5; June 5th
So its 6:30 I woke up early so I can call Nicole I get ready first I brush my teeth. Than put my hair back in a lulu lemon head band and cover my face with coverup than use covergirl mascara I re-due my eyelashes to make them stand out more. I straighten my hair my hair goes down to the top of my stomach it takes about a half an hour to straighten it every morning. Once im done its already 7:34 so I get dressed cover myself head to toe with purfume and then go upstairs I grab my lunch then head for the phone I grab the cordless bring it down stiars and flop into the couch and type in her number it rings about four times finally you hear a girl with a high voice awnser; 'hello?' 'hey its skye. um i was just wondering if you wanted to start hanging out everyday? Me you and ronnie?' 'yeah actually that sounds perfect Amie and Dawn can hangout with us if they want but i dont think they will but yeah wanna walk to school together?' 'Yeah! 8:15?' 'yep gotta go get ready bye!' 'bye!'
Wheew! Im glad thats done! Finally I have someone good to hangout with. I can tell this is a start to a good friendship. Yes! Another good day.. thats what I was thinking untill I was waiting for Nicole at the corner she never showed up I waited there for ten minutes then went to school she was with Amie I called her over and she came she said "Sorry, I wanna hangout with them instead" "whatever.Bye" I walked over to the wonderful Marissa . NOT shes so annoying and smells kind of wierd now I know thats mean but its true. So as im walking over to Marissa some kid runs by and knocks me over and I got like four grass stains. Now I could tell this would be the begining to a horrible day. So the bell rang. As some kid ran by he hit Marissa she hit into me and we both went flying. Great embrassing! We quickly get up some kids laugh but we get back in line and shake it off. Too start off this horrible day we had another hour of reading. My eyes hurt so bad then we did a spelling test really? We still do those? hmm since when? So then it was break for lunch I had chicken noodle soup and of course Marissa hit her arm off of it and it spilt everywhere to make matters worse A. Marissa wasnt allowed to go with me to call my mom and wait for a new pair of shorts with me and B. Im wearing white shorts. So I walk down the hallway soaked smelling like chicken noodle soup and finally I got to the office I call my mom and the lines busy at first the next time I call she awnsers she said she'd come but it would take twenty minutes with my baby brother and all. Great just what I needed by the time she got there my pants were like yellowish from having Chicken Noodle soup on me. She got m pants really? Its burning hot out but nicely I just said ' thanks mom love you bye' gave her a hug and we both walked away. Girls in the washroom make fun of me when I walk in. I give a dirty look change then leave I hear laughter it sucks that I dont care! So after I change I go back its already recess but theres like what a minute left? So I wait inside and my teacher walks by as the bell goes and yells at me to get outside and go stand in the line I fast walk outside and go next to Marissa. I hate this school. Nothing after that happened that was bad. Luckily! I got home watched tv than ate Burges yuk! I hate burgers.. Then I just lied down and started writting a story. Hey maybe one day other people will see it and itll get bigger then ever! Just kidding. Well time to go to bed. Night


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.06.2011

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