
The pack is having a quite evening when the deputy Vera calls a meeting. "Fellow pack members!" she howls. "I' am sorry to announce that..." she paused for a long moment everyone is tense remembering alpha badly wounded a few days ago. "Alpha is dead. He was assassinated by the alpha of the northern packs. They have declared war upon us!" She snarled. Ira a young she-wolf stalked back to the main den, a dead deer hanging from her jaw leaving a trail of blood behind it. Vera sighed and calmed down. "We need a hunting party to gather more prey for the upcoming battle. "Ira would you like to join" she asked. Gathering a few more wolves. Glancing at the deputy, Ira deliberated for a moment; looking from her freshly caught prey to Vera. Grumbling, she shoved the deer towards the rest of the pups and shifted into human form. Her hair was the same color as her fur and it now reached her waist.
"I suppose," she sighed, "hunting big prey is easier in a pack. Where are we headed?"
The type of terrain (and whether or not it was in enemy territory) would decide on both the hunting technique and which form would be taken. Vera shifted to hume(human) form. "The forest" she said. "Alpha Vera the forest has been invaded with the other pack" another wolf said. "I know" Vera growled. "Thats why we are going there that is still our territory"
Grinning, Ira swung back her hair, "So we get to see some entertainment while we hunt? Even better." Jumping down from the hillock she had been standing on she set off into the forest ahead of Vera.
"There is a herd of deer this way!" she called over her shoulder, "I'll take you to them."

A navy blue she wolf, b the name of Yuri sighed as she walked through the Eastern part of the forest. That is where her pack lived, it was the elemental pack. Yuri was a little ticked because that day the graduations had taken place and all of the wolves got to show their power. Though she hadn't gotten her power yet so she was left out, this was the second year she didn't get to graduate. The second year that she wasn't able to show her power, though it was a power she didn't have. Yuri awaited anything exciting that might happen as she soaked her feet in a pond near the edge of the forest. It was close to the trees that surrounded the Southern part of the forest that held the Southern Pack. She just waiting for anything, a rabbit to pass, a different wolf of her pack to come to either fetch her for supper, or hunting hours. Maybe even just to brag about their power. Ira hadn't bothered waiting for Vera. The silver haired wolf may now be alpha now but the only one she had ever properly respected was the now deceased Alpha. Grinding her teeth, she stalked through the trees. She was more upset than she would ever let on. Stopping for a moment, she raised her nose to the wind and took a deep breath, taking in a scents in the area. There was the herd of deer she had targeted earlier towards the Eastern part of the forest. There was also an unfamiliar wolf scent. An intruder? she thought, more likely it was a member the Northern Pack. That bunch of disgusting mongrels that had stolen the Alpha from them. Snarling, she shifted into wolf form and bounded through the trees. It wasn't too far away and she quickly arrived. It was a lone female younger and smaller than she was. Easy prey. Growling in anticipation, she took a running jump and leaped at the female's back. Even though Yuri wasn't in wolf form she could easily hear the wolf that was approaching her. Her small size made people pick on her many of times. But she showed the rest of her pack. They hardly ever picked on her anymore. She just continued to splash her feet in the pond, as if oblivious to the wolf that was leaping toward her. At the last moment Yuri switched to her wolf, letting the short blue fur come out of her skin. She moved to the side making it to where the other wolf fell to the ground. Weather the wolf caught themselves or not, Yuri didn't know because she did not look their way. She turned, snarling. Ready to fight for whatever reason they started this battle. ra snarled at the blue wolf before her. She wasn't completely familiar with the scents of other packs but she had a gut instinct that this wasn't a Northern pack member. Angered by the disappointment she snapped at the younger wolf again before beginning to walk away; barking a message to Vera.
"There's a hunting party coming this way," she growled at the stranger, "we're not in the mood for dealing with strangers. You'd better stay out of out way." Frustrated, she barked to Vera's group again, urging them to hurry up. She was in the mood for killing not talking and waiting. "What are you waiting for!?" she turned to the younger wolf, "get moving!"
Yuri sighed, a bit disappointed with the lack of action. The one thing she was wanting. She could tell the wolf was upset, but of what. News spread fast about the Alpha of their pack being killed, that must be it. But why is she so sad, Yuri had never seen someone so depressed of the passing of a leader. So that must mean this wolf was connected to the Alpha somehow. "May I join you? I could easily act off the lone wolf looking for a new pack to join." Yuri asked flatly. Though she didn't care the answer, because she wasn't going to take a no. Very slowly Ira turned, "What are you saying?" she hissed, "who are you and what do you mean 'join us'? Our pack is at war. Why don't you go back to your nice safe pack in the East or the West or where ever you come from?" Yuri smirked, she would come back to the eastern pack. Just not now, and war was one of the things she wanted. No, needed. The Eastern Pack is known for it's role in peace. And it doesn't take kindly to the saying "If you're striving for peace, get ready for war."
"For your information I do not have a pack. I would make one of my own but there are not enough stray wolves. I have been camping in the Eastern Pack for almost a week, but am bored from their lack of action and activity. You smell of the Southern Pack. And you're at war you say? I could easily help." Yuri explained, most of what she said though were lies. One things she was best at, some people in the pack said that was her power, to lie. But that wasn't elemental, therefor couldn't be it. She smelled the air, noticing just now that she had turned back into her human self. Blushing for some reason she switched back and came to the Southern wolfs side.
"Why are you sad?" She asked, not trying to pry but letting curiosity get the best of her. She awaited the answer. Vera walked up to Ira's side. "Yes we are of Southern pack what does it matter to you" she snarled changing to wolf form. "Our pack dosn't need Loner blood mixed into it" she hated loners. Her previous alpha was in fact a loner but Vera was always loyal to her pack no matter how much she hated their 'weak blood'. Yuri hated that the Southern Pack was so hostile. It annoyed her because she was so used to no bickering and arguing in the Eastern Pack. There were usually some small children that did some things against the rules, but if you look the Eastern Pack is not ruled be peace, but fear. Because if two were to get in a fight, they both would be punished with death in the open to where everyone else could watch. Yuri had second thoughts of joining their pack, but wasn't going to look weak and back down. She raised her tail just ever so slightly, not to she disrespect. This was a sign of superiority, something she never did and didn't really think safe with these lunatics that seemed as if they were ready to kill anything in their path. Now, she chose to answer Vera. She chose a disrespectful tone of voice as she growled her words,

"It matters because I have information of the Northern Pack. The Pack I know you are on the brink of war with. That is the upside of being a 'loner' as you call it. I have lived in many different packs, none have ever suited me. If I ever join your pack I might even leave, to put it bluntly that is. But you can use me for whatever time you need, but if you don't want an easier way to win this war. To take revenge on the other pack, then you can just leave. I'll just ask the Northern pack if I can join them, since you two seem too prideful to ask me. Goodbye" Yuri trotted off, but after a bit felt as if they might attack her. Seeing her as an enemy. She ran off. Another thing that she was good at, along with lying. As she turned she would jump off of a tree or two. She had good legs for running, human form or wolf form. Never has she been beaten in a hunt nor a race. And if those Southern Wolves were after here, a hunt this would be. Vera's ears pricked up but hid her surprise a little. "Wait! You said you… /know things/… what do you mean?" Vera's tone softened but there was still a hostile edge to it. Yuri let a smile form on her lips as she quickly stopped running and turned back. She nodded her head. 'This is much better' Yuri thought as she re-approached the two other wolves.
"Let's do this the right way, now shall we? My name is Yuri, I am a strong lone wolf and would appreciate to join the Southern Pack." She turned into her human self and bowed with great pride in her accomplishment in getting the wolfs attention. Vera felt a little uneasy with this wolf's quick change of thoughts. "I am Vera, new alpha of the Southern Pack. I may let you stay but unsure of joining...." Her voice was still edgy. Vera didn't really trust this rouge but didn't have any choice if she wanted info on the Northern Pack. Ira had been quiet through out most of the conversation; she didn't trust herself not to say something stupid. When Yuri had said she had information about the Northern Pack, Ira's blood had run cold and her heart had skipped a beat. This was enough for her.
Glancing at Vera, she growled softly in annoyance. Her pride is too strong for this. Angry she snapped at Vera, "We need that information. I don't care how we get it. If we can get it by letting her join, let her join. I don't have a problem with loners. In fact..." she scowled internally, I'm going to regret this, "I'll take full responsibility for her actions." The words were out in the open. She could never take them back again. It was a gamble and if it didn't pay off... Well, Ira didn't want to think about that. Vera turned to Ira and smirked. "Alright, she's yours. Food, a place to sleep, and a place to wash up all your responsibility..." Vera snapped her attention towards a sound in the trees. "Hey ladies I think we got us some company" she laughed. 5 northern wolves walked out in human form. Vera's fur bristled. There's to many there will be more. Vera howled calling for more of the pack to help hoping the message would spread quickly. Snarling in delight, Ira quickly scanned the approaching enemy; strong fighters at their prime. Growling, her eyes locked onto the nearest one. He was slimmer than the other four but looked just as deadly. His sharp eyes quickly locked onto her's and he grinned shifting into wolf form. Fur rippling over wiry, strong muscles he dropped to all fours. The two opposing wolves circled each other for a moment then leaped towards each other. Ira sank her teeth into his shoulder and dug her claws into his stomach. In turn he bit and slashed at her. Pain flourished across her shoulders just as warm blood flooded into her mouth. The two grappled for a moment longer before pulling away and circling again snarling. Delight glittered in both of their eyes as the blood lust was answered.
It was like a dance that was repeated again and again: Circle, engage, withdraw and repeat. Soon both Ira and her opponent's fur was matted with blood but still the fighting continued. Snarling and growling they tore at one another in an intimacy that only appeared between two opponents fighting till death. They were beginning to tire now. There was only one question remaining. Who would tire first? Vera lunged at one catching his shoulder. Another wolf jumped on Vera. She bucked him of and slashed open his flank. Three more of the southern pack finally arrived. Vera slashed open one wolfs throat. She smirked blood ozzed from a cut above her eye and one on he shoulder. 'Worthless Mutts!' she howled at herself. Both opponents paused and snarled in annoyance as the Northern Pack reinforcements arrived. It was clear that they wanted their fight uninterrupted. This was a fight of pride now. Ira lunged and dug her claws into his exposed back. Yelling in pain he reared onto his back feet and flung her to the ground. They were both breathing heavily and shaking. Ira tried to stand but failed, weakened her body changed to human. Glancing she saw the male was struggling as well. Reverting to human form as well, he put his hands on his knees and panted heavily.
"Ho- how about... a short break..." he flopped onto the ground. Neither of them spoke further, but they had formed an unspoken truce as they tried to get their breath back. Ira took deep breaths aware that the truce would end as soon as one recovered.
While she waited for a lungs and muscles to stop hurting, she watched Vera fighting. The new Alpha was amazing to watch, she slashed and fought. In short she was... formidable. Vera snarled again and dug her claws into another wolf's shoulder. 'I won't let them win I won't lose this battle." she kept repeating in her head More of the Southern pack reinforcement arrived. The leader of the battle force howled. "Retreat northern wolves retreat!" the wolves began to run off. Vera snarled triumphantly. She smirked. The male Ira was fighting groaned in disappointment and got to his feet, brushing off his legs. Yawning, he smirked at Ira.
"Higher ups always have to spoil the fun don't they," waving casually, he turned, "see you around. Hopefully we'll fight again." With that he turned back into a wolf and bounded away.
Getting to her own feet, Ira nodded to herself, "Yeah, I'll see you again." She whispered. A healer came and started patching up her wounds and wasn't deterred by Ira's pointblank rudeness. When the healer was done, she walked over to Yuri.
"Looks like your stuck with me," she grimaced, "you had better have good information or I will personally slaughter you." After a pause, Ira grudgingly muttered, "Are you hurt?"
Yuri sniffed, trying to get the tingling on her nose to stop. She turned into a human just as some medics came over, hesitant at first but then fixed what little wounds she had. It was a slash on her nose and a few scraps on her arms from rolling around. Yuri was nowhere near as bad as Ira or Vera. 'Speak of the devil' she smirked to herself as Ira walked up.
"Looks like you're stuck with me, you had better have good information or I will personally slaughter you." There was silence after that, but only for a second before Yuri heard Ira huff under her breath, "Are you hurt?" Yuri shook her head.
"No as nearly as bad as you. You look like crap." Yuri chuckled at her comment.
"I wanted to say thank you. For helping me join the pack, I promise I'll help you as much I can. Though you'll be able to tell I'm around, I'll help hunt as well if you want. I need more training in fighting skills, maybe you could teach me?" The last questions Yuri hesitated before asking, Ira's pack had just lost their Alpha, an Alpha that Ira seemed oddly close to. Yuri wasn't sure if Ira would want some pack newcomer on her back about fighting. "First lets get back to camp" Vera growled changing to human form and wiping blood away from the corner of her mouth. "We can go hunting later, two of our wolves were badly injured" she started back towards camp. She limped lightly. One of the wolves caught her back leg. It wasn't very bad but Vera didn't want to show she was badly injured either. Ira froze. Why was Yuri... why was this newcomer asking her how to fight?
It reminded her terribly of the past...
' "Teach me, you stingy old mongrel! How am I supposed to defend myself if you won't teach me how to fight!?" ten year old Ira yelled at the old Alpha. She had been whining for the last half hour.
"Get lost! I'm busy!" he snapped. His tone seemed determined but after another few moments he relented. "Ira, the most important thing about fighting," he had told her later, "Isn't about who wins or who loses, it's about the fight its self. The pumping of adrenalin and giving it your all, it is an ancient dance that has been danced for thousands of years."
Those words would stayed with her for ever.
"Yeah," she whispered hoarsely to Yuri, "I'll- I'll teach you." With that she began to walk after Vera. "YES!" Yuri thought, doing a fist pump. She turned into wolf form and followed Vera and Ira toward what she could only assume was the Southern Pack's camp. "Ira you can show her around camp I need to make sure we haven't lost anyone" Vera growled walking over to the healer's den. The main den was situated about five miles into the woods, however for a wolf it didn't take long to get there. It was a huge open forest clearing with a large amount of caves set into both the floor and the craggy rocks that rose up from the middle. The rocks made up many levels and platforms, this built up the body of the den its self. Around it was bare ground where most pups liked to play fight. There was a large square area that was cordoned of with rope. Two wolves were fighting inside it with a few onlookers watching. A wide river cut across the very back of the clearing that gave them all the water they needed. There were many wolves of varying sizes and colours dotted around the rocks.
Ira breathed a sigh, home.
"This way," she led Yuri to a small network of caves at the base of the rocks. "There're seven rooms, three of them are sleeping rooms pick the one you want. There should be some food in the storeroom. I'm going to get some water," she picked up a pot and turned to leave but paused, "there's a locked wooden box in one of the sleeping rooms. That's usually my room, but if you want it then I'll move. Please respect my privacy and don't look inside the box." With that she walked out. It was probably a futile effort. Telling someone not to do something will only make them more likely to do it. Then again if she looked... Ira smirked slightly, most of the things in there wouldn't make sense, but the things that did were probably the stuff of a pup's nightmare. Vera growled after being told two more wolves died. Vera walked to the center of camp. "I call a meeting with the southern pack!" she howled. Its time to chose a deputy. She shifted to wolf form and waited for the pack to gather. Looking up from the river, Ira saw Vera standing and looking determined before summoning the pack. Two meetings in one day? This is a unique day. Hurrying back to the cave she called to Yuri.
"Come on! Your one of us now so you must attend our, 'gripping' meetings," smirking she turned, "let's get it over with."
Vera look over the pack. The Southern Pack was the smallest but the fiercest. "There were two more deaths" she growled. "But they didn't die in vein we chased the northern wolves out of our part of the forest. And it's time to chose a new deputy" she looked across the crowd again. Ira stared, frowning. 'A new deputy? So soon after Alpha's death?' she growled scowling, she glared at the ground, they haven't even held his memorial and she's already trying to erase his memory. The rational part of her knew that this was a time of war and sentimental things would have to wait for a while. But Ira wasn't a rational person.
'I wonder who it's going to be?' she thought sadly, 'I wonder which poor soul is going to be dragged into the complicated world of politics.'
"After the new deputy is chosen we will have Alpha's burial. I would like Ira to be my new deputy. Do you execpt?" she looked at Ira. Many of the pack murmured there agreements and disagreements. She gaped. This was- this was insane!
Apparently others thought so too. A wolf named Toren stepped up.
"This is a disgrace!" he was a haughty male a few years older than she was; tall and muscle bound, the cream of the crop, you could say. He was popular with most of the elders and females, "you need someone who is strong, powerful and with influence. She wasn't even born in the pack and she's practically a loner anyway! She's not even particularly good at fighting!"
Ira snarled at him for this, "How dare you!?" she leaped at him but he dodged.
"Fine," he grinned, "How about we fight. The victor become deputy. How does that sound?" Angry Ira merely nodded. "Alpha Vera?" he turned to the silver haired wolf. "What do you say?"
"What happened?" Yuri asked the first person she reached, a man around her age that didn't seem to agree with what was going on.
"Ira just got chosen as deputy."
"This is a disgrace!" Yuri heard another man yell and she pushed through the crowd to see what was going on. Once she got there, there was a wolf with silver fur looking as if he was going to shred Ira to bits.
"What do you say?" He asked Vera. And Yuri hoped that Vera would say no, Ira couldn't fight! She had just gone through battle with a vicious wolf! While this jerk was going to take advantage of that! Ira could win Yuri thought, But I don't want to risk it. She's going to take care of me! Are they fighting to the death? Until one falls? I need to know the rules! Yuri thought, questions popping up like crazy in her head. But the only thing she did was run back through the crowd and back to her tiny sleeping cave. "No" Vera snarled. "Later I will discuss this with you Ira" she turned to Toren. "As for you Toren I suggest you hold your tounge unless you want it ripped from your throat!" Vera was larger then the young male especially in wolf form. "Understand"
Her wounds from fighting the Northern male still ached but there was no way she was going to miss this. Toren was an arrogant git that needed to be booted down a few notches. True the same thing could be said for her but at least she didn't force her unwelcome presence onto people! A lot of the elders still saw her as an outsider so she could tell when she was unwanted. In the corner of her eye she saw Yuri flee towards their cave. Probably just as well, the girl wasn't used to this level of violence, she had to be eased in slowly.
Turning to Vera as well, she awaited the reply.
"No," Vera said, ""Later I will discuss this with you Ira" she turned to Toren. "As for you Toren I suggest you hold your tounge unless you want it ripped from your throat!" Vera was larger then the young male especially in wolf form. "Understand"
Ira growled in disappointment. "It's time for the ceremony there will be no more fighting today" Vera said.
All of the rage flooded out of her. The ceremony.
It was a grand affair. The remains of the Alpha's body were wrapped up in golden cloth and cremated at the very top of the rocks. A huge roaring golden bonfire that lit up the now darkening air. It screamed out to the world 'here we are! We have lost someone precious fight us if you dare!'
Ira stood at the front beside Vera. She was second to place an offering on the fire. It was traditional; you burnt something on the fire so that the dead wolf could have your love (or whatever emotion you meant to give) in the afterlife. Ira placed a small plait of woven silver fabric onto the burning mound and sent all her love and respect to him. As she stepped away, the tears that had yet to be shed came flooding from her eyes and she fell to her knees sobbing.
"Why did he have to die?" she whispered, "Why did he have to die, Vera?"
Vera was silent for a moment a tear actually ran down her cheek. "I shouldn't be alpha now, h-he shouldnt be dead. You should have been deputy not me. B-but you were to young" she shook her head. "There were many things he kept from you" she sighed.
Yuri overheard Ira's and Vera's conversation, but didn't know what to make of it. It was Yuri's turn to put something in the fire, having nothing with her shirt ripped off her right sleeve and threw it into the fire. Along with her sorrow, the sorrow that made her feel bad for Ira, making her want to bend down, hug her and cry with her. But she also gave him her thanks and happiness. Because if he hadn't died she would have never been here. She would have never met Ira and wouldn't have joined this pack to rid of those nasty pigs in the Northern Pack. Yuri bowed her head in respect for the lost one, and stood back, letting the next person give the fire their emotion. "What do you mean?" she stared up at Vera with a tear stained face, "What do you mean I should have been-" She cut off and got to her feet. "No, tell me later. We'll- We'll talk later. I must check on Yuri," Ira mumbled and staggered down the hill. More tears blinded her as she raced back to her caves. She knew Yuri wasn't even there. But she didn't care, she just went to her sleeping cave, curled up in a ball and sobbed herself to sleep. "There's so many things you don't know" she sighed. She remembered the day she became deputy all the hostile stares and snarls disapproving of alpha's choice. After everyone had gone back to what they were doing. "Your only deputy because Ira is to young" he snarled at her. Vera felt hated. Alpha at least alpha cared about Ira.

The next morning, Ira jerked awake suddenly. Her dreams had been tangled and confused; half night mares really. A feeling of panic followed her from the dream world. Breathing shakily, she scrabbled to the box and fumbled with the lock. It was a five number combination lock that no one else could open. Throwing open the lid, she peered inside and breathed a sigh of relief.
"Thank goodness," she whispered, stroking the glassy surface of what lay inside, "I thought- no, it's fine." Moving to the other side of the box, she picked up the second thing in there. It uncurled in her hand and made a mewing noise. Smiling, she scratched in under the chin. "How're you feeling today, my old friend?" The thing pocked out a small red tongue and tasted the air.
"Sad. I-ra sad," it rasped showing its small pointed white teeth. "Ira!" Vera called from outside the den. Vera looked around a few wolves were still sleeping. "Ira!" she called again. Rubbing her eyes Yuri got out of her bed, she heard Vera yelling Ira's name and the whole night came back in small pictures of memory. One was Yuri doing something with another wolf, then she was in the forest. What's going on? She asked herself as she held her forehead as if that would help with the pounding headache she had. She came out of the cave den thing and saw Vera standing in front of Ira's room place.
"What are you doing?" Yuri asked above a whisper but still trying to be semi-quiet. Then another flash came from the back of her head. It was Yuri, she was in wolf form and in the woods. She jumped into a pond and in mid-air turned into a human. There was another wolf with her and he turned into a human as well, but he attacked Yuri. They turned into wolves again and fought. In the end Yuri had ripped off the wolfs head and went on her way after buried him under the mud at the bottom of the small pond. After seeing that Yuri didn't wait for Vera to answer her question, this was not what Yuri was expected when joining this Pack. She didn't expect it to be so grusome and to.... change her.
She went to the ground and fell unconscious. "Ira!" Vera's voice range out, echoing in the small cave. Jumping in surprise, she shoved the creature back into the box with a hasty apology and slammed it shut. Ducking behind the box, she hid. Ira had a horrible feeling about whatever Vera wanted to tell her. A moment later, Yuri staggered out of her sleeping room clutching her head. She went through Ira's and then walked into Vera who was standing at the entrance.
"What are you doing?" Yuri whispered. Then she swayed on her feet for a moment looking slightly horrified before collapsing.
Confused, Ira leaped to her feet, "What the- what's wrong with her?" Without waiting for a reply, she hurried over to the younger girl and knelt beside her. There was a strong and steady pulse when Ira felt. Eyebrow raised, she sat back on her haunches and looked up at Vera.
"Should I take her to Orias?" She asked, naming the wizened old healer who lived at the back of the rocks beside the river. He was bad tempered and stubborn but was the best healer they had. Glancing at Yuri again, she grimaced.
"On second thoughts, I'll take her right now, we'll have to talk later."
Slinging the girl onto her shoulder, she left the cave. Yuri was pretty small for her age so she was easy to carry.
Orias was grumpy and annoyed as usual.
"What did you do to her?" he snapped laying Yuri on a woven mattress, "throw her off the rocks?"
Rolling her eyes, she groaned, "No! She just collapsed. I didn't do anything!"

two young she-wolves, by the names of London and Silver, walked side by side down the riverbank. They had been traveling for days, half in wolf form, half in human. They continued to walk until they reached a small settlement. The only thing on their minds was water and food. Vera scented two wolves. Rouges? she growled. There are only two if a fight is needed I can take them. She walked into the forest and to the Riverbank. "Who are you!" Vera snarled. London steps forward while Silver steps back. "Who are you," she asked. Silver takes another step back but soon her back meets a tree and she freezes. London looks at the girl in front of her and wonders, 'How many times do we have to run into people who only care about who we are?!' she growled at herself. "I won't ask again! Or will I get rid of you here and now!" she snarled. 'These stupid loners keep coming on to my territory what do they want!' She snarled to her self changing to wolf form. Her fur bristling with fury. London and Silver's instincts take over and they change to wolf form, readying for a fight. "I guess you do want to fight" she laughed smirking. Vera's blue eyes glinting in amusment. "If only this was fair. One alpha versus two rouge. A simple fight" she stepped forward ready to spring if nesacary. Silver takes a step back and changes back to human and her eyes widen in terror as she remembers the way her parents died. London, meanwhile, snarls and raises her lips to bare her teeth but Silver soon steps in and whispers something in London's ear.

"I see," London says as she switches back into her human form. "We're are looking for refuge. Water, food, shelter. We've been travelling for days." A smug look was planted on London's face but was soon knocked off when Silver whispered in her ear again.

"What? You're saying that this... 'clan' is in a war," she asks. Silver nods and opens her lips.

"Yes, remember? We were in the North, listening in, and they were talking about the Southern Clan." London nods in agreement and a hint of amusement reaches her features.
"So are you going to fight or run!" Vera was getting really mad. And with the rage of Alpha's death and the forced decision of Ira being deputy she needed to let it out on something. Loners were easy targets too no one would really miss them. "Dammit AWNSER !" Vera snarled steeping closer fur bristled teeth bared and claws ready to shread.London starts laughing at the wolf while hiding the fact that she was scared. Scared she would end up like her mother did. "We are only here for refuge, like she said. If you do not have room we understand," Silver said in a low voice almost no one could hear. Vera could smell their fear. "We are only here for refuge, like she said. If you you do not have room we will understand" the older looking wolf said. Vera growled. "If you really want refuge then you will have to earn it" she smirked. "And wipe that smile off your face I can sense your fear. And you have right to fear me, The Alpha of the Southern Pack" she smirked. London's smiles remains as she says, "And how, exactly, do we earn it? Do we clean your fur with a hose?" Silver glanced at London with an annoyed look. "Don't get arrogant!" she snarled and pinned London. "Show respect when you talk to an Alpha!" This arrogant pup! She thinks she owns the world!. "I will decide how to earn it I don't like loner and you better learn to hold your tounge unless you want to die" she snapped. "You still did not answer my question... or did you forget," London asked. Silver tries to push the wolf off of London but fails miserably. "I will decide when my deputy come back to camp..." she growled and let London go. "Follow me" she started back to camp. "I will have to watch you until I find the proper guard" she snorted. They don't even know how to fight. They aren't really any help. Silver follows immediately while London hesitates for a moment. They follow the wolf. "What's your name," Silver asks. "I'm Silver and the grouchy one is London."
"I am Vera, as you know I am the alpha. And when you enter camp I suggest you keep quite with this war going on my pack is very edgy" she said changing to human form. "Do either of you know how to fight?"
London and Silver both look hurt and their mouths fall open. "Of course we know how to fight! And, believe me, you're not the first Alpha we've come upon who has wanted to know. Haha, what do you think we are? Runts," London says.
Vera whipped around. "And that's another thing learn respect pup!" she snapped. "I am a little lets say... different from most alpha's and the way you tried to get me off you didn't really have any affect I wasn't really using any strength." she snarled and walked into camp. "You will be sleeping in one of the empty dens choose one to share" Vera pointed at the dens.
London and Silver check out each dens to find one that is empty, then they choose one on the far right and say, "This one." A few moments later they spot another person and ask, "Who is that?" loud enough for the other person to hear.

Ira had been told to stay very quiet and sit in a corner while Orias completed his examination. Scowling, she was hunched up against the cave wall listening to what was happening outside. There had been a commotion but Orias had forbidden her to go and look.
"This is your charge," he had told her grumpily, "I don't want to be left responsible." His words sounded harsh but she had known him too long to be fooled. Orias cared dearly for his pack and refused to let anyone who entered his cave become involved in a fight.
From what she could glean by listening, it appeared two loner wolves had crossed into the pack territory, looking for refuge and run into Vera. Ira had to feel sorry for them.
"Well," Orias sighed, "she's not injured. She fainted. From what I can gather it appears she was put through a great deal of stress and her mind couldn't handle it. I'll bring her round and then I suggest you get her to talk about it. It'll mean she can start accepting it." Without waiting for an answer, he took a selection of herbs, bound them into a tight bundle and lit them. Wafting the smoke under Yuri's nose, he waited for the scents to wake her up. The smell of herbs, stinging needle, lavender and something else came into Yuri's nose. It smell wonderful making everything else blurry as she woke up. She pulled herself onto her elbows and looked around. Some old guy hovered over her and she let a squeak escape her lips from being startled. She turned and saw Ira.
"What happened? Where am I" Yuri asked Ira, getting up from whatever she had been laying on. "My headaches gone, I assume thanks to you." She said gesturing to the old man that had been sitting above her until she sat up. Hearing some yelling, or something, outside she turned to see out the cave.

"Thank you sir." Yuri said, getting up and bowing slightly, then ran outside.
"Hang on!" but it was too late. Sighing, she chased after Yuri.
"Hey!" that girl was fast, racing out of the cave she stared around. No one in sight. Growling, she looked into the caves as she past. Suddenly, she came across two strangers crouched in one of the abandoned dens.
"Who is that?" asked one of them asked. Sighing, she shook her head, there were far too many new people coming into this pack.
"My name's Ira, I'm the deputy," she glanced around, "have you seen a blue haired girl running around? She's a little younger than me and smaller. It's really important I find her."
London and Silver glanced at each other. Was she crazy? Blue hair? Crazy, I tell ya, crazy. "No, sorry we haven't. We're London and Silver, Rogues," London said, eyeing the person in front of them with curiosity and wonder. Sighing in annoyance, she straitened up, "Yeah nice whatever, listen I gotta- Hang on," she frowned at them, "does Ver- sorry Alpha know you're here?" Thinking a bit more she sighed, "let me guess, you're the ones that caused that racket earlier. We're in a bit of a fix at the moment, so I suggest you don't cause trouble."
London laughs at Ira. "Not cause trouble?? Why would we ever do such a thing," she said, looking innocent.
"I din't say run around camp" she growled at the two. "Oh Ira..." she mumbled pausing then looking aback at Silver and London. "Get in a den and stay" she growled. London and Silver look at each other. "We never left for your information," London said. Silver lets out a small laugh and looks at the ground afterwards. "Well why are you here and not in a den." she growled. "Um, we are, Ira found us in the den," Silver said. Are they just stupid??!! London's thought made her smile. "can't you tell the difference between an normal den and a healers den!" she snarled. "Just go!" she pointed to an empty sleeping den beside the camp entrance. "It was an empty den, jeez," Silver says while "accidently" bumping into Vera. London followed close behind but wasn't so subtle about bumping into Vera. "Jeez, watch where you're going," London growled.
Vera just growled under her breath. London and Silver go into the den and immediately starts decorating. When they're done the den is covered in leaves, twigs, and a small pink blanket taken out from Silver's sack. "Looks like we still don't get food, water, or another blanket. Sorry, I will find a way to support us, Silver," London said. Vera walked back to her den and leaned against the wall. She closed her eyes. "It's al my fault you shouldn't be dead alpha... I should" a tear ran down her cheek but she quickly wiped it away.London was standing right outside, about to ask for a blanket, and clears her throat. Vera saw London. 'Will she ever leave me alone!' She sighed. "So what happened," London asked. "I'll tell you my secret if you tell me yours." All barriers were down and London was being her normal self and not the one worrying about her sister. "Why should I tell you it won't matter" she snapped but couldn't really yell right now on the verge of crying. "Look, I'm trying to be nice and don't say its nothing! I see the tears," she said. Vera sighed. "Lets just say I have made some bad choices before" she looked away. "We all make mistakes, and you still didn't tell me your secret," I say with a swish of my hair, slowly walking into her den. She sighed and wiped away more tears. "Ira is my daughter..." she whispered. "And..." Tears rained down. "Her father.. is..." she choked out the words. "I see... do you want to know mine," London asked. "Sure..." she shook away tears and brushed her hair out of her face. I let out a small sigh and said, "Silver and I.. we... um... are hybrids."
"What" Vera growled.
"Well you know... hybrids..." London murmured
"So what else are you" Vera blinked.
London cleared her throat and said, "Vampires."
Vera's eyes widened. "Vamp blood, have you ever attack someone" she jumped to her feet. "Only once..." My eyes fall to the ground. "It was Silver. She was young and she didn't know better. She.. she killed our parents..."
Vera sighed. "Do you know how to control yourselves now..." she growled. "Yes. That's why I have her with me twenty-four/seven." London gets up and stretches. "Goodnight, talk to you tomorrow." I walked over to our den and fell asleep next to Silver. Ir and heard Vera's and London's conversation. All thoughts about finding Yuri had fled. 'Ira is mu daughter.' Vera's voice rang in No. That was... impossible. Her parents had abandoned her and she had been taken in by the Pack. That was what everyone had told her. That's what Alpha had told her. Had he known, had he lied? The thought was unbearable.
Shaking, she watched the new wolf, London, leave. Then she slowly walked around the corner and stood facing Vera.
"What-" she whispered, "what do you mean?"
Vera froze. Ira had heard her. "Ira I-I..." she bit her lip. How was supposed to tell her own daughter that that pack lied about her being abandoned that she was her mother and wasn't able to keep her. "Explain," Ira hissed, "what are you talking about?" she suddenly started screaming, "you're not my mother! You're not! Alpha would have told me! Alpha would never had lied to me! He wouldn't!" Tears began leaking from her eyes, "Don't you dare say stuff like that! Don't you dare!"

Splashing through the pond, searching. Yuri knew what she was searching for but at the same time didn't and the whole time wishing that she wouldn't find it. But alas Yuri's foot hit something and when she looked down it was a nose. She dived down and started to wipe away the mud, the water making it slightly harder. That's when it revealed a face. She gasped, and the water came into her mouth and she almost choked but she same up and got air. She staggered out of the water. Tears coming back to her eyes. I-I couldn't h-have done that, could I? Yuri thought as she recognized the man in the pond as the one wanting to fight Ira earlier that evening. London was walking through the forest when she heard the splashing. Goddamn these people! She trampled her way through the forest until she saw someone with blue - BLUE?!- hair. Guess she wasn't crazy... "Excuse me" she said.
Yuri's head shot up from her hands at the voice. She stared at the girl who stood before her, and in her side vision she saw that the mud had covered up the body again. Thank goodness. No one would find it unless they were purposefully looking for it. No one would care if that guy was gone, from the looks of it earlier no one really liked him. "I-I.." Yuri stammered, but was at a loss for words. That's when she used her speed and headed back to the pack camp, switching to wolf form in the middle of sprinting that way she'd go faster. 'I need to find Ira.' She thought and followed her nose. London watched the girl speed away and soon wondered what she was looking at so she walked into the water and tripped over... a... a body?! Vera had been too emotional to say much. So Ira got a hold of herself.
"I must find Yuri," she said stiffly and ran. Following her nose, she quickly picked up the girl's scent. "Yuri!" she smiled in relief as she saw the blue haired girl run from the forest.
"Thank goodness," she hugged Yuri in relief, "I found you! Are you okay?"
Yuri's barriers fell as she sobbed into Ira's shoulder. Feeling her arms around her she felt safe, loved even. She hugged Ira back,

"I-I did something. I didn't mean to! I'm sorry, s-so sorry mom!" She let the words slip from her mouth and after they came out she didn't even care.
London started dragging the body back to the camp. "GUYS?! WE HAVE AN ISSUE," I yelled. This is awkward! Ira thought to herself, but she just smiled and stroked Yuri's hair, murmuring comforting words to her.
"Shush," she whispered, "it's alright. It's alright, you're gonna be fine. It can't have been that bad. Just tell me what happened and we'll sort it out. It's gonna be alright. Nothing bad's gonna." That was a pointblank lie. The inside, rational Ira was desperately trying to strangle Yuri and tell her to stop being so stupid. This was a war and there was no time for sentimentality. But the emotional Ira was in control and she needed to comfort someone. 'It took her mind away from- Don't think about that Ira!' Sensible her snapped, 'You'll start crying as well!' she growled at herself.
"Yuri," she looked down at her, "what happened?"
At that moment someone came out of the woods. It was one of the new girls. She was carrying a body.
"Guys, we have an issue!" she called. Ira immediately let go off Yuri and sprang at the newcomer throwing her to the floor.
"Is this your doing?" she hissed gesturing at the body. London gets thrown to the ground and she hisses, not snarls. "Don't hiss at me!" Ira snapped, "answer me! Is this your doing?!" She glanced at the body and recognized it with a sickening lurch. It was Toren. 'But I saw him yesterday!' she gasped. Yuri pulled herself together. She wasn't being anything like herself, all the depression around her was driving her insane! Making her soft, she's killed many things. Hunting, the arena. B-but, this was nothing like that. She had always been taught to make peace and keep it there. But she'd have to keep sane, for Ira's sake. Now that Ira had let her go she realized what she did.
"Ira, I meant Ira. Not... mom." She murmured the last part, slightly embarrassed at repeating her mistake, especially with this newcomer here. She was pretty sure that they weren't listening though, that's when she saw what the newcomer had been holding. The body, My body! She thought, and that's when the rage came. She came up to Ira, who was on top of the girl. Throwing Ira off, not caring if she might have hurt her she pounced onto her.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" Yuri screamed into the girls face. And then she turned into wolf form and started to claw at her. London lets out shouts of pain and Silver heard. Silver did the one thing London told her never to do, use her vampire speed. She threw the wolf off of London, biting into the wolf's neck, ignoring the fur. It had been soo long since she had blood she didn't know if she could stop...Yuri threw the vampire off, and without hesitation sliced her neck, the blood spilled out and she sunk her teeth into the things neck and detached it from their shoulders. She didn't want anything to get into her way, she wanted to do this same thing to the idiot that had brought her body out of the pond! This wasn't any of her business! What the heck was she doing with her body anyway?! Yuri threw the head of what looked like a girl, but you couldn't tell now, not after what Yuri just did to her. Then she turned back to the newcomer. Ready for battle. When you are fighting a war, you must make sure there is no fighting among the troops. Break up their fights ad direct the anger at the enemy. That was what Alpha had told her.
Springing to her feet, she growled to herself in annoyance. She hadn't wanted to do this, not so soon after becoming deputy. Very calmly, she approached the warring pair and concentrated.
"Stop this instant," she accessed the power of a pack deputy, they may be new members but they must abide the rules. But it was too late, Yuri had killed the other girl. An invisible force pinned Yuri to the ground. "We are at war," she hissed at them, "losing troops now will be useless. You must be contained." She turned and called for Vera. London got up, eyes blazing. Silver was not only her sister but her daughter in many ways. London looked around 19 but was 40, since she was changed into a vampire hybrid her age and body stuck. She hissed. This girl... this physco with blue hair... is going to pay. London changed into wolf form and attacked the girl head-on. Making sure to not let her bite her neck or any other part. Her teeth fell on the girls paw, wounding her. Another wolf came bounding at Yuri. Angry, she yelled, "Freeze!" The new wolf froze in place, furious and growling. "This will be dealt with! Our way."
London stopped and changed back to human form. Her eyes still shooting daggers at Yuri. "You will pay, you freak. I'll be sure to kill your first daughter as well," she spat the words. "Hey, hey," she raised her hands, "She's not my daughter! Uh, uh!" she shook her head, "I'm sixteen. And-" she cut off and yelled for Vera.
"Please!" she howled, "I need some help!"
"This isn't about you, not everything is about you," London said still staring at Yuri. Yuri got up, somehow she had been stuck to the ground. The girl, London, was glaring at her. A raised eyebrow she turned and then saw it, a body. Another one? Oh goodness, please no! Yuri though. Yup! You like my work? Something in her head laughed. A confused look Yuri asked aloud, "What?" Oh god do we have to do this now? "What are you talking about?!?!" Yuri screamed, holding her head. "Leave my alone!" These voices had made a bounty on her ever since she was a young girl. Had this voice somehow taken over her body and mind somehow? No, that was impossible!

"I-I need t-to go!" Yuri yelled, That's it, just run. Just like you always do! The voice said again, "Shut Up!" And she staggered into the woods like an old junk man. Hitting things on her way. Leaving everything behind. This was... insane. Ira stood and watched Yuri stagger into the woods but made no move to follow her. The new comer who's sister had died walked back to camp. Again she didn't follow. They had broken free of her command. Which meant they were no longer members of her pack and no longer her concern. A shiver passed through her as she turned. Yuri killed someone. My charge killed someone. This was bad. She was responsible for Yuri and if Yuri had committed a crime... Well, it appeared this gamble hadn't payed off. We didn't even get the bloody information, she hissed in anger. That was the only reason Yuri had meant anything in the first place. It didn't matter now. Yuri had left this pack. She's not your friend anymore, the sensible Ira told her harshly and this time all of Ira agreed.
"Well," she muttered to herself, "better go find Vera." And this time all we will discuss is the war. Vera still sat in her den. Her tear stained face was now emotionless. Her breathing shallow as if she was dying. "I'm no the only one that lied... So did your father when he was alive..." she rasped. After fuming for about an hour I return to camp and walk into Vera's den. "Vera, we need to talk.. there's another secret you need to know."
"What now.." she growled face still emotionless
"Silver was my daughter," I blurted.
"But I thought she was your sister…" Vera didn't give any sign of suprise. "No. You see the vampire in me stopped me at the age 19... but I'm really 49, 50?"
"Okay" she looked over at her."Yes... um... okay... goodnight...." London said and returned to her den. Vera sighed and stared at the wall. Ira found Vera where she had left her. Snapping to attention, she addressed her smartly, "Alpha Vera," her voice was cold and withdrawn, this was not time for sentimentality, "I have come to discuss the war. You need to pull your self together, we need a strong leader." She paused for a moment, "Now, I have an idea that may help us win against the Northern Pack. With your consent, I would like to put together a small team and infiltrate the Northern Pack. Once there we could observe their efforts, find out their numbers and, if possible, sabotage them. What do you think?"
Hitting trees and low branches as Yuri ran back to the Southern Pack. She stumbled onto the side of Vera's den just in time to hear Ira speak,

"Now, I have an idea that may help us win against the Northern Pack. With your consent, I would like to put together a small team and infiltrate the Northern Pack. Ocne there we could observe their efforts, find out their numbers and, if possible, sabotage them. What do you think."

"I think you're an idiot." Yuri gasped as she walked out, but it wasn't her speaking. This was the her that killed those two people, apparently it can take over and it's making her watch! Stop it! Give me back control! Yuri ordered,

"As you know, the only reason I came to this Pack," She stopped briefly and murmured, "If you'd like to call it that," But then continued. "Was to help you win this war, and that is exactly what I am going to do, I will tell you my plan. That is if you'd like to hear it, I could easily go back to my camp."
"Take three wolves with you, I can't afford if you get caught to loose many.I really would prefer you not go though." she looked up at Ira. "They have more than we do, we know that for a fact."
London overheard and stepped from the shadows. "No they actually don't have too many more than you. After mine and Silver's parents died many other parents died as well so, in fact, you are only around 15-20 people short," London said. Very slowly, Ira turned around and stared at Yuri and London.
"What exactly are you doing here?" she glared at them coldly, "have you rejoined the pack? If you have then I'm glad to hear it. You're both capable fighters from what I have seen. But if you have come back to us then you must respect me as your superior." Pausing, she turned to London, "Even though what you say is probably true, we still need to find out what kind of weapons they have, if any, what type of battle formations they fight in, how many able-bodied fighters they have... stuff like that." Eyes drifting to Yuri, her glare increased, the little brat was trouble. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, well, Yuri would almost definitely become an enemy one day.
"It'll be helpful to hear your plan. However if we choose mine, I would like to take the pair of you as well as Jaz. She's a healer and would be able to help us." Taking a deep breath, she let it out in a sigh, "What's your plan?"
Smirking at how easy it was to get them to listen Yuri stepped forward one baby step, then, explained her plan. Of course in her mind the 'Good and friendly souled' Yuri was screaming to let her take control again. But was easily ignored.

"Well, London is correct. They have low numbers. But in my opinion, you might have more people but all of their fighting skills suck. But that's just me!" She said, pulling her hand up in a defensive stance. "Anyway. So I, Yuri, am from the Eastern Pack I have a power and that could help with your war. But I never said I would do that now did I." She stopped to allow a smirk on her lips, but only briefly before she continued, "The secrets I hold are how to sneak into the camp, there is a hole that only people in wolf form can fit into. No one knows it's there, and I'm not even sure what giant beast could have made it. But that doesn't matter. It's an abandoned borrow so it'll be safe. That whole leads directly outside of the Alpha's den, and if we go at the right time he will be asleep." She stopped to catch her breath, since she had said all of this in just one sitting, she sucked in some more air and went forward. "He will be asleep, as I said. So we will poison him and that will make it look like he had a sickness and he died of natural causes. That way we will not be suspected. The Southern Pack has a ritual where once their Alpha is deceased they will take three days of mourning, they will do nothing but walk in circles around their camp. This includes fasting from water and food. Though since they are in war I think they might make a rain-check on that. But we will blend into their Pack and take on this ritual, but after the three days they all have a huge feast and sleep with full bellies. We will sneak into each of their houses, for they will be deep in sleep after celebrating for several hours. And this is when we slice their throats" And evil grin spread across her face as she imagined it.

"Oh! And one more thing, from now on, call me Ri. I will not answer to any other name." Ri let her gaze lead to London, "Especially 'Psycho'"
I look down at the ground and laughed a little. "Fine, Ri. I won't call you psycho if you don't act it."
Ira narrowed her eyes, "Who would have thought that such a sweet face could hide such blood thirsty thoughts. I think we should observe them first. I know that war has no rules but... we- I'm not looking for a massacre. I want to make the bastard you killed Alpha pay but I don't want to destroy innocents, that would make me as bad as them. We'll sneak in through the hole. But we won't kill the Alpha, yet. We'll gather information and once we find the one who took Alpha from us... well," she smirked slightly, "maybe then I'll let you have 'fun'." Sighing, She stared at Yuri for a while longer. There was definitely something wrong, she just couldn't foot her finger on it. This didn't seem like the girl who had accidentally called her 'Mom'. Then again, what did she really know about the lone wolf? This could be the real Yuri and the one she had got to know was nothing more than an act.
"If its alright with you," Ira turned to Vera, "I'd like to assemble my team and leave at once."
"Ira's right we don't need a massive bloodshed... we only want them to learn their place" Vera growled.
"Very well," Ira nodded, taking this as consent, "London, Yu- I apologize, Ri, please follow me. We'll find Jaz and then leave." Turning, she left the cave without another word. 'Just be safe' Vera sat back down and stared blankly emotionless at the wall. Ri nodded, happy that Ira had actually got her name right. She wasn't going to stand to be thought she was that wimp Yuri. Her name made Ri's blood boil and she was sick that she had to be stuck in this body. 'You do know I'm your power, right?' There was a gasp inside Ri's head and she smirked, 'You can't be my power! Our powers are supposed to be for good and peace!' 'Ha! Then let me explain something to you missy. They kill anyone with this power. They don't care if it's their best friend, brother, sister anything! They slay us! What they don't know is that we travel from body to body, so once they kill one body we just go into another. We can't be destroyed.' There was silence. 'Well then why haven't they killed me?' 'You're an idiot you know that right? Whatever, I'll explain this later, we need to follow Ira.' "Oi!" Ira sighed, "where are 'ya!?" Orias's apprentices lived in smaller caves that branched of his own larger one. Finally, the wrinkled old man hobbled from his sleeping cave.
"What do you want?" he snapped.
"I'm looking for Jaz," she glanced around, "I want her for my infiltration team, stocked up with medical supplies."
Grumbling and complaining, he hobbled away to relay the message. About ten minutes later, an eleven year-old girl with a large shoulder bag scurried up to her.
"Miss Ira!" she squeaked.
Ira smirked at her, "You're our best battle medic so you're coming with. The others are nearby." Leading her outside, she quickly found the others.
"Well," she grinned at them, shifting into wolf, "let's get going!"
London laughs and says, "She's the best battle medic? I feel bad for the others," changing into wolf form. "Ignore her," Ira told Jaz, "She's new. She doesn't know about you so don't worry."
"Oh yes, ignore the big bad wolf, stupid Little Red Riding Hood," London laughed. Glancing at London, she sighed, "What are you talking about? Who's Little Red hood, or whatever? Never mind. All I was saying is that Jaz has been trained since she was a baby. I dare say she knows a hell of a lot more than you do. Be grateful when she's saving your life." Jaz was smaller than even Yuri, with light grey fur and delicate features. There was a slight darkening to her fur where the bag was on her human self. Aris noticed the little group assembling. "Hey can I join?" she asked the new deputy
"So... Ri," Ira looked at the blue haired wolf, "where is this hole?"
Ri ran after the rest of the group but stopped once she heard a voice call, "Hey can I join?" Sighing because she knew she had to have a semi nice soul if she was ever going to pull off that she was at least a little like Yuri she turned back into a human and went to the girl.

"Hey! Ira! We have someone wanting to join!" Ri screamed, hoping that Ira would hear her. She turned back to the girl and put on a fake smile, "What your name? I'm Yuri, but call me Ri." She said putting her hand out for the girl to grab. That's when Yuri started fighting back, Ri winced, 'You're strong for such an idiot.' Ri thought, trying to keep a normal face on with the pain. But Yuri broke through.

"Sorry, just call me Yuri, I hated the nickname Ri." She smiled. One because this girl was really cute and seemed nice, and also because she had complete control. For now. "I'm sure Ira will let you join."
Aris smiled. "okay"
"Yeah!" Ira yelled back, "the more the merrier! Now get your butt here so you can lead the way!"
Sighing because Ira didn't come back, but quickly shrugged it off, Yuri looked back to the girl. "Well looks like you're in!" She laughed and turned back into wolf, "Well come on!" She said and followed Ira's order to get caught up. Feeling the wind in her fur made her sigh, happily because she noticed how great it was to be her. I snapped at Jaz again because she got too close but my attention was caught by all the yelling. "Hey, can't we just get there and be done with it already," I exclaimed, snapping a Jaz. "Learn your manners, little one."
"I have learnt manners," she told the older wolf, the one Miss Ira called London, "I've been taught that I should respect my superiors but I don't see you as my superior. You're still a new comer." With that she scampered off to Ira and pressed herself close. Ira would've raised an eyebrow if she were in human form, but she said nothing. Instead she turned to the other new person. Ri, or Yuri or something, Jaz wasn't quite sure.
"Well," Ira directed the blue haired wolf, "lead the way."
London growled at Jaz. "I have learned manners. I've learned to respect my superiors but I don't see you as a superior," she mimicked.
"You know you really shouldn't be like that to her. She's just a young one." Yuri said to London as she ran beside her. "She is right though, she has probably learned manners at a very young age. Especially to higher ranks, but you are a new comer. So she sees you as someone lower then she." Yuri tried to explain, but then started to back off cause she was afraid of what London would say. So she ran up to be by Ira's side.

"This way, follow me!" She yelled and ran in front of them all to show them where the hole was. That wolf was fast! Ira bounded through the trees, racing after that glimmering blue fur. The woods were deep and extensive, till finally they reached a large circular hole cut deep into the granite rock. It was dark and long.
Taking a deep breath, Ira bounded through. London followed close behind and laughed when she saw Ira panting for breath. "Couldn't keep up, eh? Well you're little princess back there did better than you," I said and trotted up to Yuri. "And by the way I never said I was joining, just that I would help."
Let me back out!' Ri screamed and Yuri did her best to ignore her. She watched as Ira ran into the hole, and trying to stop her let her guard down and Ri got back their body.

"Stop!" Ri yelled, but her voice was hushed. She watched, waiting for Ira to come back out. 'That idiot!' She thought, she wouldn't care if Ira kept going, but that would mean this whole trip was a waist and she would have gone through all that running for nothing. It took her a little while to realize that the others weren't following her. But by that time the end was in sight. She came out in a large spacious cave. It was well lit by candles. There was a large fancy bed in one corner, rugs on the floor and a chest at the foot of the bed. There was no one there.
Frowning, she looked around, I thought that... Her eyes widened as she realized her mistake, I didn't wait till they were asleep! Such a stupid mistake!
At that moment she heard footsteps coming toward the cave and a shadow flickered on the wall. She made a dash towards the hole (which was hidden behind a large hanging). But a pair of hands closed around her waist.
"Hello again," a voice whispered in her ear. Shifting into Human form, she elbowed her attacker in the stomach and twisted her fist round into his face. Staggering back, his legs hit the chest and he used it to spring towards her. Grabbing her arm he flipped her over his shoulder and she thumped onto the bed. Growling, she sprang at him and wrestled him to the ground. Locking his arms around her shoulders, he squeezed and caught her in a bear hug. Throwing her head forward, she smacked her forehead into him causing him to release with a grunt. Moving his arm upwards, he caught her in a choke hold.
"C'mon play nice," he grunted as she repeatedly hammered her elbow into his stomach.
"Let me go!" she yelled, kicking at him.
Removing his arm, freeing up her neck, he caught her fist and twisted it around her back.
"I will if you tell me why you're here." Smirking, he teased, "Couldn't you wait to see me again?" Hissing in anger, Ira shifted into wolf and sank her teeth into his leg. He yelled in pain before freezing.
"Xiomara, sir! Where are you?" a voice shouted.
Swearing, he hastily called back, "I'm in my father's room... sorting some... things. Now go away!" There was an affirmative shout back.
Confused, Ira wrenched her teeth out of his leg and turned back to human.
"What are you up to?" she growled at him.
Shrugging, he smirked at her, "I've been bored all day, I've finally found someone to spar with. It's fun. Now come on!" Grinning he beckoned for her to come at him. "They're all morons!" Ri screamed setting her hands on her hips, then waited for screaming of death to come. Nothing did. Suddenly a hand rapped around her mouth, she kicked and tried to scream as she was dragged into the forest, deeper and deeper.

"Would you shut up!" I male voice whispered harshly,

"You're trying to kill me! Why would I let you do that?!" Ri screamed back, but with this guys hand over her mouth it came out disoriented and jabber-like.

"What?" The man said, letting go of her. An instant reaction was to kick him between his legs and run, but once she turned they stared at each other. And Yuri came back.

"Phoenix?" Yuri asked, "Is that really you?"
Yuri squealed as she jumped up and down. 'Ugh! Kill me now!' Ri moaned, but Yuri ignored her as she jumped into Phoenix's arms. He hugged her and spun her around.

"What are you doing here?" She asked as he put her down.

"I could ask you the same thing!" He laughed. She hesitated, she wasn't sure if she should tell him what she did. Leaving the Eastern Pack, killing two innocent people, 'Would you get over that! That girl wasn't innocent! She attacked you, you would be dead right now if I hadn't done something.' Ri said. "Shut up!" Yuri yelled,

"What?" Phoenix asked shock written on his facial features.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I- uh..." She trailed off. How exactly did you make an excuse for yelling shut up just out of the blue? So Yuri brushed it off and went on with their conversation, "I'm in a new pack now!" She exclaimed. Phoenix beamed.

"So am I! I'm in the Southern (Or Northern. I don't remember) Pack now." Yuri frowned

"What? You're in this pack?" Ri laughed, 'Talk about back stabber huh. Didn't you guys always say how this Pack was the most dangerous and violent? Ha Ha! This is too funny. Come'on let me out now!' Ri whined. And instenctievly Yuri let her.

"Why'd you come into this Pack? Don't you remember all the things we used to talk about, about this group?" Ri asked, letting a tiny, almost invisible grin play on her face as her mind began to fill with so many things she could do to him in the curtain of trees that surrounded them.
Blood splashed on the floor as Ira and Xiomara fought. They froze again. Blood could be scented. Someone might have picked it up already.
"I think we should stop now," Xiomara whispered, listening hard. "I'll let you go back to your friends if you promise to come fight me again. Hey, I won't even tell anyone about it." Suddenly, he frowned, "Why did you come here, anyway? Let me guess, it was to find out our war efforts."
Bemused, Ira stared at him, "That occurs to you only now?" Grumbling, Xiomara shrugged,"Yeah, well... This war is stupid anyway. It's all about Politics. The higher ups want to spark a war with you so that their Western pack allies would attack you guys; leaving their land unprotected and ready for the taking. Apparently they're hiding something there that my father wants to get his hands on."
Ira stared at him with wide eyes, "Come with me, right now. You could be really useful to us."
Eyes narrowed, he contemplated the idea, "What's in it for me?"
"If you help us and we survive the war; I'll fight you again," she already knew what his answer would be.
Grinning, he stuck out his hand, "It's a deal!" They shook. This was very good for Ira. They now had an ally they could probably trust.
Swinging back the wall hanging to return, she started when she saw London hiding in the passage. Ira came tumbling down the passage with a guy behind her... the Alpha?! A small grin played on my face as I laughed. "My my, look at what we have here... And you're supposed to be Alpha, Ira? Which side are you on, exactly?!"
They stared at her for a moment then Xiomara laughed.
"I'm not the Alpha! Why would I want such a stuffy job anyway? My father is the Alpha. Oh and I'm gonna help you so you had better be nice to me."
Rolling her eyes, Ira gave him a stare, "I think you will offend less people if you kept that flapping mouth of your's closed."
'Sorry' he mouthed at London.
"Anyway," Ira said loudly, "let's get moving before people start wondering where you are." Nodding he followed her up the passage and out into the open light.
Aris and Yuri were there along with another guy Ira didn't recognise.
"Hey guys!" she called, "I've got someone that Vera will wanna speak to. Who's that guy?" She indicated the man standing beside Yuri. Ri even, she corrected herself. I went through the passage fully before heading back. Inside I was amazed to find a CLEAN den. My hands ran over a piece of wood by the corner...a dagger. My best weapon. I picked it up and ran out the passage, letting the cloth in the door fall behind me. Then I kept going until I met up with the others. Ri and the guy she was with were actually a little into the trees and deep in conversation, so Ira left them to it. She led Xiomara over to Jaz who was hunched up on a rock in human form.
"Hey, Jaz," Ira grinned at her, "do you think you could patch us up?"
She nodded smiling and worked quickly on Ira's wounds; cleaning them, bathing them with ointment and binding them. After that she turned to Xiomara. Most of his wounds were dealt with the same until she got to his leg. Ira's bite was deep.
"That's gonna need stitches," Jaz told him taking a needle and thread from her bag.
"Aww man!" he groaned. Grumpily, he complied, wincing slightly as the needle made steady progress on his wound. Ira raised an eyebrow at him.
"You don't even blink when I throw you across the room but needles hurt you?" her stare was incredulous, "I think you need to get your pain priorities in check."
He shrugged, "When I'm fighting the adrenaline's pumping and it doesn't really hurt that much."
Shaking her head, Ira glanced around, London was just exiting the tunnel.
"Hey London," she called, "everything alright?"
I hurried into wolf form and followed. Ira was proving to be a great wolf but... was she someone to trust? The question kept playing in my mind until we made it about halfway. I caught a scent and nudged Ira. "The scouts," I said and moved my head towards the direction they were. They were coming from the South. Growling, she swore silently, they were flanking them.
"We can't risk a fight," she whispered, "this is their territory. Reinforcements from our pack will take to long to get here." Glancing around, she tried to look for an escape root. Face brightening, she grinned as an idea occurred to her.
"Okay," she whispered, "we're travelling tree-top." This was basically, climbing a tree to the very top then jumping from tree top to tree top till you reached your destination. It was dangerous but it was safer than being on the ground. Hopefully the Northern Pack scouts wouldn't see them as worth the effort.
"Let's go!" she began scaling the nearest tree, Xiomara followed her with Jaz clinging to his neck.
"You people are crazy!" he hissed at her. London switched from wolf form to human form and started to climb the tree immediately and jumping, from branch to branch. "Someone should make a movie about a man doing this," she whispered under her breath. She kept going, ignoring the cuts and bruises. "Yuri are you alright?" Phoenix asked. His face was filled with worry and Ri could tell he had seen the change once she had taken over. Yuri was, as usual, demanding for control again. She was probably regretting it since she could see all of Ri's thoughts.

"I'm fine, what would make you think otherwise?" She asked, stepping a little closer. "Do you now trust me Phoenix?" Still walking toward him, he started to walk backwards.

"Yuri stop. I don't know what happened to you just now but you need to control yourself." Yuri started to break through at that point, but Ri fought back. She needed this, a dead body a day was her agenda. She needed to shed some blood, since Ira hadn't let them invade the enemy camp. Turning into wolf form Ri growled, and leaped for Phoenix. Instinctively he turned into a wolf as well and dodges Ri's attack. 'This is going to be fun' She thought as she took another blow at Phoenix. I didn't hesitate. I knew that it was Ri and not Yuri. I launched myself towards her, making sure to wound her but not kill her. From nearly, the top of the tree. Ira watched the fight begin to take hold.
"For goodness sake!" she hissed, "you guys go on ahead," she told Xiomara and Jaz, "she knows the way." With that she quickly abseiled down the tree till her feet thwacked against the floor. Running over to the grappling pair, she gripped London's shoulders and threw her off.
"What the hell is going on!?" she growled at them, "do you want to give away our position? Now get your arses up that tree now!"
She turned away, fuming. Ri turned back to London, she wanted to fight her back. But Yuri would take over for sure if she tried. She looked to Phoenix. Then back to London and Ira,

"Before you go, this guy is from the enemy pack. What should we do with him?" Ri asked, before Ira and London could leave. Freezing, she glanced back, "I've already made an ally, he has valuable information. If your... friend?... has information or would be a useful ally, I suggest we get him to cover for both us and Xiomara. However," she gave the boy a hard stare, "if he is a danger then... dispose of him, quietly and without mess. We've wasted too much time already."
London turned back into human form and stood behind Ira while she talked, making faces at everything she said. Quick and painless is what Ri would do as she looked back to Phoenix.

"He's not my friend by the way. And he has no use to us." She smiled, turned to wolf form and lunged at him. Killing him the same way she did to Silver. Quickly she buried him. She would have done this differently, but Ira said quietly. And for some reason she was listening. She gasped as she heard barks and howls. 'Better hurry' Ri thought as she bolted in the opposite direction of where Ira and her friends were going. It would stall the enemy pack, she went right through the crowd of wolves, clawing and attacking as they bit at her and ripped her skin and fur apart. Then she dashed away, hearing them coming after her. 'This will give them time to run back' Ri thought as she jumped off of trees and continued to flee. She could hear the growls and snarls, but she was too far away to locate it. Reluctantly, she continued on her way back to camp. Vera saw the patrol returning. "Whose this" she growled glaring at the young male. "Yo!" Xiomara swept an over dramatic bow then took Vera's hand a kissed it, "a pleasure to meet you properly of mightiest of female Alphas." Ira rolled her eyes.
"Vera," she took Xiomara by the scruff of his neck and dragged him back, "this is Xiomara, he's the Northern Alpha's son. He's got some valuable information and he's promised to help us."
Grinning, he nodded, "Yep! I know why the war started and everything."
Before anyone attacked him, he quickly told Vera what he had told Ira. About the Northern Packs real plans, the future attack from the Western Pack and the following betrayal.
"By the way," Ira turned to him, "how do you know all of this?"
Laughing, he waved his hand airily, "Isn't it obvious? I-" blinking, he frowned, "I- um. I... don't... remember. I think I..." His face clearing he nodded to himself, "I probably overheard my father plotting his evil schemes." Ira's brow furrowed; even though it seemed like he was satisfied with his answer, there was something troubling him. London snaps at Xiomara. "You fool! You can't even remember where you learned it from. How can we trust him?!" I growled at him loudly and got ready to pounce again. Ira held up her hand to stop London, "This could be a trick, I know, which is why I'm going to do this," she swung her hand into Xiomara's windpipe, knocking him out. "Now we can get Old miss creepy to have a look at him through hypnosis." Old miss creepy was the name most people used for the shriveled, ancient seer that lived at the top of the rocks. She was said to be able to peer into the future and she was adept at hypnosis. "The ALPHA'S son...." she thought for a moment. She pointed to Ira. "You me him my den meeting NOW" she growled. Wincing slightly, Ira pulled Xiomara's arm round her neck and dragged him to Vera's den. "Hey Jaz!" she called "Could'ya go and get Old miss creepy?" The little girl nodded and bounded up the rocks like a mountain goat. Probably not a good analogy in a den full of wolves. Curious faces looked down and observed the commotion, keen to find out what was going on. An older wolf with silver fur notice something particular and he enter his old friends den for first time in a long time. "Who is in charge here?" he asks say. Everyone seemed to ignore him. I followed Vera and Ira into the den and saw someone else there. "Do you not know anything?! Of course its Vera," I say and turn to Ira. "He may as well be dead. God, what a fiend I can't believe you let him live!"
"What did he do?" she stared at London. At that moment, Jaz came back with a hunched over, wrinkled old crone. Old miss creepy.
"Ira," O.M.C. stared at Ira with milk white eyes, "Ira."
"It's okay," Ira said gently taking her arm, "Vera will tell you what we need." With a forced grin, she propelled the mad old women in Vera's direction. The elder wolf appear to catch lady as she stumbles so quickly he was not noticed until he growled "I see circumstances must be dire if you guys need the "old lady". Now could someone tell me what is going on? and if it is bad do you need my assistance"
"Don't worry," she said brightly, "we're just interrogating someone! Hopefully, we'll get to find out about the Northern Pack."
O.M.C. slowly knelt down beside Xiomara and placed her hands on his head. Her eyes lit up blue as she entered his mind.
"Forget. Forget. We forget. Can't remember." She croaked, speaking Xiomara's central thoughts, "Sing sing sing. Singing. Song. Must remember. Sing a song toward the light." She sang a few bars from an old lullaby, "Father. Father. Secrets. Trapped. Lonely.." Her eyes took on a deeper glow as she skillfully, if oddly, accessed a recent memory, "Trapped. Trapped. Father! Why? Why? Help!" Then the old woman began screaming in her unearthly tones. Horrified, Ira grabbed the old lady by the shoulders and pulled her bodily from Xiomara.
"What the hell was that!?" Ira gasped. The elder wolf followed london and called after her and said "I need your help wait up."
London whip around and looked at the old man in front of her. "What do you want," London snapped. "I am 'The Grey One'. All know me and would be best to be patient with me I am a bit crazed" The Grey One lungeed at her close enough so they were now snout to snout, without even rustling the leaves. "And what I want is to help. But I can not do that until I make sure someone will grab my leash that has been put on by unbreakable spell. It is the only thing keeping me tamer... well not feral." and that is when he did backwards saumersault and landed on his feet in a jester pose. London just rolled her eyes and said, "Whatever."


Texte: All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying recording or by any information storage and retrival system without the permission of the author.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.06.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

Yuri played by moon.writer Ira and Xiomara played by darkfariy London, Silver and Sapphire played by Saphira The Grey One played by smokewriter

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