


Leader: Silverstar-a silver long haired tom

Deputy: Scartail- a dark brown tom with a tan muzzle

Medicene cat: Whiteleaf- a whit she-cat with orange sploches

Warriors: Crowpelt- long haired black tom with white ears and front paw(apprentice:Stonepaw),
Littletail- seinor gray tabby tom with a stubby tail,
Graytail-gray tabby tom(apprentice Jaypaw),
Nightwhisker-black she-cat with white paws,
Swallowtail- long haired White tom witha red orange tail,
Moonflower- A gray blue she cat with a white muzzle,
Tigerpelt- Brown tabby tom,
Leopardtalon- gray unusauly spotted she cat
Tigerstripe- Brown tabby tom with shaggy fur and scar across his shoulder
Rainwhisker- a beatutiful silver tabby she-cat
Blackheart- Black tom with white paws muzzle and tail.

Queens: Dustclaw- Light brown she cat with orange paws and ears(mother of grayfurs kit
Frostpelt- A silver tabby she cat (expecting Silverstar's kits),
Emberfur- Calico she-cat with orange ears(mother of Scartails kits Owlkit, Icekit)

Apprentices: Leafpaw- pure white she-cat,
Stonepaw- dark gray tom
Ivypaw- dark brown she cat

Elders: Fireclaw- feiry orange pelt



Leader: Russetstar- Calico she-cat

Deputy: Raggedwind- brown tabby tom with a white tail tip
Apprentice: Foxpaw

Medicene cat: Tinyclaw- pale orange she-cat

Warriors: Shadowtail- white tom with black tail,
Blackpelt- Black and white tom,
Dapplefur- Light brown tabby she- cat with white chest and paws

Queens: Molepelt- dark brown she-cat(expecting Shadowtails kits)

Elders:Reedtail- gray tabby tom



Leader: Mistystar- Blue-gray she cat with white tail tip

Deputy: Featherpelt- Silver tabby she-cat

Medicene cat: Goosefeather- brown tom with ginger patches

Warriors: Oneclaw- Ginger tabby tom,
Crookedtail- Light brown tom,
Pinefur- Dark brown tom with white patches


Elders: Streamfur- gray she-cat



Leader: Ceaderstar- Ginger tom

Deputy: Bramblefur- Brown tabby tom with tan chest paws and muzzle

Medicene cat: Yellowfang- longharied gray tom

Warriors: Windfur- Pure white tom ewith Gren eyes,
Brokentail- Brown and ginger tom,
Foxclaw- Ginger tabby tom
Apprentice: Rabbitpaw

Queens: Dawnfur- cream colored she-cat(Mother of Bramblefurs kits, Brightkit, Sunkit)

Elders: Shrewpelt- Gray and white she-cat


The crisp icy wind of leaf-bare wipped through camp. Tigerstripe yawned and exited the warriors den. His brothers Blackheart and Graytail sat in the clearing talking. "Hey Tigerstripe" Blackheart meowed. Tigerstripe walked over to his littermates and sat. "Leaf-bare is harsh this year" Tigerstripe shivered. "Ya but imagine whats happing to Breezeclan. They have the open moorland no trees or boulders to protect them." he nudged Tigerstripes shoulder. "You're right" he laughed. Tigerstripe's stomach growled. "Well I'll talk to you later. I'm starving" he padded over to the freshkill pile. He snatched a sparrowed and quickly gulped it down. Scartail emerged from Silverstar's den. "Blackheart, Crowpelt, Tigerstripe we need a hunting patrol. Whiteleaf is coming with you Silverstar is sick." He meowed. Tigerstripe's ears went up. "Alright" he meowed.

TIgerstripe and the rest of the patrol started their way back, when Tigerstripe caught a fowl scent. "Ugh what is that" he growled. "Fox, its really fresh it passed through here yesterday" Blackheart meowed. "C'mon lets get back to camp." Crowpelt seemed edgey. Whiteleaf stopped and grabbed a few bundles of herbs. The patrol quickly made it back to camp. Whiteleaf immedieatly went to Silverstar's den. Tigerstripe dropped the prey on the fresh kill pile and looked around for his mate Rainwhisker. Soon the dawn patrol was back. Rainwhisker was with them. She padded over to him. "Tigerstripe I need to tell you something." she mewed exitedly.
"Yes" he pressed his muzzle on hers.
"I'm expecting kits"
"Thats great!" he purred. "You need to rest." he meoweed pushing her into the nursery. "i'm going" she giggled and walked in. "Are you hungry" he asked. "
"A little" she flicked her tail. "I'll get you something." he said and rushed over to the fresh kill pile and grabbed a mouse. "didn't you already eat" Scartail asked padding up to the tabby warrior. "Its for Rainwhisker" he meowed and ran back to the nursery. "Congragulations" he called. Tigerstripe dropped the mouse at rainwhisker's feet. "Tigerstripe you need to calm down i'm fine" she meowed. Tigerstripe sighed. "I know but I so worried and exited" he purred. "I know" she purred and rubbed against him. "I'll be fine"


Tigerstripe walked into the warriors den worn out. He curled up in a nest and yawned. "So Rainwhisker is expecting kits" Moonflower meowed. "She is" Tigerstripe purred. "Well goodluck" she meowed and curled in a nest in the middle of the den. Tigerstripe covered his muzzle with his tail and quickly went to sleep.

The sound of rain woke Tigerstripe. "Huh" he whispered. Two shadowy figure left the warriors den. Rousing Tigerstripe's curiosity he followed them. It was Scartail and Graytail. They walked out of camp. Tigerstripe followed close behind. A ways into the forest they stopped. "So when he dies I will be deputy." Graytail meowed with a smirk. "Yes, I dont trust any other cat more than you..." Scartail flicked his ear. "What about my brother's"
"They will be taken care of. Remeber I have many conections it could be a simple 'accident' that rids them"
Tigerstripe gasped. "What was that." Scartail growled.Tigerstripe ran back to camp. They plan to get rid of me and Blackheart. TIgerstripe suck back into the den and acted as if he never left. Graytail and Scartail reurned. Graytail glared at Tigerstripe. He hid his muzzle and closed his eyes. I got to warn Blackheart before its to late.

Mid day Tigerstripe sat with Rainwhisker in the nursery. Tigerstripe licked her cheek. She opened one of her eyes. "What's the matter Tigerstripe" she asked and stretched her legs. "oh nothing" he meowed "Go back to sleep." she sighed and closed her eyes again. Tigerstripe slipped out of the nursery and to the warriors den. "Blackheart" he meowed. His brother wasn't there. Leopardtalon saw him. "Blackheart went out hunting with Scartail and Graytail. He better hurry cause i'm expecting kits" she said. Tigerstripe gasped. He ran out of camp. "Blackheart" he yowled. A shreik split the air. Oh no!


Tigerstripe trembled. warm scarlet blood lapped at his paws. No. Blackheart lay dead throat slashed. Graytail and Scartail stood panting heavily. "A-A Fox attacked us" Graytail panted. Tigerstripe scented fox but he knew that that isn't what happened. Scartail and Graytail barley had a scratch but Blackheart lay dead. It wasn't right. Scartail glanced at Graytail then at Tigerstripe. Graytail took a step forward.Tigerstripe didn't want to end up like Blackheart. "I'll get Whiteleaf" he mewed quickly and ran back to camp. "Whiteleaf come quick. Scartail, Graytail and Blackheart were caught by a fox" he rushed into Whiteleaf's den. "What!" she exclaimed and grabbed a buddle eof cobwebs and herbs. "Blackheart's dead..." he mummbled. Whiteleaf stopped and turned back to face Tigerstripe. "You better break it to Leopardtalon... slowly" she said and left. Tigerstripe sighed and headed to the warriors den. Leopardtalon ears perked she lifted her head. "What's the matter Tigerstripe?" she meowed. Tigerstipe sat. "Bl-Blackheart... is..." Leopardtalon's ears flattened irritatedly "What Tigerstripe..." Tigerstripe looked down at his paws. "Blackheart is dead killed by a fox..." Leopardtalon froze. "H-He's D-Dead...." Tears ran down her cheeks. "Don't worry he will always be with you... he will watch over you and the kits... why don't you go to the nursery with Rainwhisker you need to rest" he said and helped to the nursery. Rain whisker sat and tried to comfort her. Tigerstripe sighed and looked up at the sky. "Blackheart why couldn't I save you..." he whispered. Scartail and Graytail returned to camp with Blackheart's body. The two warriors limped into Whiteleaf's den. Tigerestripe walked over to his brother's body. I'm so sorry...

Tigerstripe layed in the warriors den. He was tired but was afraid to sleep. He closed his eyes. Soon he found himself in the starry forest of Starclan. Blackheart walked up to him. "Blackheart..." Tigerstripe meowed. "Greetings brother..." Blackheart smiled.
"I-I'm so sorry I couldn't warn you in time... did our brother really kill you..."
Blackheart sighed. "I wish he haden't"
"But what can I do if they wanted you and me dead what about our mates what about our kits!?"
"I don't know Tigerstripe, I wish i did..." Tigerstripe sat and thought. "What... What if I were to leave and have Rainwhisker not tell I'm not the father..."
"It could work but don't leave so soon the clan may suspect you killed me..."
"Ok when Rain whisker has her kits I-I will leave then."
"Be safe my brother" Blackheart whisper and faded away.


Rainwhisker yowled as another spasm shot through her stomach. A third wet bundle lay next to his two sisters. Rainwhisker pushed them closed to her stomach and sighed. "Congragulations" Leopardtalon meowed. "About half a moon early" Rainwhisker said. Whiteleaf pushed poopy seeds towards Rainwhisker. "Eat them" she said. Rainwhisker ate them fast. The sun began to set. Whiteleaf went back to her den. Tigerstripe entered the nursery. "Oh Rainwhisker they're beutiful." he meowed looking at his kits. A small gray tabby tom, a blue gray she cat with tabby markings and a jet back she cat with a white paw. "Have they got names?" he asked "No I waited for you" she purred. "Well... the black and white she-kit how about Blackkit..."
"Wonderful" she purred. "The gray tom can be Rockkit"
"And the Blue gray she-kit... Bluekit" Tigerstripe purred. Rainwhisker licked Bluekit's head. "Umm Rainwhisker... I-I have to leave."
"What!" Rainwhisker yowled.
"Listen, a fox didn't kill Blackheart. Graytail and Scarstar did you, me, and the kits will all be in danger if I don't leave now... Scarstar and Graytail don't know they are my kits don't let them know..."
Rainwhisker licked Tigerstripe's cheek. "Okay" she whispered. "Just let them see you when they become apprentices they will like to meet their father at least once..." Tigerstripe noded and touch Rainwhisker's nose and left.


Bluekit jumped on Rockkit. "Oww Bluekit get off" he growled "Your no fun Rockkit" Bluekit laughed. She sat. "I am Bluekit leader of Rockclan and Blackkit is my loyal deputy" she giggled. "Oh ya well I am Rockkit Leader of Ashclan and shall defeat you." he laughed Rainwhisker stepped into the nursery. "Ok come on kits I would like you to meet some one." She said. They followed their mother out of camp. "just two moon until were apprentices!" Bluekit squealed. Rainwhisker stopped at the roots of a huge oak. Tigerstripe stepped out of the shadows. "Hello kits" he meowed. "Who are you!" Bluekit growled "And why are you on Rockclan territory!" Rockkit said. Rainwhisker sighed. "He's your father" she said. "What!" Blackkit's ears flattened. "Then why is he never in camp why wasn't he ever with us!" Bluekit hissed. Tigerstripe sighed. "Your uncle Graytail did something very bad before you three were born and I had to leave" he said. Bluekit tiltied her head. "Then why didn't you visit us before" she asked. "I couldn't when you become apprentice I will visit you one more time but... its dangerous for me to be in Rockclan territory." he said. "Tigerstripe we have to go" she purred and touched his nose. Rainwhisker took the kits back to camp. Bluekit's tail was lashing furiously. Rockkit yawned. "C'mon kits back to nursery" Rainwhisker said. The three layed down next to their mother and quickly fell asleep.

Bluekit woke in the middle of the night. She shook rockkit awake. "Hey, Hey Rockkit wanna go see Tigerstripe again" she asked. "Huh" Rockkit looked up at Bluekit. "Sure" he yawned. They started out of camp. Soon the two kits came to the tree where the met their father Tigerstripe. "Hello..." Bluekit called. They heard something moving in the brush. A pair of golden eyes gleamed. A fox stepped out of the bramble. "Run!" Rockkit shreiked. The fox was to quick. It swiped at Bluekit leaving scratches down her shoulder. She shreiked. The fox bit Rockkit's back. A loud hiss distracted the fox. Tigerstripe jumped on the fox's face bitting into its cheek. It yelped and tried to shake him off. Tigerstripe clawed at the fox's eye then release. The fox ran squealing into the forest. Tigerstripe heard cats comming towards the scene and hid. Scarstar, Graytail, Whiteleaf, Rainwhisker and Nightwhisker were with them. "My Kits!" Rainwhisker shreiked and ran to Rockkit. He was bleeding heavily. Whiteleaf pushed her to the side. "Get them to my den" she meowed. Nightwhisker Rainwhisker and Whiteleaf got back to camp with the kits. Scarstar and Graytail stayed behind. "Why would the fox leave them alive." Graytail hissed. "What if Tigerstripe isn't dead" Scarstar meowed. Graytail's claws unsheathed. "Sorry Scarstar but I can't have you leader anymore" before Scarstar could react, Graytail had a hold of his neck snd sunk his teeth in. An awfull gurgling noise came from Scarstar as blood pour from his neck. Scarstar clawed at Graytail's legs hoping to losen his grip. But it was to late soon Scarstar went limp and never moved again.


Rainwhisker sat outside Whiteleaf's den. Whiteleaf stepped out and sighed. "Are they going to be ok!" Rain whisker mewed. "Bluekit is fine but... I don't think Rockkit wil he's in the paws of Starclan." she mewed and let Rainwhisker in to the den. "No!" she cried and layed by her kits. Bluekit opened her eyes. "Oh Bluekit!" she gasped. "Mom... Rockkit..." tears ran down her cheeks. "Shhh shhh its ok..." she licked Bluekit's head. "Why did you two go out there by yourselves." Rainwhisker asked. "We went to look for Tigerstripe" Bluekit mewed. Rainwhisker gasped. "Stay here with your brother now..." she stood and ran out of camp. She ended up by the old oak. "Tiherstripe come out!" she hissed. Tigerstripe stepped out of the brambles. "Rainwhisker should you be with the kits?" he stepped closer she steped back. "Its your fault!" she growled. "For what?!"
"Your fault that rockkit is dead you were out here but didn't care to point them back to camp!"
"No I-" Rainwisker cut him off.
"No exuses Tigerstripe they were looking for you and your son DIED tigerstripe DIED! I geuss lieing to the clan was a mistake. But now I'll fix it." Rainwhisker stormed back to camp and jumped on highrock. "Cats of Rockclan I have a ver VERY important message." she meowed loudly. Many cats poked their heads out of the dens. "Tigerstripe isn't dead and hee IS the father to Bluekit, Rockkit, and Blackkit." Many suprised gasps overwelmed the camp. "What!" Graytail hissed. "And... he murdered Blackheart!" everyone gasped even herself. Graytail slightly smirked. /He won't come back now/.

Tigerstripe heard his mate's false acussion. "No..." he growled and ran into the forest. /How could she?! How?!/. Tigerstripe kept running until he was out of the territory.


Bluekit was exited she was finally six moons old. Blackkit paded up behind her she didn't seem quiet as exited. Graystar jumped on highrock. "All cats able to catch their own prey gather beneathe highrock for a clan meeting." he meowed. Rainwhisker stepped out of the nursery smiling. "Come on kits." she mewed. Once the clan had settled Graystar spoke again. "Rockclan has three new apprentices " he looked down at the three kits. "Step forward" Bluekit, Blackkit, and Jaykit all stepped forward. "Until the earn their warrior names, Bluekit will be known as Bluepaw, Blackkit will be known as Blackpaw, and Jaykit will be known as Jaypaw" he meowed. Moonflower, and Nightwhisker stepped forward. "Moonflower will mentor Bluepaw, Nightwhisker will mentor Blackpaw, and I Graystar will mentor Jawpaw." he mewed. Bluepaw bounded up to her mentor and touched noses with the senior warrior. "Now for a warriors ceremony... Ivypaw, Stonepaw, and Leafpaw step forward." the three apprentices walked before the leader. "I call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these young apprentices they have train hard to learn the warrior code. Leafpaw do you promise to uphold the warrior code even at the cost of your life..." he mewed. "I do" Leafpaw meowed quietly. "Then from this moment foreward you will be known as Leafpelt. Stonepaw do you promise to uphold the warrior code even at the cost of your life"
"From now on you will be known as Stonepool, Ivypaw do you promise to uphold the warrior code even at the cost of your life"
"Of course" she whispered
"Now you shall be known as Ivyclaw, These new warriors will sit a silent vigil until dawn." he finished and hopped down from highrock. Bluepaw ran to the apprntices den "Wow its so... BIG...." she gasped. Blackpaw yawned "Well how about we test out the nest cause I am TIRED." Bluepaw chose a nest by the entrance of the den and yawned. She layed down. Jaypaw layed down near her and closed his eyes. She turned away and fell asleep.

Moonflower poked Bluepaw awake. "C'mon its dawn we are going on a dawn patrol." she rasped.
"Yes!" Bluepaw mewed jumping to her paws.
"Lets go then" she smiled. Bluepaw padded out of the den. Sparrowtail, Graystar, and Jaypaw were waiting. "Jaypaw we are going to see everything we will be the best warriors in Rockclan!" she mewed. Moonflower laughed. Graystar just glanced at Bluepaw. He flicked his tail and padded out of camp. Jaypaw and Bluepaw followed. Jaypaw gasped staring at the trees. "Wow the territory is HUGE" he gasped. "Ya" bluepaw mewed quietly. The patrol got to the breezeclan border. "Wait" Bluepaw mewed. "Is that breezeclan scent. Did they come over the border" Graystar's tail lashed. "They were here" Graystar growled running back to camp, "Good job Bluepaw" Moonflower whispered.BLepaw felt good she actully did something right. They got back to camp. Graystar jumped on highrock. He was furoious. "All cats able to catch their own prey gather beneath highrock for a clan meeting." he meowed. Bluepaw sat beneath highrock and gazed up a Graystar."Cats of Breezeclan have crossed into our territory posibly even stole some of our prey" he growled "Me, Jaypaw, Moonflower, Bluepaw, Sparowtail, Nightwhisker, and Rainwhisker will come with me to speak with Ceaderstar." he hissed jumping off highrock. Graystar lead the patrol back to where they found the scent. "Its fresh alright" Sparrowtail mewed. Graystar jumped over the border. BLuepaw followed the patrol. The trees blocked most of the sunlight. "Why is it so dark here" Bluepaw mewed. "Ceaderclan has the darkest territory its filled with many trees. "I would't like to be in the dark ALL the time" Bluepaw stared at the trees. Moonflower laughed a little. The group finally reached the camp. "What do you want!" A brown tabby tom hissed. "Calm down Bramblefur we are only her to talk to Ceaderstar" Graystar meowed. Bramblefur growled again. "EWait here" he said padding to his leader's den. A ginger colored elder tom walked out of the den. "Greetings Graystar" he dipped his head. "Why did we find /Fresh!/ Breezeclan scents on our territory" Graystar hissed. Ceaderstar sighed. "Breezeclan is losing territory because of the two legs we had to push into new territory" Graystar's eyes flared with rage. "I will not allow this!" Graystar hissed. "Come on let's go" Graystar growled padding back out of the Breezeclan camp. This wasn't going to end well.


Moonflower and Bluepaw sat in training hollow, Bluepaw was squirming with exitment. "Now we need to train you for battle" Moonflower smiled and backed up. "Come at me" Bluepaw pounced swiping at Moonflower's paw. Moonflower jumped over the apprentice. Bluepaw was caught by suprise. Moonflower took out Bluepaw's back legs. Bluepaw fell and Moonflower pinned her. "Don't go straight for the feet" she let Bluepaw get back up. Bluepaw shook the dirt of her pelt. "Bluepaw get ready to pounce but don't pounce yet" Moonflower mewed. Bluepaw go in her pouncing position. "Go" Moonflower hissed. Bluepaw sprung. Moonflower swirved to the side and knocked Bluepaw to the side."oof" she landed akwardly. She got back on her paws. "Wow! Can you show me how to do that" she bounded back to her mentor. Moonflower purred. "Sure, but be careful when a cat pounces there will be one side they slightly lean to. Swerve to the oppisite side of the side there lightly leaning to and knck them out of the air. It will definetly help with those BreezeClan cats." Bluepaw nodded. Moonfloweer got herself ready to pounce. "Ready" she mewed "Ready" Bluepaw growled. Moonflower pounced at her. Bluepaw couldn't sse the lean and just sprung to one side. "Wrong side" Moonflower smirked and battered the apprentices ears. Bluepaw shook of the dissapointment and battered back. "woah" Moonflower doged and smiled. "Well" she yawned. "Ready to go back to camp" she flicked an ear. "Ya" Bluepaw mew exausted. Moonflower nodded and padded back to camp.

Bluepaw ploped herself in her nest. Jaypaw padded in. "Hey Bluepaw" he purred. "Hi" her ears perked. He sat in his nest. "battle training is tiring" Bluepaw complained. "mhm and try to train with Graystar, Great StarClan he is hard when it comes to battle" Jaypaw laughed laying down. Bluepaw nodded. "Well he did seem really ticked after the meeting with Ceaderstar." Bluepaw yawned. Jaypaw nodded. "well I'll see you tommorow Bluepaw" he mewed. She was already asleep.

One moon passed and it was time for battle. Graystar lead the battle patrol of warriors over the border. Moonflower, Bluepaw, Jaypaw, Nightwhisker, Blackpaw, Stonepool and Echopaw, Leopardtalon's daughter. They stopped a few fox lengths away from the camp. "Get ready" he whispered. Bluepaw was tense she wiggled her paws to stay loose. The CeaderClan cats didn't suspect a thing, they were louging around like a bunch kittypets. Graystar's tail lashed. "RockClan Attack!!" He yowled. Bluepaw jumped out of the briar and brambles. A black tom apprentice jumped at Bluepaw. She dodged his claws a ripped open his flank. He yowled and slashed her cheek. Thee blood was warm on her fur. She jumped on his backand bit onto his shoulder. He bucked her around. She dug her claws deeper into his sides. The apprentice panted and flipped over squashing her. "oof" she kicked him off. He stummbled to his paws and hissed. Before one could strike again, a terrible sheirk ripped through the air. In the center of camp, Graystar stood over the body of Ceaderstar. "Stop!" the Ceaderclan deputy Bramblefur hissed. "CeaderClan gives... you have won" he growled. Graystar yowled in triumph. Bluepaw panted. The RockClan patrol walked back to their camp. No one was seriously injured. Nightwhisker had a big gash in her side but it wasn't very deep. Bluepaw couldn't beleive that she had won the first battle she had ever been in.


Moons after the battle Jaypaw, Bluepaw, Blackpaw, and Echopaw are becoming warriors. Graystar jumped on highrock. "Will all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath highrock for a clan meeting." he meowed. Jaypaw, Bluepaw, Blackpaw, and Echopaw sat beneath highrock. "Today I bring you heree for one of the most important moments in the life of the clan. The day our apprentices become warriors" he smiled. He looked down at the apprentices "Jaypaw step forward." he meowed. Jaypaw stepped forward proudly. "Jaypaw do you promise to uphold the warrior code even at the cost of your life."
"I do" Jaypaw mewed'
"Then I Graystar proudly name you Jayfire, protect your clan well"
Jayfire smiled proudly. Bluepaw was named Bluefeather, Blackpaw named Blackheart, and Echopaw name Echospirit. Rainwhisker walked over and nuzzled her two kits then walked back to the warriors den.Leopardtalon didn't even come out of the den to watch the ceremony. Bluefeather, Echospirit, Blackheart, and Jayfire all sat by the camp entrance for their silent vigal.

The next morning Crowpelt let them go to the dens. Bluefeather yawned and walked into the dens. She layed in a nest near the entrance. "Jayfire" she murmured flicking her tail for him to sleep next to her. Jayfire's pelt was warm against hers. She purred and quickly fell asleep. Bluefeather woke about sun high and looked around. Jayfire was still sleeping same with Echospirit. Bluefeather quietly got up and walked out of the den to the fresh kill pile. She grabbed a plump mouse and quickly ate it. Stonepool walked by her. "Hello Bluefeather" he smiled. "Hello" she meowed. "Hey do you want to go hunting with me" he asked. Bluefeather blinked. "um... Sure" she said. Stonepool lead her into the forest. They walked into the forest. She scented a mouse and dropped into a hunters crouch. She slowly crouched closer until it was at least a fox length away. Just before the mouse scurried off. "Fox-dung!" she growled. But she realized why it ran. A fox!


Texte: All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying recording or by any information storage and retrival system without the permission of the author.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.02.2012

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To my friends Jayfire, Rosepetal, and Ahsokapaw

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