
My name is Cera I am a young were wolf. I lived alot pf my life in prison. Beaten and abused. My childhood frieend Kiba rescued me. We fell in love I had five of his pups thats when I figured out he was cheating on me. I left and raised my pups on my own. Until the one Kiba left me for strayed into my territory we helped eacjh other survive then I was caught by Humes again and met a half deamon Jay. She joined our little group then a rouge by the name Fang lured me into his trap of love I had one litter of his. When his brother Dison appered. Lila the one Kiba left me for admitted that Dison was her daughters real father. Not long after Dison Joined he tried to kill me and some how slipped out of deaths grip when Fang almost killed him. Three wolves came months later one died of sickness and one gave birth. Dison reappered and killed Both Fang and Lila. Forcing me to choose him as the new alpha.

It has been a 5 years since he killed our mates and he has become the new alpha. Tulis and Sera are having their first litter. Mira and Rouge have also had one litter. I refuse to have Dison's pups. But he keeps encouraging it more and more. I refuse more and more. If I try to leave without him to go anywhere he beats me until I can't walk. Only Jay knows of this abuse but she can't help me with her being half demon. Plus I must find another alpha soon because I'm going into heat. He comes to the back of his cave. As he comes closer his eyes brighten. He caught the scent! I try to walk around him but he grabs me by the shoulders. "What scent do I smell" there was a hint of laughter in his voice. "Stay away from me" I snarled. He let go of me I ran into the woods. I transform and decided to take a walk until I find a scent. A male scent. I run following. Until I find him. A big young black wolf, I may be a year or two younger but I doesn't matter if I convince him into the pack I could get rid of Dison. Apparently I was moving in the brush to much. "Come out" he snarled. I slowly stepped up. His ears went up. "so are you alpha..." his voice trailed. "Alpha....." i am confused.

"Of the nearby pack are you the alpha you certainly look the way many described but ten times more beautiful...'

"Yes I am alpha female..... in need of an alpha male....." I have a glint of mischief in my eye as I vanish into the brush. He follows.

3 weeks later...
I am laying next to Jay after yet another beating. Dison found out that the pups were not his but another wolf's. Which now threatens his place as dominant. If Tayro (the new male I found) will accept his place into the pack. If he doesn’t I will ether lie to the pack and leave Dison as alpha or reveal the truth. I stagger out of the den as soon as Jay turns her back. I reach my small hide out I found about a month after Fang was killed. It is a small pool I even buried Fang here. I force myself to my knees and out into the forest. I need to find Tayro's handing place. I follow the trail he left for me. "Tayro" i whisper my voice still weak. "Cera..." I hear his voice. Tayro comes from the bushes. "Oh Cera I was worried" he brushed against my fur. He looks over me. "Are you alright" he asks noticing the bruises. "Ya I just- just had a little problem with the other alpha."
"Wait I thought you said you had no alpha male."
" I don't it’s just that I had one male holding that position, Will you join my pack so I can banish him."
"Well... I..."
"What what is it"
"I can't join a pack I just wouldn't be able to handle it I sorry"
"WHAT" rage and sadness fill me a war starts within me making pain. "Fine get out"
"What Cera I"
"Get out your rouge and not a member of my pack GET OUT!" I snarl, he runs. I break down and cry. I force myself to stop and crawl back to the cave. I turn hume form and crawl into the cave. Jay runs over to me. "Cera are you alright."
"Yes don't worry"
"Well Sera had her first litter" Those words ring in my ears. I look over were sera and Tulis are. Three balls of fur lay curled up I turn wolf and limp over to them. "I remember when you were that small" I laugh. Tulis begins to blush. I lick his white fur clean of dirt. The pups were different color than I expected. The male has pale golden fur with white tail. The female a gray and cream and then the other female A gray blue color like Jay but with very strange markings a little diamond on her forehead and a strange pattern down to her stomach.

(Here is a picture cause it hard to describe). "I-I think we should name the gray blue female Dove, Tulis you can name them as well"
"How about the male be Fang"
"Fang what a lovely name. Cera would you like to name one"
"C'mon mom" Tulis nudged my shoulder."O-Ok what about Tayra"
"wonderful." Tulis seemed delighted. Dison came into the cave. His eye flaring with anger. "Well what a lovely scene my daughter and her mate with their first litter." He smiled. Chills shot down my spine. That’s right he is Sera's father and grandfather to these pups. I sneak to the back of the cave while Dison congratulates them on their new bundles. Jay is there with Rouge but without Mira "Where's mira"
"She ran and left without Zira." Rouge explained
"Yes now we have to explain to little Zira her mother left" Jay added. "Where is she" I ask. "Sleeping" Jay answered
"Ok let her sleep we will tell her when she wakes up" I sit down Dison heads this way. "Don't tell him about Mira "
"Just Don't" Dison came to the back of the cave and sits. "What’s going on" he asks
"Nothing" i quickly replied. He glares at me and goes and lies down farther in the cave. I turn my attention to Rouge "Rouge would you like to take place as alpha"
"What!" he seemed startled at my sudden outburst. "But aren't the pups his"
"No they are another rouge's would you like to help me raise them become my alpha male"
"What about Dison"
"I could finally get rid of him"
"Please..." I see all the worry in his eyes.
"S-.....Sure" he is still unsure sounding. "Ok I will announce it tomorrow" I kiss his cheek and head to the back of the cave and lay down to sleep.

I am up not long before dawn and super anxious. I can wait until Dison is out of my life. I go and sit outside by prims den and talk to her. "Rouge agreed to act as my alpha so Dison well he will be banished if he return he will I mean will be killed on site" I smile hoping she could hear me. Talking to her has really become a habit since Fang died. I can hear everyone waking. I run back in. Everyone but the pups and sera are awake. "Attention everyone I have an announcement" I call. Sera head pops up everyone looks my way."
"Dison.... is NOT the father of my pups a rouge is but I am appointing Rouge as my new alpha male."
"WHAT!" Dison snarled. He stood up. "Dison is also BANISHED forever never to return."
"No NO NO NO!" Dison jumped at me. "Cera watch out" someone screeched all I saw was a flash of white and hear snarling I turn and see a unbelievable sight. "Kiba...." I whisper. It was him truley him. Kiba was alive and saving me. "Who are you" dison snarled changing to wolf form. Kibas tail bristled. "I am Kiba Cera's first mate"
"So does that make YOU special!?" Dison snapped. "Guess so" He snapped at dison's neck. Dison dodged and grabbed Kiba's Leg. Kiba barley seemed to noticed and sank his teeth into Dison's neck. A huge shriek escaped his mouth. Dison fell to the floor. Dead. It started at kiba, his white muzzle stained red. His blue eyes still calm. "K-Kiba, D-D-Dison Y-You K-Killed Dison..." I stutter. "Dison" he snorts and pushes the body off his leg. The wound inflicted looks painful but as if has no affect. "Cera are you ok" He asks sympathy in his voice he nuzzles my fur. I give a slight nod. I see tulis frozen in shock. Kiba sees him "Is that Tulis!" Tulis steppes back. "Yes..." I can hardly speak. "D-Dad" Tulis begins to cry he runs to his father and raps his hands around kiba's neck. Tulis tears flood Kiba's fur. "Tulis..." I hear Sera call. "Sera come here" Tulis is choked up. "What is it dear?" She sees Kiba and freezes her eyes don't fill with anything but pure fear. Kiba's eyes narrow. "Are you lila's child" he had a hint of snarl in his voice. "Dad thats my mate" tulis told him. Kiba eased a little. Sera walked back and hovered over her pups. Tulis walked over to Sera and comforted her. Kiba walked to me. "Whose pups" he asked.
“A Rouge’s" He turns hume and kisses my cheek. I change forms and press my hand against my cheek. "Where is Prim" He looks at me.
"Vampire" He hugs me. I reach my arms around him. I can hear his slight whimper and hug him tight beginning to cry myself. I wipe any tears from my eyes and look at him. "Let's get rid of the body" I said and let go of Kiba. Kiba went over to the body and dragged it off into the forest. I walk into the cave and sit in my spot. Curling my legs up to my chest I try not to cry. Kiba come over to me and rub my back. "How..." I ask
"How what?"
"I-I found you dead."
"I was never dead yet I killed a white wolf my scent was probably left on it..."
"But I smelled female on it"
"Maybe his mate" I twiddled with my hair. He kissed my cheek again and went to sit with Tulis. Jay ran up to me. "Kiba..." she whispered and stared at kiba. Then I remembered Kiba is Jay's father. "Oh!" I get up. "should we tell him?"
"No I want to see if he remembers me" she seemed paranoid. "Ok..." I change to wolf and walk out into the forest. I walk to my secret place. I lay over Fang's grave. "Oh Fang what now....." I just can't help not crying. I don't know much time passed but it seemed like years until I stopped crying. I wash my face in the small pond. I see my reflection my hair ragged, eyes red and puffy, skin paler than a vampire. "Oh man" I grumble. "I look like a blood sucker..." I pour water over my hair. On seconded thought I will just take a bath. I slip off my pants then shirt and slip in. The water cool and refreshing. I rub my fattened stomach. Yet another mate to add to the list. Kiba, Fang, Dison, now Tayro. My life is all screwed up and being a alpha doesn’t help. It just screws it up more. Why me. Of all the other wolves to deal with this why me. First being captured, then kiba rescuing me, thinking kiba betrayed me, losing prim, meeting lila the wolf I thought was the other mate of kiba, getting taken again, meeting fang, dison, Dison almost becoming alpha male, dison coming back, fang and lila murdered by dison, and now kiba has returned and killed dison. I may just lose my sanity. I climb out and dry myself off. I get dressed as I run my fingers through my hair. I leave my secret place blowing a kiss to Fang's grave. Walking back there is some rustling in the bushes. I change wolf and snarl in the sounds direction. Jay stepped out of the brush. "Jay!" I calm down. "Cera get down!" she howls and pushes me into the bushes. "Jay what the hell" I growl. "Shhh" I flatten my ears and watch for whatever she so squeaky about. Soon a gray wolf passes by. Its Dison!!!!

No Dison’s dead I-I watched Kiba kill him but... what if... no no Kiba wouldn't. But I just need to worry about dison now. Dison runs into the forest. Me and jay step out of the brush. "Dison is alive!" I try not to yell too loud. Jay brushes the hair from her face. "Kiba must be behind this!" Jay growls.
"But why would Kiba.... No. No he didn't he wouldn't hurt me like that. I... I love him..."
"Cera I understand you love him but you can't trust him..." Jay placed her hand on my shoulder. I sighed and stood up. "I want to prove if he is really with Dison or not." I left Jay and walked back to the cave. Sera and Tulis were sleeping together their pups curled next to them. Angel and Crystal sat talking quietly. I went and sat with them. "Hi mom..." Crystal mumbled. I kissed her forehead. "Hi sweetheart" I smile and change to hume form. Angel murmured something I couldn't quite catch. "What was that angel."
"I miss dad" she said a little louder. I slouch a little. "I do too...."

Later I sit with Kiba. I lay my head on his shoulder his fur was warm. "Hey Kiba..." I start. "Yes love..." he whispered. "Why.... Why did you stay with lila and why did you abuse her." it seemed sudden but I needed answers. He sighed. "I knew she wasn’t carrying my pups that’s the reason I abused her but I stayed with her because her mate abandoned her in that territory to watch the pups alone..." His tone was stone cold no feeling. For me that wasn't much of an answer but I knew he wouldn't tell me more.

5 months later...

My pups will be born soon I have been put on bed rest by Jay. Kiba has gotten to know his other sons and daughter they are very fond of him though I must say. Tulis is close but not much he tends to stay with Sera and his pups. Kiba has just come back with two large bucks. I yawned and changed to wolf form. Tulis came and sat with me. "Hey mom he smiled. "Hello" I yawned again. "Hey umm..." he voice came down to a whisper. "Do you know why Sera is scared of Dad?" I sighed. "Well... Kiba.... abused Sera and her mother..." Tulis bit his lip. "Oh... well love you mom" he smiled and kissed my forehead. "Love you to sweetheart..." i mumble. Tulis went back over with Sera.

The rumble of thunder in the distance startled Angel. I stroked her head until she fell back asleep. I sighed and stared at the clouds rolling in the sky. I changed into wolf form and headed out into the forest. Soon it began to sprinkle then grew harder. It felt wonderful to have my pelt soaked I haven't felt rain in a while. Soon I hear someone talking. I walked towards them. I see fur. I ducked down and creped forward. It was Kiba. I sighed in relief. But before I set out I see another wolf. Gray and white pelt amber eye... Dison!

No Kiba! Why! I clenched my teeth and listened to them.
"So if i let you have Cera you will let me keep alpha" Kiba asked Dison.
"Of course Kiba on my brother’s blood I swear never to betray you!" he smirked. I snarled and stepped out of the brush. "Oh so you decided to join us how wonderful" Dison's lip perked into a smile. "Shut the hell up!" I snap.
"Oh someone is touchy" he laughed. Kiba looked away from me."How could you do, I trusted you!"I suppressed my sorrow only showing pure rage towards him. He didn't reply. "You really think he loved you, he just as power hungry as me my darling..." he growled. "Bastard!"
"Well that's not nice" he pinned me down. "Goodnight..." he knocked me out.

I woke up my head throbbed. "Ugh where am I" I sat up holding me head. I was in the cave. "Oh Cera your awake!" Jay exclaimed. "W-What happened..."
"Dison and Kiba brought you back unconscious yesterday..."
"Damn it where are they" I growled.
"Outside Rouge isn't taking their leadership very well" She lowered her head. My fury pulsed through me I stumbled outside. Dison and Rouge were both in wolf form snarling at each other. "Stop!" I howled. Dison turned. "Oh so your awake" he smirked. "Shut your trap!" I growled changing to wolf form. I walked over to Rouge and helped him back to the den. Jay got him in the den. I turned back to face Dison and Kiba. "What is wrong with you what do you want!"
"I want you..." Dison snickered.
"Then what about you Kiba... Do you even care about me or is it all for the power" I snapped. Kiba looked away from me his blue eyes were blank. "You never cared..." my ears flattened. "Your just like Dison you are just power hungry!" now that must of hit something because, He stood and looked me in the eye. "I may want to be alpha but I am NOT like HIM" he snarled his fur was bristling. I glared at him. He turned away again. Dison laughed. "Oh love does such strange things..." I growled and walked back into the den.

3 weeks later...

I slipped out of the den. Finally time to myself I can escape! I quietly padded into the forest and changed to hume form. "Where are going" I turned around. Tulis. I sighed in relief. "Tulis, im sorry but... Fang is dead a-and`" he cut me off. "Its okay" he smiled and hugged me. "Just come see the pups again please" I could hear the sorrow in his voice. "don't worry I will" I wiped away tears. I let him go and ran into the forest. I first had to stop by Fang. I stopped and rested one hand over his grave. "Goodbye my love" I whispered. I jumped at the sound of Dison's howl. I got up and ran. i could hear Dison snarling. No! No! No! I changed to wolf form and ran faster. Dison's snarls came closer. He was just to fast! He jumped in front of me. "Dammit Cera!" he howled. "Stay back!" I snapped. I slashed at him catching his ear and cheek. Blood poured from the wounds. Dison winced. "I expected more than that Cera" he laughed knocking me over. "No!" someone howled. I looked around seeing Angel and Crystal. "No Stay back!" I yelled. "We won't leave you mother!" Angel snarled changing to wolf form. "Stupid Bastard leave our mother alone" Crystal growled. Dison laughed. "Well isn't this precious". Angel and Crystal changed to wolf form. "Don't worry mother we will protect you" angel growled. "No he is to strong!" I snapped standing up. "Just go back to the den and there will be no fighting" he smirked. Angel snorted and glanced back at me. I sighed. "Just listen to him" I growled starting back to the den. Next time I'll get away and my daughters won't get involved.

2 months later...

I sat with Angel and Crystal. Angel had her head on my lap and Crystal's on my shoulder. Kiba looks skinnier than before but why am I worrying. Dison and Tulis have just come back with a kill of caribou a rare catch but delectable. "Girls" I whisper waking Angel and Crystal up. Tatu, Tuta, and Silver have already started eating along with Sera. "huh" Angel's eyes fluttered open she yawned. "Oh time to eat. They drowsily got to their feet and walked over with me to eat. Quickly devouring a small portion I watched Sera she was breathing heavily. "Are you okay" I asked. Tulis's eyes flared with concern of my question. "Y-ya I'm just tired." she breathed. Jay quickly walked over and placed her hand on Sera's head. "She has a fever" she said. I stood. "What do you need?" I wanted to get out of the cave. "Just umm may be some Cherry Root that you will find by the river. Later me and tulis will take her over to get water" Jay had Sera lay down. I nodded and changed to wolf form. "The Cherry Root is a bright red bulb ussaly found under oak trees is smells like cherrys" she said. I headed towards the river. "Mom" Tulis called and padded out with me. "I coming with you" he said walking up to my side.

We reached the river I sniffed near the roots of the oak trees. A light scent but not much. "Hey mom" Tulis sighed. "Yes dear" I sat up and looked at him. "You know dad is having a hard time with this right?" he looked down at his paw. I sighed containing the spark of hatred and love towards Kiba. "If... he was sorry don't you think he would of actually killed Dison" I growled.

"Well maybe he didn't want to lose you... maybe he thought you would get rid of him afterwords..."
I looked up at the sky. "Maybe you and him could spend more time with him?" Tulis asked.
"Maybe..." my thoughts were swirling around in my head. "Please..."
"I will see about it Tulis alright" I looked back at him. "Just for you..." he smiled. "Now lets find some of that cherry root for Sera" I smiled. He nodded and we got back to looking for the herb.

Later that night...

Sera was sleeping under the close watch of Jay and Tulis. I looked at the back of the cave where Kiba sat. I sighed and walked over to him. "Hey kiba would you like to take a walk with me" I asked. Life actually came back in his deathly stare at nothing. "Sure" he rasped. I nodded changing to wolf form and walking out of the den. Dison growled but watch Kiba follow and just snorted. Kiba changed to wolf form. We walked farther into the forest until we were close to the stream. "So what is this about... I thought you hated me..." he breathed. I looked back at him. "I am furious of course but..." I trailed staring at the stars. "... oddly I just can't hate you" I sighed. We changed to human form and sat in the grass. "Well there is one thing that is true" he whispered. He lean forward and kissed me. "I still love you" he backed away again. I smiled a little. He did as well. "I still do too"
Later that night...

Sera was sleeping under the close watch of Jay and Tulis. I looked at the back of the cave where Kiba sat. I sighed and walked over to him. "Hey kiba would you like to take a walk with me" I asked. Life actually came back in his deathly stare at nothing. "Sure" he rasped. I nodded changing to wolf form and walking out of the den. Dison growled but watch Kiba follow and just snorted. Kiba changed to wolf form. We walked farther into the forest until we were close to the stream. "So what is this about... I thought you hated me..." he breathed. I looked back at him. "I am furious of course but..." I trailed staring at the stars. "... oddly I just can't hate you" I sighed. We changed to human form and sat in the grass. "Well there is one thing that is true" he whispered. He lean forward and kissed me. "I still love you" he backed away again. I smiled a little. He did as well. "I still do too"

2 weeks later...

Me and Kiba love each other again. He seems actually more... well... alive then he did two weeks ago. He eats and sleeps instad of staring blankly at the wall. But Dison has been really pissed of latley. Tonight me and Kiba are having our normal walk in the woods. We sit by the river and stare at the stars. He set his hand on mine I smile. He leaned closer. "I love you" he whispered and kissed me. "I love you too" I kiss him back. He looked up at the stars again. "Remeber..." he said. I coked my head. "Hmm"
"The day I rescued you from the prison you were beat and skinny and..." he looked down at the river. "... you just saved me from my prison" He hugged me. "Thank you" he said. I hugged him back. "Your Welcome" I said.

The next day...

A pain shot through my stomach. Dison must have noticed and caitously approched me. "Whats wrong?" he asked. "Im expecting pups..." I growled. "Your pups". Dison seemed shock for a moment the smirked. He kissed my cheek and walked back into the den. I wiped it away amd changed to wolf form padding into the forest. Kiba sat waiting. I smiled. "I told him" I said. "Good" kiba touched his nose to mine. "Dision will be watching me for the next few months... we.. will have to keep our distance. If Dison finds out he will skin us alive" I whispered. "I understand" he said kissing my cheek. "I'll get you an extra doe" he smiled. I nooded and padded into the den. This was going to be a LONG 12 months.

10 months later...

"Stay Back!" Dison snarled at Kiba. "gosh I was just giving Cera a rabbit and anyways... I

am alpha!" he snapped. Dison snorted. "Cera... Do you want the rabbit?" he asked looking me. I nodded. Dison growled again and stepped to the side. Kiba dropped the rabbit at my paws and 'accidentally' brushed his nose against my cheek. He growled at Dison as he walked back inside. I chewed at the rabbit not really hungry I just like to piss off Dison. It made me feel good. Dison layed down next to me. "What do you want" I growl. "Can't I lay next to you" he said resting his head on his paws. Your not my mate!

I snorted to myself. I stood up with the rabbit and walked outside. "Where do you think your going!" Dison shot right up standing. "Getting fresh air it isn't good to become a cave plant! Its good for the pups." I growled back. Angel and Crystal came out and sat with me. Silver Tatu, Tuta, and Star came back from hunting. They were dragging to large bucks. I layed down the grass. Angel layed against me. Rubbing against her fur and closing her eyes. Crystal put her head on my paws. "Are the pups really Dison's...." she asked. She at least deserves to know. I sighed. "No..."

"What! But-"
"SH!" I snarled. "The-Then whose...." she whimpered. My eyes darted over to the den making sure Dison wasn't coming. "Kiba's" I growl quietly. "But I thought you hated him?!" she said. "Be Quiet!" I looked around again, then back at Crystal. "No... I still... love him..." I whimpered. Crystal's eyes flickered in surprise. "Yes..." I murmur resting my head beside my paws. She layed down her head.

1 and 1/2 months later...

Dison has me on house arrest. I am strictly stuck either in my bed or over by Jay's nest and herb supplies. Man I really wish I could have just said that Kiba was the father... but Kiba was to weak at the time but as soon as the pups are born I will tell everyone and with Kiba bulked up again he will kill Dison and for real

this time. I walked over to jay in wolf form and rested my head on her lap. She smiled and stroked my head. She was the only one besides Crystal and Angel that knew about the pups. Tulis, Kiba and Sera came back from hunting with two deer and three rabbits. Sera's and Tulis pups were finally able to run around. They kinda look like Tatu, Tuta, and Silver when they were pups now all they do is lay around. Sera gave Dison a rabbit which he gave to me. I sniffed it and changed to human form. "Would you like some?" I asked jay sitting up. "Oh no its okay I ate earlier." she smiled. "Anyways you need it more than me" then I noticed Dison was glaring at her. "Back off!" I snapped at him "Here" I gave her some of the rabbit. "Don't listen to him" I growled. When Dison walked to the back of the den she quickly devoured it. I ate a little but I wasn't really hungry. "I'm not hungry you can have the rest..." I pushed the barley eaten carcass to her. She looked at me with a look that said 'Are you sure?'. i nodded. She ate it in a few bites. "Ummm" Jay murmured holding her stomach. "I-I don't feel good I'm going outside" she said. I sighed. But I growled as I start feeling cramps. "The pups!" I hissed under my breath. Dison must have heard me and rushed to my side. "This has nothing to do with you!" I snap. He looks bewildered. "What do you mean 'nothing to do with me!' they are MY pups after all!" he growled. Kiba heard Dison and stomped over. "Why don't you just leave her be!" He snarled. They started arguing. "If this has nothing to do with anyone it's yo Kiba!"
"At least I know how to be kind to her!" he snapped.
"Then if you care so much why don't you help her!" Dison snarled. Oh no... Kiba looked at Dison. He looked worried. "Wait" Dison growled and looked at me. "The pups...." he snarled and looked at Kiba. "Your the father!" he howled. NO! Kiba lunged at Dison catching his ear. Dison changed to wolf form. "You Bitch!" he snarled at me. "Dammit and for one moment I thought I could let you live!" he smacked Kiba upside the head and hard. And knock him unconscious. I change to wolf form and stood up. My stomach really hurting. "No!" Tulis jumped between me and Dison. Dison laughed and grabbed Tulis's throat and shook violently. "Tulis!" I howled. Scarlet decorated our pelts. As Dison decapitated my son. He dropped the body. I cried. "Tulis no! You Bastard you will pay for this Dammit!" I lunged at him forgetting about the pups ready to come. I scratched his eye more scarlet spraying across his face. He yelped and pulled away snarling. He looked at me with that one eye closed. I howled and lunged again but it back fired he caught my shoulder. I yelped and fell to the ground he pinned me. "I don't need you to lead this pack!" he howled and bit into the side of my neck. The warm sticky blood poured from my neck. I could feel my life draining. But I saw Kiba get up. "Cera!" he gasped. Dison let go of me and whipped around. He snarled and ran. I panted and lay on my side. The pups were coming now. I couldn't make a sound all I could hear was my rapidly decreasing heart beat and my raspy breath. I gave birth to two pups. Two male one looked exactly like Kiba and one looked like me. Kiba nuzzled my cheek. I smiled faintly as the dark came for me. The last thing I heard were three words. 'I Love You' then everything faded....

The End

Follow Hyacintho and Calum in their adventures in the new upcoming books WolfsBane.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.09.2011

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