
My name is Cera. When I was a pup I was caught by hume (humans). Now I live as a prisoner in this small village. They feed us but treat us awfully. I’m 19 now. Just recently they have been killing female wolves. Most of them were pregnant though. There trying to lower the wolf population. I watch as the beat wolves to death and the blood oozes, the tears drip, as the pain spreads. Luckily since I was raised here. I don't have the problem of resilience like the other wolves. How they fight senselessly to their death. How they shorten their own lives, How they bring their own pain. I'm usually in hume form covered in bruises and rags. Blood stains color my rags. As I said I don't retaliate, but they beat us any way. We are nothing but dirt to them probably even lower. I shall never understand them. Food comes twice a day dawn, and dusk. What they do for water..., the spray until your soaked on winter nights and watch the younger ones freeze, Summers they give only enough for one swallow a day. Most wolves either die of heat, starvation or bleed to death. Only one way out..... death. I manage to survive, because as I grew, I became immune to the beatings, the thirst, starvation, and pain. When I was younger I would hope that Kiba would come for me. Before I was caught I made a friend his name was Kiba, he promised he would always protect me, but it was not to be true. He is probably dead by now. The graceful white wolf was probably slain...

I wake up at dawn before the humes come and beat me awake. They come and shackle me; my wounds on my wrist re-open. I get up and let them take me to the pen. The pen is a spot to hold wolves during the day. They un-shackle me and throw me in the pen many wolves are in there today. I run to my corner I hide in every day I’m in here. I lick my wounds clean. Hoping I won't get any infection. More wolves get thrown in. I hear the squealing of a young wolf being beaten to death. His tears like rain fall from my eyes I wish I can escape. Because I know soon that will be me. They throw the youths body inside. He is dead already. His eyes are blank. Humes disappear. Then a loud crashing noise every wolf shake the bars of the cage. Soon a white wolf came running; he rips the cage door open and releases them all. I look into his blue eyes."Kiba" I whisper. He looks at me his blue eyes pierce my soul. "Cera" he says and rips of the door climbing inside to help me out of the cage. "C'mon" I turn wolf my ragged gray pelt is stained with blood and I have a scar across my right amber eye. He helps me get out of the prison. We passed the broken bloody bodies of all of the humes. As we exit the prison the sun blinds me. We walk to the edge of the forest and rest. He helps me go farther until I collapse. We rest for a while. He catches a rabbit for me. It’s been ages since I have had good meat. The warm fresh meat melts in my mouth. I chew on the bones as well. Then we walk farther. We reach Kiba's territory. He turned hume form "I saved your territory for you." he says and turns, I change back to hume form. "Let’s get rid of these rags" he says. He vanishes into a cave and brings out a small scarlet skirt and white shirt with a small matching bow. "Go get dressed I'm going hunting" he smiled and touched my cheek."Oh wait I forgot.." he says and handed me the clothes. He runs back in the cave to grab something else. I change into the new clothes. The skirt comes to my mid thigh, the sleeves come a little ways past my wrists this goes well with my pale skin. I try to put the bow in my hair. He sneaks behind me and raps a silver scarf around my neck. "Here it was my mothers, she passed away of a sickness not to long ago, have it"
"No I couldn't"
"Its fine...” his blue eyes are soft. He fixes my bow. "Come here." he says and grabs my hand. He brings me to a small creek. "You can wash up here" he says and smiles. "Now I am going hunting" he takes off. I roll up my sleeves and dip my hands into the water it is cool and refreshing. I clean my face and wet my neck. I pul the bow out of my hair and stick my whole face in. I pull back at the chilling water and shake my head. I ring out my hair and pull it back. I use my reflection to fix my bow. As I am fixing me bow I notice a bruise covering my right cheek. It is light and I never noticed it. I hear footsteps behind me. I snap and jump and see Kiba. I breathe a quick sigh. He was in wolf form dragging a doe. I switch to wolf form. My fur is at least clean. He drops the doe and begins to chew on the front leg. I ripped a piece from the back it is fatty and warm I can't stop until I realize I have eaten almost the through the spine and half the back. He has only eaten one leg. "You can have the rest." I mummer.
"Cera it doesn’t matter you need it more than me" He comes over and sits with me. I yawn. "Tired..." he asks
"C'mon" he leads me into the cave two beds of skin lay next to each other. I lay down on the one closer to the wall and cover my muzzle. I'm exhausted. "Sleep" he whispered. My eyelids grow heavy and drift to sleep.

Morning, the sun shines on me warming up my face. I look around Kiba isn't next to me. "Kiba, Kiba" I call and get up. "Over here..." Kiba calls back. I walk over to him. "Are you still hungry after last night" he has a slight tone of laughter in his voice."
"A little yes..."
"Well how about you wash up and I'll get us a quick meal and maybe hunting practice."
"Sure..." I murmur. I walk to the river as he walks out to the forest. ‘I hope I stay with Kiba forever and ever.

5 years later...

I wait for Kiba. He is off hunting again and his pups are hungry. He has two pups and a few on the way. His two already are one male one female, the male is pure white like Kiba except he has amber eyes like me. "How are you" he asks and drops the rabbits. "Fine" I say. Kiba leaves again. He has been leaving often. I decided to follow him. I turn wolf and carry prim and Tulis by the scruffs of their necks. I follow his scent into a dense part of the woods out of his territory in fact. I smell another she-wolf nearby. I spot Kiba's white pelt. I almost jump out and ask him 'What the hell are you doing here' but before I could a silver she wolf appeared. With gazing blue eyes, and her belly swollen. She’s pregnant.

He.. He’s been... with another one this whole time. Tears stream down my cheeks I run away from him. From his territory. When he comes back he won't find me here. He can go with that good for nothing she-wolf. I go across the stream so he can't track me. I run miles and miles from his territory till I can't move my legs. I find a small uninhabited cave. This is not a wolfs territory so I will claim it.

3 months later...

Tulis and Prim grow stronger by the day. My second litter has one more month. Tulis has finally said his first words, he has said mum, and prim. Prim is not as fast learning as her brother, but she can say mum. Unfortunately they will never truly know there father, just like me. My father was alive when I was a pup but when I was about a year old, He was killed in a fight against another wolf. Night falls, Tulis and prim are asleep. My Eyelids begin to grow heavy. I finally drift into sleep. I awake to the sound of growling. I'm still in wolf from so are prim and Tulis. I look outside, a vampire. Prim runs out too fight it. I try to stop her but she already out of my reach I can' go outside or the vampire will kill me them Tulis will be alone. I push Tulis back into the cave were he can't see. I turn away, and listen to the screams of my daughter. The vampire leaves my daughters broken body and leaves. I run to her, her eyes are blank. A memory crosses my mind of when the young boy wolf in the prison when he was beaten to death. I remember how his eyes were blank and lifeless. I shake away the dark memory. Tulis howls in sadness for his sister. I burry her body. Afternoon, I still lay by Prims grave. Tulis is sulking in the cave. I hope he can make it without her, he was never really was brave. Whenever something scared him she would protect him. Soon he shall have more sisters and brothers, but nothing can fill prim's place.

1 week later...

The pups came earlier than expected. Two boys and one girl. The boys are twins, pure dark gray pelts. The girl is like prim. I name the bigger boy Tatu and the smaller one Tuta, the girl I name Silver. Tulis seems to grow more protective over silver and his brothers. Probably because Prim always protected him. I like his way of returning the favor. Its late afternoon, I try to teach Tulis some words like, food, love, sis, broth. He learns pretty fast he has already learned sis and broth. After an hour I let him run around and play. Ever since prim died he has been less active. He will chase bugs and attack rocks but nothing else really. Night falls I tell him to watch the pups while I hunt. Lately I haven't been able to hunt. Now that I have that extra weight off I’m much more agile. A small doe and her fawn rest under a tree I crouch low and slowly crawl forward. I jump and kill the doe with a swipe of my paw. I let the fawn go. I drag he doe back to the cave. I turn hume form and start to tear up the doe so Tulis can eat the small chunks. I skin the doe and lay the skin out to dry. I can lay the newborns down on there so they don't have to lay on the stone floor I get rid of the organs and bones, I hide the meat in a small hole under a rock. I pull some out and gave it to tulis. I curl around my new pups in wolf from. Tulis curls by my legs; I cover him with my tail, and drift into an uneasy sleep. Morning, Tulis is up and pouncing on bugs, I’m happy that he’s more active than before. The doe skin is dry I turn hume and pick up the pups one by one. They were born in wolf form the stay wolf form until there one years old then they can change, but they don't start until there two like tulis. I lay them down on the skin. I turn wolf and lay down and let them nurse. Tulis sat at the entrance of the cave and stared into the distance. "Come here tulis" I whisper "Come here" he comes up to me I grab him with me paw and bring him up close to me. He squirms until he is out of my grasp; he gets out and turns to face me. He gets ready to pounce and attacks. He bites and kicks my paw. I scoop him up close to me again. He squirmed and squirmed, but couldn't move. I got him stuck. I let him go play; the pups eyes were still closed. I remember when Tulis and Prim were like that. Kiba... always... Watched them squirm and laughed at their small adventure past the grass bed. I sigh, why did Kiba have me if there was another. I hope she finds out the same thing I did and leaves the good for nothing dog. I get up turn hume and walk over to our meat storage. I pull out a leg and rip off pieces for Tulis, and eat for myself. I put the meat we didn't eat back in the hole and cover it up again. Then I go outside and stare into the distance.

3 years later...

Tulis is now five and he can speak pretty well. Tatu, Tuta, and Silver are two and turning hume every once and awhile. I'm 27 and watching my pups grow. Tulis is acting like Prim would protecting his brothers and sister, but he seemed more drawn to protect Silver than the boys. I know that my pups will never know there father because I found his body by the edge of my territory. Killed by a she-wolf. Serves him right the low life good for nothing dog, he was even lower than dogs, lower than humes. I got new clothes for my hume form, a red top and black skirt that reaches about my knees. I get rid of the skirt stuff he gave me. I didn't have the scarf one day he came and ask for it I handed it to him, never saw it again. He probably gave it to that other one. A scent snapped me out of my thoughts. It was unfamiliar but then there was something outside. I see... the silver female Kiba left me for!

She has a pup with her. She was probably left by Kiba before he died. I push the pups in the back of the cave and step out of the cave with Tulis. "What do you want" I growl. Her eyes grow wide and she lowers close to the ground her tail in between her legs. "Are you Kiba's second mate?" I snap. She just stares at me,
"Answer Me!"
"I..I’m the second?" she looks at me confused.
"So you don't know, well you weren't the only one with him." I growl. "He was with me too, I had two litters" She looks at me and down at Tulis and back at me
"I... I never knew" she stutters. "I'm sor..r..y" I take pity on her and her pup, only because she never knew about me. I let her stay with us. She said her name was Lila and her daughter was Sera. Sera and Tulis are only one year apart. They could be friends if I get rid of the thought to kill Sera and Lila. Actually I feel even more pity for them when I figure out there was a third one, but before the third one became pregnant she found out Kiba's tricks and killed him. I'm happy she did because now she doesn't have to suffer like me and Lila. Tulis and Sera play outside the cave. Lila and I sit by my other young in hume form. "There beautiful" she says. "You know that they are basically brothers and sister, well there actually half but that still works I’m at least she has some sort of relative beside me." I look at Tulis then Lila
"What happened to her other litter mates? I pretty sure she wasn't born an only pup." I say and look at Sera
"Your right she had two other litter mates but..." she turns away and clenches her teeth tight. "Kiba... he was abusive..." tears ran down her cheeks "He killed them. He almost killed Sera, but I left before he could." she wiped away her tears. "Well what about Tulis I know he’s not an only pup" I look at her that at Tulis
"Vampire" I say and look at Silver. Her eyes grow wide. She stays silent and we watch Tulis and Sera play. They remind me of Tulis and Prim.

Evening, I get up and get buck That we stored no to long ago. We kept the horns skin and meat. I take chunks of the leg meat and give it to all of the pups. Me and Lila split the last of the leg. "Hey umm Lila why did you leave that territory just now" I ask finishing my last bit of meat.
"I was just chased out of my territory by the female that killed Kiba, then I ran into you." she said and turn wolf. She curled around Sera and went to sleep. "You can live here with us" I whisper and turn wolf. She nods, I lay down by tulis and my other pups, I fall onto a deep sleep.

1 week later...

It was actually quite an advantage that I let Lila stay. I was able to hunt more often while she watched the pups. With this going we were able to become friends. and since our children are half siblings it was even easier to become friends. While she was here I figured out were alot alike. She was also in a prison like me just in a diffrent town and she knew Kiba when they were young too. Just a few diffrences like, she was abused by kiba, and only had one litter. I wan't even hurt by Kiba, then again I was never stubborn and I never tried to keep him out of the territory. Plus I had two litters. At least we understood each other. Tulis is much much more active than before. Its almost like prim is alive again. I turn wolf to go hunt "I'll be back Tulis be good" I say
"O.k" he shouts. I set off into the forest, there is a hume and a horse I figure If I scare the hume I can get the horse but then he will go back to the village and get me captured. I guess I will have to kill him too. I jump and snap off his head with one swipe. The horse runs I run and jump on its back. I throw it to the ground and snap its neck. I bury the body of the hume and drag the horse back. Lila helps me skin the horse and get rid of the oragans. While she spreads out the skin I throw out the oragans an Hide the meat. We have alot of skins five deer skins and two horse skins. Tulis and Sera came in the cave and watched Silver and Tuta wrestle. Tulis and sera turned hume form and giggled. Tatu crawled on top of Tulis. They just laughed harder. Lila let out a little giggle and pulled Tatu off Tulis. She put him back on the skin Tatu turned wolf and chased his tail. My pups are so strange. I looked over at Tulis his eyes were clouded and it looked as if he were ready to cry. He walked outside and sat by Prim's grave. Lila stoped Sera from running out to him. I walk out and sit by him. "Tulis" I whisper
"Mum why did sis go" he aksed. Iook at him I close my eyes as my tears roll down my cheek. "Mum" he says again.
"I... I don't know Tulis" I whisper. Tulis walks inside. I stay out and stare into the sky. An hour passes I still sit (in hume form) by my daughters grave. It is now night fall. Lila walks out of the den in hume form "Cera come on its time to sleep" Lila says. I stand up and turn hume. I walk into the den and lay by my pups. I can;t sleep that night I twist and turn I just can't get the image of Prim's lifeless eyes out of my mind. The sun rises I haven't had any sleep I cover my muzzle with my paws. A few more ours pass. Everybody starts to sturr. Tulis yawns and stretches he looks at me an then the sky "Mum your wake?" he asked I burry my muzze farther in my paws. tulis shrugs his shoulders and walks outside. Lila wakes up and streches she looks at me then silver then back at me. Sera got up and chased after Tulis. Tatu Ponces on my paws I just sat there and let him chew on my ear. Next Tuta decided that I was a chew toy too. Silver came and takled Tatu and then Tuta she kept the off me. I smiled and licked her. I lazliy get up and strech I clean my ears. I turn hume and walk outside the den. I yawn and smell the fresh air. I smell the scent of hume. I get every one hidden. I turn Wolf and watch and litsen. About five humans come out of of the forest and face me. "Threre she is the one thats killing our men!" One of them shout. The have ropes and nets. The throw one rope, it raps around my back leg. I grab the rope and pull the one who threw it to me. I pick him up by the neck and turn hume. "Leave our he dies!" I growl. The men stand stunned. They run of screaming, Throw the man Im holding them they all fall and crawl back to the village. I walk inside the den "Ok its safe" I say. Everything starts to spin. "Hide don't worry about me" I shout and collapse. I watch in my blurred vision as Lila Hid the all the pups and the skins in the back of the cave. Then I black out.

I awake and find my self in a cage. Im back here. I Look for any humes, none are around. I bend the bars and slip through the small hole I made. I hear a hume approching I duck and hide under a table. He right next to me. I change and slash his guts open. I run through the place and look for the exit. A trail of from the blood of the hume on my paws show that I have escaped. I see the doors, I run to them. Humes pursue me I charge and break down the door. I run into the forest. I follow my scent from they took me I come across my territory border. I find the cave. "You guys Im back" I say. "Mom" Tulis says anr runs to me I hug him and pull him tight. I run over to Tatu, Tuta, and Silver, I hug them as well. Silver, Tatu, And Tuta all lick my face, there way of saying I missed you. My pups swarm me for the rest of the day. All do that day is eat and rest. Tulis watches me no matter what even if I'm eating. I stay in wolf form until dusk. I sleep easily through the night. Morning, I wake early and stretch. Its before dawn the others won't wake for a while. I walk out and smell humes, there still after me. The only way I can keep Tulis and the others safe is if I leave...

I run and face the humes. I let them capture me. I turn hume and fall to the groud. every thing blacks out.

5 months later...

Back to rags and beatings. I let go of the resilience, and let them break me again. They don't have the big cage to hold all the wolves together. If I was a hume tht worked here, after I heard about the break out 8 or 9 years ago I would keep them in individule cages. I hope Tulis and the others are all right. I wish I had never fought those humans. They brought nothing but greif. I lay in my cage only moving for water. Its the winter months. They spray all the wolves down. Soaking wet, freezing cold, you could die instantly. I Lick my self to keep warm. We aren't aloud to turn wolf or you would be beaten. I lick my hands dry I cover my head and hands as long as I kept my head and hands warm I would stay alive. Day Break, bits of sun hit my cage. I bask in it as long as I can until the clouds cover it up again. My rags at least dry. I have been storing food for this time of year. Just like us humes are weakened by these months. When I cant see any humes I turn wolf and snap the bar of my cage and get out I turn hume and secretly get out of there. It is cold. I deiced to get new clothes for my self instead of rags. On the out skirts of the village I see a cabin. Clothes were hanging on a wire. I turn wolf and walk towards them. A young girl walks out of the cabin an sees me. I frezze in place. "Are you ok" she says. I turn hume. I hear humes coming.

"Come inside hurry." she runs inside. I follow her. The men pass by not even noticing. I feel something on my arm I jump back. "Its ok its medicene for your wound. I look at my arm a big gash was there. I never felt getting that. "Thanks" I mumble.

"You don't have to thank me. I help your kind all the time"

"Why your a hume you should hate us"

"Well... Im actually half" she removes the cloth on her head. Dog ears twicth. Now that I getting to see her completely her hair was silver blue. "They let me stay in the village, I just have to earn my keep."

"Why don't you come with me"

"I.. I can"

"Sure you can I have more than enough territory and prey."

"I.... ok" she says "Here have these clothes" she says grabing a skirt that reaches my knees and a long sleeve shirt. I tell her were my territory is and I head out. I get to my territory. I find the cave and walk in Tulis turns and looks at me he turns hume and runs to me. "Mum he says tears stream from my eyes. I look over at Tuta, Tatu, and Silver. I let go of Tulis and run to them I pick them up and hug them. They turn wolf and lick my face. "Hi" I say to lila. Sera's tail fluffs and she starts to growl. A flash back of the day prim was killed, just before she got killed she growled. I turn wolf and look. The girl from the village. I turn back to hume "Sorry the pups don't know you yet umm..."

"Jay my name is Jay."

"Jay... oh um this is my friend Lilas daughter sera" I gesture to Lila and sera. "This is my son Tulis and other sons Tuta, Tatu and my only daughter silver"

"You have a lovely pack" she smiled.
Lila gives me an uneasy glare. Tulis turns wolf and stands over his brothers and sisters

"Every one she is here to stay she is a harmless half-blood. No ofense"

"None taken" Jay wore a big smile on her face. I smiled back. I give Lila a hard stare. She just growls and lays next to Sera. Tulis tilts his head and smiles. He walks over to me and sits down. Jay looks at me and smiles bigger. "Here you can sleep here" I said directing a spot by my pups she goes and sits. Tulis turns wolf and goes to lay down by his brother and sister. He fell asleep. I walk outside and stare into the sky by Prims grave. Its dark the snow begins to fall. The stars twinkle and dance about. I hear a twig snap behind me I look. "Oh its just you Jay" i sigh.

"Yes umm what are you doing out here" she looked at prims grave her ears flatened "Oh im sorry did I disturb you"

"No your fine." she comes ans stands by me

"Umm if its alright to ask umm what happened to your little ones father"

"His name was Kiba and he rescued me 9 years ago. I beared his children, then tulis my oldest and there was prim she is the one in this grave. Then I was pregnant with a second litter. One day I got suspicious when Kiba was leaving extreamly often. I followed him. I found him with Lila the other female in there."

"Oh and where is Kiba now"

"He tried to get another female she figured out his tricks and killed him, before she became pregnant she lucky she doesn't have to suffer" I look up at the stars again "Come on lets go to sleep" I turn wolf and head inside. I fall asleep fast.

Dawn I get up and strech. Tulis is curled around silver. I smile. I look outside. Jay was sitting outside staring into the sky. I step outside still in wolf form. Her ears twitch. "Hello Cera" she say. I turn hume and go sit by her.

"Whats the matter"

"What color was Kiba"


"Did he have amber or green eyes"

"Amber why"

"Because Kiba is..."

"Is what"

"My Father......."

"Your Father?!"

"Yes my Mother died not long after I was born. He couldn't take care of me so he gave me to the village my mother lived in they let me live there."

"So why did you come with me"

" Well that village wasn't very nice and they hated wolves and since I was a half breed I was despised by both breeds wolf and hume."

"I'm sorry"

"Its fine as long as I actually have a home." I open my mouth to speak when I feel something lean against me. I look Tulis was looking up at me. "Hi sweet heart" I say and pick him up. He squeals and changes to wolf. Jay giggles. Tullis jumps on her. He chewed her ears. "Tulis not the ears" I warn

"Its fine I'm used to it we had dogs in my village" Tulis jumped all around. "Here comes the tickle monster" I snatch him up and tickle his paws. Sera comes out of the den and yawns. Tulis squirms away and runs to Sera. Sera drousliy spins and spins. I hear a noise from the brush. I turn to face it. "Jay get your self and the pups inside."

"But wha-"

"Don't argue just go." I change to my wolf form. A silver male wolf with green eyes comes out. I change to hume. "Who are you"

he changes "My name is Fang. And this is your pack right"

"You can consider us one, and I am leader because this is my territory"

"May I join your pack"

I growl suspecting other things. "Fine, just don't touch my pups." I turn and walk inside. I can't beleve i am doing this! I turn wolf and curl around my pups. Jay is watching Tulis and Sera near the back of the cave. Tatu and Tuta were wrestling while Silver was on the sidelines watching. Lila is finally awake and gives me a hard glare. I snarl giving her a warning to back off. I get up and turn hume "Jay can you please watch my pups i'm going hunting"

"Yes Cera" she said

"May I come" Fang asked

"You may" Usually I wouldn't let this wolf into my pack or let him join my hunting trip. But I was in heat and he must have known that. We head out. I couldn't control my body I turn wolf and run out to the trees he changes and follows.

Next morning...

I find my self in his arms. I struggle to break free and find some deer so I wouldn't come back empty handed. I carry it back and hide it in the back of the cave. "That was an awfully long hunting trip don't you think" Lila smiled

"Prey was scarce" I growl. I turn wolf and lay by my pups. Tulis nibbles my ear. Fang enters the cave with an annoying smirk on his face. I just want to bite him. But with what happened last night. I could be pregnant and he could be the alpha of my growing pack.

6 months later...

I am pregnant and he is now the alpha male. Tulis looks up to fang like he is his father. I would rather have fang the father of my pups than Kiba. Fang respected me, and he did't mate with other females like kiba. Even though he knew that he could have all the females in this pack. He stayed with me. He will be a good father. Any time know until I give birth and its a good time too. Tuta Tatu and Silver are now learning to talk. Tulis is helping them and so is Sera. I think Tulis and Sera wil be great together. I just hope Tulis will not turn out like his father.Fang comes by me and kisses my forhead. Tatu and Tuta attack him. I giggle. Lila is out hunting and jay is outside playing with Tulis and Sera. I get up and walk outside. Fang follows with the pups chasing him. I sit right outside the den a watch the clouds. With my pregnancy I can do much. Fang was getting trampled by pups. I lay down and fall asleep.

I wake up its late afternoon. I crawl into the cave and lay in the skins. And sleep again.

I gave birth over night. Two females and one male. The male is very sick and probably won't make it. One is pure black with blue eyes that look almost white. and the other female is pure white with dark blue eyes. The black females name is crystal. and the white females name is Angel. The little male died that morning. Fang buried him by prim. I clean up the new pups. Tulis and the othe greet the new pups. We are saddened by our son's death but are still happy for our daughters. Fang smiles and rubbs his muzzle against mine. Tulis is exited about having new sisters. Lila has been more grouchy since Fang became my new mate. I just hope she doesn't try to take my place in dominent. Since I have just givin birth. My position as dominant is open. I must watch my back or I will lose my power and my pups.

Afternoon, Fang goes hunting. I take a break from the pups and lay in the back of the cave. Lila comes in the back. In wolf form teeth showing. I draw my lip into a snarl. She charged. I dodge with ease and pin her down. Niping her ear signals Im dominent. She leaves I go and lay by my pups again. I turn hume form and call tulis. He comes running in. "Yes mother" he says. How about you play in here with sera instead. "Sure" he says. He walks over to the entrance. "Sera lets play inside." he called and turned wolf. Sera came flying in and takled him. I smile and watch them tusle about. Fang comes back with three fat rabbits. He turned hume and skinned them. Hiding the meat behind the rocks. He layed out the skins to dry. Hee comes and lays by me. "Whats wrong with Lila" he asks

"Dominance fight"

"She must really want that position if she went against you" Tulis jumped on fang. I laughed. Sera joined in so did the other pups.I laugh as Fang has problems getting them off of him. Lila came back in. Now that we weren't fighting I got to see her clearly she was pregnant. I get up and follow her. "Lila if you were pregnat you should have told me I would have let the father into the camp." she turned hume "Really..."

"Yes I would have let you have a mate I wouldn't effect me unless you chalenged me now you can go find the male and bring him here"

"Ok" she said and went back outside. I went back to were Fang was getting attcked by a army of pups. They stopped and stared at him laying like he was dead. "Boo" he shouted. They all squealed and jump back. "What wrong" he asked. "Lila thought she could bring in her new mate only if she was dominant"

"Oh I see"

"But I shall let her bring him into the pack." Lila came back in wolf form with a white and black male with amber eyes he was covered in scars. They went to the back of the cave. I look over at Fang. His lip was drawn back into a snarl. "What is it" I ask

"That's my brother Dison"

"Your Brother"

"Yes my younger brother" I go outside. And into the forest. I hear a noise behind. I turn around "Dison?!"

"Hello Cera"

"What do you want"

"Oh nothing" he approached me. He touched my cheek. I growl he takes a step back. "Why fight me I shall get you eventually". As soon as he is gone I go back to the den. I stay near Fang for the rest of the day. He has grown more protective. When he was asleep at the back of the cave I snuck outside. Lila was outside. "Hey Cera can I tell you something"

"Yes why"

"I going to tell you who Sera's father really is"


"Kiba wasn't her father Dison is"

"But I thought how.."

"I lied to kiba I said they were his pups." I nodded. She draged her paws as she went back inside. As dusk began to fall. I go inside. I lay awake that night still uncomfortable around Dison. Fang wakes up. "Its ok Cera" he whispers "I won't let him touch you." I relax a little and drift into sleep.

Waking up refreshed I yawn and watch Tulis twitch in his sleep. Dison is sleeping by Lila. Fang is deep into sleep. Tatu was laying on Tuta while Silver was sleeping on Tulis.Lila woke up. She yawned "Oh hello Cera" she whispered and walked outside. I followed. I sat with Lila. "Hey Lila.." I start.


"About Dison"

"What about Dison"

"Well do you..."

"Do I what"


"Know what Cera" I just couldn't tell her. I heard a noise behind me. "Hello Cera" I hear the familer voice. I freeze. "Dison..." I growl.

"How about you give in now so I don't have to worry about that pest fang"

"Your the pest!"

"Oh really." I change and turn to face him. He changes. Lila still in hume form. "Just give in" he growls.


"Whats going on" Lila asks.

"Your beloved mate wants to become alpha" I snarl


"Shut up Lila" Dison slightly growls

"But why"

"Shut up Lila"

"Why would you betray me!"

"I SAID SHUT UP" He slashs at her. She flies and hits a stumps

"I'll kill you for that" I howl and charge. I snap at his shoulder. I barley graze his fur. He grabs my back leg. His teeth sink into me like knives. I whimper. He snaps again. I dodge and grab his ear. I rip it off. Blood splats all over my fur. A loud whimper slips his throat. "DISON" i hear. I look Fang standing in wolf forn. His lip curled into a snarl. Pouncing on Dison, Fang digs his fangs into his back. Dison screeches and spits blood. I run to Lila. I turn hume watching my ankle. "Not so Fast" Dison shreiks and bites my wound. I scream in pain. He laughs "Let her got" Fangs howls and bites into Dison's neck. A last whimper comes from dison as he draws his last breath. Blood draining from his mouth covers my bloodied foot. I limp to Lila. "Lila" I wimper. She groans and shuffles her feet. She opens her eyes "What... happened..." she groans.

"Dison tried to became alpha and when you questioned him he hit you and you fell out cold." She whimpers in fear. "Don't worry he's gone" We look over to fang standing over his slain brother's body. I help Lila back into the cave. Jay is stunned staring out towards the battle feild. She snapped out of her daze. "Oh here I can help" she runs over to us. She makes sure Lila is not bleeding. After that she checks my ankle. I gasp as she wraps it up with a peice of her shirt. "Don't worry I know how to fix this I know how to heal" she runs outside. I turn back to Lila and lay her down on a Deer skin. I crawl over to my pups and lay down to sleep hoping this day will end.

I wake up and find my anlke rapped up.It wass numb and hard to move. I groan with pain. "Don't move or you will open your wound" Fang warned. I lay back down and close my eyes. Tulis lick my face. I open my eyes and look into his amber eyes. His white pelt glimmered. Kiba's imaged passed through my mind as I looked how much Tulis has grown. My smile fades. I slowly sit up. Fang looks at me. "Whats the mater" he asks placing his hand on mine. "Nothing umm is there by chance a way I could go get water"

"I already thought of that" I heard Jay say. She walks over to me with a shell filled with water. "Here" I grab the shel and drink it. The seconed it hits my tounge I taste something disgusting. I spit it all over Fang. Jay Begins to laugh so does Tulis, Lila, and Sera. He gives me a very embarrassed/mad look. He laughs as well. "What was in that" I ask. "Terris Root, Yes I agree it is afull but you need to drink it it will get rid of any infection." Jay laughed. I force what ever I didn't spit a Fang down my throat. I look at Fang "What did you do with Dison's body" I ask.

"I left it there I will bury it soon." he smiles. I lay back down and close my eyes. I here Fang and Jay go outside. "Where is he" I hear fang yell. I jump. I use the wall to keep my balance. I work my way to the entrance. I finally reach the cave entrance. I look where Dison's body was all that was left was a puddle and trail of blood. The trail of blood lead into the forest. " We have to go after him." I growl. As soon as I let go of the wall I fall to the ground. Fang runs to me. I change to wolf and limp over to the puddle of bood. "He won't last long in his condition." I growl and limp back inside. Tulis looks at me "mommy your hurt" he said. His gleaming amber eyes showed concern "Its ok sweet heart" I whisper. I lay down and watch as Tulis and Sera play with Silver. A memory of prim flashes through my mind of how she played like they are now, and wonder what if she was alive now.

7 years later...

A young heavily pregnant wolf named Mira came to us a week or two ago. She gave birth to one pup. She named her Zira. Now that I have a large enough group I am now a official leader. For now fang is also dominant unless I chose another. Along with Mira two males came one being her mate and one being a rouge my age. His name is Rouge. But I don't plan to choose a dominant male until spring. Winter is to dangerous to have pups I fear for Mira and her pup. Her mate Arock is sick. Jay is keeping him isolation. Luckliy spring is nearing. And Lila lost her pups fathered by Dison that blow that she substained was consiqentale. I walk over to Mira "How are you doing" her pure white pelt glisented from the mist from snow and rain her soft silver eyes hurt my heart. "Fine" she whispered. Tulis came over his shirt soaked. "Mom I kinda fell"

"Kinda fell ! more like kinda dived" I here Sera laugh.

"Tulis really you are 16 you need to stop acting like a pup" I sigh. He shruggs and gives my a cheesy smile. I get up and go to the back of the cave. He follows "Take off your shirt" I tell him. He pulls off the soaked ball of cloth. I hand him a new one. I pulls it over his head as he is putting on his shirt a notice a scar across his stomach. "Whats that from."

"Remember the run in with the hume and how he sliced my stomach open." thats right that day I took Tulis out hunting. We were in wolf form when we stumbled across a humes camp. He had a knife in his hand. I didn't notice the knife and with Tulis about the size of the hume I thought he could have some fun. I was wrong. The hume slice open Tulis. Tulis fell and I attacked. I killed the hume while gaining a wound my self. I was able to get Tulis back in time Jay fixed up his wounds. I snapped out of the flash back. Tulis went back out there with Sera. They were holding hands and laughing. Sundenly the sun appered and blinded me. "Spring will be soon..." i whisper it has been a month since the sun has appeared. I smiled then remembered now that spring is right around the corner I must chose alpha male. Fang and Rouge will know this a well and try to chance their luck at becoming alpha. Silver runs over to me in wolf form tongue hanging out. "Mom, Tatu and Tuta are chasing me." She groaned. Silver Tatu and Tuta are one year behind Tulis so they are 15. Tatu and tuta come runing over in wolf forn. "Got you now silver." Tatu growls. I grab their tails. "Boys what do you think your doing" I smirk. Their ears droop. "What have I told you about chasing your sister" I let go of their tails". "To not to" Tatu groans. They trot back outside. silver licks my face and runs back outside. Fang comes in and lays with me. "Do you want to go hunting, we are low on food" he askes. Like were low on food just low on alpha male he trying to assure his place as alpha. "Sure" I agree. He smiles. I turn to wolf form so does he. I walk into thee forest the breeze giving me a chill he came up to my side. His fur was warm. I would not mind him being alpha once again. A rabbit darts in front of me I give chase. Not much of a chase. It was a fat rabbit. Fang looks at me with soft eyes. He licks my cheek. We head back to the camp and decied whats going to happen.

1 week later...

My swollen stomach proves that I have chosen an alpha. Lila come up to my side in wolf form "So you is alpha and the father"

"You will see" I head over to the center of the cave. Every one is resting, it is that part of the day were everyone starts to slow down. "Everyone" I say my voice echoes through the cave. Fang and Rouge look as if they are going to eat one another. Tulis is exited along with Sera and Lila sits behind me. Silver and the boys sit and wait while Crystal, and Angel looked up in sleepy confusion. "I will now announce the new alpha male" I proudly say "I am happy to announce that Fang is still alpha male." Fang breathes a sigh of relief. Rouge lays back down and covers his muzzle. Fang runs up tome in hume form and hugs me.Tulis hugs me. "Congratulations Mom" he smiles "Thanks sweetheart" I smile back and kiss his forhead. I walk over to Crystal, and Angel. They were my last litter and now seven. They were exact opposites Crystal the little back one was very quiet and shy while Angel was loud hyper and very social. They are always together. I look over at rouge. "Rouge Tulis and Lila hunting now" I tell them Tulis first out followed by Lila then Rouge. Since Fang is alpha male Rouge may go with Lila. I don't care Fang is my mate and it won't change for a while.

An hour later Tulis comes back in wolf form two rabb its dangle from his jaw. Lila and Rouge come about 15 minutes afterword with a small doe. I watch Tulis go lay with Sera and kiss her cheek. They will be great together. If they will be together young wolf can start having pups at the age of 15. Sera can have pups she became 15 about 5 months ago Tulis is 16 she is only 1 year behind him and he would be a great father. Jay comes up to me "Cera I need to talk to you" she looked concerned "Ok" we walk outside were no one can hear us. "I don't know if Arock will make it." My eye widen. Before I could open my mouth. I was Tackled to the ground. I look up at my attacker. "Dison!!"

"Yes Cera" he growled and got off me. I jump up and curl my lip back into a snarl. "I am not here to fight I am here to ask forgiveness"


"I wan to rejoin your pack and rejoin the love of my life"

"You mean Lila"

"Who else"

"You cost her a litter and betrayed her how could she still love you"


"Don't you remember when you tried to take your place as alpha."

"Yes but Lila said I wouldn't be able to join unless I was alpha it was a misunderstanding, I'm sorry" his eyes were filled sorrow and regret. "If you won't except me into your pack I will gladly die for Lila" Lila came running out "Dison?!" her eyes began to fill with tears. "Lila" he stood up and ran over to her "Lila my love I am sorry I-I didn't know that I was excepted all the thoughts of power went to my head I-I'm sorry." She hugged him and whispered something I could not hear. "Fine you can join" I growl "But you will be treated as the Omega." With him being Omega I would be fine. Lila could have her mate and be happy while I would be safe.

2 months later...

Dison is just fine being omega and Lila became pregnant about a week after that day he came back. I am about to have my pups. Fang is know very very uneasy with his brother back here and alive. Rouge with Lila being with Dison he is alone until about three days ago Arock passed away Mira was devastated. Rouge may move in for her after a while. I walk over to my nest for my nest my stomach began to grow heavy. Jay came over to me." Are you OK" she asks

"I am fine"

"They will be coming very soon" Jay's eye flared with concern.

"I told you I fine just a little tired that's all." The sun set finished and everyone began to move into the den. Lila went to the back of the cave. Dison slept out side as usual. Rouge and Mira were laying together. Everyone came in except Fang. "Fang..." I wanted to jump up and look for my mate but it was to late and my stomach was to heavy. So I layed down hoping he was just out hunting or prowling around.

I gave birth to one pup. She looked almost exactly like fang besides her one white ear. Her eyes were even green. I named her star, for she was like a star from the heavens. Fang was not here still and began to worry more. I got up leaving star in the care of Jay. I change to wolf form. I caught a small scent but enough to lead me to a horrific scene. Fang layed dead in a pool of his own blood. Throat slashed. "NO FANG!" I howl. I hear a screech. I turn around dison ran into the cave. I run over the cave just to see what is happening. Lila gave birth her to male pups were fine. I wish I could say the same for her. Lila died giving birth AND Fang was killed. My pack will be ruined if I don't do something fast. I turn and run to Fangs body. I see if I can catch any scent of the killer. Nothing. I Drag his body back. "What happened!" Jay wails. "I... I found him dead..." I began to cry. Tulis came. "Mom!" he came over to me and pet my back. I could hear Sera crying for her mother and Dison trying to hold back his tears. I turn hume and fall to my knees crying. "M-Mom its o-ok yo-you will be o-ok" he was ready to cry. I knew it would be a while before our pack would start recovering.

3 months later...

That pack is slowly recovering. I don't think we ever will though. My daughter star is growing fine and healthy so are Lila's pups Rock the Dark brown one and Rip the gray one. So Rouge is with Mira and there are no other pair besides Tulis and Sera. I must choose an Alpha male and since its not winter I don't have an excuse not to choose one. Well I was walking out into the woods for fresh air and when I was a ways I decided to go back. I turn around there is dison. I turn wolf What do you want. He turns wolf and jumps on me pinning me to the ground. "Make me alpha" he snarled

"Why should I"

"Well what other choice do I have what other choice do you have..."

"I will not make you alpha"

"So.... you want to die like my pitiful brother."

"You... You killed Fang?!"

"Yes didn't you recognize the fur between his claws"

"So you must have done something to Lila to to cause her to die so you would be alpha"

"Yes I gave her poisonous berries when she was giving birth so she would die but not the pups"

"You don't deserve to be alpha"

"Make me alpha our your precious pups will be next"

"Fine! Just not my pups... leave them out of this..."

"Good you finally understand" He got off me and we walked back to the den. "Attention everyone Dison is our new Alpha male." I heard gasps. I walked to the back of the cave my head lowered in shame. "Thank you.." he hissed and kissed my cheek. Now I will have to live with this mutt for the rest of my life unless I except another rouge. I hope one comes soon so he will end my misery.


Texte: All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying recording or by any information storage and retrival system without the permission of the author.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.07.2011

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