

She had won thousands hearts in our town but she loved the servant called “Norman France”. Her name was Daisy Dolce, and her name comes from our stringent duke Vera Leonardo Vincent, Who brought Daisy Dolce from orphanage when she was only three years old. He named her “Daisy” because she was as beautiful as flower and “Dolce” because she was as sweet as song.

In our town, there is no lack of fans just like other towns, but the specialty lies within the fact that cardinal strength of these fans belongs to Duke’s daughter. Allen Hubert and Hibb Toss were chief soldiers at royal mansion. Unfortunately, both of them fallen in love with Daisy Dolce. Allen Hubert and Hibb Toss were considered as “Two Arms” of Duke.

Peoples of our town were hapless, misfortunate, and pitiable. Citizenry had to follow the hard and fast rules of our Lord Duke Vera Leonardo Vincent. In small town, that ruled by such a duke who was strict, old fashioned, and her father, Daisy Dolce had to either “live in hope” or “left all the hopes”.

Daisy’s Birthday

Sighing on her phrases while self-talk, Daisy decided she will emphatically propose “Norman” tonight.

“I can’t stop him from featuring my fantasies.” She muttered before taking deep breath. Today was the celebration of the day on which Daisy was born. She was now eighteen years old girl. She was Pleasing and attractive than any girl in our town or in world. Standing before mirror, she was combing strand of her darker magenta red shining hairs and admiring her beautiful black peas like eyes through continually blinking.

The door rapped softly and Daisy smiled eagerly. She run to open the door then realizes she’s only wearing nightgown. She pulls out her towel that was squeezed inside her bed and put it on her neck. She opened the door and someone pressed a birthday kiss on her forehead. He was no doubt the duke of our town himself.
“Happy Birthday Daisy” He said very loudly, holding her hands and pulls her out from her room. The curtains were changed from ordinary deep blue to the flannel light pink and white. The old dining table and chairs had been replaced by the new bigger and large dining table and chairs. A length of beautiful cloth was drawn, and new shining utensils were placed on table. The whole hall looks new and beautifully decorated. Daisy accounted the idea that tonight will be the grand party.

She was very impressed by her father. He had arranged everything nicely for her daughter. Her heart felt proud of being the daughter of duke of our town. But suddenly, her heart felt ached and a thought stroked in her mind. “It won't easy to propose Norman tonight.” She almost wept.
“What's happens Daisy?” Duke asked “Are you alright?”
“I am fine dad.” She said and hugged her father. Duke holds her tightly with his both arms.
He wanted to gift her ‘World’, but Norman Frank had hardly any penny left in his drawer. On the eve of Daisy’s birthday, Allen Hubert and Hibb Toss had tradition to gift precious metals and stones to her and Norman had to scarify with his deep desires of gifting her precious things such as world. He can only afford bouquets of lavenders and sometimes red roses which were plucked from the garden of royal mansion. Norman felt deeply abashed by the fact that he still had not time to make corsage for Daisy. Today he had to adorn the royal mansion for the party. Norman remembered the day when he was came to work in mansion with his father. He was five year old when he meets Daisy first time. His father had divorced his mother for some reason he still don’t know and left his town, town where he was born and came in our town to work. He helped his father in his works and when his father died, Duke ordered him to stay in old room and do what his father does for fifteen years. Today, Duke had given him order to look after every decoration and deficiencies. He had to arrange chefs, chorus, and lots of waiters and wines. He wished that he could get some time for making present for Daisy.

In the other room of royal mansion, Hibb was talking to mirror. “I want this bastard out of our mansion,” pointing his middle finger towards mirror. He continued, “When I have purchased golden pendant earring for Daisy he brought diamond pendant earring, when I purchased bracelets for her he brought diamonds bangles. He always hooked my chance of laying eyes on Daisy having on my jewelries. But I have decided to buy diamond necklace for Daisy and I won’t tell anybody about this. But I don’t know about best diamond jewelries shop in this town. I think I should ask that bastard.” he said putting his both hand behind his head.

Hibb hastened down to Allen’s room to ask him about the best diamond jewelries shops in our town. He rapped the door brutally. Allen was a cushy man. He committed his life for scheming strategies for Duke Vera Leonardo Vincent. He had fallen in love with Daisy when he came to mansion. Three years have been passed and he still hasn’t get time to propose Daisy because duke always needs him for ruling our town. Allen’s strategies have been proved to be very successful in our town. He had won so many medals from our duke. He was considered as very respected and clever personage of duke, his right arm. On the eve of Daisy’s eighteenth birthday he had decided to propose her. When Hibb asked Allen about best diamond shop in our town he replied “There is no best diamond shop in our town. If you want to buy best diamond necklace I guess, you should look out of town.” tightening the collar of his suit. Hibb wondered how this bastard knew that I want to buy diamond necklace for Daisy.

Duke Vera Leonardo Vincent wanted to share some words with his only daughter. She has given him lively pleasure since fifteen years of his life. When he found his wife incapable of giving birth to any child, he was physically and mentally suffered. Daisy brings back life in him. Today when he woke up he decided to spend some time with his daughter after party.

Grand Party

How anyone could turn his glance from the royal mansion that day? The burning beauty shaded by sparkles of red, yellow, and pink diamond that day. The mansion was appearing the best of heaven, the golden hall and the silver floor, lights hues every corner of our town, chorus singing melodious songs, the masses gathered around the hall, all eyes were laying on the steps, all ears were open more than they normal, when the upper door knocked. The insatiable desires arouse in hall when Daisy comes down to steps.

She was looking angel from heaven, wearing the white gown that was stitched with gems and stones. She shied by sight. Duke holds her hand and said, “On the eve Daisy’s birthday I want everybody will sing, dance, and enjoy this party.” And the celebrations started. Daisy looked all around and her eyes lay on queen who was still looking ill, she was suffering from the diseases that stayed with her till death. Daisy cut a small piece from big cake and poses it in the mouth of queen. She cleaned her mouth with hankie. Queen loved Daisy since she has spared duke from almost dying. She then takes a bigger piece and poses it in mouth of her father. The whole room was filled with chitchat. “Daisy’s this is for you.” Someone said. And the gift ceremony commenced. Daisy thanked everyone, the whole table filled with shining packages. Allen and Hibb gifted her necklaces. Hibb gave her diamonds necklace and Allen gave her necklace of precious stones like emerald, Tanzanite, jasper, and jade. Norman would give her gift after party she remembered if he would make it. Her eyes searched Norman everywhere. She hadn’t seen him since morning.

Norman felt nausea although he was standing at portcullis for receiving guests with several other servants of lower rank. In spite of the fact that he loves Daisy, Norman insisted not to think about marrying or feeling something like love for her because he knows the fact that Daisy is princess the daughter of Lord Vera Leonardo Vincent and he’s just servant. The love between princess of our town and servant is impossible. Norman and Daisy have their childhood at mansion in each other's company. They were best friend since puerility. They were so immersed in their friendship and one day when Daisy was sitting in garden in her teenage she realized that she’s in love with Norman. She was bitten by snake and duke was out of town with their chief soldiers. She was so afraid to tell anyone about this. Queen was already sick. She can’t tell her. But there is someone with whom she could tell everything and he was Norman. When she saw Norman she told him everything. He walked out of town for medicines and save her life. From that day their friendship and love became more and more strong. After the last guest left Norman rush to hall for cleaning and arranging everything. He saw Daisy standing before duke. He smiled on her and Daisy smiled back on him.

Silence hounded the late October night and male Cicadas started calling weeeoh, weeeoh, weeeoh............ that can be heard from twenty yard away. Daisy had on herself in light red night dress with freckles of dark pink on it. She recalled every words of proposal in front of mirror. With that she combed her hair, wears little makeup although she was already looking aphrodisiac, and flushed when door rapped. She opened the door. Duke was standing outside. He said softly, “Daisy I thought I should talk to you for a little time.” Daisy smiled on him and said “off course dad.” Daisy smiled again when they sat on her drowsy bad. She keeps smiling when duke said his words to her. “Daisy your mother and I was very happy when you have come to our life. You’re like my son,” he stressed. “But you’re still my daughter. You’re now young lady” he said very seriously and stopped for some moment and then he began “your mother and I was worried about our biggest responsibility, your marriage.”

Daisy interrupted “Dad.” she was sounding very helpless.
Duke pretended to ignore and said more seriously than before, “your mother want to see you married before her death.” Daisy holds dukes hand and said “my mother would not die.” Duke smiled on her innocence and said,
“Daisy Do you like someone?”
She didn’t reply. She just smiled shyly. Duke departed her with late night kiss. Then at last she got time to meet Norman. For the first, she felt uncomfortable to meet her best friend. She loved him from her sparrow age. She was living her life in trance since many years. She mixed him in her wildest fantasies. She never cared about his post at mansion.
She loves him as person. She decided to open her heart and show him the soft corner she had nourished for him. She opened the door very softly but it sounds bitterly, she steps down to hall looks all around. And she judged herself again. She found herself alone standing in the middle of hall. Curtains were flowing in winds, lights were flickering, cold winds were blowing, and everything seems to be judging her. She felt sick and afraid. She immediately rush back to her room and closed the door forcefully. She took some deep sighs. Finally her heart felt relaxed and suddenly everything becomes still and peacefulness permeated whole room.

Daisy started crying “what was that?” she mumbled very softly so no one could hear even that evil soul that has fastened over her. She wiped her tears with her worth kissing hands and lie down on bed. She kissed her pillow and grabbed it tightly. She felt as Norman holding her. She kissed it again and started suggesting herself the power of love. She rose from bad and wiped her tears again. She was looking pitiful in mirror but she doesn’t bother this time. She rushed to Norman without hearing anything and keeping her face down. She rapped his door very softly and mumbled his name in same melody.


I Love You

Sweet smelling auras were coming out of drape freed windows. The moonshine was scattered on floor of room that was satiated with clusters of sacks and cartons. The pale walls were bumped by the unity of particles looked brown instead of yellow. Flickering gas light made Norman’s eye dilated. He was looking excitant. Daisy almost fainted by sight but lastly she gained sanity.
“Glad you could make it,” she said hanging up the corsage made of dark red roses.
“This is for you Daisy, I am sorry, I d-didn’t....” Daisy cut him in middle of his apology.
“It’s alright Norman; I wanted to talk to you.” She sounds serious and waits for him to reply. Norman showed blank expression. “She can’t be serious tonight,” Norman thought. “Tell me, what’s in your mind?” he asked her surprisingly.
Daisy pictured herself standing before mirror. She was confused about the way Norman would react to her proposal. She was afraid of “No” or “rebuke”. Suddenly, something fluttered outside the window. Norman gazed outside. There was a shadow. He surprisingly looked Daisy. Daisy returned same look to him and when she came to see, it disappeared. Daisy was afraid. She said to Norman that it was evil soul. He didn’t believe it and ask her “how she knows that it was evil soul?”

Norman Daisy began, “when I was coming to your room something has fastened over me. I felt someone judging me. I felt sick and run to my room cried a lot. I don’t know what was that it was very dangerous.” She uttered everything before him with sobs and sighs. Norman doesn’t like Daisy weeping. He wiped her tears with her hankie.

“Why you came here late night?” he asked softly. Daisy couldn’t wait more. She lived in trance and fear from several years. Her emotions were screaming inside her. Tears were coming out her eyes. They wanted the answer. She wanted answer. She was fallen for a servant of mansion. What would people say? What would senators talk? What would Duke himself thought. What would her mother thought? And more importantly, what would Norman say. She wiped her tears as sudden idea stroked in her mind. And she maintained eye contact with Norman, who was still looking aphrodisiac.

“Norman, if I fallen for someone who is not prince and very poor man should duke will let me marry him?” she asked pretending normally. Norman sensed her act although he was still afraid of worse that was foreshadowed in her question. He replied with a question-
“Do you love someone?”

“I love you.” And silenced taken up the rest combat. It was the same catastrophe he had prophesied in his thoughts. For five minutes nobody spoke, like taking in aroma of some rare perfume before it extinct for forever.
“It is better to have loved, Norman.” she whistled softly. Norman was trying to breaking eye contact but he found himself unable to do it. Daisy’s eyes were making him insane. He wanted to mutter his words of protest as it’s his sanity support but failed to hide his emotions. The desire that had been forced beneath the layers of morals, society, and fear, was now turning them into physical reality. Drops of tears were started falling from his eyes that were still exciting Daisy’s desires. His hands grabbed her so tightly inside him that she could even feel his heart beats in her.

The shadow outside of the window was belonging to Allen who now joined with Hibb too. Allen thought of crying but reminds himself he is strong enough for such heartbreaks. He grabbed his fellow mouth with his right hand dragged him to room. Hibb started shouting Daisy can’t love Norman. She can’t do this to me. Allen grabbed his neck with his right hand and pressed him to wall. “Why can’t she love Norman?” he shouts on him. Hibb tried to speak but nothing comes out. He was afraid by Allen’s anger. Allen loosens his hold and he poured his venom. “Norman has courted Daisy. He gave her corsages of red flowers on her every birthday. He talked her too much. He meets her everywhere....”Allen grabbed his mouth again and throws him out of his room.

Hibb smiled as he now know that Allen loves Daisy and he definitely fought with Norman, even murdered him. And somehow he will get advantage of this cold war at mansion.


Thanks For Reading!

Thanks For Reading!


Texte: shishir kumar
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.01.2013

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