
The beginning

Katelyn was born September 4,2003. Along with her brother,Cody she was a curious child. Her brothers name is Cody, born December 5,2003.He has light brown hair that shines in the sunlight.He has just like his sister, palish tanish skin and he likes the colors sunny sky blue and night sky blue.Katelyn had light brown-dark blonde hair. She had pale-tan skin and her favorite color is white, sunny sky blue, and dark sky blue. Katelyn was born an abused child. She was beaten 2-5 times a day. She wished for a better life, and when she was almost there, it all came crashing down.Her mom, Sylvanna(sl von a) died a few days after her brothers birth. She was left with her abusive, manipulative dad, John other known as Jeff. Jeff was born with abusive parents. He was mostly raised by his aunt, who was quite nice if you include, spankings,candy, and toys. She sounds good, but she spanked him quite often, once or twice a day. She would quit sometimes but then start again. One day he had to skip school because he cried so much his eyes could barely open. Katelyn didn't like his attitude, because he showed favoritism. He would barely spank Cody. Cody would not gloat though he would always stick up for Katelyn but sometimes when he did he would end up with a bar of soap in his mouth. Katelyn warned him, so he did as she wished. Soon John became worse, and started to smoke. He started the year Katelyn and Cody turned five,2008. They had gotten sick twice, because of soar throat. Cody soon had breathing problems and had to be put on an oxygen machine two times a day. Katelyn soon realized Cody had to hook it up himself, and one day John accidently cut the wire. Cody however didn't notice it and had to go to the hospital. He was in the hospital for two days and soon recovered. He only has to be put on an oxygen machine once a day, and has to take some medication. Katelyn worries John did it on purpose. When she went to school she was also beaten, and bullied. Nobody seemed to like her but Cody. They were like true brothers and sisters. They shared almost everything, clothes sometimes. Once Katy didn't have a lot of money for clothes when they went shopping, so Cody bought her some. They were the perfect two. They told secrets, played, and would never really fight. Cody was her best friend. It pretty much seemed like nothing could tear them apart. John questioned their relationship and soon moved Katelyn into a small room, where she slept on a small baby mattress in a corner. She could never sleep, she was only 5 years old and still needed a nightlight. Since Cody and Katelyn shared a nightlight, John gave it to Cody, as his favorite. It only got worse when Katelyn moved into elementary school. While Cody made A's and B's Katelyn made B's and C's and rarely A's. John soon switched her to home school, where she learned nothing. She would sneak to school in the morning with Cody, it was easy because John never looked for her. She would usually be at a store buying clothes or food for herself. She was lucky most of the stores were close by. One was three houses down. She also bought goods from her neighbor, Mrs.Dayla. Mrs.Dayla always wanted to open a store, so she opened one small store for the neighbors in her house. John however didn't know such thing of the store, but im pretty sure he could care less. She bought clothes that Mrs.Dayla would make or buy. Sometimes Katelyn would even work for her, by handing out flyers and getting it out in the open. Mrs.Dayla soon bought a small house and used it as her store. She named it after herself, Mrs.Dayla's House Of Goods. It wasn't really an official store, like a small only for neighbors store. Katy was an official member of the store. She helped buy stuff and she cleaned up and organized the shelves. She used half of her money to pay for clothes and food, and the other half for more clothes, cloth, and food for the store. She got forty dollars every two weeks. If she took off one week she got only twenty. So everything pretty much seemed good for her, not including her dad is a total jerk. She had a good job, and she was only five, she had a good brother, and she had enough money to buy her food. John just let her buy her own food, he didn't really care if she starved. Katelyn had a dream to make Mrs.Dayla's store an official store, when she got older. Katelyn loved organizing the shelves with pretty colors, and buying new decorations and paint. She liked painting the walls with murals and amusing pictures. She even made a stop motion movie with Mrs.Dayla's camera. It was one hour long and had over a million pictures. It took Katelyn a week including her regular organizing the shelves job. She was good at arts and crafts, so the characters looked unique. They looked like they were made by a child, but your going to expect that from a five year old. She used an old television she bought at goodwill for the people to watch while they shopped. If Mrs.Dayla didn't have cash to give Katy, she would let her get stuff from the shelves, but they all had to add up to twenty dollars. Katy was good at picking items, she got fifteen things. Most of it was for her "survival" So ya things were pretty good for Katy, but would that last??


Katy questioned her luck, her dad hadn't spanked her in over a week. Katy got suspicious. It was winter, year of 2009. The air smelled like maple and oak. The leaves looked like dried flowers. The animals were disappearing and everything seemed normal. Katy had just moved into first grade. She was very smart in her class, in fact one of the smartest ones. She already knew how to divide and multiply in her head. She had to, because of her job. She had become smarter over the summer, Mrs.Dayla took 3 hours out of her day just to teach her. Now that John knew she went to school, he didn't mind it. He was acting suspicious. She made A's and B's. A few days after her birthday, Katy was trying out her new scooter that Mrs.Dayla had bought her. She very much enjoyed it. On her last run when she was going to go in and finish her homework she heard a nerve racking sound. It sounded like a house had just collapsed. The ground shook like thunder. The clouds were gray and it began to seem dark. Katy ran inside when she saw Her brother and Father under a table when she walked into the basement where her room was. She saw there was no room for her under the table. The walls caved in as she tried running towards another table......when she fell to the ground.
It was a few hours later when Katy awoke. Katy had no severe injuries. She walked over towards her brother,Cody and hugged him. She pushed on his stomach as she saw on the movies she had watched. Amazingly he awoke. It was a miracle he had lived, with his breathing problems it is hard to survive something like that. She then approached her dad knowing if he died she would be an orphan. Even though he was mean to her she still had a place in her heart for him. She lay by his side wetting her hands and wiping the dirt off his face. She sat his back onto a rock as she saw him awake. His eyes opened with anger. He pushed her off with a loud roar,"HOW COULD YOU JUST STARE AT ME LIKE THAT! AND WHY IS THERE WATER ON MY FACE , UGH YOU STUPID MUTT!". She felt her heart as a tear dropped down her eye. As it dropped onto the floor she could almost feel the ground thunder. Cody gasped in shock as she stood herself up and ran out the door. She went to go look for Mrs.Dayla. Mrs.Dayla was standing on the ground looking lifeless as Katy saw her take a whiff of air. Katy had not noticed the smell of blood, dirt, and smoke in the air.An ambulance passed by as Katy slowly lifted her arm and waved. At that scene she limped over to Mrs.Dayla. She looked at the ambulance suddenly stop. Her eyes grew watery at the scene. She saw as the doctors came out in their boots stomping over wood. He came by and immediately noticed she was trying to speak. Her voice cleared up as she drank a sip from the bottle of water the doctor had provided. She whispered with a silent squeak,"My f-father and brother are in my house and they are a-almost not alive, and my friend is almost lifeless." The doctor shouted to the van,"I'LL TAKE THIS ONE, YOU GUYS GO TO THAT ONE AND SAVE THE FATHER AND HIS SON!" with that she fell into his arms as he carried her to the truck. She limped into the back seat as she watched them strap Mrs.Dayla to a stretcher. She soon passed out knowing nothing about her father or brother, where they were, when they would come back, or even if they were close by. She awoke to be in a hospital. She was in an oxygen machine. She was all cleaned up with stitches and about three scars and cuts. She was still hurting of course, who wouldn't. Yet she wasn't worried about herself, she was mainly worried about her dad and brother, well lets just say mainly her brother. She wasn't cold hearted though she thought about her dad too. She squealed to a nurse walking through the hall,"N-nurse w-where i-i-is my f-f-family?" The nurse nearly dropped her mouth at the sight. The nurse ran in and Katelyn soon realized she was not a nurse. She was Mrs.Dayla,"Oh sweetie, what happened where is John? Where is Cody, are you okay?". Katy smiled and silently whispered while coughing,"I don't know where they are or if they are even okay, but im glad you are it's just. Where are they?". Mrs.Dayla grinned,"I will go look for them ok?".Katy smiled and nodded her head. Mrs.Dayla walked out of the room, handing Katy a chewy mint. Katy plopped it in her mouth with a pucker. She saw as Mrs.Dayla walked out of the room and a doctor soon came in with a grin. Katy smiled,"I feel better already, well my attitude is. It's just my scratches and cuts kind of hurt." She read his name tag,"Mr.Calloway." He smiled,"Im glad you have a good attitude today then, and thank you for getting my name right. Anyways, your father and brother are ok, and of course you just saw your neighbor. So lets see how your doing. I checked your medical record, you are one healthy girl. Yet you have been to the doctor a lot of times for cuts, scratches, and broken bones, can you explain?"
The room was silent as she thought of an excuse,"Ummmmm,I was in gymnastics..". He had a curious look on his face,"I also looked at your records, I didn't see anything about... gymnastics..." He cleared his face,"Your school must have forgotten I will call and see." She smiled awkwardly as he went to go find a nurse." I then heard Mrs.Dayla come back into the room,"Your dad is next door, room 4B and your brother, 5C, you of course 3A." I smiled,"Thanks, it's nice to know they are still with us." Katy sighed in regret and relief. The next day my family was released. Katy ran out of the room into 4B looking for her brother. He looked at her and a big gigantic white smile came across his face. She ran towards him nearly knocking him into John and hugged him tightly. A tear dropped from her eye as she looked up at her dad's expression. He looked angry, his face was red. She stopped hugging Cody and looked at her dad. He rolled his eyes at her. Katy went to the restroom while John was paying for the bill. She went outside to see only Cody walking out of the door. She ran towards him and returned hugging. She felt a sick feeling when Cody was somehow pulled away. She opened her eyes, to see him getting in the car without her. Cody rushed to her, but John pulled him away. She never knew that, that would probably be the last time she'd ever feel her brother's warm touch while he hugged her. She held out her hand as if she was saying,"Come..back." She ran out of the hospital running towards the car, chasing after it. Cody jumped to the back seat banging on the window shield and she could hear him,"NOO! WHERE ARE WE GOING! WHAT ABOUT SIS! WHAT ABOUT KATELYN! GO BACK GO BACK GO BACK!" She ran as long as she could till Mrs.Dayla came out looking at the car go away. Mrs.Dayla put her hand on Katy's shoulder. Katy wiped her tear, got on her knee's and screamed,"COME BAAAACCCKKKKKKKKKKKK!" Her brother could hear it and started banging more till he was pulled back by John at a stoplight. She couldn't just believe that her one and only brother, that she loved and cared for, was probably gone..forever.


Mrs.Dayla set her hand on her shoulder and sighed,"Im so sorry, come inside i'll make you some soup to get it off your mind, ok?" Katy nodded her head and followed Mrs.Dayla inside. They sat down and starting slurping up soup sip after sip. Katy sighed,"Now im going to be an orphan, aren't I! PLUS im probably NEVER gonna see my BFB BEST FRIEND BROTHER EVER AGAIN!", Katy stated. Mrs.Dayla shifted her lip to the side,"hmm you can Umm stay with me, I have an extra blank bedroom. I mean when I was young I could use it for my child, but I can't have one. I know this is a step further for you as a child, but I've always wanted a child, please give it some thought.",Mrs.Dayla had a desperate look on her face as though she was saying please please please say yes! Katy nodded unsure and finished her soup. Almost everything in her house was burnt so she didn't really have a lot. Yet Mrs.Dayla said they had moved, and they left her stuff, so she could get it back. Mrs.Dayla even made sure by asking the new neighbors. All Katelyn had left was her book bag stuffed with some pencils, a writing journal, a poem book, and her binder with some paper sticking out of it. She had also gotten a few pictures of her and her brother together or maybe just of him. Sometimes just of her or of her dad, maybe sometimes them together when she was a baby. Mrs.Dayla's house was beautifully floored with shined wood and the furniture designed elegantly. The walls painted with murals and colorful designs. The couch laid black with a flat-screen television waiting at the end of the living room. Two recliners, one rocking chair, two couches, and one love seat. All matched the same beautiful design. The couch was of course black with six seats, the rocking chair was wooden with a small pillow tied to the seat and a small knitted blanket on top. The recliners were dark brown, almost black and the right one had a silk cover that laid on the seat. The television was black of course surrounded by two speakers, a play-station three, an Xbox 360 and one black Wii. The play-station laid in a black shelf under the television along with the Xbox and black Wii. Beside the Wii laid two blue handled remotes along with two pink rubber handled remotes. When she arrived at the bedroom there laid a beautiful cover with a design of flowers with blue and purple sewing. Among the curtains laid white with rose petaled handle that kept the curtains back. Underneath the blue and purple designed cover was beautiful, white, silk sheets tucked under the matching pillow cases which were also silk. The drawers were pure white with gold-colored handles that looked awfully like twine. She came inside looking at the soft, white, carpet. She laid her shoes on a wooden rack that on top showed a mural of Katy and Mrs.Dayla, framed with dark, red velvet wood. She sighed, for it was night time, the worst time that ever occurred to Katy. She cried herself to sleep with a weep. In the morning she wrote a note to give to her bully (made and edited by: lpsr123 PS:READ HER BOOKS)
I am the girl you bully at school
I am the girl who doesn't know how to be cool
I am the girl who hid from her fears
I am the girl who was scorned by her peers
I am the girl who cried at night
Saying it will be alright
I am the girl who fell to the ground
I am the girl who cried but never made a sound
I am the girl in the back of class
The one who said words hurt just like glass
I am the girl you broke to parts
But knowing you, this is just a start
I am the girl you wished you never knew
But im just a person, just like YOU
(again credit to lpsr123! please read her books if your reading my series, bloodwolf or even if you like this book)

Starting over

She got up and got her new clothes. She put them on the shelf of the bathroom and then got a towel from the cabinets. She then took a shower and got in her new clothes. She had on a blue spaghetti strapped tank with a black skirt. Her skirt was designed with sky blue hearts and butterflies. Her shoes were black flats with small dark grey sparkles everywhere.On her head laid a black and blue feathered headband. One big feather on a black band that went across her head to both of her ears. Her hair was curled and flowed like a calm ocean. Her eyes shined as she stepped out of the bathroom beautifully. She put her dirty clothes in the laundry and put her old shoes on the rack in her room. She then chose her black, bag shaped book bag with silver glitter on the front spelling out "PEACE". For breakfast she had hash browns, sausage, and eggs. She drank milk. She had on a black pebbled necklace, mixed with many shades of blue. On her ears hung blue and black peace sign earrings that dangled from her ear almost the jack of an ear piece down. Every step she took toward the bus she thought,"They couldn't have moved that far away, could they?" Her arms trembled, letting go of Mrs.Dayla's also known as Gabby). When she got on the bus she had many of stares. Usually she would wear an old T-shirt, some raggedy pants, and some suppose to be white but brown flip flops. Yet today she was nicely dressed, her hair no longer in knots and her clothes beautiful. She looked around for somewhere to sit, everyone scooted, especially the boys. You see she was in first grade. Many boys before never really saw her, because she hid from them and walked to school. In her bag there was fresh smelling packets of paper, a new binder, and three glittery notebooks blue, silver, and violet. She had one packet of glitter pens, blue, red, black, purple, and silver. She also had two packets of number 2# led pencils that were filled with graphite, it also came with two packets of thirty pieces of 0.7 graphite. In the pocket of her book bag was her snack, one green apple and a tiny bottle of water. She also had in her other other hand a shined green apple that had no spots what so ever. She sat down next to a boy in blue jeans. By the look of him his hair was topped in front, like a wave and shorter in the back. He was attracted by other girls, with his hazel eyes. He had on a perfectly fit blue and white stripped shirt with sneakers that were white laced dark blue, and they were Sketchers. He was very clean cut with a white and black book bag. His book bag had black words written on the white background. The pockets were outlined by black sewing. The words would say, "stay strong, believe" or maybe,"you can make it, don't give up". Everything about him was unbelievably positive. His smile was bright as could be with lined up teeth and no gaps. His name was Chase, very well known by teachers, the principle, and of course students. She smiled, teeth bright with no gaps either,"Hello, my name is Katelyn but my friends call me Katy.", she muttered. He focused his attention on her, her beautiful voice caressed him like he was still a baby, being carried by his warm mothers arms. He smiled as she finished her sentence, closing her beautiful smooth lips that shined. He took a moment of silence to look at her then opened his mouth," I have heard of you, on the news, im so sorry about your current loss. My name is Chase, I haven't seen you before other then the news, are you new?" She shifted her soft lips to the side,"Well not exactly, I just had all this going on so I hid from people and stayed quiet, sometimes skipped school.." He blinked twice,"I feel for you, my mother died when I was two, but for some reason you remind me of her." She made her eyes shine and gulped nervously," Is that a bad thing, do i-i need to move?" He shook his head," Nooo not at all! It's a good thing, I don't have a lot of pictures of her." She blushed,"Thanks, anyways how was your mom?" He thought, then spoke," She was kind, beautiful, courageous, and outgoing like you, plus she looks kind of like you." Katy looked up at Chase, her eyes shining in a flattered kind of way. He looked into her eyes after nervously playing with his fingers. They both smiled and Chase thought in his mind,"She is so beautiful, just like my mom. She is soo, I can't even describe it, If I do it's not enough! Her eyes shine and they show innocence. Her hair flows like a calm ocean. Her soft cheeks like two small oranges, but softer and sweeter. Her lips, soft and smooth. She is elegantly dressed, like a flower girl. Her attitude is positive like never before, what is this feeling I have for her. It is like we are made to be best friends, like we were made for each other." While he thought about her, she thought much about him,"His hair is like a soft wave in a ocean. His eyes are so beautiful and shine like a sunset. His skin, so clear, smooth like a baby. He is so handsomely dressed like a prince. He seems so much like my brother, yet looks kind of different." The bus stopped suddenly and people crowded the entrance out of the bus. There was not even an entrance out of the seat, unless you climb or slide under."Come on, he won't see us under the seats.", said Cody with a smile. He slid his and Katy's bookbag under the seats and held her hand,"COME ON!" He tightened his grip and slid under the seat, pushing their bookbags ahead. He and Katy got to the front and pushed their way out of the bus. Then they ran inside, fast walking to their classroom. They dusted off their shirts, pants, or skirts and stretched their arms. Katy flipped her hair back and put her green apple on the teacher's desk with a smile,"Here you go Mr.Souther I washed it myself with cold water." He smiled,"Thank you dear, your seat is next to Chase." She waved to the teacher then sat at her desk."Oh wow this is weird, well in a good way." Chase smiled at her,"Ya, it is." Katy dumped out her stuff and put them neatly into her desk. She set her led pencil case, with all of her pencils, on her desk. Then she laid her book bag on a hanger in the shelf next to her teacher's desk. She sat at her desk as her teacher passed out the names of everyone in the class, also a morning work sheet. Katy waited impenitently to see if her brother was going to be in her class, if he was still in California by now. Finally Mr.Souther pulled up to her desk, but passed it to Chase. Chase then got the extra one and passed it to Katelyn. This was the big moment, the moment where she finds out if her brother is at this school, in her class, out of state, or maybe even alive. She looked at the name list, and Cody wasn't there. She double looked and then cried. Her teacher looked over at her and sighed,"Whats wrong?". Katelyn ran out of the room, running into... her brother.


She hugged Cody as tight as she could and then let go. She then smiled,"YOUR BACK YOUR BACK YOUR BACK!" She hugged Cody again, for she just found what was missing in her life, the big whole in her heart. She had just found.... her stolen voice.


Texte: This book may not be copied, or written by any other writer. Unless they have my permission they may not copy my book.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.09.2012

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To my loving mom and my best friends, lps123,coollps1234r5678, and scooter66137.

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