
The new me

It's my first day as a pack leader, and i found out i need to "name" the wolves in my pack. I also learned i need to give them "jobs". I've decided on all there names. The girls are Zada, Cynthia, Tori, Selena, and Sunny. The boys names are Tony, Jacob, Jarvon, Cody, and Jarred. Jacob and jarred are my guards. Jarvon, Cody, and Tori are Hunters. Zada is my assistant, and Cynthia, Selena, Sunny, and Tony are my Construction Workers.
It's my second day at being a pack leader and the pack gave ME a name, Angelica (Angel for short). Our pack territory is amazing, it's the best one in Slough Creek. The other packs are
getting really mad.... I just hope they don't get too mad.
It's been a month and the other packs are getting angry. I almost died once, good thing i am strong. I haven't been drinking blood for up to 1 year and my stomach really hurts. If they find out im so dead. I told all of them to go off and help the hunters because we are having a feast tomorrow night. Good thing it's full moon tomorrow. Now im on my way to find some fresh elk's blood. I hope there are already dead ones. I don't want to hunt, im too weak from the fight yesterday with the other pack.
It takes two days to find food for a feast and to find a dead elk. I can't find any and im getting weak. I don't know if i will make it. The new season is coming in (spring) that is when all the elks come out. I guess i will have to wait some more. I went back to our pack territory and the feast was HUGE. I guess i should have stayed to get the blood from the feast...... Anyways, they brought back three family's of elk and some fruits. Man, i forgot some of those werewolves drink blood too. They served fresh blood and man it was good! I hope every full moon is like this or better. I am full of energy and im feeling awesome.
The next day I looked different. It turns out the pack gave me a new look. I look amazing, i have the cutest bear claw necklace and they dyed part of my fur. I guess having a pack is a good thing. I eat good every full moon, they give me super cute makeovers. They used blackberry's to make the dye. They said i already had the bear claw in my den. They even made my den look amazing. They made the flooring out of buckskin, and a blanket out of hare (rabbit) skin. They also decorated the outside of my den with berry paint and flowers. It was the most beautiful mural i have ever seen. They also made me more berry dye for my fur and some more outfits. They made bear claw necklaces and even buckskin coats.

Who's he?

The next day Jarred said he has a friend that wants to join the pack. He said he is very intelligent and his old pack name was Duke. I needed another hunter anyways.
Jarred got Duke come over and he is so cute! Yet i swore never to fully trust anyone again. Maybe the outside doesn't matter, he might just be a cute jerk. The next day i broke my paw getting out of my den and Duke helped me, everyone else was asleep. I can't trust him though, can i? I'm loosing it, i vowed not to. Should i kick him out of the pack? I have no idea. I think i should... but what if i regret it. I wish i could make up my mind.
Spring is here and i am getting weak, the hunters are having problems. The hunters are out and if they get caught they will be eaten. They were still trying but i told them it was okay to stop. They didn't listen and Duke got taken away. I hope he is okay... as in he's my friend. I don't like him or anything... do i?


Duke finally escaped from the hunters but he has a broken paw and he has fractured his neck. I feel so bad for him. Sunny collected herbs from the forest and i helped his paw. He hasn't been talking a lot but when he does it's usually with me. He never talks to anyone else but me, only sometimes. When i went into his den i noticed his den was empty because he hasn't been able to collect or hunt. When he saw me his eyes lit up and he said he knew his den was empty. I was amazed how he nearly read my mind. I wondered how he did it and i noticed how bad his paw was broken. He tripped on his way out of his den when he was feeling better. I went to his bed and sat down by him. I encouraged him to not give up and i looked into his eyes. The room was quiet, and he looked at me back. I was panicking and i didn't know what to do. When i finally calmed myself down and opened my eyes he was slowly leaning into me. Sunny then came into the room and rudely interrupted. She saw us look at her and she slowly backed out. It was so awkward and i regret saying it but i said i needed to go.
The next day i remembered my vow and i kept trying to forget last night. His paw is healing and Sunny is getting jealous of him and i. I know this by the way she looked at me. She was all over him when i walked into the room. She looked at me and forced him to kiss her. I soon realized he was asleep and i pushed her off of him. She was forced to either be decapitated or life in jail. She chose to be decapitated. She thought she would still be alive afterwards. I guess she wasn't all that smart. The Constructive team built a hut to put Sunny's head in. Just because her name is Sunny doesn't mean she is that bright (smart). Duke thanked me and when nobody was looking he leaned in slowly. I didn't know what to do. Should i push him away? Im panicking what should i.....
He then kissed me and i was panicking at first but it calmed me down. I never knew what a kiss felt like, especially on the mouth. Wait, what about me as a bloodwolf! What do i do know! I just doomed the whole secret! I broke my own promise!


Selena saw us and told everyone to come look. We had no idea they were watching because we were closing our eyes. I was so embarrassed but it seems that Duke wasn't. What if this is just a plan to gain my trust then kill me! I didn't know what to do so i just looked at Duke and ran off. Once he saw the look on my face i could tell he knew what i was thinking. What if it wasn't a trap and i just doomed our whole relationship. Man im really full of regret right now. I am the pack leader, im not suppose to fall in love with the other wolves in my pack. What if they make me choose, Duke or the pack. I am shaking right now and i don't want to loose Duke yet i don't want to loose the pack. Wait what if he knows my secret and tells the pack. Man i really need to think these things through. I guess im going to have to move away from the pack in the middle of the night, they won't notice me then. What about them though, they will be devastated and have to go back to Rodessa. I have to make a decision now, if i don't make the right one i will regret it for the rest of my life.
The following day Selena came over to me, i thought she was going to quit the pack. I was very much wrong because she came over to hug me. I was sitting there in confusion but she said the pack is happy for me to be the leader. I was happy i wasn't going to regret anything. Tori then came into the room and joined Selena and I. Tori said she was getting married to Tony. I was happy for them then Tony came into the room. We talked for hours but then it was time to sleep. Almost a week later when everything was boring, Tori had Twins. They were both girls. They were nice at first but that all changed 4 months after their birth. One of them named Shimmer was very nice but her sister, Scarlet was horrible. She'd pull pranks on her sister and even on Selena and Zada. When it was hunting day Zada paired me up with Scarlet. I was so disappointed i hoped to be with Duke.

Why me?!

I didn't really want to go hunting with Scarlet but i guess i have to. On the way to the hunting territory, Scarlet tripped me five times and nearly made me throw up by "accidently" Hitting me in the stomach with a log. I really hate being her hunting part for the whole month. Maybe i will break my paw and be able to not hunt. Im hoping that happens so i could be put out of my misery. It is so hot now that it is spring. The good thing is that it always smells like Lilly's and roses. My favorite flowers are roses, my name is Rose also. My least favorite thing though is hunting with Scarlet. It's been three days hunting with Scarlet, i feel sick and i think i fractured my paw. We caught twenty eight elks, fifteen cow elks, and thirty coyote's. Scarlet used me as bait for the coyote's. It's feast night and i feel sick, so i couldn't eat. Some of the other wolves saved food for me. I've been in bed for up to three days, only drinking blood. Scarlet broke my front paws and fractured one of my back paws. It will take three months for them all to heal. Duke has been taking care of me with the help of Zada. The pack has more wolves, the new population is fifty eight. Yet i didn't want there to be any lonewolves. I hear at the other pack a girl wolf named Sparky is a lonewolf and treats her like dirt. My paws are feeling better and so is my stomach. It's the middle of spring so it's raining a lot. It always smells humid after it rains. We're not having any luck with the remaining hunters. Since it is raining a lot the scent is hard to find. We haven't had a feast in a whole month. I can finally eat now and my paw is completely healed. I told them i would go hunting myself and bring a feast, i promised. I never break my promises, plus i have an advantage because of my nose. Duke offered to help me, i thought that way we could talk more so i said yes. There aren't a lot of elk now that it is raining. I found out where they were hiding though. Duke and i brought the pack Five family's of elk. It took a lot of hard work, at least eight of the elk hoofed me in the stomach. Im still eating though, it took four days to hunt so of course im eating. When we got back it smelled like coyote. Turns out the pack went on their own and brought back some coyote. It was the biggest feast we have ever had, we enjoyed it alright. Scarlet wanted more food so she clawed my stomach. I was still eating so in the middle of the night she punched my stomach and told them it was an accident. ACCIDENT MY BUTT LITTLE GIRL! i wanted to scream at her but she is only a child. I still eat, a few. My stomach is hurt badly, yet im still going strong. I don't want to give up on my pack. Im hoping they don't notice my teeth. My teeth are pointed, yet there teeth are rounded. I never really smile, only when Duke is around. The following day Scarlet got tired of me and slashed my paw open, cut my stomach, and clawed down my back with her sharpest claw. MAN I FELT LIKE KILLING HER! I can't though, if i did i would not be able to be pack leader anymore. I never really see Duke smile, he is like me. What if he was one of my species, hahaahahahahaha. That couldn't be possible.

Liars don't win easily

One week after Scarlet nearly killed me she did it again. This time it was worse. She slashed my stomach, back, and my paw. I felt like banning her. The whole pack was tired of her. She was even like Rodessa. Wait, Scarlet doesn't even like the pack. She is old enough to be banned. I could send her to Rodessa's pack! Tori and Tony seem to agree with me. I finally told the whole pack and Scarlet. I told her to be out by Morning. She wasn't going to leave without a fight so she then tackled me and clawed me. She was old enough so i grabbed her by the neck with my teeth and threw her across our territory. I then pinned her and bit her neck. She started to squeal and i threw her into the pond. The pack was amazed, she then squealed, got her things, and left. I never saw her again but Rodessa came into my pack and thanked me. I was happy too and i asked if our packs could be friends. She said she would talk to her dad about that, she also said sorry for biting my stomach. I should have never trusted her because the next day she took me to her pack. I thought it was to sign the peace treaty, but i was wrong. She took me up to what i thought was a rock because i was so far away . Yet when i walked up it was a stone. I saw a title, but by the time i finished reading I was chained down. Soon Rodessa's pack came to watch. I screamed for my pack, but they could never hear me. She announced that i would going to be decapitated and my body would be eaten by her. I screamed again, and this time Duke heard me. Duke ran up to the pack and pushed Rodessa off the stone. He then clawed her stomach and broke her paw. He then unchained me and carried me off to the pack. He then leaned in slowly and whispered something into my ear. He said, I.......

To be continued

i have to make the new book later.... Keep reading though!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.06.2012

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