

It was the kind of dead silence that comes after a bloody battle, with the occasional moans of the dying and the thick smell of death that permeated the air. One flag hung ragged, ripped and blood splattered, it had gold trim with a setting sun against a blood red field, belonging to the once proud race of the Gazle desert, they were called the Bazle. The other flag was upright and hung with victory. It was on a green and silver field with a silver crown set in the middle surrounded by two tall evergreen trees and swords on top and bottom. This flag belongs to the wonderful race of Denmarians who owned the land of Denmare where the Gazle desert is located. This battle will soon be known as the “Gathering of Slaves.”
Out on the bloody field; one woman who knew that she didn’t have long to live looked desperately for her beloved husband. She chose him before her people and knew that this was all her fault. The smelly stench that came from her abdomen told her that she didn’t have much time. She wouldn’t be able to heal the gash even if she had the strength to do so. She heard a faint cough and turned to it and seeing her beloved Dmitri in the sand, stained red with his blood. He looked at her and smiled painfully.
“I guess we lost, my Queen.” He whispered.
She dragged herself toward him and saw that he was dying from the slash in his side, “I’m so sorry. This is my fault.” She choked.
Dmitri placed a hand on her cheek, “No it isn’t Zenna. Our people will find a way to recover.” He closed his eyes and took his last breath.
“I think not. That’s the reason I set the curse in place.” A clear voice rang above them. Ephraim looked down at them with disgust and triumph.
“Ephraim, you monster! You did all this just to hurt me?” Zenna cried and her vision was starting to fade.
“Yes I did Zenna. If only you had made the right choice and picked me all of this could have been avoided. I did love you.”
“You only loved my power and beauty.”
“You might be right about that,” he stated as he inspected his fingernails, “but that doesn’t matter anymore. Before you die I have a special curse just for you.” He reached down quick as a weasel and yanked off the hope and power of her people. The Star of Gazle. “You will not be joining your beloved Dmitri just yet. I will seal your soul and all of your descendants into the star, to be eternally separated from the ones you love.” He laughed evilly.
“No,” she breathed as her vision turned black.

“Presenting the Sorcerer Ephraim Lord of Calisbury.” The herald announced to King Jacob and Queen Nora in the capital of Darji, waiting to hear the news of the battle.
“You’re Majesties.” Ephraim bowed low, “I have just returned from the battle field and would like to present a gift I found there.” Ephraim pulled from his satin pocket the Star of Gazle. It was a silver eight-pointed star with every second point longer. In the center was a beautiful white diamond with a small swirl of light purple. Then he went on to explain all that had happened.
“Oh Jacob it was so beautiful.” Queen Nora whispered to her husband that night.
“Would you like to have it for our anniversary?” The King asked. The queen nodded and hugged him. From then on the Star of Gazle was passed down the Denmarian royal line to the crown prince to give to the queen of his heart. Soon the Star of Gazle lost that title and soon became known as the King’s Heart.

The one to break the curse of the evil sorcerer Ephraim is the descendant of the Queen Zenna, the last Queen of the Bazle. The one will ride the desert and hold the Star of Gazle, stolen decades ago. The curse shall not affect the descendant who will be born noble from both races.

Chapter One: 300 years later

“Get them!” A thunderous voice yelled at the two female figures running ahead of him. Sir Charles of Gadsdale had been looking for the older one, Lana, for almost sixteen years and he wasn’t going to let her get away. The King had personally asked Charles to do this and Charles would do whatever it took to catch her. He didn’t know who the little one was but she wasn’t his concern.
Kally had never been this afraid in her fourteen years of life as she ran through the dark, dank alleys of Eagles Peak like a rat through a maze. All she knew was that her mother, Riana, had been acting weird in town ever since a very old woman called Riana, “Lana.” in public and that had been three days ago on Kally’s birthday. Kally almost collapsed when she saw the horses in view. Desert Dancer, her beautiful palomino mare, and Black Mage, Riana’s black stallion, jerked their heads up in surprise.
“Untie yourselves and hurry!” Riana yelled as Kally saw her mother’s rosemary horse Talent. The horses yanked their reins loose and trotted through the small crowd of people.
“Curse it! They have horses!” Charles deafening voice yelled in outrage as Riana and Kylie swung unto the still moving horses.
“Run!” Riana yelled and they jumped into a gallop.
“After them!” Charles turned quickly and ran to the stables with his men at his heels.
“Mother? What’s going on?” Kally yelled over the hoof beats.
“I’m so sorry Kally! I didn’t think that they would still be after me all these years.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’ll explain later but right now we have to pack.”
“Yes, we’re leaving. It’s too dangerous to stay now.” They reached the houses thirty minutes later and the horses stopped and relaxed but they knew that they couldn’t relax for long, “Run and get Time Bandit.”
Kally rushed toward the small lean-to that the horses used for a shelter and hoped that he would be there. All three horses had come to them from running away from their previous owners or from the wild. The horses could come and go as they pleased but when either Kally or Riana called them they would come running. Riana was a horse whisperer, which meant that she could talk and heal horses. Kally saw Bandit a little ways from the lean-to grazing, “Bandit! Come!” The painted gelding lifted his head and trotted toward her. Kally led him to the other horses and found two saddles bags waiting for her. She tied to two bags to one side of Bandit as her mother came out and tied the other two bags to the other side. Then they both mounted and the horse took off at a gallop with Bandit following.
Kally looked over at her mother and saw her emerald amulet swinging free mixing with Riana’s blonde hair. Kally also noticed that Riana’s pale skin was death white. ‘Why are those people chasing us? And why is mother so scared? She’s the one with the pale skin and blond hair, they shouldn’t be chasing her.’

the amulet glinted in the setting sun, ‘It must have fallen out when she was packing . . . She never takes it off not even when she bathes.’

Kally looked at her tanned hands mixed in with Dancer’s milky white mane. Kally always felt different from everyone and was even sometimes teased because of her olive brown skin and midnight black hair. Another thing that Kally wished she could change was her Talent. Her Talent was that she had the power to heal people (and not very well) and do other things but the only spell she knew was to hold a fireball in her palm. She also had a little bit of a Seeing Talent, which was how she could see the color of the people who had magic.
“Mother?” Kally called to Riana, “Are we ever coming back?”
Riana looked at her darling daughter and regretted not telling her the truth, “No honey. We can’t go back. Ever.” Then Riana concentrated on healing the horses’ exhaustion to make them stay at the same pace. Riana would die first before they got Kally.
Kally saw that her mother used her magic to heal the horses and she yelled over to her, “Mother, maybe I could heal you so you won’t get tired as fast?” Riana nodded and Kally reached inside herself and found her lilac colored Talent. She then stretched it towards she mother and healed her exhaustion. After about three hours they finally stopped to rest the horses.

“Sir, the scouts have picked up their trail, should we follow?” The 2nd in command of the King’s Knights asked. Sir Charles nodded, “and what of the house?” he added.
Charles looked at the small house with hard hazel eyes and sighed, knowing what needed to be done, “Burn it and then return to Darji and tell the King that we’ll be there soon with the runaway.”
“Yes sir.” The 2nd in command turned his horse and gave order to the rest of the group. Half the group left with Charles to follow the runaway slave.

“Why did we have to run away from those men?” Kally finally asked as they rested. The hot sun had set and they where resting for the night.
“Kally . . . I really don’t know how to explain this to you . . .” Riana couldn’t think of a way to explain as she fingered her amulet and then it came to her, “But I can show you.” She took off her amulet that she had worn for fifteen years.
Kally couldn’t believe what was happening. Her mother started changing color! Riana’s beautiful blonde locks turn a silken black and her pale skin turned to a shade a little darker than Kally’s. “W-w-what?”
“I’m sorry Kally. That I didn’t tell you before when I should have.” Riana took a deep breath, “Before you where born I was sold to the King of Denmare to work at his royal stables but I refused to be sold so I ran away.”
“Yes, sold. Kally…before you were born I had been a slave my whole life. I’m a Bazle born in slavery but I’m hoping that I can seek refuge in the Gazle Desert, if not there then we‘ll go to Sandra.” Riana said changing the subject as she put her amulet back on and she changed back, “The amulet must be losing its power.” She whispered to herself.
“Gazle Desert?” Kally didn’t know where that was.
“The Gazle Desert is where the hiding Bazle dwell,” Riana laid down next to her daughter as she closed her eyes she murmured, “but it’s strange.”
“What’s strange?” Kally was getting tired.
“As far as I can remember Denmare had taken Bazle as slaves. There’s not even a declaration that says that you can have them as slaves. If you ask why, no one would know why. As history used to state, we used to live in harmony with them. I don’t know why we don’t now.” Kally nodded, half listening as she drifted off to sleep.

Kally felt someone tap her shoulder and she screamed and opened her eyes. Her scream stopped short when she saw that Riana covered Kally’s mouth and signaled her to be quiet. Riana looked drained but she pointed to the already saddled horses. Kally got up quietly and heard at a distance the thundering of hoof beats. The Kings Knights where getting closer. Both of them mounted the horses and they where off but not as fast as yesterday.
Another hour of hard riding the King’s Knights saw at a distance three horses and two women, resting. The Knight’s kicked their horses into a faster gait and Charles yelled, “STOP IN THE NAME OF KING CYRUS!” Charles knew that the women couldn’t escape, he was to close and he wouldn’t stop until he captured her.
Kally heard noises and saw that the bands of the King’s Knights were coming toward them and fast. They had just stopped to water the horses and both animals and humans were worn-out. Kally told her mother and they where off once again.
“Don’t even think of using your Talent Kally you might fall of Dancer. I’m fine, I can handle it.” Riana called to Kally because she could tell that Kally was worried about her. All the horses were very tense and drenched in sweat. Black Mage and the other horses could tell that their mistresses where afraid. Riana knew that if she used any more of her magic she would fall but she didn’t want the Knights to catch Kally. Kally had never been a slave or servant, she was raised to think and stand up for herself and choose what she did and didn’t want to do. So Riana gathered up all the magic she had left, which wasn’t much, she gave it to the horses to make them go faster.
“Mother! NO!” Kally yelled in horror when she saw her Mother slide from her saddle. Kally stopped Dancer and dismounted, running frantically to her mother’s side.
“Go Kally… go on without me.” Riana’s voice was a faint whisper and Kally knew she would faint any second.
“I can’t leave you here! They will catch you.” Kally’s voice was shaking with fear.
“Let them, at least I’ll know that you will be able to live freely . . .” Then Riana closed her brown eyes and passed out. Kally couldn’t leave her mother, she just couldn’t, and she had no idea what to do so she cried over her mother, as the King’s Knights got closer.
All of a sudden the riders stopped and Charles was relieved that they caught them before they reached the Gazle Desert. When the group finally caught up they where surprised to find a weeping girl and a sleeping woman that looked very familiar to Charles. There had been a description of her yes but there was something about her that he couldn’t quite place. Charles put that thought to the back of his mind and sighed knowing what he had to do, “Bring the girl to me and tie the women up.” The king knew that Charles didn’t like this kind of thing but he also knew that Charles would bring the slave back to him.
Two men dismounted with rope in their hands. One grabbed the girl from behind, pulling her up. Kally felt the two strong hands grab her and three years of training took over. She kicked backwards; the unsuspecting man let go of her. She twirled and tried to run back to her mother since another knight was tying her hands, “Leave her alone!” She yelled and lunged but another knight had grabbed her and kept out of kicking distance and dragged her to Charles.
Kally was brought to a man with brown-blonde hair and hard hazel eyes. His skin was tanned from working in all elements, “Who are you and why are you traveling with this runaway slave?”
“Who I am and why I’m traveling with my mother is none of your business! Let us GO!” She demanded as she struggled to get free of the hands that held her.
Everyone was shocked that this little girl thought that she could command Sir Charles and get away with it. The knight that held her yelled, raised his hand ready to smack her, “why you little-”
“Wait!” Charles commanded and everyone turned his or her eyes to him. Charles quietly dismounted and walked over to her. He was amused at this girl but a twinge angry because she thought she could give him an order, “Release her.” He told the knight.
“You would question me too?” Charles asked sharply and the knight released her. Kally wasn’t sure what was happening so she stayed where she was, “I’m curious,” Charles started, “If I did let your mother and you go, how would you leave with your mother unconscious. You are too little to lift her onto a horse.” Kally was silent. She had no idea how she was going to move her mother. Her silence answered Charles’s question, “I thought as much. And one other thing-,” He slapped her and she fell not because he had hit her hard just that she was caught off guard, “Don’t ever command someone who is a higher rank than you. You say that this is you mother and I’m pretty sure that you won’t leave her behind so you’ll be coming with us. You have Bazle blood in you so you’ll make a good slave. Tie her up.” With that Charles turned away from her and the knight next to her. As he mounted he gave the others orders, “Gather up the other horses and put her on one. Keep them; they’ll be good horses for the King . . .” He gave them more orders but Kally wasn’t listening as her hands where being tied together, she hated the sharp bite of the rope. She was so angry and the ropes suddenly gave her a sense of loss like she was losing something she took lightly for. Something inside her screamed out that it wasn’t right for this to be happening. After her hands were tied she was lead to Dancer who’s reins where tied to a squire’s saddle. He sneered at her and Kally knew that this wasn’t going to be pleasant. The knight turned toward her to give her a boost but she wouldn’t let him.
“I can do it myself.” Kally growled. Her growl caught the attention of the other men and they stopped and looked at her. Kally faced Dancer’s side and reached up and grabbed the saddle horn and some of Dancer’s mane. Sensing that her mistress’s was determined Dancer stood dead still. Kally knew she could do it but it would be difficult since her hands where tied but she jumped and pulled her self up. From her horse she could see that some of the knights where trying to hide their awe and others shook their heads thinking that she was going to be too proud to be a good slave. As she looked around she saw a knight mount and another one handing Riana up to him. Kally clenched her teeth until they ached because she wanted to yell, “Get away from her!” Kally knew that she couldn’t do anything because she didn’t want to be slapped or worse. If they'd hurt her mother because of her she would feel bad, but her anger rose anyway. Charles gave the signal and they headed at a trot south, toward Darji, the capital of Denmare.

Two days had passed and Riana was still sleeping but at least she didn’t look sick like she did the first day. The knight that rode with her took care of her well enough so Kally didn’t say anything. Kally’s journey was far from tolerable; the squire that Dancer was tied to always pestered her. He would tease her, order her around, trip her, even scare Dancer and when they where eating he would knock the bread out of her hand and if she was drinking he’d yank on the ropes to make the water spill everywhere. Kally hardly slept because she was afraid that he would do something. Sometimes Charles would catch him teasing her and would give him a stern look and the squire would stop for a while until Charles wasn’t looking but Kally couldn’t muster a thank you.
On day three, Riana was still sleeping and Kally was fed up with the squire. He yanked her ropes sharply and she spilled all her food onto the ground and just as she was about to pick it up he stepped on it. She growled and gave him an evil look then quicker than the squire’s eyes could follow she punch him square in the nose with both hands. He fell from shock of the blow and he looked at her with disbelieving eyes then outrage. He was so furious that he charged her without thinking and she was ready for him. When he got close enough she dodged him and tripped him making him stumble over his own feet. The Knight’s around them where too shocked to move at first; how could this girl first tell off the Commander and then make a fool of a 2nd year squire who had two years left of becoming a knight.
Charles came then and Kally didn’t even care when he slapped her again and scolded her for the outrageous behavior. After he was done talking to her he scolded the Squire as well and sent him to get his noise healed by one of the other knights. As Charles ordered them to make camp he couldn’t stop thinking of the two women, ‘One causes me too much trouble and they both remind me of a person. I can’t place it but when that slave wakes up she had some answering to do.’

The knights went to work on setting up the camp but couldn’t quite stop talking about the girl. In the evening Kally got a surprise, her mother had woken up. Her hands where untied and both of them where escorted to Sir Charles. Charles looked at them both for a minute before talking.
“Do I know you for somewhere? You look very familiar.”
“You might have seen me around Eagles Peak milord.” Riana responded meekly.
“What is your alias name and what is your daughter’s name?”
“If you would beg my pardon milord but it isn’t my alias name. I have chosen this name: Riana Zennell and my daughter is Kally Zennell who is fourteen years old.” Riana hesitated for a moment before speaking again, “I will go with you willingly and I won’t give you anymore trouble if you would let my daughter go free. She’s isn’t and has never been a slave.”
Charles scoffed, “I could have guessed that. Do you know what she’s done since you’ve been asleep?” Riana’s eyes widened, excepting the worse, “No? I thought not. She commanded me to let you both go and later she punched a second year squire and broke his noise.”
Riana gasped and looked sharply down at her daughter. Riana shook she head in disapproval and looked back at Charles, “I understand.”
Charles looked at her silently for one more moment. She looked so familiar but he knew he hadn’t ever met her. Riana smiled inside knowing exactly why he thought he knew her but refused to say. Thinking it was too late to do anything about it and she wanted him to find out by himself. Finally he shook his head in frustration and waved his hand, “Get out of my sight!”
“Yes milord. I won’t bother you in this matter again.” Riana bowed and made Kally bow as well then they left together. Riana and Kally where giving permission to sleep together. Before going to bed Riana scolded her daughter but saw how distraught her daughter was stopped and hugged her. Kally cried in her arms and told her what happened until twilight.
Charles fell asleep still thinking what to do with the two slaves. . ‘I don’t think that she’ll try to escape. It’s almost like she’s accepted her fate. But she really doesn’t want her daughter, Kally to become a slave. I can understand why, that girl has no idea how to treat the upper class and that can get her into serious trouble.’

Chapter Two

Kally sat up and rubbed her back, feeling the stiffness that came from lying on the ground. She turned to wake her mother up and gasped in surprise. Her mother was dark skinned like when she took off her amulet. Kally rubbed her eyes and looked again. Seeing her pale skinned blonde haired mother once again, gently Kally woke her mother up and stood up. She shook out her hands and looked at them. Her knuckles were a bit red. She thought that she should heal them but decided against it. Kally wasn’t that good at healing to begin with. The only thing that she did very well was heal exhaustion or tiredness from a person. Beyond that Kally didn’t have a good control on her Talent. She didn’t want to mess up anything in her hands just to get ride of the bruises on her knuckles.
Riana saw Kally shake her hand and she shook her head, “You shouldn’t have done that Kally. No matter how much he bothered you.”
“Why not? You always said to stick up for myself and I-,”
“Not with a Noble!” Riana said sharply. Kally looked away for her mother, not wanting Riana to see the hurt on her face. Her mother hardly ever snapped at her. Riana sighed and touched Kally’s shoulder, “It’s just not the same Kally. Nobles are different and I’m sorry for not teaching you the difference. But you must learn now. Never order a noble and never strike a noble. You are very lucky that all Sir Charles did was slap you. Others would have done worse.”
“You’re mother’s right.” Charles had walked up toward them without either of the ladies knowing, “Many would do worse.”
“Good morning milord.” Riana bowed. Kally looked away from him not even acknowledging him, “From the both of us.” Riana added.
Charles looked at Kally them turned to Riana, “We are leaving soon. I will let you both ride untied,” Charles saw the glimpse of hope in the young girls eyes, “but if you try to escape you will be whipped and have to walk to Darji.” When Charles saw Kally’s eyes turn defiant he thought of someone he knew long ago but didn’t let it show.
“Yes sir, thank you.” Riana answered and bowed again when Charles left, “Come on Kally, let’s pack up.”
Riana was able to ride Black Mage because when the other knights tried to ride him he bucked them off. Under Riana he was very obedient. Kally rode Dancer like before and as they where riding Riana saw that Kally looked confused about what they where talking about earlier. “Kally would you like me to tell you a story to pass the time?” Kally shrugged and Riana took it as a yes. “This might help you understand why I told you those things before. This story starts when I was a little older than you. In this story of my past I’ll use my old name, Lana, because that is who I was back then. My Master’s name was Rubus at the time. He was a horse merchant that sold horses to Eagles Peak. He didn’t know that I was a horse whisperer yet and an old woman taught me how to heal horses, she was the old woman that gave away my name by accident. Anyway, this story starts when I was helping Rubus with trying to sell horses to The Lord of Eagles Peak . . .”
Kally perked up when Riana said the story was about her. Her mother never told Kally anything about her past or about her father for that matter. Riana sighed and started her story . . .

Lana stood in the courtyard of Eagles Peak silently by the horses waiting for her Master’s orders. Suddenly the gates opened and a young man came galloping on a dapple-gray gelding. He stopped the horse and dismounted in front of the Lord. He held the gelding’s reins.
“Sorry I’m late Uncle. Ash wanted me to take him for a ride.” He patted the gray on the shoulder with a smile that reached his bright hazel eyes. His light brown hair was mussed up from the wind.
“It’s alright. Now that you are here I would like to introduce you to Merchant Rubus. He’s kindly letting me pick a horse from this lot. Merchant Rubus this is my nephew and heir, Sir Henry of Eagles Peak. He will be taking over for me soon.”
“Hopefully not too soon Uncle,” Henry laughed and shook hands with Rubus after a formal bow.
Lana was standing away from the Denmarians and looked into the gelding’s brown eyes. She smiled from the corner of her mouth and reached out to the gelding, touching his mind.‘Hello.’


the horse replied in a grandfather voice, ‘who are you?’
‘My name is Lana and you are?’
‘Ash, soon I’ll be retired to the pastures spending my time getting fatter and fatter while my young Master picks a new steed.’
‘I’m sorry! I didn’t know.’

Ash nickered softly, ‘Do not worry. I have been with my master for almost twenty years; ever since I was a yearling.’
‘Well, hopefully your Master picks the right one,’

Lana eyed Henry as he inspected a filly. Lana knew that the filly was a wrong choice. She was very young and not trained for hard riding. Ash looked over to his master then looked at Lana.
‘I think that he would be interested in meeting you.’

Ash said happily and managed to yank his reins out of a servant’s hands and trot neatly over to her, head raised high. This caught the attention of everyone, including Henry’s.
‘No stop!’

’ Lana cried out with her Talent. He stopped and looked straight at her, as did every other horse in the courtyard.
‘What is it?’
‘Your Master won’t want to meet me. I am a lower class, a slave!’
‘Humans are confusing.’

Ash snorted and shook his head confused. Henry made his way toward Ash trying to calm him down. He looked at Lana like he was seeing her for the first time. He straightened and said to her in a smooth voice, “I’m sorry if my horse scared you. He is usually very calm. Did he frighten you?”
Lana could feel all the eyes watching her and she did not even have to courage to look up. She stuttered and shook her head, “n-no my lord he did not.”
“What’s your name?” Henry asked stroking Ash’s cheek. Ash was looking intently at the young woman and that caught Henry’s attention.
Rubus interrupted Lana before she could answer, “I’m so sorry my lord. Don’t give this slave any attention. She’s just here to handle the horses.” Rubus shoved Lana aside and smiled at Sir Henry. Henry’s jaw clenched when he saw Lana stumble but he didn’t say anything. He knew all about how most people treated slaves. He himself had friends and family that owned slaves. His Uncle had many that worked his fields; some of the people that worked in the manor where servants that where paid if only a little bit.
“She doesn’t look like she can handle horses very well,” Henry’s Uncle stated. Rubus bowed his head.
“She might not seem like it milord but she has a way with horses. They seem to be calm around her.”
“Well, let’s not just stand here talking about some slave let’s let my nephew pick a horse. Now Merchant Rubus I would like you to appraise a young filly of mine. I need to know how much she’s worth before I get her to breed.” Uncle stated with a boisterous laugh. Both men started walking off to the stables. Henry nodded to them as a goodbye and saw at the corner of his eye that the girl had tired to blend in with the horses. As his uncle and Merchant Rubus walked away, talking about the filly Henry silently walked away from them and toward the girl.
Lana was silently stroking one of the horses with her back to the Denmarians that she didn’t see Henry come up to her. She jumped when he spoke to her.
“Are you really the one that takes care of all these horses?”
“Y-yes milord.” Lana bowed and kept her eyes away from Henry’s.
“This one has a lovely color.” Henry stroked the strawberry roan’s cheek, as it smelled him. Lana smiled when she heard the other horses complain that they weren’t getting attention. Henry saw her small smile and smiled a little, quietly to himself, “How old is this one?” He asked her about another horse. This one was a sorrel brown. She straightened herself and looked at him like she wasn’t sure whom he was talking to. Henry looked at her and waited patiently until she remembered. He was about to ask again when she finally spoke up.
“She is about four, milord and expecting a foal very soon.”
Henry looked down at the pregnant mare’s belly and saw the she was right. Henry soon realized that he still didn’t know the name of the Bazle girl. He straightened and looked at her again, “You never did tell me your name.”
“Me?” She squeaked stepping back. He smiled a nodded kindly and she relaxed and finally told him, “I’m Lana if it pleases you my lord.”
“Lana,” He smiled at her name, “would you help me pick the perfect steed?”
Lana gulped not sure what to do but knew she couldn’t refuse so she nodded. Henry brightened at that and asked her opinion on what horse would fit him best.
Lana and Henry spent at least an hour together, going to each horse. Lana would tell him about each one like the horse was a family member not an animal. In between Henry would try to ask questions about Lana herself. How old she was? Where were her parents? Did they work for Rubus too? How did she get so good with horses? How did she know so much about them? Lana answered some of the question but not in great detail especially about the horses. She kept looking at Henry like he was crazy each time he asked her a new question. It made her feel something that Lana couldn’t quite put to words.
Finally Henry found a beautiful dun colored gelding with a gentle temperament. Lana and Henry were talking about the gelding when Henry’s uncle and Rubus came back. Lana fell silent looking at the ground holding the gelding’s lead. The gelding leaned his head on Lana’s shoulder feeling her discomfort.
“Is this your choice Henry?” The lord asked. He looked over the gelding with expert hands, totally ignoring Lana. When he was done he smiled with satisfaction, “A very good choice Nephew.” Henry bowed to his uncle with a smile on his face.
“Thank you my lord.” Henry glanced at Lana but she was still looking down. Something about this girl made Henry want to help her. He looked back at his Uncle, “My lord may I have a favor? You as well Master Rubus?” Both men looked at each other then back at Henry. Both of them nodded curious of what Henry wanted to ask. “I would like to ask you Merchant Rubus if you would let me borrow this girl for awhile,” Henry glanced at Lana and saw that she stiffened with fear, “I will need help with training my new horse.” He clarified.
“Henry we already have trainers that can help you with that. Do you want to insult them by bringing in a slave girl?” The lord of Eagles Peak asked with underlining anger.
“I know that we have trainers Uncle and I would never wish to insult them but I wish to train the horse myself. This girl has been around the horse and knows it better than I. You would be compensated of course Merchant Rubus,” Henry inclined his head. When money was mentioned Rubus answered like a pig to slop. He laughed with huge smile.
“How could I turn down the future lord of Eagles Peak? All I ask is that if I need her you will kindly let me have her back.” Rubus bowed low. When he straightened he and Henry shook hands.
“Of course sir,” Henry inclined his head; “I will need her services tomorrow morning. He turned to Lana who hadn’t moved an inch, “Please see that you aren’t late.”
“Yes sir.” Lana said and curtsied.

“We’re stopping for the night!” A knight’s voice interrupted Riana’s story. Kally scowled because she was so engulfed in her mother’s story that she didn’t notice that the sun was almost setting. She looked back at her mother wanting her mother to continue. She didn’t like how this Sir Henry and Master Rubus had talking about Lana without even asking her what she wanted. Kally always heard about the Bazle slaves but she really never realized how hard it could be. Riana looked at Kally who was still thinking about the story and everything else. When they stopped Kally asked her mother if she was going to finish the story. Riana chuckled.
“There is still a long way to go Kally. I’ll start telling you it tomorrow.”
“Okay,” Kally dismounted from Dancer and both Kally and Riana were brought to Charles. He was holding two leather thongs in his hand. Kally resisted the urge to cover her eyes by squinting. Her eyes watered slightly because of the powerful white-hot spell on the thongs. Riana looked at her daughter and saw that Kally’s eyes were squinted and knew right away that the thongs were magicked.
“These are Tracker Cords. You will both wear them for the rest of the journey to the capital. It should take three to five days until we reach the capital.” Two knights took the cords from the Commander and tied them the Kally’s and Riana’s right wrist, “If you try to runaway we will be able the track you wherever you go. If you try to cut them off or tamper with them the cord will burn into your skin and leave a permanent scar that a mage can track. Only the King’s mages can take the cords off. You,” He turned to Riana and hard look in his eye, “will where this to you die by the King’s order. He doesn’t want a repeat of what happened sixteen years ago.” Charles turned to Kally; “You will wear yours until your owner deems it ready to come off.” Charles told her and thought, ‘I don’t think that that will happen anytime soon.’ Finally he concluded, “Now you may go wherever you wish but stay close whether you were trying to escape or not you will be punished.” Charles dismissed them and Kally and Riana followed a Knight to where they would be sleeping for the night. Only after they were fed and left alone did Riana finally speak.
“I’m grateful that Sir Charles is being quite gentle with us. It must be because I’m supposed to be the King’s slave.”
“I hate that word! And I don’t think we are being treated well at all. We have these stupid ropes on for one and there is no way to escape.” Kally argued. Kally looked at the Tracker cord. The magic had faded to a dull pulsing beat but she knew that it would probably flare up if she tired to fiddle with it.
Riana looked at her daughter for a moment with sad but motherly eyes. She loved Kally so much. She knew that is was going to be difficult for Kally to accept the fact that she was captured. Riana just prayed that Kally would go to someone that would be kind to her. She wasn’t used to the unfair treatment and cruelty of some of the Denmarians. Riana didn’t know where Kally found such passion to try and help people and animals that were treated harshly. Even though Kally thought she couldn’t do anything for the big problems she always thought someone should do something to help the oppressed, from a child being teased to the broken clans of the Bazle. Kally didn’t like the unjust treatment of the Bazle, while most Bazle and Riana herself accepted the fact that this was the way thing were. Some Bazle might want to rebel but the feeling became a passing thought. Finally Kally looked up at her mother and Riana spoke in a tired voice, “I’m done running Kally.”
“What do you mean? WE have to run, to escape. You really don’t want to become a slave again do you Mother?” Kally asked is astonishment.
“No I don’t. But what choice do I have? If we run we will be running for the rest of our lives and I don’t want that for you. When I was younger I didn’t want to leave Eagles Peak because I was-,” Riana stopped herself. She couldn’t reveal that part to Kally. Not like this. Kally looked confused and Riana didn’t know how to explain that she was just too tired to run anymore. Riana wished that Kally would run by herself but knew that her daughter would never leave her behind. Riana reached for her amulet that was given to her by someone she loved with all her heart, “I’m tired Kally and I know that I will be treated well at the castle,” Riana clutched the pendant, “The amulet’s magic if fading, it won’t last for much longer. Soon I will look like I should, a full blooded Bazle.”
Kally thought about the time when the emerald pendant failed and Riana’s skin turned a copper color and her hair pitch black. Riana looked more like Kally’s mother when she was in her true form but the transformation scared Kally a little. It was like seeing a different side of her mother that she had never seen before. Kally always thought that her mother was strong and beautiful and full of life and ready to tackle anything. She was still beautiful but she looked more tired and just wanted to live the rest of life in peace.
Riana saw the troubled look on her daughter face and decided that it was time to close the subject, “Let’s get some rest Kally. We have another long ride ahead of us.” Kally just nodded and lay down. It took her awhile to sort out some of her thought and everything she learned today but she finally fell asleep.

Chapter Three

In the morning there were back on their horses traveling toward the capital. Kally hadn’t really said anything to Riana and she was worried about her daughter. Riana knew that all the actions that had taken place went against all Kally’s morals and her whole spirit. Finally Riana couldn’t stand to see her daughter so confused that she decided to distract her.
“Kally, do you want me to continue with my story?” Riana was glad when she saw Kally’s eyes brighten and her exclaimed that she would very much like hear the story. “All right, where was I?” Riana thought about where she left off. “Oh yes. Sir Henry had asked for my services. Well I went back to the fief the next morning and met Henry in one of the far off pasture with his dun gelding.”

Lana arrived at the fief early in the morning and was told to wait in the stables until Henry was ready. Lana went to Henry’s new horse looking him over and asking how he was doing. She knew that he missed the herd he came with and he wasn’t sure how well he would get along with his new master. “Don’t worry. I think you’ll do just fine. The lord seems nice enough.” Lana said out loud to the young gelding. She rubbed his fetlock and he leaned against her hand.
“Thank you.” Henry’s voice startled Lana. She quickly placed her hands at her side with her head bowed. She kept still and silent as Henry came into the stall. He patted the big gelding and looked at Lana. She still looked at the ground. He looked back at his gelding, “What do you think about Dawn?” Inside he smiled greatly when she looked up at him, “It’s his name, and do you think it suits him?” Henry didn’t know why but he wanted her opinion. Henry watched as she glanced at the horse and stared at Dawn like she was having a conversation. When Lana glanced back at him her eyes danced and Henry’s heart skipped a beat.
“It fits him nicely milord.” She turned her face back to the horse but Henry saw the smile on her lips, which tugged a smiled out of him, that spread all across his face.
“We’d better get out to the corral,” He said as he came next to her and put a hand on her shoulder leaning closer to her and whispered, “and please call me Henry.”
Lana and Henry lead Dawn to the farthest field, away from all the bustle of the castle. Lana walked silently alongside Henry still a little bit in shock when he touched her. She tired to shake it off but still she wasn’t even sure why she was here, with him. From what she heard from the other slaves Sir Henry of Eagles Peak was an excellent rider. When they reached the outskirts of the corrals Henry spoke up once more.
“So how old are you Lana?” His tone was casual and friendly.
“Sixteen milord.” Lana mumbled.
Henry stopped making Lana confused. They hadn’t reached the corral yet. Henry turned to her and smiled. “I thought I told you to call me Henry.”
“But- my-,” She stammered. There was no way she could call him that.
Henry interrupted her, “Henry.” He looked at her, “Now how old are you Lana?”
“Sixteen my-,” she stopped when he raised his brow, “Henry.” She surrendered.

“After that we became friends. He always treated me like an equal and took my advice with Dawn.” Riana said with a soft smile on her face as she recalled all the times that she and Henry had spent together.
“What happened after that?” Kally wanted to know desperately.
“Well after about two weeks working with Henry and Dawn something happened.” Riana stopped recalling the bad memory.”
“What?” Kally asked.
“That morning I was late coming to the stables. Henry was worried about me and when I finally came he wasn’t very happy with what he saw.”
“What do you mean Mother? You’re taking in riddles!” Kally was a little frustrated. Dancer huffed amused at the two-legger’s story.
Riana smiled at her daughter’s excitement. “Well . . .” she started.

Henry was very worried about Lana. She was thirty minutes late and she hadn’t mentioned coming late last night. ‘This is my fault’ He though as he remembered last night. After horse lessons they parted for the day but he had asked her to come visit him last night and she had said yes. They had a great time looking up at the stars and him teaching her about constellations. He had almost kissed her but she moved away before he could.
When Henry looked up from his pacing the stable floor he saw Lana coming toward him. He tried to walk toward her slowly but knew that he wasn’t succeeding. When he reached her he grabbed her arm gentle, “Lana where have you been? I’ve been worried.” When Henry saw that she kept her face down and turned away from him he thought it was because of what happened last night, “Lana I’m sorry if-,” He looked down and saw her right hand. It had an angry welt across it; showing clearly on her dark skin. Henry sucked in her breath. “Lana, look at me.” He felt her shiver because of his cold tone. He softened his voice, “Please Lana look at me.”
Lana didn’t want to look at him. She didn’t want to see his reaction, but when she hesitated again Henry placed his fingers under her chin and gently forced her head up. His sucked his breath in between clenched teeth when he saw her face. She knew what he saw because she felt it. Her right cheek probably had a bruise along with right eye because she could barely open it. Her lip was spilt open and she had a cut on her eyebrow. “I’m sorry I’m late.” She squeezed out of her hurt lip.
Henry knew if he said anything at this moment he would blow up. He had to let go of her for fear that he would give her another bruise from gripping her so tightly because he was so angry. He took her hand and pulled her along to the stables. He didn’t stop until he reached the tack room and locked it behind them. Henry couldn’t look at Lana because her broken face made him rage at the person who did it; and he was sure that he knew.
“How did this happen? When?”
Lana touched her lip with her cold fingers before speaking, “Last night. Master Rubus was drinking heavily. When I was trying to sneak back inside he caught me. When I wouldn’t tell him where I was he got angry.” She stopped there when her lip spilt open again. She looked at the ground and jumped in surprise when Henry punched the wall. A silence filled the room like a thick fog. Lana was too afraid to speak and Henry too angry. Finally he breathed deeply opened the door slightly and called for a servant.
“Get me a healer quickly, no questions,” His voice was sharp and the servant ran to obey.
“You shouldn’t call for a healer. Master Rubus will want to know how I paid for one.”
“I don’t care what that rotten maggot infested pig has to say!” He shouted.
“I do!” she shouted back tired of his anger, “I’ll just be beaten again! Even if I tell the truth, he’ll think I’m lying . . . he’ll think that he inconvenienced you and think that you want money for the healer’s services.” She turned away from him, “It is better if you leave me be.”
“Lana.” Henry said softly. He wanted to rush to her and hold her but he knew that he couldn’t. He had tried to be oblivious of their stations before he couldn’t do so anymore. “I want to help. Please let me help you.”
At first Lana wanted to say that he couldn’t help her. She was doomed like the rest of her race but then she realized he could do something for her, “Teach me.”
“Teach you what?”
“Everything,” She said in awe as ideas form in her head, “You can teach everything, anything; to read, write, and to fight.”
“Why do you want to learn all these things? Especially fighting?” Henry was shocked at her idea. Where would they find the time? How could he teach her? He had learned to fight during his page and squire years but he wasn’t sure if he could teach her.
“I wish to learn things . . . so maybe one day I will be able to run away from here and maybe pass it on to my children.”
“You’re planning on running away?”
“Yes.” She said simply. Again there was silence and Lana was afraid that Henry would say no, but when she looked at him his had a grin on his face.
“Alright I’ll teach you but this will be tricky. We don’t have much time together so I guess we can start lessons now. The distance corral where we trained Dawn will be the perfect place no one will bother us.”
Lana grinned back winced when her lip protested the movement. Henry came up to her then and softly touched her cheek that wasn’t covered in a purple bruise, “But we will do something about your face. Don’t worry,” he said when she started to argue, “Merchant Rubus will not notice the difference.”
After the healer fixed most of the damage Henry and Lana went out to the far corral with Dawn like it was a regular day. But they didn’t practice with Dawn. Henry started teaching Lana how to defend herself with her hands.
“So he

was the one that taught you how to fight!” Kylie exclaimed in an awed whisper.
Riana smiled, “Yes he was and in turn I taught you.”
“Did he teach you how to fight with a sword? Or a bow?”
“No. He taught me self defense and a few tricks with a dagger but that’s about it.” Riana looked over to her daughter seeing the look on her face, “No I will not teach you how to fight with a dagger. It’s too dangerous.”
Kally pouted and looked away. She knew that her mother would say that. When her mother had taught her how to fight she told her that she could only use it as self-defense, which Kally didn’t always use it for. They had started when she was ten and Kally had hard training for the last four years. Kally mostly looked forward to the lessons but she always wanted to learn more.
“We’re stopping for the night!” A soldier called out. Kally looked around and saw once again that the sun was slowly dipping into the hills saying goodbye as the stars came out.
That night when Kally and Riana were getting ready for bed Kylie decided to ask her mother a question. “Mother, could you teach me?”
“Teach you what?” Riana was still tired from the ride.
“How to fight.”
“I’ve already taught you how to do self defense Kally and that’s all I’m teaching you.” Riana sat on the ground, “Let’s get some sleep alright?”
“But I don’t remember everything! Please mother?” Kally knew that she was wining but she needed to do something

to keep her mind off what was going to happen to her.
Riana must have heard something in Kally’s voice because she sighed. “Alright Kally we will practice and review what you learned but I’m not teaching anything new. Do you understand?”
“Yes!” Kally was happy finally that she was able to do something. “Can we start tonight?”
“Tomorrow night okay? I’m very tired.”
“Okay. Goodnight mother.” Kally finally laid down on the ground. They were still close to the desert and for some reason Kally was at peace for at least a few moments. But a little peace of her soul cried out to get up and run for the desert. Her mother’s voice cut through her imaginings.
“Goodnight Kally.”

That morning Kally heard a knight talking about reaching Darji in about 3 more days and Kally felt sick. She couldn’t imagine what was going to happen when they reached the capital. Also Kally saw Sir Charles look at her mother with a confused expression and curiosity got the best of her. As soon as she was alone with her mother she asked, “Mother do you know that man from anywhere. The one that always stares at you?”
“His name is Sir Charles Kally,” Riana sighed, “and yes I do know him. It’s been a very long time.”
“How do you know him?”
“Sir Charles used to be a guard and friend to Henry. When Henry’s uncle saw that Henry would disappear for the whole day without saying anything he became worried and asked Charles to see what Henry was doing.”
“And?” Kally wanted to hear the story.
“Well . . .”

Lana swung her fist at Henry’s head and he dodged the punch bring his hand toward her ribs she dodged but fell. She laid there breathing heavily her whole body ached from its new training and she was soaked in sweat.
“I guess we should take a break.” Henry said and held a hand out to her. She smiled and nodded. After she had while to catch her breath he asked, “Do you want to try your reading now?” Lana nodded eagerly as Henry pulled out a small book from his satchel.
They had been doing their lessons for about three months and Henry was surprised on how fast Lana learned. Already she had learned to read and was beginning to write. He also taught her other things that he thought would be useful when she lived on her own. A twinge of pain attacked his chest when he thought of her leaving. Once more she had come to him beaten and bruised and it took all Henry had not to march down to that merchant and give him a beating of his own.
“Henry?” Lana caught his attention.
She hesitated, “Something happened last night and I think I’m in trouble.”
“What do you mean?”
“One of the mares was giving birth and was having a difficult time. Finally the colt was born but the mother was exgausted. Master Rubus had walked in on me when I was healing her. I saw a greedy gleam in his eye and he was gone this morning.” Her voice choked, “I think that I’m going to be sold.” She felt tears fall, “I’m afraid, I don’t want to leave this place.
Before Henry knew what he was doing he held Lana and whispered in her ear “It’s alright everything will be alright.”
“What is going on here?” a voice shouted and both Lana and Henry jumped apart.
“Charles?! What are you doing here?”
“What are you doing here Henry and with a slave!” Charles glared at her and she lowered her eyes. Henry stepped in front of her trying to protect her.
“Don’t frighten her!” Henry ordered. Charles tightened his jaw in anger but did as he was told. After a moment Henry turned toward Lana, “Wait over by that tree alright? Don’t disappear.” Then he walked over to Charles, “I need to explain some things to you,”
“Yes you do. Tell me what is going on here? I thought that I’d find you meeting some noble lady for a stroll or something the way you’ve been acting in the castle. Why are you teaching this slave how to read? What is she going to use it for? How did you meet her? Is she a runaway? Because you know that I have to report runaway slaves.”
“Charles, please take a breath!” Henry sighed. “I’m teaching her certain things so that she can live on her own. No she isn’t a runaway but I think she’s planning on it. Her master isn’t kind. Twice she’s come to me with bruises and she refuses to let me pay for a healer. Plus I like helping her.” Henry’s voice turned soft.
Charles caught the tone, “Oh no, Henry don’t even think that way. I don’t want to be apart of this but now it seems like I have no choice. With your Uncle worried and all I’m going to have to watch you like a hawk.”
“No buts about it Henry. Your Uncle asked me to look over you and that’s what I’m going to do whether you like it or not.”

“What happened with Rubus? Did he sell you? And if you know the commander, then why not say something? If you and Henry knew each other that’s got to count for something doesn’t it?” Kally interrupted.
“It might if I said something but then that would cause trouble for Sir Charles and I would rather not do that. It wouldn’t look good on his record if he let us go. Sir Charles has a reputation of capturing and keeping the runaway slaves that he is assigned to.” Riana told her, “As for Rubus yes that day he sold me to the crown which got me in this predicament.”
“So you ran away?”
“Yes I did-,” Riana cut herself short when something caught her attention. She mentally asked Black Mage to trot forward just as a high-pitched whinny came from the front of the line. Kally squeezed Dancer’s side and followed her mother. When she stopped she found her mother on the ground next to a horse that was laying on its side.
“Shhh . . . it is alright. You’ll be better soon I promise.” Riana crooned to the stressed horse. Sir Charles rode up on his horse and questioned what was going on. “She’s hurt.” Riana said as she stroked the flank, “A stone got caught in her foot.” Riana reached toward the fore hoof and clutched out a huge stone with a sharp end coming out of the hoof covered in blood. The horse neighed in agony, “I’m almost done girl,” Riana set the stone aside and rosemary colored healing gift flowed through her fingers and into the horse. Everyone watched in awed silence. Finally Riana pulled her hand back and leaned back, sweat went down her forehead, “There,” she smiled with relief, “all better.” She stood, wavered and straightened. During all this all the soldiers still looked at her. She turned to Charles, “It would be best if no one road the horse for awhile, the tissue in her hoof needs to heal by itself.” Riana bowed and walked toward Black Mage and mounted slumping a little. Finally everyone recovered. The mare was already standing and her rider led her away.
“Let’s keep moving,” Sir Charles called out, “Were three days away from the capital. We should be coming to a town later tonight we will rest there.” Many of the soldiers grinned in excitement.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.08.2010

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