
My parents are wolves and I’m a vampire

By: Sunny Skye Blanco

I lived in a messed up world where anyone could just turn against you except that those were my own parents!

Chapter One:

I always lived in a world people might have thought was impossible. I lived on a fantasy world except that it wasn’t a fantasy it was the real world and it was a nightmare.
Since I turned fifteen my parents started to ignore me and hit me for no reason. I just thought I wasn’t important anymore as in I wasn’t part of their family. The weird thing is that my mother and father are wolves but me and the rest of my family that no longer exist were vampires, but my question is how are my parents wolves and why am I a vampire?

“Kess! What are you doing?” said Kess’s mother.
“Now you care!” said Kess angrily.
Kess’s mom slaps Kess extremely hard leaving a dark red hand print on her daughters face. “Look don’t you dare talk to me like that” said her mother which her name is Jess.
“What did I do? Why you always hitting me. One day I’m going to leave and you’re going to be so sorry.” Said Kess angrily. I wanted to hit my mother so bad but I didn’t. I had to much respect for her even do she threatened me.
“I don’t care I never wanted you any ways” said Jess, Kess’s mother.
How could my own mother say that? Those words really hurt me even do I hear those exact words every day. I rushed to my room. I hated my room, the walls were pink with red roses all over and everything else was pink including the tables and my night stand even the picture frames on my walls. I never liked the color pink I hated it, it was too girly and I’m not even close to been girly. I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed my face was red. When my mother slaps me I just think her mother didn’t care at all. I wondered if I died how would my parents feel. Who am I kidding they don’t even care if am dead or alive. Right now all I could think about was packing and going to my sister’s apartment she just lived thirty minutes away and it was very close to my high school.
While I was packing I heard cracking noises on the wooden floor. It was like someone was watching me or was behind me or something. I was too scared to look because my parents were always locked up in their room and never came in my room. But I overcame that fear and looked in my closet and there was a bat I grabbed it and turned around.

“Ahhhh!” screamed Kess. I looked at why I was screaming and noticed it was my friends Luz.
“Gotcha!” Luz was smiling.
“I hate you! God you really scared me. How did you get up here?” I asked because I had no idea how Luz got up here because the alarm was on down stairs and my windows were locked.
“I flew over here dah” said Luz.
I was very confused how can Luz fly over here I thought Luz was mortal.
“Yeah right”
“Look I know it’s impossible but I came to tell you something” Luz looked very serious. “Look I-I am a …….” Luz stayed quite I figure she didn’t know how to tell me.
“You’re a what?” I asked nervously.
“I’m a witch” She said it very fast I hardly understood it but I caught what she said.
“Cool?” Said Luz confused.
“I know. Look is fine because I’m a vampire and my parents are wolves. I had that secret hidden for a while”
“What!!! How is that possible how are your parent’s wolves and you’re a vampire?” asked Luz confused.
“I don’t know but I’m going to find out”
“Wait…why are you packing?” asked Luz looking at all my clothes scattered around the room and my bags.
“Shhh…..I’m leaving I’m going to my sisters”
“Oh well tell me all about that later but I have to go, bye” Luz just flashed out the room it was really weird for me. Now I know my best friend is a witch and that meant she was part of the night world so now I didn’t have to hide anything from her.

Chapter Two:

I was knocking on my sister’s door but it seemed like no one was home so I decided to call my sister.
“What!” said Lola through the phone.
“Well hi to you to sis. I’m doing fine too thanks for asking!” I said.
“Sorry I thought it was Sam sorry” said Lola embarrassed.
“Okay. Well where are you?” I asked.
“At home. Why?” said Lola.
“Because I’m going to move in with you now” I said very confident I knew my sister wouldn’t mind.
“Okay and by the way my apartment is behind you” said Lola looking out her door.
“I knew that” I said embarrassed. I turned around and walked in. Wow I loved this place everything looked so expensive. The walls were red and a type of tan color. The lamps were from Victoria secret and they were dead gorgeous and everything was gold or silver. I didn’t even talk to my sister I just walked straight to the room I always slept in when I stayed over which it was basically my room because it even had my name on it. As soon as I walked in I placed my bags on the floor and laid on the bed. I fell asleep very quickly.
I woke up the next day very excited. I took a quick shower and got dressed.
“Wow, I never seen a teenager wanting to go to school so bad!” said Lola obviously trying to annoy me.
“Ha-ha! I just want to see Daniel.” I said.
“Oh right your boyfriend” said Lola.
“He is not my boyfriend.” I said. But I walked out the door before Lola said anything else. This time I didn’t take the bus I took my motorcycle it was a Honda CBR 600F4i. I have always loved my motorcycle it was gold and silver it was just awesome.

“Hey Kess wait up” yelled Daniel.
I was walking to through the hallway when I heard Daniel yell.
“Hey babe” I said I was so excited I gave him a big hug.
“Wow why are you so glad to see me?” asked Daniel with a huge smile which I think it was bigger than his own face.
“Because I moved out and I live with my sister now” I said hoping that Daniel would be happy for me which I had a feeling he would be.
“Yeah I kind of knew that” said Daniel.
“How!” I asked shocked how could he have known.
“Mind reading. I wanted to tell you” Daniel lowered his voice and got closer to me than he already was. “I know you’re a vampire and its fine because I am one too” Said Daniel very seriously but he was so excited to tell me lit it was the best thing in the world but for me it wasn’t because I hated been a vampire.
“Really!!!? That’s great!” I said pretending I was actually happy. Well I was happy but not as much as he was.
“What’s wrong?” asked Daniel he seemed confused and caring.
“Nothing I’m just worried” I said. I was worried because my parents found out I was dating a vampire they would kill him.
“Wait what you mean your parents would probably kill me?” asked Daniel.”Stop I hate when people read my mind. I was no longer happy or sad now I was angry and sad so I walked away.
“What did I do?” Asked Daniel. He was asking too many questions.
“Look you didn’t do anything is just me.” I answered. I was looking at Daniel and he looked more beautiful than ever. His blue eyes looked like they were shining and his blond hair was in a Mohawk. I just wanted to kiss him and run my hands through his hair.
“What! Why are you staring at me like that” said Daniel.
Oh my good his eyes were shining because he probably hasn’t fed.
“Daniel when was the last time you fed?” I whispered in Daniels ears.
“Like two weeks ago” He looked concerned and then I realized I hadn’t fed either.
“Let’s skip school” I said. I started walking and Daniel was following me. He didn’t want to come to the school in the first place; he just came to see me just like me.
I walked towards the woods Daniel and I fed of animal blood we didn’t really like the idea of feeding off of humans even do their blood was delicious.
After a while we were leaving and found ourselves with wolves.

Chapter Three:

Daniel started to fight with the older looking wolf while I fought the second one. There was blood everywhere. The wolves were trying to leave because they knew they came at the wrong time, they were losing this fight.
“What you can’t fight back?” said Daniel.
Stop trying to provoke them let him go I said in my head hoping Daniel was been noisy as always. Daniel listen to me! He quickly let go of the wolf and so did I. the wolves ran away quickly in fear.
“You heard me?” I asked.
“Yeah, why?” asked Daniel.
“You were reading my mind. You know I hate that.” I said.

I woke up it was seven-thirty a.m. damn I’m going to be late for school.
“I jumped out of bed and got some random clothes on. Since I was a vampire I ran to school I was there in a minute.
“Where that wind come from?” asked Sara.
I was breathing hard. I took a deep breath and looked at Sara and Amy. They looked like if they liked what I was wearing. I looked at myself for a second. Oh, my god! I was wearing my sister’s clothes. I was wearing a mini dress with some long thigh red socks and black boots. Then I noticed that every boy that passed by were staring at me more than the usual, usually they just check me out and keep on moving but now they were bumping into walls and everything it was hilarious. But I didn’t care every boy was already interested in me because I was a vampire so I’m ridiculously gorgeous. Not like zombies those are the ugliest things ever. Zombies can’t even come to school because everyone in the mortal world will know they are not normal and then the rest of the night world secrets would be revealed.
After fourth period I went to lunch and found Daniel sitting with Sam, Carlos and my best friend Luz.
“Hey Kess! Over here!” yelled Daniel. I guess he didn’t notice me looking at them. I bought some cookies and Doritos and then I walked to the table my friends were seating.
“Hey guys, hey babe” I said I gave them a huge smile and gave Daniel a kiss that lasted for ever. I just could never get enough of his soft lips I just can’t believe I hadn’t noticed he was a vampire.
“Damn! You’re dressed pretty sexy today” said Carlos checking me out.
“This is my sister’s clothes I wasn’t looking on what I was putting on I kind of woke up super late” I said while eating a cookie which tasted great, the chocolate chips just melted in your mouth as sound as it hit your tongue and the cookie it’s self was so soft.
“So, how about we skip the rest of our classes?” asked Daniel looking at me.
Everyone one agreed while I was lost in Daniel’s eyes.
“Kess you in?” asked Daniel.
“Sure” I said still staring at him. Then I smelled a pack of werewolves coming into the cafeteria and I think Daniel, Sam and Carlos noticed too. We all tried to ignore it but the smell was so strong and then something flew before my eyes and next thing I know a wolf is attacking Sam! Everyone in the cafeteria started screaming except the night world people at the same time everyone ran out. All of my friends ran out too they didn’t want to reveal their secrets as well and we were outnumbered and they didn’t want to risk their life.
“What’s going on?” asked Sam.
“I think those are the wolves from last night” said Daniel while running.
“I told you not too provoke them” I said angry.
“Where’s Luz?” asked Sam worried.
“I don’t know” I said looking around.
“You know what I just noticed those wolves look familiar. Oh, my god those wolves are my parents friends, how could they attack us if they knew am their daughter” I said confused. Then I stopped running and that was a mistake because at the same time I stopped I got attacked by one of the wolves. It was my mom! I fell to the floor in shock.

Chapter four:

I woke up on a dirty wooden table tied up.
I see a shadow but my vampire powers aren’t working well and I can’t tell who it is.
“Hi, How you doing?”
“Mother?” I asked confused but then again I started to have flash back of what happened. I got tackled by her and hit my head hard on the concrete. Then she snapped my neck. I haven’t been drinking human blood so I didn’t recuperate as fast as I should.
“Well honey I got some bad news all your friends are dead. Except two, they got away” said Jess madly.
“What did you do!” I was so mad what did they even do to her. They were innocents and then why would she tie me up she is clearly more powerful then I am.
“You’re a vampire sweetie us wolves don’t get along with your kind its nature” said Jess.
“Sweetie?” I sighed like she meant that. All her words meant nothing to me. Maybe she’s the reason all our family is dead because they were all vampires except my mother and father were wolves. “If you cared for me you wouldn’t do what you did and why? Why mother? Is this why all our family is dead because you and dad killed them?” I asked and I said my words strong and I knew I was accusing her of killing our family but I bet I was correct.
“Let her go!!!” shouted Daniel.
Where did he come from? Did he follow my mother here and why would he risk his life to safe me? I’m nothing to this world.
“How did you I was here?” asked Jess in confusion and you could just see the anger in her eyes. You could see the fire burning up inside of here by just looking into her eyes but then again if you were humans it might have killed you. But then again it wouldn’t have killed you; you might just be scared of her.
“I know everything I’m a vampire” said Daniel. He looked fearless like me. But I was scared for him what if she killed him and it would all be my fault I would never be able to forgive myself.
“Then come get some because I’m not letting her go” said Jess with a serious face but you could see that she wanted to laugh yet she was brave to challenge a full vampire.
Daniel rushed to Jess’s side and pulled out a knife. He grabbed Jess from behind and to a grip on Jess’s neck and stabbed her in the back. Jess fell to the floor. I couldn’t see where Daniel went my powers were still weak. I was hurt not physically but emotionally I can’t believe my mother tied me up to a table and then she got stabbed in the back. I loved my mother I didn’t want to hurt her in anyway but I also hated her. Then I felt Daniel untying me and I was relieved. Then Daniel picked me up and he started to run out I was still trying to see what was going on but the dumbest question came out of my mouth.
“What are you doing?” I asked.

I woke up the next day in a totally different house. I had no idea where I was. The chandeliers looked so expensive and they probably were they were gold for what I could see and the walls had a hint of silver and gold and the rest was just red and black but if you looked a bit closer I believe there was diamonds where the wall started. I stood up and started walking around the house I noticed it wasn’t a regular house it was a mansion.
“Hey!” shouted Daniel.
“Where am I?” I asked. I heard a guitar in the background.
“You’re in the vampire’s mansion” said Daniel.
“Oh cool. Who’s playing the guitar?” I asked I was curious it sounded great.
“Carlos” said Daniel.
“What? I thought something happened to him” I said. I went running to the next room. It looked very nice I mean the sofas where very expensive I might not even sit on them just because I wouldn’t want to wrinkle it or mess it up in any way. Then Carlos laughed at my expression and stood up and gave me a big hug. We we’re very close friends like me and Daniel and Luz but Luz is now dead.
“And Sam where is Sam?” I asked I just wanted to k now if he was okay. Hopefully he might be.
“Oh um…his gone” said Carlos in a sad voice you could tell his mood completely changed he was no longer excited to see me or happy to play the guitar he was just sad I felt sorry for him.
“He was fighting the wolves while I chased your mother” said Daniel. “I’m sorry”
“No it’s……..okay” but it wasn’t okay I broke into tears. Two of my friends are dead and I wasn’t able to do anything about it because I broke into shock and got distracted and hit my head. It was all my fault if I would have never ran away maybe they would have never attacked the school in the first place. Maybe Luz and Sam would still be here. We were a pack, we were always together and now two of us are now dead and all there is to blame is me.
“Why are you crying” asked Daniel. He walked up to me and started to give me a hug.
“It’s all my fault. If I wouldn’t have passed out they wouldn’t be dead” I said.
“It’s not your fault” said Carlos.
“They hit you with a metal pole of course you were going to pass out every vampire does” said Daniel then he kissed me.
So that was what I felt on the back of my head before I fell. But who hit me it was certainly not my mother I had my eyes on her the whole time. But what would she have done to me. Why was I tied up on a table? Was she going to kill me? And if she was going to kill me why? I mean I’m her daughter she could at least have mercy. And if she did kill me she must be evil. The devil it’s self must have sent her to this world because no mother dare’s kill their own child not even if they are the devil it’s self. I don’t care what people say she couldn’t have possibly gone through with that plan if she was going to kill me but then again she looked like she didn’t care she was even smiling.
“Look we’re not going to attend that school no more” said Carlos.
“And if you haven’t noticed, we are in an island” said Daniel.
“What!” I was surprised how the hell did he get me in this island with ought me noticing. Was I asleep the whole time? And then I realized I don’t remember anything from when we escaped all I remember is Daniel caring me through the woods and then that’s it.
“We have to keep you away from your parents especially your mother she might try to take you again and do who knows what and we can’t let that happened” said Daniel.
“Also people at school are already talking they kind of knew what we are but I compelled them so now they are not even sure of what they saw” said Carlos quite proud of himself.
“Then what are we going to do?” I asked. I can’t just sit here and wait. I’m not just going to wait for the eclipse to come and all the wolves attack vampires like all the other years. And I was certainly not going to sit and wait for my own death to come to the front door or my friends.
“Well we have to practice. Hopefully the wolves are going to attack during the eclipse like always and I’m certain they are going to try to kill you” said Daniel.
Well not only do I think Daniel read my mind but he was right. We had to practice and this time we are all going to survive no matter what and if I have to die for Daniel and Carlos to survive I will because I love both of them and they are my closest friend not only that but Daniel is my boyfriend and I care just too much for him. As I thought this through Daniel looked at me and I knew he heard my thoughts so I slapped him in the back of the head and all of a sudden the mood in the room changed we were all happy and fooling around again. Daniel started to tickle the hell out of me and Carlos just laughed at my pain. Well I wasn’t exactly in pain but you know what I mean.

Chapter Five:

I was outside practicing some new moves. I just learned a move called the diamond finger is a martial arts move that allows the attacker as in me to cause damage to my opponent’s internal organs by knocking at my opponent’s chest. I’ve been training by striking hard objects to increase my sticking powers and it usually takes a human three years to master this skill but I learned it and mastered it in less than two hours. Then I decided to take a break I was tired so I decided to go inside and rest a bit. Once I walked in my room I noticed there were blades, swords and daggers on the walls. I know you might think that they are all the same thing but you’re wrong. You see a dagger is not usually used as a weapon they are usually used for hunting or eating it was also made as a backup for another weapon and the blade is no longer than fifteen inches. The sword is over fifteen inches in length and is used as a primary weapon. Then there’s the blade which was designed with an edge to cut, puncture, stab, slash, chop, slice, thrust or scrape any type of material even people but it wasn’t exactly made to kill. Most blades are used for utility purposes like for food preparation or something else but us vampires usually use it to attack so we use it in combat and we usually throw it we don’t hold it as a sword or as we would use a dagger. So, there are some differences between these weapons.
“Hi” said Daniel. He was smiling.
“Hey!” I gave him a kiss.
“I meant to tell you the daggers, blades and other weapons you see around the room only you and I could see them” said Daniel.
“Why is that” I asked confused but that was pretty cool how only we could see them.
“because if anyone ever came in and tried to attack you or me, if you grab one they will see it but while it’s in the wall all they see are picture frames not the weapons because instead this would be an advantage for them and they’ll hurt you instead” said Daniel. He looked concerned, well of course he was concerned he loved me. “And I also want to ask you something but I think I should leave it for later” said Daniel then the smile fell of his face now he was serious.
“You can ask me now” I said. I was worried what was he going to ask me about. Wait was he going to ask for a break or something if he did I was going to die my heart would break and disappear forever.
“Okay, do you have any idea why would your mother try to kill you?” Daniel asked he was afraid he hoped I didn’t get sad or anything but I didn’t.
“I’m not sure actually I mean she did say wolves and vampires don’t get along it just sucks how could she try to kill me or whatever. You know am her damn daughter!” I said I was mad and sad also I broke down again I started to cry and then I felt Daniels arms wrap around me and he kissed me. I loved kissing him it made me forget about everything else and this helped me forget about my mother for a while. I loved feeling his soft lips against mind and how he played with my hair. It was like I had no worries.

“What’s going on here” asked Carlos as soon as Daniel and I walked in holding hands and smiling. But then I left.

“You know I would appreciate it if you guys kept it down I don’t want to see you guys making out in my face” said Carlos madly.
“Is not like we were” said Daniel. God I was confused what the hell did Carlos mean. Is not like I wasn’t allowed to kiss my girlfriend come one I live with her now we can do whatever the hell we want.
“Dude you know I like her since a year ago and you know I’ve been trying to get over her since you guys started dating but damn don’t rub it in my face” yelled Carlos like he wanted Kess to hear it. Now his making me very angry. What I’m finally happy and today he decides to criticize us.
“What?” I said I was shocked I mean Carlos he tells me everything but he never told me this and I never noticed it and now I feel like a bad friend.
“Man whatever I’m happy for you” said Carlos smiling.
“What was that?” I asked. I swear I just heard someone scream. Oh no it was Kess. I stood up and started running through the mansion I had to find her and I noticed Carlos was looking too. I looked in every room and she wasn’t anywhere. Where was she?

Chapter six:

I woke up in my room but I didn’t remember anything. I think I’m safe do I’m still in the mansion and Daniel is right next to me sleeping on my couch. I loved the way he looked. He just looked so relaxed and harmless. But then he woke up.
“Hey, you okay?” asked Daniel staring at me with dreamy eyes and a small smile.
“Yeah why?” I asked. Why wouldn’t I be okay I just woke up and I was just looking at him and is not like I’m in pain or something.
“Because you fell down the stairs” said Daniel he kind of laughed but it didn’t last long.
“Oh! I don’t remember that. But I’m fine” I said and I was fine I’m a vampire o if I broke something it must have healed by now.
“Okay good.” Then he came to me gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked out the room.

Carlos was reading at lunch. The first time I ever seen Carlos read. Then I saw a shadow pass through the forest. Carlos, Daniel and I are the only ones in the island so who was that or what was that?
I stood up and started searching the forest while Carlos and Daniel talked about how badly the Vikings got beat by the Jets in a football game. They were pretty distracted; they didn’t even notice me leave.
As I walked through the forest I saw someone sucking on an animal’s blood. Vampire or another wolf. I didn’t know what it was. So I climbed up a tree. Then I started jumping tree to tree until something whispered in my ear.
“Found what you’re looking for?” said a voice.
I turned around and it was her. The person that was sucking the animal’s blood. She had blood all over her face and she was wearing…nothing?
“What are you?” asked the girl.
“Who are you?” I asked.
“I’m Delmy” said the girl and laughed. Then she threw me to the floor and I reacted a bit late but I fell in her feet. Then I pinned her to the floor and started punching her. Sucks for me she fought back. She kicked me in my stomach and took my breath away and I spitted out blood. Then I punched Delmy so fast she didn’t even realize what was going on she wasn’t able to doge them. Delmy was bleeding through her mouth and nose and then I grabbed her and turned her around and pinned her to the tree and wrapped my arm around her neck so she wouldn’t be able to move.
“Who are you and who sent you here?” I asked but of course I knew it must have been my parents.
“I’m…..not…..telling...-you” She was running out of time s she wasn’t able to talk correctly but I would kill her now if she’s not going to speak I don’t have patience.
“What is going on?” Said Daniel in surprise. I jumped and let go of her I did not hear him coming. But as I let go of Delmy she fell to the floor.
“She attacked me” I said but I was nervous so I left their sight. Right now I could have been dead or already out of the island. Who sent that girl? She looked nice yet she came and pushed me off the tree.

“It’s eight o’clock and who is this?” asked Carlos.
Wow time went so fast when I was looking for Delmy when I saw the shadow it was only two o’clock.
“Someone sent her here to attack me. But she is not talking” I said.
“Of course she’s not talking she can barely speak” said Daniel looking at me.
“She’s a demon she works for your father” said Carlos.
“How do you know that?” I asked.
“Because of that symbol on her shoulder is the symbol in your father’s ring and whoever has that symbol tattooed like her works for your father” explained Carlos.
Wow I was impressed. Carlos was never good at anything except fighting and been sweet when he felt like it but he sure knows a lot about the night world more than me apparently. I could’ve never guessed she was one of my father’s demons in a million years. I mean I didn’t even remember how my father’s ring looked like.

Chapter Seven:

Daniel was in the mansions library talking to Carlos.

“What’s wrong with you?” I said.
“She can’t find out that you’re” I looked around to make sure Kess wasn’t around “her brother and that you not only a vampire but- I stopped talking I heard a knock on the door.
“Hi guys!” said Kess.
I ignored her and so did Carlos we both walked out of the library and left Kess alone.
“Okay you’re still mad at me” said Kess. Of course she thought we would have forgiven her by now because of what happened the day before. But she should have known that she couldn’t just wonder around.
“Look it’s a big deal you could have been killed!” I yelled madly.
“I’m sorry how many times I have to say I’m sorry” said Kess. Now I could tell she was and and sad at the same time. She left the room and looked at me she could tell I wasn’t happy.

I came up with a plan either I kill my parents or I end up dead it was my choice and my choice was to kill them. I didn’t want to kill them it was going to be hard for me I mean they’re my parents. But I had to protect myself no matter what but I don’t see why they are against me it can’t possibly be just because I’m a vampire because they weren’t against my sister like that and my sister was also a vampire. Not only that I still had to find out why my whole family was dead except for me and my sister. I packed up and grabbed some weapons and placed them all in a bag. I headed out the door and into the woods until Daniel showed up. Just what I needed, not.
“Where are you going?” asked Daniel. He was alls sweaty like he was training or something.
“Anywhere but here” I said. I tried to go around him but he stopped me.
“I’m going with you” said Daniel.
“No!” I yelled at him I didn’t want to be rude but its better that I do this again and I don’t want him to get hurt either.
“Why not?” asked Daniel looking into my eyes.
“Because I’m going to get rid of my parents before they get rid of me” I said.
“Why would you do that it would be hard? I mean well they are your parents” said Daniel with concern.
“Well yes but I’m their daughter and yet they want to kill me so I think I could do it. I will not regret it later they are no longer my parents and when they’re gone I will be safe and so will you” I explained.
“Then I’m going with you. I know how to fight your parents and I can help you out and keep you safe” said Daniel holding my hands. “Please just let me come with you”
I agreed to let him come. He packed a few clothes and a whole lot of weapons in a backpack just like I had done. He also grabbed some blood bags that we had hidden in the basement it was human blood from an old hospital but it was good. We drank a pint each and grabbed some for the road we both knew we were going to need as much human blood as we can to have our full powers available for us and human blood helped us more than animal blood would. Animal blood didn’t give us vampires as much energy.
We took a boat and in about a couple hours we were in town but it was already dark so we decided to get a hotel room and we spent the night there until the next morning.
I woke up before Daniel he was still asleep by the time I got out the shower so, I headed out I went into the woods looking for some animas to hunt I didn’t want to waste all the human blood I figured I would drink some animal blood that would at least keep me full by the time we get to drink more human blood. Just thinking about human blood got my mouth all watery it just tasted so good I mean humans might be like gross: what the hell is wrong with you? But the truth is it’s like eating chocolate I mean humans think chocolate is delicious well us vampires think human blood is delicious like chocolate and animal blood is like broccoli to us as if I was to ask a human; you want some chocolate or some broccoli? They would probably choose chocolate if they aren’t a health freak. So, no it’s not gross it delicious now I think chocolate is gross but if I had to eat it I would it’s not like I’m going to die from eating it. I heard some footsteps approaching and it was definitely not Daniel it didn’t smell like him so when I tried to turn around and someone stopped me but I made a twist and now I was grabbing them from behind it was a female but I had no idea who it was and she was totally not human I couldn’t smell any humanity in her so I tied her up to a tree with some rope I found on top of a tree. Then as soon as she was tied I took a look at her face and it was….Delmy?
“I thought I killed you” I said in surprise how the hell was she still alive it was impossible.
“I’m her twin you idiot…… name is Demy” said the female which apparently her name was Demy which was a weird name but yeah I know what you’re thinking it’s probably like Kess isn’t?
“Yeah-yeah what do you want?” I asked. I was really getting annoyed with all this sneaking up on me and trying to kill me while I’m unconscious or whatever it is a real pain in my behind.
“Tell me where are your sisters and your stupid brother” said Demy.
“They’re dead” I said. Yet I was confused I didn’t have a brother.
“Yeah I’m not stupid I know one of your sisters is alive and so is your brother so tell me” said Demy. What she didn’t realize is that she’s the one tied up on the tree not me and I don’t need to answer her stupid questions and she can’t threaten me in any way I can.
“I don’t have to tell you anything and I don’t have a brother sweetie” I said while I walked towards her I was going to break her neck like a twig and leave I was getting tired of this stupid conversation. But as soon as I got close enough she got out and pinned me to the ground right now I was eating dirt.
“Tell me or you die” said Demy with authority.
“I would rather die than say where my sister is” I shouted.
“Fine your choice. Any last words?” said Demy with an evil smile yet it was clear to me she was having fun.
“I think you got that twisted you should be telling me your last words” I said while I turned and leaped in the air into a tree. Then I jumped on her back and she tumbled down to the floor I heard her yelp yet I found this very amusing.
“Now any last words honey” I said sarcastically.
“Go to hell” said Demy. Now that wasn’t nice now was it? I grabbed her neck and right when I was about to twist it she interrupted me.
“Wait don’t kill me! I don’t want to die!” she yelled.
“Aw poor thing but you should’ve thought about that before you told me to go to hell” I whispered in her ear and as quick as I was talking I twisted her neck and she was dead. Yeah definitely she was dead. Ah man! I shouldn’t have killed her so soon now that I think about it I should have asked her why did she want to find my sister and why did she say I had a brother when I know I clearly didn’t. I was sort of confused now but I just started to walk back to the hotel. Then I started thinking of my younger sister she was also a vampire. But she died in one of her hunting trips there was a full moon and she wasn’t paying attention to the wolves as a regular vampire should she thought that since our parents were wolves that they wouldn’t kill her or attack her and even though she was a great fighter she died before she got her meal. She was attacked by one of the wolf packs from the south I didn’t remember which pack was it but they ripped her to shreds when Lola and I found her half her body was messing and if she was alive it would be a miracle unless some witch reattached her body or something. The weird thing is the legs were there but the rest of the body was missing and we never found it. We looked everywhere but if she was alive she would have came back. I mean she loved Lola and I we were un-separable I mean she would never abandon us especially with the type of parents we had. When I walked into the hotel room Daniel had chosen I saw him sitting in the sofa making some sort of blade out of wood. Not only that but he had my favorite outfit on I always liked how the black v-neck looked on him and then he wore saggy blue jeans with a Hollister belt and black and red nickes and of course a puka. B y the way a puka is a shell necklace that surfers usually wear and it’s almost like a chocker except its not very tight is more of like a small necklace that doesn’t exactly hang. Then I thought about last night and I noticed that Daniel didn’t rent this room he already had a key to it so he already had that all in here I’m guessing. Then Daniel threw me a blade and thankfully I caught it.
“Practice with it” said Daniel.
“Why?” I asked. I’m confused why would I need to practice I’m already am already an expert with every weapon I have including the blades so why should I practice is not like I can get any better.
“Because that’s the blade you’re going to kill your parents with. It’s a special blade. See how it says fifty-five on the handle well it means fifty-five wolves that’s how many wolves have been killed with that blade” Said Daniel while sharpening another blade that looked just like the one I was holding.
“Is it a magical blade or something” I asked wondering.
“Yes” said Daniel still focused on the blade he was sharpening.
I checked out the blade and observed its weird designs the blade was also very sharp, the sharpest one I ever seen. As soon as Daniel was done sharpening his magical blade he came up to me and showed me how to use it. He showed me some moves and explained to me the powers the blade had and to me it was quite a powerful blade.
Chapter eight:

As I was sleeping I started to dream about something new. When I have dreams they are usually about something that was going to happen. I tried to figure out the dream. My mother was in it and so was Luz. Luz was still alive I thought she would be dead by now. I started to wonder around in my dream and then I spotted my mother and she was hitting Luz with a whip. I saw blood dripping out her back and Luz was crying yes she is a witch but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt.
“Where’s Kess?” asked Jess.
“I don’t know!” cried out Luz.
Jess hit Luz with the whip again. Luz cried.
“I will kill you! Where is she” yelled Jess.
“I…don’t know” sobbed Luz.
My father came out with a wooden blade and gave it to Jess. Jess hit Luz multiple times with the whip once again.
“God damn where is she!!!” asked Jess desperately.
“I already told you…..I don’t know” said Luz weakly. “Kill me” whispered Luz.
Jess stabbed her in the back with the blade and I heard Luz scream in pain.
“No!!!!!” I yelled I tried to run to her but I wasn’t able to move I wasn’t really there I was just a ghost on a dream. Jess finished Luz up and left her hanging there and left.

We were back at the mansion and when I woke up Daniel was eating some meat and Carlos was playing the guitar as usual. The sound though was different it was sad and intimidating but I liked it. I was still mad about my dream. If this just happened Luz had been alive all this time or if it was going too happened I could save her I just had to find out where this was going to happen. I sat down and started eating some pancakes I bought at Ihop yesterday on our way back. I poured a lot of syrup on them Daniel and Carlos just stared there was six pancakes on my plate and a lot of butter on top of them.
“What! Can’t a girl eat” I shouted. I was still in a bad mood.
“Yeah but damn!” said Carlos.
“Bone a petit” said Daniel laughing. He looked like he was in a pretty good mood, good for him. I just left and sat on the porch steps where I won’t yell at anyone and I would be able to blame myself for everything and not here Daniel complaining about why would I think such things. I started eating my pancakes and god where they good. But then I got distracted by this shadow I saw. It actually looked like a ghost. But I hesitated last time I went into the forest I almost got killed but even though I thought this I still got up and started searching through the forest. Then I spotted the ghost and I guess they saw me too because it turned into a person. But then I looked at her and it wasn’t a person it was a witch. Not only that she was a witch with a blood eye. I just looked at the ground and avoided looking into her eyes. If anyone looked into her eyes you would fall for her charms and just loose all your strength and powers. Is like she sucked the life out of you with that eye.
But it didn’t work the witch rushed to my side and made me look into her eyes and all of a sudden I felt a fire build up inside me and then I passed out. The fire inside me felt terrible is like I was burning but I also felt a lot of hate and disappointment I had fallen for her charms. The witch was so powerful that it made me pass out and go into another world.
When I woke up I couldn’t see anything everything was blurry and confusing. All I saw was black circles and pixels like if I was looking at a picture on zoom in. then I felt something crawling on my feet then on my forehead and all over the place. Oh my god they feel weird! Oh god cockroaches! I hate cockroaches. They were walking all over me how disgusting! I finally saw everything clearly and I was right they were cockroaches, I started to scream!
I know it’s sad a vampire doesn’t like cockroaches but I just had a lot of bad experiences involving cockroaches including this one.
“Shut up you little rat!” shouted a female.
I looked at her and I didn’t recognize her. But all I was thinking about was how I got here and where was I.
“All I’m going to do is ask some questions” said the woman. Then she grabbed a roach and ate it like if it was a piece of candy. It was gross. “I’m Naomi by the way”
“I don’t give a damn! Let me go!” I yelled.
“All I want to know is where your parents are” said Naomi.
“I don’t know” I said.
“Okay fine. Why are they trying to kill you” asked Naomi.
“That’s what I want to know.” I answered.
I looked around the room and it looked familiar I just couldn’t put my finger on it. Then I watched Naomi stand up and grab a plant. Oh god it was a Thea plant. Vampire’s couldn’t smell those plants or eat them not even get near one or a vampire would die. I started smelling the plant and I started to cough and choke the Thea was strong.
“If you don’t answer one of my questions this plant is going down your throat” said Naomi cutting a piece of the plant.
I closed my mouth and concentrated on the ropes. I started to shake and trying to move and then the ropes broke. Wow that was easy! Now I had another set of ropes to brake I bet it’s going to be easy too. Ouch. They shocked me. Then I moved again and I got shocked once again. She must have done something to the ropes because I have never seen such things. Then I realized if I moved I got shocked if I stayed still they would loosen up so I stayed still.
“Now where are your parents” asked Naomi.
“I don’t know!” I yelled.
“Wrong!” yelled Naomi. Then she stuffed the piece of Thea she had on her hands in my mouth. It was burning and my lips started to pill and I started to bleed through my mouth. I started coughing up blood and choking. It was like an allergic reaction. It hurt so badly and my healing powers weren’t healing anything. Then there was a loud bang on the door. It looked like I guard but I looked closer at him and it was Carlos!
“Someone is coming” said the guard who I thought was Carlos.
Naomi left the room and I started shaking and trying to slide out of the table I was tied too but I kept on getting shocked and the room started to look blurry once again and I got a headache. Then the electric ropes popped. I was free. I tried to slide but I had no strength and I fell off the table and landed on the floor with a loud thud. I started to get up and I walked by the walls until I reached the door.

Chapter Nine:

I didn’t have much strength but I ran through the woods until I bumped into someone. Lola. She looked different, her hair was dark, dark red with blond highlights and she looked furious. Like if she was hunting. She had mud all over her clothes her jeans were all ripped up and she was wearing a strapless top that was dark red and it looked fine. Something must have happened maybe she got on a fight or maybe she was just hunting.
“What are you doing here?” asked Lola.
I looked like I was high the world was fading even more every second.
“I was captured by some woman named Naomi I just broke free” I said weakly.
“Well cool I have to go” said Lola and she rushed back into the woods towards a mountain. I followed her into the mountain with ought making any noise I was going to die any ways so id Lola was in trouble well it wouldn’t matter now would it. Then I saw Lola pick up a gem from a statue then she placed it in a hole on the wall and the door opened slowly. Lola walked in but as soon as she walked in the door closed quickly and I wasn’t able to go inside. But I knew something was wrong. Something really bad and it wasn’t good for me. Lola was hiding something. Lola has always been open with me and I haven’t seen her in a while and all she did was say “cool” and run away like I didn’t exist. I just started to run again to where I came from but everything started spinning again.

I was worried about Kess I have no idea where she went and she’s nowhere in the house. God she hasn’t learned a thing if anything happened to her I would die. She’s my world she’s like my oxygen with ought her I can’t live. Hopefully she might be alright but I’m going to look for her.
“Carlos!” I shouted.
“What” asked Carlos annoyed.
“You go that way and look for Kess” I said pointing to the right while I ran the opposite direction.
“Alright be careful” I heard Carlos say but I wasn’t sure he could’ve said something else.
God please let her be okay she’s young. She has done nothing wrong to deserve this please let her be okay. If someone has to die take me. I love her.

I kept on running even do I smell wolves. My head was still not clear and my mouth was still burning a vampire dies in about two hours after the Thea gets into their system so I’m close to my death and all I want is to see Daniel again.
I bumped into someone. Carlos.
“Oh! Looking for me” I said sarcastically. I looked at him with a furious face.
“Um...Yeah!” said Carlos.
“What Naomi sent you to look for me” I said.
“What the hell are you talking about” asked Carlos confused.
“Thank god you found her!” said Daniel he ran up to me and tried to give me a kiss but I stopped him.
“What’s wrong” Daniel asked looking at me he was worried.
“T…T-Thea” I stuttered and then I collapsed to the floor.
“Kess!” yelled Daniel.

I picked up her up and ran with her back to the house. Once we arrived I placed her on a bed in the basement and plugged her to tubes and started feeding her some vampire blood. Vampire blood can heal the damage Thea made if I give her enough she won’t die then I started feeding her human blood through another tube. We had enough for years so she would definitely come back. Please come back. I laid my head on the side of the bed and held her hand. She was so pale. Her lips were pilled and pale, she had dried blood on her face and her hair was changing color it was no longer black it started to turn brown and then blond. Now her lips were looking fuller and were getting some color and so was her skin. I swear I started to jump inside I was so happy. Then she opened her eyes and they were different they were red dark red you couldn’t even tell but I could they were usually hazel and now they’re red.
As soon as she realized what happened I kissed her.

What happened and why do I feel so different. I feel like a new person.
“What happened” I asked rubbing my head and then I saw my hair. Blond? When did this happened I was freaking out.
“Your healthier than ever you just got revived” said Daniel smiling.
“Oh” I survived the Thea plant. No vampire has ever survived the Thea before.

“Why were you screaming at Carlos” asked Daniel during dinner.
“He was the guard at the cabin where that lady Naomi took me” I said.
“What are you talking about he was with me the whole time” said Daniel looking at me confused.
“I swear it was him” I shouted.
“Maybe it was a spell. Maybe that lady put a spell on the man so he looked like Carlos” said Daniel.
“It wasn’t a spell!” yelled Carlos.
“I knew it! It was you! You little-“I rudely got cut off.
“No it wasn’t it was probably my twin brother. Carlisle” said Carlos he sounded ashamed.
“How come I didn’t know about you twin brother until now” I asked.
“Because his evil. His a very bad wolf. He wants to hunt you down like every other wolf does” said Carlos starring at the ground.
“But why” I said placing my head on top of my knees.
“You have powers that other underworld creatures don’t have. You’re important Kess, you have something everyone else doesn’t” said Daniel holding my hand.
“I don’t understand” I said now even more confused.
“You can be out on the sun with ought a witch having to cast a spell on you so you don’t turn to dust. You don’t have to carry a bracelet or necklace not even a tattoo with a black rose so people from the underworld don’t kill you and if they tried you’ll survive” said Carlos.
“And you can hunt and kill wolves with a glimpse of an eye but you never knew how to use your powers that’s why wolves aren’t afraid and so they’re hunting you down. That’s why all the wolves want to kill you and that’s why your parents must die because if they do their wolf pack would stop and if they don’t they will always come after you” said Daniel.
I looked at Daniel and Carlos. How did they know all this and hadn’t told me all this time. I wish I was dead so all this could be over with. The only question I had now was why were witches looking for me then?
“Then why are witches looking for me” I asked I felt tears pilling in my eyes but I didn’t cry I just wiped them away.
“Because they’re trying to protect you” said Daniel.
“But Naomi?” I asked.
“She’s half wolf so she wants you dead” said Carlos.
“That’s another reason why we need to kill your parents pronto” said Daniel.

In the morning Carlos, Daniel and I were in front of my parent’s house. We had weapons in our hands I had a blade up my sleeve and so did Daniel and Carlos. I also had a pistol on my jeans with a holder and two swords strapped to my back just like Carlos and Daniel. Daniel had a shotgun hanging on his neck and Carlos was carrying a rifle on his shoulder. I kicked the door open I walked in and I didn’t see anyone there so I walked up to the second floor and then up the basement while Daniel and Carlos followed behind me. I had many things on my mind. This was it I was going to kill my parents and never see them again. I was finally going to be safe and be able to live a life. But I have a feeling that as soon as I figure out all my powers more people from the underworld will come after me yet I feel like the only solution right now is to kill my parents and I’m going to do it no matter what. I understood everything now do I only had one question. But as soon as we walked into the basement my parents were waiting for me and we all started fighting and so did Lola. Lola is a wolf?
Daniel was fighting my father and Daniel was using his sword. My father was also but he was losing terribly. My father fell to the floor and Daniel jumped on top of him and punched him on the face and kicked him in the stomach then Daniel’s blade went right through my father’s chest. Daniel picked my Father up and kicked his head until his skull finally cracked and then he stepped on it and a whole lot of blood gushed out.
Carlos in the other hand was fighting Lola but he sent her flying and she stumbled down the stairs. Carlos jumped down the stairs and landed perfectly then he stepped over Lola and right when he was going to stab Lola with the blade Lola picked up Carlos and threw him against the wall so hard that the wall cracked. Carlos started to bleed through his back. A wooden frame stabbed him on the back but he didn’t stop he got up and pulled it out with no struggle. Lola went running up the stairs but Daniel threw her back down while I handled my mother.
“You’re going to kill your own mother. You should be ashamed of yourself” said Jess.
“You had no problem with killing me” I said with a sarcastic voice. I punched her on the face and she stumbled back. Then I kicked her on the stomach and Jess was now against a wall I puncher her some more and kicked her on the legs and she fell.
I turned around and was starting to reach for my swords when my mother, Jess, grabbed my legs and made me fall forward she jumped on my back and grabbed my blade she placed it on my neck but didn’t do anything. She just threatens me but I didn’t car I was willing to risk it. With all my strength I got back up and she rolled on the floor and stood up.
“You’re no match for me” said Jess still holding the blade but now in a defensive mode.
“Damn right because I’m too powerful” I said looking into her eyes I focused really hard and next thing I know I was thinking about everything she ever did to me how she hit me every day for no reason, when she left bruises all over my body when I was little way before I got my vampire powers, and when she yelled and cursed at me and then I saw fire and my mother was surrounded by flames.
“How did you—how did you” stuttered Jess.
“I know many things mother” I said.
I pulled out another blade the special blade and I aimed it to my mother’s heart and right before I threw it I asked her one last question.
“Any last words” I asked in disgust.
“You’re still cursed” she said.
“Not exactly what I was hoping for but good” I said and I threw the blade it rushed with amazing speed and hit my target. It got my mother right in the heart and I heard her howl right before she collapsed. Now she’s dead and she couldn’t hurt anyone else or me. I wasn’t as sad as I thought I was going to be she didn’t deserve to live and now she was dead. Killed by her own daughter what an achievement.
“You did it” said Daniel hugging me.
“We did” I said with a smile.
“Lola is done she got sent where she belongs” said Carlos. Wait what? She left? I’m confused.
“Wait Where” I asked puzzled.
“Hell” said Carlos with a grin.
“What did your mother say before her blade rushed into her heart” asked Daniel.
“She said that…I was still…cursed” I said.
“How?” asked Carlos.
“Yeah. How are you cursed?” asked Daniel.
“I don’t know” I said wondering off.
“Wait you guys. I don’t think were done” said Carlos while looking out the basement window.
There were a whole lot of wolves on the backyard. The house was in the middle of nowhere so there was enough room for about a couple thousand wolves. But there was at least about a hundred or so wolves outside and those were the ones we could see.

Chapter Ten:

I woke up in the mansion again in the lonely island. I was finally free and safe my parents are now dead and the wolves backed off. But then I noticed a red head girl across my room.
“Hi!” said the red head excitedly. “I’m Esme”
“Why are you here” I asked. I know right rude. I should have at least sad hi back right.
“I have some answers for you” said Esme.
Then Daniel and Carlos walked in.
“Oh you’ve met my sister” said Daniel.
“Oh so is there any other sisters or brothers I don’t know about” I said while I eyed Carlos and Daniel.
“Yep a lot of them” said Carlos guilty.
“Not me she’s my only sister” said Daniel then he walked up to me and kissed me and sat by me.

Oh great more people to deal with. I got up and walked into the kitchen holding hands with Daniel and I could tell Esme wasn’t too happy about that. We all sat on the kitchen table and I saw there was breakfast already made. It was weird do ‘because I finally realized how to read minds and I read Esme’s and she knew everything about me and what had happened to me until yesterday. Awkward. I was still wondering about what my mom said before she died.
“You’re still cursed”
How was I cursed? I sure didn’t felt normal but I don’t think I was cursed. I finished my breakfast and excused myself from the table and placed my plate on the sink and left. Esme did the same and followed me I didn’t mind I had questions to ask her.
“So what are you” I asked while walking I didn’t even turn around I kept on looking straight.
“I’m a witch” she answered.
“Really” I said. I headed towards my room.
“Yes this is how I know so much about you and our curse” said Esme.
I turned my head and looked at her then I kept on walking.
“Interesting” I said.
I opened my bedroom door and I sat on the sofa while Esme took a seat by my desk.
“So, how am I cursed” I asked. I wasn’t going to build up confidence with the girl I wanted the answer now.
“Well you’re a vampire” said Esme.
“What does that have to do with anything” I asked confused yet I should no interest.
“Well you get mad easily and don’t you have powers that on the night world or underworld people don’t have” said Esme.
“Yes but that’s a good thing not exactly a curse and the anger issue that can be fixed.
“Well?” asked Esme she lifted her brow and Daniel and Carlos walked in once again.
Daniel had a black eye and Carlos was rubbing his arm and he wasn’t walking so well.
“Uh” said Daniel not sure what to say.
“What the hell happened” I asked I stood up and rushed to Daniels side and started checking his black eye.
“We were just fooling around. Wrestling. Daniel fell to down the stairs and well he hit his eye in the tip of the couch” said Carlos trying to hide a smile.
“And why are you hurt” asked Esme.
“Daniel hit me hard” said Carlos with a bit of shame.
In a few seconds Daniel was completely fine and his black eye had disappeared it was like it never happened. But Esme didn’t seem to care she kicked Daniel and Carlos out my room. Then I stared at Esme and I noticed she looked younger than before. That was weird.
“Look one of the things you have to learn is to control your anger” said Esme. “Because right now I can feel that you’re already mad at me”
But then before I could answer a phone rang and Esme took out her Iphone and read a text then she said later and left. Now that was weird we were in the middle of a conversation. I walked down stairs and asked Daniel where Esme was but no one knew where she had gone or why.
Daniel started to walk towards the show room. That was the only room that was empty and it was because it was for dancing but Daniel and Carlos used it for wrestling or training. I followed him he noticed me following him and he just smiled so I did too. Then he turned around really quick when he got to the door and tripped me. But thank god I fell on my butt if not I would have been mad.
“What the hell was that for” I asked.”You need some balance see how I tripped you so easily” said Daniel laughing.
“I used to be a gymnast I know everything about balance” I said annoyed.
“Let me teach you because clearly you forgot” said Daniel with a smirk.

I was impressed Daniel taught me things about balance that I didn’t know even do I already know a lot. Then I went and drank some blood from the blood fountain. Yeah I know blood fountain. It’s like a water fountain where you drink water from instead this was blood instead of water but it was animal blood so it wasn’t as good and the fountain was actually made out of gold.

Chapter Eleven:

Carlos’s cousin Gregory was sitting across the room. They were talking about something that happened when they were little. Gregory and Carlos were laughing but Daniel seemed lost.
I decided to head to my room since I had nothing better to do listening to their crazy life stories. When I opened my bedroom door Esme was sitting by my desk looking for something.
“Did you find what you’re looking for” I asked.
“Um….yeah just looking for a pen” said Esme in a shock then she turned around. “Found one!” she said grabbing a small pen from my desk.
I sat down on my bed. Now okay what was she really looking for because I had no papers of mine here except some drawings, poems and my diary. But if she was looking for any f those three why would she want them or was she looking for something that she didn’t know I didn’t have? I pretended nothing happened but I was suspicious.
“So, about my powers” I asked.
“They’re deadly” said Esme drawing in a piece of paper.
I stood up and stared at Esme. How where my powers deadly? Oh now I see the cursed part. Great.
“How? Why?” I asked.
“Well you can kill a wolf with a glimpse of your eye” said Esme focused on her paper.
“Well” I said. I wanted to know everything is like she didn’t even want to tell me.
“Well if you don’t like that wolf and you want them dead”
“What!” I said.
“If you look at them in the eyes they will die. That’s why you can’t hate and can’t be stopped. Is a curse Kess your best friend can be a wolf and what about if you get mad with them one day and you kill them? You won’t want that that’s why you were better off dead” said Esme. She finished drawing and showed it to me it was her with a blade she stuck through a girl’s heart. It was me.
“That’s why you should die” said Esme with anger.
“No! They didn’t I already knew about this power that’s how I killed my mother I controlled it” I shouted. I was frustrated and confused why would she draw that and not only that now I’m angry.
“Well what about your second power” asked Esme.
“What I don’t know” I said rolling my eyes.
“You can read minds and sometimes you might hear something you’re not meant to and then you might try to stop it but then the person that you want hurt will get hurt and you can persuade them to do things through their minds. Understand?” said Esme.
“I can control my power that’s what you don’t understand” I yelled I stood up once again and faced the wall I didn’t want to see Esme no more.
“No that’s what you don’t understand one day you’re going to commit suicide because your powers are going to kill someone” said Esme.
“No I’m not damn it get the hell out!” I yelled. I kicked Esme out but she was quick she pulled out a blade and stabbed me in the heart. I screamed and then I collapsed.
“I told you. You should have known I’m half wolf” said Esme smiling.
Daniel and Carlos walked in.
“You finally did it” said Carlos while he hugged Esme and smiled at my dead body. I wasn’t dead yet but they didn’t know that but I knew I was going to die the world was fading to me and everything was blurry not only that I was running out of breath it was becoming harder and harder to breath.

“What!!” I yelled while I looked at Kess’s dead body I could felt tears in my eyes. Then I looked at Carlos and he changed. It wasn’t Carlos.
They guy that was playing Carlos grabbed Esme’s blade and threw it at my chest I was still in shock so I wasn’t able to doge it. I was going to die as well. All of this was a trap and I realized too late because the love of my life is now dead and I am going to be too soon.
“Our work is done sis” said the guy.
Sis? I must have confused her for my sister she did look an awful lot like my sister but maybe she was a shifter too.
“Not until we leave” said Esme or I think it was her.
When the guy and Esme jumped out the window I noticed someone else was still here breathing. But I looked around and there was nobody else around and when I looked at Kess she was breathing. Then I saw her stand up and she helped me up. Then I looked at the blade in my chest and I pulled it out it was steel not wood. But when vampires get stabbed is like death but we don’t die completely because it’s not wood it has to be wood for us to die fully. Kess and I got healed quickly as soon as we pulled out the blades. I suggested we leave the island as quick as possible and we did. I told Kess about this underwater cave it was made for my family a witch put a spell on it so water wouldn’t go inside the cave even do it was open, it was like an invisible door. It was the perfect hiding place because only my family knew about it and now Kess knew also.

Esme and the guy who pretended to be Carlos returned to the mansion with Gregory and they searched everywhere for Daniel and Kess but couldn’t find the bodies.
“You idiot!” yelled Gregory.
“We killed them with this blade. How are they not here” said Esme picking up the blades on the floor.
“They aren’t made out of wood” shouted Gregory he was furious.
“I’m sorry sir” said fake Carlos staring at Gregory in shame.
“You two better go look for them and when you do find them bring them to my empire I want to kill them myself and hurry before I wonder why I keep you guys around” shouted Gregory in anger. Then he jumped out the window and disappeared into the woods.
Fake Carlos and Esme left they were mad as well they thought Kess and Daniel were dead. But now they need to get the real Carlos and kill him before Kess finds out Carlos is he lost brother.
“Moses let’s kill Carlos first then will get Daniel and Kess” said Esme.
Moses agreed and they jumped out the window and rushed into the woods and went to the next island and the next looking for Carlos and Daniel as well as Kess but they had no luck. They couldn’t find them.


Texte: Sunny Skye Blanco
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.10.2010

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