
The Vampire Rose:THE REVENGE

By: Sunny skye Blanco

Chapter one:

After what happened, Vanessa felt very bad she thought Amanda and Carlos were family not enemies. But now she knows that even family bitrates you.
But she doesn’t care anymore.
Now she was just lessening to music. She was trying to forget what happened. Then school popped in her head.
“Wow, I should go to school since Carlos already signed me up.” Vanessa said in her mind.
It was 9:00 o’clock, the sky was very dark. Vanessa saw people out the window. She could smell their blood she couldn’t control it she wanted to drink it so bad.
It smelled so good. By the time she stopped smelling she was in front of a man’s face. Their wasn’t anyone around anymore. She looked at the man she looked at him with a sorry face but she couldn’t help it. She bit the man’s neck and sucked the blood out of him by the time she let go he was already dead.

She ran far she got in an abounded house she slept their for the night.

The next morning she woke up on Amanda’s mansion. Vanessa thought it was all a dream she felt relived because that meant she wasn’t a vampire, she didn’t kill her best friend and Amanda and Carlos never killed her parents. But she realized she was wrong she was covered in blood from last night. She also realized that she was tied up to a wall in a basement. She tried to get out but she couldn’t. Then she saw everything their was blood all over the walls and body parts all over the floor. She saw hands, brains, heads, intestines it was just to gross for her to even look so, and she closed her eyes. Until she heard foot steps and the wood making cracking noises. She wasn’t scared she just didn’t want to see Amanda’s face.
“Well, look who it is.” Said Amanda. Vanessa just rolled her eyes she didn’t care what Amanda said.
“Oh, is the kid that you killed her parents. Don’t you remember?” said Vanessa. “Oh! No I don’t.” said Amanda. Then Amanda walked out the door and left Vanessa in the dark. Vanessa remembered a spell. So she used it. Finally, she was out she was no longer tied up her wrist were bleeding. But it didn’t hurt.
She appeared in her old room. The first thing she thought was to get clothes so she did. She took two of her suitcases and took all the clothes she could fit in them. Then she noticed that no one was home so she took her school backpack and another empty small suite case and went to the kitchen. She took a lot of food when the suitcase was filled she went to the basement their was a save lock. She opened it; it was filled with a whole lot of money so much that money fell when she opened it. She took all the 50 dollar bills and 20’s also 100 dollar bills. She knew it was wrong but they killed her parents and she had to go to 12 years as an orphan when her life was the worst.
She left in a car that was in the garage. She rented an apartment with one bathroom and one bedroom. It was pretty cheap it was only $640.00 dollars and she had to pay $400.00 dollars for rent. She saw why it was so cheap the place looked horrible. But in the inside it was looking pretty good. The tables looked new and it had golden lamps. The carpet looked so white that it was impossible to believe.

Chapter two

“Well, look who decided to come.” Said Alice.
“Ho- how are you- …. “ Vanessa cut off. She was in shock Alice was suppose to be dead. “Well it happens. Your step-sister brought me back.” Said Alice with a sly smile. Alice didn’t look so pleased to see Vanessa, well Vanessa did kill her but it was an accident. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to kill you it was the first time I turned into a vampire. I didn’t know I was a vampire. I am sorry.” Said Vanessa. Vanessa started crying but at the same time she was happy that Alice was back. “I know. I’m sorry too. “Said Alice. Alice turned around to leave but Vanessa pulled her back. “What you mean your sorry too?” asked Vanessa she was confused why would Alice be sorry. “You’ll find out at your own time and if I could I would tell you but it might just kill you to know.” Said Alice. A tear fell through Alice’s face, she didn’t want to leave she wanted to tell Vanessa what was going on and why she really was alive. “What? YOU CAME FOR SOMETHING ELSE DIDN’T YOU?” ASKED Vanessa she didn’t want to wait she wanted to know what was going on, she wasn’t goanna suffer any more.
“I’m not goanna answer that question. You’ll find out. And I promise you that I am really sorry and if I could stop it I would but I don’t want trouble. Not anymore.” Said Alice. Vanessa was puzzled. “Stop what? Tell me!!!” screamed Vanessa. What did Alice mean? But it was too late Alice had already left.

Ali was sitting in the computer she was wondering why would her mom try to kill Vanessa. Actually why would she want to kill her. She couldn’t let that happened she had to find Vanessa and tell her everything and tell her the biggest news.
“I found her!” said Liz. “Where is she?” asked Ali. “She’s in an apartment right here in the neighborhood. Thank god were not with Mom anymore. I liked the idea of moving out.” Said Liz. “yeah, yeah. I’m goanna go I got to tell her what’s going too happened. Or maybe we will all die and the night world would no longer exist and the world will end.” Said Ali. Ali left so quickly. How was Ali goanna know where Vanessa was she didn’t even look at the map to see where she was? But she figured that she could just smell her.

Vanessa was in the bed. She was wondering how Alice came back if she tried every spell to bring her back. Or maybe Vanessa isn’t such a great witch.

The next morning Vanessa got dressed and went to school. She took a motorcycle she saw in Amanda’s mansion.
After a few minutes she got too school. She smelled so many wolves and witches and so many other thing. She noticed that everyone was staring at her. Why was that?
“hi! You must be Vanessa. I’m Lance.” Said Lance. He was pretty hot. He had black hair, he had put it in spikes he was dressed like a cool rich kid. “Hi. I’m new here. How do you know my name?” asked Vanessa. She was even more confused that last night how will a stranger know her name if this is her first day in this school. “Everyone knows you. And your on all my classes.” Explained Lance. “Why- does everyone know me?” Asked Vanessa. A whole bunch of questions popped in her head. She didn’t really know how to ask them. “All of the students in Rich High are from the underworld.” Said Lance.
Chapter three

When Vanessa woke up, She saw a shadow across the room. She couldn’t tell who it was. So she asked. “who is there?” said Vanessa, she wasn’t scared she had no fear. “sorry. Did I scare you?” said Lance. “oh! Is you. Wow, that’s weird.” Said Vanessa. “how- never mind. We need to get to school.” Said Lance. “Right! Give me a minute.” Said Vanessa. She jumped from her bed grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom. She was a vampire so she just throw everything on.
“wow! That was quick.” Said Lance. “Well, I got a question what are you?” asked Vanessa. “I keep that a secret.” Said Lance then he just left. He was a vampire or a wolf? Because only vampires and wolves can run that fast.
But then Vanessa saw wings. What the heck was that a vampire or wolf with wings? That’s not possible.
When they got to school Lance showed Vanessa around. then something weird happened. A bookshelf was goanna fall in the library and Lance kind of held it up, with his mind. He didn’t even move. Vanessa pulled him and dragged him to the bathroom door.
“What are you?” said Vanessa she sounded angry but she wasn’t she looked at him with a serious face.
“I told you I keep that a secret.” Said Lance he gave her a smile.
“Your not from the underworld so what are you? If you don’t tell me am going to walk away from here and out that door.” Said Vanessa now she sounded very angry and inside she was, because he wouldn’t tell her what he was.
“okay. Ill tell you but not here.
I’ll tell you In your apartment after school.” Said Lance. His eyes changed they were grey. That was even weirder.

Chapter four

Vanessa was in her leaving room she was studying. But she wondered if Lance was even goanna come. Then she fell asleep.
She started dreaming…… She could she Amanda and Lance. Why were they fighting Amanda was bleeding and Lance had wings like an Angel. Wait Lance is an angel!
She woke up. She heard noises behind her. She turned but their was no0thing their. Then something tried to hit her with a pan. “ what the hell?” said Vanessa.
“What don’t remember me?” asked Mac. “Mac?’ said
Vanessa why would he try to hit her? “by the way I wasn’t trying to hit you. Their was a bee.” Said Mac. “oh! Yeah I kind of left the balcony door open.” Explained Vanessa. “well? Why are you here?” asked Vanessa. She wanted to know so much. Mac and her were good friends but not like her and Alice. But she hasn’t seen him since she left the orphanage. “ well, my adoptive parents weren’t as great. So, I looked for you. I thought you were leaving with that couple. Amanda and Carlos.” Said Mac he seemed confused.
“ Well yeah but Amanda tried to kill me and she was the one who killed my parents.” Said Vanessa. “What! Are you serious? Wow! That’s harsh.” Said Mac. Then he continued. “I don’t want to be a pack but can I stay here?” asked Mac. “ Sure if you want you can sleep her. This coach has a bed so all you have to do is open it.” Said Mac.
A few moments later Lance dropped by.
“hi, you are?” asked Lance. Lance didn’t even knocked on the door he just came in from the window.
“I’m Mac. You live here?” asked Mac. “No, No I’m just dropping by I needed to tell Vanz something.” Said Lance. “ Vanz?” asked Mac. “me.” Said Vanessa. “Yeah just come over here. By the way that’s Mac on of y other historical friends.” Said Vanessa. “historical?” asked Lance he seemed confused but looked like he understood and the same time. “yeah! Let’s go.” Said Vanessa. Lance and Vanessa headed to her room. “so, I didn’t tell you what I am but…” said Lance. “look I just want to know I know your not from the night world and you lied to me. Not everyone is from the night world.” Said Vanessa she looked mad. “Well no but their not mortal.” Said Lance. Vanessa saw a shadow on the street from her window. Then she heard someone whispering her name. She looked through the window . it was Ali and Liz? Then she fell out the window. But how. “Vanessa!” screamed Mac from the living room. “Vanessa! What did you do?” asked Mac to Lance. Lance was in shock but he didn’t do anything. “I didn’t-“ Lance cut off when he heard a boom on the concrete floor from the side walk. Lance disappeared then he reappeared in the side walk next to Vanessa. “wow! How did you-“ said Mac. Then Ali and Liz said in their minds ‘would she be okay you kind off pulled her to hard you need to learn how to control your powers.’ Then Vanessa stood up. “I’m fine.- Now why are you here. Are you goanna help your mother or me?” said Vanessa. She was really mad. Because she couldn’t find out what Lance was and she had so much to explain to Lance an Mac and then even worst the killers daughters appear in her apartment how many more people are goanna come.
“no, no of course not.” Said Liz. “ I have to tell you something.” Said Ali. Lance pulled Vanessa away. And whispered to her. “they are Amanda’s kids don’t be too -trust them too much you know, what I mean?” said Lance he looked concerned and his eyes were know light green. “why does your eyes change colors so often?” said Vanessa. “I’ll explain later.” Said Lance. Then they walked to Ali and Liz. And they explained how Vanessa owned the vampire rose. “wait I own the vampire rose? How?” asked Vanessa. “your parents owned it but if something happened to them Amanda would have gotten it but she didn’t know that your parents had twins so Amanda killed them and now she’s goanna kill you and your twin. “ said Liz she looked scared. “wait. I don’t have a twin.” Said Vanessa she had a smile like if they were joking. “you do I was goanna tell you that tonight.” Said Lance. Vanessa was so confused very confused. How could she have a twin and not know. Or was that someone who talked in her mind and she thought it was Alice. But once again Alice was always confused when Vanessa asked about what she said when she probably didn’t.

Chapter five

Vanessa tried talking to her unknown twin sister.
Then she heard in her mind “What?”
So Vanessa started talking.
“you’re my twin.” Said Vanessa.
“yeah I know that” said Twin.
“What’s your name?” asked Vanessa.
“Sky” said Sky.
“Cool! Where are you?” said Vanessa.
“I’m in a abounded house I don’t really have family” said Sky.
“Come live with me. I’m in Las Vegas. In An apartment. I live by myself too. “said Vanessa.
“Okay. I’ll be their in a few days. Ill gather my stuff.
Got to go bye.” Said Sky.

Wow! Vanessa was so happy. She talked to her twin. Now she was finally goanna know who the other side of her is.

When she was getting food from Amanda’s house she found an empty book with blank pages. So, she got it and kept it. So, now that was her journal.
So she started writing.

Dear diary, 10-4-2009
Hi, this is my first entrance in this book and I hope I like it.
So, today I talked to my sister. Well my twin sister. By the way my whole family are vampires.
My parents are dead because Amanda my step-mom who adopted me.
So, thanks for everything even do your just a book but this is the way I get my feelings out.
BYE!!! 

Okay. So, now she felt better. Wait were’s Mac and Lance. What happened to them.
Oh, their they are in the living room laughing and cheeling.
“hey guys. What’s up?” said Vanessa.
“Nothing just talking of us. You know getting to know each other.” Said Mac. “well you mind if I join you cause I have to learn more about Lance and you Mac I haven’t seen you since, since wow a long time.
The whole inter conversation they were all laughing and Vanessa was so happy. She has gotten to know Lance and cached up with Mac and now she’s goanna meet Sky her twin face to face in a few days.

Chapter six

Lance was starring at Vanessa. Vanessa had fallen asleep in the couch. When she opened her eyes she freaked out. She jumped up and sat down. Lance opened his eyes and then putted an I’m sorry look.

Vanessa got dressed. She was going hunting. Until of course Lance stopped her.
“Where you going?” asked Lance.
“I need to feed. I haven’t drunk blood in three weeks, unless you want me to kill you or someone else by accident you should let me go.” Said Vanessa. She was mad for no reason. She just didn’t feel so great when she went off with out blood for more than a week.
“Girl, calm down.” Said Lance. “I was just asking I don’t want you to get in anymore trouble.” Said Lance. He looked very serious. Well of course he really cared about her but Vanessa felt weird when he did that is not like his her dad or brother or something.
“Well you don’t need to worry. I know how to protect myself and no you can’t come.” Said Vanessa. “What the heck has gotten into you?” asked Lance. Lance looked pretty mad.
“I’m sorry. I’m just not in a good mood I need blood okay.” Said Vanessa.
Then Lance did something that a cup of blood appeared in his hand. It wasn’t his blood. It was like he had just done magic.
“Thanks. (smiled) but how you did that.” Said Vanessa. “Just drink it and I’ll show you what else I can do.
When Vanessa finished drinking the cup of blood. Lance and her went for a walk. They stopped in a mountain next to a waterfall. It was all the way back from the woods. Then Lance raised his hand and did another spell. Then a two story house appeared. It was very good. Vanessa was impressed she wanted to learn how too do that.
Lance and her walked inside. It was rich. Well not rich but everything inside it was from furniture stores that rich people bought their furniture and lamps and other furniture.
The lamps were a deep blue color and the ceiling had gold, French chandeliers’.
“Wow this is very nice” said Vanessa.
“Yeah! Well when you’re a witch you can pretty much do anything” said Lance.
“I guess so” said Vanessa wondering around looking at everything.

Vanessa told Mac that they all we re moving in the two story mansion that Lance created.
Lance seemed okay with it since he was the one who offered.
After everyone took all the stuff to the two story house they started talking about an Eclipse.
“What Eclipse?” asked Vanessa.
“Look you have to be prepared to fight before the Eclipse” Said Lance.
“Dude, how do you know so much?” asked Mac.
“Because I’m her guardian Angel” said Lance. Lance opened his wings. They were gold. But he was a witch too. Weirdest combination ever.
“Huh!” Vanessa gasped.

Chapter seven

Vanessa was dreaming again about the future.
She saw her sister and herself together. They were doing magic together is like if they were a group.

Vanessa woke up she heard a loud boom.
Vanessa walked out of her room and went down stairs. Oh my god Mac and Lance were fighting?

“His a Demon! Not an Angel” said Mac.
“Let go of him!” said Vanessa. Vanessa ran up to Mac and pushed him off of Lance and slammed Lance back.
“How is he a demon?” asked Vanessa.
“I saw him drinking blood out of a cup” said Mac.
“Mac! Angels need blood too” said Vanesa.
“What?” said Mac.
“Yeah they need blood too just like us” said Vanessa.
Vanessa walked out on them. What she said it was a lie Angels didn’t need blood to survive so typically Lance was a demon.
But why would Vanessa save Lance from being killed by Mac.
Lance stood up and followed Vanessa to her room.
“Don’t touch me” said Vanessa.
“How do you know” said Lance.
“Know what I don’t know anything” said Vanessa.
“Yes you do how do you know if Angels need blood or not?” asked Lance.
“Because I know you’re a demon” said Vanessa slamming the door.
“What! I’m not a-“ Lance got cut off by Vanessa.
“Yes you are I saw you in my dream. Don’t lie to me don’t be a worst problem then I thought” said Vanessa.

“Since when do you know” asked Lance.
“Since now” said Vanessa.
“since now you just told me” said Sky.
“What who are you?” asked Lance.
“I’m her twin sister and I know you know me, trader. You almost got me killed” said Sky.
“I wasn’t going to kill you” said Lance.
“right” said Vanessa. Vanessa came out behind Lance.
“Look we both know your working for Amanda” said Vanessa with a blade around Lance’s neck.

“No! I don’t work for her anymore. Since I found out she was going to kill you I stopped.” Said Lance.
“His telling the truth” said Sky.
“What?” said Vanessa.
“Yeah I could see it in his eyes. His Carlos’s son. They had nothing to do with it. Carlos didn’t mean to help but Amanda didn’t care” said Sky.
Vanessa dropped the blade.
She fainted.

Sky was standing next to Vanessa’s bed.
Sky knew Vanessa fainted because someone took away her soul to communicate but she didn’t know who and neither did Vanessa, Vanessa didn’t even now why she fainted and stayed liked that for a few days even weeks sometimes.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.10.2010

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